HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE FIFTEEN si Miscellaneous ton sale AUrOMOTIVI 55 AUTOMOTIVE AUTOMOTIVl I'itlDAY, FKnniJARY fl, 10!2 AUCTION SALE SUNDAY 12 NOON We hne rrcrlvpil cnnMunniriit from our nf Kliuimth Kail's boiler hniiirn a-iiiintnt ItiR u: Kxprii'ilvn diiilnu l mini millp, 1 1 v 1 1 1 14 : room mi II r, largo cnil 1 11 filc.i. nkIIon, iiinicllniirou", Im l, npilim, mat- COMIM.WE SH'I OK RATIIKOOM KIXTUHIvS iNever IMwrnti-di Hummer Lima A 1 11: 1 1 1 t) Mm t .lilllU Hiimmrrn l.nno FOR SALE USED HAND TOOLS ' AXK.1 HIIOVKI.SV PICKH HPADKH IflHKH ' MA'I'I'OCKS BTC. . . . Your Clinlri Only I KACH BARGAIN SPOT W Bo. dlh Phone 6708 ja way to make 1 some cold cash If the lirii L In 011 you I)0biim nl bills, drbtn 11 nd Mich, hcrp's how you cnn mnke some Intnl.! told cash quickly : j . fimhrr tin Ihmr tiiMterdcd br- j longings mil) noil them Ihioimli ., r.xv,ntr,, a Herald mid Now. Cliwulfiftl ,U'"J Ulr.VHOLU y. ml Within n few hours nfier It.'ldio, llCillcr vol r Rd miurmn. nciiriy i.i.uiw Spring in FEBRUARY I'crlmpx we're a bit premature . . . but It docs kinda make you want to ut out and go-clocHn't it? Ilt'ie are a tew cars that it will be to your advantage to conic In and sec I ! 1051 nUICK SPECIAL 4-Dll. SEDAN Itadio, hcacr, Dynaflow. Many extras and very low mileage 1010 HUDSON COMMODORE '8 4 DR. SKDAN Radio, heater, overdrive. Tip-top shape. You can talk to the owner 1040 I'ONTIAC '8' 4-DR. SKDAN Radio, beater, Ilydramatic. Metallic Green finish 1040 I'ONTIAC '8' 4-DR. SKDAN Radio, heater, Ilydramatic. Like new . 1040 PACKARD 4-DR. SEDAN With overdrive. At only 1048 PACKARD 4-DR. SKDAN Radio, beater. A real road car 1048 HUDSON COMMODORE '6' 4-DR. SKDAN Radio, heater, overdrove. A step-down special. 1018 HUDSON SUPER '6' 4-DR. SEDAN Radio, heater. For safely and comfort See this one at 5-PASSENGER COUPE i,hcribrr are told about your! 1047 STUDEBAKER CHAMPION 5-PASSENGER COUPE things lor sale. Chancea lire Iuih Hint mnoiiK Hickc renders are tlic very (ulka you're eager to rench. phone 81 11 I for an ad-writer AUCTION SALE Kriday Night FEBRUARY 8 7 P.M. H & H Auction Mart WOCUS FOR BALE: Tables. Chairs. Rock ing ehalrs, stand, tables, dnvpnoa. stoves, new windows. Household furniture of nil kind. BRINO YOUR ITFM8 FOR BALE ANYTIME COL. FRED HOWARD AUCTIONEER PHONE 0410 Build Better With Pumice-Concrete BLOCKS Economy Beauty PEYTON & CO. . i VsS Market Phone 5)49 DRIVEWAY MATERIAL FARMER'S Sand and Gravel Co. J. M. Barnes M. J. Barnes Ph. 7659 Ph. 7091 iMitttlrl'Cfe' PirTl fo IH milWntil motor. Troll, f luv with plenlv nf .lieu If fletlr.u H3U Cahhirau.iihon. 