Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, February 08, 1952, Page 9, Image 9

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l-'UIDAY, KHMIUAKY II, 1(t.r.2
!23ii( It.. Sail
WHERE KING GEORGE DIED This 1 an nirview of
SamlrlntJhnm, the country estate In England, showing the
big house (haikjjroundi where King Ceorgc VI died in his
sleep. The church on the estate, with flag at half staff, is
in the foreground.
Agriculture Heads See
News Curbs Backfiring
mouthed pre.vi poltry 1,1 belnit
blnmccl by aoiiie Agriculture Uc
pnrlinrnl offlclnle (or much of the
criticism Hie agency In gctiiriK be
causo of the recently disclosed
ti Kin aliortaxea.
Tney paid If the dcpurlmenl'n
own inforiniillon kluff hull irporlcd
each cane an It developed, lutlr hi
lention probnbly would have been
moused. But thev contend the In
dividual cnc wero no ronipara- PORTLAND The campaign
lively nitinll. off iclalii actually did ; to ntvc limber slorila In the C'o
4 not think them newtworlhy. i ltiinbia River Clorue will be carried
The remill, however, wa to lime 1 ' Governor McKny mid Multno-
II Die stories break nt once, iimk-1 nih County Coinml.HSloncrs.
lug the situation appear much The Portland Women's Forum,
worse than agriculture ofllclnl say Iraclmir the ciwnpalxn. said a con
It reully is. Icrence would be sought with the
The admittedly shorl-sltthted pol-1 governor. County commissioners
Icy has now been chained, but too 'already have agreed to talk with
iie 10 siup uit diii twomiiy anu'u
Congre.isloual Investlgalioiui
Preliinauary Investigations Indi
cate the government may lose sev
eral million dnllurs tnrouKii short
ages ol various types, including
acit of some warehouse concerns
In converting department gruin to
their own inc.
Officials who exked that they not
be named put much of the respon
sibility for current bad publicity
upon Ihe department's onn prcej
Although It bus a sizable stuff of
Information men and Lvsue.i more
than J.OOO news releases and re
ports annually, the depiirunenl
look no steps to report the short
ages until nild-Decembcr. That
time It reporlrd It had gone In
court aguln.il six firms to recover
losses. Some of the cases were
filed last July.
Tills Information was supplied
after some newsmen had sought
vainly for months to run down ru-
is n
Man s ho Cares...
He buys
. because it's
a belter drink
Dill Wiunnn ii nol tlie mmr. of
n actual pcMon, but i milter
a lypej the Man tvlto Cares.
(!.liilrs Urns. Ulftillin C.n., Inc.,
New York, N. Y. Blendnl Whinkev
80 rroof 72V& Cin Neutral Spiritl.
.jKfe 'I
mom the itoveniiiient win MiMaiiv
iiik "heavy" loe throiiKh nil
upprnprlniloiiK liy wurchouiemen.
Ii cnitfe also nt a time when Con
lirrjmlonal cnmmiiccs liud started
looking Into tlio mutter.
Timber Battle
To Governor
eommittna of the forum
The women's nroun hones to kern
longer out of the Gorge by creat
ing stale parks In timber stands
there. If necessary. Some logging
started there recently.
Whiz through your laundry with Maid of Honor
steel ironing tables
Curtain Stretchers
So Simple lo Sot Up ond Adjust
Moid of Honor ; i . 5.49
Navy I U-lndi wood tram, hat cl.oity
narktd numb.ri ovary Inch.' Ruttproef
pint and hardware won't italn fobrlcl.
"Sa&ytzdZoft fwawt&edcn, pout, m&uy faai " $flR$ p3h3onSt0'siM
Fort Frederica
Yield Colonial Life Relics
A trsnh-flllfd well that once sup
plied water to colonial household
111 what Is now fort Frederica Na
tional Monument, on HI. Simons
Island, Ox., has yielded articles
of household equipment and per
sonal adornment that nhed light on
the way of Hie of the people who
lived In the fortified town of Fred-
erica In the 18th century.
In reporting the results of recent
archeologlcal excavations at the
national monument to Secretary
of the Interior Chupinan, Director
Conrad L, Wlrlh, of the National
Park Service, emphasized the Im
portance of this clghtccnth-ccntury
fortified Kngllsh settlement In the
k'ngllsh-Spanlnh bid for power In
the New World. General James
Oglelhoroe. who headed English
operations against the Spanish In
Florida, made It his headquarters.
