HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OH EG ON MONDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 11)52 PAGE TWELVE TRUMANS GET LOAD OF HONKYTONK PLAY Bjr ED CBEACH WASHINOTON, MP) The Tru man family went to the theater Friday night. They aaw Cornells Otis Skinner's one-woman show all about Paris In the 1890's. Loose women. A sprinkling of "hells" and "damns." A lady lion tamer. And quite a bit of determined satire, gently bathed In ladylike pathos. People who sat near the Trumans (this reporter was in the last row. and had to go by hearsay said they laughed some, but often ap peared embarrassed. The gayety Is a former, and not quite reformed, burlesque house. (loan Colds Stuff Yo'u Up It's so easy to relieve coughs and stuffiness of colds in a hurry this Jiome-protied way . , . with 3 spoonfuls of Viclts VapoRub in a vapor izer or in a bowl of boiling water as directed in package. Just breathe Inthesteam! Ever; single breath carries VapoRub's soothing medi cations deep into throat and large bronchial tubes. It medicates Irritated mem branes, helps restore normal breathing. For coughs or upper bronchial congestion there's nothing like using Viclts VapoRub in steam. For continued relief al ways rub It on throat. chest and back. MICKS W VoRut The strip-teasers are none but some of the flavor remains. Miss Skinner, a veteran cam paigner In the more refined atmos phere of high school auditoriums from South Carolina to Oregon, brought elegance and what the lo cal critics have called civilised wit to the Gayety's stage. But the Oayety still Is located smack in the middle of Washing ton's dreary little honkeytonk dis trict. And some of the scenes more than a few of Miss Skinner's "Paris '90" are well suited to the neighborhood. Sitting there In the scml-dnrk-ness, you couldn't help wondering what the Truman family made of such episodes as: The "fashionable Parlslennc" who made an appointment with a man. not her husband, on condition that he provide a maid to help her out of and Into her costume, should the occasion arise. The young woman known as "deaf Bertha" who was portrayed waiting for customers in the kind of establishment that the police are paid to shut down. When It was over, before the rest of the audience stirred, Mrs. Truman led the family out, Willi Uie usual Secret Service escort. You couldn't or at least, I couldn't tell from the Trumans' expression what they thought of the evening's performance. But a Secret Service man sta tioned behind me. whispered to an other S.S. man during one scene. "1 wonder who let the boss in for this one." n MI IC llrtl O. I tO t III klariatm Qlls oneeon Union Opposes Deporation PORTLAND I Portland long shoremen will oppose the deporta tion of John J. Fougerousc, a form er union official. The Immigration Service has charged that Fougerouse Is a French citizen and once was a member of the Communist Party. Bert Mansfield of Portland will head the defense committee, a un ion official rcporled Frldny, LOCATED A man identified as Donald E. Allen. 25. wanted here for forgery, is said to be in custody at Broken Bow Ncbr. according to Sherllf Murray Brltton. He was arrested on a Klamath Comity warrant. Gives Protective Warmth FUI; ACHING CHEST COLDS ! to relieve coughs tore muscles To bring fast, long-lasting relief, rub on Musterole. It instantly creates a wonderful sensation of pmlnlin tcarmth on chest, throat and back. Musterole not only promptly re lieves coughing but also helps break up congestion in upper bronchial tubes, nose and throat, bringing amazing relief I Any drugstore. By I) Alt IF