Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, February 05, 1952, Page 9, Image 9

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, "When you ld I wrotlln'
'JtiHt uimii ht iipi' I thought It
l only a riiurn of ipewh!"
TWO ITK.MN of loenl Interenl
taken Iron) the Oreiioiilun:
I read the Hint one. made with
a rc-tnko, tind rend II Rnlnl
John Wlllc, ex-Klnnintti Union
hiKli itclioaler, airuwiuoy ol the
Pcilran wrcMllnic tram two yrara
runnliiK, waa pinned by Multnom
ah Athletic Cluu' Herb HaverlacH..
Wttto now wronllen lor the Ore
gun Hlnlo Colleite vmitlly aqiiad.
Unless my memory serves me
wrong, that murks Wllte's Ilrst de
iral. He won the suite henvyweliiht
hlBh school mat till" two yeurs
running; nd waa never really
llavcrlurk must be qulle a boy.
nccause It takes some dolnfi to
bent B! Jawn, particularly by the
tall route. '
Inrtdenuilly, Klamath s Ben
Bhepherd and Dill Monby. won
their matches tor the Heavers.
THK 8F.COND piece concerned
Dim Suttihln,
Recently Hred by Oregon Tech
Cago Uoss Art Kukland, Butphln
nrullcd at Vanport.
Vanporl officials decided not to
use bulphln In Oregon Collegiate
Conference j games lor "crlckol"
But Don was used against South
ern Oregon, a non-leaguer, Satur
day night. In a reserve role, the
box scoro shows autphln canned
Just one field goal.
II ul It was a big two-pointer.
It put Vanport ahead, 00-511. In
the waning moments of a game
the Vikings won, 01-09.
TI1K FINISH of the Klamath
County basketball race to deter
mine pairings In the tournament
Vb. ai-"3 should be Interesting.
Chlloiium leads the league with
a 4-0 record alter I la upset win
over Sacred Heart Friday night.
The Panthers make up a snowed
out game with Henley tonight
t lucMluyi.
Bonanza, tied at 4-1 with Sacred
Heart, will have a tough tiin this
week and next. The Antlers, who
seem to have hit their stride, meet
sacred Heart Friday and Chlloquln
Feb. I.
Henley, Merrill and Malln will
fight for the fourth spot In the top
Before the season started, a move
waa underway to move the after
noon sessions of the three-day tour
nament to Henley's fine new gym
and out of the cracker-box Alia
mont gym.
It sounds Ilk good move.
OBJECTIONS were rather em
phatic to my recent use of the
expresalon "beer loop" In refer
ring to the city ahufflebosrd league.
It teems there are a few of try
players who don't mix the prac
tice of beer-drinking with shuffle
boarding, although the two go to
gether like hot dogs and baseball
Admitting It was a legitimate
beef, however, I've gone back to
the dry, straight down-the-mlddle
use of shuffleboard league.
Although I'll have to admit that
I toyed with the Idea of substitut
ing "suds circuit" for beer loop.
Still High
7 NEW YORK Wl Kentucky, rid
ing the crest of a 13 game winning
streak, enjoys top billing In the
Associated Press basketball poll
for the second straight week but
Kansas fitnte and Illinois are hard
on the Wildcats' heels.
The " Wildcats, boasting a 18-2
record, accumulated 811 points In
cluding 41 first-place votes to nose
out the cream of the mid-west
Kansas State csme home second
with 7M points Including 23 first
place ballots. Illinois retained third
place, drawing eight nominations
lor first place and 108 points Kan
aas Stale has compiled a 13-3 rec
ord and Illinois has a 13-1 slate.
The lop 20 teams, with first place
Voles In parentheses, were:
Kentucky (41), Kansas State (23),
Illinois (8), 8t. Bonavenlttre (12),
Dttquesne (10), Kansas, St. Louis
(2), Washington , Iowa (1). St.
John's, Dayton (6), West Virginia
(4) Louisville (1), Penn Stato, Ok
lahoma Cltv, Oklahoma AfcM, Be
ton, Indiana, LaSnlle, Western Ken
tucky." Others receiving votes Included
Beattle University, North Carolina
State, Utah, UCLA, Wyoming, Ida
ho, Brlgham Young.
Sickle Image, one of America's
most traveled race horses, Is ex
pected to race In Hialeah, Florida
this season. The filly la now rac
ing In California.
(Opn 24 hn,
Every Day)
Every .
Cliff Yaden's
", 2560 South 6th
Jfami He
Irks Ezz
MIAMI, Fla. Ml lleawwrlght
Champion Joe Walcotl Is mnelliig
solid nppoaillon In his effort to
avoid a return match with Kz.ind
Charles and take on Rocky Mar
clnno. Jersey Joe's manager, Felix Bo
rhlcchlo, offered Monday to put
the champ In against Marclano In
Mnv or June.