1Mb 'OK HALE! u.ecl Car ill" rrnwler tractor In very giant tnmllllmi 1V. Hoyd A. Bod Comiirtro. Tulelakc, Cat- nnrnia 5 Radio, heater and overdrive. Tutone grey and blue. Good condition 1947 OLDS '8' 4-DR. SEDAN Radio, heater, Ilydramatic. Tutone Green. One owner 1041 PONTIAC '8' 2-DR. SEDAN 1st class mechanical shape , 'A- COMMERCIAL SPECIAL 1950 FORD V2 TON PICKUP Deluxe heater ClO Low mileage CplOO $2295 $1695 $1795 $1695 $1595 $1465 '1435 $1365 $1145 COUPE $1050 $1195 $425 SO EASY ! TO BUY A SAFE-BUY USED CAR ON OUR "E-Z" PAYMENT PLAN REGULAR O.P.S. TERMS . . AND THE CHEAPEST INTEREST RATE IN TOWN. MAKE & MODEL Total Price Juckeland Motors HUDSON AUTOMOBILES 11th & Klamath Ave. INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS Phone 2-2581 ONE LOOK Will Convince You When it comes to the best used cars in Klamath Falls HUFF has the STUFF'! )9J) DESOTO CUSTOM SEDAN One owner, bit discount. Hai rudlo, heater and automatic transmission AUTOMOTIVl For a NEW or USED TRUCK Always See "JERRY" or "JUCK" Your International Truck Dealer JUCKELAND TRUCK SALES 11th and Klamath ?hone 2-2581 FOR SALE. 1042 Chevrolet four door D'luxe sedan. Very clean. $-130. Plume mm. I'M ft CKOSLKY italimi wttg.m. K&ll. nodBhiM!. 4im Wathburn Wny. T4fl WILLYS JKI'with wTncli-rinii clais i ondlllon. Kivr mud tire. Tw nar, iw.i. hre at .IJ1H UhatU Way be twecn B.m,-S p.m. IV YOU A11K InnliltiK tor a good buv don't ovr rlook ihn lti41 Htilrk Suprr 4-Ur. Iladln, hratrr, H plv ltrr, Dimbal Utrrt Can.. South Sixlli al Plum. rhona IlKUt Kvciilngg aiut .SuruJavi BHXV IIRRK 8" YOt:il HUI;K! 1050 Bulrk Sieinl Drluxr Sedanpt. Ra dio, hralffr, Dynaflow drive i:i,(XK) ac iiial milfB, Spotipu li.Hldr and out. You fn't duplicate ll anywhrrp tor lll!5. fj.. C. llAIIUEn MtlltK UARAliE llrd Car Depnrtnirnt Main at Broad Phone WHY WALKV OKIVE MOIIK MOIOII8 30S E Main Phona M19 "W will it'll oiir car for von " W bu ami trade' fOh SALE, 1JI4U ChryaVr Iloynl foiir door ardan, exrrllent condlllon. fully ttuipprd. only nm.V Sve Howard, parti f lfp ' ,-.u ' mil't Mnjnrit THi: CAM you'vo alwayi wi7itfd! IttflO Chrylr Wlndnor Newport. All thP ex traa, a:in.V Ulmhnt Vntti (Jam, Soulh Hih and Plum. Phone IH.m-Evcnmg and 8u n d a Wtri. NAME IT ItH on thin UMIl" IJnVlKc ruilom Club Coupe al only $mifl. Dliu bat Used Cunt, South Dili nl Plum, 'fn'n-venlitii mill Sunday M12X ONLY id.llOlt mlle-t tm this llf.iu Chr.vn-Ipi- Club coupe, bike new In every wav. nimhat V-.nl Cnra, South Uth nt Plum. Phone OUft Evpnlnga m Sunihiyji W12X BUS H A K U A NT'B IJS K U C A HX WE BUY. SELL AND THAHK Corner Shaata Way and Arthur Straett t Phone nana VT1Y TAKE I-EStathnn the beat? lri.10 Plymouth Dtluxo 4-Dr. Sedan. A car you rnn be proud of, for only imifl. Dlnibat lfed Cnrn, Soulh nth at Plum. Phoneni:ir)-EvenlnKn autl Sundnya lllU.V nothing but money on Hill IIII9 Bulck Suiirr 4-I)r. Flartlo, hrnler, llynaflow. A real Imv al only 81705. , lllmhal tl.rrl C.