NK WOI.I'K Mrs. Atlirl Rosor, third at'iide instructor, received a surprise on her birthday, when pupils In her class brought cakes, Ice cream cups, and punch fur relrt'shments. Mrs. Lester Hoback, fourth grade teacher, had received a similar surprise the week before. Mr. and Mrs. Folk Haddock. Folk Jr. and Wtimtfrcd huvo moved to their newly purchased home In Pellcnn City. Winnlfred had been attending school in Kan sas City but came home a week ago and will finish her sophomore year at KU1IS. Mrs. Charles Hale ami daughter Dawn arc in Kissce Mills, Mo., spending three weeks on a visit with her parents. The two traveled East with Mrs. Hale's brother. Ralph Francesco, who had been visiting here since the middle of January. John Maunering has returned from attending a Copeland Yard managers' convenllon which was held In Portland. H was met In Klamath Falls by his wife and their two children. Lowell und Call. Archie Huff has relumed from a ten-day trip to Portland. The first few days he was a witness In several Federal Indictment cases irgalnst local people and the last tlx days he attended a train ing session lor 35 police officers trom 33 counties. The school was held at the new state building and taught law violation detection through sclentliic methods. It was conducted by the Oreson branch of the FBI und the Municipal Po lice Commission. Katherlne Copclnnd Is now at tending Sacred Heart Academy and Is home with her family only on the weekends. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Orecar and Margaret Lee were here last week end from Tionesta and Klamath Falls. The whole town of Chlloquin plus many from Klamath Falls and a few from Gilchrist, Uly and bpi'ugue River turned out on Fri day night to see the Panthers win n conicreiice game from Sacred Heart. The Chlloquin U team also won, and by a linger margin. To make It a complete win fur CHS, the sevonth and eighth grade boys, coached by Charles Hale, won a 8 p.m. game from lily's seventh and eighth graders oil the Bly Hour. The game was scheduled early so the leum could get back In lima for the big game here. Mrs. Lrs Hoback was honored last weekend at a dinner given lor her by Mrs. Unll Kidenour and Mrs. Loy Barker at the Barker home in Klamath Falls. Attending were members of the three fam ilies. A new baby sitting service Is opening in Clilloquln. Mrs. Dick iiurrinitton Is now taking care of youngsters between the hours ol il a.m. und A p.m. in her home on any day except Saturday and Sunday. The new arrival at the Anion Zaduia tumlly hus been named De borah Jo and will be called Debbie Jo. She was named by an older sister, Sharon and a cousin, Dona Cilll'K. Mrs. Frcldman Kirk was taken to the hospital on Monday of last week tor observation. A newcomer at tile high school Is Barbara Brown, a senior trims ler from Ullchrlst. The Browns are living at Modoc Point. A pack meeting lor the Cub scout organization In tills vicinity was held u week tigo with the three dens choosing four basketball teams and parents proving to be the chief rooters for the evening's entertainment. Mrs. Edouard Prl aulx, Mrs. Karl Hull. Mrs. Fried man Kirk, Mrs. Paul Herron and Mrs. Floyd Ohles nre the den mothers and Rev. Ellerv Echlln I the Cub Master. Awards presented inuring the evening were golden ; arrows (or Lyle Kali and Wayne ; Bricco. a lion for Dclos Echlln and ' the bear for Jim Herron. Clark jBray was presented the Webelo and graduated from cubs to be i eligible for membership as a Boy Scout as a tenderfoot. Two new boys were taken In to Mrs. Ohles and Mrs. Herron's group. Thev were Benny Nygren