h MONDAY, l-'KHHUAHY 11. m.r2 HKRAI.n AND NF.WS. KI.AMATH FALLS. ORF.r.ON PACK NIN5? oces OwiQes i roe KIIIK Ill ltlllC K, llllil Kliinmlh 'ClcltlH hllfllllt'fift lllllllllgtll', dropped ii for u i- in L hi-fore he left for n ni m trip In lln i iivlllc, Hnulh (J.nti- lim. iluri li k will Im geiii'iul iniiimi't'r pfttml Clii.ni It chili In the Trl (Mlfff Ii'iimie. 'J'Iip chili Hun ii work iiUritltrci'iiifiil Willi the IJi-trnll '1'ik 1)1 "i bull .. ftiia ..in. i... .. t.i.-.iii.v III... Wat Inlot'liiiillvo lilllluilltll I'll lid Kirk nnil I with di'iilliiu I'll- i)m(i lly Willi cniijctliu I IT MiY i ii mid )inttor Iciicup niw.cl )m(i lly Willi conjecture. mill that M'VituI hall chiljH Hnilrliiir IlK'iii Hut rhllnili'lplila Nii niniuilri -uiril (icnpiTiitcly lo keep I tin Ohm I) 1 11 r Went IfllKUP UollIK Iim.t-tlltrli iti-piiI iitlcinplH were fliriJlC iiiixio I" no wiili limr-ti'iuii tlrugili'-Kliiiniilh KiiIIh, Modlord JMIVla a'1" llt'lin. :imi' t ; uii, nf cniunc, were inolli- inl In tlii'H' lour yi'iuii i it cxlnlencc hyllin I'llllllivi. 'q;pre iiiii-L ho it I'ra.Miii the hltr IcnitiM" wuntpd lo kppp the loop In rxmu iicp mid you cmi hp miru IUt iioiu.'.l a itinthrrly Ipellni. Therp l.i a iTaxcm u hiit one1 nncj, iilllnnifll prliiinrlly cciiijcitiiie. 11, Uillkl'.-! M'llMC. THINK THIS out: 'Olj .a l biiM'bull Is Important In JLo ovrr-all Hclii-ino of proIi-N-nuiuul Ixim'IihII. (Jtaulu I) Iiiim'IijiII Ih limtlumi-iit ully v.hiwij Itituio IHK IriiKiient we inn--iurntTMllcT Ihi-y Biiidiiiiln limn mi ijiloV.., fPinl-pio c lulls mill iicluiula. u' The ma)or bimrbiill whi-oln tipcd IciiiM II biiM'liull in iniirli nit hlKh- vr TlanMUraUoliM "I C, " and A. 3 l)Tllrilliirlv linpul lalll In Cluiwi I) i liuijjliiill on tlin I'nrllle Count now. I Wliy? lleiiillM Ihn I'lit-lllc Const Iraiur now npt-nilci on mi upi-n . iaMillcation Hint I In- rui. inouuin lnMrPtt Iriidit to bin lenftue miiiu.i. I'g what ' Wi " SO THIS: If a i Inch tlir Iiik Icnitiieit urcn't lonjJiK kindly on the I'CL'k recent inoVO ot (livoriiiit; n-iell irom tin NiiUonul and 'Aim-i Iran IraHiim. IW( bin n n ruimliiK lb:lit tor Mime uiiw-aiui now llir I'Cl. ban inuilr n OJJ-ky movo loward itivlnit the on- jrni!iii- a cojiipli-li? briiMi-nlf. llUl llir I'aclllc C'oiinl Imbuo will iirn4 yoiinn bnllplayfr.i in keep op. rrirtfiin toward lln-lr ullliiinte Koal ol TorniliiK ii nurd major IniKiw. UlTady the I'd, him maitn in. roajjri in tin. Wc-ilrrn Intrrnatloiial IriiKur. Ihr Ciilllnrmn Htatc Inntiip. iiikHIip l'lonci-r U'tmiif In tho WrM. Wl. Ii Cln.n A. Calilornlii blutr U Cla.i C an hi the Plrmwr, but :iiuilly play a bland or ball that I., tUnhn II. JNk Hip important link Is inlTtliiR. ('I'hM's Cla.vs I) ball i tiaubn plan iarii I, if l ltl-: Hill I.KA ball where the urucl- AflllKS ran kepp ! nu u ciuos o leraiuiK in Iho Went .lliey ve thrown 11 Mb; monkey wionrli into the rci.it phinn. f!tli Jiiri-diction over ALL t'lXVK I) pl.iyer.i in the We-.t. in a tii'.v years the l'lii'Klc. Con.M li'.imie, If i.um-"iful In vthiiK 11 biirV! e.Ui,ds 111 the WIL. Calltornlii mi T I'll neer climiiu, will run out ot Pjillpiajerv,. i liaciiiinr C.'iim 1) biillpliiveih, If ;lhblit leat'iieH can e-ilntilh 11 lii irfeiitrenrhinenl In dip Weil, will o ttil bluber clarification ball In Inf 'Mldwo.