PAGE TWELVE HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 0. 10B2 14 i HOME NURSING CLASS after completing the course given free by the American Red Cross at the Armory is pic tured above. Mrs. Eleanor Ball one of the instructors was ill and is not in the picture. Those receiving home nursing pins were, from the left: Jessie Dowdy, Geneva James, Frances Alderdice, Louise Thomas, Effie Koschnick, Rose Stagner, Mrs. 0. E. Reichenberg, RN, instructor, Mrs. Charlie McFarlan, behind Mrs. Reichenberg, Olive Puckett, Mrs. Joe Green, Olive Corkery, Dale Tycer, Mrs. Robert Elliott; seated, Mrs. John Selby and to her right Mrs. Duane Shogren. The course is comprised of seven lessons, the last one recently added, which is on civil defense. Photo by Kettler Army Gives Textiles Boost By RICHARD FISKE NEW YORK Wi The one ailing segment of the economy, textiles, got a shot in the arm this week. Military orders gave some life to lagging textiles but the mills xtill needed more new business. For some weeks it has been de fense orders that have held produc tion steady. The nattem is becom ing familiar high output and ex pansion in many a aeiense piani; cutbacks among civilian goods producers. The textile industry has been de scribed by its leaders as at De pression levels." So it was that Personality School Sued SEATTLE (Jl A $82,442 dam age suit against the Simmons In stitute, a personality development firm, was filed in Federal District Court here Friday by the Veter ans Administration. The suit charged that the conv uanv filed "false and fraudulent" vouchers in connection with a train ing course in "effective speech and human relations" given veterans under ine u.. 0111. Named as co-defendants in the action were Charles M. Simmons, president of the institute, and his wite. Airs. iTessa Simmons, secretary-treasurer. The VA complaint charged that the vouchers set forth more hours of training' than actually were giv en more wan 13U veterans en rolled in, the Seattle branch of the institute. Mrs. Simmons said the suit was unfair because the institute had often exceeded reauirements. She said her husband had conducted manv after-hours lectures and in formal discussions which more than equalled the time the VA said the institute was deficient. Smoke Fills Press Room Smoke filled the pressroom, com. posing room and newsroom at the Herald and News, 1301 Esplanade, about 10 p.m. Friday. But firemen were at a loss to know what caused the smoke, and if there actually was a fire. The smoke appeared to come from a ventilator fan in one cor ner of the pressroom, but the fan was disconnected and not hot when firemen tested it. Possibility that some unknown person had shoved burning mater ial into the fan well from outside the building was being checked to day. No damage was reported done Dutchman Tardy Taxes WASHINGTON (ffl Henry "the dutchman" Grunewald, a mystery figure in the Income tax scandals probe, has paid $51,157 in 1950 tax es and interest, the Internal Rev enue Bureau annnnnp.pri ThurcHav He still faces a possible contempt cuauon oy me House suDcommittee investigating charges of Irregular ities and corruption in the tax service. Grunewald refused to ans wer questions asked by the com mittee. A lien placed against Grunewald Bureau was released on payment vi nis oacK taxes. Pays Ben Morrison, Mgr. JUCKEUND TRUCK SALES and SERVICE 1 1th & Klamath Ph. 2-2511 armed service orders gave textiles a welcome lift. , The Army entered the market for 22.500,000 square yards of uni form twills for June-January de livery. Contracts were awarded for seven million handkerchiefs. While civilian trade compara tively was nothing to brag about, reduced-price promotions brought a few more shoppers into the stores. Shingle Union Called Unfair SEATTLE Wl The Sound Shin gle Company of Marysville, Wash., filed unfair labor charges Friday against the Washington-Oregon Shingle Weavers Council, an or ganization of AFL shingle workers' unions, for allegedly ordering its members not to work shingles from Canada. The Marysville firm said it has entered into a contract to groove shingles sold In this country by the North Shore Shingle Company of Vancouver. B. C. but the AFL workers refuse to process them. Charles Templer. secretary treasurer of the Shingle Weavers Council, said in Seattle that the organization merely was trying to protect American industry from cheap foreign competition. Comparisons with a year ago when scare buying began to ebb. were a little more favorable than ir. recent weeks. Everything wasn't clear sailing, however, even for defense indus tries. The National Production Author ity cancelled a 69 million dollar Fisher Body contract for the manu facturer .of machine tools for De fense