and Fred Brown. The meeting was held in the old gym. Suburban Service On Your Worn Equipment L11th & Walnut Ph. 7709 J SINGLE THRONE , LONDON i.4 One of the two thrones which have remained side by side in the House of Lords throughout the reign of King George VI will be removed Thurs day. A single throne will symbolize the reign of Queen Elizabeth II. - I , -I i I. I I- . t .. i.ggig i j ij! ril ni ' YME 13! MP KWI Mini ll1IB),l,5 II Im 111 NEW reM ran m the greatest car ever built in the low-price field Never before has a low-priced car stepped so completely into the fine-car class! Never before has any low-priced car offered such great power as Ford's 110 h.p. high-compression V-8 ... such new power as Ford's 101-h.p. high-compression Six. And this big new '52 Ford has lots more than power. It's wider, longer, lower, stronger! New Coachcraft Bodies are styled to stay beautiful and quality-built to stay young. "Test Drive" this built-for-keeps Ford today. v. i. i . in, i .s, Hi iiew ivi-.i.p, " NowlffO-h.p. High-Compression Strato-Star V-8 The roost powerful engine ever built for a low-priced car. Both V-8 and Ford Six offer Auto matic Power Pilot economy! High-Compression Mileage Maker Six It's an all-new, low-friction, high -com predion power bo ae with new free-turning over bead valves and shorter strokes. New Automatic RiJe Control New Easier Steering Ford's wider front tread, lower center of gravity, diagonally mounted rear shock absorbers, 3-inch longer rear springs and tailored-to-model front springs help take the bounce out of bumps . and the tilt out of turns. Ford's new steering system makes steer ing up to 25 easier, parking a cinch. And new Power-Pivot clutch and brake pedals, suspended from above, work far erutier, give you more foot room, and eliminate floor boles. - f If I II Test Drive". Foti Coachcraft Bodies Ford's new Coachcraft Bodies are the newest, most advanced bodies in the low-price field. And then, too. Ford fives you the widest choice of body color and upholstery combinations in the low-price fieldi fWomatic Prive Once you've tried this finest of all "automatics" you'll never settle for lent! For Fordomatic brings you two drives in one! You get torque-converter smoothness plus the gct-up-and-go of automatic gears. the 52 r? 1 Full-Orcle Visibility Here's another Ford 6rst in ita field! Curved one-pioce windshield . . car-wide rear window . picture windows all around let you see in all . directions. And Ford's new bull-tight construction seals out water, dust, draft and noises. WhJft ifdtwotf ffr it ocoffob', and forttamalle firiv f)lfnof f firm coif, fqwipffitnf, otfuotitt ond uim lubtael It chongt without nlic You can pay more but you can't buy better BALSIGER MOTOR CO. Main at Esplanade Phone 3121 Legal Notice NUTIcr. TO t'llKDITOHH in tiik riHcurr coort or TIIR STATU Or OHK-iiON KOI! Kl. AM A I'll fi)tlN'IV IN TIIK MATT P. 11 UK TIIK ICXTATH UK KI.MKIt C. MANMNU. DKCKANKU ivnurt it rtrrahy givru Hint tit uiulvr ilgnnl hai litcil siMiolnlvtl aitutlttUIra tor ( tltt valalr tH Klmtr t. Mmtnl s. drmapii hv tits Circuit Court ( (lit filNl uf OlTtfmi fur Klmnallt t'mutlt nd hiti qiinlirivd. All naitiMii havliiit rinims asniimt tits amd iau ar ltifby imiirivtl lt pi rrit I tli taint duly vtrtfinl at by law rvutitrtil to lilt Ulttttraliittit. th rat of th Ctuntlv Cltrk of KUiuatlt Cotinly at aalit CUrka ordct tn lit Court limine at Klamath raiia, (iitstn within alx inoittlu frtmi dait hitrtdl. Oaltd and first punlltltt d, ttbruary 11. iwi, natt uf laat publtcatton, Mari'h 10. Howard KaKtlday Adininlalialur fur aald aktata G A. llnUkiU Alturitay fur Adntx. 