MONDAY, FEMUJAIIY 11, 10.12 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON page nrmi Eli, mM'm' u fi Oregon's Young Citizen Award Won by Publisher kOBEBURG m Loren D Mc Klnley, 400 K. Ninth St., Tillamook. 31, partner In a publishing and printing firm. In Orcfton'B DIk- unguDihca Bcrvlce Award winner (or McKlnlcy'n selection wan an nounced Monday by Wane Crooch, Junior Chamber or Commerce ae- lection committee. The choice wan made from a 1'xt of community DSA winner, over the mate. The award will be made Satur day at tho Junior Chamber' stale board meeting at Pendleton. The Tillamook Junior Chamber of Commerce aubmllted the name of McKlnley. who headed the Tilla mook County Centennial Celebra tion of 1051. BIO JOB "The work on thin Drolect took well over a thounand hours of actual time, starting In February and ending with the County Fair In late August, 1051, and included celebrations from one end to the other of the 60-mile long county." the Tillamook committee's report on which the selection was based said. A feature of the Centennial which had a $1,500 budget, was the Tillamook County Centennial Pa geant, which Included some 600 characters. "The budget on this Centennial celebration was $15,000. The task at the first appeared formidable, but was well conceived, adminis tered and executed. It left nothing to be desired and could not have been more successful In any man ner." McKlnley has been active In such organizations as the Lions Club, Junior Chamber of Com merce, Senior Chamber of Com merce, Eagles Lodge, American Legion and Cub Scouts. He Is chair man of the Tillamook County air raid defense, and secretary of the Tillamook County Apprenticeship Council. 1IKKOI8M McKlnley served for 39 months in the Army In World War II, most of the time overseas. He earned seven campaign stars, and won the Bronze Star and Cluster for bravery, A former advertising manager of the Headlight Herald. Tillamook newspaper, he has owned since 1045 a half Interest In the Kenwood Press, printing company and pub lisher of a weekly advertising pa per, known as the Shopping Smiles. A native of Tillamook, he Is mar ried and the father of four children. He attended Tillamook schools, Oregon State College and the Uni versity of Oregon. Wondirfal Relief far 1 irciunc sram To promptly soothe Inttnue Itching el tunas, kudu, panriuta, tthlata'l loot, plmplaa, an4 similar aurfara skla and mlp irritations, apply Zamo modarn highly madlrstod sUlnbat aoU. aaptle. ateo halt twal and elw the Irriuud akin. Buy k'tln filrantia Zame Liquid for atebborn sjsaa Any unwitor, tjgtj Fouled Plane Returns Safe RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT CHAIRMEN for the forthcoming It cd Cross fund campaign drive pose during a meeting of the residential division. They are (top, left to right), Mrs, Mert Ferchec, Mrs. Anna Felice, Mrs. John Baker, Mrs. W. A. Brock, Mrs. II. K, Schocnucrg, Mrs. Cora Conncrs, Mrs. Fred Wolfram, and Mrs. Owen Rohbins; (seated), Mrs. Lawrence Brown, Mrs. Richard Hcssig, Mrs. Earl Whitlock, Mrs. Paul Tanner and Mrs. Howard Hanville. Berle Boils Over Failure To Get Award Nomination Ity KltKKINK JOHNSON NKA Htnff I'orrrapondrnr HOLLYWOOD ( NKA Milton llrrlc Is bnrnliiR, but CJOOU, I hear, over not being nominated for an "Emmy" In any category of the fourth annual Academy of Tele IMnn ArlH and Hclrncen awards to be given Feb. ID at the Coconut Cirove. It's the first legitimate, nation wide popularity poll, with nomi nations made bv IhO TV reviewers for dally newspapers and TV trade papers, 'Pie winners, as I crystal ball them: DRAMATIC SHOW: "Studio One." COMKDY SHOW: "I Love Lucy." VARIETY BHOW The All Btar Revue, BEST ACTOR: Robert Montgom ery. BEST ACTRESS: Helen Haven BEST COMEDIAN OR COMED IENNE: Red Bkelton. Sour note: There should have ten two Emmies for best come dian AND comedienne. Shame on you, Hans, there'a a It uk In the Hollywood studio dykes. 