-irii. South Hlh at Plum. Phon flngvrnlnRI, anj sumlnya IIH25. toil 8AI.F. 1017 Jpcp. iratrchevroicf'. Phnnr 40;iO. V'H JUST worked Ihc niolnr ovrr In tlilB lull IlodKA C'lii-oni-l Chili Coiipo. True vnlua phi --nl Jlr.lin. Wmhnt I lard Cr. Soulh dth at Plum. Phone Dial)- F.venlnRaand Sunday HI12.V I T60ICINO foil A t'ONVKifTIUT? ll)4 Mercury converllhle. nndlo. heat er, plenly o( aneiiaorlea. A-l condlllon In every Way. Olllnff nrlf tlll'JA. Rim. clal thin weekend. $1111.1. II. 1. nnilUEII limcK GAI1AGK lined Car Department . t.nu i-nane ami l.fl'HH FClll flNI.V l'l!1 ln.fnl T..I.I VJ. ); "IMII. lino Ford CuXoiii Deluxe . J-Dr. Hadlo, henlor, Bent eovera and H "vrdrlve. blmhat Used Cam, South !4 S...'?.." r,!VJ"- Pl",n S'ilO-Evenlnji and 1950 PACKARD 8" SKDAN 139 h.p. enRlne with overdrive (or economy. Ha radio, heater, good tires. Priced right ID50 CHRYSLER WIND80R SEDAN One owner. Fully equipped with radio, heater and automatic trammlaslon. Nearly new tires 1950 CHEVROLET TON PICKUP Low mileage. Excellent tires. 4-peed trans. 1940 DODOE CORONET SEDAN Extra low mllenge and clean througout A renl buy I9 PONTIAC -8' TWO-DOOR SEDAN Loaded wiih accessories. New tires Runs swell 1047 BUICK SPECIAL SEDANET One owner. TItop condition 1917 FORD f SEDAN Priced where everyone can afford It 1048 OI.DSMOBILE '98 SEDAN Radio, heater, Ilydramatic. Top condition throughout $2395 $1985 $2125 $1395 $1595 $1295 $1147 $935 $1045 1950 FORD SEDAN Radio, one-owner 11695 18 MONTHLY PAYMENTS AT . 1950 LINCOLN 6-PASS. COUPE Radio, heater, overdrive. IL'295 18 MONTHLY PAYMENTS AT . 1050 MERCURY SEDAN Radio, healer, overdrive jlB9S 18 MONTHLY PAYMENTS AT . 1950 MERCURY SPORT COUPE llcntcr IB95 18 MONTHLY PAYMENTS AT . 1950 FORD SEDAN Rudlo, heater, overdrive. J1G95 18 MONTHLY PAYMENTS AT . 1949 MERCURY SPORTS SEDAN Radio, heater, overdrive. !595 . 18 MONTHLY PAYMENTS AT . 1940 FORD TUDOR SEDAN Radio, heater, overdrive. 11295 18 MONTHLY PAYMENTS AT . 1040 FORD CLUB COUPE Radio, heater, overdrive 11395 18 MONTHLY PAYMENTS AT . 1948 PONTIAC SEDAN COUPE Radio, healer, Hydramallc $1295 18 MONTHLY PAYMENTS AT . 1948 CHEVROLET CLUB COUPE Radio, heater. $1095 18 MONTHLY PAYMENTS AT .. 1918 MERCURY SEDAN Heater. ' $1095 18 MONTHLY PAYMENTS AT 1947 OLDSMOBILE SEDAN Radio, heater, Hydramallc. J995 18 MONTHLY PAYMENTS AT . . Down Payment 1565 8705 $632 $632 $5CJ $532 $432 $465 $432 $365 $365 $332 68" 8648 $86" 68" tL (37 $5226 '56" ,5226 M421 44" $4015 BE SMART Don't Be a "WISH I HAD'R" Be a "GLAD I DID'R"! NEW CAR PRICES ARE GOING HIGHER HURRY . . . GET A BETTER CAR NOW! These are examples of our many Super Deals on Safe-Buy Used Cars. Many others available! Also, pre-war cars on terms to suit any budget. BASIN MOTORS LINCOLN MERCURY 424 South Sixth Phone 7778 ASHLEY'S OK USED CARS 1950 STUDEBAKER REGAL CHAMPION 