ATURDAV, FEBRUARY 9, i 1 ; I ''iiSTirriv'ii ii""n i .1 .A- j RED CROSS SPONSORED arc the horn nursing lessons given at the Armory. Instruc tor Mrs, 0. E. Itcichenborg, RN, who volunteers her time and skill to the project, is demonstrating part of a lesson on 'patient'' Mrs. William Tycer. Mrs. Jiggers Kosch- nick, far left, and Mrs. Twyla Ferguson are interested spectators. Mrs. Ferguson is chairman of the Home Nursing Committee. Photo by Kettler 't v if i Ilrnwx rnt lmv planned a din ner lor Tuesday. 0:30 p.m. at the Yacht Club. Henervntlons should he made by phoning 9011 or 7404. Choir I'racllce The Job's Daugh ters choir Is to practice Monday, 4 p.m. at the Masonic Temple. Catholic Daughter America Meeting Monday. 8 p.m. I.lnne Tarty Planned for hus bands Monday evening, la post poned Indefinitely. Quota Club Regulnr business meeting Monday noon at the Pell can Cafe. Mills PTA Kxccullve board meeting is billed tor Monday, 2:30 p in. Instead of the usual 1:30 time. Business Men Slate Visit Klamath business men will be go ing back to school Monday. City and Counly school officials' In cooperation with Chamber of 'i commerce heads have arranged a ' return visit paid last August by teachers of community business houses. Visitation period In city and coun ly school will be from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Monday. Guides will be provided by Uie various schools to show business men around the establishment. t'er.ions attending visitation at city svhoolH ar asked to call City Superintendent Arnold Oralapp's olllic I6J10I nnd indicate which schools thev wIMi to visit. Oarlapp aald his olilec Is Intending to keep the visiting groups to live or six persons to each guide. According to Chamber of Com merce Manager Frank Tucker pur pose ol the visit is to "get ac nun lined with the school system the greatest Single financial Invest mcnt and one on which America b building Its luture." Foresters Tour Hercules The Society of American Forest ers Klamath-Modoc chapter, met lu Klamath Falls yesterday and last night with a tour through Her cules Powder Co.'s local pilot plant and Palmerton Lumber Co.'a Phil ippine hardwood plants highlight ing the meetings. A banquet was held last night at Jened's. Robert Cooper, district ranger of tho Rogue River National Forest. Is chairman of the SAF. George Wnrdcll, assistant district warden, KFPA, Is vico chairman. VALENTINE'S DAY FEB 14th LOVELY WHITMAN VALENTINE , HEART BOXES WHITMAN . . . 49C$5S0 SOCIETE ... - 39' ,0 J5V- CURRIN'S -for drugs Th. Friendly Drug Stor. ' 9th ond Main , . h. 2-3475 1952 4 ' N- The meeting will be held In the school's cafeteria. Here Larry Mays, formerly with Uie forest service In Southern Ore gon, was a visiter here yesterday while attending the local meeting of the Society of American For esters. From Lakevlew Forest Super visor John McDonald Fremont Na tional Forest, attended SAF meet ings in Klamath Falls yesterday and last night. Revival Meeting Scheduled for Monday night upstairs at Trulove's Market. 819 E. Main. Is canceled for Monday night. Meetings to be continued remainder of week. Yacht Club Sunday dinner will feature barbecued sparc-rlbs and roast beef. Make reservations at the club. How Dam Got Name HUNGRY HORSE, Mont.. Ever wonder how Ihe Reclamation Bu reau's big SM fool high Hungry Horse Dam now rising In a deep Northwestern Montana canyon got Its name? Back In March, 1901, so the story goes, two horses strayed Irom a pack string while crossing the Flat head river s south fork. The horses were found a month later in "belly deep" snow. Their starved look brought the comment: "That's an awful hungry horse country." Then last October two rented horses got lost in an uninhabited region above Hungry Horse Dam. The animal's owner siwnt a week looking for them In snow two feet deep. The horses were "skin and bone" when found. They were trucked home to their first real meal In 44 days. It's official now. That's an awful hungry ho(se country. Mag Salesmen Land in Pokey Two young magazine salesman soliciting from door to door Fri day morning in the Chelsea addi tion district paid $25 fines each In Municipal Court Saturday morn ing on conviction of violating the Green River ordinance. City Police said the pair, Law rence McKenzle, 20, and Gene Scarberry. 18. were peddling mag azines without first obtaining a peddler's license. They were held In the City Jail overnight In lieu of putting up bond. After the fire Is a poor time io Insure. BEFORE Is so much better. Hans Norland. 