Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, February 09, 1952, Page 9, Image 9

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"(ilnil yoti'rr lirrr. Ilfnr! I wnnl
you to Irll inn If Tut titling oinr-
Till': I'OI.I.OWINli pH'i o Ahotllcl
rtiher be (uruutlrn or burled at the
f uiiom nf thin column.
Uul, Inasmuch ii the Joke's un
no und 'H He's the lilue rllibon
nrUe lor llm boner ol the year.
I II put It In ll.i nulillul place nl
llm licnd ul the chins.
I irnlly do know llie dlllcmice
hriwi rll ill rllll' UIHl u Hlmlmill ut
lcni III viikup mill ol uy. Hill
In h recent nUirv on llm Kluiiiiilh
Oull Club's li'iip'shool ul Wocus, 1 1
lend nil Willi: . . . inreo
Wl'TEIta tied lor . . ."
I could enme up uilh the rx
rui.e lluit some ol Un- wines In
iiuulrd Hit lioy.i WKItK iiln:
rillrn. Bill I won't. Cliumc II to
mm nl those dnys I should Imvc
ntood 111 bed".
I lll'.AIII) r nlnry on Ilex
i lloneyooy i llunsukcr. 0 r u o n
Tech conch, Unit In loo Kood lo
keep lo mytiell.
This one cun tnke In rlirhtlul
pure wllh Iho "nbM-iit-inliitlcd pro
IrMor" stories.
Ilimsukor lelt wllh bh Junior
varsity buhkotDull iciim this week
mill landed over the lull lor Oriuil.i
In hli hnMe ha lurt:ol one Mini II
mutter ho Iclt wiilmut his start
Iiik center, Wnyne llulzlus.
Appnrcntly llunmiker didn't no
tlcn iho U'bnnon boy wum nbhrnl
until Iho crkc Kiuud Wtt.i noino 20
inik'l oil Us wuy.
In the iiii'niitlnie, lluivukor'n
cunchlnu coinpuniun, Art Kirklnnd,
lucked lliiliUhH in n cur mid tried
to ciilrh ilunsuker n puriy. Kirk
lnnd Kiive up tbo Job lit Kcno mid
lei iIoiuiim out.
The bl boy hitch-lilked the rest
ol urn way mid got to Oruiiln Puss
in tunc
P. H. llolr.lu.vi wim Oreloch'
liiKh-polnl mini nmilnst the Ciivc-
ihuinpion, pcii uluiiR Ihu Inlcr
nimii bit ol inlormnllun.
Mis. Pnul Furrciis, In Wlckcn
bum, Ail.., lo do nonic vuciillon
liia and iil.io gel In n lew llck.i
in roii, entored tho Wlckenburg
Country Club lournnnieiit. .
alio won niodiill.il honors, delciit
Iiik iho club chiiinploii. und Ihu
weekend ply in tlio tmb.
IIUII KS Irom the sportii flic:
M n r v I n llniniiiiick, Oretcch
cniicr, In culled Uenrpnw" by his
tcnmiiiBtci . . . Hie nnmo wua
lucked on becnuse ol llnininnck s
bcur-llko swipes ul the bull on
ueliin.se . . . Closc-buUnol-closc-enouiih
title noes to the Hcruld
and News Uinl In the city lcnuue
... the Nowsiiien hnve lost lour
Hiunc.H bv jut r inuitiln of one
Held goui, due In overtime . . .
i.porls pu..lc ol the acuaon: the
city amors piny lliolf lcnuue
iinme.H rmht In llie cony confine
ol KlRmnth Fnlla'nnd latching onto
core Ktiecii ofteiitlnies is nil uk
lirnvutlnd chore . . . contrnrlwlsii.
