HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON MONDAY, FERRUARY 11, 11152 PAGE TEN CANDIDATES FOR KING AND QUEEN of a Parents-Patrons sponsored dance at Bonan za high next Saturday night are these students at their high school. Selection is to be by class in school. Front row, left to right, Catherine Dearborn, sophomore, and Marie Lee, freshman. Second row, May Challis, senior, and Mary Lee Kyser, junior. Back row, left to right, Dale Robertson, freshman; Irwin Crume, senior; Howard Koertje, junior, and Bob Walker, sophomore. Spirit Drive Asked by Pope VATICAN CITY U1 Pope Pius XI has called for a spiritual cru sade to turn the world from "paths which sweep on to ruin" and from a general condition which "may explode at any moment." Broadcasting over the Italian ra dio network, the Pontiff said Sun day each man must re-examine "what he can and must do per sonally as his own contribution to the saving power of God." As Bishop of Rome be addressed the Roman Catholics of that city, but his appeal for a return to "Jesus Christ, the church and the Christian way of life" clearly was meant for all. Threats to the present generation he said, are "much more wide spread and grave than pestilence and the convulsions of nature, even though their continuing threat has begun to make the nations almost insensible and apathetic." MOON SHADOW NEW YORK UP) The only par tial eclipse of the moon during 1952 in the United States was visi ble in some parts of the country Sunday night. State Legion Meet Planned Plans for the 34th annual De partment of Oregon, American Le gion, convention to be held in Klamath Falls next summer are being male by members of Le gion Post No. 8. . O. D. Matthews, former Citv Plumbing Inspector, heads a com mittee doing the groundwork of convention planning. Other mem bers of the committee are Pat Kilby, Harry Van, George Mcln- lyre and ueorge A. Myers. Tentative convention dates are Friday, July 25, for the 8 and 40; Saturday, July 26, for the 40 et 8; Sunday, July 27, memorial serv ice and opening ceremonies, and Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, July 28, 29 and 30, for the Ameri can Legion business sessions. State wide drum corps compe tition is to occupy one night. The 40 et 8 is to have Its Grand Cau. cus parade and the convention pa rade is to be scheduled for an other date. Dances, dugouts and special entertainment features are to be spotted throughout the con vention. Valentine Candy Whitman's - Savior's - Johnston's HEART SHAPED BOXES LEE HENDRICKS 2212 So. 6th Your Neighborhood Druggist Phone 4321 SHOP OUR COMPLETE VALENTINES DISPLAY Sun Census Finds Three WALLA WALLA MV- It wns the middle of the Htternoon still too early even for a. sociable drink. mitt's wny wium wmin union Bulletin reporters were skeptical this week alter a subscriber tele phoned that there were three suns in the sky. Reporter No. 1 went out In the alley to take a stm census (or susus) after the first call. He came back in to say there whs only one sun. Then another subscriber Dhoncd in. And Reporter No. 2 sashayed out In Uie alley for his sunsus. He came back blinking, swore he had not been drinking, and snid "yes, there are three suns out there." (Not the singing trio of uie same name.) So then thev called Uie weather man, Lloyd Vaughan. He cleared up uie sky, or mystery. He called them sun dogs mock suns formed 22 degrees on either side of the regular sun as seen by an observer. Thev are formed by thin clouds of Ice crvstnls high in the atmos phere which reflect Uie light rnys to form a mirage. Billy Graham Hall Jammed WASHINGTON W An estlmntd 10.500 persons about double the normal legal limit Jammed the NaUonal Guard Army Sunday to hear Evangelist Billy Graham, and l.ooo more listened by louaspeaxcr outside. The armory's legal capacity Is 5,310. At Graham's appeal. It was raised two weeks ago to 8.000 lor religious meetings. Fire marshal's agents closed Uie door on about 1,000 persons. ' The meeting opened Uie fifth and final week of Graham's capital cru sade. It ends next Sunday with an afternoon gathering at the Wash ington Monument. Bedtime Snack solves laxative problem "I have had great success with au-bran," writes Paterson. N. J., man. "After years of constipation, I am now regular. Thanks to my Vi cup of all-bran every dny!" If you suffer from Irregularity due to lack of dietary bulk, try a bowl ful of this tasty cereal every night before bed ... It may bring back the youthful regularity you thought long lost, all-bran Is the only type ready-to-eat cereal that supplies all the bulk you may need. It's high in cereal protein, rich In iron, provides essential B and D vitamins. Not habit-forming. If you're not satisfied after 10 days, send empty carton to Kellogg's, Battle Creek, Mich, and get double honey back I Constitution Defended By Sen. Yatkins, Utah A nliuilnr Wntklnn riwrvntlnn wna di'loutril In 11)41) (luring Un hide on tun North Alliiiillo pnut, Ity JOHN KAMI'S WASHINGTON Wl Sell. Arthur V. Wiuktns, K.