Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, February 06, 1952, Page 2, Image 2

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    WEDNESDAY, EERRUAHY fl', 10!i2
" 1 1
i. ., i ii 1 1 1 I a in 1 1 '. . '. . I I i
KFJI 1150 Kc P8T
Wednesday Evening, Feb. 8
00 Gabriel Hcaltar MHS
:1S KlamalH Theaier Qui
:J0 Around Town Nw
fl;49 Bim Hayes Newa MBa
:M Bill Henry MBS
7.00 rsmlly Thetre MBS
7:30 CUco Kla MBS
:( Whet's Nsme Son MBS
l)::n Punt.c Servlre
B 45 Meldelberf Hermonelre
S OU Qlenn Hardy News MBS
;19 rullon Lnli Jr
0:30 Wrestling
0:93 D-MIn Final MBS
10:00 Wrestling
10:H I Love a Mystery MBS
10:it0 Out of 'thunder MBS
11:00 Night Owls News
11:03 Night Owls Club
12:00 Sign Of!
KFJI 1150 Re. PST
Thursday, Feb. 7
B OO Musical Reveille
fl:4S Farmers Bulletin Board
fl:SS Local News
7:00 Hemingway News MBS
7:13 Breakfast Gang MBS
7:30 News
7:43 Best Buys
1:00 Cecil Brown MBS
8:13 Breakfast Gang MBS
6:30 Haven of Rest MBS
0:00 Homemaliers Harmonies
0:13 Marlon from Millers
6:30 Platter Parly
0:43 Familiar Favorites
10:00 Glenn Hardy News MBS
10:15 Tello Test
10:30 LaPolntes
10:43 Miniature Concert
10:30 Helen Doege
10:33 Ken Carson MBS .
11:00 Ladles Fair MBS
11:22 News MBS
Now at Molatore's !
Dancing Nightly
Except Sunday
;1112 Main
i irfcr ' - (t mi '
tastes better M A D zfrhome uftfi
n n
U :M Qnren for a Day MBS
12:00 Name Bands
17:13 Ncwi Iieaaunn
12-.ZQ Your Dance Tunes
12:45 Market Livestock
1:00 Jack Kirk wood Shew MBS
1:30 Tune Teat
1:M Local New i
3:00 Kwi MBS
2:05 News
3:15 Tea Time Tips
3:45 Anitwer Man MBS
3.00 Ricky's bequest
4:00 Speed Gtbson MBS
4:1.1 Hemingway Newt MBS
4: SO Curt Mawey Time
4:4.1 Sam Hayes MBS
5:03 Sflrgeam Pre I on MB3
5:30 Sky Kin MBS
3;.V1 Cecil Brown MBS
(i;00 Gabriel Hratter MBS
6:13 Klam. Theater Quit
6:50 Around Town News
6:43 Sum Hayes News MBS
6:33 Bill Henry MBS
7:00 Harmony Time
7:13 Sports Album
7:30 Bobby Bern on MBS
8 00 Tar ran MBS
8:.t0 Adven. Your ' Heritaie
8:45 Heidelberg Hartnot.aires
9:00 Glenn Hardy New MBS
0:15 Fulton Lewis Jr. MBS
0M0 Rod & Gun Ciuh MBS
9:55 5-Mtn. Final MBS
10:00 1 Love A Mystery
10:15 Serenade in Blue
10:30 Bandstand USA MBS
11.00 Night Owls News
11:03 Night Owls Club
120 Sign Off.
KFLW 1450 Kc PST
Wednesday Evening, Feb. 6
6:00 Sports Highlights
6:13 Home Town News
6:23 World News Summary
6:30 Suburban Serenade
6:45 Headline Edition ABC
6:33 Coming Attractions on ABC
7:00 The Lone Banger ABC
7-I.0 Mvtery Theaie- ABC
8:00 The Top Guy ABC
B:Z0 Rogues Gallerv ABC
9:00 Proudly We Hail
t:30 Northwest Artists
10:00 10 P M Headlines
10:13 Dream Harbor ABC
10:30 Insomnia Club
i 11:00 News Summary
11. a c;. rti
KFLW 1450 Kc PST
Thursday, Feb. 7
8:00 Sign on News Summary
6:03 Corn in the Morn.
