PAGE FOURTEEN at Housts roii hint Ef&Drnrt two room furnished houn for rent, lan 7wio. THREE rooma furnished. Clow BT Phone 37M. Trt ODERN four' room furnished housa. Phone 47.M. TtlFNISliED three large rooms In duplex Electric heat, . AdulU lrr jeriemon. 'S'WO bedroom unfurnlihed house. Au tomatle gas' furnace end water heater. Garage, loa. mono a-aaiu. tjNKUH N1SHED our room duplex. Ex cept (or etovei. 190. Call 3037 before E p m. FOR BENT on Imh basis two bed mnm rui-niinea nouso in iewan-ucn- nox addition. Large lot, basement. nam, chicken nouse, etc. i.aii w. latter, phone a-92B61 88 MISCELLANEOUS FOR KENT BEEHIVE TRUCKS U DRIVE Move Youraclf Save 14 New Trucks For Long Trips Pickups Stakes Vans BEACON MOBIL SERVICE 1201 E. Main . Phone 8304 OFFICE for rent 623 Main. Phone 7101 ffoa RENT, floor lander! latest type equipment. Suburban Lumber Co. 11th and Walnut Phone 7709 CAR STORAGE HEATED, day week or month. Earl Lamb, phone 4873 or 7700. JO REAL ISTATE FOR SALE ALTAMONT DRIVE .Modern 2 bedroom home as neat as a pin. Oarage and 't acre irri gated land. Dandy garden spot with Iota of berry bushes. Priced reasonably at $4200. Easy terms. F.H.A. APPRAISED Attractive well built 2 bedroom home on K acre. Only 4 years old. Extra large living room. Dandy garage. Good Suburban location. Selling for the F.H.A. Appraised value of ... 6500. Will take a maxi mum loan. HOME & INCOME Large well constructed home close In with wall to wall carpeting and automatic heat ALSO modern furnished 1 room apartment with electric heat and separate entrance now rented for $45 per month. Near business district art! High School. $8500. TERMS. DUPLEX FOR SALE A 'first class building In an excel lent location In Mills Addition. Both units feature dining rooms, hard wood floors, plastered walls and automatic heat, one unit xuuy . furnished. $120 per month Income. , Nicely landscaped lot and 2 car ga rage. $12,000, will take any type financing. Al Longmlre Joe Perry Eves. 6724 Eves. 5332 BURTON E. GRAY REALTOR INSURANCE 1037 Mam St. Ph. 3665 or 3421 What We Do For You When you list your city or subur ban property with CMLCOTE & SMITH, Realtors. 1. We appraise fairly and at once. 3. We finance properties X you need your cash. ,(on exclusive listings), 1. We guarantee to advertise all exclusive listings regularly. 4. We do all the work Spend our time our advertising money. S. All you do Is sign the deed. (. All we ask is the chance to serve you. OPEN EVENINGS , BY APPOINTMENT See Homer Stiles Ph. 2-2460 Eves. Don Sloan Fred Scott 5658 Eves. 5703 Eves. CHILCOTE & SMITH Realtors Sine 1909 111 N. 9th St. Phone 4564 or 5529 CLOSE IN I BEDROOM MODERN HOME! with cement basement. Plastered Interior, paved street, sidewalk. Close to grade and high school. Price $4750. Terms. Don't miss this. WALT DIETZ, with T. B. WAITERS REALTOR A INSURANCE 107 So. 7th Ph. 4193 (Eve. 9469) FARM FOR SALE 62 acre farm, near city on highway, very good home with electric heat, also other buildings. Land planted to pasture grass, clover, alfalfa and balance grain land. Very good set up for diversified farming or dairy. Call office for more information. See Fred Cofer R. L. Stephens Barnhisel -Agency 112 S. 8th Phone 4195 STOP! ' LOOK! LISTEN ! THIS Is a warning to all, who are In the market for good farms. ranches or grass land. We have them In all sizes, Be sure and see us before you buy. VERNON DURA NT HERB SCHMIDT ANDY SILANI " REAL ESTATE 631 So. Sixth . Phone 8195 10 REAL ESTATI FOR SALI FOR INCOME LOOK THESE OVER ! 