PACU ELEVEN TUESDAY. FKBRUAIIY 12, 10.p)2 HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON j i 51 14 HELP WANTED, FEMALE : ' TELEPHONE ' DIRECTORIES '. jjtfBN WITH CAIM TO DELIVER. JIO .JISLPKHH. APPLY WED., j .'ED. 13, 1:00 A.M. AT 8th AND PINE IN GAItAGK t DACK OP KLAMATH UUblNEBU COLLEOU ; BlilJ MR. LEACH VANVkli,"liuuTrkiMie"rin tiiuilara to try hlimp. I'lloh, J.1)! Mullll. N.iin... VtHilWd ., AUVni l MN(1 lOOK MATCHKS ! hll lull or 1'nrl Time ttlg f wihh 111 advance daily, filing I NKJN l.Allr.U lliKik Ma.lxi.fS illt(t Wfl ( ( fartiiiy, F itll lint poll- I Uml Mthe lor bti IU pi iiiiarlrs ; mining up toon LOW hipping roU, ; I ANT aerv4r. Feat. 1 1 a CiUniour CilrU, JiillijiliivN, brtmirs, tiofH uthtr styles In regular, ilotihl mid Jumbo size--, line itinoUr rutjiloif , t)IKol, vrr Ol fried MONAMCII M ATI' II CO., Dep.. .!. Mmileray al Tujly J Id., bmj Jy, 1 nut. t ' WANiFt). i ii'TiTiUtrrr luTTiTi.dfe nm ,1. t' l iiiihoUtvtilitf, pit kup and ilvliv ny. Hrc Mr, Wlstr, Hears, HwblKk. I'llune Mm. H'OI'Nl. MANlu 1lr"tlil frirrman In truth hop. No Hprliu iUM4ary. Titlrr ung man who in land to naka .1 ha 1i ui-k Ing butlne e hti raratr. It il-l, Herald and Nrwt WmVKK' hALKHMAN W 1kV truck atlralrr. Plenty of tilianco fur advanre iinvnl tr nti am a rr-npiiiiilhla tier :uii. AH rrppflu krpt ci.Mfldentlal, Mox jH llfruld amlNtwa. . 'si (.', id HJ.ii I'inti, t upcriciti'a pie- lrrr'' 'Miur II I'll XI'tlltlKNCKU" tHKkkpr tnr -yt-rll ''n gvitnal il(r Hra. AitplV aflr 11 V- n in (Mrm1" l.auttdrv and 'lentt i NKihY rrraplinniat. "llour 4 p.m. t 13 ' tif.i Mum U aiil to typa. Klattuih v'lv MokplUl. '. t: Alt N "inon r aiTrtima. Vull, part"llina". flloH 12. Mfrald and Nrw. '14 HHP WANTED, MALE 1 TELEPHONE DIRECTORIES 'women with cars to de tLIVKIt. NO IIELPEIU3. APPLY UiD., I' ED. 8:00 A M. 13, j AT 8lh AND PINE IN GARAOE j MACK OP. KLAMATH DUSINEU!) COLLEGE atE MR. LEACH WANTED ft Experienced USED CAR SALESMAN Apply at enr lot 7th & Onk sirccts LEE HUFF MOTOR CO. t (.XI'EHIKNi'r.U rluthlnc ami .hoc r t r..r SaluiiUr helt unl. Apply Drew HELP WANTED j WlflI)6Wa"iiiI W.TI wa'.her uaiitcd. Ap if l SITUATIONS WANTED .'Si nt; No woman experienced In genet al (lira woik amf credit Inveallgalur 4l u mm permanrnt pm limit. Phone 3-lltA f MAMIilklV man ami farm Job. rr- iiih rahin. M.V month. I'. O. Uox Ml, (. iitrnlia. Waahlngttiti. . Oil ttuilrnt naedd averting or wrfiTcnd Murk. Klod Emertton. Phona 3-0 IB" . IIH.lVCAItk". Phun7P5a." '-'- 1 A M Y, 1 ' ntrl' hona "a-0377. U'llX rara" for" chiidieh In my honit : 4)t or your homo vaningt. Call I 22 JtOOW f RENT llliAHl). riN)mrVaonalleIMionem'4 ' Nit t. hcaleii om,M3 Pacific 1er : rxre i ltoorranijijaroriir rooniiT"Men oitf. .VJO No. Oih. Pnone HUOMS. prlcei reatnnaW! "),holle4lJt',. i.OVKLYrrninikTfnr rant watk t'oi in. Phona 48 IttlOMS IHyU'mgit ' ' 24 jkvPARTMlNTS FOR RENT s TW'6 HOOM fur n i he'd- pa rim n I at 2'i'.i Harrow, llarhelur prelrrrad. j 1II1IF.K ilOUM fiirnlahrd aparlmanl ,fi .IJlll Cannun. phone 1-Vsm. Hilt Itr.NT. atlrartlve one bedroom J aparlnient Klevlrin aluve, refrigerator. i, kraut. Heal an1 water furnished. 