FAGS TOT HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON SATURDAY, KKRMIARY 0. 10.-52 CattU, Sheep Quotations Steady UHICAOO Wl Hobs, cattle and heep sold at ateady quotations Sat- uroay. . . A mixed trend devcloned In holts thU week. Typei scaling under 220 pounoa lost 1U to 10 cents, dui heavier weight, as well as sows, gained 10 to 25 cents. The rally came late In the week after prices had dropped on Wednesday to the lowest average cost since way, 1950. The dressed pork market was low. In the cattle section, slaughter steers and heifers sold steady to 60 cents higher. Cows and bulls advanced 50 cents to $1.00 but veal crs plunged $3.00 to $3.00. Lamb prices continued to deUine this week. Closing top of $29.00 was a new low on the winter-fed crop and the lowest since October, 1950. Prices were about $10 under the same week last year. The dressed lamb market moved sharply low er. Stocks Range About a Point NEW YORK Wl Prices rocked back and forth quietly Saturday in a stock market displaying new features. The range went about point either way. Many leading issues opened late and traded unchanged lor long periods. Volume came to an estimated 600,000 shares, the second slowest two-hour session this year. A week ago the total was 610,000 shares. Colorado It Southern renewed its sensational advance started Fri day on reports of another attempt being made by the management at refunding. The common Jumped ahead 6 points on top of Friday's 8 - point rise. Some oils were hit gently by profit-taking, not at all unusual after the giant forward strides made by some of these issues re cently. Gains Chalked Up By Stocks CHICAGO CP Grains sought lower levels on the board of trade agreed, with some exceptions, to a Communist proposal for a higher level political conference after set tlement of a Korean armistice. Some traders apparently felt this would enhance the prospects of get ting a truce in the Korean fighting. There was some precautionary sell ing of cereals, even though many factors still remain to be settled in Korea, Trading was fairly active. Losses were registered in all pits with no particular cereal outstand ingly weak or Arm. Quotations By The Associated Press Admiral Corporation Allied Chemical Allis Chalmers American Airlines American Power It Light American Tel. A Tel. American Tobacco Anaconda Copper , Atchison Railroad Bethlehem Steel Boeing Airplane Co. Borg Warner Burroughs Adding Machine California Packing Canadian Pacific Caterpillar Tractor Celanese Corporation Chrysler Corporation Cities Service Consolidated Edison Consolidated Vulte Crown Zellerbach Curtiss Wright Douglas Aircraft duPont de Nemours Eastman Kodak Emerson Radio General Electrio . General Foods General Motors Georgia Pac Plywood Goodyear Tire Homestake Mining Co. International Harvester International Paper Johns Manville Kennecott Copper . Libby. McNeill Lockheed Aircraft Loew's Incorporated Long Bell A Montgomery Ward Nash Kelvinator New York Central Northern Pacific Pacific American Fish Pacific Gas & Electric Pacific Tel. & Tel. Packard Motor Car Penney (J. C.) Co. Pennsylvania R. R. Pepsi Cola Co. Fhilco Radio Radio Corporation Rayonier Incorp Rayonier Incorp Pfd Republic Stqel Reynolds Metals Eichfield O'il Safeway Stores Inc. Ecott Paper Co. Sears Roebuck & Co. Bocony-Vacuum Oil Southern Pacific Standard Oil Calif Standard Oil N. J. Ctudebaker Corp. Sunshine Mining Swift It Company Transamerica Corp. Twentieth Century Fox Union Oil Company Union Pacific tTnited Airlines united Aircraft United Corporation United States Plvwcod United States steel Warner Pictures western Union Tel Westlnghouse Air Brake Westinghouse Electric Woolworth Company 27 . 52 Va 15 I, 23 H 156 , 62 52 51 U 48 y4 65 'A 26 35 60 11 J 109 34 18 9 Vt 88 45 S 14 57 43 "i 52 46 i 34 50 i 86 H 8 21 16 Vh 41 64 V. 19 , 19 65 36 109 , 4 is ; 9 29 y 25 t 64 V 43 66 56 31 52 34 55 38 't 52 "2 80 2 33 11 33 23 V, 18 , 39 31 5 32 , 39 45 26 ft 37 Weather Western Oregon Partly cloudy In south Saturday with consider ate morning valley fog; mostly cloudy with a few showers in the norm, increasing cloudiness Satur day night with rain in the north eunday, spreading to south In aiternoon. Higns both days 48-60; warmer Saturday night with low 35-45. Winds off coast southerly to southwesterly. 