HERALD ANn NIPW v ...... . PAGE TWELVE HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 12, 10B2 j i mm 47:z v 1 . , & , rs . , e : .1 k .' '.;? T Wniniinmniynr mr-nri irr"VHriri n i m ...iw A DELAYED WEDDING TRIP and two persons injured were results of this one-car crackup on the Canal Bridge at Alameda and Esplanade late Sunday morning. Given hospital treatment were James Hopkins, 21, with broken nose and Beverly Butler, 22, shock. Jeneatte Corguist, 18, and George Far r is, 26, passengers in the 1949 Oldsmobile, were not injured. They were reportedly going to Reno, Nev., to be married. All four were from Bremerton, Wash. Taft, Eisenhower Deal Reported in Oklahoma Br The Associated Press The political spotlight focussed on Oklahoma Monday where Taft and Eisenhower forces meet In the nation's lirst Republican state convenUon. But some of the edge was taken off the outcome by a reported last minute compromise made in an effort to avoid a showdown test of strength. Jack Bell, Associated Press polit- . ical writer, said backers of Sen. Taft of Ohio and Gen. Elsenhower rot together in Oklahoma City ho- ' lei room conferences Sunday and tentatively decided on a slate of four at-large delegates including two for Taft. one for Eisenhower and one uncommitted. . . . BREAKDOWN Bell said the best estimate of political observers on the 12 dis trict delegates already chosen is that four are for Taft, four Eisen hower, one favorable to Taft, two lean to the General, and one com mitted to Cen. MacArthur but likely to go to Taft. If Taft gets two delegates Mon day, he would have a slight ad vantage, and. If the MacArthur support goes his way, a majority, involved is small, the advantage is viewed more from the psycho logical standpoint. , Other developments: Taft, In Minneapolis en route to Spokane and a whirlwind program China's Parley Rights Argued By WILLIAM JORDEN MTJNSAN, Korea tfl The chief United Nations truce negotiator - Monday questioned Red China's right to take part in a Korea peace conference and suggested that the problem of which nations should negotiate the peace be solved after an armistice is signed. Rear Adm. C. Turner Joy also told the Reds, in effect, to give up any ideas of deciding the fate of ' Formosa or settling other Asian proDiems at a Korean Peace con ference. "If it is your view that the com. manders must make inappropriate recommenuauons, then the U.N. uommana delegation wiu be op posed to any recommendations be ing made." he said. BOTH SIDES The Allies previously have made it clear that unless both sides agree On recommendations none can be made. Negotiators have agreed to discuss withdrawal of foreign troops from Korea and peaceful ' settlement of the Korean question. ' Joy's statement came during a one hour and 35 minute session of the full armistice delegations on agenda item five recommenda tions to governments involved. He declared that by the Com munists' own standards Red China is not eligible to take part in a post-armistice peace conference. VOLUNTEERS Joy ' pointed out ' that Chinese troops fighting in Korea always have been labeled volunteers, both by Red China and North Korea, He . said the Communists have argued that the appearance of volunteer units in Korea was "completely unrelated to any official action on the part of their political authori ties." "Clearly," Joy said, "the Peo ple's Republic of China would not qualify under your criterion." that takes him on to Seattle and Portland, said he will not enter Minnesota and California prima ries. He said it wouldn't be a fair test because he would be bucking "lavorite sons" in both states Harold E. Stassen in Minnesota and Gov. Warren in California. FORCE But the possibility arose that he may be forced into the Minnesota race, in wnicn stassen. Eisen hower, and Oen. MacArthur al ready are entered on the GOP tick et. MacArthur may withdraw. A rural editors' committee an nounced at Piers, Minn., that all Presidential candidates - including Taft, President Truman. Warren and Sen. Keiauver who have not filed will be entered in the March IS primary by a petition now being circulated.- If they want to withdraw, they must sign an affidavit saying they are not candidates, and will not accept a nomination if it is offered. Sen. Long, D-La.. said in an interview in St. Louis that he be lieved Elsenhower could carry the south on either ticket if nominated. But he said chances of nomination do not seem "too' good." Gov. Warren said in New York he will announce soon in which states he will enter Presidential primaries and added he was giv ing some- thought to those in Wis consin and Oregon. He speaks in Boston Monday night. Aruiur a. vanoenoerg Jr., said in Detroit he would run for the GOP senatorial nomination to suc ceed his late father if it would help promote the Eisenhower cam paign in Michigan. Sen. Kefauver of Tennessee plunged headlong into his New Hampshire campaign in the na tion s iirsc presidential primary. In a Nashua, N. H speech he spoke out against moral decay and corruption in government, and took a slap at president Truman, also entered in the primary but not an announced Presidential candidate. Kefauver, only Democratic can didate yet to announce, said he firmly believed in primaries as the democratic way to select officials. He said they were not "eyewash", as Truman classified' them