WKDNICSDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 10H2 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE THRKS O kI4 WARNS AGAINST ARMS CUT Defense Secretary Robert A. Lovelt (right) and the civilian chiefs of the three armed services are shown as they appeared before a Sen ate Appropriations Subcommittee in Washington to warn against any further cut in military spending. Lovett said the 51-billion-dollar military budget "represents the mini mum calculated risk that a country of this size and importance should take." Left to right: Air Force Secy. Thomas Finlettcr, Army Secy. Frank Pace, Navy Secy. Dan Kim ball and Lovett. 'Jonesy' the Jap Gets Help From Yank Soldier Friends Typists Lose Soft Chairs WASHINGTON Ml Air Force typlntn will huvo to nit In Iho same kind of chairs a other iiovrriinirnt employes, Bpcclsl super-plush scats are out. Anrt furthermore, 111 Air Force ha bren advised to conllne Its icicntiliu research to airplanes. A Mouse armed servlcos subcom mittee said In a statement Tuesday that the testing ot chairs should be left to Hie Government Service Administration whone chairs have been "fairly well researched" and proven satisfactory. The subcommittee said the Air Force has been testing- chalril for 60 dnyii. An result II souRht to fny more than hull million dol srs tor 20.IM upholstered chairs tor use at Wright Field. Dayton, Ohio. Chair aouitlit by the Air Force would coitl 128 apiece Instead of the 11(1.80 to 118 pnld lor GHA-selected .chairs. MAItGARKT TO I'OKTLAND PORTLAND I Margaret Tru man, the President's dauirtiler will inx In Portland next month. Her concert lour will br)nn icr to the Auditorium March 30. Bhe also will apprur In Bcqlle and at Vancouver and Victoria, B. C. (SEftRS) VfOIIUCKANDCft I S4 ttl ' WM fashion favorite ! Charmode Bras 'SaXtfac&K piutuutfUd CLKVELAND tfi Dr. Tnkeo Taunelcawa was enrolled an a pre mcdlcal aludenl at Western He serve University Wednesday, ihunks to the 12.600 rained by ins Ynnk soldier friends In Japan. Ho Is known around the Yoko hama Ordnance Depot as "Jonesy" by soldiers who didn't want to bother with Oriental pronunciations but who did like the way he looked after them. More than 1000 soldiers contrib uted to the fund to help him com plete nis medical similes. "Jonesy." 25. studied in China was iiraduatcd from the Tokyo Medical College and then was li censed to practice there. Even before lhat he had worked in the laboratory of the 3Slh Medi cal Detachment's dispensary. Soldiers say he put In 18 hours a day. seven tlsys a week, 30 days month for nearly five years. He decided he would like to study some more In America. At Christ mas time the collection was handed to him with Uiese words: "He's treated each soldier, not as a (told brick, but as a sick man needing help. He's worked for the salary of a heavy laborer and he's done It without complaint. We think It money well spent. "We don't proless to know much about cementing International re lations, but we do think another doctor In the world of the caliber of Jonesy Is well worth namulm on. Good luck, uoctor; FORFHT PRODUCTS PRICES CORVALLIS Ml The State Col lege Extension Bervlce reported Tuesday that prices for most forest products were uncnangca, for active women... rayon cotton Nu-back girdles Won't ridcup! Hi-waist won't roll down! Action! Trimness! Comfort! All important to you! Nu-bock action bock "lives" your every move . . . won't creep up! High elastic waist smooths your midriff. Leno elastic trims your hips. Pink or white. Sim: 26 to 34, alio 36 (or average hips, 16-in. length overall. A. Jn ileek, smooth nylon! Elastic back. Has back 28 hook. B. and C. cups. Siies 38 to 42. B. Our economy bra! In white cotton. A and B cups 69c ' Sizes 32 to 38. CCA DC 8 133 So. 8th Phone S188 Sneak Labor Raps Stiffer WASHINGTON W-The House Is expected to approve quickly a Sen ate passed measure levying stiff penalties for smuggling farm la borers from Mexico Into the United States. The Senate passed the