the Kinniulli Busln lennuc l
fprrnd over the, leimlh nnd brradth
ol the country, including two towns
In Cnllformn nnd the box acorca
lrom which the slorlea nre written
come In like clockwork . , . Ned
lnsh, bnakclbnll promoler at Mud
laon Sfpmre Unrden, Issues tlniires
Hint show tho hoop tlx scanduls
haven't hurt altendnnco enoimli to
mntter . . . there's a aUulil de
crenso In Inn-turnout but most ol
It la luld to television ... Art
Kirklnnd, cage boss nt Oretcfh
and aluo bnscbnll skipper, has
elKlit bnscbnll games slimed al
ready, four with Southern Oregon,
lour with Humboldt 8lulo . . . he a
eyeing Gems Stadium for Sunday
afternoon doiiblchenders . . . Kirk
- land Is nlso tossing around another
a busebnll louiniiment nl Clems
Stadium Involving the four teams
In the Oregon Collegiate conference
... It would bo one or two days,
depending on whether Its single or
double elimination . , . what's hap
pened to Rex Luyno, Snlt Lnke
Cily heavyweight? ... not too
long ago he wns being hulled as
boxing '"while hope" . . . even
lack Dempscy was high on him
. . . since then he's been soundly
trounced bv Rocky Mnrclniio and
Ezn Charles . . . and now sonio
bumpkin, nurnnmo James, a fistic
unknown, hands I.nyne his lumps
. . . Lnyne was described In llie
Associated Press story as "pudgy
and wild-swinging" . . ,
Need More
We Sell Quality Parts
For Loss! .
Wax Hot
In Last
Oitkoii Tech sliced lis deficit In
1 1n lioiiii'Htrclcli ol llm i)reon Col
It'Klulo Oonlrreiice bnskethitll rsca
hint iii;lit by cutting filiorl r drs
pi'iiiti' Oickoii CoIIi-ko Isst-dltch
l 1 1 v lor u Willi victory.
With I, imi Oenetln uunrli-rliiicklnK
pluvn mid Homer IJuncnn and
Mmv lliimmnck pumping In nlioi
Willi inonolonoitfi reyuliirlty, the
Inns nnw n rout lor mom limn
three tiuurtrrs.
Then, with some M-ven minutes
lo ko, the Monnioutli Wolves turned
hot mid the Owls rold. 'Die lido
turned ko ipilckly Hint the Owls
iiiir'ff r slender Ihree-polnt Irnd
'villi lei limn lilllliltfl lo no.
Tim Owls opened Urn fourth own
trr with plmliy 6334 Irnd, nft'-r
poitliut R 3H-I8 Intermission bule.
Wllh seven milium left, lb"
Owls lind no resl reuse lor worry
Willi ft bHi3 ndvanluKC
Mmv Hummock,
who had the
Wolves rccllnu with Ins drives to-
wnrd the nel, leli the game ut
ihis point wllh lour louls.
The Monmouih diilnl perked mi
wllh llununnck oul. Roger Ousch
cprned the splurge with R field
uoiil Harold I'llchcr added one nnd
Chuck Pinion nil twice In ouick
mxe.wlon to trim the score lo 68
il Tom Kchubert got R free Ihrow
but Pinion retnlluled wllh anolher
one from Hie lloor lo inuke II bll
(3. 'llie Owls started R stall at
ihis point nnd Al Foreman Drone
loo.-n for a Held goal.
Two minutes were lelt when mc
Rue lilt on a long shot to close
11 to 2-fi7. Honior Duncan, who
scored 21 points lor Man-point
honors and played watchdog on me
boards, hit wllh his Inst Held goal,
a big one that brought it to 84-57.
Uul l'lnlon wnsn'l ihrnugh as he
drove in lor a shot but louled In
the process, his illlh Inlracllon
Unit gave him a sent on the
bench. Howard Sullivan made It
t)l-(H with Jusl seconds lelt.
Then, with the Wolves pressing
lor possession. Foreman found a
putlt down the middle to score on
a luy-ln lor Iho lust basket.
Forly-two fouls were called In
all, enough to send five OCE lnds
mid two Owls to tho showers.
Tho lirst quarter was nip and
tuck, although the Owls put on a
burst ol speed tliPt gave them a
ID-12 lead going into Uis second
Then Ilummnck and Duncan
cnuglH ftro in the second to lead
llio Owis In a dazzling attack Hint
curried them to a 3(1-18 Intermis
sion edge, ns the Wolves could find
just tv.d field goals and two free
throws In Hint chnpter.
