Ml IN I JAY, f ICHKUARY 11, 1992 " 1 " I . int a vv ir ! ll ' 1 v 'a WOULD YOU? Imagine being the Valentine of Actress Marilyn Monroe, pinup queen of the Armed .Services. Marilyn is sending "He My Valentine" greet ings from Hollywood to re mind us of the holiday Feb. 14. Russ People Our Friends? NKW YORK W-The Soviet peo ple arr potentially the No. 1 Allies lit the frre world In Its flRht against Communism, says retired Adm. Alun o. Kirk. Inrmcr U.8. am- Uiiasadnr to Moscow. "If the Stalinist regime In our enemy men the people enslaved hv hnn In the Hovlel Union are nur friends," Kirk mild Sunday lilHhl alter arrepllnir chairmanship il the American Commutes tor Liberation ol the Peoples ol Run Ma. Inc. "They arc. Indeed the llrat and most persecuted vlcilma nt Com tmmlMii and potentially the first Allies of the tree world In lis Strug xle against the Communist men ace" he added. Threats Against Truman Increasing, Agents Say WASHINGTON Wi Secret Her Ice cases Involving threats against President lYuman already have In creased 33 per cent this fiscal year which still ha until June 30 to run. U. E, Deughman, chief of the Secret Service charged with guard ing the president, told the House Appropriations Committee In testi mony matie puoiic Monaay inai threat cases rose from 3M8 last year to 3.031) In the 1061-53 year. He added: A ' i'PfJt,'.-.' Bottle Drive About Ready HICKORY. N. C. IVi Opera : turn Uotllcs" la now In Its final Jiha.ic. The operation, which was dl. "ilofd hero last llunUi. Is designed to bombard Uie China coastline with hundreds of plastic bottles null ol them containing a friendly greeting in Chinese and an Ameri can souvenir. : Student at Lenoir Rhyne Col lene. alio originated and placed the Idea In execution, said Monday they have received notice Uiat the bottles are now on their way to the area whero they will be re leased. The bottles thev said, left San Francisco early this month aboard the American President Liner JJghtnlng. Tho Lightning will drop them In the entrance to the China Sea near i'u.nin, Korea, the students said . thev were advised. The students at the small Luther- an college here undertook the proj ect In an effort to "keep a spark ol freedom" burning In the hearts of friendly Chinese In the Com dominated country. By JKAN OWENS Monday and the first day of an other school week. Club meetings crowded the activity period more than usual, with close to six meet ings scheduled on this morning's bulletin. KUH8 music department Is mak ing arrangements tor bringing Into Klamath rails. Kaiser Mendel. fa mous trumpet soloist and motion Picture, producer, Jesse L. Laskey. The two will be at tho Pelican theater. April 4. The KU band, di rected by LaMar Jensen will ac company Mendel at this appearance. Saturday. April 6. the trumoel player wui nom a clinic lor direc tors and students, interested stu dents should consult Mr. Loney. di rector of the high school music education. Laakey, who will appear on the program, has produced over one thousand motion pictures, many of them famous. He waa the producer ol the ureal Caruso, Only 50 more El Rodeo sub scriptions to be sold and the price will be raised from the regular W 25 price to 13.60. Shirley Oay lord, the annual staff manager, re ports that over half of the books ordered have been sold. Staff members have already met two deadlines, which makes over loo pages sent to the printers. The first deadline was at Christmas time, the second, January 3a. Girls Athletic Association la now engaged In a basketball tourna ment. The girls meet twice a week and play the games among them selves, The club's main project .on their agenda, is Initiation of new mem bers, which Is planned for March. MINUTE DECLINE WASHINGTON ijn Price de clines in grain, livestock, eggs, fresh vegetables, meats and other Items shoved the government's wholesale price Index down three- tenths ol one per cent during the wee enaing reo. o. George Mlkan. atae basketball player for the Minneapolis Lakers in tne NBA, once aspired to be come a concert pianist. Tele-fun by Warren Goodrich M.L'OKIDK FOR REND ' HKNU Ml Bend will be the second city In Oregon to add fluo rine to Its drinking water. The City Council npproved the action Wednesday night. Ocarhart prev iously approved It. "Give buzz plenty of time to answer. He' probably out trying to (teal tome fellow's honey!", . .You'll complete more calls if you give the other person time to answer at least a minute . . . Pacific Telephone. MORE DAYS! Monday - Tuesday - Wednesday WOMEN'S SHOE SALE AND A PAIR E00 ts A PAIR SPECIAL NOTICEi To women who wear shoe tixet 4 to 6, and 8 to 1 1, we still hove a good selection in these lizci. ' THE MODEL SHOE STORE 'Undoubtedly this Increase Is due to various controversial Issues, sharply differing opinions as to government policies, and world wide unrest." The most serious threat to the President's life