627 Pine St. ond SOCIETE mm? Potato Size Ban Lifted The Secretary of Agriculture has approved a recommendation by the Oregon-California Potato Market ing Agreement Control Committee lilting a bnn on No. 1 potatoes below the two inch minimum, ac cording to Assistant Committee Manager Bill Huse Tulelake. The order will become eilcctlvc Monday. According to Huse the removal of the control which had established the two-inch minimum on No. 1 grades allows sorters to drop to one and seven-eights inch mini mums. The commlltee had voted to rec ommend the ban lilt earlier this week by a seven to three margin, but retained a ban on cull potatoes. 1 Oka t n.Ml'I.AINTS Hl.1 II r.ugrne 1). Wklllumi v. Kvrlyn M William, kill! Inr (livirre. Cnuplr mm--rlrtl Oct. 7. I4;i. Orlnnda, Kin. Chnruf. cruelty, Plalnlilf tvrk cuklody ihrre ininnr rhlltliTii, property wtl'tment. U. J. tioddArri, attorney lot plulnllff. Flora K Colilo v. Earl I. Coble, lilt tor divorce. Couple married Apr. U, ltl.ltl. Uxark, Mo. Charge, cruelly. Plnlnllfl Reck ciutody inrce ml'ior children, uroperty elllemenl. SINI per mouth .child upport. J. C. O Nclll, at. lornex lor plniriuff. .m Akiiiai;i; uci:nsks AnANT.Tr.MI'LBoirif V. Arant. 47. laborer. Native of Oregon. lte. dent of KUimath r'alll Mnry A. Tern pie, :tl, housewife. NaltVe of Idaho. Healdenl of MontaKUe. Calif. NKl-SON-lllCKS lillbeil C. Nelaon. 45. laborer. Nallve of Oregon. Hell dent of Klamath Fall. Florenre Hicks. at. hmiftcwifc. Native of Oregon, iteil dent of Chiloquin. Weed Control Exams Slated S. R. Kelso, control act stlpcr vl.sor of ihe recently legislated Oregon Agricultural Chemical Con trol Act, will be in Klamnth Falls Feb. 16 to hold examinations for licensing of commercial ground and air sprayers for weeds and insects. The act was set up by the last sprayers. Kelso has set time and place of examinations as 1 p.m., at Ross Aubrey's office. Stale Department of Agriculture office. RKCKl'ITKRS DUE The Marines will innd in Klam ath Falls Monday and Tuesday with hopes that more will be leav ing than enme here. M-SrL Stan ley S. Smith, USMC Recruiting Service, will be at the Navv Re cruiting Office in the Postoffice building to Interview prospective applicants for the Marine Corps. You're invited to the. ANNUAL Fireman's mum BROADWAY HALL Sat.. Feb. 9 MUSIC BY MCDONALD'S ORCHESTRA ADMISSION: $1.00 Per Person Sponsored by Malin Fire Department ' HERALD AND NKWS. Czech Mail Service Bad VIENNA W II liike monlh to lint tin ordinary Icltnr In Czech ohlovHklit, Ihe newspaper Kucle l'ruvo complnlnA. The paper. or((an of the Czech onlovnk CommunlKt Party, chanced In addition thm telPKramn, postal money order and letlcra noninln ir.K ration enrds are not being for warded at all. It blamed the mem on Christmas vacation. Trucker Asks Load Trial A Corvnllis trucker has reriucfit cd trial In Dlntrlct Court on an overload citation liwued Friday afternoon by Btat Welghmanlcrs at the North entrance iscalchouse. Hubert Joeph O'Rourke Jr., Cor. vallla was cited with belnii B800 pounds over the 11,200 pounds limit allowable by state law. He was hauling a load of lumber here from Corvallls. O'Kourkc was held at the Counly Jail till late Friday afternoon urull t!)00 ball was posted by owner of the truck, Frank stchle, corvullix. Juduc M. A. Carter said the trial on O itourke's plea of not guilty was set lor Mar. 15. Stale law sets fine on such an overload at five cents a pound over the 71,200 limit allowed a nk of the type O'Rourke was driving. It would amount to $400 on con viction of the charge. Local Man's Father Dies William Lane, father of Charles William Lane of Klamath Falls, died Feb. 4 at a Santa Cruz, Calif , hospital. He had been ill about three years and was partially para lyzed from a stroke. Lane, 81. was a retired ranch superintendent and contractor. A native of Holland, he served as a civil engineer for the Dutch gov ernment, and worked several years in the East Indies before coming to this country. Boats Using Mahogany ASTORIA Wi Seventeen gill net fishing boats under construc tion here are being planked with Philippine mahogany, because It's cheaper than cedar. Ade Llnd.strom, superintendent of the Columbia River Packers As sociation Shipyard where the boats are being built, said use of ma hagony cuts the cast of each boat about $100. Besides, more of the lumber is available. Ihe boats, 31 leet 6 inches long with a 10 fool beam, will be used for fishing in Alaska's Bristol Bay. British Crown Out of Hiding LONDON Ifl Britain's imperl. al Atate crown, whose value is es timated at 300.000 pounds $840. 