4-DR. SEDAN Overdrive, Climatizer, seat covers; 1950 STUDEBAKER DLX. CHAMPION 4-DR. SEDAN Overdrive, Climatizer 1948 STUDEBAKER REGAL COMMANDER 5-PASS. COUPE Overdrive, Climatizer, other accessories 1948 STUDEBAKER REGAL CHAMPION CONVERTIBLE COUPE. Overdrive, Climatizer, radio, leather upholstery 1947 DODGE CUSTOM CLUB COUPE Lots of extras. A real beauty 1947 STUDEBAKER REGAL COMMANDER 4-DR. SEDAN Overdrive, radio, Climatizer 1.946 HUDSON SUPER SIX CLUB COUPE One owner. It's a real value 1946 PLYMOUTH FOUR-DOOR SEDAN 4 Radio, heater ' it PICKUP AND TRUCK BARGAINS 1951 DODGE 12 TON PICKUP 1949 STUDEBAKER 2 TON (2 to choose from) 1940 FORD V-8 2 TON PICKUP $ 495 1941 CHEVROLET V2 TON FLAT BED $ 495 '1595 '1545 '1345 '1295 '1045 '1145 '695 '795 'ir S1495 $1145 IF yOUR CREDIT RATING IS GOOD, FINANCIAL ARRANGEMENTS CAN BE MADE TO SUIT YOU ON ANY OF THESE PRE-WAR CARS! '42 Chev. 2-Dr. '41 Ford V-8 Fordor $395 $395 '41 Chev. 2-Dr $445 '40 Olds 4-Dr $345 "i DeSoto 4-Dr $145 '42 Stude. Champ. 4-Dr $445 '41 Stude. Champ. 4-Dr. .. $145 41 Olds 4-Dr $395 '40 Ford V-8 Coupe $295 "36 Chev. Coupe $ 45 '41 Dodge 4-Dr . $395 '41 Stude. Champ. 2-Dr. . fits '41 Plymouth 4-Dr. .. $345 '40 Ford V-8 2-Dr. $395 36 Stude. 4-Dr $ 45 McCULLOCH MOTORS Klamath Avenue at 8th St. STUDEBAKER 1 Phone 4149 8:25x20 tires. Flatbed body. 1950 FORD F-6 TRUCK 2-speed rear axle. $1745 ROSE MOTOR CO. So. 6th fc Plum Ph. 7551 BANK TERMS CAN BE ARRANGED ON AP PROVED CREDIT ON ANY OF OUR CARS HERE'S A LIST OF SOME GOOD BUYS ! ! 1942 CHEVROLET 4-DOOR SEDAN Good condition, new paint, radio, heater 1942 CHEVROLET 4-DOOR SEDAN A top car. Blue color 1942 LINCOLN CLUB COUPE A 2-owner car 1041 PLYMOUTH 2-DOOR SEDAN Priced at only PACKARD ft WILLYS LEE HUFF MOTORS 7th and Oak Phone 7256 1941 CHEVROLET j TON PICKUP New palm, good motor and tires 1941 PLYMOUTH COUPE Needs a little work 1941 MERCURY 6-PASSENGER COUPE Radio, hoater ciai inifl w mi, c. had .'; uci M Mh nl nil m vifniiH rot TO TRADE, SELL, or BUY See Selby Last! 1951 Willys Jccpstcr Convertible Overdrive, heater & white sidewalls, 7600 miles $1745 1950 Buick Special Sedan Radio, heater, and only 11.000 actual miles $1920 1949 Dodge Coronet Sedan Radio, heater. A one owner car , $15()5 1949 Packard Sedan Overdrive, radio, heater $1545 1D48 Chevrolet Sedan Radio, heater. Very clean .... $1195 1948 Mercury Club Coupe Radio, heater $1195 1948 Plymouth Spec. Dlx. Sd. Radio, heater $1145 1948 Crosley Pickup Heater '. $ 395 1946 Mercury Club Coupe Radio, heater $ 965 1946 Chevrolet Vi Ton Pickup $ 795 1946 Willys Jeep Heater $ 795 1941 Ford Dcfuxe Fordor Radio, heater .. $ 465 1941 Plymouth Deluxe Sedan .' $ 395 1941 Ford V8 Tudor $ 295 1940 Ford V8 Fordor $ 195 1940 Willys Sedan $ 95 1938 Ford V8 Fordor .. on 1937 Plymouth Sedan ; $ 95 1936 Ford V8 Fordor $ 165 1940 Chevrolet Special Deluxe Coupe $ 395 SelBv Motor Co. 2330 So. 6th Open Eves. Till 6:30 Phone 8456 1940 CHEVROLET 4-DOOP, SEDAN Runs like a top . 