re cently. - , Lobster Poses Police Problem LOS ANGELES UP) When police arrested Mrs. Elizabeth Jensen on a drunk drivlne charze thev tonr along the live lobsters they found in the back seat of her car. They hauled the crustaceans to an improvised aquarium at the animal shelter. A city ordinance provides that live animals must be impounded if found in the company oi an owner wno is arrested, Property Tax Loss Reported SALEM lift State Tax Com' missioner Robert D. Maclean esti mated Monday that 100 million dol lars worth of merchandise is escap ing personal property taxation be cause toe owners aren t reporting it. Maclean said the personal pro perty taxation system, has broken down because of this fact, which throws additional burden on real property owners. An "honor" system Is used for personal property taxation, with each businessman trusted to re port his inventory at the end of each year. "In a sample check of eight counties." Mclean said, "we found taxpayers reporting as little as 4 per cent of their merchandise." The Tax Commission is urging each county assessor to check per sonal property tax returns. Personal property taxes, like those on real property, are paid to county assessors. If the full amount of the personal property tax were collected. It would reduce real property taxes by that amount. Daughter Loses To Mother CLEVELAND UH The pretty 22-year old wife of an Air Force private demanded to know whom he loved. Your mother", was his reply. Mrs. Rosemary McDonald testi fied In an uncontested divorce ac tion Monday. The blonde bride of 13 months said Pfc. Kevin McDonald, 30, also told her he wanted to marry her mother, Mrs. Mary Jane Nye, a 42-year old widow. I COMPLETE 1 I RADIATOR I I SERVICE Plane Stewardess Tells Terror of Death Crash ELIZABETH, N. J. Wl "It was horrible just like a fiery night mare and we were so helpless," It was Nhiicv Tavlor. 22 year old stewardess from Cornl Gubles, Pla. telling of her Inst momenta aboard the National Airlines plnns Unit crashed here Monday. Unhurt but emotionally shaken, Miss Tuylor gave a graphic ac count: "I'll never fomct that first min ute up In Uie sky when I knew some thing was wrong. It was Just after we left Newark. I'd say we were up about 1.000 fret when one of the motors conked out ana nnuie a ter rible rumbling noise." That sound, she snld. "was as terrifying as anything I've ever heard." Then, Miss Taylor aald, "we started fulling. ... I think we dropped at least 250 feet. I don't wine anyone orcuineo in mat time." Bonds Serve Two Wives WASHINGTON Ii Congress heard Monday about a bigamist who had had to cash his defense bonds every 60 days "to save my life." The story turned up with the re lease of hearings by the House Ap propriation Committee on the budget of the Treasury Depart ment's Savings Bond Division. Robert W. Coyne, unpaid busi nessman consultant to the divi sion, said he ran Into Uie case while conducting a check In an unl dentlfied Eastern city into why people were cashing their bonds He said one man, after exacting a promise that his namo would never be disclosed, told investiga tors: "The fact is, gentlemen, I am married to two women. I buys me oonas ana l gives tnem to my first wife and after 60 davs I sneak them away and cashes them and gives tne money to my second wife. So you see the box I am in. That is why I cashes bonds." Coyne said he hadn't followed through on the man's subsequent unanciai juggiings. He added, however: "It Is my impression that it may have saved his life, but not for long. Sergeant Should Preserve Them LONG BEACH. Calif. W Army Sgt. Roger E. Haag, 21, believes he owes his life to a Bible, five pints of blood plasma and a tape recording. Haag was wounded in the chest while attacking a Communist-held ridge in Korea. A Bible he had In his breast pocket turned much of the shrapnel from his heart and kept his severe wounds from being taiai. Hospitalized In Japan, the ser geant was kept alive bv Plasma, But nurses reported the youth seemed morose, woman t take mea Icine and spoke to no one. As a last resort a tupe record ing of his parents' voices was flown to his bedside. As he listened through earphones, a smile spread over his face. Worried nurses told him later that they knew then the biggest part of their battle was over. CLEANING FLUSHING REPAIRING BALSIGER MOTOR CO. Main at Esplanade Ph. 3121 SHOP. OUR . : COMPLETE " VALENTINES DISPLAY Valentine Candy . Whitman's - Savior's - Johnston's HEART SHAPED BOXES LEE HENDRICKS ' 2212 So. 6th Your Neighborhood Druggist Phone 4321 nil SALE CONTINUES ALL THIS WEEK Merchandise Mart 2964 So. 6th Phone 6660 If your dog has up and left you, (Or maybe it's the maid). A want-ad's what you need but quick, It's your sure fire aid! Yes, Herald & News Clas sified ads are sure helpers for everyday problems! For an experienced, friendly ad writer phone 8111. Herald & News ; quick, VsV'. low-cosr nsmtsi ' She snld the Pilot "must have pulled some emergency power from somewhere as wo seemed to level off. But I swear my stomach kept on dropping. "Then, about a minute later, we sturied fulling toward the ground crush. , , , as uie plane fell I could hear creams and yells. All tho pas sengers still hud Uirlr straps around their waists. I was in the stewardess' Jumn seat and oh how I pruyedl when we tirst strum the apart ment building 1 didn't know what It was until Inter I was tilled al most upside down. 