SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 0, 1952 HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON 44 MISCILIANIOUS WANTID VNTKl)" lan"rnrr'a fur 40 ui li I1.41I rallle lull -jmn WANTKIi" lii"Vii."ll'Hrii "otr"iliiti'nSft- ruiiin liuu.e, iiiifurnisheil. I'linne a oiian firr 3 rji. WANYKl) in leiit, ft iir4TiMMii Itir nlatietl siarliiienl or hull". Iiy limil aser uf llngpi Jeweler, I'tHHie 11704. WI.Ut.ku CAilHr del lop pritV now iin.e Mniiir Cu niti ami Plum. 44 FINANCIAL LOANS Commercial Furnishes Cash! 51 MISCILLANIOUS FOR 5 A LI CAHH LOANS M to 1300 Auto Furniture Llvutock Salary 50 to 1600 Automobile", (paid for or not) rlrt Suit of Autoi financed Make, yuur deal. CASH deLl Commercial Finance Corporation Bob O'Connor, Mgr. uo. e-jsi N--m 107 No th Phon 7711 41 lUSINISS OPPORTUNITIIS FOR SALE SMALL RESTAURANT Good location, close In. Doing i large volume of butlnc.u. SMALL DOWN PAYMENT TERMS . Phone 6144 ftftcr B p.m. tun per monlh Nuper urtil for lnv-i. lory of Approximately JMq t,t Hlfh y DT ml Klamalh rails. Call Union oil Co, a ATTENTION FARMERS!!! NOW' IS THE TIME TO GET THESE GOODS BUYS ON USED TRACTORS 1 Int. TD-0 Wide Gauge Crawler. Painted and Iteeondi lioncd 'W'llr. mounted Ilyd. Pump. $3100 1 Farmall "II" Tractor W'llyd. pump, Power take-off and good rubber. Painted, overhauled and guaranteed. $10.10 11950 Case Tractor model VAC W Ilyd. Pump, Starter and lights. Wide Fit. Axle. This tractor has seen very little use. H $1000 1 Farmall "B" Tractor completely overhauled and painted W direct-conti'.Tted MIC Mower. $350 FLOYD A. BOYD CO. j I'ULELAKE, CALIFORNIA PHONE 7-2072 I S3 AUTOMOTIVI SO EASY! TO BUY A SAFE-BUY USED CAR ON OUR "E-Z" PAYMENT PLAN REGULAR O.P.S. TERMS . . AND THE CHEAPEST INTEREST RATE IN TOWN. MAKE Si MODEL Total Price Down Payment 5J AUTOMOTIVE SI MISCILLANIOUS FOR SALI a way to make some cold cash If (he henl Is on you became of bl I In. debt and sue)), here's how you can make tome hard, cold cn.ili quickly: Oather up those un-needed be loiiKinitn and sell them throuith a Herald and News Clnsslflrxl ad. Within a few hours after your ad appears, neafly 13.000 Mibx-rlbers are told about your thing' for sale. f'hnnces arc tops thut anionR there renders are the very folk you're eager to reach. phone 8111 for an ad-writer 'ton SaWm Inns baled aifaTt. hey In ahrd. Albert Mlrka. phone 0.17 sunn. tOH RAI.E.MihI ' null eh.lrT ',.' alut luuo Chevrolet .rden, iikhI lire ool running order. SIM. Tom Caven- i. Hoi l3 tXnrrls. Calil. Phone Mil. 6.'Kamali aafc. one "meilu.m aire aafe. both flrrproof.?4l3 Rotllh Hlsth r'OII flAl.1!. unrltni(iulnran.en nlano. xrellenl condition, S2UO. Terma can le arranstd he al IMUl Orchard. loft SALE, used "Cat 30 crawler Irarlor In very lood condition. s:iSO. rioyd A. Bod Company. Tultlake. Cel. norma. OK