i .7 i 1 ! I I MONDAY. ramiMKY 11, 1952 HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PARE SKVFN OFMONEY. SAVIN ' fc.fc.V ft.. . A i i . . . - y - "V "V XXX X Will I I f If 1 1 t J f S X . J SS -"" --0r -""T in1 ir ' UW1U! i mo. 2v ca s yi Stock up and SAVE during our big 25th Anniversary Celebration Brown Beauty brand, Pineapple Highway Half Slices No. 22 can Buy a-Cast SAVE 24c CARDENSIDE PEAS 10c Buy the cat SAVE! Miscellaneous Values Tomato Juice ill'! ... 25' Pineapple Juice00" 4...23 Applesauce i..u 2N:...325 BA,M told Hill A Q( rears in-.g. h.iv. n. ri ... it Brooms Dust Pans Peaches Niblets Corn - Fancy Peas 2 29 Reduced from 29c, Now each, Highway Jialves or ilieei, Kernel, 12-01. can '1.59 19 25 15 Sauerkraut Stone Crock brand No. 2Va cans Buy a Case SAVE 36' Ilflll Dried Beans Sea foods Prepared Foods Pork & Beans !::; N.. ,., c.,18' Pork & Beans ST "ST 225' Pork X Beans .. c.mp Nc.r 14' Kidney Beans ir01 No oo ca-12 Spaghetti frwA-wic "ci? 16' Tuna Fish ilti'i'ii'" He. vi ... 29c Morrell's Snack AIIM. 39' Yienna Sausages uh , cAV Pig's Feet mm uj.,35' GARDENSIDE TOMATOES 15 No.X COM C Buy a cat Save 48c Small White Beans ., 30' Cove Oysters .ten lr43c Small White Beans 4 lb. rig. S9C Cleaned Shrimp Medium l-oa 56 large White Beans ,,b.,.29c Small Shrimp 31c Large White Beans 4-1. Ng. 56' Sardines SSJir ,.n . 17' Idaho Red Beans m.k,34' tuna Fish "t t.KH. 24' Idaho Red Beans .n,.65( Chunk Tuna No. 'teen 27c Pinto Beans St 28' 55c Chunk Tuna &bi 31' FROZEN BEL AIR ORANGE JUICE 2Cdns29c Vegetable Values BeehJS'-" 325' Gardenside Peas ... 10' Green Beans cur'" MfcJ2194' Green Beans 5 .3.M 69' Cfrf Cotry Hen. 4 7c tOrn Whole Kerael Ne. J03 cm If Golden Hominy H'-,?.'18' Highway Peas noo).13' Del Monte Peas UrS... 19 libby Garden PeasNM3...19c RIPE Olives Ebony brand No. - 24' Buy a Cast SAVE! SWEET Corn Country Homo Golden Cream-stylo Ne. 303 coat Buy a Ceit Save 3tc MEAT SAVINGS GROUND , BEEF ib 'ura lean Beef -No fillers, no other meats used. Consistent high quality. Satisfaction guaranteed. Standing Rib Roast To Quality lb. 89c Bacon by the Piece M;" lb. 39c Bacon Jowls wond.ru ..ytw lb. 25c Fancy Hams am.,.. ib.59c Fresh Fryers ow.. lb. 65c Ring Bologna . e. 45c Sugar Cured Picnics Armour $t.r brand your pound euarant.o of fin oil quality. 4 te .pound avorago w.i,hti. SK.nli l0C cut ihort lor lit. tla watto. ptr Apple Butter Girl 23-ei. far JC brand -' J Macaroni and Cheese Cheese Food wb.u.J9' American Cheese 34f. Pimiento Cheese &rPr Swiss Cheese - 35 Porter Macaronis V.T., m19' Porter's Fril-lets wid. 20' Krinkles Noodles Mb. lg. 26' Creamette Macaroni .,,.13' EXTRA VALUES! SUGAR 89c ShorteningsT'J. 83c PRODUCE SAVINCS GRAPEFRUIT ORANGES 5-LB. Bag rT GRAPEFRUIT t-LB. BAG Sag Vitamin rich Oranges for leu than 8c a pound , Juiceful Arizona -Grapefruit for less than Sc a pound. selected Calavo Avocados 2 for 23c Tomatoes Price, kere effective tKroug. Saturday, February le, et ell fofewey Store.. NIc. firm tomato. 130Z" ttiat male far eaty COffon Heine;, fmy m guaranlaad rip andfl.twfil.Ma. yaw aaladl ieari.1 rith ttM bMutiM. Fresh Dates Haalthful. pound 29c Table Grapes 2 pounds 33c Rhubarb Hot Houta grown, pound 25c Green Peppers ..... pound 19c Salad Mix Shraddad Variety. 8-oz.pkg. 10c Frankfurters o.. lb. 59c Canned Hams ab. f-ib. can $54( Crisp Celery Crisp Lettuce tSraon vant. pound 15c pound 10c