measure by voice vote Tuesday alter n unci noon of debate. It would fix penalties of up to $2,000 In fines and five years in prison for those who smuggle Im migrants Into the United Stales, or conceal and transport them after they are here. The bill covers all aliens but It Is aimed specifically at "wetbacks" Mexicans who sometimes enter this country Illegally by swimming the Rio Grande River. The Home Judiciary Committee has approved a similar measure, ready to try to bring It to a Vote soon. Sliced Is necessary because the United States and Mexico have an agreement covering importation of farm workers Into this country which expires next Tuesday. SI.AI'GIITKR-IIOrSi: ASSAILT 11011, Malaya lifl Two cnopper wirlding Chinese butchers lost their tempers In a slaughter house. Result: one wounded; both arrest ed and charged with assault. One ride Ms r-' "L"m Xuauw-' JowaiWrWtor - ' . : " - --'-"!f . 'ffiaPV' 1330 MAIN Barkley Hints At Retirement LOUISVILLE, Ky, im Vice President Alben Barkley Is Riving thought to the Idea that his long career In Washington may be near- ing an end, Hurklcy, whose place In the MM political picture hasn't been clcurly defined, dropped an inkling here Tuesday night thai he may be thinking In terms of retirement. He came to Louisville to' Join Mrs. Harkley at a dinner opening Ken tucky's Heart Fund drive. Speaking briefly, he noted the presence of Rep. Thurston B. Morion, a Louisville Republican. Barkley Is a Democrat. "Mr. Morton always offers to help me alter an election," the vice president said. "I wish he would lend me s hand during an election," Then, as an afterthought, he smilingly said: "I may not be around Washing ton after the next one." Groves Asks Bomb Reliance NEW YORK im It Is time the United States relied on the atomic bomb rather than on large ground armies, says Lt. Gen. Leslie R. Groves, wartime head of the atom bomb project. lit retired general adds: "you can't fight Rutla on foot. The dis tances -are too great. Their defense Is too elastic." Groves told a meeting of sales executives Tuesday that In the 1 event of war the U.S. would have to destroy Russia's Industrial po tential. That, he said, "mcaas bombing and using the strongest bomb available." He described Russia as "a major enemy that wants to see us de stroyed." Second Quarter Taxes Due Second Quarter property taxes on the 1951-52 Klamath County tax are due and payable now at the Tax Collector's office In the Court house, and will become delinquent Feb. 16. After thst date Interest will be charged on payments due. Taxpayers with delinquent per sonal property taxes are asked to call at the office in regard to pay ment because the auditor of tax records is insisting that warrants be issued In delinquent cases, Mrs. ; Elsie Siemens, collector, said. - i SINUS INFECTIONS DR. E. M. MARSHA SeeceMfallr Trtawt r. tei Miad SSI Sm. llh Ptaene ? Cbirapraetle PhTiician and You'll say: the Smartest Million When we tell you that every 1952 Buick rides like a million dollars, yve're not just slinging slang we're talking real money right-onthe-barrelhead cash. A million dollars and more were poured into research and testing design and tools engineering, produc tion and components to team up the combination of ride features you'll find on a Buick and on no other car in the world. A million dollars and more was the price paid to work out control of end sway and side-roll on curves to double check vertical "throw" with shock absorbers and big soft-acting coil springs for all four wheels to Y-brace I i. b' HE STAYS Little Tommy Kavanaugh, 18 month-old boy given to actress Jane Russell by his Irish mother, can stay in the United States indefinitely, according to an Im migration Department ruling. The boy is shown with the actress in her Hollywood home when he was 15 months old. Strike Closes Bath Houses TOKYO 'if) About 170.000 pro prietors of public baths in Japan went on strike Wednesday. Their union objects to a govern ment proposal to remove the