tTX"u Inns excellent alieite Phone 04.11. PARKER PONTIAC CONTINUES ITS Removal Sale BIG CHIEF WILLARDSEZ: "Must moovum all cars now!" SO . . . ALL ARE PRICED BELOW CEILING Ceiling Trice ' OR ffAl..l!, utrt-dt wn-pler living nom rt, 1-fO 30 and f,W 30 metal bunk beds with coll springs 3U 30, Hatter furni ture. W.VVWfnavv surfaced. lnch-M7 lnrh-tt. Phon 5303. VOR SAl.fc." ued rVTr Iterator. lent condition after 3 JO pit "T!TeT. 1IU9 Warden. Weak Ua.n HAY and esllng polatoc. for sale. Route a. Box S:1D rhone 8732. TcfifHY- AltacTiments anBTlollaher S35 Phon, n?oo. TO-jio CAY. Perfect condition witrrTir rtraullr anale dnrer. Phone 2-llttB. nri6U?t7wlndow sla replaced. Kliiv hall, maai Uhop. Phon, 7U7S. ton KALE. IIMJ rout tractor and equipment. Good mrchanlcs! condition Phone tulelake 7-10.17. fon SAl.E. ffr.t andVecond ruttlnf baled alfalfa. 9 mile, below lakevlew Junction nn Mcrriul!!hway. rhone 2-13:iB. 4 Foot General Electric reft Isefatb'r. .soo. Phon, 2-ozo.l. I OR&Ai.E. uprlsht piano. Marie by ntcra ana bona, new yors. vainui iinian Phone 9-0030 after lx. WANTED a rnrrlisated tin hujldins to wreck or move, uox ,T7 Herald I New.. FOR HALE. Cuahman Motor Scooter with aide car Phono 747 after ft p.m. 14 DAY KIIKE TI1IAL Try th, new Hunheatu Ahavetnaatcr at horns before vnu buv. Onlv S20 OO. MICKYS JCWCLEns 700 Main J'r,J." ""J tiiiTSillit) rock and driveway clndera Phone 2-1107 , TjsF.O rtlliNlTnitiTfiniea ran alwnv. he found at Klamath lurnllurs Co. 221 Alain. Phone o;u:i. n-IN0lf concrete culvert pipe, 70 cent per font. PEYTON , t'O DitTVEWAY MATERIALS. Plinni Joe Barl, 0733. OIL atorago tanki. H.I3 siarket. Peyton and Co CRUSHED ROCK Brlvewsy clndera. i-n'i ti;i.i. I.ANDSCAPINO. everurcena. alirubl and ireea. VVe trim, apray and remove large ireea, LAKEJIIOrtE CIAnDENS NUflSERY Phone 4'illH D-2 Caterpllliir. Good condition. M. M. CUne. niv, Ore. WASIIINCI MACHINE, excellent Condi tlun. SOU. Phone 2-3201. INVESTIGATE nroflu In fnit-ernwln" quick hearing Stark hsrdy fruit trees. Phone 2-1733. CARLOAD of hale ties here Wed. Illth. Save .23 per bundle and unlond 'cm. Standnrd Implement Co Phone 0M30. f oil SALE. uaVd elccTrlc range. $20.50. Itnfter Furntlure. Olh nnd Klsmsth. FOR SALE, a $10 Kfrhy wax polisher, fixed only a few llmos.$0. Call 7321 dnyllnin. ADDING MACHINES, calculator!, type writers, caah registers, deake. chslrs flies for anls or rent. PIONEER OFFICE SUPPLY nan Main Phone 741V KLKCTROhTiX CLEANER snd polla'hsi snd aupplles. Phnns 7107 Tarkel Tweet 021 Market 01 ASS furniture tops snd shelves marie In nrder. Kimball's Glass Shop Phone 7:t7fl. 0110x10 RECAPS S.VII3 F.SCH F.XCIIAN(iE We buv lined tires. O.K. Rubber Weld Sr.. 2381 So Olh. Phons 4310 OtU euniid dotcj sssif) SsqulM '.ispjo ol epsui i?tJiu muu 7),UAii.J S1IOJIH1W W BE IN THE KNOW I Head Her. Hid As News Classified ads dally Oet the latest Information on what's what In everyday business trends. 