6:45 Farm Fare
7:00 News Bkfst Edition
7:15 Charlie's Roundup
7:30 Bob Garred & News ABC
7;jil Too o the "tuning
7:53 John Conte ABC
Ilk 494 ft Or4t U T.kg Osat
Ben B. tec. Mgr.
i. . . Cut ii. u. "
fetiuPticlea-'4. '"".
naoas ti . . OT airo air t
sprinkle witu 1 nvtJJ
tosotW. p"" to hold mixtJ.
fluia P Dan.
Prick el,'"- l
Fancy pies, cakes, bread your baked thing have that
real nomemaae gooaness oruy wnen uey re reauy moot at
home. And remember, it's the home recipes and the extra
fresh, extra-rich ingredients only you can put into them that
give your baked things real homemade flavor. Saves money!
8:00 Ttrakfast Club ABC
g:0O Hank Henry Show
9:.o Break the Bai.K ABC
ftHW Chet Huntley. News ABC
10:15 Lent Journey ABC
10:3O My True Story ABC
10:33 Edward Arnold ABC
1100 pptty Crocker ABC
11:13 Stop & Shop
11:20 Jintmte Fidier
ll::w Against the Storm ABC
lt:1 Muncfl Toiinoitp
113 Market Reports
u.uvj Not.n Cin.c .Vews
13:15 Paylew Sidewalk Show
m .to Lucky U Ranch ABC
1:00 Paul Harv;' ABC
1:13 Better Living
1:30 Mary Margaret McBrida ABC
3 00 B(.iil Brleis
a:l.S Accent on Melody
2:::0 Joyce Jordan, M,D, ABC
2 43 Rom. Evelyn Winters ABC
3:00 When Girl Marries ABC
3:1. ;eu Ma -one AB'
3:30 Dean Cameron ABC
3:43 Mary Marlin ABC
4:00 RequesU'ully Yours
3:i"0 '..;!, Civiett. Snace Patrol ABC
5:23 World Flight Reporter ABC
5:30 Chet Huntley ABC
3:45 Civilian Defense Pgm.
6:00 Suorts Highlights
6:13 Home Town Newr
6:23 World News Summary
6:30 Suburban Serenade
6:43 Headline Edition ABC
6:33 Coming Attractiont on ABC
7 00 Mr President ABC
7:30 Defense Attorney ABC
8:00 Oris. Amateur Hr. ABC
8:43 Foreign Reporter ABC
9:00 The Redhead ABC
r:.M LV'fOi L C Kurcoa ABC
10:00 10 P M Headlines
10:13 Starlight Roof ABC
10:30 Insomnia Club
11:00 News Summary
11:05 Sign Off
Spider Web
Jags Nipped
CALI. Colombia W Spiders
these days are arachnida non grata
in ihe Cali Jail. Seems the boys
were getting woozy on the webs.
This is the way the local cops
spin out the yarn:
The inmates in a particular cell
had been turning up tipsy regu
larly. Smuggled narcotics were
suspected. A trap produced no
smuggler, and the jailbirds still
got plastered.
The cops watched. They saw the
prisoners form a human pyramid.
Die top man busily gathered cob
webs trom the celling. These they
rolled in cigarette paper, lit them
and puffed themselves higher than
the nearby Andes.
To keep the spiders from quitting
the premises in disgust, what with
their homes going up in smoke al
most daily, the prisoners fed them
succulent flies.
No more) solders, said the police.
ordering a quick cleanup.
""veJopw." c,
i leaving a W(lrf ' " (8- x
cooky aha., i. "l""Jt
Cool. 0,n kh
Parks-Taylor Film Release
Set, MGM Crosses Fingers
sively Yours: MOM's blowing Uw
aust off "Love Is Better Than
Ever": and, after crossing all (In
tiers, will release the picture in
April. The film, co-stnn Ing Larry
Harks and Lis Taylor, has been
on the shelf, marked "Too Hot to
Handle" ever since Larrv went to
Washington as a Red probe wit
ness. Charlie Chaplin, who never
talked about retirement seriously
ueiove, is saying thiu "Limelight"
will be his lasi movie . . . iy
vana Mtingano, the woo-woo doll in
"Bitter Rice," is expecting Slgnor
Stork again. Her condition cost her
the lend role hi John Huston's
"Moulin Rouge." , , . Zsa Zsa (la
bor will play the part Instead.