10-20 miles an hour Saturday, Winds will become south erly to southeasterly Saturday night, increasing to 30-40 miles an hour off northern coast and 15-29 miles an hour off southern coast eunday. Eastern Oregon Fair Saturday with, some cloudiness in north: Sunday mostly cloudy In north and partly cloudy in south; little tem perature chanfe. Highs both days 48-55; low tonight 18-28 except 35- INVESTMENT SECURITIES OWENS INVESTMENT SERVICE Llstad Inactive, Unlisted ani Orer-the-Connter bond ant Stacks. Investment Panda til Mad-Den. HM. Phone t-StU KLAMATH FALLS CLASSIFIED RATES One day Pf word 4 Three Days , per word 11c Week run , , per word 20c Month run per word 65c MINIMUM Ths minimum charge for any one ad Is 60c, BOX NUMBERS Answers to ads may be handled through box numbers at the paper for a service charge ot 35c. DEADLINES Classified ads accepted up to 5:30 pjn. for foUowinf day's publication Classified display ads accepted up to 13 noon for following days pub lication. ADJUSTMENTS Please nuuee ail claims tor adjust ments without delay. Corrections or cancellations re ceived by 6:30 pjn. will be made, In following day's publication CARD OF THANKS GOBER: Wa wtih to extend our tin- cere thanks to our relatives and many friends for their wonderful rosoonse with blood donaUons for our dear wife and mother. ve would nice them to know that she ia dotns fine. C. J. Go ber ramily. FUNERAL HOMES WARD'S Klamath Funeral Home. S23 Hilh Street Phone 3334. MEETING NOTICES Klamath Lodge No. 77 A.F. and A.M. will hold a stated meeting Monday, Feb. 11, 8 p.m. "Washington's Birth day." Visiting brethren in vi ted . Re f resl unen ts. Dale Bebber worshipful Master ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS mMr. Friday, 8 p.m., for Information, wm Box 204. Phone 3383. LOST AND FOUND LOST, pair ot small girl's blu plas Uc rimmfd (lasses between Milts school and Wantland Ave. Phona 7202 after THE HERALD AND NEWS has two pair of juvenile size dark plastic mm. ihziu jur rriurn o me owners Inquire at the Classified Ad- DESIRABLE room for particular aen- tlcmen. Private bath. 505 N. 9th. LOST boys plastic glasses. Name in case Eddie Ray. Reward. 2210 Ogdan. Phone 6309. LOST. Monday, between Oakridge and Chemult. S months old German Shep herd puppy. $35. Reward. Phone 5046. Legal Notice NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OP OREGON FOR KLAMATH COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of LAVRA A. CRAWFORD. Deceased. Notice is hereby given fhat I have been appointed administratrix of th estate of Laura A. Crawford, deceased. au persons naving claims against said estate are reauireri in ntwunt thm m me with proper vouchers, at the office of Canon & Ganong. 724 Main Street. Klamath Falls. Oregon, within six months from February 9. 1952. which Tf date of first publication of this notice. Ann H. Prock, Administratrix Ganong & Ganong Attorneys for Administratrix F-8-I6-23 M-l No. 886 NOTICE OF ELECTION NOTICE is herebv oiven th TtnarH of Supervisors of the Langell Valley Soil Conservation District have set Wed nesday, we .win aay oi February 1952. between the hours of seven o'clock and nine o'clock In the evening of the said date at the Lore! la Community Hall inc Mine ana piace ior noiaing me ANNUAL MEETING and annual elec tion to elect a supervisor for a three- year term 10 succeea tne expired terra u suwicr aiones. William Burnett F-8-I1-13 No. .887 NOTICE TO BIDDERS Notice is herebv riven that waUH bids will be received by the County Court of Klamath County, Oregon. Until 10 o'clock A M on the ISth riav of February, 1952 for furnishing Klam ath County the following for the period commencing March 1st, 1952, and end ing narcn i, laoj. BUAKU Of PRISONERS GASOLINE COMBINED WITH tULrt lTf UNIT iiLHOOL INDIVIDUALLY OR BOTH LAUNDRY COAL DIESEL OIL CRUDE OIL Bids must be tecurelv seated anil marked "Bid for item for which bid is suommea ana filed with the county Clerk of Klamath County, Oregon be fore 10 o'clock A M February 15th, the tune oi opening saia oias. The Court reserves tha riant 1a re ject any or all bids. sated at Klamath rails. Oregon, this ii iu uajr oi January, jus. is) Chas. F. DeLap County Clerk. J-19 F-2-10 No. 853 NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR KLAMATH COUNTY In the Matter of the Estata of MARGARET LACEY. Deceased. Notice is herebv .riven that I have been aDDOinted administrator with the will annexed of the estate of Margaret Lacey, deceased. All persons having claims asainst said estate are reouired to present mem to me. witn proper vouchers, at the office of Ganong & GanonT. 