'Bat It's good news for television fans. No matter how many theater ex hibitors gnash their teeth, more and more good movies are being launched on Ue TV channels. The Intent group headed for par lor screens are eight International Pictures films, vintage of 1913-46, in a $1,500,000 package. The seller: William Uoclz. one of THE Hol lywood kingpins, Borne of Uie stars lenturcd arc: Gary Cooper, Orson Welles, Clnu- dette Colbert, Edward O. Robinson, Joan Bennett, Lorclta Young and Lew Ayres. Phonevlslon or a coln-ln-the-slot gimmick may sometime In the fu ture snve Hollywood's product from the living-room scats marked "FREE." But from the way things look, a largo rtlon of movletown's fabulous film library will wind up on TV for free looking and quick er than anyone suspects. The news Is out that Jack Benny plans to ( ult radio, niter 20 years. iand devuto his lull-time talents icxl season to TV. But It's not generally known that Mary Livingstone will skip the vis ual Benny shows to Join the at home dialers. A papa watching "Studio One" to his noisy Junior: "If you don't shut up, I'll talk nil through 'Howdy-Doody' next time It's on." emcee of 28 TV films . . . NBC-TV and Barbara Stanwyck arc talking about a dramatic scries . . . Bill Bendlx has signed an exclusive deal with the same network, with u good chance that "Llle.of Riley" will return to the home screens. Channel Chatter: Bob Clampelt's children's show, "Time for Beany" which originates In California, will be sponsored In New York by a Florida orange lulce company I , , . Irene Dunne will collect $81,000 as Wurlitzer A Maqnificcnt PIANO At a Law Price LOUIS R. MANN PIANO CO. 120 No. 7th WPIMORE DELICIOUS) W MACARONI The sponsor's bill for televising the national political conventions on ABC-TV $2,000,000 ... Re covery of Reed Hadley'a wile from a serious nervous breakdown has their mends cheering. He plays Captain Braddock In Hal Roach Jr. s mm-1 v snow, nackei squad . . . Jeffrey Lynn and Nancy Cole man may be In the video version of radio's "Mr. and Mrs. North." Their names are on the desk of John Loveton, who will produce. BAN DIEGO, Calif. I An Air Force B-36 bomber, In trouble for most of nearly 13 hours It was nlolt, was reported down safely Monday on an island Navy field. The Civil Aeronautics control tower said the slx-englned plane, world's biggest bomber, landed at 3:30 a.m., PBT, at the North Island Naval Air Station In San Diego Bay. The bomber took off from San Diego's municipal airport, Lind bergh field, at 2:30 p.m. Sunday. It was believed headed eastward, liut reports at the field were that the landing gear fouled as It was being retracted shortly after take off. Presumably repairs were made li loft to permit the landing. Thugs Slug B.C. Woman VANCOUVER, B. C. Ut A woman messenger, returning from a bank, was slugged on busy Sixth and Main Street Saturday, but the two gunmen fled without loot. Miss Rebecca Rosenswelg, em ployed by a women's shop, was gun-whipped by one of the men. and as she screamed for help the gunmen fled. Usually she carries the firm's pay roll on Saturday but It was picked up Friday from the bank. When attacked Saturday she was return ing from making some deposits. ponce stolen a reported the car earlier. men had ICS REMEMBER YOUR SWEETHEART , a a a With O gift! with a valentine! Sentimental Humoroui For the family Pen and pencil teti Personaliied stationery and matches Books, tcrapbooks, photo albums and billfolds . BEAUTIFULLY GIFT WRAPPED! Shaw Stationery Co. 729 Main being discussed by network heads nnd telephone tycoons. It will dou ble the number of live programs going cast and west and reduce the kinescope horror. A second micro-wave relay Is there's no substitute for goodness there's no substitute for SERVICE Tliese were two of the great attributes of the great American Patriot, 'Abraham Lincoln, one of America's finest presidents. The First National Bank of Portland's ideal of Service is to serve the people of, Oregon on the days, and at the hours, banking service is needed most. tJ. ...- ,iV Opan 10 to 5 on Lincoln's Birthday, February 12, 1952. In order to serve when most people and businesses are at work The First National Bank of Portland and its 46 state-wide banking offices, together with its 15 affiliated banks with 18 offices, will be open to serve you on Lincoln's Birthday. Klamath Falls Branch, South 6th Street Branch Merrill Branch, FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND Thm bank that troys OPEN 10 TO 5 SIX DAYS A WEEK for your convenience DIET'S BUILD OREGON TOGETHER" Extra Work Made Easy BENT A TYPEWRITER ADDING MACHINE Electrle r H Lut month'! rental fi mppllct the purchase price. Pioneer Office Supply Hana Ml The Tik-Tok irive- Will OPEN MONDAY, Feb. 11 Lunches Dinners Home Made Pies 2241 South Sixth St. I y:j MEDO-LAND a 0SE (SCaEAFJu '7 Now have a party dessert this easy, simple way . . . serve MEDO-LAND V VALENTINE CENTER ICE CREAM! A bright pink strawberry heart surrounded t Jj by Medo-Land vanilla ice cream is a "jiffy-to-fix" dessert that satisfies every- f 13 one' ac'e w'm "farm-fYesn" cream, there's an extra-rich, extra-creamy f J A f'avor you'H find on'y m Medo-Land Ice Cream. Your favorite grocer has f it r VV Medo-Land Valentine Center in his cabinet today! 1 cCTlfe Mm