112 one bedroom rentals, one two bedroom rental, plus new apart ment for owner. Private garages. These are furnished, very neat and clean. Good foundation. In city and all assessments In and paid. Shows $450 per month income. tj 3 one bedroom cabins, one I bedroom house. On very good busi ness corner located on South Blxth. Has gas heat. Shows $130 per mnnth Income for IT 000. Owner will carry own contract. m This Is 2' blocks from Main Street. 3 apartment rentals, furn ished, 2 two bedroom apartments and 1 one bedroom apartment.. All have new electric refrigerators, less than 1 year old, and electric ranges. This is Ideal for people who have no cars and have to live near 'town and work. This can be had for $7950 with $1750 down and $60 per month or $898 down, and $75 per month. FRED E. FLEET REALTOR DENNIS COATES, Saleslady 408 Main Office Ph. 2-3335 Eves. 2-1365 CHELSEA ADDITION Large three bedroom home in good condition. Modern Good garage. Located on two lots with shade and fruit trees. $4500. SOUTH SUBURBAN 5 year old home- in good district. Two bedrooms. Hardwood floors in living room and dining room. At tached garage with ' con crete floor. Automatic oil heat. Insulated and weather stripped. With storm win dows. $9500. GOING TO SELL? We have qualified buyers waiting for homes in Mills and Hot Springs. Call us today for help with your Real Estate problems. "PAT" HOWES JOHNNY BLAYLOCK Realtors Phone 2-35456446 1025 Main Evenings Ron Fisher 8970 Bruce Owens Merrill 149 FOR THE Gl A cozy attractive two bedroom home. Ideal floor plan. Neat and clean inside and out. 60x125 foot lot, completely fenced with new white picket fence. Large lawn, lots of lovely flowers and shrubs, good family garden, big garage and workshop. This is a home you will be proud to show and find It a joy to live in. A steal at $7250, GI terms. Hot Springs Addition A lovely two bedroom home lo cated in the heart of Klamath's finest residential districts. Large living room with fireplace, hard wood floors throughout. This home is fully insulated and heated with automatic heat. If you have good sense of values and appreciate the better things in life here is a real bargain at $9750. Shown by appoint ment only. YALTA GARDENS A large new ranch style home that has been occupied for less than six months. The home was built for modern comfortable living with the best materials available. Hard wood floors throughout, attached double garage. If you want the fin est things in life do not miss this one for only $16,500. SUBURBAN Lovely two bedroom house on 13 acre that is well worth the asking price. Large living room, dining room, kitchen, tub and shower bath. Large utility room, attached garage. Only $8100 terms. JOHNNY HOBSON DALE GRUBB ART FREDRICKSON AL LONGE Real Estate and Insurance 111 So. 8th Evenings HARLAN DRIVE Three bedroom home, garage, fruit cellar, garden, oerries, two cmcken houses, 'k acre on pavement. $7250. Terms. SHASTA DISTRICT One bed room modern home, garage, H acre, worth $2500, offered for $1950. . LAKESIDE ADDITION Near Riverside School, one bedroom mod ern home, two car basement fra rage. $3000. $1000 down $35 per montn. 