HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH TALIS, OREGON PAGE ELEVEN 'TIME OUT! Oregon FRIDAY, FPinitUATlY f), 11)02 tQimi SENSES "77c-!H! .'FOR. OTI SQUINT mHmz' cruc al 'Hfl ilnrnril loarr I mrr w!" WHAT IIAITINH In boy who play ball lor liiuon und tugs when K Irumic fold? Ilrro'it n run-down on some of Urn P'ar WcsIims. Mkt. Bill UrCurlo, who gave 'lainatli Kails lu second nlraiglit innr II pennant hi llrnl yenr at Hie hrlni ol Clio Kitil;i, has been Mltnrd to iiiniinur l.n.i Vcsas. i (;liixn C club ol the Boiitliwrslern liKUP. Iiii'ldrnlully. Ilrddlnii'a l.m Mon iirlnicr, called "basrbnU'a tallest business manager." will art In Unit capacity (or the La Vegas club. WIIII.K I)I:a.IN(1 with business manage. Mend Walker la still In Kcno. working lor the Zrllitrbach l'uprr Conipiiiiy. Mnl Carpenter. ex-Onus business luanuKcr und the last two years v.llh Mrclford, la back In the lum ber buMnr-xn In Ronrbui'K. Art fladler, owner and watcher i4 lh pur.icMlrinni lor Uugfur, will probably no back Inlo buslnesa In HaoraiiieiiUi. The. Oeina' Klrk Ilerrlck ha landed a good Job but detalla can't be rilvulued until Monday lor press release reiisuiiH. RAY riiltHV. fiery manager of Ileddlmt and named bv the ma jority of fan an the inonl colorful player ever to walk down the Kar Went leaxuo pike, han alitncd with (tan Oleno, now mnimiicd by Per- lya uiu oom. wiiy u uoul, lon time Bun Frnnclxco aklpper. "Tlie Llllle BuUalo" Perry, that la will act as coach, utility Inflelder and catcher and pinch hitter for iho Padrea. Walter (The Urentl Mall", man niter of Eugene for the flrat half of laal aeuaon. Inter put In atrlctly aa a promotional man, will act a Koneral miimtRrr for Pocutcllo ol the Pioneer league. Hiere'a n atory behind thla, which we'll tnko up In aome de tail lu a Inter column. Cotton Plppen, pitcher-manager of Ihe Reno Silver Box. la back In Bacrumeiito running hla tavern. Olllf Dapper. en-Hollywood catch er who skippered the Eugene Larks when MnlK look over the promo tional job, wan drnfted bv Billings, Mont., of the Pioneer league. THK M'RRKNT disposition of Ilia Oema goes like this although baseball deal take devious turns and could change the picture come prlng training time. Russell Lefty) Faster. Jerry Merrill and John Payne have been sold to Tri-Clty, a member of the row Class A. Western International league. Shortstop Bill Slumpus Is In line for Salt Lake City's regular short stop Job. The "Katzenjumincr Kids" third baseman Stan Roseboro and outfielder Emery Petty won't be together for their famous one-two punch. Roseboro, property of the Boston Red Box. will be with the Bosox' ban Jose club In the California State league; Petty has been sold lo Temple Tex. I.i:KT-IIANDKI pitchers Jackie Lee of Dorrls and Bob Bandelier are slated to go to Salt Lake's Merced spring training camp to work under Hub Kittle. Also headed for Merced and a Job-try wllh Salt Lake are Frank Malaya, ex-Washlnglon State Col lege athleto and oullieidcr with the Gems; outfielder Skip Kltsmnn first-baseman Ocne Camp and second-baseman Jerry Dodds, Pitcher Lonnle Myers will be with Vancouver while Jimmy Fos- ler has been assigned to Terre