MONDAY, KKHRUAHY 11, 1052 24 APARTMENTS FOR RENT ;i w hrtniouM Hi.Hii.MnMi, fuinulivd yi.t HUM HI I'tHM.P IHItlt. 7 HIIKK IIOOM Im nUtiMl MimrlMirar 2001 White KlCK sit nm ln-aled" Miurlincn1, adults. ('inner I 'Hut mi'l tVlnr. 'lllMKK luorti fiiflillitd, rlnn lliI,(tiiM- ih y. t'h'l I HllMMIMJ twit ritijiii""ui'iilrnfitlH"' liltioiMtnr; all ullhllm IikIimIimI 4lii N Tmilh Oll'lMhK ""ninirhiifnr" lor i-nt" 710 Main, (iirr-f Apt. (INK tuxtliMHi) IMifiniiiolirtTViNI lllieilt (Inn riiMirl. Cull J (id 1 1 . 1 till "' IlKNT.-71u(lrlM " h.ih...cdMpli liivnl, I'lftilf tint tn nt Imnt OLYMPIC AI'TH. 207 R. Main NrWLY llrrmnUil, ' inlvVl haili, HIV rlieusll Kirn mi liml, loft fit ranae I " wrick l(f Aim AiturlMirnt full"" liKM'l" fuVitUMii" aiiHi it'int In" Hlrf ftlll lllltll '1 WO HOOM fillllUlir.l .nillhCllt,"tlllit mid MMlr tm Walnut I.HW. MOI thtt N niiiirlmrnU, y Ml (ni y Ill.M h ul I Hn Iti Hldlli. Iwn lllllla )uM riiniidclrd mid fully (hi iilnlicd. Living I itnpn, hrilituirii. Imlh mitt t Mrtimmllr litiimirv fnrlllllra. (hie Iwh licilioom un luntlahrd MpmlMimil Will I'Miiildrlrd tv fell 1.1 AhuolUlHy no ililnklnn I'litiim i t'H7. Mill IlKNT. MiilP'rintiUhr.l' ut Mir nl. hul til hit !'!' rouplr, 20 1U ftum lunr I .illlr fOH " KKNT, iHrninlmd" ' nnr lif-.lnmm nuitmthl Willi iitvlo hnlli. Cull iM).l.!ll l lir fl i m C LEAP, w ii Vin. ni'xlrrn. luritutmd mmiliMvnl, (..'nil pie. I'lioii HtriU. fOM ItKN Trthirn kkhii in n I third apiM ii rnt. initially himlrd 171 hu h ond 26 HOUSES FOR RENT 'l IIHKK'lt(MlM "iiiodriii" lHiUf.r "".Hi ll fmnlahnl V. Car r nil, U1J llmiirihi.r i n IIK.NT, ' hrili-Hini" Iurnlhr: hnl ItltjMlrP UJJ I JIM til Kill HUNT, tw.i l'diuuiir"lillliltiril U0 lltll'J Of rul1, 141 IIMI'llll 'I'HU hrdiutim Hlif UHtUhrd hoiiif, I'JJt) Howil, t III llmllf )l I Ull llr.N'l I'n(uMlllird 4 Mtoni In, ur hi Mill Ailitlliuii. Adull nl). I'himr Mill Itl'.NT'wrll fniiiulird t wi" hritiiKiin holier. I74U Krv hi, of f .'trailing Wiiy I ( M1' Ull'l AMI.K" Iwn hcdriMiin" limnr" partly lui nitht-d. 1'lniim 11 m.l, r.v, 4:ntl Milt" IIKNT ni0.tritiimiit imrllv" fur Hlihrd niiidcf it hmito iIoko in. Phono UMN(htit, duiii0i no 'aoV)" Whu" I'liunc :M hMAl.f." Imiu iirr-iil I'tmnu 2 174H MODITMN twu muni f hi nuhrtl limut tut tent Call 7.UWJ MOtiKKN fuur room I m iiilic lioiuc. )i...n 47:n l WO b it room iiiifui nlihril ii'iiur Au- li.mtlc jr furnarv mid water healer linrnr iio I'hona UNf UllfllMIKli' l.'ur ii-7ni dunreT! T' if yt fur iluvn. U. Call 'JM Wur It f m 28 MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT YV"13KK1UVE tuucks U nmvK Move Yotirarlf Hnve '4 New Trucka Kor IxjnR Trips Ptckupa fitnk( VnnB BEACON M0H1L SKIIVICK 1201 F. Mull) Phnnc B:i04 IiKf lt't l.r tttti 0JWmnr IMt'un iii t OH IttNT iour ii(leri Ull v ouulpmvnt BuhurtMn l.umlitr Co. 11th nd Walnut I'hnnv 7709 cn RTfiitAnr -iirATfnrrtywri or monlh. Harl Iintb, phon 4079 ot 7700 30 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE "To See It Is To Love It, To Love 11 Is To Huv It." Jlrrr Ia n vrrv itttntriivc home In HOT KI'KINUS. 'IVo brilnoms Willi ualk-lli rUtrl.n, l:irnr llViilK loom uith flrrpliu-r mid MtnrlM. KunuT. llclirvr u or not, thin home I.h roimii lo bp wild thin very wrrk lor IdfiO. C.'nn ln your lor a r inn II down puymrm niil pay lor It llkr . init. IJnn't DKI.AY. Mill us toduy. to thl& uitjiirtiic buy. ( lair Ellis t'vrs 1'hoiie 2 :0."5 Juy P. Ciili'Rs Kves Phone iiM Cirnt Knvrll K'vrn Phone 6044 W. W. 