1926 MAIN Three bedroom home, garage. $3850. $500 down. Terms. JACK CASHIN with E. Willard Cedarleaf REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE 3927 South Sixth Ph. 2-0154 Eves. 2-3170 ' FOR SALE, nearly new five room hotue, hardwood floors, large garden. Complete ly furnished. SS3O0. terms. Phone 2.1.-110 3818 Clinton Avenue. NICE two bedroom home In Merrill, garage, electric heat, Inaulated. Yard fenced lawn and shrubs. 19500. L .C. Smith. Phone 154 Merrill. NEW HOMES for ale. William Powell. Phone 8529. WANTED, listings of homei and farma worth the price. BonallUe Inquiries. OFFERING excellent buy In Northern California Tavern. Money maker. Co mer Jones, Realtor. Ill g. 4th. Tela. 7597-6321. HOMES FOR SALE EVERETT DENNIS, REALTOR ' Don Klrknatrirb. lalaaman 101 X. fit Phone awilOT So, 7th 30 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOT SPRINGS Attractive two bedroom home, two blocks to Roosevelt School. This home Is approximately three years old and features large living room with fireplace,, two good site bed rooms, well designed kitchen, bath and utility, attached garage. Go ing for $9700 terms. CAFE Fine location on one of the busiest streets in town. 14 stool counter, good equipment and lease at $65 per month. $4100 with $3550 down and $59 month. HOT SPRINGS Large fls bedroom home In out standing location. Spacious living and dining room, breakfast room, m baths, two fireplaces, full basement, natural hot water heat. Beautifully landscaped. Don't let this one slip by. For further In formation call, HARRY VAN tEves. 8204 JOE LEONARD tEves. 2-0527) AL SCHMECK REALTOR and INSURANCE 517 Main Phone 32U CATTLE-GRAIN 'TIMBER $5 to $15 per acre buys good ranch and timber land at Gov't, State and Countv land Sales. FREE LAND CATALOG. Pacific Lanls 1621 KE Cahuenga Blvd. Hollywood 28, Calif. MOVE RIGHT IN Fully furnished two bedroom subur ban home, attached garage, extra large lot. This Is indeed a rare opportunity to buy a beautiful mod ern furnished home with every appointment for gracious living. The home is new and the furniture Is new. what more could you ask for for ONLY $14,750? Easy terms. Here are some cheapies Stewart Lenox Three bedroom home partly furn ished, extra large lot and lots of buildings. Price $6500. Low down payment. TWO BEDROOMS This is worth looking into for only $3000. Four rooms, bath, part base ment, plenty of room for chickens and etc. Walking Distance Fully furnished two bedroom home on city gas. This Is a real buy for only $5250. NORTH Three bedroom home Just off Ore gon Avenue. Can be yours for $1000 down, total price $6000. Claire Ellis Eves. Phone 2-2659 Jay P. Griggs " " 4254 Gene Favell " " 6045 W. W. Thompson at Malin J. W. SANDERS REALTOR 1213 Main St Phone 7521 5 ACRES Four bedrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen and sun-porch, bath, fully modern. Room for 600 hens. Own well with new pressure pump. 44 miles from town. $7350 unfurn ished, or $8600 furnished. FOUR BEDROOMS On Mitchell St. Hardwood floors in living room and dining room. Gas floor furnaces, continuous found ation, lots of built-ins in kitchen. Glassed-in breakfast porch, walk-In irult room, selling price $10,000. Shown by appointment. . $650 DOWN Buys this furnished one bedroom place across from Falrview School. Selling for $2750, balance on terms. FRED E. FLEET REALTOR DENNIE COATES, Saleslady 408 Main Office