THURSDAY, I'-KP.UUAIIY 7, 1 r2 IIBRAU) AND NKVVS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE SEVEN Y . ' r-r- tS I- TOM i . vpr toH--f!i t 1011 I v Text Approved By PTA Board HIGHLAND, Wiinh. I The fllchliincl PurBnU'I'ciuihcr Council linn r(!ltcrecl n vote of confidence in tne MuKruder textDooK on Ainnrlcnn novernment. The widely used textbook ha been the center ol a Trl-Cltlcs urea controversy over whether It Includ ed piisuk-k which were weighted toward HocinijHtic theory. The Council adopted a resolution of approval on recommendation of it special coinmlttce, which had been r.uKCHtcd by the school board. Two of the seven committee members voted aualnst keeping the book an a achool text. One of them, C'laudo Lynelx, suld he felt It wax biased. The 1050 edition Is being lined, and I.ynels said 11)52 revi sions of controversial points stand an "the bluest condemnation" of the book that In being uned. 79 PUTTING STRAIN ON FRIENDSHIP When John Lenhart, Capulin, N.M., grocery owner, hoisted that bin kIkii over Ills store, he hardly expected friendship to be put to such a severe test. Officers said a soldier fell asleep at the wheel of a stolen 1951 Buick and it swerved off the road, ripping one corner off the store. No one was Injured. Friendship Pact Sealed As Yet Gets New Name WICHITA PALLS. Tex. (II A pact that had lis bi'Klnnlim on Ok inawa hi Hi wax cllmiixrcl In Korea was sealed Wrdnrndny In 30th dis trict, court, A sllalit. black-haired, darkryrd Air Fores veteran had a request. He wantnl to rhauuo 111" name. John DonnliiK Urulmm, 21, told this story to Judxn Arihur Tlpps: He wan alone In the world. Ill" father won lonu dead and Ills inolh Force In Indiana and was shipped r remarried. He Joined the Air Hiccuper Gets Lots of Mail 1.08 ANOKLK8 I lllccuper Jack O'Leary hn received 1,132 letter from well winner a a re sult of an Associated Press story Jan. 39 which ssld he was down to 78 poundti. O'Leary has lost 61 pound lnce he ntarted IiIccuiiIiik at the rale of at least once per second June 13. 10411. Prior to the latest avnlanche of mall to reach their home at 4044 Garden Ave., Los Angeles, Jack had received more than 20.000 let ter, mostly suKKCSled cures. None has worked. More than 500 doctors have failed to stop the hlc-.tuning. I Mrs. Margaret O'Leary, Jack'r. mother, said mat an anonymous New York doctor may be able to help her son. Bhe Is attempting to raise fund to take him east. to Okinawa where he made a real buddy a young alumni Irom old Mexico. Order came and the buddy was nhlpped to Koreu, but not before he made Qraham an offer. The young Mexican told him "if anything happens to me, I want you to lake my name. You will belong to my family then." Ills buddy waa killed. Graham recited quietly, and last Septem ber he wa returned to the United Hlates. Ho went to Hllcppard Air Force Base and waa discharged as a corporal. And now, before making another move, he said: "I want to take his name. I want to change mine to his." Judge Tlpps signed a piece of psper. Smilingly, Juan Ridrtgue F.v trad walked out of the courthouse alone. Water, Snow Block Travel SALEM lfl The Wllsonvllle ferry on the Willamette River was still closed by high water Thurs day, while the Warner Valley High way In Lake County remained blocked by snow. The State Highway Comrfllsslotu niso rcpurirn icy apaia on ronus at Warm Springs Junction, Wil lamette Pass and Seneca. . All other points reported bare pavement. Judge Offers Trial Policy WASHINGTON Wl A tin to congressional committees from a i niuu in a position to know: It must be made clear to a witness Just 1 where he stands or he can't be Jailed for contempt. 'Tlie witness Is not required to enter Into a guessing game when : called upon to appear before a committee." said U.S. District Judge James R. Klrkland In free-! Ing Joseph P. Kamp Wednesday. Kamp was indicted for contempt j of Congress because he failed to show up with records demanded ' by the House Lobby Investigating Committee In June, 1950. He Is executive vice chair man of the Constitutional Educa tion League, Inc., with headquar ter In New York. Kamp describes It as the "oldest snd most active organization combatting Commu nism." Judge Klrkland said the evidence offered bv the government in the two-day trial without a Jury "raises a reasonable doubt In the mind of the court