724 Main Street. Klamath Falls. Ore eon. within six months from January 19. 1952. which is the date of lim publication of this notice. . wm. uanong. Administrator uanonft: oc canons Attorneys for Administrator J -18-26 F-2-9 No. 861 NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT Or THE STATE OF OREGON FOR KLAMATH COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of HERMAN SCHMOR. Deceased. Notice is hereby given that I have been appointed Executor of the estate oi Herman senmor, deceased, ah per sons havine claims asainst said estate are required to present them to me. with proper vouchers, at the office of Ganong At Ganong, 724 Main Street, witnin six montns from January iv, jyz, wnicn is tne date oi ursi puo lication of this notice. Henry Schmor. Jr., Executor Ganong ec uanong Attorneys for Executor J.19-26 F-2-9 No. 860 40 In northern valleys. jfor tne 24 nours 10 4:30 a.m Max Min. Baker 33 13 La Grande 44 Lakeview - 36 Medford 48 North Bend 49 Ontario .34 Pendleton ..55 Portland - 67 Roseburg 62 Salem 49 Boise ...42 Chicago , 43 Denver 59 Eureka - 57 Los Angeles 66 New York 45 Red Bluff 72 San Francisco 67 Seattle 61 ' Spokane 48 33 16 25 43 25 40 34 35 32 23 20 25 46 56 40 40 43 40 32 CONFUSED ENDING LISBON Wl Gfn nmnr Rrnrt. ley said Saturday the dispute over a standardized rifle for NATO forces has been ended by agree ment "that evervbodv us what hn has until we get a better rifle ev eryone agrees on." Beautiful Valentines . , , Voight's Pioneer Office Supply Co. 629' Main. GENERAL NOTICE CRESCENT SEA FOOD Refrigerator Truck will b on South Sixth St, -across from Tower Theater Monday and Tuesday, Feb. 11th, 13th with superior quality crabs and boneless wastefre filet. i'm commander" of communication If you'd like to communicate with hot prospects for that bus iness proposition of yours, ap point me Commander of Com munication! I'm a Herald it News Classified 1 The chap who delivers your message to nearly 13.000 sub scribers every day, telllnu folks what you're after, what you're offering, what you're interested In. Oftentimes I solve every day problems for people of Klamath Falls in Just a day or two. It's ever so easy to hire me simply phone 8111 for an ad-writer PERSONALS WASHINGTON Beauty Shop. Evening appotntnicnta. Phona lots Waahins- ORDER your SDencer aarment hefnr sclecunf your iprlns wardroba. Phone HELEN S BEAUTY SALON. J7l4 Main. Phone 6284. STANLEY Home Product!. Phone 609, 10 SERVICES Heavy Hauling ANYWHERE. FOR HIRE Honest Rates Weights Service ANOERSON FREIGHT LINES 2803 South Sixth Ph. 9240 or 3386 Septic Tanks Cleaned Newest Sanitary Methods Also ROTO ROOTER SERVICE Cleans Sewer Lines of Roots, Eta ED F. KINO 3434 Orchard Phone SMI EXCAVATING Mobil Shovel and Trench Hot Bulldoser - Fill Dirt Topsoll Crushed Rock Driveway Cinders Compressor CRANE SERVICE GRAHAM BROS. Phoiie 5341 or 9110 PIANO TUNING WM. H. MORGAN Factory trained technician and tuner. For tuntnga call Kyle Morgan Piano. 1035 Main or phone 2-0300 alterations on men'i. women'a. children's clothing. Jennl Hare, Seam. ii cm Anna a. ivji main. SEWJNG and alteration!, Kitty DreueL Phone 2-0538. FULLER brushes. Phone &604 or vrrr PAINTING and paper hanging. Phone TRIPP'S AUTO painting, body and fen- wunt. rnonc WW. ELECTRIC WIRING, work by hour or cuniraci. fnone Z-iuio. CURTAINS laundared Phone 4914 and atretched. J. L. DEAN Public Accountant and Auditor Ofncaat 308 No. 7th. Phona 134S FOR TREE TRIMMING t-none 2-0335 INCOME TAX RETURNS For appointment Phone 2-0251. Harvey Bispham. 