1 Adult. No pelts $.7,S0. Phone l&M. i Von llr.S'ir. modern furnUhcd aparl i mcnt. Plenh natural heat. 8 OLYMPIC APTS. 207 r.. Main t wo HKDROOM unfurnuhed apart niriu. oj.t noun ruin. TWO riKjmi completely-furnUhtd ex- rrpi grtirerie. im Pinfl; ONK modern apartment, one bachelor apartment. Hid Oak. Phone TWO rtOOM aparlment. Mrcplare addn in hnmrlike almotphere. Private bain. Klrrinc heat and water furnlahed. Phont 2-min. SMAt.l. clean apartment. Electrically enuippen. JiJ m. loin. I i n S l CLASS unltirnlthrd dtinlex anarttnent. newly decorated. In perfect condition. Hardwood floor, excellent Win dry facliltle. Heat and water pro Veti. Couple only ItlT-W, Phone IWiH. Aptirtment for two, $30. Utllltlei (ur- niMhed. Krlgldalre, 405 No, 3rd I HHKE HOOM furnished apartment. 2081 niic, NICE niram-tntrd apartment, adultf. tntner Pine and Cedar. 'I UHKR rooma furnlnhed, clone lri71n. ilry. Couple only, no pcla. 804 Lincoln. ( nil 2 :H70. MttiNiSMhO two room apiirlment. re trigcrntor :f; all utllltlei Included, i'i N. Tenth. i )t; rsi 1K apartment Mnin. firmer Apt, " for " rent. 710 ONK bedroom unfurnlilirii apartment. equippru. t.aiia-wni. "mlWI.Y decorated, private bath, bit- rhcneite. Steam heat, electrlo range aii' ween nex Arma Apartmeni. ton HKNT furnuiied aparlr'tnt. ! cmtrei fllB High FOR ItKNT. in mil furnlahed annrt tnriit. hu liable for couple. 2010 bum' mera Lane. (T.EAN, warm, modern, , furnlahed apartment. Couple. Phone mao. 26 HOUSES FOR RENT SkUSF. for rent. Inquire Piggly Wtggly 'I11UKR room furnished house In Addition. Phnne 4207. 'IHHEE ROOM modcrii houae, partly lurnunen, y. carron, 1213 iiomennie, FOR riKNT, one bedroom furnlihed houhe. inquire ti'ja laoweii, FOR RKNT. two bedroom furnished house. 1002 Oregon, $4.1 month. Two hrdroom unfurnished home, 1220 Down tu monin. FOX HKNT-Uiirurnl.ihrd 4 room houne In Mill Addition. Adulla only. Phone fi:27. . FOR nENT one-bedroom nnrtly fur- ninherl modern hoima cluaa in. Phon u-n2ir. , MAI. I hoima for rent. Ph(a:l7 AfODERN two room furnUhcd houu fori rent. Call 73(10. 1 TO- barfroom ' unfurnished home, Au tumntlo gai furnace nd water heater oarage. rnone a-.tanf, llNFlMlNlNHKij four room dunlex. Kx rept for atovea. (30. Call 3027 before 0 p.m. ( 26 HOUSES 'ORJIINT nirnurira imuu. 94, iiifjui'e -: tin. lr:m Wentlanrf. foil ('lUNTT'lvt riHirii tarrtUhaarhou..r two lilorki frmu A P. depot. Adults nnlv. Cull 218 No. Flilnraflu. ri'ilNfhllKli ""IIOUHfcV iw ''Targe rooms and t(lh. Near tun Km. -MA par inonlJi. iiiiilr 4-1 a Hlmuls Way. TWrt-nrnilOoM"" furnl-.hd hmia Adults, N ria. ISO month. Call allf 12 noon, J.'idW. 2i MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT BEEHIVE C u TRUCKS VJ DRIVE Move Yourrlf Have '4 Now Trucks For Long Trlpi Pickups Bloke's Vsns RKACON' MOBIL SERVICE 1201 E. Miiln Phono 8304 nmOK lot rini. ilih"in(TMln LnaU In l.'i.t Blitrt. (lAllACK for wit. IngulH PIlyW'ls- ii Kon'MKyntil aiwi. ai?iffrBTlmft to 7t piowati lor iuiih ana sfain. vvrua .ic aid N.w.. Mnx IS. ril'Plti fur rant, oaa M'aTri; KTona 7ii. rOirTflCfiTfloiir mltn lalail lypf anulpmanl Huburhan Lumbar Co. Ill and Wa nut Phona 77n rn HrhliAne lir ATKnTitav vaak or month. Carl Lamb, phona 4473 of 17IW 10 RIAL ESTATE 'OR SALE ONE ACRE AttYitctlve six room horns plus hri'iikfiul norik. Lnriie entrsnce hull, full biith. All rooms npnclou olrmi nnd cheerful, llnnlwood lloors. Good (oiiniUtlon. Double Raraiie. Nice lnn mid trees, food Irrliialfd soil, Icnced. Price 113,000. Terms. Anne Mason Eddie Iloslcy Eves. 8714 