-.l und KanllhUM by. pn'wlnt; the i'acific CoiikI. IT AM. noiindH reiiKonablo to mo. liUnk It over mid Uipii n.sk your fik.lt CLASS U biiM'ball b. Im iinint. IH my It's Important The blij Imbue latheri) know It. Kii"Ui:h no llia If they're .succsful In operal InKiClnna D basrball In the Went, Iheklowc.'il clan.slflcatioll ol bnnebuli could be lined 11.1 n powerlul weapon In truntratliiK the Pacific Con-it lr.ituc In Us lonK IlKhl lor bin league recotiultlon. Iin'l bo nurprlsed If the major Vhceli open a Clusa U league In CaUlornia. I CANT help but entertain the thi$!hl that the big leaguers should iiitwj thouxht of this matter before, Urlnglng It close to home, the T'lillllPS didn't help tho Oenvi runugh financially to put in your uclj-worn hut. Qioro's every reason to believe thitrxamp wns truo with nil bin li'iMnie clubs Hint had working SfpTtemetits with Class 1) clubs. rpniore belt) mil player-ht'lp but miBiHilu had been forthcoming thorc's every possibility the Far Wnat league would still be nperal- lllll. (W recent dale, several bin league ch&'i have been promising every Unib,' short of the key lo their moll vbox to persuade Far Westers lo liny In the baseball swim. tjiccess or litllurc ot the Pacific Ciiffsl .league to eventually "play WiQl lAo big boys" seems to hinge nnlfti on W'hethci' It beats the big Itiigiit's lo establishing a Class U bi fThlieail In Ihc West. , ffs true this Is all conjecture. j' Jul It rings plauslblo. 'Cctis C5av Merrill ', "' By IIAItOI.ll MrRAV lliCn .Sill ies' Wildcat t e n m Wluppod the Merrill Huskies 47 lo 33 nn I'l'llt an court Saturday nlghl. j pie KU Wildcals Jumped to n 18 TO 7 Hist (luai lei' lead and were lirCcr IjcIiIiicI In Iho game. 'Iho Cl'ts lead 21 lo 13 at the half way mwk oi Hm giiine. ln Dnvis, Wlltlcut center, lead tint' scoi'lng with 17 points, seven lltiffr) lhan John O'Nell, Mci'illl tOiWai'd hnd. l.t HI MATII 4 Suminorri 4 MiiM.I 17 Dli V In ft TlcvmiK fi ArmtlruMH 2. linrrv 2. Winter ftfnvfi fl (; HrndriekM.n 7 i Morrill antiM J oh twin W'Ulrmn 1. Wiillrr, klnmnln mum VfHfitf .1. WHIh a. Wnt htm I, C.trty nltgrnvc, Shnrp, Krnu, Jat'ulm. n Orotech Sweeps OCE Set; Foreman Shines ll(C K1AMHNIII I. IM. I .nil l .ia1 Vnitiinrl iiipmiiii Tpi-Ii llrifuii f'.illi'Us KuiIiiiii Orptfim ivn IIHI I II lly III 1) IIOIIH Tbpy throw Ihn Owln to the Wolvrn over tlm wcpkpnd mid Ihn Wolvi'ii rn mo out aoeond bi't. Ak u ipmiiII. tlitf Owls lOi'OKon Ti'ih) urn untpi'liilnliiK hopp Unit ii IP ill : ol lit today that lliey null luivn ii iod chanco ot copiiliiK tho Orison CollcKlato rontori'iiou biiH. kiibull crown, a dim Hiram dp lorn tlir wipki'iid hpiIpii Willi Ihn OiTHon CoIIpuo Wolvi'ii ol Mon mouth. The Owln mot Ihn i-dKV Of: K live Malurday riluhL mill plaMprpil l.r.-4:j (li'lMit on the vtMtorn lo udd to I-ililiiy iilnlit fi li((-01 victory. Mpic's whitt I lie u m nd rtlum llcl: It lait Art Klrklund'H Owln In n . c find plnce Uv with ()nK"n Ivyv. bitli with b-3 rrcordH. Vim ixiit, ;lln uft fur n;t t'onlcrcnci! piny lch'n, kept Its lend with n 51 record. 'Mir Orrlrch fii!nl y.nrx HttHlnst thr Vunpnrt VlkliiKt in nil lour "I Hm runuiliiliiK four ocf: nirn. 