PAGE TWO HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS. OHEOON SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 9, nS 11 - - ' JL.. ..L.. ..S.:....-l.-aA- KFLW 1450 Kc PST Saturday Kvrnlnj, Feb. t :00 SporU Hlthlllhts 6:18 Mottle Town Newt 0;2S World Newt Summary :.TO Science Editor ABC :9 Wordi of Lilt - 7:00 Mr. District Ally. ABC V t 23 Music ...:: Dinner In tht Green Room ABC . 1:00 The bona Renter ABC ' .:KI Danclni Party ABC 10:00 10 p.m Headlines ' 10:1ft Brother Art Program 10:30 fnaomnta Club ' Hfoo News Summary " 11:09 Sln Off KFI.W 1450 Kc PST Sunday, Feb, 10 : l:0O Ntwi ABC 1.19 Mornlni Son( ABC 8:30 'Mint and Lift Hour ABC 9:00 Calvary Echoes 15 Chapel In Sky ' 0::KJ College Choir ABC . 10:00 Sunday Newt Sieeial AFC 10:19 Brunch Time ABC 10:M National Vespers ABC 11:00 Presbvterlan Church 11:00 Chrlttlan In Action ABC , 12:30 Around the World ABC - .1:00 Old Fashioned Revival ' 3:00 Voice of Prophecy ABC 2:30 Creates! Story ABC . 3:00 Hour of Decision ABC 3:30 Sonars of Faith 3:U Cuest Star 4:00 U.S. Navy Band 4:19 Jimmy t idier " 4:n0 Solum Knve Serenade ABC 5:00 Step the Music ABC 0:00 Frank Sinatra Ac Jo Stafford ' 6:19 Home Town Newt 0:23 World News Summary :30 Cascading Rhythmi 1:00 Paul Hint)' ABC 7:19 Seienade in Blue 7:30 The Great Adventure, ABC 8:00 Drew Pearson ABC 9:19 Mon. Morning Hdint ABC 11:30 Frank Sirttra & Jo Stafford II 49 Chet Huntlev ABC 40 CBC Symphony Concert 10:00 10 P. SA. Headlines 10:13 Geo. E Sokolsky ABC 10:30 Cinegrill Orch. ABC 11:00 News Summary 11:03 Sign Off KFLW 1450 .Kc. PST Monday, Feb. 11 6:00 Sign On News Sum. g:09 Corn in the Morn 43 Farm Fare 7:00 News Breakfast Ed. . 7:13 Charlie'a Roundup , 7:30 Bob Garred, Newt ABC 7:40 Top of the Morning 7:33 John Conte ABC 11:00 Breakfast Club ABC 0:00 Hank Henry Show 9:30 Break the Bank ABC 10:00 Chet Huntley Newt ABC 10:13 Lone Journey ABC 10:30 My Trut Story ABC 10:39 Edward Arnold ABC 11-00 Betty Crocker ABC 11:19 Stop and Shop 11:30 Against Storm ABC 11:49 County Agent Speaks 11:99 Market Report 12:00 Noon Edition Newt 12:19 Payleta sidewalk Show 11:30 Lucky -U" Ranch ABC 1:01 Paul Harve-- .... ' 1:19 Better Living -1:30 Mary Margaret McBrlde ABC 2:00 Basin Briefs 2:15 Accent on Melody 2:30 Joyce Jordan. M.D. ABC , , 2:45 Rom Evelyn Winters ABC .1:00 When Girl Marries ABC 3:19 Ted Malone ABC 3:3t D-tn Csmeron ABC ' 3:45 Mary Marlin ABC - 4:00 Requeatfully Yours 5:00 Fun Factory ABC 5:23 W orld Flight Reporter ABC 5:30 Chet Huntley ABC 3:43 Guest Star 6:00 SporU Highlights 6:15 Home Town New 6:29 World Newa Summary 6:30 Suburban Serenade 6:43 Headline Edition ABC 6:33 Coming Attractions on ABC 7.00 Tht Lone Ranger ABC 7:30 Henry J. Taylor ABC 7,;43 Preview of Tomorrow K0 Could This Be You 8:30 "How Can We Improve the Value of Sports to the Klamath Klamath Basin?" ' 9:30 Piano Playhouse, ABC . " 10:00 10 PM HeadUnes . 10:13 Navy Star Time 10:30 Insomnia Club 11:00 News Summary 11:03 Sign Off ", . KFJI 1450 Kc PST. Saturday Evening, Feb. 9 6:00 News 6:19 Theater Quiz fi:3o Assembly of God Hour 7:00 Hawaii Calls. MBS 7:30 Klamath Temple :01 Bktbl. OTl vs. E.O.C.Z CO Newt MBS 9:15 Bsktbl. OTI vs. Z.O.C.E :33 Newt MBS 10.00 Monica Whalen MBS 10:13 Dance Music 10 .10 Arthur Van Orch. MBS 11:00 Night Owls Edition 11:03 Night Owls Club 12:00 Sign Off KFJI 1150 Kc PST Sunday, Feb. 10 00 Wings of Healing 3-Mm. News 8:33 Muilc 49 Children's Chanel 00 Radio Biblt Cli.i MBS :30 Klam. Rev. Center 0:43 Island Melodies 10:00 Newa MBS Iii:I3 hailt Rogers MBS 10:30 Lutheran Hour MBS 11:00 Frank and Ernest MBS 11:19 Show Tunes 11:30 Network 11:43 Master Radio Can. MBS 12:00 Ne'V 12:13 Bill Cunningham MBS 12.