Haute. Dale Johnston and Bert Convy, North Hollywood Calif. Infleldcrs who signed 1953 Phllly contracts, tre also assigned to Salt Lake. Claire Doran Beats Gracie PALM BEACH,' Fla. Ift Four Mirvlvoi'H In the field of 08 players feed off Friday In acml-flnnl.s of the 38th annual woman's golf cham pionship of Palm Beach. Claire. Doran, former Dohorty womnn'a champion from Cleveland, 0., plays Edcan Anderson of Hele na, Mont., and Pat Oamer of Mid land, Tex., meets Marrv Ann Dow ney of Baltimore In 18-hola match es. Miss Dornn won over Medalist Oraco DeMoss of Corvallls, Ore., 5 and 4, Thursday In her second match of the day. Miss Anderson defeated Bee McSwane of Birming ham, Ala;, 3 and 2. Joe DIMagglo's best year for bat ting In runs was 1037. Tho Jalter Kmackcd In 1(17 runs. He batted .346 that year. The JAYHAWK Soy..... THERE'S NONE BETTER "91" Octon Ethyl 31c JAYHAWK GAS 213S South 6rh Cage Run Tips Off Tonight The Oreiton Tech Owls hit the. basketball hoinenlrelcli IoiiIkIiI with a bin deficit In the Oreiion C'ollcg Inle, Conference to imikn up. Hill Coach Art Klrkland anld hla boya me ready lor the two-name uerlea with the Oregon College Waive Hint will ellher write finis l the Owls' title dinner or alart Ihem on a comeback trail that lend to a title ' Here the OCO picture In nut Midi when Ihe Owl and ihe Wolves tlp-olf tonight on Oretech'n court at approximately R o'clock: The Oretech Junior varnllv faces Yrnkn both nights In the 0:30 pre llinlnn I'y Orenon College, with a 5-1 rec ' Old lu IcaKue play, la tied with O.N A I It lUdln alatlim KFJI will air Ihe Orrli i h-Orrxnn ('allege bas kelliall aerlea tonight and to morrow night, The broadcast atari! at I o'clock both night. The two lamea will be handled play-by-play atyle from alart to end. he Vnnport Vikings for Ihe lop pol. Oregon Tech. wllh a 3-3 even break, clulch a mathematical chance of sliding home safe. SIX l,i:i'T All three OCC clubs have aix games lelt. Eastern Oregon, hopelessly out of the race, have won one. lost nine, wllh JU'.t two games left. Rut those two games are wllh this yame Of'K five and the Mountain eers could play second cousins to the Owls. Klrklnnd will use Jack Plnkley at Ihe center position to put more cage snvvv In the Important key position. Tom Srhubert. ex-Pelican slur and all-staler, opens at for ward along with Homer Duncan, third-high scorer In the OCC with four less games played than East ern Oregon's Lowell Kolbaba and Bob Haling, one-two aliotmakera In Ihe leamie. d'ARIIH Ouard positions fall lo veteran Mnrv llammack and Uen Gen etln. ' It's a good bet Dr. Robert C. Livingston will start with Forwards Harold Pitcher and Howard Sulli van, Center Frank RosenMork and Ouards Charles Pinion and Bob Bushnrll. The Monmouth five pushed the Owls Into a hole In a league opening aeries with two wins liB-M and 38-48 on slam-bang fourlh-qunrter rallies. Metiers, Pack In Crucial VICIOr LEAtlt'F W I. M!lr 0 Klsmalll Pack S 0 frl. 1.000 1 000 .714 .Sou .430 .ma .Ml ItoMoUy I 3 3 C'ruter t.k 3 3 (Inn -fitora 3 4 Mini Maud Ldry 1 S T ft I ... I a IMMolay 1 0 Scarrt t.MI fclfhl Run fltor All DeMntay No. S Klamath Pack 40 Do.Molay Ho, 1 3! The stage Is set for Ihe Victory League showdown Tuesday night at Falrvlew, Klnmath Pack notched win Num ber 8 last night to pull un even with the other undefeated team In the leogiie. Metier Bros. The two teams will mix In Tues day's headline!