Hollywood studio heads are send
ing memos forbidding poodle hair
cuts to contract glamor stars. The
short, doggy locks create a prob
lem in costume period films.
Clifton Webb's new H-year con
tract with Fox gives him the right
to direct whenever he decides to
give up acting.
A line of purple prose that would
Sports Jump
Red Barrier
OSLO, Norwr.y l.fi r The train
carrying the wimer Olympic teams
iroin West Germany, Poland and
Bulgaria pulled into Oslo's east
station Wednesday creating politi
cal confusion, but little demonstra
tions. A tactful trainmaster had sepa
rated the three countries as com
pletely as possible. The 50-man Po
lish team was at the front of the
train. The 14 Bulgarians were in
the middle and the 32-man German
squad near the rear.
The arrival of the two Commu
nist teams and one from the recent
enemy nation caused little excite
ment in the bustling station.
About the only tense moment
came when the German squad
neared the Poles.
One of the Polish team leaders
asked a reporter "Who are they'.'"
When told it was Germany the
leader asked "East?"
He was told West.
"Oh" was his reply and he turned
his back and walked away.
The two squads eyed each other
thoroughly as they passed. But just
as at home there was a barrier be
tween them a bench on the station
platform. ,
The Oslo Olympic Committee had
kept its fingers crossed about the
Oermans. It has been no secret
here that Norwegians would have
preferred to have the Germans
stay home. But if this was a sam
ple, the organizers had little to
lear. All three teams soon left for
the Olympic village.
Dillin Scans
Yorid Strife
The "ruslllnir of the Door teo-
ple of the world" and competition
for their favor between Democracy
and Communism was discussed
last night by Dr. Harry L. Dillin,
president of Llnfield College, be
fore a gathering of Lions Club
members and guests at the Willard
Dr. Dillin has traveled exten
sively, only recently visiting the
Near East and the seven states
of the so-called Arab League.
While this country's motive is
trying to help the needy people of
the world, he declared, the tech
nique is bad.
In the struggle between Commu
nism and Democracy, "America Is
talking and not acting. America is
talking to the people about free
dom of speech and of opportunity,
while the Communists are talking
to them about their bellies. While
America seeks to send them trac
tors, which would be Impractical
on their table-too sized farms, tne
Communists offer them such sim
ple things as hoes.
"The trouble with America." Dr.
Dillin said, "is that there is not
enough 'profit in hoe handles."
Touching on the suspicion with
which the Arab world views the
Americans. Dr. Dillin noted that
beneath the sands of Arabia lies
55 per cent of the world's oil. and
that while the public thinks we are
helping the Arab because of our
desire to lend a helping hand, we
are really only concerned over the
vital oil resources.
In a civilization that has known
little or no change for three thou
sand years. Dr. Dillin said, you
can't do things overnight the way
America wants to do in those
The fulmar Is a bird of the north
ern oceans that spends Its life at
sea except when nesting in colonies
like gulls, on coastal islands.
"The Perfect
Valentine . . ."
"Real Roses
that Last"
make even Kathleen Wlnsor Joal
ous, from the script of "Drciuu
"Now he begins the kins ol
klat.es, traveling from fingertips lo
arm to shoulder to neck to mouth
as Margarita wills like a convul
sive flower."
The author Is Claude Binyon.
Paramount won't give Mona
Freeman sexy roles, but Ucati
Mnrim and Jerry Lewis Insist.
Mona had the lead In two of their
lb-nun. tunnies; as the gangsters'
moll In "The Relnforcor," unci as
the rejeoted one In "A Spot In the
Shade," a, take-off on you-knqw-what.
Movies are hotter than ever
dept.: Describing a George Ruft
Gull Russell love scene on the
beach for Bernie tuber's "Loan
Smark," the script says: "They
hold the embrace until the film
Ignites, and we lade out."
It's labeled "top secret" at VI.
but I discovered that four feature
lilms and 100 shorts will be pro
duced for television within a year's
span when the studio's big Video
program starts.
Stage 12 has been converted Into
two floors of ofllces for Uie sound
and dubbing TV schedule, the back
lot Is undergoing sweeping changes
and the equipment Is pouring into
the studio.
