SATURDAY, l'TnrUMKV 0, 1932 HERALD AND NKWS. KLAMATH FALLS. ORKGON PAGR SEVEN REFLECTIONS FROM J L 1 fsmi&Q. w ,, ! i i '( x Th h.3iiiyW,lr.,irti,a i 'imiiwnW "3 A NEW ROLE for Spike Uuober when he was guest of honor at a stork shower given nl Hcames Golf and Country Club, Kcb. 6, with Howard Scroggins, Kldon I'hair and Kay Itcchrr as hosts. Wives were invited to join the party after 10 p.m. to sec the opening of the gifts. Pictured above at the appropriately decorated table (centered with a stork) are, from the left, Spike Beeber, Norman Moty, Moon Mullis, John Sandmcyer and Virgil Stewart. THE FRENCH JOJINKON8-on board tils yacht "Qoodwlll" are lolnurclv crulalnK water oil the count of Mexico word from Aca- pulco report really hot weather Mm. J. write that they arc en jovIiik the beautiful harljor color ful with many yacht and mnull bout flhliiK very Rood beautiful hotel happy natives living; In junior which is pardoxlcai to Americans. JOBS DAUGHTERS annual "Klntt of Heart" ball tonhfht--tne Armory will be one bin Valen tine according to the decorating committee. I NOTE THAT Joada Leonard former Klamathlte now In Gram F'an la on the OrcKon Women's Committee lor "Kelauver for Pres ident. Vhlln here Joada was vice chairman of the Democratic Slate Central Committee. CLARENCE AND KATHLEEN WARD are United Airlinlni! to HF where they will leave via Pan American at midnight Tuesday to check Into the Moana next dav In Honolulu where Clarence will renew icqualntance with Islanders who attended school In the states with him Their return trip will RECITAL AT SACRED HEART Bucred Heart Academy will pre vent th' tli'l of a aerie of early MH lug mublt al recitals, Bundiry, Manzanita Chapter 172 Eastern Star Vera Frltseh. Worthy Matron 'nil .lohn Limon. Worliiv Puirmi Feb. 10. 3 80 p.m. In the Acadeiyy lreslled at the regular meeting of Auditorium. The public Is cordial- ! -S Feb '. ... Iv Invited to tins recital, the iheiiHt i '',1.11Pnll,' Fcu- ' " " o. which la -Ihc All Amrfcanl1 Miln,.'- wlcomcd , ,. ,n!l,y' WorUiy Matron and Elmer Appearing on the prog. am will llramlett. Worthy 1'atron of Aloha he th lollowlng: Linda hltls. Cur- chaplcr 01 as they were Intro melle llartln. Lynden llowen, Mary uueed und escorted to the east. .milium, uoui-e Au'iougmm. j A Ui-,,ri,P ulrUiday party was I t BnrirU. Julie Ann Rhodes. Cull j,el (or Helen McCornack. As.- Bianorn. namira rrenerii .. n.i"u- clato Mntron who was escorted tu i rrlne Hrnimer Linda Hanyille. !.,e dliiing room bv Vera Fritsch. ( ndra rre lrikk. Kalherlne Hrsu-, Worlhy Mlron -ib) ,,rrnnK,d ner. rlandra eJipewai, PJl in an H were brleht with Individ Hiarr. Cnmlanee Renrl. Ann Jen-iu (,vcni of uK,trd birthday can- driejesil. blephenie we, Miiit,M .Mi fiwrry pince cards. A beaulllul flower arrangement and lflrk. Shirley Juekson, Patricia Trcleae and Frances Monti. Kathleen Dougherty. Jean Ann May. Georgia. Ucux Carlene Franks. Joanne Miller, Sandra Nash, Pa tricia Miller. Miller. Sir. nine Heeback. Margaret Smith, le Waters. Sharon Rulten. Carol ij-it.,a I l,,r,rii,t,B Turullno. Pa tricia korsen, Knren Cogburn. Pen- jbnt.iday card elope Lee, Maureen Novak, uingcr Vnden. Jo Anne Hogatay, Barbara l illherland. Sharaui Whlllork, Nan cy WemplB and Vlr.kl Jan Roman. V a largo birthday card In star i colors was presented Sister Helen, bv lha Worthy Matron. Cake and eoffeo were served by the host esses. Corlnne Larson. Glady.t Met Itr. Vera Fritsch and Laura Sim mons. Members and guests then enjoyed reading and signing the KLAMATH AGENCY Ella Cun ningham, daughter of Charles Gentry of Medford. became the bride of Flovd Frank, son of Mrs. Ella Frank of Klamath Idaho. In a morning service read in Kin ma 111 Falls on Thursday, Jan. 24, 10 a in,, by Rev. David Uamelt of Ihc Presbyterian, church The bride chose a