-. Orlaud Dixon scored 31 to lead the Packers lo victory over De- Molay s Number 1 team by a 49-35 count. . . Oun Store's Plummer had 17 as that team walloped DeMolay's Num. , ber 3 team, 60-30, In the other game on tho program. txSOX scores unavnnnuic;. Mountaineers IU!. A..1L.. Tw in nnuTnci i LA ORANDE. Ore. Ifl Eastern Oregon College of Education clipped Whitman 63-61 Thursday nlRht for the Orcgonlans' second basketball win In 22 starts tills season. EOC. which had lost 20 straight games bofore It upset Oregon Tech last Saturday, fought off a Wlilt man rally and stalled the last ten seconds to preserve victory No. 2. EOC Center Lowell Kolbaba led the scoring wllh 29 points. Alf Robertson, former Jockey. Is Ihe owner and trainer of a one horse stable this season at Hia leah race track. The horse's name Is "You'll Learn." Expert Gun Repairing and Rebluing THE GUN STORE SGOD i AL FOREMAN, who accentuates swilt and fake, doesn't hold down a regular's job, but he'll see his share of ac tion when the Oregon Tech Owls host the Oregon College Wolves tonight and tomorrow night on OTl'S spacious court. Tule Bumps Out of League Lead MA IN I.EAG t'K Prt. .HUH .Hfltt .WW 77 .ono .51 .4CK1 .400 .::i3 .222 .111 .000 Matin TuioUW Inn 8 Jayhawki B Chtlrminn 7 Merrill VrW S Bly A Kcno 4 Dnrrka ... 4 Itettiy Lakrra 3 Klamath Htm .... . . 2 Knrajfut River , .. 1 LDS .. 0 fleam Mjhl Chlloqutn 03 Deafly 5.1 lily 40 Klamath Sona 38 Malln 70 Kno 47 Tuiolake .10 Javhawkj 42 Merrill IH3 Npragua River Dorrii 54 LDS 4B Top f.cnl in the Klnmath Basin ba.keil)nll loHKue now ha.t two oc cupants Rfter the Jayhnlta quint siubbrd It toe lnnt nlKht. Yic 1 infinite Inncr.s bcut the Jay- hawks, lo Jump to the head of the 12-tcum cne fumlly alons with Mnlin, 79-47 victors over Kcno lost nlKht. Skeeters Ties Arnold Riegger RENO tft Winner of the Class A 16-yard event of the Amateur Trapshooters Association mid- win ter meet will be decided Friday be tween two entrants who scored per fect 100s. Dick Skeeters. Medford. Ore.. and Arnold Riegger, Seattle, agreed Thursday to let the score In the four-day meet settle the tie. A four-way shootoff In the first handicap event went to D. O. Davis of Coulee Cltv. Wash. He beat out rtr. R. D. Hoard. Paramount. Cal.: Tom Clemow, Jackson. Mont.: and j Clyde Fox, Merrill, Ore., alter all ! had shot 97x100. Palmer Leads At El Paso EL PASO, Tex. iff Johnny Palmer, the Budln, N. C, tourna ment veteran, lor whom the cash ,." ',.. '. , r, , , " ,12 field In the 110.000 El Pnsn nnen's -.