-JU Airforce Hour MBS l.oi Mterlnm Traveler MBS 1:30 Under Arrest. MBS 1:33 Hobby Benson MBS 2.00 Tht Shadow MBS 2:.!0 'true Detective MPS 3:00 Gabby Haves MBS 3:30 Nick Carter MBS 3:33 Ctcll Brown, News, MBS 4:00 News MF.S 4:13 Mark Rogers MBS 4.30 Steamboat Jamboree MBS .Vrn r-ev.ewtng Stand MRS 5:30 Enchanted Hour MBS 6:00 News 6:15 Quit Show 6:30 Youth Views News MBS ?:f0 J. J. Anthonv MBS 7:30 Adven. of Casanova MBS 8 00 Twenty Questions 8:30 Forward America MBS 8 00 Glenn Hardy News MBS 9:15 Guest Star 8:M The Whistler CHR Jni1 Mu"cl Comedy Theater 11:00 Sign Off KFJI 1150 Kc. PST Monday, Feb. U 00 Musical Revelt4 :45 Farm Reporter 7:0U Hemingway News MBS 7:19 Breakfast Gang MBS 7:30 Headline News 7:49 Best Buvs g.'OO Cecil Brown MBS 8:13 Breakfast Gang MBS 8:30 Bible Institute MBS 0:0o Homemaker Harmonies 9:13 It's a Dog's Life 9:00 Platter Party 9:43 Favorites of Yesterday 10:00 News MBS 10:13 TeUo Test 10:30 La Polntta 10:43 Concert 10:30 Currlns 10:33 Ken Carson 11:00 Ladies Fair MBS 11:25 News MBS 11:30 Queen for a Day MBS 12 00 Namt Bands 12:13 News Headlines 12:30 Your Dance Tunes 12:43 Msrket it Livestock 1:00 Jack Klrkwood MBS 1.30 Tune Test 1:35 Local News 2.00 News, MBS 2.03 News MBS 2:15 Two at 2:15 2:45 Answer Man 3:00 Ricky's Request 4:00 Speed Gibson MBS 4:15 Ilejxungway News MBS 4:00 Curt Maasey Time MBS 4:43 Sam Hayes. Newt MBS .00 Bobby Benson MBS 3:30 Wild Bill HiCkOk. MBS 5:55 News MBS 6:00 Gabriel Heatter MBS 6:15 Quiz Show 6:30 Around Town News 6:43 Sam Hayes. Newa MBS 6:33 BiU Henry MBS 7:00 Woman of the Year 7:30 Bright Star 8:00 Let George Do It MBS 8:0 H-Uyweco Playhouse AIES 9:00 Glenn Hardy News MPS 9:13 Fulton Lewis News MBS 9:30 Crime Fighters .MBS 9j33 5-Minute Final MBS 10:00 I Love a Mvsterv MBS 10:13 Country Music iu:jo iTowens Nest MBS 11:00 Nieht Owls News 11:03 Night Owls Club 12:00 Sign Off It WiMk it?T lata jj"" W" II i-i j7NfH 1 --- usiiinillllil I ' 1 It " v J? ljU Vw Wr,lls.u' ilA l8Tsmirt,r-r-''aii amniVni'ttf tUMmt fALUt. eacttasVi AA4ERICAN CHINESE Mb 4M ae OrtJars T Tk Otat ' ;' . Btn B. Lee, Mgr. II cam Bring th gang for coffe . . ,! "The Perfect Valentine..." BOWL-0-BEAUTY "Real Roses that Last" Drunk Driving Fine Raised A year in office has convinced District Judge M. A. (Nick) Car ter that heavier fines are needed on convictions or driving while in toxicated, driving during revoked period ana driving during suspend ed period. So Friday the fines on conviC' tion of those three violations In District Court were raised, Just liaej uic COSI oi living. . Here are the changes: Driving while intoxicated 1154.. 50 to S250 increase. Driving during revoked period $25 to $100 increase. Driving during suspended period 25 to S100 increase. Judge Carter said In neither of the latter two cases does the op erator nave a vaim license. In ad ditlon, he remarked, the (treat ma. Jorlty of such persons do not have uaoutty insurance and are not in position to compensate an injured party in case an accident results in serious bodily injury. Judge Carter said he would not tolerate such a situation in this area. , . Mike Booms At Critic WASHINGTON m Price Di' rector Michael V. DiSalle has fired DacK at one oi nis snarpest critics Executive Secretary Whitnev Thar. in of the National Potato Council. In a letter to Tharin, released Friday, the retirinor Office of Price Stabilization chief accused him of having "rendered a disservice to your nation." He contended Tharin used pressure tactics in opposing