'iwo hliow In I'otilimd next week end, then the Vikn vIhII Oickoii Tech I'tl. v:a fttid 23. Vuiiimrt liiiM two innre wlUi Ore eon C'ollece besides ihr lour with in I. On'Kon f-olleite inerl.H i :n l ci it OieKon, out of the nice but capable cil kinM-kniK over Of'K, twice in uddltion lo the pulr with Vmipnrt. Bnturdny tit tit It wn Minplv n ense of a zone defense Hint throt tled Oregon Collie's nttuck- und too much Al i'uiciium mid Tom Helmbcit NOT tVSSY Korrmuii. the only rrr.rrve ur.ct ( 1 J H I VH.(..vi'4l i 'Gti-T.-f lyiA ' i,rl , . . .'TJa.'9 s AL FOREMAN Mr. Perplexing Ir i . - ' . M , had, ' -tsSl. bv Khkland, relieved I.on Genetln j doleatlng Tillamook, 44-41. Satur early In the second period. II the ' ",' lcr whipping Hood Riv- OCE players thought Foreman w-as 'or rildnv. . m lor the lauehs thev don't think ! B-Ild' nvnre' 10 wln Contrnl Oro today ir.""' district 3 title, beat Madras. Hie jiltor btigglng little Negro, a i(,'".r. cln ,Pnni .uperb ball-handler who majors In 1 owcrJ ,V , , , ,.Ji,,n, M eed. litiMiated the Wolves with ' pimped, f- .i6:f,. Coquilh Ills ball-stealing and play-making, pplcd North Bend, 6U-57. So aggravaling was the tiny 1 speed merchant thai one Oregon Cnllei;e player, Forward Howard suiiivan, loi unt nimscu long enough to throw some knuckles 111 Foreman's direction In a mix - up under tho net In the second quarter. Sullivan, leading scorer for the Wolves last year, couldn't find Foreman with his (1st. Hut he did Und the bench but quick. Officials Oil Pionncy and Tiny Jones con verged ,on Sullivan quicker than you can pronounce his name and booted him for the balance of the game. The Wolves were somewhat sue- cesslul In shackling Homer Dun can, big Oreloch forward, who scored 21 Friday night. Homer got lust tiirec Held goals but ndded elpht charity tosses out of nine tries for 14 polnls. Thai's a comparltlvely low fig- vrc for Duncan who made tin for It with outstanding backboard work, particularly In the second half. si ni)Bi:nr iik.ii Hut Tom Schubert, ex-Klaniath Union high school eager, filled In adequately. Switched to the center post, SchiibPit had his hook shots in cood working order. He dumped 10 from the field and ndded two Irco throws for 22 points, lar nnd away the host scoring performance of the evening. Schubert looked betler In the key lhan any Khkland has tried In that position yet. II looks like he's earned himself a sleady pivot Job. Tho gamo started slowly, with Us YELLOW CAB For DAYS-! TAXI SERVICE Ph. 2-1234 mum both trams npurrlbK laiillounly for opI'lllllKH. When Hulllvnn miorpfl hln only flnld koiiI ol tho cvpiiIiik parly In Ihi? flr it IrmiiR lo Ivp Iho Wolvcn a 5-3 loud, till Vlnltorn Kluyi'd ahpud pntll rarly hi Hip Hcoond, Iwn thni'M holding nix-point li'iidn. Hut Hi hubprt put the Owln nheiwl 17-15 Parly In the kpi'iiihI niter Duncan hail lied Hie count with a li'pp throw, 'Ihu Owbt never lont Unit ndvantiiKP, IiuIhIiiu It lo 2'J-I l.t llilennlBilon lime Tho WoIvpd pulled up within live polnlK th rep tlniPa In Iho third chnptpr but the Owln widened the I t'"l In th fourth when Oreijon C'oIIpkp tried H lull-floor cheek that backfired. Hob Hunhenell, Harold Pitcher. I tlii n C'lmrh'M I'lnlon, nil nulnrn. iwciii oih on nvr imrsonais in iuk jlourih H Oregon Tech, nilher Umn .rlowhiK down, ftlcppeU up Uie itl tuck. I to v:otr- OHM. ON ( Ol.l.M.t: Hullivan, ( . I'nilon, I . I'llrlirt e Muthiicil, g J'ttlHMHit, m .. Itrvrt: Itonrriilutk MrlUe .. Mutch Niltn Vwnovrr Mi I r it ir 2 2 T.ill oai.iio.s ll.i ll IIUIICMII ,f I'luklcv. I 1H 7 II 4:i mi 1 t rr if : H A 14 ni-tiiilt.rl. c I " I t H llaiMMimk, a 1 'l I 41 l.enctlti. 