'niompMin t Mulln J. W. SANDERS RKALTOIl 1213 Mivln El. Phone 7521 3ACRES - 2 HOMES se 3 bedroom, buscmnil. oil fiirnnce, milbiilUllnm. timnll 2 bed tin, with llrrplnce. AH nuxlem. C'nn be bouuht nil unit or frpur ntely. Terms. By nppolnlment. VERNON DURANT ANDY SILANI RKAL ESTA'112 031 Ho. Sixth Phone 0105. SM4 or 7UJJ MILLS ADDITION Neat ns Phi nnd n.n romfort. iiblc ns your chnlr. Two f lovely bedrooms, with comer winnows, iivlnii room, dinette mill kitchen, AUnchcvl HiiiiiRe wiin uuiiiy room, cnncrrle Iloor nnd drlvewny. UrniilKully liind- M-nped lol wllh lots ol shrubs nnd llowers. Klcctrlr heal In every room. Only 0500. SOUTH SUBURBS Hero, It lsl Three comfoitnble bedrooms with Inrite llvlim room wllh hardwood (loois, dinette kitchen and balh. Clood Karaite, l.nrfte Inndcnpcd lot. Sltimled nmouir nice homes. This home hns been newly decorated In side. $9500. "PAT" HOWES JOHNNY BLAYLOCK Phone 2-II545 6.M0 1020 Miiln livenhiR.s Hon Fisher 8970 Ui'iicc Owens Merrill HO Selling Y o u r Home ? Don't let sales problems "tangle you up." Just phono 2-3545 or 8440, or drop by our office, night now the demniitl for homes Is good. So right now Is n good lime to cell. KEALTOIiS "Pat" Howes .Johnny Blaylock 1025 Man Ph. 2-3545 G440 I'OH SAI.K, nriirly new five room house, nnrriwoori floom, Itirjie Harden. Complete ly fiirnlKhed. frfrtoo. terms. Phono 2-VAM, aJ,l.B?!int!l,i. Avcniw. Nick two bedroom home In Merrill. Yffiriifio, electric hciit, Inmtliiled. Ynrd lonrpd Inwn and nhruhfl. fllftuo. L .C. KmHh.l)iniirj 1M MmrlH. New' iiiimks " lor sale. Wlliiain B. Powell. Phono WiU. 10 REAL ESTATI fOR SALI HILLSIDE AVENUE Kxcepllijiinl four bedroom home M en I lor lama fumlly. Close Ui lllKh Hchool. I.urun llvliiK and din lim room, fireplace, rniislo room, nu tiaciivn Kitcni'ii. two inn iiutiis, lotN ol cloiicls and stoniKe xpneo, 1,'nH Ufe..ii...l II. I..I .,..,1 I Ml 111 c d I II t 0 IU.lCVIOII, tlli.OOU. 1 1 1 nil), NORTH SIDE For iiiilck sale, eomfoilable one bedroom modern home on pave ment, nud sidewalks, Concrete Inundation, plastered, automatic heat, KariiKC. Includes ranuc and icIrlKeinUjr. $1760, Terms. OREGON AVENUE Two bedroom home on luriie nicely landncnpnd lot. Hardwood floors In llvlnit room, electric heat, utility loom, lame closets, full concrelc biiM-iiunt wllh rumpus room. Will trade lor suitable Ihree biclroom home. Priced nt 72MI. Terms. HAKIty VAN i Eves. B204) JOE LEONARD (Eves. 2-0527) AL SCHMECK REALTOR nod 1NHURANCE 517 Main phone 3211 ONE ACRE Attractive six room home plus breakfirt nook. Lame entrance hall, lull bath. All rooms spacious clean and clicerliil. Hardwood lloors. iioixl Inundation. Double (tannic. Nice lawn and trees, iioocl imitated soli, fenced. Price 113,000 I CI HIS. rw.wv. Anne Mason Eddie llosley Eves. 8714 ' 2-0188 BOGUE DALE, Realtor 122 S. Bill Phone 7200 HOT SPRINGS lIrrrnl.!,'C.tM0,b,,0"n U" WUl 18750 ' ,U" bi,sc,". " nrd. MILLS ADDITION Well. kept two bedroom home, near bus nud school. 85O0. BEARD AGENCY REALTORS ni,l INSURANCE 1020 Main Ml. 2 3471 4880 4734 EAST MAIN Three bedroom.