brown and blue check suit with light blue ac cessories and wore a corsage of chargt of devotions. A duct, "lliru jocep purple orchids. Matron ol the'Cbites of Gold" was sung by honor lor her sister was Mrs. Ray Mrs. B. J. LoltR.inrd and Mrs. E. Illobbs who also wore a tailored Slioc. outfit and an orchid corsage, l vr II,.. Orr-uon Council In- i Best man was Joseph Ball of augurated the plan lor nomiug me Women Meet At Church Council Klamath Kalis Council of Church Wumen held a meeting Jan. Hi at St. Paul's Episcopal Church. Mrs. John Yadon gave the In vocation and Mrs. Ivan Rlffey. Church of the Hrethren Agency Couple Recently Wed annual meotlng In several sessions Ihrotmhout the state for the bene fit of all who desired to attend. Thla year s schedule Includes meet ings at the First Methodist Church, Pendleon, Feb. S, the Westminster First Christian Church, Salem. Feb. 7; First Methodist Church. Roseburg. Feb. 8. Programs In each. city will be Identical. , Mrs. Lawrence Phelps announced Feb. 21) as the date for the an nual World Day of Prayer. Mrs. Kenneth Lamble Introduced W. A. Sellwood. Portland, world traveler and guest speaker who told of the great need for goats in Korea. Recently returned from Korea, he said thero were a 100.000 chil dren who do not know their par ental status, the majority are prob ably orphans. Army tlocors say that two out of three are victims of tuberculosis. Goats are Immune to the dis ease and cost of care Is small. Clouts are a continuing gift, the speaker said, the original 2200 sent to Korea now number 10,000. The population Is now largely Christian children with a sprin kling of mothers left. Fathers al most without exccplon have been sent into battle. Each goat costs $50 delivered and the speaker hoped to get 60 lroin Uio Klamath area. : MEETING Regular meeting of the Sub urban Fire Department Auxiliary was held Monday night, 8 p.m. at the fire station. Plans were discussed for a Joint card parly with the men mem bers. President Elsie Wnrren appoint ed her committees for the coming year. Members present were: Donna Carr, Oma Lee Buck, Greta Schwelger, Veronica Scaiies, Mary Williams, Elsie Warren, Marthn Cassldy, Doris Green, Lou Perkins, vera Gordon and Henna moss. Oma Lee Buck furnished refreshments. Sand Creek Station. Only a few guests wore In at tendance. The bridal parly drove to Sand Creek for a reception giv en by Mr. and Mrs. Ball. Mr and Mrs. Frank took a wed ding trip to the Willamette Valley throurh central Washington and to Kamlah, Idaho to visit with hit relatives before returning to Klanv. ath ARencv where they will make their home Frank Is physical accountant at the local olllcc. "if "V'i. tw bo through LA to visit their son and daughler-ln-law and MAINLY to see for the first time their month old granddaughter. HONOR STUDENTS AT OBC Clifford Jackson, Virginia Masten, Harold Palmer Klamath Falls and Albert Mlcka Malln. 1 ! WHEN MEN GIVE A STORK FHOWER for the prospective pupa It's a downpour of gifts I Such a "charmin' little affair'' at .Itcamcs last Wed Is reported clse- I where In this tection. I ELKS AND ELK ESSES will con gregate at the club Feb. 16 for linn annual Valentine dance with Morrfeon-McDonaJd music setting the tempo. i . I 8HIRL AND BUD GATES In (town for a couple of days to pick I up dishes silver etc for their new dluglngs In Manhattan Beach Calif, aulress is na i oi. ' SPRING WEATHER almost and with It rumors of a spring Mvlc show In the not too distant luture which will bring out the gals to see the "new trend" in feminine fancies. ri visr iU I ill) FACULTY WIVES AND WOMENS' CLUB at OTI are planning a Sweetheart party Feb. 13, 8 p.m., in the Student's Lounge in the Student Union Building. Mrs. H. C. Madoel'is chairman. Pictured with her are her assistants. From the