1 1 0 0 2 i l(rcrve: ' rulrliiaii - .... I 4 .1 II ' T..ll ... . IT i M M Halllirnfl 9VOtr: Oreium Trrli 20 f)(i-- (iiu c-i.iirfe :n. yttc th.owa nii..-). (Jrlnn (.'ullPltc 0 iSulllvan 1. 1'lriK.n I. Ililhn-ll 1. Pl.lm.iuUt 1, Mi-Har 'J:' (ilrfun Tech 12 illimcoa 1. S-liuil;rl .1. Plnklry 2. Ilamewrlt I. Ci-wlin 3. Knrenuin 3'. OIlcljiU: Jnnra nij Uuru iipv. Tacbnli-at foal Medford Edges Rosebiirg By The AocUlerI Pre Marshlleld and Uaker, ranked No. tf and Ho. V. respectively. In 'asi weens Associnieti j-ress ore-. l"' 'Kii pciiin.i uuK.-iuiui pun, mi- 1 roved I their records with two week- end victories each. Marshlleld, lavorcd to win the ClnvH A cllMrtrt 5 title und a place i i," ... n.,viH'm nnri Wiiiv Pnrirc I'-ecoff v.ound up with a two-undor-in thp MiitR Itiurnnii.L-tit hi Euucih-! a., Ua:a;0V "1U :K.1 ii:.r 69 over the rnmswent R 315 in tin state lournnmi'tiL at Euuenc r.rxt mnntn. swepl n scrips liom Myrtle I'olnl. Us mink for the ..-asoii llnui stantls nt 14 victories and live defeats. linker, looking stronger every came In the louith Eastern Oroeon ttimpeiiiion, Knocked oil rue Dal- les. 53-411. fialiirrinv nioiit after casllv downing Hcrmlston Friday. taker now has won 12 name in 18 starts. La Orunde. rated No. 10 In tho stnte, ran lUs record lo 10 wins In 15 games by beating Hcrmlston 7H-52, Saturday night. It deleated Tho Dalles Friday. Pendleton, another Enstorn Orp. gon hoop power, swept two week - end gnines Irom strong Milton- Freewnter, winning Saturday night, 1-0-59. The week end results established lor the Class A district 1 title and i.inKt-r aiiu La 1-iii.iiiic s mull"" . .. . . .. -i . ... cutiiPton as lop comcmii-r lor uie district 2 crown . , it i. . i . . n ...nt. aieaiora, raiisea no. o im ween and leader In the main division of Southern Oregon's district 4, edged noseburg, 51-49, In overtime for its 12th victory In 16 games. Astoria maintained Its lead In district 10 northern coastal play. Ducks Win ND Splash Bv The Associated Press 1 University of Oregon and Wash ington Stnte College swimmers rncKfu up victories in r-ortnerii Division dual swimming meets Sat urday. . , . Oregons Ducks nested lnnno Vandals 57-27 at Moscow, and WSC downed Oregon State 66 to 18 at Pullman. Oregon's Gordon Edwards sot a new meet record in the 220-yard free style In the Moscow tank. Ed wards was timed at 3:16.2, 3.4 sec onds faster thnn the former meet standard. Ho also won the 440 free slvlc. Oregon Slate took only one event the opening 300-yard medley race In the dual meet at Pullman. Wnlker W. (Sonny) Jones, for mer Wvoinlng star football player, Is a lieutenant in the Army as signed as a member of the Honor Guard attached to Uen. Rldgvvny's stuff In Tokyo. Ben Mcrrison, Mgr. JUCKELAND TRUCK SM.ES and SERVICE 11th & Klamath Ph.2-2581 In Main Go 'IT J" i. v- ... i 'V ' ' r- lm 17? fir . t ?--. . .-.Hfjfij.. '. k .K.UkJtam- '-4. YORG CRETORIAN Ivan Gorky returns to local wresiliiig wars to headhiic Wed- ;nt .