Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, February 09, 1952, Page 6, Image 6

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Agency Nurse
Recent Bride
Cusebier. local nurse, was mar
ried in Seaule on Dec. SO in an
evening ceremony at the navy
cnapei. The residing chaplain,
Father' Gunthner read the service
which united Elizabeth in marriage
to Jack Morgan qf Seattle. Mor
gan is a seaman first class and
has been in the navy for several
years. .
For ber wedding, Mrs. Morgan
chose a wine colored floor length
gown with a velvet top and a taf
leto full skirt. The dress was fash
ioned with a sweetheart neckline.
Her headdress and corsage were
made from yellow rosebuds.
Following a wedding trip to Port
land, Morgan returned to his base
and his wife came back to Klam
ath Agency to resume work in the
local hospital.
Morgan leaves in about six weeks
for six months of overseas duty
and his wife plans to remain here.
MT. LAK1 Friends gathered at
the Grange Han Tuesday, tea. s,
to honor Beverly Mack, whose
wedding date has been set for
early m March.
Hooring Bev were: Aubrey
Fleming, Elizabeth Norris, Bertha
Feairs, Mrs. Harry Orem. Mrs.
George Elliot, Mrs. A. R. Dickson,
Elisabeth Stuart, Mrs. Jim O'Dona
hue. Mrs. Chas. Snyder, Mrs. Bu
ford Kaylor, Mrs. C. H. Kelly,
Mrs. R. L. Fleming, Mrs. R. L.
Fairchild Jr., Mrs. W. L. Clement
Mrs. Buford Boyd, Mrs. Sott
Thompson. Mrs. Uel Dillard. Mrs.
J. R: Elliott. Mrs. Frank Sullivan,
Mrs. Joe Sullivan. Mrs. L. A.
West. Mrs. I. E. Campbell, Kitty
Jackson, Mrs. Karj Dehlinger, Mrs.
R. C. Short. Mrs.' Dayton Finchum,
Mrs. Fred Peterson, Mrs. William
Blackman, Mrs. Percy Dixon, Mrs
W. E. Harnsberger, Mrs. Myron
Taylor, Mrs. Cecil Cheyne, Mrs.
A. I,, Rice, Mrs.. Basil Brown,
Mrs. Rex Hteh. Emma Schirsman,
Mrs. Harold Dehlinger. Mrs. J. W.
Dolan, Mrs. Clifford Phillips, Mrs.
I. W. "White. Mrs. Jay Manning,
Mrs. J. Gladoski. Mrs. L. W.
George, Mrs. Harold Dixon,. Mrs.
Leland Cheyne, Mrs. M. G. Bran
non, Mrs. H. R. ' Jackson. Mrs.
Chas. DeLap Jr., Beverly's mother,
Mrs. Earl Mack and grandmother,
Mrs. B. E. Hawkins.
Isabelle Haseltine, Mrs. Robert
Horton, Mrs. Cal Peyton, Barbara
Dickson, Carolyn Dickson, Nina
Griffith. Mary Louise Enman. Mar
ilyn Mack and Eleanor Jackson.
A distinctive arrangement of
pink chrysanthemums centered the
Hostesses were Mrs. Lawrence
Burk, Mrs. Ira Orem, Mrs. Jay
Fairclo, Mrs. A. R. Campbell. Mrs.
Sam Enman, Mrs. G. J. Hilyard,
Mrs. William Williams, Mrs. Roy
LaPrairie and Mrs. O. L. Brown.
MT. LAKI Mrs. Don Johnson
and Mrs. I. W. White honored Bev
erly Mack with a shower Wednes
day Feb. 6, at the Johnson resi
dence. Cards were played and Mrs.
Earl Mack was awarded high
prize and Mrs. Harvey Wise low.
Others present were Mrs. Burt
Hawkins, Mrs. Lyle Pfeiffcr, Mrs.
M. G. Brannon. Mrs. H. R. Jack
son, Mrs. A. J. Orr, Mrs. Fred
Beymer, Mrs. F. M. Breithaupt,
Mrs. A. R. Dickson, Mrs. A. L.
Rice, Miss Peg Brundage, Mrs.
Hugh Stapleton, Mrs. L. Cox, Mrs.
Chas. Mack, Mrs. Alfred Jacobson,
Mrs. Chas DeLap.