left, seated, Mrs, Grant Bailey, Mrs. Madoel, Mrs. Robert L. Smith, Mrs. Del Jones, Mrs. Winston Purvlne. Standing, Mrs. F. L. O'Connell, left, and Mrs. Jesse Crabtree, A 'Ton. MARY ELLEN BRADSHAW who before her marriage January 20, was Mary Ellen Prior of Springfield, Mass. The bridegroom is James A. Bradshaw, son of Mr. and Mrs. John T. Bradshaw, Bonanza. Mrs. Bradshaw is the' daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Prior also of Springfield. They were mar ried at St. Michael's Cath edral in that city. The bridpgroom is in the Navy and has been stationed "at Westover Field, Mass. He has been transferred to the Memphis, Tcnn., Naval air technical training center. U- i--,im.a v ...... j. , . . FIFTY YEARS AGO Bertha Norman became the bride of Pharlps F.. Evprett at Norman Station. Indiana. Their wed- i ding anniversary was Dec. 30, and open house was held at their home, 5610 Leland ur., for memDers ot me lamuy and their tnanv friends. They have been residents of Klam ath Falls for 20 years. Photo by Guderian Birthday Party LANGELL VALLEY Mary Jo .Graves celebrated her birthday on Jan. 24 by Inviting a group of girls to her home for a slumber party. They all came home on the Sub District i Garden Club . Tlic Klamath sub-district of Gar den Clubs held a first meeting In tho City Library auditorium Feb. H. Mrs. Will Wood president, ap pointed Mrs. I. W. White. Lost River Garden ciuo, secretary; Mrs. Charles Thurman, Evergreen Garden Club, General Chairman over meetings and Mrs. Fred Karl- son, Publicity Chairman. Another sun-district meeting win be held In Klamath Falls In the early spring. DELPHIANS Delta Oamma Chapter of Del- phians will meet next Tuesday. Feb. 12, at 9:45 a.m. at the YMCA. The program Is entitled "Japan: The west ol tne East7 The leader will be Mrs. Robert I Elllngson Jr. and the following members will open these discus sions: "Japan's Position In the Modern World." Mrs. James Plnnl ger; "Japan Goes Modern," Mrs. Mrs. A. O. Roenlcke; "The Class System Today." Mrs. Charles Lar kin; "Tho Individual and His Des tiny," Mrs, C, E. Johnson; and "Values in Japanese Life," Mrs. Frank Weaver. REMEMBER YOUR SWEETHEART :witli a valentine! - - with a 9ifH Sentimental Humorous For the family Personalized stationery and matches Books, scrapbooks, photo albums and billfolds Pen and pencil sets BEAUTIFULLY GIFT WRAPPED! Shaw Stationery Co. 729 Main bus and had a delicious dinner and lovely cake then had an evening of fun. Those enjoylnir the party were Bessie Lea Hankins, Avhild Romt vedt, Joan Keysor, Pauline Noble, Shirley Ncwlun. Charlotte Passolt, Alice Graves. Mary Jo Meecham, Rita Lilly. Marilee Keysor and Mary Jo Graves. . MR. AND MRS. HAROLD SHEARER 2136 Hola bird, announce the be trothal of their daughter Betty to Ralph M. Perkins, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Perkins. Banks, Ore. Betty is a KUHS graduate and at tended OTI, where her fiance is at present a stu dent. The wedding date has been set for Easter Sunday at St. Paul's Epis copal Church. Ferebee Eight et Forty Eight et Forty. Salon 355 met Jan. 24 in the American Legion HaU. Due to the absence of resident Effle Paul, because of illness. Fan- nie Mae Thompson presided. After the business meeting there was a social hour of games. Refreshments were served by hostesses Julia Williams and Ma- ble Foster. ANW Club Meets Art and Needlework Club met at the home of Mrs. C. J. Martin, on North Seventh, for a one o'clock luncheon. Members present were: Mrs. Z. C. Powell, Mrs. H. M. Brown, Mrs. J. C. Hunt, Mrs. Henry Anderson, Mrs. R. E. Wat tenburg. Mrs. W. P. McMillan, Mrs. Marlon Hanks, Mrs. D. V. Kuykendall, Mrs. George Hum and Mrs. C. H. Underwood. Guests lor the afternoon were Mrs. Laura E. Chamberlain and Mrs. E. M. Bubb. Next meting will be at the home of Mrs. Z. C. owell, March 5, at 1 p.m. Stork Shower Mrs. James Barrett was guest of honor at a stork shower given at the home of Mrs. Glenn walker, 5311 Miller, on the evening of Jan. 25. The room was decorated with white chrysanthemums, pink roses and blue foreet-me-nots. A small clothesline of tiny baby clothing decorated one end of the room ana this was later used in one of the games. Followine the opening of gifts refreshments were served to the following: Mrs. G. B. Chambers, Mrs.