MONDAY. KKiini HERALD AND NEW!. KLAMATH JALLS. UKKUUN TaGsITvb AUY II. 1032 l 1 " T- fl' i ;T"?JaJ" ' .. iVir,,f "Hwliiili Kiii IhI null I lll MKiiiMir n null party Writ- k ItmIiiv In (hp loop 1 in 1 . Iti.rih- J llll'Mll III , , win, ,.,.,! w. ;i luit. Ili'lii'.'iliini'iil hiii,li.Bcn will lie 3 Wvrlli. MiiiMiiiii, emu (ii-hrkn mill . J.IIIIIIU HIlHlliiiUI Mill. Xi hm.l - I' TA will linlll tlic Minimi I'uiinili'i'n )ny inrnltiiH "Wrilhi'Mliiv, , ,, , f I,, n. U1. I'liiiini lliuiio iiiuiui will lie. iiprn In vlnliurn I loin 1 in a p Ml. All t'llull will lin In iitiriiiluiiin In rare Inr iiik v'IiikiI clillilnm. llm pin I ruin will lin Iiuli' hmmuh niul mIiow inn ill kllilr-. by lllli Kinili! pupil. )'IIIH'Iih Vl'llll' Hpi'llM Will V0 ii irvli'W on primo'.rd iruinliitlnn. 'llir llnrllllK will lin Iiillnwrtl by it nivrr leu in llm cnli-iMihi. Mnr.. Miillimi A hprclul mrd' lllli ill lllli i. iiliMi"iti'i In (xllld pnllilliiU will lir hrlil ut llm home i.l Mri Cm I llrnrlli, '.'bid Ailllllnll, luvrr-.lilp AilOIMiin. Ill ii in Twin dny. l'lvini" IniiiH mirk lunch. Iliiiiin In Mi'tl ... '1 tic Llndli'V tlriulit'. Muinr Kxlriu.lnii mill will nirrl Wi'iliif.ility ill 1 1 it iinini ul Mr. Ilnv inillliui., 'Jl'11 Cili'di- I I my ', 'l uplt li)l lllM'11'..illlll Will Ui' "Kim hiisIiik Kiii lii n " li'iiih tiiriuliri u lii Ijiiiiu tin Moor iiluii Inr Imr kiiiliuu. nMit Ui her hy Hie Lome miriit Alio lake Mirk lunch. I'jiiv A Iiik tout t ui honor lor . Illiv Hi Hill lump Nu 44. Tule- Inkr. mill n puny Inr Hit Kxplulff 1 I'oil niul tiihi'r iiit'inlii'iH ol thr irriJii villi In' hi-'.il loiililit In Ihf lie played, nftlrmhitienls will uc iiurvctl. 'njiiuriipr ('lull Ol Kluwinlh VhUh will holtl lin rcKUlnr nmol- liiK Wrdlii'Htlny Willi It iin-lioniiWH lunclimin in Vi.m p. in. in inn i-ui lliinviiii Culler) Hhoi) of Ihf Wllhird Hotel, 'Jim hiiNliNH innpllim will i lull pimiiplly lit I (6 n.m. anil a i.oidnl hour ol mini win iiiimw. All iipwi'miinm to Klamath lrull llll! wi'lcuino. In March lor achoollng In ornl nur uery. Jin will be Joined Uicri by lila linnlly, ark II DriM Mother nnd com inlttri! iiiriiilirm tin va M'licduled h mcelliiK lor Tucnduy, 7:30 p.m., ul 43U7 Cllnlon. Vlpiltnr Maurice O'Callanhan, Port Hldwell rancher, traveled to Kluiiintli KnJIn over the weekend niter IiiiIiik vlrluully snowbound the pimt two Mionllin, lie plmw to pro cued to I'oiUnnd Inter llila week. Kevlvlul Mrellni Will continue throuKh the week Iroin Tuendny, 7:45 p. in., upHliiIrn nt 010 E. Mnln. Kdlth Cim liowiier, lor ninny yeHrii ii worker hiiioiik the needy In Port hind, will be npeuker, I eulllll hull III nljcei viillrc ol the vrti uiy ul Hoy Broul ol- ('tail iinillvr tititllXLilliin I'allrl Mi rl- The AllullKUlt I'V A v ill men "I ui'i-iluy. H p in. Ill the AIMmnni Junior llliih Hrhool lor n imiiel iIIm ll-lnu oil ' Tlie Needii ul Our Youiiit I'eiiple." I'liliel inelll lieri Will he A C Olson. Pulll Alexunder, I'TuIIII'. Mnlhrwn nnd llei'. I) I, I'roell Hlllllllieiii l.niie I'TA iiietiibern will I"' KiieU. Mi-elln, - Die exrcullve bolil d ol the Tnli'lBke M It'll Hi hool IMA will loeei lonlflit. H o'l loi k ul the home ol Mm. John Kelleher. 'I'he reuu 1. r mi etlnu will lie held II P in V.'eilnenluv 111 the hmh i-chool lor n routi'li r " Duy meeilim. A cuke I nked by the .ophonmrc niothem v 111 he vervril hy Mm. Kvnlyn Onl 1 wny nnd Mm. 'riioniiiMin. 