-, kitchen, breakfast i ".. .oiling room wlin alcove I llvuuc room with Iireplace. utility ; entrance porch. Two umaiies with concrete lloors. ljirKc lot nnd i lawns. All liirnlsliinns nnd Jurni- mir, rcaoy to move Into. TWO BEDROOMS Kitchen, living room, utility. In. Milnilon nnd iilsstcr. Ijite con. slruction. liy apiioiiitment only. 160 Irrigated Acres Located In Liuutell Valley. This ranch Is worth the money. Oood terms tan be nrrnimed. down bnlance payable I10O0 per year plus 4 per cent Interest. See or Call James Headline Grnyce Eaton 60C9 7737 Salesmen with M. L. JOHNSON REAL ESTATE 434 Mailt 61. Office Phone 5113 CASH PRICE Price reduced for immerifnt.. r.iii sale. Here Is the chance to pick up inn uniKain. uwner transferred must sell out NOW. Neat modern 2 bedroom partially furnished home near California Ave. Ncwlv redecornled. Furniture Includes eicctnc range nnd water hentcr. Full price $2900. Don't fall to sec Furnished Suburban Home Modern 2 bedroom home about 8 yenra old. 'i acre. Has Just been redecoratfil. No denning tin re quired, move light hi. Concrete foundation. Large garage nnd work Bhop. Paved street. Assume owners O.I. Loan or refinance on any type loan. Full price $5800, ARE YOU LOOKING For n new 2 bedroom home in MILLS ADDITION? If so then we havo the nnswer to your problem. Only 9 months old this lovely well constructed home was built lor comfortable economical living. Automatic heat, hardwood floors, dining room, wardrobe closets nnd lots of stornRO apace. Large Rarngc. Pnved atrect. Siirroundr.l by at tractive new homes. Priced right for quick sale. Will tnko any type flnnnclng. Al Longmlre Eves 8724 Joe Perry Evca 6332 BURTON E. GRAY REALTOR nnd INSURANCE 1037 Main St. Ph. 3GG5 or 3421 FOR SALE by owner, two bedroom home, 2 blocks of Mills School. Attached HimiKc being mod for third bedroom. An old hoto, yet In excellent condition, Hell Inn nl $47.10, only $.100 down. Owner will finance. If Interested In this Ivna of home, enn be ncen at 312(1 Oak. rsn oftnci, hi ii. rrtmiemim im, on pnvement fnclnff Eldorado, After e p.m. cnii a-him or aoM, FOM SALE, two bedroom home now tin- rier cnnstrtictlon In Hot Spring!. Call nfler p.m. 2. mm or 3HM. FOIt SALK. well Imnroved two ncres on Knne at. Telcohona 4070 or call at 2020 Knne. 10 REAL ESTtri FOR SALE What We Do For You When you lint your elly or subur ban property with CIIILCOTK & SIMM II, Realtors. 1, We appruliic fairly nnd nt once. 2. We f 1 1 in i ice properties if you nerd your cash. 'on exclusive IIsUiiksi. j 3. We minronlee to advert he nil exclusive listings rcKiilnrly. 4. Wn do nil the work Upend our time our ndvertlslnii money, 8. All you do Is nlKn the deed, 6. All we nk Is the chnncc lo serve you, OPKN EVENINGS UY APPOINTMKNT See Horner Utiles Don fjloan Fred Bcolt Ph. 2-2460 Eves. 6058 Eves. 6703 Eves, fH 1 1 TOTE & SMITH ; 1 & J'V" 1 ' 1 Iteallors Since 1909 I 111 N. 0th St. Phone 45114 or 5529 STOP! LOOK! LISTEN! THIS Is n warning to nil, who are In the market lor Kood larnis. ranches or (trass land, We have them In nil slrs. Be aui'C and iec us before you buy. VERNON DURANT HERB SCHMIDT ANDY SILANI REAL ESTATE I Ml So- Blxll Phone 9105 There's a little 100 ACRE BEAUTY waiting for you in Shangri-La Valley Bare, but well-worked clover land, virgin Just tamed, rich, deep and dark. She's your prize baby lor $30,000 cash. 87.500 will handle strnlght cash lease or terms 1-3 per year at 4Vi . Capable aliening out $30,000 iier year to you If you do your stuff. First come, first