June Havoc and Celeste Holm,
whom she replaced In "Affairs of
State" on Broadway, are feuding.
Celeste predicted the show
wouldn't run three weeks with
June In the lead.
Van Johnson will play John Al
den In Spencer Tracy's "Master of
the Mayflower." Cameras turn
when Spence completes the cur
rent "Pat and Mike" opposite
Katharine Hepburn. Katie's still
wide-eyed over the success of
"African Queen." She told me:
"It was such fun to do. and so
congenial, that we thought maybe
It would be a fiasco."
Hepburn on television?
"Not me," she said. "I still
don't like radio. I don't think I've
done over 10 radio shows in my
lite." . . . John Lund will play
a romantic plumber as Ann Sherl
dans co-star In UI's "The Girl
Across the Street.' . . . Every art
movie house In Hollywood Is gut
ting ready lo re-play Vlttorlo Ouss
man's old Italian movies If Shelley
Winters weds the lad . . . Note
from Mike Connolly: "Fran.de
and AtS showed up at an eaterv
with a pair of piug-ugllcs whu
stood bodyguard outside their booth
while they dined." . . . t??')
Ts Mlrkpv Rnnnsv tnlrlncv nvr
Jackie Cooper's Ja drummer role
nen iuu.u noes tne mm version
of the Broadway comedy, "Re
mams To Be Seen"?
MirkPV mi Parammml'B V ltl
tary Policeman" set, looked pained
ana muuerea mat tne studio tvd
billed Sally Forrest over him in
ine oirip.
"MGM." hf! Kfilri "tt'nnlHn' lot
me even do a cartoon for them at
ims point."
Jnan Canlflptrt nn n..pn.i ap
pearance tour 'with "The Lady
oays no, was asked by a Minne
apolis reporter to describe the
mink band she wore for a hat.
"Qh." sflld Jnntv "It's lu EAma
left-over fur attached to a bicycle
Basketball was In the air last
night at the Sacred Heart gym
as the Trojans faced the Lakevlew
Honkers In their second tussel of
the year. Following the close and
exciting game the Juniors honored
both the traveling team and the
home team with an after-game-dance.
The five new records added
to the juke box also added to the
fun as the two schools enjoyed
mixing socially for a short time.
But as school must go on regard
less of basketball games, the stu
dents started for home early. Pro
ceeds of the dance will go to the
Junior Prom.
Popcorn balls are being sold to
the students during the noon hour
by the first and second grades.
Funds will go towards the tape
recorder purchased recently for the
use of both grade and high schools.
The Economic Issue will be
viewed by the students of all the
county schools and Klamath Union
High School at the second panel
discussion of the year. This panel
will be held In Merrill next week.
Both the annual and paper staff
have been busy lately gathering,
work for the press. Also both have
deadlines to meet. March 31 Is
the deadline for the Atrlan staff
to meet, at which time the second
half of the annual must be sent
to the printers. As to the Chimes,
you can be expecting to receive
the paper the first of next week.
Do you realize the basketball
tournament Is only 15 days away?
Phil Hitchcock
Lincoln Emcee
Phil Hitchcock. State Senator
from Klamath Falls, Is to be
toastmaster at the Republicans'
annual Lincoln Day Tally Feb. 13
at the Portland public auditorium.
Sell. Robert Taft of Ohio, avowed
candidate for the Republican pres
idential nomination, is scheduled
to be the principal speaker, Taft
will be introduced by Gov. Doug
A $2 box lunch of fried chicken
will be served In the auditorium
basement and a capacity crowd
01 3,000 persons Is expected.
Accident Gives.
Roasted Spuds
ed potatoes were for free on the
New Jersey Turnpike Tuesday.
It was all an accident, though. A
refrigerated truck carrying 16 tons
of spuds caught fire In an unknown
munner. Firemen fought the blaze
two hours before bringing It under
Warden Says
Too Low
8ALEM X JL The Stnto iirnl.
tentifti'y netitls more money lo In
sure convicts of an adequate diet,
Warden Virgil O'Mallev told the
Slate Board of Control 'IMesday.
"The, Inmates ale getting it Rood
bitslo ration now, but It's not what
It should be," thn warden mild.