000,. will be taken from the lower of London Sunday for King George's funeral procession and service. The crown Is studded with 2.783 diamonds and 277 pearls. It was made 114 years ago for Queen Vic toria. Bonneville Sets Power Record PORTLAND Bonneville Dam on the Columbia River set a new power generation record in Janu ary, the Corps of Engineers report ed Saturday. The dam's generators produced 407,554.000 kilowatt hours, the high est figure for a single month since operation of all 10 units started at the dam Dec. 15,. 1943, the En gineers said. Beautiful Valentines . . . Volnrht' Pioneer Office Supply Co. 629 Main. DANCE Modern and old time danc ing Every Saturday niqht. 9 p.m. to I a.m. K.C. HALL. Public invited. 3 all KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON Robber Shot Fleeing Scene EVERETT i-fl A 30-year-old Tacoman was wounded bv a shot Irom a police officer's pistol here Friday as he fled Ihe scene of an attempted safe robbery, police re ported. They Identified the man as Ivan Ryan. He was hospitalized with a skull wound. A companion, Walter William Perdue, also was held. Police said they were called to the Fowler Motor Co. offices by a passerby who heard suspicious nois es. They entered the front door and found the knob knocked oft the firm's safe. Police Officer John Maltberger (.aid he ran around to the back and caught Perdue as he ran from the building. He said he stopped rtynn with the shot as the latter attempted to escape through a rear window, Burial Fee Irks Solons ATLANTA I Georgia legis lators don't like the Idea of paying burial expenses for a flock ol chickens. The chickens were scared to death by the booming Runs of Na tional Guard field artillerymen on maneuvers. Farmer Claude Bennett contend ed that the roaring guns so fright ened Ills 7.300 ten-week-old fowls that 425 smothered during the ex citement. Rep. Dempsey Leach proposed to the House of Representatives lhat the State of Georgia pay Ben net 90 cents for each casualty and toss In $25 extra for the cost of burying the birds. The house agreed yesterday to :9v Bennett $382.50 but said noth ing doing on that $25 burial fee. OVERRIPE PORTLAND I Portland's municipal forest Is getting over ripe and the city will open bids March 5 for cutting more than a millon and a quarter board feet. Legal Notice EQUITY NO. 10.086 -NOTICK OF SALE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT Or " TIIF STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF KLAMATH THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND. national banking asso ciation, Plaintiff, VI. KENNETH H. WIENER, record owner: P. R. KRUGFR; PAUL W. SHARP. F C. ADAMS. FRANK WATERS JOHNSON. ROBERT L MUELLER. A. JVAN THOMPSON AND RICHARD L. CURRIN, copartnen, doing budneu at Klamath Medical Clinic: OWENS ADJUSTMENT SERVICE, INCORPOR ATED, an Oregon corporation; DALE WEST. L. LYON AND C. E. SHARP, co-partneri. doing buiineii as Sharp Grain Companv; and CARL L. CHAM BERS, ROBERT D. MacLEAN and RAY SMITH, at member of and con stituting the State Tax Commission of the Stale of Oregon. Delendanta. By virtue of an execution, judgment order, decree and order of sale !sued out of the above entitled Court In the above entitled cause, to me directed and dated the 7ih day of February. 1952, upon a Judgment rendered and entered in said Court on the 1th day of February, 1952. in favor of Plaintiff The First National Bank of Portland, a national banking association, and also in favor of defendant P. R. K ruder, the defendants Paul W. Sharp, F. C. Adams. Frank Waters Johnson. Robert L. Mueller, A. Ivan Thompson and Richard L. Currin. copartners. doing bufinem at Klamath Medical Clinic, the defendants Dale Weit. l. Lyon and c. E. Sharp, copartners, doing business ai Sham Grain Com pany, and agatmt the defendant Ken- netn n. v, tzner, lot tne following sums: 1. The M'owlnr sunn, 'with interest the following rates and from the Amount Interest Date from Which Rate Interest Runs $5,-100 00 per annum Mar. 1. IM9 59 56 B'i " Aug. 10 1951 40.00 8' " Aug. 2. 1951 1250 None Aug. 2. 1951 rws.oo 4,607,18 ft'' per annum Dec. 8. 1050 37.99 None 78 61 S'V per annum May 27. 1949 4K 25 8i. " " Feb. 25. 1950 17.50 B'. " May 15. 1950 35 05 8 ' Nov. 18. 1950 28.25 8 " Feb. 23. 