12 EDUCATIONAL LORDJ. SIDTON PIANO AND THEbRV 1R51 Summers Lane. Phone 2-0940. BOOKKEEPING, shorthand typing Kin dred subjects, office machines. KLAMATH BUSINESS COLLEGE 733 Pine Phona 47m CHILD CARE and education. Prr-wnool center. Phone 427. ' 13 HEALTH MASSAGE, therapeutic exercises for JfPO reducing featured. Phone 14 HELP WANTED, FEMALE person Wanttd " V,n M"1- Apply in WOMEN make extra money at home. Sew our ready cut "Rap - A . Round " Easy-profitable. Hollywood Mfg. Co., Hoi- W,IiTlD, r"iVZr'd nur,e 'r nursing home. Salary 230. per mo., board, room, and laundry. Five day week. Phone 16 HELP WANTED, MALE ic WANTED ft Experienced USED CAR SALESMAN Apply at car lot 7th Si Oak streets LEE HUFF MOTOR CO. MAN to earn 590 week up. Long needed Invention. Advertised Saturday Evenlni Post. Country Gentlemen. Pr: . erywhere. Full, Part lime. Exclusive. No xree samples, write Red orado ' L"tleton- Col- SALESMAN to travel selling athletic supplies. Call In person. Gun si". 17 HELP WANTED i'm known as "chief of achievements" and chief of achievements I ami That's 'came I'm a Herald & News Classified ad that gets so much done for people of the Klamath basin. If you're eager to sell some thing, for example I find you a buyer fast. And If you've vacant units to fill, I bring you folks looking for living quarters. But If you need a Job, I direct you to help-needing employers, and if you yourself need work ers, I tell Job-wantcrs about you. Yes, I more than deserve my title, so let me help you achieve your goal too. phone 8111 for an ad-writer WINDOW and wall washer wanted. Ap ply Klamath Valley Hospital. 18 SITUATIONS WANTED OT! stuttrnt neeils evening or weekend work. riu d Emerson. I'none a-mwi, CHtl.UCAifE. l"honc 7II.VI. BABY- ittliiiT1'linilc 3"-a.1T3. r.XI'r.MKNCKn pay roll i-ierk wishes position alter Feb. 13th. Telephone 33.15 days. WILL care for "rhUttreil in my hums days or your home aveutngs. Call -l53. 22 ROOMS FOR RENT i'm the main spring in springing surprises When It comes to solving every, cluy problems for the people of Klitmnth rails I'm the main spring to spring pleasant sur prises. With surprising speed I aril things, fill vat'itnt units, hire dependable workers, land Juicy Jobs and recover lost articles, To sve the show begin, and to stage a pleasant surprise for you simply phone 8111 for an ad-writer FOR RENT, housrkerpmi room. One block off Main. Ml IMn. ( NICE, heated room. 322 Pacific Tr- rac. ROOM and board or room. Men omy. .too No. 91 h. SLEEPING room close in. VU1 Wain ut HOAKL). room. roasit..iili IMion -ivi rooms fur runt, clean. Close in. Phone ROOMS, prices rcasonablp.Phone "4lti7 LOVELY roon.iifo rent I6.-4T. weelC Ciose in. Phone. 4138. ROOMS 10.U High. 24 APARTMENTS FOR RENT TWO and three room furnished apart ments, electric stoves and refrigerators. K0. and W5. Inquire at 174U Menlo Way. Phono MM. TWO ROOM apartment. Fireplace adds to homelike atmosphere. Private Itatn. Electric heat and water lurnlshed. Phone 2-W76. SMALL clean apartment. Electrically equipped. --KtN. 10th. FOR LEASE, small apartment house, furnished $73. Phone 4333 Friday and Saturday. S MALL APARTMENT, suitable for working girl. Electric range and refrig erator. Close In. $27.90. Phone 0433 or 371(6. NICE clean apartment. Gas eauipped. Refrigerator. Couple preferred "Villa Marquise inquire 1314 Oak. t iiST C L ASS unf Mrni7ned duplex apartment, newly decorated. In perfect condition. Hardwood floors, excellent laundry lacmtie. Heat ana water pro yided. Couple only $i7 50. Phone Rata. FURNISHED three large rooms In duplex. Electric heat, garage. Adults S50. 927 Jefferson. VACANCY Phone 4676. at Jiamel Apartments. APARTMENT suitable for three. S4.V Apartment for two. $30. Utilities fur-, nished. Frigidalre. 403 No. 3rd. CLEAN. warm. modern, " furnished apartment. Couples. Phone 8459. FOR RENT, two room furnished apart n;ent. Couples. 2124 Biehn. Phone 7318. FOR RENT, three room furnished apart ment. centrally located. 121 So. Second. TWO BEDROOM apartment, furnished. 745 Rose St. Phone 6667. THREE ROOM furnished apartment. 2061 White. NICE steam-heated apartment, adults. " .n rr P'ne and Cedar. THREE rooms furnished, close In. Laun dry. Couple only, no pets. 804 Lincoln. Call 2-3170. FURNISHED two room apartment, re frigerator $.13; all utilities included. 419 N. Tenth. OUTSIDE apartment ior rent. 710 Main. Greer Apts. ONE bedroom unfurnished apartment. Cm equipped. Call 2-QttU. FOR RENT. Modern furnished apart ment Plenty natural heat. OLYMPIC APTS. 207 E. Main IN EWLY decorated, private bath, kit chenette. Steam heat, electric range 510 week Rex Arms Apartment. FOR RENT, furnished apartment In autre 51B Hl&h CLEAN, nicely furnished three room duplex. Electic heat, utility porch. Three blocks from Main SL Phone 0320 or 421)1. TWO ROOM furnished apartment, lights and water. 