911 I'variim 4lh. Ava. Illtlaj . Portland, Ortguit f -ii'tu-aa n j-io no. mm Hnl tf Thiibor. Klamath Indian Urn trvaltott, dtalrd blda In dtittluaU, un (oint provided thmtfoi, mar had mit Ictt, "hid, Wlldliorao No. JA Lou H I it K Unit," addrrari to th Mtit)arlntint,tiit. Klantattt Indian Astncy, Klanialh Aiency, Orotton, will hp rrt'tlvtd tiniil I .in) p M.. ParUlv Ktandard Timt. April e. iwa and will b cunalderttd lite rquivdU-iH ol tirnl anclion bula and pnaiau tor int ittiorntat ion or ail phi. dtrt. Oral aiii'tlnn blda will b ra- rtivvd by tha Superintrntleul, KlnmaMt Indian AiriU'y, bcgntnlna at a.OO. i M., Pacific Slandnid Tlint, April 0, IV VI. for tha pun-haKt uf tlntbor on thr Wlldhorat No. KA totfrilns If nil. Tht oral auction lilddtns will b rratrtcteil to thu who hava pirvlounly aiibmlllfd an acrcpianip eoiri uui in at'ctirtiancr wllh thu notice, Tht unll inchidca ap- pmlmatiMy T.IHKl a err of llnibor landa Willi a luiai Riiumira atanu tti ix cut, which t-tt'nxiit net giiaraiilrf't, uf approximately 4li,0W).lMifl fret II M, at piutdem-a pint, :i.(MH,tKMl feet 11 M. uf bttsar pint, a poamoio amaii voiums oi Dmislua fir, liicnt rrdar. whllt fh and ntlitr tpaclra. Karh blddtr intut atatt tht prlit per thousand frtt U.M Scrlbntr titclmal C U -! that will ba paid for tnnltr cut and acalrd prior lo inv readjiiitmenl of ratra a iiccl fled In the conii tu t. No bid u dl lie connldered fur tei than Vl7 ai pet thoilaand fct tl M for pondem- pme and aucar pine, STi JO per thou mud feet U M for Oouirlna fir and Imeitae cedar, per thmuand foet U M. for wb'to fir, and per thoilaand fret D M. for other speclei. A certified check for Sixty thmuand dollara iSmi. uoo on a wUvntl lianK, natame io inr TYeaaurer of the tinned Hialea. mtut arcomnaiiy eai'h arNied DUI. rerna blddins for or un behalf of companlea. Ctirporatlun. or partnerahlpa nnul at the tune uf blddlnf ubmit In writing cnnrluaivt evidence of their auiliortt lo do m. Tht detoIU will Im leliirned to tht unucreaful bidder. Hie de posit of tht aucceaafnl bidder wilt t applied &a part of the punfiaie price asatnt timber rut on thia tintl only or retained aa liquidated datnasea i tna bidder ahall not exerute the eoniracl and furnish aatufactory bond fr Mlty thouaand dollara imi.uuo wiutm aix.r da lrtnt arceptan-e or h'a ulrt ir an oral om la ueciaren io w tht cloae of the auction, tht bidder must immediately confirm the bid toy ubmltlinf It in writing on an Indian Service bid form. Tltt ntnt to v.aivt technical defecta and to reject any and all blda l reserved The conlrarl will spectfv that all deaicnatrd timler ihall be cut and removed from the unit prior to April 1. 1DM. Before bid art ...i.n1tiifft lull Information ronrerninft tht tlntlier. tht condition of aale. and tht lubuttialon or riw. anouia De ao. Ulntd from the Suptrmtemlenl. Klam ath Indian Agency. Klamath Atency. nrnn- ih Area Uirectur. Indian Service, lluildlng 1. San Uland. Port land 18. Oregon; or Ihe Comntualuner of Indian AJfaira. Waahington 25. UC. Uatef THIS Silt day of January HU it waahingion, u. waie . ...Lti Tirirv of tht Interior. J MM II- (Ml M -3-1Q-I7 No. oM NOTICE Or ELECTION iftTir r I. hrhv elven. tha Hoard of Suptrvlaort of the Langrll Valley Noll CoifTVPII'in I"Ii.ri nnc neaday. the 20th day of February between the hour of aeven o'clwk and nine o'clock In the evening of tht tatd datt at the lorella Community HH i the lime and Place for holding the ANNUAL MEKTlNCi and annual elec tlon lo elect a aupervuor for a three ear term lo aucctcd lbs sxplred term of Laattr Junta, Secretary r-MM3 