served. For date, call Lorellu 2105. or, If you're willing to lake a chance on being too slow when dame opixir tuniiy knocks at your door write a letter suiting your qualifications to Owner. Box 101, Klamath FalLs. BUENA VISTA ADDITION i Roomy 2'j bedroom home, double garage, 14x28 ft. living room hnndy kitchen, electric heat, good view. In other words a very good house, almost, brand new, for only $11,600.00 . : LARGE 2 BEDROOM In fact, 2 nnd large bedrooms, double garage, 14x28 ft. living room, kitchen with lots of bullt Ins. completely Insulated too, elec tric heat, good view In other words a whale of a good house, almost brand new, for only $11,500. MILLS ADDITION A real buy for only $5500. This 2 bedroom home has Just been np proved by FHA for a maximum loan. Only a block from Mills School, close to all the stores and shops. This one won't last long. Cali now to see It. YALTA GARDENS Attractive, well constructed modern 2 bedroom home. Just the place to raise the kids nnd a good garden. Double garage, benutlful lawn, paved street. Price $9500. FHA terms. FURNISHED Drive by 207 Nevada nnd sec what $3800 will buy. Modem 2 bedroom home, with convenient kitchen. For $1000 more you enn have approxi mately $1800 worth of nearly new furniture. Open Evenings by Appointment Seo Homer Stiles Ph. 2-2460 Eves. Don Slonn 5658 Eves. Fred Scott 5703 Evca. CHILCOTE & SMITH REALTORS SJnce 1909 111 N. 9th Street Ph. 4564 or 5529 Three bedroom home, la ncre best soil, all fenced. $5600. A good buy In n modern two bed room home, $4000. $500 down. Hot Springs. Lovely, new two bed room home. BEARD AGENCY REALTOR nnd INSURANCE 1020 Main Ph. 2-3471, 4734, 4880 FOR SALE Cheaper Than Rent 393 acres. $45 per, paved rond, 115 level, 200 under ditch 80c water electricity good well. Will trade. Two miles from Merrill. BOX 1136 MERRILL HOMES FOR SALE EVERETT DENNIS. REALTOR Don Ktrkpalrick, Salesman 131 N. stk Pnont 1491 HERALD AND WEWS. 42 LIVESTOCK LIVESTOCK AUCTION EVERY WEDNESDAY 1:30 P.M. KLAMATH LIVESTOCK, INC. CATI'I.E-HOOS BIIK'KP. Conslnned for Wed., Feb. 13th: Two car loads Hereford steers, alsu the usual run of 300 to 600 head of cattle, lions, and sheep. Livestock trucks fur hire one head or carload. KLAMATH LIVESTOCK, INC. Midland Road li. E. "BOM" KIIODKH, 46 FINANCIAL LOANS $$MONEY$$ ON THE FIRST CALL I Up to 1500 on your auto On our salary or furniture up to 1300 "Pay Day" loans a specialty 110. fib, M loaned till "pay day" or longer. 125 costs but 18 cents tor one week. No other charges LOCAL LOAN CO. 115 No 10th SL M-354 DON McINTYRE, Mgr. Years Friendly 8ervice 43 30 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE CATTLE-GRAIN TIMBER $5 lo SIS per acre buys rooU ranch and timber lft ntl at Gov't, State nnd CountV J nnd Hairs. KRKK LAND CATALOG. Pacific I.nnjs li!l KK Culiuenya Blvd. Hollywood 28, Calif. FARM FOR SALE , 02 acre farm, near city on highway, j very good home with electric heat. also other buildings. Land planted ' to pasture grass, clover, alfalfa and ! bulance grain land. Very good set i up for diversified farming or dairy. Call office for more Information. See Fred Coicr R. L. Stephens Barnhisel Agency 112 S. 8th Phone 4195 FOR THE Gl A cozy attractive two bedroom home. Ideal floor plan. Neat and clean Inside nnd out. 60x125 foot lot. completely fenced with new white