1123 Walnut. TWO ROOM modern apartment. 816 Oak St. NEW, MODERN apartments. 2141 Gary block off South Sixth, two units Just completed and fully furnished. Living room, bedroom, bath and kitrAcnette, laundry facilities. One two bedroom un furnished apartment will be completed by Feb. 15. Absolutely no drinking. Phone 2-1097. FOR RENT, small furnished apart ment. Suitable for couple. 2910 Sum mers Lane. FOR RENT, furnished one .bedroom apartment with private bath. Call 2-0328 after 5 p.m. 26 HOUSES FOR RENT FOR RENT Unfurnished 4 room houe In Mills Addition, Adults only. Phone 6227. FOR RENT well furnished two bedroom house. 1749 Key St. off Pershing Way. COMFORTABLE two bedroom home, part ly f urn iahed. Phone 83C3. Eves. 43BB. FOR RENT one-bedroom partly fur nished modern house close in. Phone 2-9266. FOR RENT, one bedroom partly fur in ished on Delaware. P hon e 2-OBHO. TWO ROOMS completely furnished ex cept groceries. 1143 Pine. WANTED one Or two small children with parents and pets to occupy one bedroom home completely furnished. Refrigerator, washing machine, etc. See at 1427 Johnson. Phone 0047. FOR RENT, clean two bedroom fur nished house. Close in. Ideal for work ing couple. Adults only. Phone 74B.1,. FURNISHED, duplex. 930. 2030 White. Phone 35fJ8. SMALL house for rent Phone 2-1748. TWO bfdroom unfurnished house. 1220 Bown. 840 month. FOUR ROOM furnished cabin for renL Phone 8704 Stewart Lcnnox Addition. MODERN two room furnished house for rent. Call 7386. furnished. Close in. MODERN four room furnished house. Phone 4735. TWO bedroom unfurnished house. Au. tomatfo gas furnace and water heater Garage. G3. Phone 2-:i5H7. UNFURNISHED four room duplex. Ex cept for stoves. 930. Call 3027 Deiore 9 p.m. 23 MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT BEEHIVE u TRUCKS DRIVE Move Yourself Save '.4 New Trucks For long Trips Pickups Stakes Vans BEACON MOBIL SERVICE 1201 E. Main Phone 8304 OFFICE for rent. 623 Main. Phona 7101. FOH RENT, floor Sanders latent typo equipment. Suburban Lumber Co. Uth and Walnut Phone 7709 CAR STORAGE HEATED, day week or month. Earl Lamb, phone 4073 or 7709. 30 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Three bedroom home. ',i acre best soli, all fenced. $5600. A good buy In a modern two bed room home, $4000. $500 down. Hot Springs. Lovely, new two bed- room home. BEARD AGENCY REALTOR and INSURANCE 1020 Main Ph. 2-3471, 4734, 4880 . ....... ,"Tird .... ai. r.u!iMma.u, Powell. Phone 8529. " 30 REAL ESTATI FOR SAll There's a little 100 ACRE BEAUTY waiting for you in Shangri-La Valley Bire.but well-worked clover land, virgin Just tamed, rich, deep and rtmk. She's your prlM baby fur $30,000 cash. $7,S00 will hamllo straight cash lease or terms 1-3 per year at 4's. Capable shelling out $30,000 per year to you If you do your stuff. First come, first served. For date, rail Lorella 'J 105, or, If you're willing to take a chance on being too alow when dnine oppor. tunlty knocks at your door write a letter stating your qualifications to Owner, Box 101, Klamath Falls. HELP! We are In need of listings on two and three bedroom homes. Priced from $4000 to $15,000. located In city limits or south suburbs. Our office has many buyers urgently In need of homes. Phone 7366 for an Interview with one of our salesmen. Anne Mason Eves. S714 Eddie Hoslry 3-0188 BOGUE DALE, Realtor 13 S. 9th Phone 7366 ONE ACRE Attractive six room home plus brettkfnst nook. Large entrance hall, fills, bath. All rooms spacious clean and cheerful. Hardwood floors. Good foundation. Double garage. Nice lawn and trees, good Irrigated soli, fenced. Price $13,000. Terms. Anne Mason Eves. (714 Eddie Hosley 3-0188 BOGUE DALE, Realtor 122 S. 9th Phone 7266 BUENA VISTA . ADDITION Roomy 3'i bedroom home, double garage, 14x28 ft. living room, handy kitchen, electric heat, good view. In other words s very good house, almost brand new, for only $11,500.00 LARGE 2 BEDROOM In fact, 2 and !i large- bedrooms, double garage, 14x28 ft. living room, kitchen with lots of built Ins. completely Insulated too, elec tric heat, good view In other words a whale of a good house, almost brand new, for only $11,500. MILLS ADDITION A real buy for only $5500. Tills 3 bedroom home has Just been ap proved