1940 FORD COUPE Good deal 1942 CHEVROLET 'i TON PICKUP For only $480 $375 $375 $290 $455 $175 $380 $270 $215 $135 Ashley. Chevrolet "Where Reconditioning is a Tradition" -TWO LOCATIONS- 410 So. 6th and 623 Oak near So. 6th Ph. 4113 $25.00 Down SPECIALS! WE WILL SELL THESE OUTSTANDING VALUES FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY THIS. WEEK ONLY ON THE ABOVE TERMS ! . COMPLETE Radiator Service CLEANING FLUSHING REPAIRING BALSIGER MOTOR CO. Main it Erolanade 1951 G.M.C. Va Ton Pickup Oversize rubber, air-conditioner heater, 4-speed transmission. $1665 ROSE MOTOR CO. So. 6th & Plum , Ph. 7551 BEST VALUES! USED TRUCKS -CARS GUARANTEED AS REPRESENTED West-Hitchcock Corp. YOUR GMU DEALER 77 a 7th Phone J771 It's LOVE at first sight when YOU see our SELECT USED CAR Value-tine Specials OUR TRADES AREN'T RED OR HEART SHAPED BUT WE'LL TOP YOUR BEST OFFER! ! 1950 NASH STATESMAN FOUR-DOOR SEDAN Weather-eye, radio, overdrive. Clean as a dime atore whistle. .'. 1949 NASH AMBASSADOR FOUR-DOOR SEDAN Weather-eye, radio, overdrive. Looks and drives like new 1949 NASH "600" FOUR-DOOR SEDAN Weather-eye, radio, overdrive. A good buy. ... 1948 NASH AMBASSADOR FOUR-DOOR SEDAN Radio, Weather-eye, overdrive, clean. 1949 CHEVROLET STYLELINE DELUXE Radio, heater, very clean. ; 1947 STUDEBAKER BUSINESS COUPE A bargain at only 1942 BUICK SUPER FOUR-DOOR SEDAN Radio, heater. M745 1595 M445 1245 M445 895 1 595 If anyone can . . . Show you how to save CASH by driving a NASH . . . KEN CAN! KLAHN NASH CO.' 606 South 6th Open Evenings 'Til 7 P.M. Phone 3650 Sundays or Evenings call Frank Elliott Phone 2-0432 PRICE CONDITION WARRANTY 1948 FORD "6" Vi Ton Panel Low mileage, oversize rubber. Heater, $1045 ROSE MOTOR CO. So. 6th Ss Plum Ph. 7551 FOR SAUE. 1943 Chevrolet 4x4. S830. Flllly CQUlCDFd. Ha nnWHr wlnrh See at 531 Clay St. Ashland, Oregon . ow. uciinn espy. 41 Olds "78" Sedan. Hydra $495 '41 Ford Convertible $495 41 Pontine Streamliner $495 '41 Chev. Sn. Dlx. Clb. Coe. $395 '41 Nash "600" Sedan $345 '40 Olds L-9d Sedan $395 '40 Plymouth Spec. Dlx $345 '39 Ford Deluxe $275 "39 DeSoto Coupe .' $295 "38 DeSoto Coupe $175 '38 Buick Special 4-Dr. Sedan . . . $195 KLAHN NASH CO, 606 South 6th Phone 3650 3-HEAL GOOD BUYS! 11140 Plymouth Cpo Hfntpr , . ,$2flV ituu rorci v-8 scann H&H. . . .9110. 1041 Ford V-R Sim. Dlx. Hrin. RJtfTI :t(i H. K. II AUG Lit BUICK OARAGE U,ert Car DenarttnAnl Main at Brnnri Phone 5131 COMPLETE auto Promot. rnannnabla. Shop. Phona 737a. RUSH aervlce. Kimballa Glasi BEST BUY IN TOWN 1949 Bulck Roadmanter Sertanet. Radio, neater, Dynaflow drive. Beautiful teat coven, lots of chrome, white aldewall tlrei, low mileage. Thli car hai had the best of care. Celling price $19.10. Try to dupllcnte It for $17(13. H. fi. HAUGER BUICK GARAGE . . Used Car Department Main at Broad Phont S131 1930 FORD cut trim fnnr Hv-ir Bnrtin heater, overdrive. Three extra ttres! Excellent condKlon. Priced right. Phone 2-0735. 