picket fence. Large lawn, lots of lovely flowers and shrubs, good family garden, big garage and workshop. This la a home you will be proud to show and find It a Joy to live In. A steal at $7250. Ol terms. Hot Springs Addition A lovely two bedroom home lo cated in the heart of Klamath's llncsl residential diatricts. Large living room with fireplace, hard wood floors throughout. This home is fully Insulated and heated wnn automatic heat. If you have good sense of values and apprcclnio the better things In life here is a renl bargain nt $9760. Shown by appoint ment only. YALTA GARDENS A large new ranch style home that has been occupied for less than six months. The home was built for modern comfortable living with the best materials available. Hard wood floors throughout, attached double garage. If you want the fin est things in life do not miss this one for only $16,500. SUBURBAN Lovely two bedroom house on 13 acre that is well worth the a.skmg price. Large living room, dining room, kitchen, tub and shower bath. Large utility room, attached garage. Only $8100 terms. Johnny Hobson (Eves. 68041 Dale Grubb lEves. 35441 Art Frcdeiickson lEves. 6725) with AL LONGE Real Estate and Insurance 111 So. 8th. Phone 8283 HELP! We nrc In need of listings on two and three bedroom homes. Priced from $4000 to $15,000. located In citv limits or south suburbs. Our office hns mnny buyers urgently in need of homes. Phone 7266 for an interview with one of our salesmen. Anne Mason Eves. 6714 Eddie Hosley 2-0188 BOGUE DALE, Realtor 122 S. 9th Phone 7266 34 FUEL HEATING ASHLEY AUTOMATIC WOOD HEATERS Engineered for safety and amaz ing economy, burns wood or presto- logs. Priced from $52.50 to $149.50 On display at Big Y MM Bldg. Phone 7092 Johnny's Big Y Bakery STANDARD HEATING OILS Stove Furnace Heavy Fuel DEPENDABLE Check and Fill System METER PRINTED TICKETS Your Ctuarnntce Of Heating Satisfaction FRED H. HEILBRONNER Fuels that Satisfy Plus Service" Since 1910 821 Spring St. Phono 4153 KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON POULTRY Phone 3974 Auct, Phone 4032 Phone 2-2537 8-278 i'34 FUEL HEATING S & It OHKKN 8TAMPH ff.vert on heat inn oil I'hona or Z-U2iM lor prompt delivery. CIJFr YADKN'B SIGNAL SKRVlCfc 25 CO So 6th STANDARD HEATING OIL St", furnace light fuel, coal, wood, '.hrcoal Peyton and Co. 035 Market Pyo nr S 1 49. DIlV pine hlocka " for kale. Uiwn eve ninit and y.ct-kffnfla, Mi-llcr tiros. Hi i K&TCJ Coii tt piefcu p or deli Ve red, Cilff Yr1ena HiRnal Bcrvic. 2560 So BtbhmieJW:tl or a-tt260 38 BOATS PETS SPORTS HOBBIES KOH SALE, beautiful Corker puppies. Phone 1121 after 11:00 am. YOI.'NG woman experienced in general office work and credit investigator de airet permanent position. Phone 2-1715. FOItSALK, 1 4 f witB7rc he ra fTbo it and trailer. Hm Ten Hurricane Mer cury Tnotor. Used 13 hours iV. See at .'1218 bhatta Way. Between 0 a.m. 3 p m. NF.W COLT super 38 auto. J30. Phone :r7:j. ANUEMSON Boardinc Kennels Phont VH7 SbW Delaware off Homedale. BOARDING KENNELS Dog boarding by day. week or month Sanitary kennels- Well balanced diet Clean individual outdoor runt for each dog Dogs nun died during mating. WUi pick up and deliver. Visitors Welcome Phona 5078 Merrill ftd Rt 2, BON 504 SHASTA C A SCA D E KKNN ELS 42 LIVESTOCK POULTRY POULTRY WANTED Cash paid for fcny amount. Top market prices