Ph. 2-3335 Eves. 2-1365 AUTO COURTS We have two of the Best Motels In this area. Both are excellently located and show very good In. comes. Please see us for details. Owners of each would consider taking a ranch in trade. Grocery Btore 10 Cabins 3 Modern Houses Tavern Highway Location The above business Is all one prop erty. Located close to Klamath Falls. It warrants your Inspection. Please see us for details. MILLS ADDITION 3 BEDROOM ULTRA - MODERN HOME. Natural veneer interior finish. A beautiful and well built home In best of condition. Only 3'i years old. Price 12, 600. P.H.A. Terms. 1 BEDROOM MODERN WITH 1- room semi-modern cabin. Paved street, sidewalk, city sewer. Close in. Priced to sell quick. $2600 with good terms. WALT .DIETZ, with T. B. WAITERS REALTORS & INSURANCE Ph. i!93 (Eve. 9469) HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON 10 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ONLY $6300 For this attractive 2 bedroom sub urban home, . about 5 years old. Insulated, good oil furnace auto matte electric hot water tank, ouk floors, excellent foundation, liunc garage, half acre GOOD Mill, Ir rigation water; located on paved street, will) busline, in quiet resi dential neighborhood. Best of nil, this place can be had for only $1,000 down, balance payable at $52 per month, Including taxes, ltistirnnre and Intrreat of only 4 per cent per annum. LARGE, COMFORTABLE ' ' HOME ' Do you want 4 bedrooms? Large living room with beautiful fire place, wall-to-wall ciiipetliig and lofs of windows? Dining room that Is big enough to really use? Not one. but 3 ballirooms that are large enough to really splash around In? Full basement with new oil furnace, world of storage and workshop room? Attached 2-car garage with radiant heated con crete driveway from which you never have to shovel snow? It you want all these. In addition to many other comfort giving features too numerous to men tion, such as upstairs apartment thnt could bo rented to help cut down exv-frn'ra. call us fe- an no polntmeiit to see this suprismgly well priced J)uy. ' RIVERVIEW Modem, attractive 2 bedroom home. Concrete fomuk'.tton, il'i::r!v-;l ttnr age. A good buy at $5000. $1000 down payment. Near Pelican School 1 bedroom, comnletely furnished, modern home. Buy you- groceries and move in. Pnre $T000. OPEN EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT See Homer Stiles Ph. 2-'-M60 Eves. Don Sloan Fred Scott 5658 Eves. 5703 Eves. CHILCOTE & SMITH Realtors Since 1909 111 N. 9th St. Ph. 4564 Jir55ji9 , FOR SALE Cheaper Than Rent 393 acres. $45 per. pined rtad. 115 level. 200 under ditch 8oe waier electricity good well. Will trade. Two miles from Merrill. BOX 1136 MERRILL 34 FUEL HEATING oTANDAH'J oTANDftii 'J -r HEATING OIL5 Stove Furnace Heavy Fuel DEPENDABLE Check and Pill Svstem METER PRINTED TICKhTS Your Gunrantce Ol f. Heating Satisfaction ' FRED H. HEILBRONNER 'Fuels that Satisfy Plus Service" Since 1919 821 Sprint; St. Phone 4153 S It H GREEN STAMPS given on heat" ing oils Phone 3681 or tor prompt delivery CUFF VADE.NS SIGNAL BERVICK 25(10 So 6th STANDARD HEATING OIL Stove, furnace light fuel. coal, wood :harcoal Peyton and Co 835 Market Phone 5149. DRV pine blocks for sole Open eve ning and weekend. .Mylors Hrot PRESTOLOGS pickup .jr delivered Cliff Vadens Signal Service 2561) So 6th Phone 3031 or 2.9260 38 BOATS PETS SPORTSlibBBiIS FOR SALE, 14 foot Blrrhcraft boat and trailer. Big Ten Hurricane Mer cury motor. Used 13 hours. S550. See at 3218 Shasta Way. Between 9 a.m. o p.m. WANTED, good uied 14 foot runabout boat capable of handling 25 horse mo tor also good boat trailer. Phone 2-04113 NEW COLT juper 38 auto. 50. Phone WANTED, good home for 1 Persian maif union. 