1050 PONTIAC Streamliner 4-Ur. Sedan $1800 1940 PONTIAC Chieftain 4-Dr. Sedan $1671 1948 PONTIAC -Streamliner Sedan-Coupe S1470 1950 CHEVROLET Convertible Coupe (Power-Glide) 4'uui jji. ttim caroureiors. "Cad" fenders, etc $20G8 1947 DESOTO Four-Door Sedan $1220 1949 FORD Custom Tudor $1405 1946 LINCOLN Club Coupe $1083 Many extras on these cars at NO EXTRA COST' All cars carry that famous "PARKERIZED" Guarantee PRE-WAR SPECIALS j Uc Torp. 4-Dr $197 -30 Ford Tudor $ttr 0 Ford Sdn. Delivery SI37 '37 DeSoto Coupe $ 09 38 Ford Coupe $Mfl -35 chev. Sedan "" l et "Little Chief" Don Bridge . . . Home Phone 2-05-10 Skinny Chief" Brooks Warner . . . Home Phone 4078 SALE PRICE s1766 s1568 ?iOa4Vr I7JU $1115 1310 5 883 1050 FORD BISDAN Radio, one-owner 1C05 $565 I.Q43 18 MONTHLY PAYMENTS AT OO 10.10 LINCOLN 6-PAHS. COUI'E Radio, heater, overdrive. TM 705 $f065 18 MONTHLY PAYMENTS AT 7 1050 MERCURY 6EDAN Radio, heater, overdrive $1895 $632 $0,148 18 MONTHLY PAYMENTS AT 00 10M) MERCURY SPORT COUPE Heater $1805 $032 $QZ.48 18 MONTHLY PAYMENTS AT OO 1050 FORD SEDAN Radio, heater, overdrive. $1695 $5CS '.Q43 18 MONTHLY PAYMENTS AT 00 1910 MERCURY SPORTS SEDAN Radio, hauler, overdrive. $1595 $532 $ j37 18 MONTHLY PAYMENTS AT 04 1010 FORD TUDOR SEDAN Radio, heater, overdrive. $1295 $432 t Cf26 18 MONTHLY PAYMENTS AT , JZ 1049 FORD CLUB COUPE Radio, heater, overdrAe $1'195 $465 $r32 18 MONTHLY PAYMENTS AT OO 1948 PONTIAC SEDAN COUPE Radio, heater, Hydramatlc $1205 $432 $rrs26 18 MONTHLY PAYMENTS AT OZ 1048 CHEVROLET CLUB COUPE Radio, heater. $1095 $365 $ i i21 18 MONTHLY PAYMENTS AT 44 1948 MERCURY SEDAN Heater. , $1095 $305 $ i i21 18 MONTHLY PAYMENTS AT .. 44 1947 OLDSMOBILE SEDAN Radio, heater. Hydramatlc. $995 $332 $ ril5 18 MONTHLY PAYMENTS AT 4U These arc examples of our many Super Deals on Safe-Buy Used Cars. Many others available! Also, pre-war cars on terms to suit any budget. BASIN MOTORS ' PAGE ELEVEN THE HERALD AND NEWS CI ass ified Directory OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL SERVICES "Klamath's Only Directory That .3 Kept Up-to-Date From Week to Week1 w i- AIR CONDITIONING ADE tt IfoiXAND222 Spring. Phone 34IS Air Conditioning Heatlng-Ventllat-Ing Sheet Metal-Weldlng-Steel Fabrication. ARCHITECTS PERRIN, HOWARD R. ARCHITECT A I. A.-Phone 8497-1121 Main Street. AUTO DEALERS USED DRIVE MORE MOTORS Why walk? We buy. sell, trade or sell on con signment only the cleaneat. finest, neweat. 302 Eait Main. Phone 3370. BAKERIES POLLY ANN BAKERY'lIO North Sth Phone 7277-"Blrthday Cskes Our Spe cially. VACS BAKERY "Special Occailon Cakea Mad, to Order." 