Il wns tho siiine Uilng 111 the
third und the first couple, of min
utes ol tho lourlh until Oregon Col
lege opened Us binge ' Uinl fell
The two teams tangle again to
night. A win lor Oregon Teen
would give the Owls a second
pluce lie wllh OCK in the OCC
Ho bror:
oiii.i.oN cot.i.EiiK ra it rr TP
sniiivan, f a a a a
I'lmmi. 1 3 i IB
Hltchpr. c a 1 S 11
Iliuhnrll. ( 4 I : I 10
I'almqulil. t 3 0 ,
Rrwemtock 0 0 0 0
Mn i o o a
Vonovtr I ' 1
Uuwh 1 1 S 3
Nairn 0 0 10
Hill. (ION 11(11
D'lnran. I
Srhubrrl, I
Plnkley. c
llainniai'k, g
Geiialln. K . ..
. a:i m sn i
id -t rr ip
Tolali W la 23 as
HaiMima acora: Oregon Taeh 30 Ore-
(un Collega IB. "re Ihrowa mUaed.
Ortaon Collego.lS (Sullivan a. PIlchM
5. Uuihnell 1, Pinion 8. Vanovar 1.
PalmquUt li; Oregon Tech la (Duncan
.1. Plnltlev I. Ilammack a. oenelin l
Wvall 1, roremnn 1. uumpnrey
OlllelaU: Jonca. and Bonney.
Matmen Beat
The Klnmath Falls high school
wrestlers are still unbeaten.
They beat Lebanon yesterday,
27-16, on the losers' mats. The Pel
icans won live decisions by Ro
land Blehn, Ronnie Conner, Don
Dexter, Vernon Pryor and Tom
Wells. Falls wero scored by Or
vllle Swindler and Jay Den ring.
Denn Johnson wrestled to a draw.
Elvis Mitchell, Don Shell, Carl
Stewart and Perry Williams lost
their bouts, Shell by the fall route.
The Pels are scheduled to meet
the Oregon State Rooks In a re
match today.
(Formerly Kaler Auto Service)
NEW LOCATION -2041 Raddifh
(Across South 6th from Troy V. Cook's)
SDke Holly;
f cm,
BIS HOMER DUNCAN is In the driver's seat in Ihis rebound shot from last night's Ore
gon Tcth-Oregon College game on OTI's court. OCE Wolves offering arguments to Dun
can here are Bill Palmquist (31), Leroy Vanover (32) and Howard Sullivan (20). An un
identified Owl is in the background. Oretech won, 66-61.
:. ?' &r":i " . RED HURD, SPORTS I0ITOI ' '
Panthers Keep Unbeaten Skein;
Bonanza Outlasts Sacred Heart
. .:i:i:i
.Sarrrd Heart
llfnlcy .
lllv .
S 1
a :i
. a
a 4
a 4
, 0 0
l.att Miht
Chllonuln 41
Merrill 31
Mnlln fti Henlry 2H
llnnnnta S2 Scrr-d Heart 47
lily 711 Gllchriat 3a -
The Chlloquln Panthers nre a
cinch lor at least a tie in the
Klnmnth County high school bas
ketball circuit after running Its
undefeated string to six straight
last night with a 41-31 win over
Merrill on the losers' floor.
The Panthers can win the travel.
Ing trophy nnd first-seeded spot in
the Feb. 21-23 tournament next
week In the last round ol games.
But the chore Isn't an easy one
for Frank DIUllo's boys because
they met a Bonanza team that has
found its stride.
The Antlers handed Uie pre-sca-
Oregon City Upends
McMinnville, 70-51
Hy JIM coi n
Associated Press Staff Wrltrr
Three Portland teams, rated 1-2-3
In this week's Associated Press
Oregon high school basketball poll,
were every bit as good as their
rankings Friday night.