OPS ceilings recently imnosed on wnue potato prices. Tharin. who savs he has sent nine communications to DiSalle. has accused him of by-passing the w, congress ana me potato busi ness in setting maximum prices. "We marvel at your seeking seat in the United States Senate." Tharin told him. DiSalle, who is resigning to run tor me u.o. senate in onio, replied that OPS officials talked wltruCon- gress members, potato growers and others before Issuing the order, OPS had planned to issue an or der Saturday grantintr a nrice in. crease lo cover the cost of washing old crop potatoes, but the action was put off until Monday. An of- uciai saia the allowance probablv would be about 20 cents per 100 pounds. Bus Skids Into Deep Ravine HAMILTON, Ont. Wl An inter, urban bus skidded on Icy pave ment and careened into a 100-foot ravine here Saturday. No one was killed. Two persons suffered severe Injury and at least oiohi ntv,r. were less seriously hurt. The bus broke in two. About a dozen persons were in the big Oray Coach Lines vehicle. The embankment at the scene of the crash is so steep rescuers formed a human chain to pass the injured up to the highway. , Beautiful Valentines . . t Volfht's Pioneer Office Supply Co. 629 Main, 1952 CADILLAC COUPE de VILLE interiors are strikingly new in combinations of Swiss dot nylon cord and metallic leather. The Golden Anniversary Cadillacs feature a new 1S)0 horsepower, V-8, high compression engine the highest horsepower available to the motoring public. The new power plant, coupled with new Hydra-Matic transmission fea tures, provides an unusual performance sensation with "greater fuel economy. The 1952 Cadillac engine is independently exhausted from each cylinder bank with the dual system terminating in jet-type openings at each end of the rear bumper. Cadillac power steering is available at the owner's option. The new Cadillacs are now on display at Dick B. Miller Co.. 7th and Klamath. Floods Seen This Spring PORTLAND i.ft When spring thaws come to the mountains, high waters and possibly floods will roll through the Columbia River Basin. That prospect was revealed Fri day by R. A. Work, of the U.S. Soil Conservation Service snow sur vey. He said mountain snows had an unusually high water content up to 103 per cent above normal in the Methow River area of Wash ington State. In addition the ground below the snow in most Columbia Basin watershed areas is unfrozen and saturated. It "raises a strong possibility of unusually high water in the main stem of the Columbia as well as numerous tributary streams this spring." he said. work declined to speculate on the extent of the potential flood. But reports from Idaho and Mon tana indicated damage in flood plains If the next two months' pre cipitation is only average. It the precipitation Is greater than usual, a "very high potential runoff peak" is expected. On the brighter side of the pic ture. Work said the purvey -revealed there would be ample Irri gation and hydro-electric water supplies this year. HORNBILL PLAYS HOB WITH AIRWAYS OFFICE SEATTLE Occasional severe weather, equipment shortages, and oilier problems may vex airline managers In the Pacific Northwest from time to lime but they don't have to cope with hornbllls. A small, female, concave horn. bill, a bird with a bill like a pick axe this week conducted a two- day reign of terror in Pan Amerl' can World Airways office at Bang kok Thailand, according to reports filtering across I lie ocean from nerve-shattered station manager to his more fortunate fellow-employes on this side of the Pacitic. His report says that when the lady hornblll arrived, It had all the outward appearance of a rou tine air shipment. The bird was HATCHERY WANTED WASHINGTON lifl Sen. Cord on, R.