limit on the number of bath houses. Public baths are Important. Few Japanese homes have private fa cilities. Most Japanese patronize the public baths every other day. The 12-yen price is government fixed. That Is only three cents. But It represents about four per cent of a Japanese laborer's dally wage. AND EVERYTHING nri-HiNG NO DOWN PAYMENT ONLY $5 A MONTH SianAm'iLtbfatt $75 ' nedhaiid enoT bene 715 Main Street the torque-tube keel and X-brace the frame to cushion body and engine and to silk out the whole operation with Dynaflow Drive. ou may not care how the job was done, or what it cost. But we'll lay you this: You're going to say "thanks a million" to Buick engineers once you get this spirited smoothie under your hands and haunches. Old familiar roads take on a new smoothness. Gone are the weave and wander, the jitter and jounce that you've felt in lesser cars. You ride with road-hugging assurance and level ease. 0 All of which only begins to tell you H. E. HAUGER 28 YEARS YOUR BUICK DEALER ' Wv 1 oatk. MfN'F.RAL SEARCH 1 ROME W Iron-short Italy Is i watching with Interest the progress j in geological research near Viter- uu, ou Tiutrn iiui 111 ui uuic, wucc iron and manganese ore was found .recently. I Proves Wonderful For ITCHY SKIII RASH Zemo a Doctor's invisible yet highly mad ica ted antiseptic promptlyrelievea itcb of surface skin irritations. Also aids healingl 7run Iu8liK. eVtlVIU rmn CvndsietioB d?viret available al moderate extra ceit. mm i r Dollars BUIGK Ever Bomber Hits, Three Killed MARCH AIR BASE. Calif. tot- Three men were killed and eight injured wnen a B-2B bomber, sweep ing in for a landing, crashed and burned In an alfalfa field a mile On ike faioDAcf MARRIAflE I.IIKNStS EDMtlNDSON TF.NNANT. William D Krlmundion. 24, laborer. Native of Ornon RMldent of Klamalh ralU. Ore. Bemadtne Tennant, 17. Native of Montana. Aeaident of Klamalh Fall! Ore. TYO-DAV1S John A. Tyo. 48. auto merhantc. Native of New York. Rent dent of Mill Valley, Calif. Caorlla Oavli, 30, waltreu. Native of Mis souri. Reildent of Tlburon. Calif. A fcTARR PKRFORMKR TUSCALOOSA, Ala. 11 There Is a star performer on the Univer sity of Alabama's football horizon. Only this star spells his name Starr Bart Starr. The former Sid ney Lanier High School athlete from Montgomery, Ala. has signed a scholarship with Alabama. He weighs 180 pounds and is noted as a passing ace from the quarter back position. Hans Norland Fire Insurance. 627 Pine St. MERCHANDISE MART 2964 RE-OPENING FRIDAY Watch Thursday's Paper For Our Big Ml what really great cars these 1952 Buick's turned out to be. Never before have style and stamina comfort and character power, per formance and price been brought together with such satisfying skill. The obvious thing for you to do is come in and look them over. How about tak ing half an hour off to do that today? XtnfMMf. mtwria, trim entf madtli er uhjet to ekant teitkmt mo'im. . Sla4mrd RvaDMASTMM, optional ( ntra eoi en atMrr Sm. . Sun is' true' fur '52 and half ghorl ot the runway Tuesday. The craft apparently lost power and the pilot attempted to crash land with the wheels up. Some of the survivors wer thrown clear, Htlll strapped In their seats, others wore pulled from the flaming wreckage by rescue teams In asbestos suits. The Air Foreo Identified the dead an Capt. C. W. Oatchel, 1 Lt. Billy Leo and T-8gt. W, 8, Bradley, all 'of nearby Rlverslda. Recommended By Many Leadlnf DM DOCTORS to relieve' distress of CHEST COLDS And Brflak Up Painful Local I ltd CtflgMtlM A number of baby doctor today arc raenmrnanrlinff Child'! MilH Muatarola to promptly rallev oourht, ore throat, locallxad in flam .nation and to braak up coniTPitlon In noat, throat and upper bronchial tubta of tha lan (a. just rub it ont Mutterole inatsntljr crtatei a wonrfai ful aenaation of vrotictiv warmth oa cheat, throat and back and hrinft amax jntr relief. There'a alio Regular and Extra Strong Muaterott for adultl, . Child's MHrJ 'V msm South 6th S PHONE 5151 SALE Dent