4800 South 6th Phrne 04:!4. CAMERA SHOPS nt.'DS PHOTO SERVICE 1031 Main Phone 3508. Everything Photographic Film Developing In by 10 a.m., Ou by 4 pj m. UNDERWOODS CAMERA SHOP -727 Main Phone 7063. Leading I rand Photographic Supplies. Expert Photo Flnlihlng Ruatcraft Greeting Cards. LINCOLN MERCURY 424 South Sixth Phone 7778 U can't beat a PONTIAC and $4$ t 4 t U con't beat a ' PARKER PONTIAC DEAL PARKER PONTIAC Jih and Klamath Ave. Ph. 8164 East Main at Wantland snh. b221 $1 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE AUCTION SALE SUNDAY 12 NOON We have received consignment from one of KlaniRth Fall's better homes consisting of: Expensive dining room suite, living room suite, largo end tables, radios, miscellaneous, btvis, springs, mat tresses, dressers. COMPLETE SET OF BATHROOM FIXTURES Never Uncratcdi Summers Lane Auction Mart 3009 Summers Lane HOW ABOUT A STtlDEBAKER? 1931 Studehaker Champion Regal 4-Dr aedan. Radio, heater, automatic trans, mta.lon, very low mileage. Absolutely new car appearance and condition. A dandy buy in this papular light car. SlUOJ. ! H. E. IIAUGER BI'ICK GARAGE 1 wai L,r,Hruucm Main St Broad Phone 3131 : YOU SAVE nothing but money on this I !s tlulck Super 4-Dr. Radio, hentcr. I Dynntlow. A leal buy nt only Sl',113. I Dlmhiit t'scd Cars, South filh flt Plum. 1 Phone 0130-Evcnlngs and Sundays 0023. It's LOVE at first sight when YOU see our SELECT USED CAR Value-tine Specials OUR TRADES AREN'T RED OR HEART SHAPED BUT WE'LL TOP YOUR BEST OFFER! ! 1050 NASH STATESMAN FOUR-DOOR SEDAN Weather-eye. radio, overdrive. 1"7( C Clean as a dime store whistle. I 40 1940 NASH AMBASSADOR FOUR-DOOR SEDAN Weather-eye, radio, overdrive. '1 COC Looks and drives like new 4 100 1049 NASH "600" FOUR-DOOR SEDAN $-i 1 1 - Weather-eye, radio, overdrive. A good buy. 1 440 1048 NASH AMBASSADOR FOUR-DOOR SEDAN $-ir 4 c Radio, Weather-eye, overdrive, clean I 40 1949 CHEVROLET STYLELINE DELUXE ' $-i i 1 - Radio, heater, very clean. 1 440 1947 STUDEBAKER BUSINESS COUPE $ aqp A bargain at only 0 VO 1942 BUICK SUPER FOUR-DOOR SEDAN ) COC Radio, heater. OO If anyone can ... Show you how to save CASH by driving a NASH . . . KEN CAN! KLAHN NASH CO. 000 South Oth Open Evenings 'Til 7 P.M. Phone 3650 Sundays or Evenings call Frank Elliott Phone 2-0432 FOR SALE. 1047 Jeep. 1038 Chevrolet. Phone 4030. FOR SALE . USED HAND TOOLS AXES SHOVELS PICKS SPADES FORKS MATTOCKS ETC. . . . Your Choice Only SI EACH BARGAIN SPOT 707 So. flth Phone 5708 Build Better With Pumice-Concrete BLOCKS Economy Beauty PEYTON & CO. 835 Market Phone 5140 WE Jl'ST worked the motor over in this 1040 Dodge Coronet Club Coupe. True value plus at SI303. Dlmbat Used Cars. South tilh at Plum. Phone S1J0 Evenings and Sundaya 0023. "LOOKING FOR A CONVERTIBLE" 1940 Mercury convertible. Radio, heat er, plenty of accessories. A-I condition In every wny. Celling nrlco $1024. Spe clsl Mills