for good quality. For quotations PHONE 3857 fCf.AMATH POULTR? FARMS FOK SALE, as a herd only, 20 head Cuernney cows and 6 heifers to fresh en between now and May. ' Qoe regis tered Guernsey bull. Toe' cows are well bred and heavy producers and mo't of them ate vaccinated. Will cell ail dairy equipment. DeLaval milker. Au tomatic cooling unit and milk cans. Complete M-t up for Grade A dairy. S r e R o y K la 1 1 . A 1 03 Ju mm e ri La n e FOR SALE two : rar old well-bred An gun hull. P R. Monroe, LaAflaU Valley Lorrlla 2175. ' FOR SALE, 2S young White. Leghorn laving hens. Phone 46fiQ. ' FOR SALE, kid ponies, and - addle horses. Route 2. Box444. Phone 2-2030 FOR SALE, young Jersey cow fresh soon. Route 2.Bx444. Phone 2-2030 WF.ANER PIGS for sale. Phone 2-0001 A RTIFICIA.' BREEDING - SERVJCfc rnone m. c ichucm warren, at 2. Box 522 WANTED colored heni Phone 4591. HIGHEST prices paid tor poultry,, bogl and livestock. BIG Y MEAT MARKET Lake view Junction Phone 402a 44 MISCELLANEOUS WANTED WA'TFD to buy. air compressor. HP or larjscr. Phone 532fl, WANTED History of Modoc War by Men cham or Riddle. Have producer friends interested in making movie of war. fiuy v . uoages, .uicianc, uam. Phone 7-0711 WE NEED a 1343 or 1950 Plymouth Sla tion wagon. Will pay top price. Dugan ana 11 p.m. rnone tuui. WANTED to rent. Pasture for 40 to 100 head cattle. Call 2-0074. WANTED to rent. Two or three bed room house, unfurnished. Phone 2-0828 after 2 p.m. WANTED to rent, 3 or 4 room fur nished apartment or house, by man ager of Rogers Jewelers. Phone 3704. WE NEED CARS! Get top prlca now) votor t-o etn ana num. 46 FINANCIAL LOANS IMMEDIATE Cash Loans Borrow Pay Onl $100 $7.27 Ma Repav in 18 Installments UP VO $300 ON FURNITURE OR SALARY UP TO $1200 ON CARS niE IDEAL PLACE TO BORROW Convenient Location , Convenient to Borrow Convenient to pay Locally owned New Cars .'in&ncM at bank rate "MONEY IN A HURRY" Motor Investment Co. 2D years serving Klamath Basis Sea "Chuck" Bailey. Mgr. lit N 7th St. Phone 332b S-241 M-27S Commercial Furnishes Cash! CASH LOANS 50 to $300 Auto Furniture Livestock Salary . S50 to $500 Automobiles (paid for or not) Private Sale of Autos Financed Make your deals CASH deals I Commercial, Finance Corporation Bob O'Connor, Mgr. Lie. 3-251 14-223 107 No. Sth ' Phone 7711 SI MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE FOR SALE USED HAND TOOLS AXES SHOVELS PICKS SPADES FORKS MATTOCKS ETC. . . . Your Choice Only i EACH BARGAIN SPOT 707 So. flth Phone 5708 Build Better With Pumice-Concrete BLOCKS Economy Beauty PEYTON & CO. 835 Market Phone 5140 DRIVEWAY MATERIAL FARMER'S Sand and Gravel Co. J. M. Barnes M. J. Barnes Ph. 7659 Ph. 7991 U-2 Caterpillar, Good condition. M. M. CI Ine. Bly, Ore. CARLOAD ot bale ties here Wed. Kith. Save .2? per bundle And unload em. Mdndard Implement Co. Phone 90.'J6. t OH SALE. ued electric rantfe. 29 30. Ilafier Furniture. Bth and Klamath. AbiflNCMACHINTS. calculators. typiT wrlten, caih resuten, decka. cnairi (ilea for iale or rent. PIONEER OFFICE SUPPLY 430 Main Phone 7412 ELKCTROLUX CLEANER and polisher ar.d supplies- Phona 7167 Tarkel Tweet H21 Market GLASS furniture tops and shelves made to order. Kimball's Glass Shop rnone uin. HERE WE GO AGAIN! SEVEN DOLLARS DOWN (On Approved Credit) 1938 PLYMOUTH 1939 0LDSM0BILE 1937 DODGE 1937 PLYMOUTH 1936 PONTIAC RIDE AND ENJOY YOURSELF - PAY AS YOU GO! For the BEST in the WEST SEE DUSAN & MEST . 