2-0188 BOGUE DALE, Realtor 123 s. cm Phone 7286 'To See It Is To Love It, To Love II Is To Buy It." . Here Is a very attractive home In HOT SPRINGS. Two bedrooms with walk-In closets, large living room with fireplace and attaches garage, lirlieve It or not. this home is going to be sold this very week lor IU750. Can be yours for a small down payment and pay for It like rent. Don't DELAY, call us today, to see this attractive buy. Clair Ellis Eves Phone 265 Jny P. Orlggs Eves Phone 4254 Oene FaVell Eves Phone 6045 W. W. Thompson at Malln J.W.SANDERS REALTOR 1213 Main St. Phone 7521 3 ACRES - 2 HOMES Large 3 bedroom, basement, oil furnace, outbuildings. Small 2 bed room, with fireplace. All modern. Cart be bought as unit or separ ately. Terms. By appointment. VERNON DURANT ANDY SILANI ... REAL ESTATE 631 So. Sixth Phone 6195, 6544 or 7923 MILLS ADDITION Neul as a pin and as comforts able as your easy chair. Two lovely bedrooms, with comer windows, living room, dinette and kitchen. Attache. I garage with utility room, concrete floor and driveway. Beautifully land scaped lot with lots of shrubs and (lowers. Electric heat In every room. Only $8500. SOUTH SUBURBS Here It 1st Three comfortable bedrooms with large living room with hardwood floors, dinette kitchen and bath. Good garage. Large landcaped lot. Bltuated among nice homes. This home has been newly decorated In side. $0500. 'PAT" HOWES JOHNNY BLAYLOCK Phone 2-3545 6446 1025 Main Evenings Ron Fisher 8970 Bruce Owens Merrill 149 Selling. Your Home ? Don't let sales problems "tangle you up. Just pnone J-30 or 6446, or drop by our office. Right now the demand for homes Is good So right now Is a good time to sell. REALTORS "Pat" Howes Johnny Blaylock 1025 Man Ph. 2-35456446 MILLS .sunnModern three bedroom. Liv ing room kitchen, utility. Large lot. Terms. $7600 Modern two bedroom. Llv Inn room, sun porch, kitchen, utll Ity. Large garage and lot. Take car or pickup as part, lerms. $0500 Two bedroom, excellent con. dltlon. Hardwood throughout. One yenr old. Terms. . SOUTH SUBURBS a $5500 Modern two bedroom, new Needs some finishing. Excellent, Two and two tenths acres. Terms. $6950 Modern two bedroom. Nice condition. Large lot. Assumed OI Loan. Terms. VERNON DURANT ANDY SILANI REAL. ESTATE 631 SO. Sixth Phone 619S, 6544 or 7023 SO REAL ESTATE FOR SALE BUENA.. VISTA ADDITION Roomy 2'i bedroom home;, double larsife, MxSfl It. living room, hsndy kitchen, eleotrlo heat, good view. In other words a very good house, alma'.t brand new, lor only $11,600 00 MILLS ADDITION A ren) buy for only $5,100. This 3 bedroom home has been ap proved by FHA for a maximum loan. Only a block from Mlll Bchool, close to all the stores and shops. This one won't last long. Call now to see It. YALTA GARDENS Attractive, well constructed modern 2 bedroom home, Juat the place to rslse the kids and a good garden. Double garage, beautiful lawn, paved street, Price $9500. HI A terms. FURNISHED Drive by 207 Nevada and see what 13)00 will buy. Modern 2 bedroom home, with convenient kitchen. For S1000 more you can have approxi mately 11800 worth of nearly new furniture. Open Evenings by Appointment See Homer Stiles Ph. 2-2400 Eves. Don Sloan 6058 Eves. Fred Scott 8703 Eves. CHILCOTE & SMITH ' 15 p "e buy" good rancn -i iiL.vy i t. jivti innd Umbw land at Oov.ti maU. REALTORS Since 1009 111 N. 8th Street Ph. 4504 or 5528 Three bedroom home, soli, all fenced. $5000. acre best A good buy In a modern two bed room home, $4000. $500 down. Hot Springs. Lovely, new two bed room home. BEARD AGENCY REALTOR and INSURANCE 1020 Main Ph. 2-3471, 4734. 