4 montris old, pnone 5703. GEHMAN ShcDherd DUDDlei. 2 ninniA Eligible for A K C. resistrntion, V25 and up. rung oie. I'M A BIG Black Labrador strictly a pet and used to lota of attention and a nice big home. I m 3 years old. If you want rre. "for free." and ornm. lie to take good care of me. you ran have me "cans? m v master fjt moving 10 a piace wnere mere jusl lin t room for all ot us. Phone Don't worry about boyfriends calling on me they jusi con t seem mteres'-ca any mnre.i ANDERSON Boarding Kenneli Phont 3047 5688 Delaware oft Homedale BOARDING KENNELS Dog boarding by day. week or month Sanitary kennels Well balanced diet Clean Individual outdoor runs for earh aog Dogs handled- durlig mating. Will pick up and deliver. Visitors Welcome Phone 5078 Merrill Ha Rt 2. Box 504 SHASTA CASCADE KKNNELS 42 LIVESTOCK & POULTRY POULTRY WANTED Caflh paid for tiny amount. Top market prices for good quality. For quotations PHONE 3857 KLAMATH POULTRY FARMS FOR SALE. 25 young White Leghorn laying hens. Phone 4 W0. FOR S A LE, kid pon les and saddle horses. Route 2. Box 444. Phone 2-20:h FOR SALE, young Jersey cow fresh goon. Route 2. Box 444. Phone 2-20:jf). WEANER PIGS for Bale. Phono 2-000." ARTIFICIAL. - BREEDING SERVICK Phone 5721 M C (Chuck Warren Rt 2. Box 522 WANTED colored nens Phone 459I-" HIGHEST prices oald for poultry, how nd Uvextock. BIG V MEAT MARKE1 Lakevtew Junction Phone 4QZU 44 MISCELLANEOUS WANTED WANTED to rent. Pasture for 40 to 100 hend cottle. Call 2-0074. WANTED TO RENT. House, fuminhrri nr unfurnished by March 1st. In good con- anion, up to sju. uiose in preferred. Phone 2-2702. WANTED to rent. Two or three bed room house, unfurnished. Phone 2-0828 after 2 p.m. WANTED to rent, 3 or 4 room fur nished apartment or house, by man agerof Rogers Jewelers. Phone 3704. WE NERD CARS! Get ton nrlce nnwi Rour Motor Co 0th nd Plum 48 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES SERVICE STATION for lenso 0000 gn. Ions per month. Super unit for Inven tory of approximately 2300. on High way i)7 at Klamath Falls. Call Union OH Co. 2-0438. RESTAURANT known as Chef Finn Foods in North Bend, Oregon, In cen ter of town and on Hiwiiy 101. Do ing $07,000 per annum. Compact and complete, stalnlens steel, walk-in and everything. Priced for Rale. Cnntnrt owner Jack- Rnbertnon 204f Bhermnn Ava. Hlway 101 North Bond. 4 FINANCIAL LOANS $$MONEY$$ ON THE FIRST CALX I Up to 1500 on your auto On four salary or furniture up to $300 "Pay Day" loans a specialty - 110, $25. $50 loaned till "pay day" or longer $25 costs out IB cents lor on week No other charges. LOCAL LOAN CO. 115 No 10th SU M-354 DON MelNTYRE. Mgr. 43 Years Friendly Service SI- MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE ATTENTION FARMERS!!! NOW IS THE TIME TO GET THESE " GOODS BUYS ON ' USED TRACTORS 1 Int. TD-6 Wide GaiiRe Crawler. Painted and Recondi tioned W-Ur. mounted Ilyd. Pump. t $3100 1 Farmall "H" Tractor W Ilyd. pump, Power take off and good rubber. Painted, overhauled and