-day i.ii'lit s ci.rd at the armory. I Promoter Mats Lillard tt. nounccd vi-teidiiv he had signed n ,o,, ... .1... f:r.. ..... i f,. vr r.r...,'.r... .t. hour mum event. , p,,.iMli.r r'..v.iw... rni-lvrtn ..-ill o.. ,t. . emi.wm(iu ayaln.st Hum. cue Herb Parks, a 45-mmute al- r.uw in uiu iiun-nour, onu-uui opener. I Ivan, with ...... .. ... . .' '! . . .' ' r.is orotner aoioai. '"..Vi-r-il month ,L i.' J '., ' iw-whl-kored ruf - 1 .,. ' ' ,K '! . ihii i cxnertert : n . - - ; : usVrm,. s iu he ... i ii A ,ii i,)r ifVirif fa dpi ' I ..".!:;' 1mm, in . la " team match here '" .ri "r" T " .j r ",,,. Ilr,.s J Pan. hers Nip : fj it'ir A-A I iwlStWyi "iWI I ! iiic Henley Hornets throw a1 scare Into the hh.'h-riding Clnlooum : ; Panthers Saturday night in a non- leecue game. i The Panthers, who cunt get worse than a tie in lcagueplay. had lo be content with n squenky 43-41 ,win as Henley rallied furi ously in the lust quarter. Clilloquin also won the B pre liminary game. hps scorr III M.I V III) Andrrvin 10 r ii Hoi J r Haven 4 " Itumapy 7 fl Ca.p 9 Henley iti It -R H Lehtri 2. Chiloquln David 3. t'lilve. il;l) CIIII.OOriN 2 Parner in Heneoek i:i Geittrv H Vadnn 4 DaBoia II. McPhera.in 4. aubs Geome 3. AAU Pairings Ar.RQUttced PORTLAND in Pairings for the State AAU Basketball Tourna ment to be held in Portland March 2-5. were announced Saturday. They are: Portland champion vs. mld-Co-lumbin winner: Pendleton vs. Clac kamasWashington County: Yam hill Counly vs. Tillamook county; John Day Valley vs. Benton, Lin coln and Llnny winner; Portland runner-tit) vs. Southern Oregon; Central Oregon vs. Marlon County; Klamath-Lake vs. Lane county. ' I'M CKECKIN&THIS GLiyS PAPKI'Kt M5TER" It could happen in Klamath Falls any Winter! 4th Hi Klamath Fh. 8146 IVAN CORKY hi 5 "M :i .r .. Of II I ' '.. . j. . Imn Inks ir Yorg 50UMF ' . S Htubbie yf f Oiilsiiiii S orsanza Forward Injured i The lionan7.11 Antlers won a 70-51 noii leunuc victory over lily fjaiur day nlKht but the win may be a co.tlly one. Don Hubble, hliih-ncorlng lor wnrd, npruuied hm ankle In a foiirili-u.uarler acraiuble under the basket. Hubble will be on the bench when bonanza meets unde leted Chilotjum Friday with a chance to tie tho Panthers lor the UHvilinu trophy. Jionniiza Conch Morton Vhlpple mud it's doubtful If Hubble will be ready for Ihc title-deciding tourna ment that opens Feb. 21. Hubble scored 20 Saturday nlKht, Invin Crume 22 ai the Am!erK pulled n.'ilely away Irom the 13ob cnis after a clove first half lhat ended 28-27 for lionan.a. Bonanza bulged a to 47-35 Bolng hiUj the fourth Iramo. Shortly after Unit Hubble was Injured. Bonanza (51 1 can tie Chiloquln '6-0 1 in the last round of games before the tourney. Donnle Wcssell and Franklin Hiiichlm.on paced Uly fiaturday with n and 16. Illy won the B preliminary game. 46-40, over Bonanza. P.ox Kurt -.ii m.r it 'S,'i! J Lvbrand l'.l)V.NA ;o) I f.'iurr.f 22 t 20 j ( hi.r.dlT 4 V.'iUan 2 7 JaauVhh to nuicninu.n Boiiaria tub 7. Iiwver . Gi van, 1-uj.fi, IJly iul Cavin, HarttT. Dthiivoij 4, Golf Winner AN ANTONIO, Tex. 1.11 Golf's tour rolled on to San Antonio lor i '" 1';x,a7,,opc'" Tnaa.v. mlPus "y Middlecoff the Memphis, "wh0 lcads thf, f " s n;oney-wlnnere as a result of his "-'w ' ' raso open Sunday. i Middlecoff shot sub-Dar coif for 1 lour rounas " le me 52.000 isu pi i.v in me z.i ruso louma- i'"rn'' wis 269 avc '" three- "J0? m"" ver Besselink. i; if UiU UiUIIU II UII1 IlIUHKU. Willi . ,,. D.. r...