4880 HOT SPRINGS Very nice two bedroom home with fireplace, lull basement, nice iard. 18750. MILLS ADDITION Well-kept two bedroom home, near bus and school. $8500. BEARD AGENCY REALTORS trti INSURANCE 1020 Main Ph. 2-34.71 (880 4734 EAST MAIN Three bedrooms, kitchen, breakfast nook, dining room with alcove, living room with fireplace, utility entrance porch. Two garages with concrete iloors. Large lot ana lawns. All furnishings and lurnl- ture, ready to move Into. TWO BEDROOMS Kitchen, living room, utility. In sulation and plaster. Late con struction. By appointment only. 160 Jrrigated Acres Located In Langell Valley. This ranch Is worth the money. Good terms can be arranged. $10,000 down balance payable $1000 per year plus 4 per cent interest. See or Call James Heseltlne Orayce Eaton 6669 ""37 ' Salesmen with M. L. JOHNSON REAL ESTATE 434 Main St. Office Phone 6113 HILLSIDE AVENUE Exceptional four bedroom home. Ideal for large family. Close to High School. Large living and din. ing room, fireplace, music room, at tractive Riicnen. nvo iuii miiu, lota of closets and storage space, Full basement. Beautiful yard Immediate possession. 818,000. Terms. NORTH SIDE,. For quick sale, comfortable one bedroom modern horn on pave ment and sidewalks. Concrete foundation, plastered, automatic heat, garage. Includes range and refrigerator. $4750. Terms. OREGON AVENUE Two bedroom home on large nicely landscaped lot. Hardwood floors in living room, electrlo heat, utility room, large closets, full concrete basement with rumpus room. Will trade for suitable three bedroom home. Priced at $7250. Terms. HARRY VAN (Eves. 8204) JOE LEONARD (Eves. 2-0527) AL SCHMECK REALTOR and INSURANCE 611 Main ' Phone 3211 NfcW HUMES lor sale. Powell. Phone 8321). William B. Foil SALE, well Improved two acres on Kane SI. Telephone 4070 or call at 3821) ivane. HUMES FUR SAX. It CVERETT DENNIS. Rr.AL.10R Don KlrkDatrlclt. Baleuman 111 N ita Pnone Sl FOR SALE by owner. Small modern two Dcoroom nome in Hiu.ide aeotion. pnone 73.13 or eau at 139 sneidon. BE IN THE KNOW I Read Her ald tt News Classified tds dally Oet the latest Information on what's what In everyday business trends, 42 LIVESTOCK t . LIVESTOCK AUCTION . EVERY WEDNESDAY 1 :30 P.M. KLAMATH LIVESTOCK, INC. CATTLE 1IOOS 8IIEEP. Consigned for Wed., Feb. 13th: Two car loads Hereford steers, also the usual run ot 300 to 500 head of cattle, hogs, and sheep. Livestock trucks for hire one head or carload. KLAMATH LIVESTOCK, INC. Midland Road Phone 374 R. E, "BOB" RHODES, Auct. Phone 4032 46 FINANCIAL $$MONEY$$ ON THE FIRST CALL I Up to 1500 on your auto On "our salary or furniture up to 1300 "Pay Day" loans a specialty 110, $25, $50 loaned till "pay day" or longer. 