1951 Clean Clothes Look Better Longer Soiled garments wear out quickly! Regular dry cleaning insures more wear . . . better fit. Send us his suits, coats ond sportswear. We'll do a quality job. Coll 5111 and we'll' pick up your garments. They'll be cleaned with care and deliver ed to yau spanking fresh! SEND YOUR CLEANING WITH YOUR LAUNDRY - OUR ALL DRY BUDGET BUNDLE Washed, dried, 0 OQc wrapped O lbs.O YOUR BEST LAUNDRY BUY! CASCADE Klamath's Finest MAKING PLANS FOR the state convention of the American July is a committee composed of George Myers, Pat Kilby, and 0. D. Matthews. Matthews is chairman. 83.68 8". ' " AprU 04. 1961 375.00 None plus the costs and disbursements In curred by the plaintiff, taxed and allowed In the ium of SV7.18. all of the same being due to the plain tiff in accordanct with the said dc- i cree: and 2. The further sum of $342 00, plus In- teren inereon at tne ra.e or s per cent per annum from the 12th dav of December. 1949. together with the sum of 419.76, plus the costs and disbursements Incurred by the de fendants Paul W. Sharp. F. C Adams. Frank Waters Johnson, Rob ert L. Mueller, A. Ivan Thompson and Richard L. Currin, copartners doing business as Klamath Medical Clinic, taxed and allowed In the sum of S26.25, all of the same being due to the said defendants in ac cordance with the said decree; and The further sum of $1,650.00, plus interest thereon at the rale of 5 per cent per annum from November 23. 1949. together with the sum of SI 60.50. and plus the coil and dis bursements of the defendant P. R. Kruger incurred, taxed and allowed in the sum of $31.13. all of the same being due to the said defendant In accordance with tha said decree; and 4. The further sum of $603 00, plus in terest thereon at tha rate of 9 per cent per annum from May 19. 1950. tosether with the sum of $19.76. plus the costs 'and disbursements of the - defendants Dale West, L. Lyon and C. E. Sharp, copartners, doing busi ness as Sharp Grain Company, taxed and allowed In the sum of $27.88, all of the same being due to the said defendants fn accordance with the said decree and S Together with Interest on the ag gregate of said sums at the rate of 6 per cent per annum from the 7th day of February. 1952, and the costs of and upon said writ of exe cution: commanding me to maka sale of the following described real property, situ ated in the County of Klamath, Bute of Oregon, to-wil: The Northeast Quarter of the South east Quarter 'NE'iSE1) and the South half of the South half 'S'iS'n of section 1. Township 41 South. Range 12 East of the Willamette Meridian, and the North half of the Northwest Quarter tN'tN W'.t of section 12. Township 41 South. Range 12 East of the Willamette Meridian, subject to all easements and rights ot way oi recora or apparent on the land, and suotect to future as - sestments for irrigation, drainage and Reclamation purposes. NOW THEREFORE, by virtue of said execution, judgment order, decree and order of sale, and in compliance with the commands of said writ. I will. on the 8th day of Marcn, 1B3Z, at 10:00 o'clock a.m.. at the front door of the Klamath County Court House, in the City of Klamath Falls. County of Klam ath. State of Oregon, sell at public auction (subject to redemption, to the highest bidder for cash in hand, all the right, title and interest which the defendants and each and all of them in the above entitled suit had on the 3rd dav oi May. 1947. the data of the plaintiff's first mortgage herein fore closed, or since that date have had In and to the above described prop LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANERS 0pp. Post Office J II erty or any part thereof, to aatisfy said execution. Judgment order and decree. Interest, costs and accruing costs. DATED February T. 1952 FIRST publication. February 9. 1952 LAST publication. March 1. 1952 J. M. BR1TTON SINUS INFECTIONS DR. E. M. MARSHA S access tally TrcsUi EveliatT Mth tS Ne. 1th Phase IMf Cfclroaraetle Physician m ill FlRtfFEDERALVltlGS ' 540 Main SMCM8 ((Ed nfj!B$i mm- ' NO FATS ADDED WtomWW881M!to. WITHOUT SHOlTDtilll WHOM IKINSI IT PAG TKStH Legion In Klamath Falls next ' George Mclntyre, Harry Van , , ; ' Sheriff of Klamath County. Oregon F-9 M-l No. 888 kyle morgan pianos "Youra far kmppin futul , through muiic" rm m r . a 30f33EE3S2n3v Earn two good returns yearly Enjoy savings protection Have money when needed Add any Amount any Tim ; Klamath Fafft Su. (Beautiful!, Stendcn. JEAHETTE MACDOHALO STAR Of SCREEN, STME, CONCERT. mow and TanrmoN nil too liwww w.. - Amiiiu it iami ucuiiviiT m m Fluhrer's NATIONAL IAKIU UIVKIt, INC CMtCAOO