weekend. $003. H. E. IIAUGER - BUICK GARAGE Used Car Department Main st Broad Phono 3131 YOtiRS FOR ONLY $433 down! Total price JI205. lino Ford Custom Deluxe 2-Dr. Radio, healer, seat covers and overdrive. Dltnhat Used Cars, South Sixth at Plum. Phone IllJO-Evenlnaa and For a NEW or USED TRUCK Always See "JERRY" or "JUCK" Your International Truck Dealer JUCKELAND TRUCK SALES 11 tli and Klamath ?om 22581 FOR SALE. 1(142 Chevrolet four door vi-iuxc fccaan. very dean. su. Phone I , 1iMi CHOSLKY station watton, R&H, ' ' ' .J1. nB'n wny. 11(40 WILLYS JEEP with winch. Fir. elnns condition. Five mud tires. Tow onr. 5hs. sec at rais Shasta Way be twocn tt p.m. 3-RKAL GOOD BUYS! 1!40 Plymouth Cpe Hen I or , , .$2)W. in. i-ora v-n setinn Jltvll. . , .5110. UUI Ford V-a Suu. Dlx. Sdn. RJUt mtli. H. . HAUCiER BUICK GARAGK used car Department Mnln nt Broad Phono S151 ulasa icrvicc. Klmhalis Glaxft DRIVEWAY MATERIAL FARMER'S Sand and Gravel Co. J. M. Barnes M. J. Barnus Ph. 7659 Ph. 7991 COMPLETE auto Prompt, reasonable. Shop, Phone 7:178 REST fllTV IN TfllVV 104)1 Bulck Rnndmastcr Scdanet. Radio, healer, Uynnflow drive. UeoutUul neat coven, loti of chrome, white sldewull tlron, low mlleaRe. This car hna had the bent of enro. CelliiiH price $1990. nj m uupiicHie ii ior jinia. H. E. IIAtrcjER - BUICK GARAGE Ufed Car Department Main nl Broad . Phone 11151 WILL 'cll equity In lb0 IIiuIroH "pVco"- nial;er. Phone (W2.1, FOR SALE 1Mb Bulek Spec. scilancTlc equipped with dynntlow, radio, heater. la.tMrO nrtuaT miles. In excellent con dition. Will accept trade. Phono 77MI after0 fM FtDRD Ctmtoin CreMliner coupe, equipped with radio, heater, overdrive Only 8.000 miles. tlU9.V Ashlev Chevrolet 410 South Sixth Street, Phone 4113. Art- er q p.m. a-uf.i 104TCH"EVR6LEt convertlbfe coupe. Rn dloand hcnlcr. Blue color. Rood top, A flmt claim ear $1145, Ashley Chev rolet, 410 South Sixth Sireet. Phone 411 U. After 0 p.m. phono 3-11002. IK YOU ARE lonkinff fnr n trnnri hnv don't overlook this 1H41 Bulck Super i-ur. nnoio, nenicr. o-piy urei. swx Dimbat Used Carg, South Sixth at Plum. Phone fllaW-Eveningi and Sundnyg 823. HERE'S YOUR BUICK! 10.10 P-uiik Special Deluxe Serin net. Ra dio, heater, lis naflow drive. Kt.000 ac tiiiil miles. Spotless inside and out. You cunt duplicate it anywhere for SIR95. H. E. IIAUGER BUICK GARAGE Used Car Department Mnln nt Broad Phone 3131 WHV WALK? DRIVE MORE MOTORS 302 B Mum Phont .4379 "We will tell vnur ear for vou " W buy an.t tracly' fllE CAR yoiVve nhvny wanted! 1030 Chrysler Windsor Newport. All the. ex Iran. Dinibnt Used Cars, South Uh and Plum. Phone Biatl-Evenlngs and Sundays tltl23. COMPLETE Radiator Service CLEANING FLUSHING RErAIRlNG BALSIGER ' MOTOR CO. Main at B'Dlnnade BES I VALUES! USED 1 RUCKS - CARS GUARANTEED AS REPRESENTED W'esi -Hitchcock Corp. YOUR CMC DEALER 677 a 7th Phone 777. 