No. WT7 CLASSIFIED RATES Ont day per word if riuca Dayi pr word Ur Week run per word 30c Month run per word QOo MINIMUM i The minimum charge fur ny out ad is 6Uc BOX NUMB ICRS A haw en la ads may be handled through box mimbcra at the paper for a acrvlce choigo ol 35a. DEADLINES ClauKied au accepted up to 6:30 p.m. for following day publication Clsulfled display ads accepted up tc 1j noou for tollowuig day pub Ucauon. www ADJUSTMENTS Please miiae all cmmis U adjust menta wiuiuul delay. Correction or cancellation! re ceived by 6:30 p.m will bt madi in (ollowinv dnv'e oubiication 10 k'RVICI , EXCAVATING Mnuil tlliuvfl mm Trench lliw ' Uulldiiifr Fill Dirt . I'upxill ClUJhed Kork Driveway CluUeii Comprcuor CRANK SltllVICE GRAHAM BROS. I'hoi.e tii or VI 10 A CARD Of THANKS ci 6 li t h7W ewTi hl5TitM'd''"MUin- ceit thanka lo our relative and many frienda fur their wonderful rtaponae wllh blood donation for our dear wife and mother Wt would Hat them lu know that aht It doing fine, C. J. (Jo her family. FUNERAL HOMES WAMUS Kla'iiath runeral llomt High Mtrctl Phont 3334 MEETING NOTCIS Klnmuth Loduo No. 77 AK. mill A.M. will liulct aiiitcd nircilng Mmiilny. Krb. II, 8 p m. "Wu'.hlimUin'j lllrlli lny." ViHlllim brctliicil Invllrd. Rrfrmliniriuii. D.ile llrbbcr Wor.ililplul Mnsitr w v ALOHA CIIAPTKR No. Vf Ul. will hold IU rcmilur jmM incclliig '1'uasdny. Krt). SI 11 HI Mn.vmlc Hull t " pin. Vlltor welcome. LnliB Murphy Worthy Mb Iron Elmer Urnmlctt Worthy Pntron Al.i:UIIUI.I(.'il ANONYMOl'S n.l. rriu.r. p m . rur information, writ. Box VH. Phtm. 3.MU. LOST AND FOUND LOST, p.ir of .mail lrl', bin. pL,- llc rlr.iur.l Rl,ae, lMlurn Mill ,,'II.Mll .nd W'anll.nd Av. Thou. 7303 aft.r i.M) p in. TIIK ilKRAKO AND NiWS-Kawo palra or luvanll. lit. dark plaalle rim !., h.Id for r.lurn to Ilia own.r, Inoult. at tli. ClaMIII.O Ail vvrtl.lng tpaitinrnl Dr.slltAlll.E roim (or patiirular g.a llaintn. Private hath. ftO.1 N. Bill 1.0T.htonday. h.lw..i.raartdK. and cncmull. 0 mnnlhi old liarman Bhp. h.rd puppy. ftaward. rhon. QfMfl. 4 dlNIRAL NOTICI beptic I anks Cleaned Newest Binllary Metliodi Aim roto Roorun service Olcmt Uivtei Li nr. of KaoU, Llo, KD P. KINO J4M Orrhm-I Phnnn pirn sriwiNc'i niT'.ir.iaii6Viir)itiiriii..r i'AlNflNU aiTU pajwrtiaiMiiiij! I'liun. 1011. 'riirpl,;"nfO7aranirTiiiilanil'(.n" dm wnrk Phiin. 4040 m.!OtMIr"WliilNiroikbVTiuiir or "onlrarl. IMlnli. 8-1(110. tiOllTAlflS launu.-.u and tr.lrliiit; Phon. 4U14 J-XT l)KAN rubll Aouoiinlaiil and Auditor Orflr. .1 rm Ho. 111). Phnn. 0.11a con 'iiiru 'ihTmmI.no " " Plioiia a 0:1.1. iNT7rKwxKr:TmiNa rnr appolntm.ltl I'ltitn. a-Uiol, llaiv.y ftuphain. 12 EDUCAriONAL ilTXTKtDl'Orn'fANtrA'NffTllr:!-)!! 11131 Niiinmni t l.ana, IMintio a ntHo HUilKKKi'iPINU iliiirthaiiti ivutnl km. dr.d Bulij.rla, nfdr. niarhlti.a, KI.AMATM UllHINKHN L' ll.t.r'ir ni Pin. Plum.- 47wi CHILD CAtlR andVilucalion! PrrTrho.il c.nl.r. t'hon. 437. MArUlAtiK. HIAITH llterapeiilir taterDr lor women, Hpol reducing featured. I'linne 3iU - saon . 14 HILi WANTED, FEM ALE f r.XPlrtl(rNt,l'l)lMn.kleri;r f"r" pa vr. .11 and geuriMl tifflce wntk Ani'l Iwtvti-ru 10 and U a in. Catade inindry end ('!(. r. MOt NftWIVKS Vaiii 'n'mnry in our pate I tine Jut huwlne tnir frirn'U and ntlghbar our new lln uf (iirrtina rardi. Imprlnird lallnrry. rtr St-ml for frte ainiilna, ralalog end Immpi it atroval. Ilalima (itretings, a.ta Imh Hi , Oakleitd. 