But McMlnnvlllc, rated No. 4,
ran Into an upset.
Central Catholic, the No. 1 team,
overwhelmed Salem, ranked No. 6
in the poll, 74-40. Central's all-state
star. Bob Altcnhofcn, dumped in
22 points as the Rams scored their
14th victory in 15 games this seas
on. Cleveland, ranked No. 2, comi
pletcd a sweep of its Port land High
School League first half schedule
by drubbing Roosevelt, 57-44. Jerry
Ross, high-scoring Cleveland for
ward who had been expected to be
sidelined for the season with a
broken wrist bone, played with a
Evenings . . . till 8 p.m.
Saturdays . . . till 6 p.m.
Sundays . . 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
son favorite, Sacred Heart, a 62-47.
defeat last night to run its record
to 5-1. Bonanza can get a tie In
the elght-tcnm chase with a win
over Chljoquln next week.
Other games last night saw Ma
lin climb alone into the Number
4 spot with a 52-28 victory over
Henley and Bly hand Gilchrist its
sixth straight loss without a win
by a 79-32 count.
Alter a see-saw first quarter that
saw Chlloquln post a 14-11 lead
the Panthers stayed Just a squeak
ahead until the fourth when they
staged a rally for the 10-potnt mar
gin. Both the centers, Chlloquin's big
Gene Gentry and Merrill's Wes
Huskins, fouled out in the fourth.
Gentry finished with 11, Jo Jo
George 10. Cliff Honeycutt with 10
and Jack. Hendrickson with 9 paced
It wns touch-nnd-go on the Sn.
cred Heart floor as the Trojans
and Antlers tied 13-all at the end
specially-designed east and regis
tered 14 points.
Lincoln, ranked No. 3, smashed
the single-game team league scor
ing record it set in the Portland
opener by walloping Franklin, 85
56. Wade "Swede" Halbrook, Lin
coln's seven foot one-inch center,
caged 45 points to run his sea
son's total to 555 In 15 games.
Mc Mlnnvllle suffered Its fourth
defeat of the season gainst 15 vic
tories when It fell to Oregon City
Jefferson, 1951 State champion,
was virtually eliminated as a pos
slblo state tournament entry when
it lost to Grant, 63-55, in a Portland
Promising students unable to
qualify for scholarships are
sometimes forced to forego their
higher education through lack
of- funds. A Sun- Life College
Policy will provide a guaranteed
"Scholarship" to take your son
through college. Ensure' your
son's future ...
Ph 7777 todoyt
Dirt. Ajt.
fill J
Duont inker
of one quaarter. But with Irwin
Crume finding the range he fin
ished with 21 the Antlers pulled
ahead, 32-22 at the half and stayed
The Trojans rallied furiously In
the last frame but couldn't catch
up. It was the third straight loss
two in league play lor the Tro
jans after racking up 14 straight
Mnlin led all the way In Its tri
umph over Kcnley with Wayne
Rick and Bob Stevenson pooling
radar talents for 16 and 15 points.
Gilchrist had no chance against
the sharp-shooting ol Bly's Frank
lin Hutchinson, John Jaquysh and
Donnie Wessell, who potted 21, 20
and 16.
Box scores:
111 V (111) (.li) GILCHRIST
Uvbrand 8 F 8 Freeman
WcsscU 16 r WlUlnsham
Jaquysh 20 C I Brader
Hutchinson 31 c: 4 Bliss
Chronuter G Slue
Bly tubs Cavln 4, Martin, Dillavou
6. Hadlcy a. Harder a Gllchrl.it aub
Wlrtz 1, Garrtck 3, Bcrger 3, Ware
a, Traw 1.
W. Hick H F 1 Anderson
Mauney 4 F 3 B. Hill
Steveiuon IS . C S Hayes
Travis 4 G 9 Ramsey
Fenten 10 G Letlto
Malln aubs Pan 3. V. Kick. Hen
ley subs Case 10, McPherson, Jones.