(.npH ig noi- round Frldav "Z0 J? W'Z Z,nHa.. par 64 but his position was a trifle shaky even for the first round. Breathing on Palmer's neck was tall Cary Mlddlecoff of Memphis, Term., who did a 66. When Ldulse Suggs of Carollton, Ga. won the Tampa Women's Open Oolf tournament recently she made it two In a row. Miss Suggs also won the Jacksonville Women's open. wm (7n7h';iiriTdH itutniuuiMMr One taste and you'll agree with the verdict of those who savor Ihe best... OLD JUDGE The Authoritative Blend of Straight Bourbon Whiskies. $4.80 Fifth $3.00 Pint H6S lltnd.4 and bottled by f.V.O. An.elol.i, far t. V. Cold.bo1.u9h Dlilllllnf C.rpoioll.n, lolllm.r., Maryland. s. V Jay hawks Malln and Tulclnke hold 8-1 rec ords. The Jayhawks have the same number of wins but one more loss, while Malln and Tulelake still -have a game to make up. Chlloquln stayed In the third spot with a 96-53 win over the Bealty Lakers. But even Chlloquin's 95 score tekes a backseat to the Merrill VFW five. The Merrill lads ran their count Into three figures as they clobbered Sprague River, 103 41. In other games, Bly edged the Klamath Sons. 40-38.. and Dorrls handed the cellaring Latter Day Saints their ninth defeat by a 64-48 score. The Hatcher brothers Wayne end Oaylor popped 26 and 19 of Chlloauin's points. Big Jim Conrov paced Malta's attack with 30 points. Tulelake knocked the Jayhawks off the throne . by team scoring power. Wilbur Welch had 15, John Cross 14, Tom Crawford and Dell Landing 10 each. Twelve cagers grabbed a slice of Merrill's 103 points, but Norman Winters and Jack Fleck took the biggest bites with 27 and 24 points. Box scores: IIORRIS (11) (IS) LDS Robinson 17 P 6 Shott Owrns a F 3 Doyer ii. rorieriieia l i- 12 rosberf Pluntl 3 C 1.1 I.vnch Portrrfleld 4 C 14 Anderson Dorrls subs Let. Dobon 2. Maga lenus 4. While 5. Fenwick fl MERRILL (101) III) SI'RACre Llsky r 12 Snell Fleck 34 F. 2 Malone Duncan 12 C 12 B. Weiser ueins 0 as Hamilton Racier 7 G 8 Duffy Merrill subs I.. Kandra S. C. Kandra 4. Barry 1, Fatherinsham 4. Knox S. 1 Kandra 4. Winter 27, Sowell X Sprague River subs Jackson 1. JAYHAWKS 111) (JO) Tt'LKI.AKK Homer 1.1 F 10 Crawford Gilchrist IF 15 Welch Dawes 13 C a Klnf Banta .1 G 14 Croas Ktme a G 10 Landing Jayhawk subs Patterson e. Revis. Brown, Bryant. Tulelake subs Klrk patrlck 2. Urbach. Gresham. MAI.IN lit)) (45) KENO Woodley 3 F 1.1 Dow O'Keefe a F 4 Johnston Conroy .10 C 7 Layton Anderson 8 G 2 Foster MrKoen 4 G 3 J. Ramsey Mnlin subs Brlahlman 11. Vnis 4. Kenyon 2. Victorine 4. Smallev 4. Keno subs K. Ramsey, Zarotinskl 7, Bunch 8. D. Ramsey 2. SONS ISS) (10) Bt.r Wilson 2 F 17 Moore Ruff S F House Franks ft C .' 4 Stanley Miller 13 G 4 Pohll Mlnato 4 G 7 Davis Plerson 3. Blv subs T. House, Varnum 3, Sons subs Thrasher 3. Woods. CIIII.OQI'IN' 1931 G. Hntrher 19 F W. Hatcher 28 F Gelnger 3 C S. Miller II G (33) BEATTT 8 R. Welser j 22 Faithful " 10 Sandervllle Jackson C. Halcher II G Head Chlloouin subsSouers 19. Rrsttaln ft. Bickers 4. Beatly subs K. Welser 3. Riddle 6, Coppertleld 4. a 3 IJ Jm ilk.j7iHaa Tf.wsie 4BSw vaxas- Deadlock Stays In Gun Loop CAI.-ORK STANDINGS I. Pet 0 1000 O I arm Klamath Falls Mauford No. 1 Ashland . -. . Grants Pass No I Vreka , Myrtle Point ' . Lanaell Valley '. . Itosebura Coos Bay Madford No 2 .... hVolt Valley Bulla Valley .... .... Grants Pass No. 2 1 , 3 2 4 2 . 4 .1 .1 .1 . 3 . 2 4 .. 2 3 714 ,H7 371 3W 42D :ix 2Rf) Klamath Falls and Mcdlord still share the lead In the 13-tcam Call-fornla-Orenon rifle league after seven rounds of ahootlnK. - .uch has drawn a bye and ho d perfect 6-0 records. In a recent outinii. the Klamath Palls rifle and pistol club regis tered the high team score in beat IliK Yreka. 