1930 FORD custom four doof. Radio, heater, overdrive. Three extra tires. Excellent condition. Priced rlsht. Phone 2-0733. CHINA-SILVERWARE R1CKYS JEWELERS - 765 Main rhone 3151 "Home of Famous Braj.da." f-enox-Plckard . Rnval York . Rov.i Doulton Wed-Lok - Gorham - Wallace - Kirk Towle - Lunt - international CLEANERS-DYERS CHAPMAN CLEANERS Phone 7026 --318 East Main Pick up and Delivery HOWARD'S CLKANERS - P2J Eait Main Phone 88BS. "in At 10 a m.. Out at 5 p.m." KLAMATH CLEANERS "Klamath's Oldest and Fines-." 431 Main. Phone 7162 NEW METHOD CLEANERS 1433 E. planade. Phone 4471. "For Particular People." CLOTHING NEW AND USED THE CLOTHES MART 125 SoutrTTh rnone 3jt. clothing For Aill Hand Made Gifts CLUBS TAVERNS 1INY TAVERN S. W. "Perk" Perk Ins. W. E "Bill" Mathes. "Acres of Paiking. "Mallory'l Big Y' DRUG STORES CASTLEBERRY'S DRUGS P. D Mead Prop Druxs. Prescriptions. Sundries. 330 Main Phone 3.T33. ELECTRIC APPLIANCES EAST SIDE APPLIANCE Bob Rob bins - Dewey Randolph. Owners. 623 Klamath Phone 8636. "Your Friendty We-tlnghouse Dealer." MERIT'S Sales and Service Mavtaf. Pollco - Servel - Ironrlte - Hamilton Neeehl. tVW South flth. Phone 2-3429. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS EAST SIDE ELECTRIC 525 Klamath Phone 3184. Industrial Wiring and Supplies ELECTRIC HEATING ELECTRIC HEATER SALES CO Car rol Colvin. Owner. 623 Pine Phone 2-3221 ELECTRIC LIGHTING VAN FLEET ELECTRIC 2nd and Main Phone 4415. Modern Electric Lighting Fixtures. FARM MACHINERY CRATER LAKE MACHINERY CO" CaterpUlar - John Deere. Phone 2-2544 FLOWER SHOPS CHARLIE MACK'S KLAMATH FLOW! ER SHOP 1211 Main. Phone 415. Member FTD. KOHN'S FLOWER AND GIFTS Bill and Rila DePew. Phone 8173. 430 Main. FURNITURE KLAMATH FURNITURE CO 221 Main Phone 5353. Willard Hotel Build-Inc GROCERS MARKETS COMMUNITY GROCERY 1040 Ea. Main. Phone 5636. Free Delivery, Fresh Vegetables. Meats. GRIGGS SUPERIOR FOODS Three Stores Klamath Falls - Merrill - Stew art Lennox. GET THE HABIT Read and Use THIS CLASSIFIED SERVICE Your Weekly Guide to Klamath's Progressive Merchants PHOTOGRAPHERS Plir.Trna nv mtnv nt i v t'i ni Phon 2-3791. Commercial . Portrait -i.rinB - nciur framing GUNSMITHS RALPH'S GUN SHOP 4820 South 6th. Phone 4273. Authorized Winchester and Remington Gunsmith. INSURANCE GENERAL DRISCOLL AND PADGETT Fire Auto - Farm - 206 WUllams BuUdlng. Phone 7313. JOHNSON M. L. 26 Years In One Block. Associates: Grayce Eaton - Boo causemaxer. sj. Main, iuamatn Falls, Oregon. JEWELERS HAR WIN'S "A Jewelry Store of Out. standing Values." 