- Vm Z I' Hp won't nlav at Ran Anmnii. in ---, U " L' " '(bp SlOPflO Tevno onpn ho has h l(llltc Rt holc to take his periodic ilu,V fvor shots. Middlccoffs victory here brought !" money winnings lor the year to S4.3J0 and pul him ahead of i Llo' Mangrum, who has taken down SI 196 07. Professionals Al Zimmerman and lllob Duden. both of Portland. Ore., fed for last money with 284 s and 'riclfpH nr. rheckn fnp S27.50 each. j I Yogi Berra of the Yankees and Jini Hegan of the Indians were thei only American League catchers who plnved in 100 or more games during the 1951 season Munsingwear wilh non-sa"; U. S. PAT. NO. 2,511,685 , j jip" I Look for the big green sticker PtAr $150 The green slicker on a Muiisingwcar T-Sliirt is your guarantrc tlic collar will never lose i Is shape. The patented NYLOX-reinforccJ neckband eliminates sag forever! Wear it, wash it, pull it, slrelili it . . . the neckband will always slay flat ami neat. As odvetliicd in the Saturday Evening Post of February 9th Dick Reeder's Store Is Always Glad To Cas-h Your Pay Check Corner 5th TIME OUT! "ilea ven, It's not worth f i htinjc over! Why don't they Just have a puck for each of them?" Owlbabes I i fZaA finN ! i7 W I Eaf Wll ! The Oregon Tech Junior varsity team GOt eVOn With Yreka'K RPK ilfil C!ub Saturday night with roomieher decisioned Tom Wells; Glenn to spare. !Guyer. ex-Pel, threw heavyweight I Losers by a 55-57 count Friday j Jim Young and M. Schwartz beat nlylit. Rex Hunsaker's Owlbabes Don Shell, also by the fall route. . Ii.mpre.1 hi.elr in t iirrlo w' nrn.1 .1, ,,,..,; , .v, nn.pno with a 79-45 Win. Jim McGregor, ex-Oregon Techer who waxed hot Friday night, was hold to eight points Saturday as teammate Hockaday filled the gap with 18. Lloyd Lewis led Oregon Tech with 24. , liox atore: OTI (191 M5 YRFKA lletiftlee 2 F 18 Hockadav Iw-la 24 F 11 N'ewbroush Korh 10 C 5 Sherman Patrraon 10 G 8 McGregor Brown 11 G Shiner OTI subs Thompson 4. Holzfuaa 3. Pritchett 8. Grosaman 3. Tyckerson 6. Vreka aubs Lodt 3, McCann 11. Bister Reigger Wins Reno Trapshoot RENO 1.4 Arnold Reigger of Seattle won the overall title of Reno's fourdav midwinter trap- thni .tan A,,t of nnsuihlo 7fm I He climaxed his S1.000 worth ot victories by winning the Silver Slate's Handicap Sunday In a shoot on witn w. nenneay. rvimoau, neo. Fach hit 98X100. Then Reigger's ! 25 to Kennedy's 23 decided it. Relg. leer also won Saturday's handicap, tied for first in the opening day 16 i yard shoot, and placed second in Friday's handicap and Saturdays I doubles. Miss Vera Holdsworth of Cal- pary, Alta., won four women's ti- tiles. She won the Women's handl- cap Sunday with 98 Irom 18 yards, i 'Earlier she took two 16-yard shoots 'and Saturdays handicap. T-Shirts NYLON - reinforced neckband boys' sizes 89' and M" and Main m ' - Kentucky Ties Down SEC Basketball Title MATMEN EN SLIM VICTOR Klamath s prep wrestlers are looking optimistically In the direc tion of their fifth straight state title today after a squeaky 16-15 Saturday win over the