that the defendant wil fully defaulted when he appeared In response to the subpoena." "Committees of Congress," said Ihe Judge, "must conduct exam inations in such a manner that It Is clear to the witness Uiat the com mittee recognises him as being In default, and anything short of a clear cut default on the part of the witness will not sustain a convic tion lor contempt of Congress." Arm Troubles Texas Jack' UVALDK, Tex. Wi - Former vice president John Nance Garner wants hi mends to know he's not mud at them. The reason he hasn't been an swering their letters, he explained Thursday, Is that he has been hav ing trouble with an arm and a foot lor the past six months. The ailment are minor, the 83-year-old Texan told Victor Dlttmar of the Uvalde Leader New. Other wise, he feels fine. Just doesn't want to answer those letters right now. HITLER'S DEPUTY Friar Bodewig (above), a member of St. Anthony of Padua Monastery in Rome, denies reports by the Berlin Der Telegraf that he is Martin Bormann, Adolph Hitler's deputy who disappeared during the last days of the Third Reich. Beautiful Valentines . . . Volght's Pioneer Office Kupply Co. 629 Main. Markets to Close Lincoln Day NEW YORK Of) All major United States securities and com modities market will be closed next Tuesday for the Lincoln's birthday holiday. The exception will be various livestock markets. Ghosts of Shakespeare, Drake Astir in Britain LONDON I Can Britain' new 'Queen Bess" spur her old. Im poverished nation on to another Elizabethan golden age? A lot of folk who know their history think she ha the stuff to turn the difficult trick. They be lieve she has the same kind of tough-minded determination a the red-haired Elizabeth who mounted a shaky throne In 1558 and ruled "my beasts of English" with a rod of Iron for 44 years. Besides having the same name, the new Elizabeth ascends the throne at the same age, 25, as did the first one. . ON TOP Some people stress the fact that Britain has always been on top of the world when a queen occupied the throne. They especially point to the reigns of the first Elizabeth and Victoria. To Britons Elizabeth Is a magic name. It means men like Sir Francis Drake, who whipped the Spanish Armada and ravaged 8panlsh treasure galleons, and a host of others who spread English power over the globe with explorations and merchanting In Asia, Africa and the new world. It also means a great age of iener an age that produced Shakespeare. STRONG MIND Those who think that Britain with the new Elizabeth can find the path back to unquestioned irssuitM emphasise she has a "mind of htf own." The Tudor Bess showed Mit same wilful mind to astonished diplomats snd Intriguing courtltr.' The hedged authority of th new ruler la a far cry from the almost unlimited royal powers of ths other Elizabeth. But the British hops ths new "Queen Bess" can strike the vital Bnarlr fhsf rnnv lira thm flaw. glng nation to new heights. kyle morgan pianos "Yours lor hapsiar future ' through music" 5Ute as Water Freezes at 32 F EUGENE DIMES EUGENE 11 Eugene rslsed $25,000 for the March of Dimes this year, compared to 116,000 in 1051, Chairman Joe Richards reports. TAUCHER'S MEATS AT CARTERS' FINE FOOD 1420 Esplanade From the "Land o' Corn" lb. 59c half or whole, lb. SLICED BACON TENDERIZED HAMS ' EG 0' CHOICE LAMB'- -98c PORK SAUSAGE 59c PURE LARD 67c CHOICE LEGO' LAMB 98c WE CUT YOUR STEAKS THE WAY YO U LIKE THEM! Yei, at 32, these ice cubes are boxen solid but very happy. They're going to be invited into a drink made with'Seagram's 7 Crown and that's the final goal of any ambitions ice cube. 0a? Seagram's wSure Seagram's 7 Crown. BLENDED WHISKEY. 86.8 Proof. 65 Grain Neutral Spirits. Seagram-Distillers Corp.,N.Y. . ' (-...' iltliliijliitlMIIIII ' T' I. Illlll ol III II III II II I II J :'."-.:J - - J J XiV'U X 1 i S, IfeV f- fel v FOR SPRING -COATS WITH A NEW FASHION ELEGANCE Here's one of our stunning new Spring coats. Stunning because it is so different In style, in fabric, in feeling. The giant collar, oversized cuffs, the nubby, lacy fabric all add up to the new exhilarat ing fashion era Spring 1952. VALENTINE HANKIES TO WIN HER HEART Wa have doiant af tha cutast itylas in prints sr whits with red ambroldery all attractively packaged far tha girl sf yaur htart. IT'S A WONDHfUt STORI AS ADVERTISED IN FEBRUARY HARPER'S BAZAAR