13. Calif Nltilll rereptliinitl" Hour' 4 pm In I. p in Mint Im able tu DfM. Klauiaili Va'ley llnapllal KAHN'mmiey at linNt""riiH.'"iaf"( time" llox 17. Ilatald and New. MAID wanted at Van a Motel Apply in per Mill H hilp'wantid;7mali CRESCENT SEA FOOD nelrlserntor Truck will be on South SUIh St. cros from Tower Theater Monday und Tucsdny, Feb. Hill, nth Willi auperlor quality crnbs and uoncleu wa.ite-(ree tllet. Bossy Upsets Twin Times WASHINOTON. (K't Somelhlilit new in the animal kingdom: A cow that had delayed-action iwinn. It Is reported by the American Genetic A.woclatlon In Its "Journal or Heredity." The bosoy hailed from Laurel. Md. She gve birth to one calf on a line day In May. 1948 and then 23 days luter bore a second one. "Twins I" ruled husbandrymen ol the Maryland Agricultural Experi ment Station. tnoUKil tncy sam iney wer not Identical. The researchers combed hus bandry records, found "It Is rather unusual for normal calf twins to be born more than a lew days apart." and concluded It was a fancy case of "delayed twinning." they added, that the cow mlRlit have been carrying two separately conceived calves because she was known to have been arllflcally mat ed with the same Holsteln bull on two occasions, Just about three weeks apart. Dies After Saving Life CHICAGO lifl Clement Mlshcck, 45, a member of a fire department rescue squad, died of a heart seiz ure Saturday shortly after he had helped save a woman from b simi lar talc. Mlshcck and his partner. Oconto Nnnc revived Mrs. JcanctlC B.ayc, 4C. after she had a heart attack. After the firemen returned to their station. Mlshcck lay down on his bunk. He foiled to respond to an alarm cull ft few minutes later. Fellow firemen found him uncon scious. Their efforts at resuscita tion were unsuccessful. $11,500 Paid For Hereford RED BLUFF, Calif. Wl The nrnnd champion Hereford of Red Bluff's lHh annual bull sale, en tered by Jensen Brothers of Lnan, Utnh, was sold today for 11.600 to Frederick and Watson, Oakland contractors. The reserve champion Hereford, "OHR Royal Heir B" was sold for $7,000 to A. V. Harrcll and Son of Ellensburg, Wash. Tills bull was conslxned to the sale by Bill Mc Donald and Hurry and Inez Obcr chain of Adams, Ore. Barber Scorns Inflation BEDFORD, Pn. Wl There's a barber In the nearby western Penn j.ylvanla community of Woodbury who doesn't know the meaning; of at least one word under tho I's In the dictionary. He's Daniel N. Bycrs and the word Is 1-n-M-at-l-o-n. Now 83, By ers still plys the trade he began 09 years ago. And, he still gets the same pay as he did then ten cents per hair cut. "Just never saw any reason to i'm commander of communication If youd like to communicate with hot prcopectg for that bus Inejji proposition of youra. ap point me Commander of Com munication! I m a Herald & News Classlflrd ril. The chap who delivers your message lo nearly 13.000 sub scribers every day, telling folks what you're after, what you're offering, what you're interested In. Oftentimes I solve every day problems for people of Klamath Falls In Just a day or two. It's ever so easy lo hire me simply vV WANTED vV Experienced USED CAIt SALESMAN Apply at car lot 1th A: Ouk alrrc'.s LEE HUFF MOTOR CO. KXI'KIIIKNrKU nothing and ihve man for Neturdey help only. Aim7 Dteue Mamtnre, 17 HUP WANTED phone 8111 for an ad-writer PERSONALS WASHINGTON B.aulv Shop. Kv.nlni appointment.. Phono J632. tola Waihlnf- Ion. ORURR your Sp.nc.r carman! Ita'foT. arlci-tlng your aprllig wardrob.. Thoit. 