was by the two Puerto Jlleiin Nationalists, Oscar Collazo and Grlsello Torresola, who were shot down trying to force their way at gun-point Into Blair House. Torresola was slain Collazo la awaiting execution for killing a po liceman In the attempt. Of the total threat cases handled so far this fiscal year by the sec ret service Including harmless let ters by "crunk"-86 persons were arrested, and 711 convicted and sent to prison or mental hospitals. Kefauver May Tour Oregon POilTLAND Ifl If Ben. KnIcs Kefauver 's name Is entered in Ore gon's Democratic presldentlnl pri mary election he will campaign In Oregon. That was the report Saturday by the Tennessee candidate's cam paign manager, John T. O'Brien, via telephone from Washington, D, C. Petitions are being circulated to put Kelauver's name on tne state's May 10 election ballot. Cuban Campaign Veteran Dies PHINEVILLE 11 Funeral Kcrvlcen for Arthur Townsend, 73, veteran of the Cuban campaign the Philippine and World Wars i nnu j i, win or. neia in Portland Tuesday, Members of his family said Townsend, who enlisted In the Army In IBM, was associated with (ten. Douglas MscArthur and Gen. Cieorgo i'atton in the first world war. Tin was retired In 1021 but re called us a reserve In World War II and served as a brigadier gen-U-ral. DOMIiMBJP TTTr r in rrrraL. Wlfmr Urrr t4 Draff tort-t i Al baMmr DMrimMt, More POPULARITY . . . SUCCESS with a sensibly priced Hearing Aid . . 715 Moin Street ...get more out of life HAPPINESS EN M0' nuiv J71 Iltidband and bone rndurtlin tj'f Ir ti available at jnndvratt talrs coil. WATCH EXPORTS SET RECORD GENEVA, Switzerland lt-The value of clocks and walAe. . ported by Switzerland reached an all-time record total of 230 million dollars In 10M and far exceeded that nt anis other kiuIb. vnn in dustry. ECZEMA ITCH wor ye tfownr Try QESINOL OINTMENT For long-lading relief HOTU1 OSIURN HOUANi- IUINI. OKI. . MUrtM Thoroughly J ft, and Mrs. J, x. Barley -Proprietor, f n Joe Karle y fl Tabk top is genuine KacaLrn. H 1 ft f the heat and born iisiilial I B if 1 plastic. Chain phouaaras) m I I washable MaAM. Ctaear m. m of Mjlora. $i)I0 I Grey, Gram, YeHe W f TAILI tni 4 CHAIRS I LUCAS FURNITURE 19S E. Main Wlllln.- Can.. M Vaik 1 . M V I I 1902 TTPfiF&s IflS? Caw I Ill WITH THE FINEST PERFORMANCE OF ALL TIME ! Featur ing of Cadillac's Greatest Engineering , Achievements! THE NEW 190 H. P. CADILLAC ENGINE lliri is Iht moil pmeiful, Iht most Jnrailt, an J the most tffi titnt automotive engine ever tifferrd in Cadillac ear. Its power increase atone is almost ffi0aiid its new four-ihroated ear Snretor, larger exltaitst valivs and' new dual exhaust system make this engine one of the most dynamic performers oj all lime. l;il'ty years ago, the first Cadillac car made its bow to the public. Today, as a fitting climax to those fifty years of progress, we are presenting in our showrooms the Golden Anniversary Cadillac by far the finest car ever to bear this distinguished name. , . . It is easily the mostbainlijttlo all Cadillacs. Numerous changes have sharpened and smartened the exterior design while the wholly-new interiors arc a revelation in -comfort ami luxury. . . . Performance is Ihc fittest of all lime. The great Cadillac engine has a power increase of almost twenty per rent- and is even smoother and i)uietcr in its operation. . . . There's a new Hydra-Matic Drive that gives the proper power application for every need. At a flick of the finger, you can have extra, power and , acceleration for city traffic and mountain driving or wonderfully smooth, cjuiet, gas saving performance for the open road. . . . And there's a new "power steering" mecha nism, optional at extra cost, which reduces normal steering effort by as much as seventy ftvt per cent! ... If ever it could be said of a car's performance that it is "out of this world," it can be said of the performance of the new Cadillac. The Golden Anniver sary Cadillac is available in three separate series the "Sixty-Two," the "Sixty Spe cial" and the "Seventy-Five." . . These new creations are now on display , in our showrooms and we invite you to see and inspect them at your earliest convenience. THE NEW HYDRA-MATIC DRIVE ' By introducing an entirely new performaiict rang, CtdilUc'l llydra-Matie provides the proper pwerfor every need.-. . extra acceleration and responsiveness for city and mountain- driving; smooth, quiet, gasaving performance for the open road. Optional at extra cost on Series 75. Standard equipment on all other series. THE NEW CADILLAC POWER STEERING . This "poaer steering" mtclia nism eliminates- as r mttth at . setenly-five per cent of all normal steering effort. It provides n erediUi handling ease, and yet does not. inierfert in any tray viih the driver's "nod feet' or directional control. Availahll at optional equipment at extra coil DICK B. MILLER CO. 710 Klamath Are. Phone 41 03 i.