125 ooau but 18 cenu for one week. No other charges. LOCAL LOAN CO. 115 No. 10th SU M-354 DON McINTYRE, Mgr. Yean Friendly Service 43 JO REAL ESTATE FOR SALE CATTLE-GRAIN . TIMBER and Countv land Sales. FRLE LAND CATALOG. Pacific Lands 1021 KB Cahuenga Blvd. Hollywood 28. Calif. FARM FOR SALE 82 acre farm, near city on highway, very good home with electric heat, also other buildings. Land planted to pasture grass, clover, alfalfa and balance grain land. Very good set up for diversified farming or dairy. Call office for more Information. Bee Fred Cofer R. L, Stephens Barnhisel Agency 12 s. 8th Phone 4195 HELP! We are In need of listings on two and three bedroom' homes. Priced from S4000 to $15,000. located in city limits or south suburbs. Our office has many buyers urgently In need of homes, pnone net) ior an Interview with one of our salesmen. Anne Mason Eves. 6714 Eddie Hoslcy 2-0188 BOGUE DALE, Realtor 122 S. 0th Phone 7266 MoilKltN two bedroom home, close In. Insulated, asbestos aiding, electric heat. Small down pament witn low mun in ly pamenl. Phone 327B. . son sale lot on hi eh way 97 near Junction. Suitable for sign display. Dirt fill, low none wau. iuaae me an un. Phone 807 K 32 BUILDING & REMODELING ROLL BRICK SIDING Buff hlnH. rfi hlend. ztt.BO roll. CALL WAKUs run rnce. can MATE ON HOOFING Art LJ iiumij MDNTflOMER V WARD 9th and Pine Phone 31B8 WAliDS HARDBOARD alvH ' . ivR. I... 1.32 Phone 3188 9th and Pine 34 FUEL HEATING ASHLEY AUTOMATIC WOOD HEATERS Engineered for safety and amaz ing economy, burns wood or presto- logs. Priced from $52.50 to $149.50, On display at Big Y Mkt Bldg. Phone 7092 'johnny's Big Y Bakery STANDARD HEATING OILS Stove Furnace Heavy Fuel DEPENDABLE Check and Fill System METER PRINTED TICKETS Your Guarantee OI Heating Sallstaction FRED H.. HEILBRONNER 'Fuels that Satisfy Plus Service" Since. 1919 821 Spring St. Phone 4153 S At H GREEN STAMPS slven on haat mi olli Phona 3681 or 8.9260 for prompt delivery. CUFF Y ADEN'S SIGNAL 6ERV1C& zano so etn STANDARD HEATING OIL StftTre. (urnaca. light fuel, coal, wood, charcoal. Peyton and Co. S3& MarftaL Phone 5149. DRY pine block, tor nale. Open ava nlna, and weekend,. Metiers Bros. PI1ESTOLOGS pickup or delivered. Cilff Yadens Signal Service. 2360 So llth Phnne 3IW11 or 3-92(10. 38 BOATS PETS SPORTS HOBBIES OUTBOARD MOTOR Lay-away. Buy your low-priced amooth-perforralnic Sea King motor on lay-away. S10 hold, It until May 1, with no payments neces ,ary until then. Be ready (or the "sea son. S H.P. Neutral Twin 13a. 12 H.P. gearshift twin Mtl. MONTGOMERY WARD &TH AND Pine Phone 31M TO GIVEAWAY, pups. Phone B177. FOR SALE, beautiful Cocker puppies. Phone 9131 after 11:00 a.m. FOfii SALE. 14 foot Blrchcrnfl boat and trailer. Big Ten Hurricane Mer cury motor, tisen u nours. aajv. see at 3218 Shasta Way. Between 9 a.m. i p.m. A N DERSON Boarding Kennels Phont 3047 . 5688 Delawara off Homedala. BOARDING KENNELS Dog boarding by day, week or month Sanitary kennels. Well balanced diet Clean Individual outdoor runs for each dog. Dogs handled durlflg mating, will pica up and deliver. Visitor, Welcome Phona BA7B Merrill Rd Rt 2. Boa 504 SHASTA CASCADE KENNELS 42 LIVESTOCK It POULTRY tvo yc gus hull. P. R. Monroe, Langell Valley Loreua 217.1. WEANER PIGS for sale. Phone 2 0001. ARTIFICIAL. Phone S72I M. BREEDING SERVICE c. icnueai warren, hi 9. Box 523 WANTED colored hen,. Phone 4591. HIGHEST price, paid tor poultry, hogi ana uvesiocx. BIO V MEAT MARKET Lakeview Junction Phona 41120 POULTRV LOANS Phone 2-2537 8-276 42 LIVESTOCK & POULTRY POULTRY WANTED Cash paid for sny amount. Top market prices for good quality. For