Once the Anglo-Upanlsli struggle
was over, the town's purpose had
been achieved and It gradually dis
Kecent excuvutlons at Fort Fred
erica have uncovered a wealth of
liilormutlon about this old town
that hud been burled lor a century
and a hall. The excavations were
started In the hope of locating two
houses which Colonial records In
dicated had a common wull prop
erty line perhaps a forerunner of
tin; modern duplex.
the turning of utmost the first
shovelful of earth disclosed a colon
lul well nine feel deep and five
Licet In dlumeter at the top. Long
aDanuonea, 11 nau oeru micu wiui
what was trash at the time of Its
dlnimsal but which Is now of his
toric value.
Among the objects uncovered
were hand-blown bottles, a com
plete musket bayonet, two cuff
links or shirt frogs, and numerous
bit of broken dUhes. 'Die latter
range from urlhenwnre apotlie
cury Jurs and salt-glaze English
utility wares of the 18th century to
bngliKh blue and white Delft soft-1
paste porcelain and Chinese export
Extensions of the excavations un
covered the foundations of the two
houses which were the primary
purpose of the dig. These inunda
tions checked In every way with
ihc meager descriptions found In
Colonial document. One. ihe prop
erly in Colonial times of Dr.
Thomas Hawkins, had a brick
room 14 x 20 feet In dimensions,
to which had been added on the
west a 10 X 14 foot addition of
frame construction. Tills corres
ponds to Dr. Hawkins statement
that he had completed his house
and later added half as much to
the length. There Is a fireplace
on the party wall and a corner
cupboard. Among the bricks of one
level of the fireplace nt had been
raised several times 1 lay the stem
of a lead glass goblet with a tear
drop atem. leading to the Interest
ing speculation that It might have
been tossed there after a toast to
Klnir George II.
The house on he other side of
the party wall was occupied bv
Samuel Davison, a carriage maker
brought to Frederica by General
James ogietnorpe to make musket
stocks. In addition Davison ran an
sle house. The main room of the
Davison house was 18 feet square,
also with a fireplace against the
common wall. To the east of It
was a narrow room and to the
south another 18 x 33 feet. The
main room first had a sand floor,
then a tabby covering a mortar
mixed with lime obtained from
Maid of Honor Pad and
Mlld.w . proof
oi. eonvat bag.
Vi-ln. round ila.1
frond. 4 wha.ll
with rtibb.r llr.i.
Each tld of tub
holdi 18 go Item,
Movtt en 4 toi
ler!. Rvtt proof
ohmhuriv tub covers
l ...,1'.-vVi,Ji,X-iS .SSI V v. k'dJ
mirncil shells), then a brick floor
of herringbone pattern. Fragments
of Dottles and steinineu goblets,
abundant In and around the house,
Indicate that the brick-floored room
muy nave been the tavern. Hun
dreds of broken clay pipe stems
and bowla also were found.
Wlrlh said that a map duled
nuii. discovered by Mrs. Margaret
Davis Cute, Natlonul Park Serv
ice collaborator, had shown the
urrangemcnt of the town lots but
hud not definitely located them by
any present landmarks. The recent
excavations tie down the 17D map
to present landmarks and It now
is possible to lay out the town
streets and all of the lots within
the old fortified town of Frederica
on the basis of map data.
Additional house foundations and
wells already partly uncovered are
expected to yield many articles of
Death Takes
Mrs. Bony
LAKEVIEW Margaret Ellen
Bony, wife of Mr. Samuel Bony,
died at her home Feb. 3. Born at
Junction City, O., Feb. 23. 1887.
Mrs. Bony was 64 years, 11 months
and 10 days of age.
Mrs. Bony had been a resident
of Lakcvicw since January, 1S34,
when she and her husband moved
here from Portland. She was a
member of the Rebckah Lodge of
Portland. A.C.M.E.. and of the
Elks Auxiliary, Lakevlew.