701 Main. Phone etui. J C. RENIE. JEWELER 1019 Main Phone 4606. Watch. Clock eV Jewelry Repairing. Diamond Setting. Engraving urange Blossom uiamona Kings, nam llton - Elgin & Wyler Watches. MOVING AND STORAGE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE PhoniTTJiil 1425 South fllh. Moving - Local . Long Distance. Storage 111! Goods . Furnl lure. Agents Beklna. ORNAMENTAL IRON HOWIE BROS Pre-Kut Ornamental Iron - Fences and Railings 3337 Soutb 6th. Phone 4362. FERtUEK STUDIO in tt it M.tlftn.l Bank Building. Phone 3252. "Worth, while Photography at Reasonable) Prices.- PIANO DEALERS KYLE MORGAN PIANOS 1035 Main. Baldwin pianos, organs; Selmex-Holton band Instruments; piano tuning: pianos, band Instruments for rent Phone 2-0200. LOUIS R. MANN PIAN6 CO. 120 North 7th. One of Largest Stock. Lead ing Make Pianos in West. Mammons! Organ Solovox. Rental Sale Plan. PLUMBING G. C. MOTLEY-812 Klamath. Phon. 6H18. Plumbing - Heating Sheet MetaL PUMPS GARRISON EQUIPMENT COMPANY Merrtll-Lakeview Junction. Jacuial pumps and water systems. Sales and services. Phone 731 2. RADIATOR SERVICE KLAMATH RADIATOR WORKSl tool South flth- Phone 6942. Eves. 667. RADIO STATIONS KFLW American Brnaricaatine Cs "Tops In rsdlo listening!" 1450 on your oiai. RESTAURANTS CAFES BARNEY'S CHAT-N-NIBBLE-Eat " tha famous BAR-NEE-BURGER. Horn made Pies. 1319 Esplanade. Dial 2-24Q6. SAW FILING n'r.r-P1kttTAATETl C a ere ae-mn'" aaa Main. Sales and Service. Lawnmowen. BSA. Mntnrrvr1s All San,. nA Tool i. SAWS POWER Mcculloch saw shop McCulloch Chain Saw vales, carta, service. 023 Market St. Phone KMQ SEED STORES MURPHEY'S SEED STORE HmmAm That Crow." 834 Klamnh. Phon 3443. SECOND HAND STORES COPER'S EXCHANGE Roland Cofer, Owner. 619 KUmath. Phone Phone 7160.. "Houave of 1001 Bargain" New and uittt SERVICE STATIONS RALPH'S MOBIL SERVICE 11th and Klamath. Phone 5423. Auto Repair ing - Motor tune-up - Mobilgaf MobU oil. "Complete Line Accessories." SEWING SINGER SEWING CENTER-33 Main. Phone 2-3513. Complete Line of No tions . SHEET METAL PADE Sc HOLLAND 223 Spring Phone 361S. Stainless Steel. Flue Ex tensions - Kitchen Ventilators. RiCKYS "Home of Famous Brands " The finest names In Watches. Diamonds Silver, China and .Tn'l Apoliances. Lenox -Pickard - Royal Yom Vd-Lok Gorham - Wallace - Kirk - &w.r.'M Towle Lunt - Rolex Bu'ova - Ham ilton - Elgin - Art Carved Speidel - In ternational and many others. Rickys Jewelers. Certified Gemologists Reg hlered Jeweler. 700 Main Street. LAUNDRIES SELF SERVICE BOB'S SELF-SERVICE LAUNDRY 1711 Main. Phone 9234. Kenmore Automatics. MASSAGES MASSAGE Natural hot water mineral baths. Open evenings. Phone 8405. SHOE REPAIR ED'S shoe SHOP Tom Dunn. Phon CO? 11022 Main St. QUALITY SHOE REPAIR 912 Mai Street. Phone 8703. Expert Repairing: SHOE STORES MODEL SHOE STORE Shoes for En tlre Family. Featuring Naturallzer Rob lee - Buster Brown. 717 Mela. Fnone 7363. VAN ORMAN'S "Klamath Falls New est ramily Shoe Store." Trim-Tred Poll Parrot - Rand Star Brand. 