'lliere v ill he pnrrtil pm llelpiillon In luuiul table dlM-UMilon on ''Cur miilin Cniiruitlon," with Mm. leoiuilil Me'.hke n IlliKlri lltor. 'Ihree-ll Club -liirels III the holis lii( unit lor n pinochle pnrtv Tuev ilnv. 13 30 p 111. Co hnMc'.-en ie 1 Blnii'son nnd Mnrtlm linker. 'In Hull l.aUe - Mri. (leorue Mint, T.'.ill Ihmiednle, win lulled to Unit I nke city riuluriluv by the denlh i.l her r.lepmother. Iniirntl (luh-hii'i srheduleil n ! eetin: lor (1 p in. 'lui-diiv nt the I i.ini' i,t Ileum e Ml Cl iirkell. 500 j; inh Mike WIIIUiili- Well-known Tort V. lo mil 'h rmii her wnn bioiiKht to n I' Knlli hipltnl tintiirdiiv t ii'ht. reportedly milleriiiR limn hi iirl ntinik Ills nindillon w re pot led nil Kood todiiy. rmtniln ( reil -Chnpler n OKS ill hold rnrd pnrtv Wedneidnv i l 0 pm. In the Activity building, behind the old gym. Ill Chilnrtuln. l'.rldee. pinochle nnd cnnnMn will At llullfiu-niley II. Keywir, nun ol Mr. und Mi. O. W, Keynor, lloiiln V, will hi llnllllix, Novn Hcotln. hint week niter the Atinnuc. I'leefs cold weullier inniiciiveiii. lie In n crew member ol tlio nub iiiiiiIiio Cliitnii'ller. Niimei The I'ntcllfiil Nurwi Rioun Ih to meet tonight, 7:30, nt the Public Health building. HMD Mnln. Olllceii lire to be elected. Meet I'rliltiy-Heliooliniilen Club r ni'heduled to meet Krldiiv, 3 ) m. nt the home ol Mm. Mnud Hosley, liWi High. I'rleinMilp Cliih-A nieellng lin" been scheduled lor Wednemluv, 8 n in nt the home ol Mri. Hli-llK Dryden. flin N. 1 1 ill. iticiioh nno liii'iiibem nre invited. Ihiildlilir llnrii-Mr. niul Mm. T'oin Ziipun nre the pnrelitu ol n flnughler. weighing 7 pmmfljt 114 uuiiiin, born Feb, , 11)53. lteiill-1 VIltIJr. nnd Mm. C K. !r.pplell nnd children. Putly nnd Dick, ol 1'orthnnl. were vlt lorii lint week with Mr nnd Mm. It K. Hi.holine nr., 4!i7 IJnmont tit They were enrouie to l.een vllle. Ln.. where Mm. Kpplelt nnd ihlldreii will ntnv while Dr. Kpplell !' undergoing army innneuver nt Wnco, Te. From there Dr. Kp plelt will llv to B"n FrnnclM'O Inte Flu Bugs Cut Blood Donors Police Seek Stabbed Man An unldentHlefl Mexican may be wandering around town with ntnb wouild In hi tilde, but liivcutlga. lion ban found no trace of him. Hnturday night two Mexicans were reportedly eating at the Klam ath Millard lunch counter, a waltrowi aald one ol the men niiltchcd aouie lood Irom the other inan'i plate. 'Hie wnltrem aald nhe aaw a knlle flimli and the lood atealcr ran Irorn the nlace bleeding lroni the mouth. Tim Incident waa reiiorted to po lice. InvcatlnuUon t local hopltal luta revealed no Mexican coming In lor treatment ol a knlle wound. Supreme Court In Recess WASHINGTON (II The Su prrm Court la In a rece until March 3. While It will hand down no dcclnloni and hear no argu ment until then, Die iutlce will tudy numerous cane pending be. lore them and write an many opin ion aa poMlble for announcement at the March 3 neaftlon. The court's Innl opinion dny was February 4. The average American tat about 148 pounds of red meat a year. Woman Hurt As Car Upsets A Corning, Calif., woman, Mm. Paul Stoehr, 35, was reported ne rlously injured In a one-car acci dent one mile south ol Modoc Point on U.S. Highway 07 about 8 a.m. today. Khe waa reportedly thrown clear ol her husband's car. traveling south, and her lega crushed by the rolling car. Rtoehr and the cou- pie a iwo (laiigniem, ageu tour ana one, were unlnlured. SUiehr apparently lost control of the vehicle on the snowy highway. The