by FHA for a maximum loan. Only a block from Mills School, close to all the stores and shops. This one won't last long. Call now to see It. YALTA GARDENS Attractive, well constructed modern 2 bedroom home. Just the place to raise the kids and a good garden. Double garage, beautiful lawn, paved street. Price $9500. FHA terms. FURNISHED, Drive by 207 Nevada and see what S3800 will buy. Modem 3 bedroom home, with convenient kitchen. For $1000 more you can have approxi mately $1800 worth of nearly new furniture. Open Evenings by Appointment See Homer Stiles Ph. 2-2460 Eves. Don Sloan 5658 Eves. Fred Scott 5703 Eves. CHILCOTE & SMITH REALTORS Since 1909 111 N. 9th Street Ph. 4564 or 5529 HILLSIDE AVENUE Exceptional four bedroom home. Ideal for large family. Close to High School. Large living and din ing room, fireplace, music room, at tractive kitchen. Two full batlis, lots of closets and storage space. Full basement. Beautiful yard. Immediate possession. $18,000. Terms. NORTH SIDE For quick sale, comfortable one bedroom modern home on pave ment and sidewalks. Concrete foundation, plastered, automatic beat, garage. Includes range and refrigerator. $4750. Terms. OREGON AVENUE Two bedroom home on large nicely landscaped lot. Hardwood floors In living room, electric heat, utility room, large closets, full concrete basement with rumpus room. Will trade for suitable three bedroom home. Priced at $7250. Terms. HARRY VAN (Eves. 8204) ' JOE LEONARD (Eves. 2-0527) ALSCHMECK REALTOR and INSURANCE 517 Main Phone 32U KOfl SALE by owner, two bedroom homo, 2 blocks of Mills School. Attached Kflrage being used for third bedroom. An old hourte, yet In excellent condition. Selling at $4750, only $500 down. Owner will finance. If lntereated In this tVDe of home, can be geen at 2120 Oak. FOR SALE. 7S ft. reffldentlat lot. on pavement facing Eldorado. After 0 p.m. cull 2-1054 or :tM. KOR RALK. two bedroom home now tin fJer conxiruclion In Hot Spring. Call nfier p.m. 2-10M or HUM, FOfl SALE. wHl imnroved two arren nn Kane si, ieiepnone U7D or can at ztuv Kane. 30 RIAL 1ST AT I FOR SALI . FOR THE Gl A cony attractive two bedroom homo, Ideal floor plan. Nimt and clean Inside and out. 110x135 foul lot, completely fenced with new white picket fence. Large lawn, lota of lovely flowers and shrubs, good family garden, big garage and workshop. This Is a home you will be proud to show and Ilivl It a Joy to live In. A steal at $711110, OI terms. Hot Springs Addition A lovely two bedroom home lo cated In the heart of Klamath's finest residential districts. Large living room with fireplace, hard wood floors throughout. This home Is fully Insulated and heated with automatlo heat. If you have good sense of values and appreciate the better things In life here la a rent bargain at $0790. Shown by appoint ment only. YALTA GARDENS A large new ranch style home that has been occupied for less than six months. The home was built for modern comfortable living with the best materials available. llnrd wood floors throughout, attachcl double garage. If you want the fin est things in life do not miss this one for only $18,900. SUBURBAN Lovely two bedroom house on 13 acre that Is well worth the asking price. Large living room, dining room, kitchen, tub and shower bath. Large utility room, attached garage. Only $8100 terms. Johnny Hobson tEves. 6804 1 Dale Orubb (Eves. 3S44I Art Prederlcloon (Eves. 87351 with AL LONGE Real Estata and Insurance 111 So. 8th. Phone 8283 HARLAN DRIVE Three bedroom home, garage, fruit cellar, garden, berries, two chicken houses. ' acre on pavement. $73SO. Terms. SHASTA DISTRICT One bed room modern home, garage, 'i acre. Worth 82500, offered for $1050. LAKESIDE ADDITION Near Riverside School, one bedroom mod ern home, two car basement ga rage. $3000. $1000 down $35 per month. 1928 MAIN Three bedroom home, garage. $3840. $500 down. Terms. JACK CASHIN with E. Willard Cedarleof REAL ESTATE nd INSURANCE 3927 South Sixth Ph. 2-01M Eves. 3-3170 What We Do For You When you list your city or subur ban property with CHILCOTE it SMITH, Realtors. 1. We appraise fairly and at once. 2. We finance properties If you need your cash. ion exclusive listings). 3. We guarantee to advcrti.se all exclusive listings regularly. 4. We do all the work Spend our time our advertising money. 