srong Ore gon State Kooks. It marked the third time the Pels have beaten the Rooks In five meetings. Two have been ties but the Pels have yet to lose a meet in a win string that dates back to (the 1947-48 season. HALL V Coach Dutch Simons' matmen :had to rally for Saturday's win l after whiODinff Lebanon F ridav The Rooks had a 13-0 lead In Ihn first Ihrna hnnl. after TJ Then the PpltcantS WPTlt trt Wnrlr edging ahead 14-13 in the next four bouts. L'PSET Perry Williams upset Fred Fer dows of Iran by decision: Dean Johnson gained the nod over E. Renwald of Alaska: Roland Biehn threw M. Robertson and Louie Taucher out-pointed D. Davis. When Vernon Pryor, Klamath, and John Enger, Rooks, scuffled to a draw in the last match, the 2-2 split of points pave Klamath Falls the slim victory. Five points were given for falls, three for decisions. Fresh Win By HAROLD McKAY Klamath's Freshmen clobbered the Merrill B team 50 to 25 In the preliminary to the Wildcat Merrill came on Pelican court Sat- iurday night. j The Freshmen never lead in the urst nan, trailing 9 to 8 at the completion of the first quarter and n to 13 at the nan. The frosh finally gained the lead when the third frame was three and a half minutes old. The frosh lead 28 to 21 at the three quarter mark. Larry Yarnell, KU forward, was high man with 14 points. MWitir-rr- -. . t mm ."C Only Genuine i l.jLee OVERALLS I A r.;f-:.: ... '"' A ISOO THE H. D. IK COMPANY x IS . jTCI Buy work cloihts with Lee Label for frfbrni&-t" longer n ear, better fit and appearance. !fj9f liV' 5 yW greater comfort, mora washing! per XmjMjpr Lee OVERALLS' j and wide stripes ijj www st. n"!L!!M4?lLf Jl. ,, '23 ' By The Associated Press Kentucky, the nation's No. 1 out fit, can sit back and be sure of de fending Its NCAA basketball title, a championship tho Wildcats hsve won three ol the past four years. The Wildcats clinched their ap pearance In the NCAA title event Saturday night by winning1 their ninth straight Southeastern Con ference crown with a 93-43 romp over Georgia Tech. Tulane, last team with a chance of catching them, bowed to Louisiana State 78 i6. While the SEC title was belnir stashed awav hv Kentupkv. Tnwa knotted the Big Ten race with a surprise 73-68 win over Illinois. Tne result left the Hawkeyes and the Illini each with a 6-1 confer mce record. They meet again Feb. 23 at Champaign. Here's how other major confer ences look: Big Seven Kansas State (7-0), ranked No. 2, kept its perfect con ference record intact by bentlng Missouri 55-52. Pacilic Coast Washington's Hus- i kies 114-2) defeated Oregon State 54-37 and 69-56 to pull two game in front of Idaho with only four to play in the Northern Division. Cali fornia (4-2) had a game lead over L'CLA 13-3) and Southern Calif. (3 3) In the Southern Division,. Skyline Wyoming (8-1) carries a n eight-game winning streak arainst its two closest competitors, Utah (6-4) and Brlgham oung (6 2), after routing New Mexioo 84-48. Southwest Texas (6-1), holds half-game lead over Texas Chris tum (5-1K HOCKEY Pacific Coast Hockey Sunday's results: Seattle 4 Edmonton 0 Saturday results: Calgary 9 Saskatoon 8 New Westminster 7 Victoria i Tacoma 9 Edmonton 2 Burn Tears Moth Hole Worn Places Rewoven SALLY'S REWEAY1N8 Statlt Portion