522 So. 6th 48 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES - FOR SALE SMALL RESTAURANT Good location, close in. Doing large volume of business. . ' SMALL DOWN PAYMENT TERMS Phone 6144 after 5 pm. FOK SALE. Income property near Ash land. Monthly income S445. includes two houses, two apartment buildings, con sisting ol nine rental units. Automatic laundry. One block from bus stop. At tractive buildings. Total price $27,250. Terms. Ralph Sikes 2183 Siskiyou Blvd. Ashland. Phone 4846. 51 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE FOR SALE, approximately 30 ton baled alfalfa hay $750. Also 5 ton third cutting baled alfalfa $125. Phone Tulelake, New- FOR SALE, twin size inner spring mat tress. Like new. Phone 8238. FOR SALE, baled straw. Phone 5065, rOR SALE 30 tons baled alfalfa hay in sni-u. yiiiiti .Micta. pnonc oaf .Ma I in I-OK SALE. til) tuns excel lenTuTaTTaT Phone 9449. FOR SALE, used two-niece livlntr i-nnm sets, 529 50 and $39 50 metal bunk beds wnn coii springs ju.ou. Hatter t urni- . uscu rririKeraior. excel lent condition. 1836 Worden. Week days HAY and eating potatoes for Route 2. Box 539 Phone 8752. KIRBY Attachments and polisher $55. Phone 9200. TD-20 CAT. Perfect condition with hy draullc angle dozer. Phone 2-U69. BROKEN wlndowv glass replaced, Kim nans i.iass anop. rnone 7378. FOR SALE, first and second cutting baled auaua. a miies oeiow L.aKeview Junction on Merrill Highway. Phone 2-1238. 4 FOOT General Electric refrigerator. nu. rnone at-tfuo. WANTED a corrugated tin building to u iiiuvc. dux 94i xicraia ana news. FOR SALE, Cushman Motor Scooter wnnsiue car inone 7447 after 6 p.m. 14 DAY KREK TBI A I. Try the new Sunbeam Shavemastcr at nomi pei ore yen diiv. umv Siib 50. R1CKYS JEWEL Ens TOO Main Phone 3151 CRUSHED rock and driveway cinders. USED FURNITURE values can alwavs oe lounn at mamain furniture uo. 4il Main. Phone qj3j. 8-INCH concrete culvert pipe, 70 cents per loot. PEYTON A UO DRIVEWAY Bart. 9755. MATEHIAXs Phone Joe OIL storaae tanks. Peyton and Co. B35 Market. CRUSHED ROCK, driveway cinders. Phcne 5541. LANDSCAPING, everRrccns, shrubs and trees. Wa trim, sorav and remove large irecn. t-AtVCSHUHE ti AHUENS lUR9tnX pnone liOOxlO RECAPS $5,93 EACH EXCHANfiF We buy used tires. O.K. Rubber Weld. era, 2391 So. 6th. Phone 4315. MIRRORS re silvered. new mirrors made to order. Kimbaiis Glass Shop Phone 7378. BE IN THE KNOW I Read Her ald it News Classified ads dally Get the latest Information on what's what in everyday business trends. 51 MISCILLANIOUS rOR SALI ATTENTION FARMERS!!! NOW IS THE TIME TO GET THESE GOODS USED TRACTORS 1 Int. TD-6 Wide Gauge Crawler. Painted and flccondi tioned W'Rr. mounted Hyd. Pump. . $3100 l-Fartnall "II" Tractor WIIyd. pump, Power take-off and good rubber. Painted, overhauled and guaranteed. $1050 ;' 11950 Case Tractor model VAC WHyd. Pump, Starter and lights. Wide Frt. Axle. little use. $1000 1 Farmall "B" Tractor completely overhauled and painted Wdirect-connected I-II-C Mower. $850 ' FLOYD A. BOYD CO. rULELAKE, CALIFORNIA AUTOMOTIVE $ 97 $397 $127 $127 $ 67 DODGE, PLYMOUTH AND DODGE "JOB-RATED" TRUCK 51 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE a way to make some cold cash If the heat is on you because of