SAP. HT. (til (3!) BONANZA I
Mahoney 6 F 21 Crume
Helderer 5 F 12 Hubble
Pratt H C 3 Chandler
Howard It G 7 Hood
Benrd 13 G 7 Wilson
Sacred Heart suos Koch 2. Wessel
1. McAndrews 1, Nueberl a. Bonanza
subs Dye 2.
rmi.oqriN (in on mrrrii.l
George 10 F ' 10 Honeycutt
David S F 3 Wclshans
Gentry 11 C 4 Haskins
Vaden 5 G 1 Reeves
Dunols 4 G S Hendrickson
Chllnquin suits Parker 2. Nichol
son. Merrill subs O'Nell, Winters 3.
Barry 2.
t 540 Main
iff ww wwAft
College Hasketball
By The Associated Press
Far West
Southern California 69 Santa Clara
Stanford 67 St. Marys 60
Oregon 56. Idaho 49
Washington 69, Oregon Slate 56
Denver 61, Colorado A li M 62
Brlgham Young 50, Montana 47
Idaho State 61, Montana State 48
UCLA 72, Pepperdlne 70
Wehtcrn State 60, Colorado Col
lege 67
Ricks 73. Weber 72
College of Idaho 65, Whitman 58
Napa 57. Yuba 43
Nevada 63, YMI 30
Eastern Washington 67, Central
Washington 69
Whltworth 69, Puget Sound 58
Wllliamelle 86, Lewis and Clark 79
Seattle Pacific 87. Vanport 81
Whlttler 59, Chapman 49
Sacramento State 70, Fresno State
San Francisco State 85, Chicago
State 75
Humboldt 81, Cal Aggies 64
Oregon Teen (XS, uregon imucauon
California 54. Universal Motors,
Honolulu 50
Wichita 66 Creighton 63
Toledo 60. Western Keserve 4(
Central, Mo., 68 Missouri Valley 55
Cornell, Iowa 69, Grlnnell 67
North Dakota Aggies 64, Moorhead,
Minn. 51
Boston College 72, New York A.C.
Pittsburgh 72. Westminster, Pa. 60
Connecticut 85, Bucknell 59
Maine 87, New Hampshire 70
Colby 74, Tults 53
Brandeis 85, MIT 61
West Texas 70, Arizona State,
Tempe 69
Howard Pavne 61. Austin 49
Texas Western 61, Hardln-Simmons
Midwestern 57, North Texas 52
North Carolina 80. The cnaaei bz
Clcmson 71, Davidson 69
Ouantlco Marines 88, American
University 73
Virginia Tech 87, Washington and
Lee 85
Georgia 63, Alabama 51
Auburn 61, Florida 52
George Washington 7o. VMI 60
Louisiana Teen iv, wjuuitia
La. r3
Clark 55, Morehouse 49
Presbyterian 87, newoerry si
Maryland State 83, Kings. Pa., 61
Oregon Prep Basketball
By The Associated Presa
Crater 44, Illinois Valley 40
Rogue 67, Phoenix 37
St. Mary's (The Dalles) 65, Du
fur 50
Reedsport 68, Newport 40
Sluslaw 47, Taft 46
Scappoose 43, 8easide 42
Mill City 46. St. Paul 34
Salem Academy 39, Waldport 33
Coquille 63, North. Bend 52
Marshfield 76, Myrtle Point 49
Baker 57, Hermiston 39
North Marlon 66, Amity 43
Rainier 42, Vernonia 39
Willamina 56, Banks 43
Mt. Angel 38, Dallas 37
Eddyville 77. Siletz 33
Davton 53. Sherwood 32
Beaverton 44, Tigard 42
Stayton 42, Sacred Heart (Salem-
Alsen 52. Monroe 34
Willamette 54, University 52 (both
Albany 56, Sweet Home 38
Silverton 42, Canby 29
Cascade 44, Philomath 40
Garibaldi 56, Bay City 43
Cascade Locks 53, Hosier 39
Sheridan 70. Yamhill 35
Central Catholic (Portland) 74 Sa
lem 49
Eugene 45, Cottage Grove 41
Clatskanie 69, St. Helens 54
West Linn 63, Newberg 49
Corvallls 42, Lebanon 38
Hillsboro 46, Forest Grove 36
La Grande 62. The Dalles 50
Junction City 56, Springfield 48
woodburn 54, sandy 53
Molalla 50, Estacada 36
Dayton 53, Sherwood 32
Park Rose 45, Warrenton 23
Oresham 47, Milwaukle 46
Oregon City 70, McMinnville 51
Maupin 43, Corbett 36
Westport 59, Sclo 49
Harrisburg 78, Brownsville 41
Falls City 51, Valsetz 45
Echo 71, Athena 60
Cleveland 57, Roosevelt 44
Lincoln 85, Franklin 56
Oram 63, Jefferson 55
Benson 46. Washington 34
Concordia 64, Columbia Prep 62
Freshmen Win
Klamath's freshman cagers wal
loped the Ashland frosh, 51-26, on
Pelican Court last night.