1946 ONE , TON Studebakcr pickup. Good 8 ply rubber four speed trane mlsslon: Phone 2-1169. FOH SALE. '41 Plymouth four door sedan. A good dependable car. See "Nick" at Hardy's Men's Store or ohone 2-2773. 1946 FORD convertible. A-l Make offer. Can be seen at Service Station. 101 East Main. LOOK THIS ONE OVER 1949 Ford V-8 Custom Fordor sedan. Radio, heater, overdrive. Keen plastic seat covers, plenty of equipment. Low mileage. Looks and drives like a new one $1393. H. E. HAUGER BUICK GARAGE Used Car Department Main at Broad Phone 5131 CHECK ALL THREE AGAINST ANY CAR LISTED BELOW YOUR DOLLARS DO DOUBLE DUTY ON THESE CARS!! 1950 PONTIAC 4-Dr. Sedan. Radio, heater, hydramatic, seat covers, tutone paint, sun visor, undercoated. A one owner :ar A Safety-Tested Car $1945 1950 OLDS "88" Rocket 4-Dr. Radio, heater, hydramatic, one owner, tutone paint. The newest jsed car today tOf( C A Safety-Tested Car J 1948 OLDS "98" Club Sedan Radio, heater, hydramatic, sent covers, good tires. A one-owner car A Safety-Tested Car $1395 1947 OLDS "98" Deluxe Sedan Radio, heater, hydramatic. Grey green tutone paint job. A local car that has had (til good care , I I 1950 FORD '6' Pickup ?4 Ton Standard transmission, cab and box in A-l shape. One owner (tlOOC A Safety-Tested Car Z7D 1949 CHEVROLET 4-Dr. Sedan Radio, heater. Very clean and in A-l shape. "i J Q r A Safety-Tested Car $1073 1949 OLDS Rocket "98" 4-Dr. Fully equipped and guaranteed. Service record A Safety-Tested Car $1895 1948 HUDSON Super "8" Four door sedan. In very Rood shape. Clean throughout. Special price for a quick salt. .... 545 1947 OLDS "98" Club Sedan Radio, heater, good tires. Runs like new. Brown and beige tu tone body. Safety-Tested .. $1195 1948 CHEVROLET Fleetllne 2-Dr, Radio, heater, nice Interior, good body. A quality car. Buy with confidence and save on our low finance rate $1095 1948 PLYMOUTH Special Deluxe Club Coupe. To iee It Is to want ltl $1166. Dlmbat Used Cars, South Sixth at Plum Phone 9139-Evenlngs and Sundays 8823. HOW ABOUT A STUDEBAKER 1931 Studebaker Champion Regal 4-Dr. sedan. Radio, heater, automatic trans mission, very low mileage. Absolutely new car appearance and condition. A dandy buy in this popular light car. $1963. H. E. HAUGER BUICK GARAGE Used Car Department Main at Broad Phone 3191 CALL FOLLOWING SALESMEN DAY OR NIGHT Harvey Wyatt Steve Walker , Ph. 3454 Ph. 6702 NEED CAASt" Gat tOD onc nowi Rose Motor Co. eth and Plum. Dick B. Miller Co. 7th and Klamath Phone 4103