-Ore.. has introduced a bill to give Oregon two acres of fed eral land needed for a proposed fish hatchery at Ox Bow Springs, in Hood River County. The state gave the land to the government in 1938 and wants it tor a hatchery to be federal funds.. Americans Can't Join Mourning SAN DRINGH AM. Eng. Five American women came to the gates of Sandrtngbam Saturday to Join villagers in paying their last re spects to the late King George VI. But the Americans, who Identi fled themselves as wives of U.S Air Force men stationed at Laken heath, couldn't get past the gate. The bobby on duty said It was strlcUy private affair for Sandring- nam people aione. CHEHAL1S. Wash. HI J. Verne Shangle of Medford. Ore. said inursaay ne nas leaded a large acreage south of Chehalis with the intention of drilling for oil. Shangle said ODerations would be started built with i within n year, or leases terminated by that time I THE GREAT JH0W I WQT!2v I rA THAT MAKES YOU 'TT T" l P- I FEEL GREAT I V tAT MILUNI I-. W "l I 1 l.illl!""7 ' STARTS SUNDAY .- Q' CloP. It J J J ,J . n I BOX OFFICE OPENS 1130 I DORIS IDAY Her grandest role by far-ind every tun from the top of the list of ell-time ftvorites! I" dannyThomas A fellow who didn't know how to sMlovyou'tohi owngir-butwrotK jt" in song for all America's sweethearts ! w e -fa ins -1 Y i is MSrA housed In a wooden cage, wllh metal bars over one open side. That night the bird manned to Jiggle (he cage next to some other packages, which were torn to bits and shreds. "Apparently," the report contin ues, "she consumed a quantity o( silver earrings. Hornbllls eat any thing." Next night the bird was placed carefully In (he middle of the car go room, well away from any. thing else. In the morning, when the crew arrived to open up, they discovered the hornblll had moved Its cage clear across the floor by lunging the bars and had succeeded In chopping a large hole In the olflce wall playing Its benk like a Jackhammer, through the bars. When one of Pan American's round-the-world clippers arrived to pick up the creature, the night crew was warned to "keep an eye on this (censored! she'll bore a hole through the side of the plane if you turn your back.". OSC Working On Cancer. COItVALLIS l.n Tin,. riixunK Slate College, scientists ore iniiitti- fncturllig Mihsliuices which may lend iu new discoveries about cancer. Tim (luce men Dr. Bert E. Chiistenaen. chetnlatrv i)ii)fc.nnr. Dr. C, 11, Wang, rcnrnicli chenilf.1, and Roland K. Hublm. a, umrlimtr. uiii'nusuy tuiiuem art) woiKing under a 5.-i0 giant from the U.S. Public Health Service. Chiisleiisen, who Is henil ot the project, sit Id ho unci Ills tw o itaalsl- ants hail found an cnv way to make lite aiibxtancca bv combin ing chemicals. In nature the imb alances purines, and nyriniltlltiM are found in nucleic acid in llv- uig tissue, lie explained that any nubslance which could effectively retard the growth ot cells was Imtiniliinl In cancer research. He described can cer as a disease of uncontrolled cell growth. Afier synthetic purines ami pvti mltllnes ate inantilnclnred hi Ore gon State, they are shipped In Cor nell University at Ithucn, N. V. There thxy are tested on HvIiib tis sue by Dr. Agnnr Nyganrd, a for mer OSC scientist. Judge Scolds Actress Accidents Claim Two By Tha Associated Press Accidents claimed the Uvea of two In Oregon h'rltltiy. A logger was killed near Oak ridge in a woods accident. An au tomobile crash near WttUlport killed a Portland mnn and Injured his wile. Floyd Bates. 