Injured woman was brought to local hospital by Kaler's am bulance. ElghUyear-old twins, Beverly and Barbara Herman, 3531 White, were reported bruised when bumped by a car on E. Main near Mills school about 9 a.m. City Police reported ' the ' glrU were hit by a car operated by John A. Wood, 31-ycar-old grocery store clerk, of 927 Lincoln, fie was cited for failure to yield right of way to pedestrians and posted $50 bond to appear In Municipal Court Tuesday. Wood told police the girls got out of a car and rushed across the street towards Mills school. Officers said the girls were Just bruised and continued lo school. Two persona received minor In juries In one-car oraah at Xm planade and Alameda about 11:1 a.m. Sunday, James Hopkins, 31, received hos pital treatment for broken noaa and Beverly Butler, It, waa treat ed for shock. ... Passengers In (hp ear, Jeanett Corgulst, 18, and George Farrla, 28, were not Injured, Tht latter two were reportedly enroute ta Reno, Nev., to b mwrled. All rour are residents ol Bremerton, Wssh. City 'Police reported -Kopkln'i 1049 Oldsmoblle sedan felled - to round the curve at the Intersec tion and smashed Into the canal bridge rail. The llu bug has bitten the ranks ol blood donors lor the two-dny .'.tniid ol the Hed Cross Bloodmo bile here todnv and tomorrow, and lied Cross F.xec. Becy. Vlrglnln Ulxon hns Issued an emergency cull lor donors for tomorrow's sessions. The Moodmoblle will be nt the Arinorv tomorrow from 12 to 4 p.m., and appointments mav be mnde bv phoning the Hed Croui olllie at 71H4. Mra. Dixon aald thta morning there were many oniieellatlons lor todnv's nloodtnnblle aniienrenee bv donors who had innde early ap pointments, j The mobile unit wss scheduled i lo bo here in Jnnunry, but bud ! weather prevented Its iippeiirnnre ; then. Ilocuune of that, this week's two-dnv stiind whs scheduled to iimke iip lor the loss ol blood hnnk mnplics which would have been gathered then. 1 i Drug addiction Is grounds for divorce In aeven U.8. stales. HTAI'-P PIJBL1H1IH8 NKWHPAI'ER tiAfr-.rtM Tnrloe.hlna br) Enter prising young men and women of , ii,. Ameriinn legation In Indochina i .... ...ihiiuionir ihelr own "news-ll ,i.nn .' Thcv call It "The Sound-' I iiik Hoard." It appears about ev- i ,. I.,, weks and contains all the luteal, news on the comings, goings, nnd doings ol U.B. govcrnmeiit per-1 iionnel In Sulgon and elsewhere. In lntloehlim. Us chlel editor is Mrs. i.ii,h rieii nf Mnllne, 111 , wile of the third secretary ol the U.B. legation here. AUTO INSURANCE 5-10-5 Liability Imuranc Current 6 Mo. Rate 1 1 90 At Low At I I J'lUi HmU tinnwuTtlnK Mcmbrrkhip tt I.tti Ould Cllr Preferred Ins. Exch. t. Hll.I.AKD MARLkAF lUI. Afl fhonr t-13 S017 Houlb Kixih HI. Wanna toll your business ... Your house or motor car? Man and Women J A "For Solo" od's the "ticket" Thot quickly got you thar! It's a cinch to place a Classified ad in the Herald & News! Just dial 8111 for an efficient, helpful od-writer, 1st PRIZE A glorious weekend for two of world famous Timberline lodge. Enjoy a wonderful stoy of one of America's finest playgrounds. 2nd PRIZE Special Betty Crocker gold-rimmed glass cake plate. 