quotations PHONE 3857 tCLAMATH POULTRY FARMS FOR HALE, ai a herd only, 20 head (juernncy cowi and 6 heifer to fresh en between now and May. One regit tered Guernsey bull. Thee cowi are well brer and heavy producer! and mott of them are vaccinated. Will acll all dairy equipment. DeLaval milker. Au tomatic cooling unit and milk cant. Complete act up for Grade A dairy ee Hoy nun, nua aurnmcri uane. 44 MISCELLANEOUS WANTED WANTED to rent about March 1 by middleeged bur.ineta couple. Two bed room unfurnit hed houae with garage MtiU Art flit Ion or South Suburban pre ferred Phone 2-OM7. WANTED to rent, two or three bed room home for OTI instructor. Phone 3-1681. WANTED two small or medium cook tovt. Good baker. Box 103. Bonanra. SI 1 EE P ta ggl n g anywhere. WANTED to buy. air compreor. HP or larger. Phone 5329. WANTED Hiitory of Modoc War by Meacham or Riddle. Have producer friends interested In making movie of war. Roy w. Hodgea, TuieieKe, lam.. Phone 7 0711. WE NEED a 1949 or 19M Plymouth Sta tion wagon. Will pay top price. Dugan and Meat. Phone 8101. WANTED to rent. Two or three bed room house, unfurnuhed. Phona 3-0828 after 2 p.m. ftE NEED CARS' Get top price now I note Motor Co etn ana num. 46 FINANCIAL LOANS IMMEDIATE Cash Loans Borrow Pay Onl 1100 87.27 Ma Repay In 18 Installments UP TO 8300 ON ruRNrrvRE or salary DP TO 11300 ON CARS THE IDEAL PLACE TO BORROW Convenient Location Convenient to Borrow Convenient to pa; Locally owned New Cars ftoascwl at bank rate. "WONEY IN A HURRY" Motor Investment Co. 20 yean serving Klamath BME See "Chuck" BalJey Mgr. HI N 7th Sb Pbone 332i S-J4I M-27S Commercial Furnishes Cash! , CASH LOANS ISO to 1300 Auto Furnltur Livestock Salary 150 to 1500 Automobiles (paid (or or not) Private Sale ot Autos Financed Make jour deals CASH deals 1 Commercial Finance Corporation Bob O'Connor, Mgr. Lie, 8-251 N-223 107 No Sth Phona T711 48 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE SMALL RESTAURANT Good location, close In. Doing large volume ot business. SMALL DOWN PAYMENT ' . TERMS Phone 61 44 after 5 p.m. FOR SALE. Income oroucrty near Ash- lahd. Moitthty Income $44;. Includes two hirtiscs, two apartment buildings, con listing ot nine rental units. Automatic laundry. One block from but atop. At tractive building. Total price $27,250. Terms, Ralph sikes aino sismyou uiva Ashland. Phone 4B4Q. 51 MISCELLANEOUS FOR S4LE TWO CARLOADS CERTIFIED SEED POTATOES $5.25 PER CWT. F.O.B. KLAMATH FALLS Phone 7960 or 8763 PRACTICALLY new G.E. stove, price. 2110 Garden. Phone. 8059. SI MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALI 31 FOR SALE USED HAND TOOLS AXES SHOVELS ' PICKS SPADES FORKS MATTOCKS ETC. . . . Your Choice Only , $1 EACH BARGAIN SPOT 707 So. 6th Phone 6708 Build Better With Pumice-Concrete BLOCKS Economy Beauty PEYTON & CO. 835 Market Phone 5146 DRIVEWAY MATERIAL FARMER'S Sand and Gravel Co, J. M. Barnes M. J. Barnes Ph. 7659 Ph. 7991 L-2 Caterpillar. Good condition. i. lint, niy, ore. MIRRORS retilvered. new mlrrore made to order. Klmballa Glaea onop Phone 7378. f OH BALE, used electric range. 129.50. Hafter Furniture. 