bills, debts and such, here's how you can make some hard, cold cash quickly: Gather up those un-needed be longings and sell them through a Herald and News Classified ad. Within a few hours after your ad appears, nearly 13.000 subscribers are told about your things for sale. Chances are tops that among these readers are the very folks you're eager to reach. phone 8111 for an ad-writer FOR SALE. Model 7 mall chain saw, S2O0 also 1936 Chevrolet sedan, good tires, good running order. $150. Tom Caven er. Box 192. Dorrls. Calif. Phone 5R2. ONE small safe, one medium size safe, both fireproof. 2415 South Sixth. FOR SALE, used "Cat 20 crawler tractor in very good condition. $350. Floyd A. Boyd Company, Tulelake, Cal ifornia. 55 AUTOMOTIVE For a NEW or USED TRUCK Always See "JERRY" or "JUCK" Your International Truck Dealer JUCKELAND TRUCK SALES llth and Klamath ?hone 3-2581 FOR SALE. 1942 Chevrolet four door Deluxe sedan. Very clean. S450. Phone 1949 CROSLEY station wagon, BSH kuu npe. "tiw wasnourn way, 1946 WILLYS JEEP with winch. First class condition. Five mud tires. Tow oar. 9w. see at ana bnasta way be- iween a a . m . -o p.m. WHV WALK? DRIVE MORE MOTORS 302 B. Main. Phona 3570. "Wt will sell your car tor vou w buy and trade bus SARGANTS USED CARS WE BUY SKI.l. ANn TP A nit Corner Shasta Way and Arthur Streets pnone 8303 1946 ONE TON Studebaker pickup. uooa a pi.v ruooer lour spcea iran mission. Phone 2-1189. FOR SALE. '41 Plymouth four door seaan. a gooa dependable car. see "Nick at Hardy a Men s Store phone 2-2775. FOR SALE, 1947 Jeep. 1936 Chevrolet, Phone 4030. COMPLETE auto Prompt, reasonable. glass Kim balls service. Glass snop. pnone ima. WILL sell equity in 1950 Hudson Pace- manor, pnone trz.i. 1951 FORD Custom Crestllner coupe, equipped with radio, neater, overdrive Only 8.000 miles. $1093. Ashley Chevrolet 410 South Sixth Street. Phone 4113. Aft- er o p.m. 2-0774. 1947 CHEVROLET convertible eouoe. Ra dio and heater. Blue color, good top. A first class car $1143. Ashley Chev rolet, 410 South Sixth Street. Phone 4113. After 6 p.m. phone 2-2002. FOR SALE. 1939 Ford coupe. $80. Eighty percent rubber. Can ba seen at 2528 White. PAGE THIRTEEN BUYS ON This tractor h'as seen very PHONE 7-2072 1938 CHEVROLET ... :. $127 1939 PLYMOUTH $297 1941 BUICK .1.. $397 1939 PLYMOUTH . ..1........ $197 1937 DODGE $147 Phone 8101 . IK '52 . We've the CAR for YOU NOW is the time to BUY! We can and will make you a better deal on our PERSONALLY INDORSED USED CARS ,. 51 49 49 49 48 48 48 48 47 47 41 buick innnc Spec. 4-Dr. Sdn. ZZYO HUDSON 'V ' Com. 'Dr. PONTIAC '8' 4-Dr. Sedan PACKARD 4-Dr. Sedan PACKARD 4-Dr. Sedan HUDSON '6' Com. 4-Dr. HUDSON '6 Super 4-Dr. CHEVROLET 5-Pass. Coupe '1695 M795 1595 1465 1435 M365 $1145 STUDE. Champ. $i '1050 S-Pasa. coupe OLDS '8' 4-Dr. Sedan PONTIAC '6 2-Dr. Sedan HI 95 M25 COMMERCIAL SPECIAL 1950 FORD M Ton . Pickup ....'1395 JUCKELAND MOTORS- llth Ss Klamath Ph. 2-2581 COMPLETE Radiator Service ...v.; CLEANING -:i FLUSHING ' REPAIRING BALSIGfR ; MOTOR cb Main at EsDlaihade ' 6ES1 VALUES! USED , TRUCKS -CARS GUARANTEED AS BEPRESENTED West-Hitchcock Corp.' XUUK GMU UEALEK 6TJ a 7th Phone mi 1930 FORD custom four door. Jladlo, heater, overdrive. Thre. extra llree. Excellent condition. Priced flehL Phona 2-07.M. k NKKO CARSI Del tOD one &AM' oh Motor Co. ita tat Plum. 1 ' ; I