"They are gctllng 11,400 to 2.600
calories at ay, mid that Isn't
enmiKh,!' . r
The board told tlio warden lo
find out how much money ho
would need in uddlilun to his pre
sent food buditet, and then ask
Negro Family
Finds Friend
EUGENE , Ore. Wi A Eugene
landlady refused Tuesday to evict
a Negro family desplln an anony.
mous telephone threat that the
house would be burned down other
wise. Mrs. EruIo Spencer, who rented
the house to Mr. and Mrs. Leon
Gasper and their two children Sun
day, snld Nlic had received u num
ber of complaints from nelKhbors.
The Gaspers are the first Negroes
In the district.
One telephone caller said Ihe
house would be burned If the fam
ily Is not out by Tuesday night,
Mrs. Spencer said.
"The Gaspers ore good respect
able people, ' she said, adding Hint
she would not evict them. The Gas
pers have an eight-month lease
with an option to buy the house.
It Is located on the cltv outskirts.
Wife Chased,
Husband Dies
BUOENE I A wife's report
that her estranged husband had
fired at her with a shotgun at
dawn Tuesday brought police
swiftly. When they arrived, the
husband was deiid of a shotgun
blast In the heart possibly the re
sult of stumbling In pursuit.
Police dipt. Harold Sklpworth
said tho dead man was Irvln Wat
son, M. Mrs. Watson, Sklpworth
said, told this story:
She left the family house to go
to work at 6:30 a.m. Tuesday, and
saw her husband In a parked car
across tho street. He fired a shot
gun blast then started after her.
She darted bctweea houses and Into
a neighbor's where she called po
lice. Watson's bodv was In a bnck
yard through which she had fled.
Sklpworth said Watson's shotgun
could have been discharged acci
dentally In a fall or the de--1-cculd
have been suicide. ,
Social Security
Card at 89
DUBOIS. Pa. 111 George Hum
phrey. an advertising novelties
talesman, got his first social necur
ity caiiJ Tuesday.;
He told olflclals he nlnns In umk
until he's 100 and then retire 'and
enjoy tho benefits."
Humphrey la 89. He wasn't el
igible lor Icderal social security
benefits until the low was expanded
recently to cover self-employed
Social security olllclals believe
he Is the oldest person ever to ap
ply lor a card.
mokes you
feel ,
I 1(1
Tmi twine
v caiuio love-
"CITY SLICKER" (Certoon)
"A LAUGH A DAY" (Comedy)
Food Fund :
for Prisoners
tho Slate Emergency ''Board for
Ihe money. ,
O'Mnlley asserted that the eoiv
vlcts now uie being fed on 27 'j
cents a day plus what lood the
penitentiary raises on Its fnrm,
The allowance per meal for oaoh
conflict has Increased only l'
cenls since ll'HIl despite souring
loort costs, O'Maley said.
The board reported that (he
fiirnm at the state liiNlllullons
ral.sod mauiKJ worth of fond on
their limns lust year, an 18 per
cent gain over tho 1060 total.
Thn Institutions grew 41 per cent
of tho I noil their lumuteH ate.
. Tlie state hospital led by growing
MIU.DOO worth ol food, and the
prison was next with $IM3,I&, .
The Oregon Suite Employes
Association asked Ihe board to put
nil unci nuts at. state hospltula on a
40-hour week, and the board said It
would Nluriy Ihe request.
While most state employes have
had a 40-hour week since 11146. the
hnspllal attendants work 48 hours,
liu'KCly consisting of four H-hour
(lavs a week.
Forrest Stewart, executive sec
retary of the association, said a
shorter work week would enuble
the hospitals lo get belter em
ployes and reduce the larger num
ber of resignations by atteudiiuls.
, It's
A m ' SW V s
t m m i i r wi t w rrw t i
I Hill
1 JMMMm.
ai I tup
mill rnviiwj ucni
0 ...that WNflvw t purl
s -
Comedy Plot
We're not going to
tell ydu how Danny fiU
into this picture.
As a matter of fact,
the important (and
touching and delightful)
part of this story is that
people didn't know much
about Danny's story.
Let's say simply he's one
t of the reasons that
moviegoers, of every age,
everywhere, have taken
"Close to My Heart"
close to their I.enrts.
to ma
m m mm
B jy.l 1 1 I'll
THa nrttatnaa wrm a fMa.1 lisaa