0th and Klamath. ADDING MACHINES, calculators, type write, cam registers, aesica. ciuixs filee for tale or rent. pmMvr.R nre-lCE StTPPLY 25 Main Phona 7413 ELKCTROLUX CLEANER and poiuhat and lupplles. Phone rancei i cei . m MarKet . GLASS furniture topi and ahelvet made to order. Kimball's Glan Shop Phone 737B. HERE WE GO AGAIN! SEVEN DOLLARS DOWN (On Approved Credit) 1938 PLYMOUTH 1939 OLDSMOBILE 1937 DODGE 1937 PLYMOUTH 1936 PONTIAC RIDE AND ENJOY YOURSELF - PAY AS YOU GO! , For the BEST in the WEST SEE DUGAN & MEST 522 So. 6th 51 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE OR SALE, late model D-2 with or without doser. W. J. Dtxon, Macdoel. FOR SALE, about 35 ton good stock hay, 15 tons oats, balance alfalfa. Lad die Tofcll, phone 257 Malln. HEAVY tilt bed farm trailer. Dual wheels, vacuum brakes with winch Phone 3-1169. K-2 S&W. $60. Phone 3292. FOR SALE, antique walnut needlepoint occasional chair, antique table lamp wired for electricity, needlepoint fire- side bench, mahogany six piece i pos ter twm bedroom suite, spode dinner ware. Buttercup pattern. Phone 6285 or see at 322 North 9th. FOR SALE, approximately 30 ton baled alfalfa hay $750. Also 5 ton third cutting baled alfalfa $125. Phone Tulelake. New- ell 2263. FOR SALE, twin size Inner spring mat tress. Like new. Phone 8238. FOR SALE 50 tons baled alfalfa hay in shed. Albert Micka, phone 657 Malln. FOR SALE. 60 tons excellent alfalfa. Phone 9449. FOR SALE, used two-piece living room sets, $2i).50 and $39.50 metal bunk beds with coil springs $39.50. Hafter Furni ture, FOR SALE, used refriffi lent condition. 1036 Worden. Week days after 3:30 p.m. HAY and eating potatoes for Route 2. Box 539 Phone 875i K1RBY Attachments and polisher $55. Phone 920Q, TD-20 CAT. Perfect condition with hy- draultc angle dozer, rnone z-t iw. BROKEN window balls Class Shop. glass replaced. Phone 737B. FOR SALE. Cushman Motor Scooter with side car Phone 7447 after 6 p.m. 14 DAY FREE TRIAL Try the new Sunbeam Shavemaster tit noma Deiore ou puy. uniy RICKYS JCWtLtllS 700 Main afnona 3151 CRUSHED rock and driveway cinders Phone i:sF.n furniture values can always be found at Kiamatn turnttura t-o. uj Main. Phone 5353. 8-INCH concrete culvert pipe. 70 canta per loot, PEYTON 4 CO DRIVEWAY MATERIALS. Phone Joe Bart, 9750. tanks. ' Peyton and Co. CRUSHED ROCK, " driveway cinders. Phont: 5j4I. LANDSCAPING. evergreens, snrub and trees. Wa trim, spray and remove lJvKESHORE GARDENS NURSERY Phone 4286 600x16 RECAPS $3.95 cim rvf HAVRE We buy used tires. O.K. Rubber Weld ers, 8391 So. etn. fnone FOR SALE. Model 7 mall chain saw, $200 also 1936 tnevroiei seaan, goo a i good running order. $iou. Tom iaven- er. uox iv. uorris, vain, nwni ONE small safe, one medium size safe. both fireproof. 2415 south aixin, FOR SALE, used "Cat 20 crawler tractor In very good condition. $350. Floyd A. Boyd Company, Tuieiaite, iu norma 55 AUTOMOTIVE 1947 CHEVROLET convertible coupe. Ra dio and heater. Blue color, good top. A first class car 51145. Ashley Chev rolet. 410 South Sixth Street. Phone 4113. After 8 p.m. phone 2-2002. FOR SALE, 35 ft. standard dual-axle semi-trailer. $1350. Excellent condition. Phone 2-3102 Ashland. lnsi WILLYS ntckun in Immaculate con dition. Less than 5.000 miles. Hat big heater, defroster, spare tire never been used. Really a bargain. $1395, Dlmbat Motors, 239 Main. 1931 WILLYS nickuo In immaculate con dition. Less than 6,000 miles. Has big heater, def router, sura tire, never been used. Really a bargain. Privately owned gijtj. fnone jiju evening. 