guaranteed. $1050 11950 Case Tractor model VAC W Hyd. Pump, Starter and lights. -Wide Frt. Axle. This tractor has seen very little use. $1000 1 Farmall "B" Tractor completely overhauled and painted V direct-connected MI-C Mower. $850 FLOYD A. BOYD CO. TULELAKE, CALIFORNIA PHONE 7-2072 ss AUTOMOTIVI WE'LL GIVE YOU YOUR MONEY BACK If you're disatisfied with one of our guaranteed used cars after a 2-day free trial. Take the car down your own roads To your own mechanic Prove to yourself that Dugan and Mest give the best deal in town. 1950 Plymouth $1647 1949 Studebakcr $1347 1947 Pontiac $1147 1948 Dodge $1167 TRUCKS '44 Int., 112 ton $ 797 '49 Chev. Vi ton $1497 '36 Ford lVi ton $ 297 '49 Dodge ton $1297 FOR THE BEST IN THE WEST SEE DUGAN & MEST DODGE PLYMOUTH DODGE "Job Rated" TRUCKS 522 So. 6th phone 8101 46 FINANCIAL LOANS IMMEDIATE . Cash Loans Borrow Pet Only 100 17.27 Mo Repay In 18 Installment UP i'O 1300 ON FURNITURE OH SALARY -CJP ID 11300 ON OARS rHE IDEAL PLACE TO BORROW Convenient Location Convenient to Borrov Convenient to pay Locally owned New Cart 'nanctvl at Dank rate "MONEY IN A HURRY" Motor Investment Co. 20 year (erring Klamath Batir. See "Chuck" Bailey Mgr lit N 7tn 8t Phone 332b 8-341 M-376 Commercial Furnishes Cashi CASH LOANS ISO to 1300 Auto - Pumlturt Livestock Salary $50 to tSOO Automobile (paid for or not) Private Sale ol Auto Financed Make your deal CASH deal I Commercial Finance Corporation Bob O'Connor, Mgr. Lie. 8-351 N-323 107 No. Sth Pbont 7711 Phone 2-3531 8-276 1946 Buick $ 997 1949 Olds $1647 1947 Plymouth $ 997 1946 Ford $ 797 PICKUPS '49 Ford ton $1097 48 Int., 3i ton $1097 '49 Dodge Pwr. Wgn. $ 897 '42 Chev. ton $ 547 31 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE SINGER WEEKEND SPECIALS Slnxcr Portnbl $67.50 Sinner Combination Treadle and Electric. New motor. $67.50 Slimer Trpsidle $22.50 New Sinner Console $142.50 Coniole Electric $59.50 Sinner Console New motor, light, controller, new cabinet. $99.50 Sinner Portable With new buttonholer. Free ew Ing course. $47.50 SINGER SEWING CENTER 633 Maln Phone 2-2513 WASHING MACHINE, xc.llent condl. tlon. 100. Phnn. 2-:i201. ..(Miiiiinm prouw in isi-sniwini quick hearing Stark hardy fruit trees. Phnne 2-I7.V1 CARLOAD of hale Ilea her. Wed. l.Hh. ftav. .afi per hundle and unload 'em. Htandnrd Implement Co. Phone ftfirtn. 'OR "SALE, used "electric ranffc. Hatter Furniture, nth and Klnmnth. rd'H SAUS, a 'ifo kirby wax "polisher, used only a few tlmea-9B. Call 7S21 daytime. ADDING MACHINES, calculators, type writers, c.ah registers, desks, chairs, files for sal. or rent PIONEER orricE SUPPLY 1120 Main Phone 7412 ELECTROLUX CLEANER and polisher and supplies. Phon. 7167 Tark.l Twe.t, mi Marx. i mtOKRN window slasa renlaced, Klm- hnlls Glass Shop. Phone 7:170. GLASS furniture tops and shelves mad. to order. Kimball' Glass Shop. CHROMATIC HARMONICAS, German mad.. Sal. priced from 93.63. Standard 10 hoi. Harmonicas, values up to S2.40 now HOC. Ocarinas, C'-flDe; "G"-4flc. Now on sate. Derby's Muslo Co. 120 North 7th. Phone 4310. 600x1(1 RECAPS $3.03 F.ACIf P.VCItANflR W. buy used tlras. O.K. Ruhhae Wlrf. rs, 331 So. 6th. Phon 431S. 53 AUT0M0TIVI A- YOUR CHOICE 2-1950 FORD 50 FORI) "0" Like new, Has radio and heater. YOUR CHOICE 2-1950 FORD Roth t Tons and YOUR CHOICE 2-1949 FORD PICKUPS t Tons, equipped with heaters. 