1584-1503. Medlord s H. Heldenrlch had the top individual score of 389x400 as Medford bumped Grants Pass' Number 2 team. 1527-727. Only two Grants Pass rlllers competed. oox scares: ASHI.AN'U (13??) 'IMS Bt'TTR Vt.V llasklns 37a 317 ft. Eieline Howard 374 372 Lucas Van Busklrk 307 run D. Ecellne Crandall 412 366 Hammerslev li. PASS 1 (IJIM (HIS) SCOTT VLV Taylor :70 3Afl Smith Richardson 37S 364 Mathews DeGeneault 3A2 370 Lewis McAlvaae 370 378 Hendricks MlliiOKD i fl.v;; r.r G. rA.ss i Heldenrelcb 3W 378 Roberts Rush 37a 34a EUason Conger 3ao Richmond 374 HKDFORD t ll.Via) (I4SS) MYRTI.K PT. Leibrand 3AO 370 Riesebera Rush 3S2 3711 Endicott Taylor 373 371 Shaffer Col ley 378 3A6 Dittman ROSEBIRQ I IIIO0) COOS BAY Wood 370 382 Kill Jones 370 3117 Cooocr Paulsen , 379 378 Potts Beauchamp- 370 371 Howlev K. FALLS (1321 (1503) YRF.K A Oppelt 387 387 Deter Freltas 3S4 369 L'.-. Dinkier ' 3S2 362 Mills Hall 3H1 383 Trlvelpiece CAGE SCORES College Basketball By The Associated Press FAR WEST Eastern Oregon 53 Whitman 51 MIDWEST Tulsa 46 Oklahoma A&M 33 Marquette 57 Notre Dame 50 LawTence Tech 110 Alma 80 Eastern Illinois 103 Illinois State Normal 84 SOUTHWEST Utah State 62 New Mexico 58 West Texas 59 Arizona 57 Arkansas A&M 80 Southern State 67 EAST Holy Cross 85 Columbia 80 (over time) DePaul 66 Manhattan 65 NYU 5 Syracuse 78 St. Bonaventure 74 Murray (Kjl 63 SOUTH Western Kentucky 79 Tampa 70 Virginia 77 Roanoke 68 Duke 68 William li Mary 62 Furman 59 South Carolina 56 Stetson 58 Florida State 48 1AST NIGHT Thursday Night's Fights By The Associated Press Boston Willie James. 204 ai, Boston, outpointed Rex Layne, 199, Salt Lake City, 10. Portland, Me. Bob Stecher, 164 j, Portland. Me., stopped Jim Sauer, 170. 'Cambridge, Mass. 6. New York (Sunnyside Gardens) Nino Valdez, 206, Havana, out pointed Keene Simmons, 206, Ba yonne. N. J. 10. Vancouver, B. C. Bobbv Woods 128 's, Spokane, stopped Frank Al mond, 128 '.2. Vancouver, 6. BREAKS OWN RECORDS TALLAHASSEE. Fla. uPl Every time Nelson Italiano, Florida State U. halfback from- Tampa, gains a yard or completes a pass next football season he will be setting a new school record as well as breaking his own. Italiano now holds the school records in passes completed and total offense. cODC Bum not 30 not not 50 its io m IN THE TRIM Lovely Willa Worthington McGuire (left), women's world water ski champion, cuts low as she speeds over the Lake Eloise slalom course at Cypress Gar dens, Fla. Diane Van Dusen, Florida State College ski queen, does a backward' swan. Both are members of Florida's crack water ski teams which scored high in the Mexican Invita tional Water Ski Tournament at Acapulco. ' Onknown Whips bp Salt Lake Lad Loses To James BOSTON Wl Rex Layne. Salt Lake City heavyweight attempting a fistic comeback at the tender age of 23, Friday was convinced he had made a false start. After being rudely checked last year by Rocky Marclano and ex- uuiit Ezzard Charles, Layne took REX LAYNE . . . pudgy, wild a long layoff and resumed action two weeks ago. He warmed up by knocking