Klamath held a 19-11 lead at the
half but pumped it uo to 35-21 at
the three-quarter mark. Jerry
Baker scored 10 to lead KU, while
Gary Williams and Dickie Abra
ham, Klamath, and Doyle Lemley
and David Carter, Ashland, all
had eight.
Fremont Junior High beat Ash
land's Junior High, 41-21, In the
Shine 'em up!
For the East Shoe
Shine in town!
Earri two good returns yearly
Enjoy savings protection
Have money when needed
Add any Amount any Time
Klamath Falls
Nip Idaho
In Upset
By The Associated Presa
SEATTLE Wi Idaho's rush to
overtake the University of Wash
ington Huskies In the Northern Di
vision Pacific Coast Conference
basketball race was stopped with
a double barrelled block Friday
By virtue of a decisive 69-56 win
over Oregon State College while
Idaho was losing. 56-49, to Ore
gon, the Huskies enjoy a full two
game home stretch lead.
Oregon 8tate did a better than
average Job of bottling up Wash
ington's big Bob Houbregs. hold
ing him to 15 long-shot points. But
it gave Frank Guisness a chance
to pour In 20 points from deep In
the corners.
Washington's lanky ball hawkers
were clearly superior through most
of the game after taking an
early OSC lead but they never had
a cnance lo relax. The Oregonlans
kept them well out on the floor
and little Danny Johnston present-
it prooiem or nis own as he
sent Minn? the hnrlrot fnr tntal
of 17 points.
Johnston scored three baskets In
a row for the Beavers at the out
set and they led until Washington
caught up at 8-ail, then went ahead
to stay at 12-11. Halftlme found the
Huskies ahead, 35-21.
Idaho saw Its hopes for a clean
sweep of its four game series go
glimmering early In the tilt at Eu
gene. Tney led until the Ducks tied
the score midway In the first ner.
iod, then pulled ahead at 14.11 tn
stay. A rally led by Guard Bob
Hawkes In the second period gave
the Ducks a healthy seven-point
margin they clung to to lead, 30-23.
at halftlme.
They lenethened this In S4-M
the third period opened, then hung
on gamely to stave olf an Idaho
rally that narrowed the score to
i-io. r rom men on they built
their lead back to seven points,
nursing the edge with a tight de
lense and careful ball control until
the final whistle.
The name was roueher than rh
fray to Seattle, with 34 tn-mn.i.
called and Ed Haller, sophomore
Idaho forward, thumbed out on a
disqualifying foul after tangling
iiis uig ova x-eterson in tne first
Peterson was th niirW main.
stay, netting 18 points. Hartley
Kruger and Herb Melton led the
vanaais wim 8 points each.
The teams meet again- Saturday
night at Eugene and Seattle.
Lose. 55-57
A 28-polnt fourth-quarter rally
fell short last night as the Ore
gon Tech jayvees dropped a 65-57
uecision 10 tne itex club of Yreka
Calif., In the preliminary game on
uie nniiop court.
Jim McGregor. ex-Oretecher, led
tne visitors witn 18 points.