1-1949 FORD PICKUP V Ton Has heater. YOUR CHOICE 2-I936 CHEV. PICKUPS Roth Vi Tons Heaters. For On-The Spot appraisals, see JACK MILLER! Home phone 4202 Sundays or evenings BALSIGER used car lot 2152 South 6th St. PARKER PONTIAC CONTINUES ITS Removal Sale BIG CHIEF WILLARD SEZ: "Must moovum all cars now!" SO . . . ALL ARE PRICED BELOW CEILING 1950 PONTIAC Streamliner 4-Dr. Sedan 1949 PONTIAC Chieftain 4-Dr. Sedan 1918 PONTIAC Streamliner Sedan-Coupe 1950 CIIKVHOLKT Convertible r..-.l i t . iuui ii:s iiiui cai inireiors. "Cad" fenders, etc $2008 1947 DESOTO Four-Door Sedan $1229 1949 FORI) Custom Tudor $1465 1946 LINCOLN Club Con no $1083 Mnny Mtrn. on these cum nt NO EXTRA COSTI All enrx carry thnt fnmoux "PARKERIZKD" Ounrnmee. PRE-WAR SPECIALS' '41 Pontine Torp. 4-Dr $107 39 Foril Tudor tlfft 40 Ford 8dn. Delivery i:i7 7 DrSoto Coupe . "'. f M 39 Ford Coupe tut '36 Chev. Bednn ... $ 1 "Little Chief Don Brldne . . , Home Phone J-0840 "Skinny Chief Brooks Wnmer , . . Home Phone 4D7I $4$ U can't and t A t U can't PARKER 4th and Klamath Ave. Ph. 8164 SI MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE FOR SAM!, upright piano. Made by Rlrea anil Sons. New York. Walnut finish. I'hnne 2 -on-TO after six. WANTED a corruiateri tin hiillrilnl to wreck or move. Uox 477 Herald and News. FOR SALE, Ctishman Motor Scooter with side cur Phone 7447 a fter 6 p.m. 14 DAY FHKE TltfAL Try the new fltinbeam Shavetnaster at noma before you buy. Only $20 80. RICKYS JKWEI.ERS 700 Main I'Hone 3131 CRUSHED rock and driveway cinders. Phone 2-1107 USED FUilNnTffF. values can alwava he found at Klamath rurnltura Co. 221 main, i-none n;in.i. fl-INCH concrbto culvert pipe, 70 cents per foot. PEYTON t CO fJltlVEWfV MATKHTAnis, PHonaToe Hnrl, 07.13. blL storage tanks. Peyton' and Co. B:tft Market. CRU8IIE15 ROCK, Phono !.'i4l. driveway cinders. LAN DSCAPINO, evergreens, shrubs and Irees Wa trim, spray and remove large trees. LAKESHORE GARDENS NURSERY Phone 4200 ti-i Caterpillar. Good condition. U. U Clint, Bly, Ore. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY , 1052 7 USED COMMERCIALS $1395 PANELS '50 FORI) "V-fl" Like new and equipped wiin neater. $1395 PICKUPS have heaters. a. ip 1295 $100 Phone 4354 T. Ceiling Price $1888 $1671 $1470 SALE PKICE '1766 '1568 iouj !l Coupe (Power-Glide) 1 '1950 '1115 1310 ' 883 beat a PONTIAC beat a PARKER PONTIAC DEAL PONTIAC East Main at Wantland Ph. 6221 51 MISCELLANEOUS fOK SALI FOR" SAi., no Ions excellent alfsTra" Phime 11440. FOR" SALE, iisednfw(vplecelfvlng room sets, 920. SO and metal hunk beds PLYWOOIlTnew surfaced. Vs lnch-4, ' Inch-in. Phone BBOa. HEAVY "tlii"bed farm trailer. Dual wheels, vacuum brakes with winch. Phnne 2-1 1 r. FOR SALE, used refrigerator. KxreH lent condition 10.10 Worden. Weak daya after 3:30 p.m. - HAY and eating potatoes for salt. Route 2, Box fl:t Phone B7M. KilifiY- Attachments anTpollsher $if. PhoneJI2(IO. Tn-ao CAtrTerfect condition with hv. draullc nngle dnrer. Phone 2-1100. v it ba Phone 0021. ir'r-l ruitlnf.. ,ie- FOR SALE, colonial six lid sleel rang' with of without water tank. 617 Com mercial. For SALE, 1049 Tnrd Tractor iy equipment. Good mechanical condition. Phone Tulelake 7-11107. -1 fc-nn HALF., first and aeconil ruttlntf I biiltrd alfalfa. 5 miles below Lakevlew Junction on Merrill Highway. Phone 2-1230, , t 4 FOOfenerarirecirlc refrigerator. 00. Phone 2-0303.