20. Springfield, was struck by a section of a lost and fatally Injured. He had cut down a tree and was bucking It on a title hill when one end swung around and struck him. Will Matthews. Portland, was killed and his wife. Eva. Injured when their car plunged off a high way Into the Alsea River. Mrs. Matthews led passing motorists to the wreck after she was found wandering down the highway. I OH ANtll'lLf.S Idl Up III Van I'oiiver, Wardi., actress Ann Sterl ing's ears may be burning. In auaenlla, aa lliey aay In the courts, she drew quite a dressing clmui Friday from superior Jtitlgo Jesse J''i amnion, , Miss Hlprllng accused Yolantla Ruth Elllolt. 40, a costume de signer, or stealing a U.UOU alone iiiiiitln lur Horn her apartment Nov. I, Miss Klllolfs trial was set for Friday. Hut Mlsa Sterling wrote that innvln cotiiniltlnirnts inndo It Impossible, lur her to bo here. "These Hollywood people." titltl tha Judue, "ask llio protection of the courts, but they fall to appear when It doesn't still their conven ience. "Who do lhcy Ihlnk lliey me? Movie people ato no belter than unybtitlv olac. I would Issue, a bench warrant, except that Miss Sterling apparently Is out of the state and It couldn't be enforced." Miss Klllotl's attorney asked Im mediate trial "to clear her nitiiie." The tlMrkl attorney's side nsketl a continuance. The Judge granted It, until Feb. 18. wllh a warning to lite D. A. to "lake all measures necesnary to Insure III appearance of the complaining witness. As character witnesses, rllllutt had suDpnrnarl Jane Ml. IIii noil .ana Turner, Jontl C'rawfnn Victor Mitliire and Jimmy Uiiianii Oregon Navy Man Killed WAHIIINg i'ON I - The Delei,, Opni'tiiieiil niuiiiuiiied Hntunl Hie names ol an Oregon Nnv mull killed In action nml two Ms runt Culpa men wounded In in Korean fluhting. Killed In iii-ilon was Lionel r MalliewH, UHNIt, son of Mrs. Irml Auslln Mnlhcw.1, 141 Alder fll Limcue. The wounded: ;pl. Cleorge Dunn, Mi vim. sou of Mrs. Alice II. Urynn SUM llroatlwuy Ave., Maker. n, Col. Patrick Lot'llig Wassrll. sm nf Mr. and Mrs. Iiiimurl II, Wni.irii Box ItW:', McNaiy. llraullfiil Valentines . , riiinerr Office Supply Main. , Voliht' (0. ! LAST TIMES TODAY FRANK SINATRA n f-T SHELLEY WINTERS ViV 2ND BIG FEATURE NAMED UIRRCTOR 8EATTLE Wl John L. Salter, acting regional director of the Of fice of Price Stabilization since October, was elevMed to the past of director Friday. STEVENS HOOT CUM . JsV DOW PER READ 9 -JtZl F er rut Uter SPECIAL SATURDAY MIDNIGHT SHOW AT THE PELICAN; FEB. fih CONTINUOUS SUNDAY AT BOTH THEATRES. DOORS OPEN AT 1130 : 1 y Fcr The First Time! ) W irm ILaUnmii. U..... S m mm Mm I r ... H If e-. - .. . . 0,rsT V' BlHOITIh Flame-Defying, CqB JJfM Ves?lr and wait.. And pray F 7yA . ,Ji' town . . , down . . . down from 1,pjH 7, XV a Ji dy- l ' LjJy, 'c', tlV P'" Int9 a L"i TA;e ' LltU Jftitfii "om'n 'n'"o - living an T JMr ffiT.Mn f M J ,",',,"'0"',' dvnturl WM -jg. ' 1 J u tf f' cope turning dealhl SSaiilBBSSBSHSl " RICHARD rJIDMARK CONSTANCE JEFFREY SMITH HUNTER The vlcloui pick axe fight In the lery diiaaterl j TO OUR PATRONSi SOME OF THE GREAT LOGGING SCENES IN THIS TREMENDOUS BLAZING SPECTACLE WERE ACTUALLY TAKEN IN THE CASCAOE MOUNTAINS CLOSE TO HOME. WE HERE IN KLAMATH COUNTY WILL APPRECIATE THIS HEROIC, DEATH DEFYING STORY BE CAUSE IT IS SO FAMILIAR TO MOST OF US. THE MANAGEMENT " ' ..'J.... i y.'.s r rri Giant Treat u klssala aullk va p i u u i nun volcanic Ihundcrl