5. All you do Is sign the deed. 6. All we ask Is the chance to serve you. OPEN EVENINOS BY APPOINTMENT See Homer Stiles Ph. 2-2480 Eves. Don Sloan 5858 Eves. Fred Scott 5703 Eves. CHILCOTE & SMITH Realtors Since 1009 111 N. 9th St. Phone 4564 or 6529 CLOSE IN 2 BEDROOM MODERN HOME with cement basement. Plastered Interior, paved street, sWewalk. Close to grade and high school. Price $4750. Terms, Don't miss this. WALT DIETZ, with , T. B. WATTERS REALTOR is INSURANCE 107 So. 7th Ph. 4193 (Eve. 94( STOP! LOOK! LISTEN ! THIS is a warning to all, who are In the market for good fnrms. ranches or grass land. We have them In all sizes. Be sure and see us before yju buy. VERNON DURANT HERB SCHMIDT aKidysilani REAL ESTATE 631 So. Sixth Phone 0105 NEARLY NEW fl room home In Hoi SnrlngH dlitrlct, full basement, Inrjfe piny room with fireplace, wnll-to-wnll carpet in living and dining room, elec tric heat In all rooma. Shown by ap pointment only. BAHNHISEL. AGENCY 112 So. Bt t Phone 4 IPS FOR SALE, nearly, new flvo room houno hardwood floorn, large garden. Complete ly furnUhed. tUttX). termi. Phone 2-lXiH, :tHIB Clinton Avenue. NICE two bedroom home in Merrill, garage, electric heat. Iniulntd. Yard fenced lawn and ihruni. auaoa. 1 .c. Smith. Phona 104 Merrill. 46 FINANCIAL $$MONEY$$ ON THIS FIRST CALL ! i Up to $600 on your auto On your salary or furnltui. , up to $300 "Pay Day" loans a specialty - $10, $J5, $50 loaned til) "pay day" or longer. $J6 coats but 18 cents for ono week. No other charges. LOCAL LOAN CO. lift No. 10th St. M-954 DON McINTYUE, Mgr. 43 Yean Friendly Service 30 REAL (STATI FOR SALI CATTLE-GRAIN TIMBER $3 (o $15 per acre buys gnnd ranch and Umber land at Clov'l, Hliiin and Cuuntv laud Sales. V'lth'K LAND CATAl.OO. Pacific I.an:ls Itttl KK Cahurnga Dlvd. Hollywood 28. Cullf. MOVE RIGHT IN Fully furnished two bedroom subur. ban home, aiiached garage, extra large lot. This Is Indeed a rare opportunlly to buy a beautiful incxl- ein fiirulshrd home with every appointment for gnicloua llvlnu. The home Is new aial the furniture Is new, what more could you ank for for ONLY $14,750? Kuay terms. Hero are some chcuples ' Stewart Lenox Three bedroom home partly furn ished, extra large lot and mis cil buildings. Price $0500. Low down payment. TWO BEDROOMS This Is worth looking Inlf for only .jiHju. ruur rooms, until, pari uu.se ment. plenty of room for chickens and etc. 'Walking Distance Fully furnished two bedroom home on city gns. This Is a real buy for only sj.'ju. NORTH Three bedroom home just off Ore gon Avenue. Can be yours for $1000 down, total price $0000. Claire Ellis Eves. Phone 3 3(150 Jay P. Clrlggs " . " 4254 Gene Kaveli " " 8045 W. W. Thompson at Malm J. W. SANDERS REALTOR 1313 Main St. rhone 7531 FOR INCOME LOOK THESE OVER ! 1 13 one bedroom rentals, one two bedroom rental, plus new apart ment for owner. Prlvnte garages. These are furnished, very neat and clean. Good fouivlatlou. In city and all a.vie.umrnts In and paid. Shows $450 per month Income. II 3 one bedroom cabins, one 3 bedroom home. On very good busi ness, corner located on South Hlxih. Has gas heat. Shows 8130 er month Income for 810O0. Owner will carry own contract. Ill This Is 3'i blocks from Main Street, 3 apartment rentals, furn ished. 3 two bedroom apartments and 1 one bedroom ajmrtment. All have new electric refrigerators, less than 1 year old, and electric ranges. .This Is Ideal for people who have no cars and have to live near town and work. This can be had lor $1050 with $1750 down and 0 lcr month or $808 down, and $75 per month. FRED E. FLEET REALTOR DENNIE COATES. Saleslady 408 Main Office Ph. 3-3335 Eves. 3-1305 CHELSEA ADDITION Large three bedroom borne in good condition. Modern Good garage. Located on two lots with shade and fruit trees. $4500. SOUTH SUBURBAN 5 year old home in good district. Two bedrooms. Hardwood floors in living room and dining, room. At tached garage with con crete floor. Automatic oil beat. Insulated and weather stripped. With storm win dows. $9500. ' GOING TO SELL? We have qualified buyers waiting for homes in Mills and Hot Springs. Call us today for help with your Real Estate problems. "PAT" HOWES JOHNNY BLAYLOCK Realtors Phone 2-35460440 1025 Main Evenings Ron PlKhcr 807O Bruco Owens Merrill 149 FARM FOR SALE 02 acre farm, near