out Bob Garner of Lexington. Ky In three rounds in Salt Lake City, and then accepted an offer to tan gle with Willie James of Boston, another comparative unknown, here Thursday night. James, who had only 18 previous professional engagements, had lit tle trouble gaining a unanimous 10 round decision over the wild-swinging and wide-open Lavne, who was pudgy at 199 pounds. James, a full head taller, weighed only 6 pounds more. . Woods Beats Almond Again I VANCOUVER, B. C. W) Bobby Woods of Spokane scored his sec ond straight technical knockout win over Frank Almond of Vancouver, stopping the Canadian feather weight champion in the sixth round of a nontitle bout Thursday night. URBQN ! 1 n KWtalsial f 1 M aF Cokes Edge Scribes; Drugs Wins Seventh CUV LEAGUE L Pel. 0 1.000 1 .879 3 .825 .400 Rickys Pavles. Drugs Hilltop uaie Coca Cola Palmerton Hercules -J 3 4 a -.3 a .2 7 .3:13 .222 .222 Herald-News .2 7 Scares Last Nliht Coca Cola 90 Herald-News 4S Paylesa 60 Hercules SI Coca Cola won on the foul line over the Herald-News quint last night to jump Into fourth place In me city oasneioait league. Each team scored 18 times from the field but the Cokes threw In 14 charity tosses to the Newsmens' !. The score was 50-48. Paylesa won aa expected from Hercules by a 60-51 score to keep alive its chances of overtaking un beaten Rickys. That brought the Drug teams' record to 7-1 while Rickys also hold seven wins but haven't been beaten. Gene Favell and Male Epley led the Herald and News with 15 and 10. The Cokes spread their scoring around more with Jackson dumping 12 tor nign-point nonors. Box score: iHercules-Payless unavailable! H-N 14S1 150) COCA COLA ravell 15 r 6 Beriloft Hartley T 1 Arant Griggs 7 C 6 Newman Epley 10 : 9 Lelll J. Krantz 3 c 12 Jackson Herald and News subs May 1, B. Krantz 1, Lubcke 9. Coca Cola subs Kunz 7. Free! 1. Demetrakos 1. Alex ander tf. The youngest hurler on the Brook lyn Dodgers roster Is Billy Loes, 22-year old right-hander from Long isiana ony, n.y. For Work... For Play:, J America's - S STRONGEST J Whipcord! 2? 1 1 1 Sf SHUFF STUFF STANDINGS (End tt first halt) ' W L Pel Mecca ..,...-.2 7 80S Wocus .. as 8 779 Schuss 25 n a4 Tats ... .23 II 4)4 0111 s fiaca .- :.aa i su Suburban M Roundup VFW Summers Lana aglcs ,, 21 19 9B.1 12 24 333 .. .. 8 28 222 . 7 28 194. 3 33 083. Mecca can thank Schuss for fin ishing atop the shuffle-board league) in the first half of play. Schuss' Tavern upset Wocus Tav ern, a team that lead the loop-most of the way, Wednesday night. The score was 3-1, just enough to give Mecca the first-half title by one game and hand Schuss a third- place tie with Tat s. second-round play opens Monday night. HOCKEY Pacific Coast Hockey By The Associated Press Saskatoon 5 Calgary 5 Shine 'em up! For Hit Bart She Shine in town I KLAMATH BILLIARDS mm a-. M Maximum Slrengtlt to Wear and Wear under toughest ueage. yet with Tnm Good Looks . Right, whatever you do a s s wherever you go. Heaviest 19 oz Whipcord Durable Water Repellant Two-Ply Blended with Nylon Scratch-Free Comfort TROUSERS 9.95 JACKETS 11.95 CRUISERS mhm 14.95 3 ii ji ..1. m m mA. mm . M i)- mm STORE FR MEN At fM ffH t fsm Missa