- G. A. Chambers, Mrs. Thelma Melton, Mrs. Candis Shoof, Mrs. J. R. Buzek. Mrs. R. C. Cham bers, Mrs. W. M. Chambers, Mrs. Avis Johnson, Mrs. Paul Larkey, Mrs. Judsbn Brown, Mrs. Kenneth Brown, Mrs. Geo. Meade, Mrs. Ned Smith. Mrs. .C. A. Bousman. Mrs. Marvin Bland. Mrs. Ray Bland, Mrs. James McCain, Mrs. Bertie Barrett, Mrs. Wilson Barrett, Mrs. Guy Griffith, and Miss Mavis Reeves. Sending gifts but unable to attend were Mrs. X. L. cham bers, Mrs. Clara English, Mrs. Jerry Fales. Mrs. Gustafson and Alice Gustafson. Mrs. Glenn Walker was hostess for the affair, with Mrs. Wilson Barrett and Mrs. James McCain assisting. SOROPTIMIST' Isabelle Brlxner, vice president of the Soroptimlst Club presided at the regular luncheon meeting inursaay, 'eo. 7, in the Pelican Cafe Party Room. Club members received areet- Ings from Blanche Lundy, who has been vacationing In Phoenix Ari zona and Is now In Los Angeles, one win return aoout Marcn I. President Isabelle announced an executive board meeting Tuesday evening at her home on Lake- snore drive. Frances Anderson won the award for the day. Ruth Adams announced the com ins: of the Bloodmoblle and sev eral members volunteered as do nors. Mrs. Alfred Collier and Mrs Agnes Oliver were luncheon guests. Soroptimlst Annery Uhrek Is the mother of a brand new daughter, born Feb. 7. Josephine Robinson, program chairman for the day introduced, John Oliver, Klamath Falls Union High School senior who spoke on "Juvenile Delinquency." John an outstanding student and a member of the school debate team, was an interesting speaker. He spoke of the Importance ol gooa nomes. and family me in cuming juvemra delinquency since the. home is the ..... 1 tin r. I itumwrtpu " ThA neaker stressed the fact that teen-agers should be taught as grown-ups ana mai scnoois should teach students how to get along with others. This would help young people to enter into the projects and interests or the community ofter leaving school. Wurlitzer A Magnificent PIANO At a Low Price LOUIS R. MANN PIANO CO. 120 No. 7th Birthday Dinner T.awrapi.T. VM.EVMrs. Bill Tturnott intprtninpri with A chicken dinner on Jan. 28 to celebrate Fr$nk w. Brown s Dirmaay. uuesis were Mr. and Mrs. Lester Leavltt, Mary Anne Leavltt, Bill Burnett and Maria. Monte and Richard Burnett and the hostess. A social levening was enjoyed following the dinner. nil ttfe'l', - WYmiiVr U'- fcrW &?.'&! EilSi-iV"''' "WabfKo- &5r CONVERT YOUR OLD COTTON MATTRESS Flnlihfd Ta l.sok Jnal Mkt On Of Our Ntw tartar MMirtur Carlson's , SSSZ, into a 312 coll INNERSPRING A 59.95 t9 CO Quality WA3W Save with Carlton' -2405 So. 6th Phone 4510 gW7 WITH A LANE CEDAR CHEST v i I Walnut and Pald.o ,..f t OqZLa. woods. . S 'W- . (n down il $1 delivers! IASY WIIKIY PAYMINTS Smerl blond oak design available, toot "Four Floors of Fine Furniture and Floor Coverings" KGamatk unnitune Co 221 Main Phone 5353 or 5339 Glowing symbol of devotion, this mag nificent sterling jjlver growl more beautiful, more meaningful at it is used. Choose the pattern that Is her heart's desire... all fresh, young in spirit. fff Jpveliest way fo Igs W ''Tm" '' forriof) TradMnarla of OacMe Ltd. 6-piece place-settings from 27.50 to 33.25 ftitwaf Io rxWM BUDGET ACCOUNTS INVITED! 7 700 Main St. f REGISTERED JEWELER I miiuH ten SOCIETf I Phone 3131