Klamath Falls Library Club Bridge Tea SOCIETY 4y Milly Ram sky ". RESPONSIBLE FOR THE Ingenious Valentine decorations and tollies ol the Library Club nnuel bridge 1(0, were, from th I .ft, Mrs. Worran Bonnet, Mrs. E. S. Robinson, Mr.. George Roberts and Mil. William Moor.. ASSISTING AT THE LIBRARY CLUB TEA In th Wlllerd Hoiol Februory 2, wi, from the left, Sheryl Snoll, Joan Adomi, Carolyn Boyd and Coll N.re.th, .jJrr. C"-: . ' '-:' v"T V.- ft- i TV. liV" : k MORE HELPING HANDS . . . ot th. Library Club 1 war.. Iron lb lift, Shells Adlar, Shoron Gelnger, Marilyn Millar and Julia Hernden GUESTS AT THE BRIDGE TEA ... , glvn by th. Library Club February 2 In Ik Wlllard Hotel . . . who were a fow of lh many attending what I censldrd a maor social avarrt of tha yoor. From Ik laft, M". H. H. Madol., Mr. Gram Ballay. Mri. J, B. Woovot (partially In tha shadow), and Mrs. Joa Williams. All photo by Kettler. SMILING -SATISFACTION . . . with the success ol th. Library Club bridge tea Is expressed In the elctwa ofi Mrs. Lyle Rotbenberoer and Mrs. Frank Tan., too committee; Mr. George Better del, tn cu'umon, and Mrs. Archie James, bridge choir mart. A CUP OF TEA end c on vr tattoo shared by th above threesome at the Library Club tea. From the left, Mri. George Dvgan, Mrs. Arthur Tricbwasser and Mrs. Robert Chile ate. V in MRS. NEIL BLACK . . vary buiy person . . . last Saturday during , th tea Hour. Mr. Marvin Nerseth, who alto poured at th Library Club banefit bridge tea, U not pictured. Tha thro. guests being arvod by Mr. Block, kit bofora tfwy could b Idantiflod. Organised December 12, 190, Library Club had tilts first preildent, Ml. W. S.Wrdan. Dating th first fw yart th pro gram wr principally mutical, with tha noma of Mr. Don Zumwolt, Mrs. Frj Cof.r, Louis Lm (Mr. A. J. Voyo), Agnot Laa (Mr. Frad Serial lock, Burg. Mason Sr., and Garrett Van ftlpar among othor appearing an those early programs. Library Club used tke stone build Ing near Link River far Its first meet Ing place. The buildings adjacent to this pioneer structtire have since been torn down. " ' the club became affiliated with tke Oregon Federation of Women' Clubs and th National Federation en March 12, 1909. Th . first benefit bridge tea . . . . since then an annual affair . was . given Jonuary 30, 1936 In tha club rooms of th City Library . . . which were made possible through past fund raising efforts. The proceeds of the bridge teas wtr sent for many year to Down bocK.r hospital In Portland. Mar recently th money raised has been contributed to the Case Benefit Fund which I ui.d to pay for tonsillecto mies performed on children whose parent are unable to pay for them BRIDGE WAS IN PLAY . . . when the photographer stepped by this tab!. Pfayws from th left w.r.t Mrs. J. J. Stelger, Mrs. Claud Davit, Mr. F. Cell Adams and Mrs. Lloyd Gobi. , V i'i i, i n