Jim Paterson, Wayne Holzfuss
and Jack Brown paced the last-
quaner rally mat just fell short.
The two teams meet again tonight.
In AAU championship swimming
meets the relay scoring system has
been changed. In freestyle relays
the scoring will be on a 14-10-8-6-4-2
basis and In the medey relay on
a 12-9-7-5-3-1 basis.
GENE WOODS, Insurance
Chartered Life Underwriter,
Chartered Property and Casualty Underwriter .
122 South Ninth
Klamath Falls, Oregon
Fire . . Casualty'. . Auto . . Life v
Top Old Line Companies Only
for as little as
l"'. says Fay Mont
gomery, our thor
oughly experi
enced body - man
in charge of our
modern Body and
Paint Department.
If your credit's good
Anderson Auto Service
. 632 Wolnuf (By the Post Office) Ph. SUA"
K-Amusement ...fa a ,B(1T
Wesl-llltchror'? 40 30 .fldt
o. Ore. Well ,. , . , :n tf ..fl.10
Wards 1 38 ,31S
Leach gervira .. i 40 .aim
Stone's Signal Barv .... 14 44 .ajj.
I.j. I H.rk's N..SIH
K-Amusemrnt .1 Water Boya 1
Wards 3 80. Ore. Well I
Leach 3 Stone's 1
K-Amuscment went even further
ahead In the Moose Pa'i bowling
league last veek with Charlie
Booth, as usual, leading the way.
Booth chipped In with a high
game and series of 228 and 624
as K-Amusement racked up the
high team serlc-s, 2687. The high
learn game went to Leach Service
with a 966 score. ,
High marks season-wise give K
Amusement a top score of 11776 for
team series, followed by Stone's
Signal Service with 2733 and Water
Boys with 2718. Single high team
game score Is held by K-Amusement,
a 969. stone's, 967, and
Leach Service, 966, follow.
Individually, last week's 624 gave
Booth the high series mark, trailed
by Wilbur Courtney. West-Hitch-cock's
Water Boys, 610, and Shelly
niiKuio, yvcu uruiers, BUll.
Harry Bray, West-Hitchcock, has
the high single game, a 238. Next
Is Booth with 237 and Charles Mar
tin Amusement, 232.
Courtney in nine outings, holds
the season's high average, 194. But
"""ui um a mu in games.
mnh Pa lira n stnra u i n
H.HW.1, 10 Mid ICttUlIIK
scorer at the halfway point of the
wumcm vicgon uomerence Das-
ftCLuuii race, according to figure
released yesterday to the Herald
and News hv .irru iriAn
Grants Pass Daily Courier.
wun six games played by each
of the four large Class A schools
In Hut A tVlatvta U TnU tt
... .siuiiinui .rails, irranis
Pass, Ashland and Medford Car
iuii nas scored iuh points.
Spfinnrl nlna aru- VM.t.
r.v- iyu gucfl WJ iJlMg.
James, Grants Pass with' 83.
BeU- Pelican forward, U
fifth with 63. . ......
The too tpn aw-
Ralph Carroll, Kf
Bill Hollingswortb.
i. A""'. Till
M . 1
M -
1 1 uis v-onncr,
Ray Bell. KP ..
Harvey Wocdi,
X Don Spinas, M
Ed Elng-ham, y,
John Harbour. GI
Dick Atterbury,
x-four garnet
Tule Loses
To 'Etna
Tulelake lost a 53-47 decision to
Etna yesterday in a Siskiyou Coun
ty league game.
The Honkers rallied from a 38-47
third-quarter deficit but couldn't
quite catch up. Jerry ' King and
Art Goldblatt scored for Tule
lake. . . i
Pacific Coast Hockey
By The Associated Press -
Edmonton 8, Vancouver 1
New Westminster 6, Victoria
Thoroughly Modern - ..
llr. and Mrs. J. E. Earley
Proprietors and Joe Earley
Phone 6369
Let us "manicure"
the dents and
scratches your
car's picked up
this winter. Fret
estimates cheer
fully given!,
it's good with us!
-55k ? 1