city on highway, very good homo with electric, heat, also other buildings. Land planted to pasturo grnss, clover, alfalfa and balance grain land. Very good set up for diversified farming or dairy. Call office for more Information. See Fred Cofcr R. L. Stephens Barnhisel Agency 112 B. 8th , Phone 4105 LOANS Phong 3-253T B-378 10 REAL ISTATI FOR SALI FOR SALE nheaiH-r Than Rent 303 arrrs. $IA per. paved mail. 115 level, 300 under ditch HOc water elri lrlclly gimd well. Will trade. two miles from Merrill 1IOX IlilO MK1IH11.L 5 ACRES Four bedrooms, living room, dining room, kllchrii and nun-porch, foul 1 1, fully moilei n Room for MUO hens. Own well with new pressure pump. 4's miles from town. 7:iru unfurn ished, or IlltiOO furnlnhcd. FOUR BEDROOMS On Mitchell HI. Hardwood floors In living room and dining room. Uih floor fitruuces, continuous foumrl n I Ion. lols of Ixillt-liia In xltcheuf OlHKM'd-m brenktiist porch, wnlk-lu mm room, riming price $10,000, Shown by appointment. $650 DOWN Buys this furnished one bedroom place across from Falrvtew School, Selling for $3750, balance on terms. FRED E. FLEET REALTOR DKNNIE COATES, Saleslady 408 Main Office Ph. 3-3333 Evrs. 3-1305 HOME roa sMUt KVEItEI-l DENNIS). HEALTOR U.ni Klrkualrlik. Salesman 121 N sin I'hima aqi J4 FOIL HEATING KIANIMIU) HEATING OILS Stove Furnace) Heavy Fuel DKPKNDAUI.K Check and Fill Hv.itcm Mtl KR I'HtNTKU TICKETS Your Guarantee Of Heating KuUituctlun FRED H. HEILBRONNER 'Fuel that fiitthfy plm Service" aince 1010 8:t fiprlntt Ht. Phone im 8 A II OIIKKN TAMliflv.n"onh.i: In oil I'huna 3kll ut UMBO (or prompt (.livery. CU r VADrN'H HIONAL BKBVICI . xioo n aih At'A h a ii n 1 1 a r i w .TT i . furnai-d. tight ful, ((. wtvwf,- il, enal, OMf o. SM MarstJ i-nuii Ql9, imiid iiKii ut ior nme u,rt vf iMtKS-hi.6(;"""pi(-ku'ir or di-flveftT Cilff Yv.ni Hixiiai Krrvic 3MO fto. lh Phunii VJ) vtr a-pjtw. 38 BOATS PTS SPORTS MOBBIIS Yor.Nfi wrVint.il cjwrfcnf-Mr itTfffi.VTal oticv wnrk and rrnlll in vrttlgit"r iJe ""rrmB.nri.t poaiimn. rhone M7.v KIM HAl.f.," H ... " lllrrhrraM b)ai mul Irmfrf, llltf Trn Hiirrlmn- Mr. cury hiulur lUr-l 1 hmit iVVi. ,H ml :VJlil Hhu W. He I ween a r... ft n m WA.NTKI). ioiiPii.Vt(l 4.anrni .M.tlt Ik ml CHpahlr of handling 2A hr mo tor 1h g.Ktil boat UAilrr. I'hon 2-04D3 ntlrr It p in NKW tOl.Tuper"j4iiiitcr-Mrhon 0,17.1. WANI'KhTi.KHfn.owiifo'r" 1 IVrVua nmljiMtrn i mnnthn old Phone 37uc. C.KHMAN SfTfphi-rU pupplr 7 "n.rn1fl" r.llgihlo for A KC. regit .rat tun, $tt and up. Klnr Voir A N H K i t SO N " h r laTd ingK p nnTi PhOM W47wSrini. Dflawart.ff Unmedalt nOA!il)INfi KENNELS Do boar elm tf hy day. wnrlc or month. H unitary kinnMa 1 Well balancftf dtl. Clran individual outdoor run tor arh dog Dog! nandled durieg mating. Will pU'k up and rtelivrr V HI ion Welcoma Phona 7 MtrrlM R4. RI 7, lion tV)4 SHASTA PASTA nKKKNNFUS 42 LIVESTOCK 9. POULTRY POULTRY WANTED. Ciwh paid for wiy amount. Top market prlci's for Rood quality. For quotations PHONIC 3H57 KLAMATH POULTRY FARMS 011 SAi.K, iu a hrTd niily," aohrad nimrnot-v rowi and tl hPlfcr tn frrh it hchvren now and Mv.' One roli-terr-d Ctiern'y hull, Thi enwa are wrl hrrd mid hf.ivv prudurer.. anil moai of them lire vtu rlnatetl. Will aril all dairy equipment. DeUivul milker. Au tomnllr cuolin unit and milk rant. LfllllltlflA atsl lln f.sa- A Sce JIiiy Kliilt.4lfi;i .Summer I.une. run WALK ewn yenr old well-hreif An aua hull i u i.i.,, i ,r.;;". UireHn 2171. ' rati SALE, p yuunT" WlilfUahoTri Invlng; henn.Phone MM. FOH SAI.K. kid pnnlra Atitj faTldlo nnrr. Unulea, nc44. Phone 2-20W. KOI1 SAI.K. you nil JrrVey row"frilt anon. Home 3, Hox 444. Phone 3-20:10. Wf ANKH MC;S-fnr-al. Phonr2-(Kriir AliriKiriA.', MHKKDlNCi sehVich Phnna 72l M C. IChurki Warren. RU 2.!n ,122 ANT K n rtiTored Kena " P hori-430 lT fllfJHRST pricoi oold for poult rvTntiotfg and Uvextnck. ma V MFAT MARKET Lakavlew Junction Phona 4fi2(i 46 FINANCIAL LOANS IMMEDIATE Cash Loans Borrow Pn? Onl W 17.27 Ma Rcpny in 18 Instnllmcnts UP VO laoo ON FURNITURE OH SALARY UP TO $1300 ON CARS I'lra IDEAL PLACE TO BORROW Convenient Location Convenient to Borrow Convenient to pay Locally owned New Cars 'inancat at bank rate "MONEY IN A HURRY" Motor Investment Gl. 21 yeara serving Klnmnth BatJti Bee "Chuclt" Bailey. Mgr. lit N. 7Ul St, Phone 3321 B-241 M-278