Sending gifts, but not present
were: Mrs. Alvin Cheyne. Mrs.
Crystal Cheyne, Mrs. Bryant Wil
liams, Mrs. Robert Davies, Mrs.
Roy LaPrairie, Mrs. Al Stone, Mrs.
Burrell Short, Mrs. Clarence Oo
ber, Miss Enola Hawkins, and
Miss Barbara Dickson.
Pb. H.i
FAMILY GROUP taken recently when children and
grandchildren of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Skelton, 4156 Bal
sam Drive were home for a visit. Left to right, back row,
Glenora Chestnut, Arthur Skelton and Mrs. Clay Panter
(Betty), Mrs. Arthur Skelton, front and left of her husband.
Glenora is attending Bible School at San Jose; Harold, his
wife Shirley, and boys Perry, Craig and Ronald live at 2141
Gary; Betty and her husband and daughter Carol (happy
baby pictured at the left, live at Wasco, Calif., as do Carol's
paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Panter. Ferebee
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SPRING WEDDING Is planned for Evelyn F. Nelson,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Amil C. Nelson, 1532 Martin, and
Louie Magallanes, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mauro MagallarTfes,
Worden. The date has been set for May 18. The bride-elect
is a graduate of KUHS and her fiance was graduated from
Butte Valley High School. Photo by Guderian
Pythian Sisters
Benefit Party ,
Wlnema Temple, Pythian Sisters
met at the home of Mrs. Marie
Kilgore. Feb. 1 for cards.' Pro
ceeds will be used to buy dishes
for the Temple. Twenty-one guests
attended. High score went to Alice
Green, second to Mrs. Subject and
the door prize to Mrs. O. C. Bal
lentlne. Refreshments were served later
in the evening to Dorothy Post,
Nina Beck, Effie Redkey, Clara
Ballentine, Jennie Hum, Alice
Green, Cleone Gray, Ruth Mat
thews, Laura Taylor, Lillian Hay
den, Mable Broughtrop, Betty
Grebe, Violet ffhlllips. Charlotte
Canoy, May Anderson, Fannie God
dard, Dagny Subject. Frank Gray,
George Kurizman, Bob Canoy.
The Library Club meeting, Mon
day May 11, will feature dancing
the South American way. Pupils
of the Normadean Dance Studio,
directed by Edna Howell, will pro
vide the afternoon's entertainment
with tangos, rhumbas, gypsy
dances and other Latin folk dances.
Mrs. Gerald Wickersham will ac
company the dancers with piano
music as well as present incidental
musical numbers.
The tea service and room decora
tions will also carry out the South
American atmosphere. Mrs. Arnold
Gralapp Is to be tea chairman,
with the assistance of Mrs. Alfred
Collier and Mrs. Andrew Loney Jr.
The meeting will open at 2 p.m.
In the auditorium of the city li
brary building.
Invitation and Announcements
loos Per Hundred '
Ask For Your Copy Of
By Evelyn Murray
Aloha Social Club, OES, met for
a dessert luncheon Feb. 1, 1:45
p.m.. In the Masonic Temple.
Hostesses were: Rena Oldham.
Myrtle Ackerman, Delcla Hoyt and
Verla Land.
Decorations were In Valentine
motif. The tea table was centered
with an arrangement of white nar
cissus, red carnations and tall red
tapers. Individual tables were dec
orated with miniature valentines.
Meta Gilbert, social club presi
dent, greeted and welcomed Helen
Crapo and Lucille Lelthoff, and
also poured at the tea tabic.
Bridge followed the luncheon and
business meeting.
Prizes were von by Mrs. O. D.
Mathews and Blanche Schultz.
Aloha Social Club meets the first
Friday of each month and all East
ern Star members are welcome.
- r POODLE ft?,
YOU 1 f
Helen's Beauty Salon
r. ,
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MRS. J. D. HUCK President Klamath Falls Chapter Ore
gon State College Mother's Club. She will preside at the
regular meeting scheduled for Fe"b. 14, 7:30 p.m., in the
Recreation Hall at the Housing Unit. Mavor Thompson will
address the group. Photo by Guderian
MRS. CARL HABEDANCK who before her marriage in
Grace Lutheran Church, Pasadena Jan. 26, was Jeanette
Overen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel Overen, 3703
Summers Lane. The couple will live in Los Angeles.