-Utnh, la becoming known In the Senate as a defender of the CoiiHltlution. As n former district Judge, ho likes that reputation. During a two-ilny Sennto debate Inst week on whether Uie President or Congress has wnr-niiiklng pow ers, Walk Ins was on his fi'ot for 11 hours. At lis conclusion, Sen. Mllll kln, R.-Colo., rose to any: "I wish to exprcs my apprecia tion of his unceasing vigilance for Solon Seeks Kent Coin WASHINGTON W Whnt this country needs Is a good 7-ccnt nickel and a lo-cont dime, In the Judgment of Rep. Slcnilnskl, D-N.J. He suggested the government look Into the possibility of coining seven, and 15-cent pieces, In the course of House Appropriations Committee hearings on the Treas ury Department budget, published Monday. Mrs. Nellie Taylor Ross, director of the mint, told Uie congressman bankers are dead set against the Idea, and Indicated she didn't think much of it either. She said such coins wouldn't be divisible Into the dollar, wouldn't work on vending machines, would require additional compartments in ensh registers and probably wouldn't be popular with Uie public. 16 ,..,..jm.7w.i "I with Pop would coll Bogue Dole, Reoltor about buying now HOME." the protection of the Constitution ol the United Status." Dl'K Sell. Case, R.-8.D., added: ", , , It Is a tribute which certainly In dun tho senator from Utah Jlv reason n( the questions he has raised, he certainly has contributed an understanding of the (Atlantic peace) pact and, I hope, to the clarification of our foreign policy." Wulklns touched olf tlio current extension of hint year's "great de bale" when he proposed Uiat it "reservation" be tacked onto a res olution taking Greuco and Turkey iiilo tho North Atlantic paot. Tim reservation, Wulklns said, would restate and reaffirm that Congress, and only Congress, has the power to put the United Stales Into war. He wanted to limit actions by tho President which he feared could Ihrow Urn mil Ion Into war without formal declaration by Congress, IHTTKItNKSS Tho proposal sparked bitter arg uments over the Ncndtng of troops to Europe, whether president Tru man exceeded his authority in dis patching troops to Korea and whether he could send them Into battle elsewhere In Urn world. Watkins finally withdrew his reservation. mm w PfH Witt 'naOW qolcfcfy L With -- - rf n09t Glow WW SAW. Ml BALSIGER MOTOR CO. Main at Eplanadt Tb. 3121 niter senators were told that the, wur-inaklng powers of Como'cnst would he unimpaired. tr. 4B 9th and Pint Phone 3188 J! Your Corset Dollar Buys More at Wards 1.98 m 0 Nylon bra has Identical features of a na tionally advertised brand selling for $2.50. Fagoted seams. In white. A-B-C cupi, 32-40. Q Satin hi-walit girdle hat 2 Inches of coll wire boned elastic; won't roll over. Boned front ponol plus elastic down stretch back, 26-34. 7.98 MON. - TUES. - WED. LET WARDS EXPERT CORSET- 7 IERE MISS JOAN BROWNE HELP YOU SELECT THE CORRECT FOUNDATION FOR YOUR FIGURE TYPE. 5 COME IN MEET HER FROM 9:00 TO 5:30. ' ' I MOI SALE not a but a because it's - - - FACTORY TO YOU , YOU SAVE AT LEAST $20 ON EACH MATTRESS here's why!! y You Save You Save You Save You Save costly freight charges higher retail prices on branded mattresses middle-man profits in ccuntlsss other handling costs. A Genuine $60 VALUE 95 39 For The BEST. .. In REST For LESS See arlson's MATTRESS i UPHOLSTERING CO. ote! we have not Sacrificed Quality to give you a PRICE You will find it interesting, we feel, to come In . . . talk to 111, and learn about what all can be built into a good quality mattreu ... we take pride in ihowlng you how many good quality spring we uie, how much and how many good quality sital pads we use and how much good quality cotton padding we use ... the rayon damask covering I. the best of ticking ... the construction it done carefully to make the mattress hold together years and years ... .0 that all tjie wear available it obtained from the materials. 1 TV WVHIII Will IIVIII Iff I V W jj M : : 5 1 1