1949 CHEVROLET t TON PICKUP. Ex- ceilent condition. lo ow mileage. Phona CASH for '41 pickup. Phone 3-1B35. FOR RKNT tn t?ounl. small furnished house. Fireplace gas floor furnace. $40 per month, no pets, rnone ioa MISCELLANEOUS ATTENTION NOW IS THE TIME GOODS BUYS ON USED TRACTORS 1 1 Int. TD-6 Wide Gauge Crawler. Painted and Recondi tioned WRr. mounted Hyd. Pump. . t 3100 1 Farmall "H" Tractor WHyd. pump, Power take-off and good rubber. Painted, overhauled and guaranteed. S1050 11950 Case Tractor model VAC W'Hyd. Pump, Starter and lights. Wide Frt. Axle. This tractor has seen very little use. $1000 1 Farmall "B" Tractor completely overhauled and painted Wdirect-connected I-H-C Mower. ' $850 FLOYD A. BOYD CO. TULELAKE, CALIFORNIA AUTOMOTIVE 97 $397 ?127 $127 67 DODGE, PLYMOUTH AND DODGE "JOB-RATED" TRUCKS : USED CAR SPECIALS 1585 A- YOUR CHOICE 1-1950 FORDS Custom tudors. Both hare radio and heater. 1949 FORD Custom Tudor. Healer, overdrive. This car Is like new. '1395 YOUR CHOICE '1595 1950 CHEVROLET SEDAN Radio, heater. 1949 MERCURY CLUB CPE. Ovedrive, heater. YOUR CHOICE 795 2-1948 FORDS Super Deluxe Models. Tudor and Fordor With heaters. BALSIGER USED CAR LOT 2152 So. 6th ' Phone. 4354 For a NEW or USED- TRUCK Always See "JERRY" or "JUCK" Your International Truck Dealer JUCKELAND TRUCK SALES llth and Klamath Phone 3-2581 1Q4S CROSLEY station wagon, Rlili, gooq snap,. ,iuo wasnpurn way. 1948 WILLYS JEEP with winch. Flrat class condition. Five mud tires. Tow bar. $795. Sea at 321 Shasta Way ba- tween 9 a.m.-a p.m. WHY WALK? DRIVE MORE MOTOR, 301 Main. Phona 3S78. -Wa will tell vour ear for vou." wa buy and trade BUS SARGANT'S USED CARS WE BUY. SELL AND TRADE Corner Shaata Way and Arthur Striata rnon, aauo 104 ONE TON Studebaker pickup. Good 6 ply rubber four speed trans mission, rnone j-iio. FOR SALE, 1047 Jeep. 1936 Chevrolet. Phone 4030; . COMPLXTE auto Prompt, reasonable. lass service. Klmballa snop. rnone ijo. W1XL sell equity In 1950 Hudson Pact maker. Phone 6823. I9M FORD Custom Creitltner ' coupe, equipped with radio, heater, overdrive Only 8.000 miles. $1998. Ashley Chevrolet 410 South Sixth Street, Phone 4113. Aft er 8 p.m. 2-0774, FOR SALI FARMERS!!! TO GET THESE PHONE 7-2072 1938 CHEVROLET 127 1939 PLYMOUTH $297 1941 BUICK ............... ?397 1939 PLYMOUTH . . $197 1937 DODGE . . $147 Phone 8101 IN '52 - We've the CAR for YOU NOW is the time to BUY! We can and will make you a better deal on our PERSONALLY INDORSED USED CARS 51 49 49 49 48 48 48 48 47 47 BUICK lOOJC Spec 4-Dr. Son. HUDSON V Com. 4-Dr. PONTIAO '8 4-Dr. Sedan PACKARD. 4-Dr. Sedan PACKARD. 4-Dr. Sedan HUDSON ' Com. 4-Dr. . HUDSON '6' Super 4-Dr. CHEVROLET 6-Pass. Coupe 1695 M795 1595 1365 1145 6TUDE. Champ. fi-Paas, Coupe OLDS ' 4-Dr. Sedan PONTIAC '6 2-Dr. Sedan 1195 '425 41 COMMERCIAL SPECIAL 1950 FORD Ton lao's Pickup I07J JUCKELAND MOTORS llth & Klamath Ph. 2-2511 COMPLETE Radiator Service ' CLEANING . ; FLUSHING REPAIRING BALSIGER ' MOTOR CO. ' Main tit EsBltnad BEST VALUES! ; 'USED TRUCKS -CARS )' GUARANTEED AS REPRESENTED VVest-Hirchcock Corp. YOUR GMC DEALER J77 S. 7tb Phone mi 1930 FORD custom four door, gadlo, heater, overdrive. Three extra ttrte. Excellent condition. Priced right. Phono 3-0733. tit NEifl CAM! Oat top prtea torn Rom Mote Co. ftk aa4 Hum.