The Rosary was read Tuesday,
Feb. 5, at the Bony residence, and
Ihc funeral mass was neid Wed
nesday from St. Patrick's Church
with the Rev. James M. O'Connor
Death Claims
Joe Scherupp
LAKEVIEW Joe Scherupp. for
mer rancher In the Vernone dis
trict, died Feb. 4 at his home In
Norco, Calif.
Mr. and Mrs. Scherupp moved
from this area about three years
ago after selling the ranch which
they had operated about seven
Scherupp suffered a stroke In
the earlv morning of Feb. 4, and
died about noon. He hud suffered
a previous stroke about one year
ago, but had been Improving and
the pest couple of months had
been able to get around with the
aid of a crutch.
SAIGON. Indc-China UP The first
military tribunal created under the
I Vietnamese government now Is
functioning here. Its Judges are
charged with the maintenance of
1 strict discipline wimin viemam
youthful army.
MOSCOW i Sovlot Foreign
Minister Andrei Y. VLshlnsky sent
a letter Thursday to British Am
bassodor 6!r Alvary Gascolgne ex
pressing the condolences of himself
and President N. M. Shvernlk at
the death of King George.
specially priced for this
event only . . . hurry in today
Homemakers, make ironing a
much cooler, much more com
fortable chore, with this all
steel board. The perforated top
lets steam escape downward
. . . pad and cover won't get
moist or sogqy. You finish
faster! Stands securely en
braced, rubber-tipped legs.
Poked ennmel finish. 15x54-in.
Cover Sets 2.88
Firm Willow Basket
Reinforced Rim And Bottem
25x18x1 1-lnches.... 2.19
Fricoi ilaihtdl Snworil Intlde Modi so
llntr. Sturdy handlei wlH not looton.
' -1 - nr
MARINE HERO DECORATED President Truman deco
rates Marine Staff Sgt. Archie Van Winkle of Everett,
Wash., with the Medal of Honor for extraordinary heroism
in Korea. Van Winkle, 26-year-old reservist now on in
active duly, was cited for leading a daring charge in which
a bullet shattered his arm and an enemy grenade exploded
against his chest.
Entire Police
Force Quits
BEDFORD, O. I All 12 mcn!!fl
on the police force of this Cleve
land suburb resigned Thursday
Chief James F. Gresham, who
read a Joint letter to city council
men, said Bedford officials had not
given proper consideration to po
licemen's demands for more mon
ey. Councilmen called a meeting fnr
Monday to consider the situation.
T. CI a r.nt s l.r.lr itw iplntl plan,
ir.ra la. L.ali , Mian piano Com
panr, lt N. 5th, at a law monthly
rale. Atlar a raaionabl. tlma you can,
" ran wliB, chant, fr.m rent t. pr.
chaia afraemenl. The rent alreadr paid
la all credited t. y.ar pnrcbaie account
and ao other down payment la necea
fUT' J' '"nlhlr payment! ran be
llltl. hlcber than rent. Or, If j.a pre
tcr. yen can cantinu. I. rent.
You're Off 1
to the Races..,
...in this dashing jockey suit and
matching cap! Loose double-breasted style
jacket in gold and grey tapestry Iweed
...wide cuff, bracelet length sleeves with
Syracuse University has enlarged
Its winter snorts television pro
gram to include swimming. The
wrestling and gymnast teams are
seen on video via a local TV out-
Ben Morrison, Mgr.
11th & Klamath Ph. 2-2511
Jar Is at elbow. ..lined in grey silk taffeta.
Straight skirt of menswear grey flannel
with front slit. To fop it all a jaunty little
' jockey cap of matching tweed trimmed
flannel silk-lined. Jr. sizes 9-15,
First with the new
SALEM I J. P. Stelwer, of
Fossil, filed Thursday as Republi
Mark Smith & Co.
Store and office will be closed
Feb. 1 to Feb: 25.
will operate as usual
L TiintNtW
A K'fk 't V "1 CHOOSf ROM OUI . I
fi" tt'C'fyii ; V ' .' , COlOlfUL AUOtTMIHT I
M;;V $1 50 VMO I
733 Main
7 ;Y-X .
feihioii Window ' T i,
x ' v U x
lll iff .Ii 4 I
can candidate for etate represent,
atlve from Ollllam, Morrow, Bhtr
man and Wheeler Counties.
Phone 5 3 70 1
Phona 343