7132. HELEN'S BEAUTY SALOrT77"linaEIn! Phon. fl?n. ST ANLfcY Horn. Producuu Phon. ago. 10 SERVICES FIX THAT RADIO Our Business Is Sound CONNER'S SERVICE CO. Phone 0818 MOVING?... Call 7423 Locnl-Lonft Distance Plnno and appliance moving a specialty Transfer and Storage Bckln's Moving and Storage Peoples Warehouse "Since 1018" Heavy Hauling ANYWHERE, POR HIRE Honest Rates Weights Service ANDERSON FREIGHT LINES 2802 South Sixth Ph. 0240 or 3380 PIANO TUNINOWM. II. MORUAN Factory trained technician and tuner. F'nr tuning, call Kyle Morgan Piano, I0::S Main or phone 2-02110 ALTERATIONS on men'a, wompnT, cnuoren . ciotning. Jennie Jiare, aeam. trend Anil.'., 707 Main. Legal Notice NOTICE INVITING RIDS The undersigned Police Judge of the city or Ki.main rails, uregou uill re ceive .ealed bid. un to Monday March 3, 10.12, for the furnishing of one com- minuior. specification, and plan may be obtained from the city engineer. Tha city retervea the right lo reject any or all bid.. Robert M. Cider Police Judge r-H-12-13 No. SOO charge more." is the wav Bvcrs explains. i'm known as "chief of achievements" and chief of achievements 1 anil Thai's 'cause I'm a Kmihl A: News Ciawilflrd ail Hint kcis n much done fur people of the Klamath bnaln. a If you're enger to sell aouie. thing, for exuinple I find you a buyer fnat. And If you've varum uiilU to. 1111, I brliiK yuu folks looking lor living quarters. But If you need a ob. I direct you to hclp-nerdlttg employers, and If you your.sell tired work er, I tell Job-wnntrrs about you. Yea. I more than deserve my title, to lei me help yuu aclilevg your goal too. phone 8111 for an ad-writer WHOLESALE dulrlbutor wanted Man or woman lo tak. over the distributor ship of our Un. of greeting cafds and stationery, etc. In tills arre. wr win show wiu how. and cooperate lou per rent, this Is an opportunity that seldom roinea lo In. Indlvldu.l. You must lis. able to finance Inventory and be local responsible person Write giving full de tails of past experience tor personal In terview. Ilallxia t;reellngs 3J2 lolh Hl.c Oakland 12. Calif. WINDOW and wall washer wanted. Ap ply Klamath Valley Jtospllal It SITUAIKJNi WANTED MAlflTlErj"man wants laVin Job Fur nish cabin. HIU. month. I. O- Box Ul, Ccntralla. Washington. OTI aitiilenf needs evening or weekend work. Elod Koierson. Phone 2 ullill Cllrt.t'AIII!r"Phone7inil SAIIV suiliia. I'hnne 7 0.M2 rXPflilENCEIl pay roll "clefit wiilies position after r'eb. ISIh. Telephone days. WILL care for ciifldren In my home davs or your home evening.. Call 1-I.HS. 22 ROOMS FOR RENT i'm the main spring in springing surprises ' When It comes to holvlng evn v riny problems for the people of Klanialh Fulls I'm the main spring to spring )lea.sanl sur prises. Wllh surprising .speed I sell things, fill vacant mills, hire dependable workers, land Juicy Jobs and recover lost articles. To see the show brgln, and lo singe a pleasant surprise for you simply phone 8111 for an ad-writer N'lt:Er"hcalcdroomsri22l,aclflc,rcrt race. ROOM and board or room.. Men omy. .100 No. Illh. Hl.fci.i'l NCIjrrmni eloe ln.fia7Wnlniit. I11J- I' 1 a. ri.otii, icn .1.. ni ic. i-nonc 2..L Mi ilMb 7orreuir ciean. Close in. Plume 2-112110 ROOMS, prJresrensnnnbTe.Phm eW2T. noVEXlTrnonn for rent." 0.-7 a wee. Cios(laPbon IW. RotiMS 10:14" High 24 APARTMENTi FOR RtNT 'I VO ROOM-apaMnie'nL-rirpplsce mill, lo homelike altimsphcre. Prlvnlc bnln. Electric heat and water furnished. Phone 2-imt. SMALL ciean "apnriineii'l. klecirleally eoiilriui.rt. 4;iLl N. loth. NICE clean apartment. Gas eouipperl. Refrigerator. Couple preferred "Villa Mwrfiulse" Inquire 1X14 Oak. Ill.S'i CLASS f-iluriiished ih'Vi'Ji apartment, newly dccorntetl. In peril condition. Ilnrdwiiod floor., excellelrl l.undry fnrllltlea. Ileitt and wnler pro vided. Ctiupleonly SII7.S0. Phonellll'. APARTMENT sullnlik for thrre, Apartment for two. .ln. Ulllllle. lur nlahed. Frlgldalra. 409 No. .Ird. t 1