Engineers. The cancellation was to permit "production of more urgently need ed tools." NPA said. The Ford Aircraft Engine Divis ion announced a temporary lay oft of several hundred hourly and salaried workers in Chicago. A spokesman said the layoffs are necessary Because 01 piani cnange overs. During the week Defense Mobi lization officials set up a surplus manpower committee to investi gate unemployment areas and de fense facilities. New Record in Motherhood? BROqfCTON, Mass. Wl Mrs. John H. Llghtford, 25 years old, recently gave birth to her HUi child. But she has a way to go before catching up with her only appar ent rival as Southern New Eng land's youngest mother of the larg est family. The latter is Mrs. Charles de Mello 38, of Tiverton, R.I., who has had 21 children and believes she has set a record. The Llghtford's have two sets of twins. Escape Artist's Try Foiled WALLA WALLA W Arthur St. Peter, the state prison's most no torious and persistent escape artist, was foiled in his fourth break for freedom Thursday night. Penitentiary tower guards shot a makeshift-25-foot ladder out from Wi-ne-ma COFFEE SHOP and DINING ROOMS Quality Food At Reasonable Prices Our new ond sanitary kitchen and meat coolers are open for public inspection at any time . . . See for yourself how your food is prepared and handled! Southern Oregon's Finest Ike Deleted From Ballot PORTLAND ITI Backers of Gen. DwiKlit Eisenhower for Presi dent on the Dcmoc ratio ticket, Fri day acted to take his name off that party's Oreiion primary elec tion uaiiol. They said that was wlint the general wanted. State Sen, Thomas R. Mahonev said ho had written the Oregon Sec retary oi mate withdrawing the pe titions which had placed the gen eral's name on the Mav t ballot. The state attorney general aatd earlier such a request would be ef fective. Republican backers of Elsenhow er have not yet filed petitions tor him, but report they have them ready and will file them later, Mnhoney (lied the Democratic Elsenhower petitions before the general Indicated he was a Repub lican. Democratic National Com mitteeman Monroe Sweetland threatened to go to court if Ma honey didn't withdraw them. Ma honey said he would wait and find out what Uio general wanted. Friday he said he had that word from "an authoritative source" and was starting the withdrawal pro cedure. That, he said, Is what "Ei senhower himself would approve." Warner Skiing Said Excellent Skltnir nnnHlltnn at II.. ur Canyon Ski Area, nine miles north- .oo ui uitKuview, are expected to be excellent, Fremont Forest Su perintendent John McDonald re ported today. He said roads between Klamath FnlU inri I nlr..lau, ov. ..I - . . " HI I t llll, o snow, and that skiing surfaces are iiniupucKea. wun an icy crust. Tlie tow is scheduled to operate Sunday. GOP Scheming Southern Tour ATLANTA Ml For the first time in history, the Republican presidential nominee will campaign through the South thts year, says GOP National Chairman Ouy Gab rlclson. "No matter who the candidate will be, we plan a tour of Dixie for him." the chairman told news, men during his brief stop at the Atlanta Airport Friday night. He was en route from Washing ton to Birmingham to address Ala bama's Lincoln Day dinner. under him. With St. Peter were two other inmates. Warden John Cranor said the two men have not been identified definitely as they dashed back to their cells before officers could check the building. VUit interesting, colorful . . . SAN FRANCISCO Sut at Ike Hotel Vaitramb, at sfca Ciric Crater in the theater and hopping district, ia direct Iim with both great bridge. Bring Tour family for a weak-oad or loafer txA enjoy the dtttinetrre Hotel Whitcomb cuialiM and Mrriee. M Inn liia H.ll SIMM; (mi a7.ll SmM MAIKIT ITIliT ol Ilk i la I HOTEL WniTCOMB KAtl C. Willi rVo4tJt mm4 Otnrjl Mfr r i 9th and Pint Phone 3188 Your Corset Dollar. Buys More at Wards Check the features of Wards Joan Browne garments1 Every one equals the quality of higher-priced national brands. Styles for every figure, all at low Word prices. 