Photo by Maryland Studio, Pasadena
Jeanette Overen
Marriage Rites
In Pasadena
Grace Lutheran Church In Pasa
dena was the scene of an informal
wedding, witnessed bv a small
group of relatives and close friends
when Jeanette Overen, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel Overen, 3703
bummers Lane, exchanged vows
with Carl Habcdanck, son of Mrs.
Charlotte Wtdekindt, Los Angeles.
Pastor Victor H. Quello read the
service at 11 a.m., Jan. 26.
Matron of honor was Mrs. Phil
Riley, who wore a street length
dress of cocoa-brown satin, gold
felt hat and a yellow rosebud cor
sage. Wesley Edwards was best man.
Mrs. Vivian Huss was organist,
and played Incidental music for
the wedding service.
Jeanette wore a ballerina length
dress ot blue-green talleta with
three quarter sleeves and a beaded
sweetheart neckline. Her hat was
of black velvet with a rhinestone
trimmed veil. Her corsage was a
white orchid.
The couple honeymooned In Ore
gon, and visited with the bride's
parents. They are now at home,
2S0 N. New Hampshire St., Los
The new Mrs. Hnbcdnnck was
graduated from Wlltcnburg High
School, Wlttcnburg, Wise, nnd her
husband is a graduate of Cologne
High School, Berlin, Germany.
TftaAiia Shop and ShopA
lovis is A le;a:y. .
cherish it . . nurture Tt . . keep the flame of RO
MANCE burning bright and clear .. . remember
, truest symbol of your adoration . . sweetest way
Potted plants will last and last, a daily hint that
she is FIRST in your affections,. KOHN'S
colors . . AFRICAN VIOLETS with heart-shaped
leaves to further tell her of your love . . TULIPS
and bright-hued sweet AZALEAS , . be as
"Choosey" as you pleose . . the blooms are there
, . we KNOW you'll like them.
arranqement for your party table . . there are so
MANY ways to say "I Love Yog Dearly" but the
NICEST way WE know is with briqht FLOWERS
from 430 Main,
Kolurs Flowers & Gifts
- s. 7
rLAro in int iviamnu
mat for ladies and optional
Jack Kfllum, Mrs. William
bers of the committee arc:
Foster, Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Llodtko and Mr. and Mrs. Drew
2 a.m. Music by Morrison-McDonald.
,';j'...' f u :!
p . ' ; )
i i
MR. AND MRS. THOMAS H. MASSEY, 525 K. Main, an
nounce the engagement of their daughter, Wilma Jean to
Cpl. Richard L. Hafar. son of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert W.
Hafar, 308 E. Main. Cpl. Uafar was recently assigned from
Seattle for "overseas duty. No date has been set for the
wedding. Photo by Miller-Brumbaugh
Lloncs party planned to enter
tain husbands Monday evening Is
postponed Indefinitely.
Engraved or Procusiad.
Ptrtonoliitrf nopkint for your
reception . .
Cups and plotei.
Shaw Stationery Co.
729 Main
to tell her that your love tor her
will never die . .
GIFTS can help you be a CUPID
. . shooting POSY arrows toward
her flutterina heart.
You will FIND there, RED,
RED, roses, flamina messenqers
from YOU . i brilliant tulips,
iris, qolden daffodils, sweet
scented narcissus and red car-
7 - s
ior ino annual i'.iks vim-mniL' u,uin', ri-n. jo, ror
for men. Somo of the committee are pictured (I to r), Mrs
Canton, Mrs. It. H. Foster nm! Mrs. Carl Kclley. Other mem-v)
William Canton, chairman, Carl Kelley, Jack Kellum, K, II. '
for the annual Elk's Lodge
Cologne Duetto
by Faberge
her two favorite
fashion fragrances in a i
golden gift box, 2.50 the 'set
CURRiN'S "for cing i
9th and Main Ph. 2-3475
Valentine dame, Feb. 10. For-
Doverl. Dancing 10 p.m. to
Photo by Kettlcr
' to choose
a carpet
. . , Ivt y Mi bv uft
wHtto kMM whM yt t
mrp ikfMilnal Jvtl brt ywr
iwffct 94 tall Wt ywr
fvniltari W1 Ot yw f
bviHl mrptfi kf will 4 vm
rd H Miy fn to cm.
w m' f ftmwi ktrWi
221 Main Phone 5353
1719 Main St.
Phone 6284'