3rd PRIZE Four place-settings Queen Bess pat tern silver service. m You'll bake hh the following top quality ingri-uiciiis . . . iui- nished free by these manufac turers! GENERAL MILLS GOLD MEDAL "KITCHEN TESTED" ENRICHED FLOUR , . WESSON OIL AND SNOWDRIFT SHORTENING BORDEN'S NONESUCH MINCE MEAT It's for a Worthy Cause! All Pitt Entries Will B Auctioned For the Benefit of Local Organization Come in anytime 8:30 to 5 until Feb. 28th m A iff 1 HR7T3 f J----LANTO You'll bake In the glamorous, new CROSLEY RANGE . Here's all you have to do to enter: 1. The Mince Pie Biking Contest turn from February lit to February 29th. J, All mnjor ingredients, including mixing and baking equipment, and pie pans, are furnished free...nd in order to keep contest lair.. .must be used. If you wish, you may add your own favorite condiments and flavorings. 3. You bake your mince pie in a new Crosley range. 4, Contest is open to everyone except professional cooks and home economists. 5, The decision of the judges is final. 6. judging will be March 1, 1952. AUCTION Will tl HUD IMMIDIATflV tOUOWINO WATCH ro TIMI AND KACI (OMI IM ANYTIMI... ASK US FOR DITAILS I ENTER OUR MINCE PIE BAKING CONTEST NOWI RfOCECS CROSLEY DEALER Phone 2-2518 Be NNEY'S STORE HOURS 9:30 - 5:30 pring mshions KEYED TO YOU JUL AND YOUR BUDGET! So Much... FXPENSIVE LOOKS JSTIST they're proven rayon suitings for the year around! iOII A I ITY 'yn crepe linings, hand-piped UUALI I I buttonholes! CTVI C these, new softer suits J I I Lt go anywhere, anytime! ""Tl TiP I 50 Little... On Our SECOND FLOOR rMYym$W ' iMtftHflC mmrj, grJ, reel, IHae, SMratm, to t,r oyapaattt, SjoU. 10-18. -r FV W pie atWksstin ...witk piping acceola. Cry, lam, naivy ... 10 20, 16K-20H. Aaaeeai Sheen fjabardisste . t navy, red, parf, Bat, toetat, royal, pink, gold. 1 10-20, WmdompmaethtxJsM. witfa aewmoMed hip emphaeiaeel bj thtmrnBitmuom ..... in ntwy; gold, pink ... 9 to 15. 0 YOUR NEW SUIT DESERVES A FRESH SPRING BLOUSE 298 Rayons! Nylons! Batistes! Every one a perlect foil for your spring suits! Choose from a rain bow of high and pastel shades . . fussy and tailored styles! SECOND FLOOR fpr your special valentine! Rich Color Rayon Knit BRIEFS , . PENNETS SPRING COTTON FAIR ' 1 YOUR MOUEY'S VJOHTIIj 1 .and then some! L-.ili'l- irk iWLi-wi Embossed Cottons 79 Permanently tex tured, pre-shrunk cottons In a crisp assortment of pastel shades! Misses and half sizes. 80 SO. PERCALES 79 Rich, mercerized prints that don't fade out alter washing! Sanfor ized too, nnd the styles are won derful! All sizes! WAFFLE PIQUES Delicate waffle texture on fine cotton fabric! Choose soft plain colors, or fresh spring prints I All sizes! MISSES, JUNIORS .REGULARS, SUPERS, 279 HALF SIZES! More to Choose From Every Day On Our Second Floor! Choose Green, Lemon, Flamingo. Pink, or Teale Blue. They're finest quality knit ray ons with elastic waist band . . Buy her several pair at this low Penney price 1 Sizes 5, 6, 7. MAIN FLOOR ON OUR J-.Ri Floor, TRICOT KNIT 100 NYLON SLIPS Six gore style insures wonderful fit! Luxurious nylon, lace trim, at top and hem! Choose white, or pink! Perfect gift for that Special Val entine! Sizes 32-44. Main Floor 444 60 Gauge Nylon Sheers 25 I pair 3.75 Box Jubilee! Gala! Exciting spring shades to match her every outfit 1 Propor tioned lengths in Midge, Norm, and Long , , Sizes B'.i-ll. Main Floor Colorful Pure Silk Scarfs 149 i each You'll be a popular Cupid with a gift like this! Hand rolled edges. Gay spring prints in florals and ab stracts. Rich, soft colors on luxurious pure silk. They add up to a wonder ful Valentine! ' Main Floor ' lii m YOUR 1001 Main "ouTi: fs y,"ioV.'''ccsr msuiwi ws'.::1 i i