0 Cotton bra has identical features of na tionally advertised brand selling for $2; I 59 Circular stitched. In white. A-B-C tup; 32-40. ' (1) Front lace corset with coil wire boning; excellent abdominal support. Gives flexible 4,98 control plus maximum comfort. Sizes 26 to 28. Fashion-weight corselet gives flexible con- i trol. Down-stretch action back plus leno elas- A OQ tie side sections. Net-lined bust section, 34-42; GO Nylon bra has Identical features of a na tionally advertised brand selling for $2.50; 98 Fagoted seams. In white. A-B-C cups, 32-40; 0 Satin hi-waisf girdle has 2 inches of coil wire boned elaitic; won't roll over. Boned front .9 8 panel plus elastic down stretch back, 26-34. THIS WEEK ONLY LET WARDS EXPERT CORSETIERE MISS JOAN BROWNE HELP YOlf SELECT THE CORRECT FOUNDATION FOR YOUR FIGURE TYPE COME IN MEET HER FROM 9:00 TO. 5:30 J French Politics Turns To Mink Coat Wrangle PARIS m Mink coats Frlrinv became an Issue in French poli tics, too. CoiiunimlnU mid antt-Comimi- nlts were in tho midst of a heavy debate on economic policy when Communist Domuy Mntlin Patl- naiid declared: After we listen to -a Cabinet minister's aerinon on a policy ol austerity, and the worker hears an account of a party where the gown that was most commented on, be cause It was the most expensive, was worn by the wlfo of tho very mliilstor who Pleached It" "You catll" Interrupted Econom ics Minister Robert Union, whose wife Pntlnuud was rrltloilnu . "He thinks that the government is nisiioiiest, ' me communist con eluded. There was violent applause Royalty Will See Funeral LONDON W The rrnuiiert heads of at least six nations are expected to attend the Mule nm,.i l of Klim Oeoi'Kn VI next Friday. France will be represented bv President Vincent Aurlol, Prime Minister Kdunr Faure mid Forclmi Minister Robert Schmiian. r-rcsiueni Truman is semi nir 8ee- rotarv ol State n,-,n, a,.i,v,i,, . his pei-ioiuil representative, Ambassador OeorKl Zamtiln Is considered the probable cliolcc to take part In the rites for tho So viet Union. Other countries will be renresent. cd by relative of rclKiiInu rovaltv or senior diplomats in the British cnpnai. Royal heads of stale exneeted to nay their last Immune In person iiieiunc: Kliifr Ouslav VI and Queen Louise of Sweden. Klnn Paul ol Oreece. KIhk Hankon VII of Norway. Knur Prederlk IX of Denmark. Queen Juliana of the Nether lands, and her husband. Prince Bcrnhard. Kin Felsal of Iraq. King Fftrouk of Eitypt, who as crown prince attended the funeral of Klnir QeorRO V In 1936. Is send ing his cousin, Prince Xbdul Mon-elm. The Kino's bod? will rest per manently in Uie Royal family vault in St. Georite Chanel at Windsor. cne of the family castles. from the far left, while protests came from the other benches, Deputy Robert Dlchet, who be longs to nuron'a party, came to Ills riettmse, "The best mink coal la on your aide of the House!" he told Pall naiid, "And how about ThoiorAaii toniubllo?" f Deputy Jmuinntte Vermcrsehl re. ccnlly returned from Moscow Willi a flue mink coat. Her husband, French Communist Boss Maurice Tliorcs, haa been there more than a year recovering from a stroke. When he la In France he rldrn a luxurious Doltihaye, popularly be lleved to be armor-plated, It II said to have cost four million francs or 111,000. Earn two good returns yearly Enjoy savings protection Have money when needed Add any Amount any Tim FlRttFEDERAL'ftVlNBf AIL0AN ASSOCIATION 540 Main IIP' Klomath Foils l.KSS 1.1'MBKR . PORTLAND Water ship ments of lumber dropped slightly in the Pacific Northwest last year. The Pacific Lumber Inspection Bureau, Inc., reported Thursday thet the decline was 2.3 per cent, the total reaching 3.093.086.S09 board feet last year. Enrollment Open For KUHS Adult Homemaking Classes! O BEGINNING THURSDAY, FEB. 7th 1. Millinery 2. General Sewing 3. Slip Covers O BEGINNING MONDAY, FEB. 11th 1. Advanced Millinery 2. Tailoring 3. Draperies loth count caniliti of 10 mtttlrtgi (JO houu) t fce hti In Room 107, KUHS. 'or further Information ond enrolling, ehone Vocotlonol Dtp. 7J5. Look! This is J ft m E S Your Mobile Automatic Dishwasher FREE I I ' "A : . : ' ' A ll'V 1j I ' ' No Obligation 3 HoMs 100 pfeus. Strvkt for 6-1 Washes, JotiWa-riiiMS, suMs . ... Coaiplttt cydt 9't minutes No InsUlUtiM charge . . . itsy terns A Ul CULLY AUTOMATIC Juit tot the JAMES does ell the reit. COMPLITILY MOIILI Roll JAMES from table to kltchtn with o full lood ol diihei tove many Iripi. Store owoy eonly. ' A EXTRA CAPACITY Smoller In lire, yet holdl more ond lorgor dlihtt thon ony othor outomatic dishwasher. SAVES HOT WATER Us.i only AW gallons for e complete load. A VISIBLE ACTION Tempered, heot resistant, extra-thick 732" plate glass lid let you see what goes on at oil times. SAFE Moving ports fully onclostd; silver ond smoll articles cannot jom. Won't run If lid Is open. Built-in safety clutch. Approved by Under writers' Laboratories. A STAINLESS STEEL Interior and hi trim connot rust, chip or corrode. Always stoys easy to clean, keeps III shining beauty. WARRANTED Against oil defects for a full year, Built to give you many years of dependable, trouble free service. All This At The AMAZING LOW PRICE of only . . . 95 D1I 32.95 Down 11.27 C. II 7 uburban JOichsn Center "Southern Oregon's Largest Appliance Center" 11th ond Walnut , Phone 7709 Tune In Suburban's Serenado Time 6:30 KFLW Mon. Thru Fri. SEE THE BARBER SHOP PARADE APRIL 12th v