927 Main. S&H GREEN STAMP STORES BROADWAY CLEANERS 4333 South 6th. Phone 6403. "For Those Who Care." 1950 1950 1948 1948 1947 1947 1946 1946 ' iSr 1951 1949 1940 1941 SS AUTOMOTIVE iVBE SMART Don't Be a "WISH I HAD'R" Be a "GLAD I DID'R"! NEW CAR PRICES ARE GOING HIGHER HURRY ... ' GET A BETTER CAR NOW! STUDEBAKER REGAL CHAMPION 4-DR. SEDAN $ CQ C Overdrive, Climatizer, seat covers , IsJsJ STUDEBAKER DLX. CHAMPION 4-DR. SEDAN ... $1 CA C Overdrive, Climatizer J-D STUDEBAKER REGAL COMMANDER 5-PASS. COUPE $1 ry'A C Overdrive, Climatizer, other accessories 1 0rJ STUDEBAKER REGAL CHAMPION CONVERTIBLE COUPE. . Overdrive, Climatizer, radio, lOO leather upholstery : Z.J DODGE CUSTOM CLUB COUPE $1 (A C Lots of extras. A real beauty I STUDEBAKER REGAL COMMANDER 4-DR. SEDAN $11 I C Overdrive, radio, Climatizer. I HUDSON SUPER SIX CLUB COUPE $ Q C One owner. It's a real value O O PLYMOUTH F0UR-D00R SEDAN ' $ 7QR Radio, heater 7 3 ft PICKUP AND TRUCK BARGAINS DODGE 'a TON PICKUP " $1495 STUDEBAKER la TON (2 to choose from) $1145 FORD V-8 12 TON PICKUP $ 495 CHEVROLET life TON FLAT BED $ 495 NAME IT' Hi on this 1040 Dodge "fitoMi Cluh Coupe at only $8!l3. Dim bat Used Curs, South lith at Plum. . ...inuiii.tfl-hvculnilrt mid Sunday 8823. ONLY 10.000 miles on this 1!)30 Chrys ler unto coupe. Lrtkc new in every way. Dim but tTscri Cars. Smith lith at Plum. Phone 0131)-Even inns and Sundays 8623. BUS SARUANTS USED tAI( WE BUY. SELL AND TRADE w Corner Shasta Wny and Arthur Streets f-none mus WHY TAKE LESS than the best? 1030 Plymouth Deluxe 4-Dr. Sedan. A car vnu tt-n Itn n.-.mri nt (ak aiiIu ltii Dimbat Used Cars. South Olh at Plum! Phono Diau-Evcitings and Sundays 8U23. 1946 ONE TON Studebaker pickup. Good 8 ply rubber (our speed trans mission. Phone 2-1109. FOR SALE. '41 Plymouth four door sedan. A good dependable car. See "Nick" at Hardy Men's Store or ohone 2-3773. LOOK THIS ONE OVER 1049 Ford V-8 Custom Fordor sedan. Radio, heater, overdrive. Keen plastic scat covers, plenty of equipment. Lov mileage. Looks and drives like a new one $1395. H. E. HAUGER BUICK GARAGE Used Car Department Mnln at Broad Phqne31M 1048 PLYMOUTH Special Deluxe Club Coupe. To see it Is to want itl $1166. Dimbat Used Cars. South Sixth at Plum Phone 0 tap -Evenings and Sundays 8323. Vb. NEED CARS! Get top price now Rose Motor Co, flth end Plum. IF YOUR CREDIT RATING IS GOOD, FINANCIAL ARRANGEMENTS CAN BE MADE TO SUIT YOU ON ANY OF THESE '42 Chcv. 2-Dr $395 41 Ford V-8 Fordor S3'J5 '41 Chcv. 2-Dr $443 '40 Olds 4-Dr $345 "37 DeSoto 4-Dr $145 PRE-WAR CARS! '42 Stude. Champ. 4-Dr $445 '41 Stude. Champ. 4-Dr $145 '41 Olds 4-Dr $395 40 Ford V-8 Coupe ..I $295 '36 Chev. Coupe $ 45 41 Dodue 4-Dr. 1365 '41 Stude. Champ. 2-Dr. ... $195 '41 Plymouth 4-Dr. $348 '40 Ford V-8 2-Dr .. $295 "36 Stude. 4-Dr. - $ 4S McCULLOCH MOTORS Klamath Avenue at 8th St. STUDEBAKER Phone 4149