'fire was roaring all around the outside of tho plane. "Then we struck something else Uie ground, I guess and I could leel tne snip skimming along. Then we stopped Suddenly. "I didn't know whether I wns alive or not or if I would get out of tho ship. "My body had been twisted up side down. As I struggled to free myself from Uie strop around my whim, someone opened the door of the phine. 'Nothing will ever happen ainln in my life to match tlwt moment. I don t know now whose hands were around my waist, but oh, Uiey icu so wonaenuj i "Then someone lifted me from tho sent. ' After a minute I turned to look at the plane. It was horrible. I could see some of the Pas sengers crawling out holes. Others seemed to be struggling. Flames were leaping ail around them. "Bodies and . wreckage , were strewn all over that field. "I wanted to help them, but I couldn't do anything. Oh, it was awful. "God help them nil as He helped me. Tough Storm Rakes Jutland AALBORO, Denmark Wt The worst snowstorm In Denmark since 1898 hit the northern part of Jut land Monday morning and still raited at top force at noon. All rail and bus connections were cut. Lights and telephones went out in most places. Snow lay 16 feet high in several towns. In Anl borg, the district's biggest town, officials estimated it will take about a week to remove the huge masses of snow. All schools were closed. Most businesses and Industries shut down when workers failed to show up. The Copenhagen - Frederlkshaven express got stuck in Uie snow at Tylstrup, stranding several hun dred passengers. Shipping was paralyzed. Violin High. s Makes Own WASHINGTON 111 A tiuntnr. mi. nolo to nfford n violin that mntuhetl his young tliiUKhtor'a talent, iniitlo his own mid thereby n hobby wus born, The Rev. Olnronre R. Fermmon. a Baptist minister here, started lo rend up on violins nbmit tho time ho gave his 1-yeur-oUl diiuiililor. Mary Alice, a hiill-mmd violin. She mado her first public nppcurnncc four months Inter. In four veins she won a flve-stnte content. me pastor inuile his first v olln In 11M0 from scraps from n lumber yard. It wns on tills violin his dnuKhter, nt 15, plnyed n lliu-li concerto with a symphony orches tra. Ferguson's violins nre now made of imported wood In the Htrndlvnr- lu.i pattern. It tnKes him two weeks of steady work to muke a violin, exclusive lo Uie finish. Ho la now working on his eighth Instrument. lleaullful Valentines . . . Voljilit's Dourer Office Supply Co. 628 Main. State Dept. Says Clubb Cleared but Will Quit WASHINGTON I The Slnte Deiuti'tmeut said Monday O. Ed mund Clubb, Forolgn Service Of licrr, has been cleared by a De partment loyalty and security board but will resign, effective Monday. Clubb was Uie third career tllnlo. mut to be Investlgnted by the Department's loyally and review board. The others were John 8. Service nnd John P. Davles, Jr. Both Service nnd Davles were cleared by the board and Davles since has resumed his duties. But the President's Special Loy alty Board Inter found groundn for doubt of Service's loyalty nnd he was dismissed from the Depart ment. Servlco now Is seeking to have his case reviewed. - Clubb nnd Service were among 3(1 State Department aides named by Sen. McCnrlhy, It-Win., hint summer no undergoing loyally checks, The diplomat was head of the Chlueno Allans Division when lit was Minpeiidcd from aotlva duty last summer. Press Officer Michael J, McDer mott snld that Clubb Is retiring voluntary. ' He snld lie la eligible for retire ment under the Foreign Service Act, which mukes a career officer eligible If ho Is over 60 and has had more than 30 years' service. Among the high "tale department Jobs which Clubb has held was ai American Consul General at l'elp-Ing. YOUR PIE is among those present when they judge the For fun wonderful prlits and chonct to htlp tho Compflro Girlt hora't all you hovo to do! Como in bofort February 29th and bake a tntneo pit. All Ingredient ara furnlihed. Your pie is baked in a new Crotley ranee. After the contett all pies will be auctioned for the benefit of the Compfira Girls. Enter today! FYOCK'S Your Crosley Deolor 1001 Main Ph. 2-2518 YOU CAN PLAY THIS NEW INSTRUMENT AT ONCE WITHOUT KNOWING A NOTE! rh IUniM.nl Cli.rd rfn mi. r b.afhl far mil. im , lh.it l.w m. Blair ..jin.nl.. Tho remorkobla now Hammond Chord Organ It now being uied and en joyed in icorti of local horncti whoro living it being enriched by lovely organ music created by members of tho family who never dreamed they'd be able to playl $W5 Dtllvartd We have a Chord Organ privotely located 10 that after a few minutes instruction you can play It and enjoy a thrilling new experience. We invite you to come in. Louis R. Mann Piano Co. 120 N. 7th St. Ph. 7182 9th and Pine Phone 3181 Just One of Many February Home Furnishing Sale Features SALE-LATEX FOAM. MATTRESS SET 129,50 'Full Size 115.88 On Termi, 15 Down Designed to give you soft cushioned support from head to toe thus relaxing the body for night long sleeping comfort. 4 'i -inch thick Latex core literally suspends your body on millions of air cells. It never flattens or sags; never needs lurning. I Attractive Green and Gray color Damask tick. Espe- ! cially designed, extra deen matching box soring. ' LATEX Mattress Set. Reg. 109.50 Twin size, 94.88 !