Jim Norrln, prenldenl of the In
ternational Boxing Club, said he
would be lulercsled IX Charles, was
willing to let Walcolt out of his con
tract to give Er.r.ord first crack at
the tlllo.
Hut Charles wasn't willing.
In Pittsburgh, Charles' manager.
Juke MlnU. said "The only thing
we are Interested In Is for Walcotl
to fulfill (he contract he has with
Walcolt won the title by knock
ing out Charles In I'lluburgh last
July. He says he hnsn'l made a
dime off the title and wants more
opportunity to cash In befora giv
ing Chin les his return fight.
Norrls said he sympathized with
Walcolt but that aomethlng had to
be worked out that would satisfy
Charles, too.
"I think a Walcott-Clmrles match
In March or April, with the win
new meeting Mnrclnno In June,
would be Ideal," the IBC -chief,
Meanwhile. Ihe Philadelphia
Stale Athletic Coinmlihloii I ex
pected to luke olllclal action Tues
day on the status In Penn.ylvanla
of Heavyweight Chump Joe Wal
cotl. Principal bit of "evidence" will
be a photostatic copy of a con
tract which Commissioner John D.
Holahan brought here from Pitts
burgh. Holahan says tho contract Is one
In which Wslcott agrrcd to give
former Heavyweight King Eizard
Charles a return crack at the
Wins 6th
Cage Nod
KTOsr t-r.Ac.rr.
vf I. rn.
Metiers . e O 1 liOO .
' Klanteth Pack 4 O I nun
DeMolay No. I 3 1 .7.10
Crater I.ake . .'. 3 .1 ..too
r.un atere 1 4 ,xa
T if 1 1 4 .900
Mn'i Hind l.dry I 4 ami
DeMolay No. 1 0 4 .000
amlu Leal Mfht
Metiers 61 Ul 13
Klamath Park 40 Gun Store 2S
Mcllcrs and Klamath Pack arc
working toward a showdown cage
battle In the Victory league.
Both kept their perfect records
Intact last night.
Metiers walloped Trades, and In
dustry, 61-22, for Its sixth win.
Klamath Pack's 49-26 win over
aim Store was Its fourth triumph
agalast no losses.
Metiers had too many guns for
T it I. Ronnie Cheyne led with
14 points, followed by Tex Robin
son and Lyons each with 13.
Bud Mullens scored 18 In the
Oun Store's losing cause. OriunJ
Dixon led Klamath Pack wt i 11
as eight boys edged Into Ihe scire
Box scores:
MKTI.cas HI) ' ,ttl Tl
II. Stellar S T Moak
Bosltoher 11 r s Bvrd
Robinson IS C S Sanders
Thornton in a Hoener
G. Metier G 3 Homer
Mellera atiba Roberta. I,yona 13.
Crawford, Cheyne 14. Dow 6.
ttenrr A T 8 Lowell
frank 1 ; r 4 Oldham
Mullena 1 C s Barrett
Wood 1 r. T Qulnowikl
Keane 1 a 1 Davldnon
Parker aube Dixon 11. Clark S. Over-
H I. I T
By The Associated Press
Miami, Fla. Welterweight
Champion Kid Oavllan, 140 Ha
vana, Cuba, outpointed Bobbv
Dykes 146 J4, San Antonio, Tex.
(15) (Title fight).
Philadelphia Gil Turner, 146,
Philadelphia, stopped Sammy Mas
trea, 146, Pittsburgh (4).
Chicago Dave Shade. 138, De
troit, outpointed Albert Adams, 138,
Chicago (8).
New Orleans Ralph Dttpas. 133,
New Orleans, outpointed Bill Nerl,
139 14, Bridgeport, Conn.(6).
New York Orlando Ztiltieta,
133, Havana, outpointed Basil Ma
rie, 135, Philadelphia (8).
Champ Picked
TORONTO Ml Lightweight.
Champion James Carter is a 8 to 1
favorite for his nine-round non
title bout against Toronto's Allan
McFater Tuesday night in Maple
Loafs Gardens.
i- r-L
sip rwo, iroau
wj .
f ,'V
vi-t &. 1. 1
VAIN YORG CRETORIAN (above), Humanian strongman,
teams with sadistic Kurt Von Poppcnheim for the second
straight week tomorrow night when the two ruffians face
IIer and Billy Parks in the headline bout at the armory, a
tag team rematch.
Eye Mat
Wrestling fans, whose appetite
for mayhem is insatiable, should
get their fill tomorrow night when
Wrestling Promoter Mack Llllard
presents a menu loaded with po
tential dynamite.
It's a rematch of a tag team
row that has a bold revenge tag
Revenge-bent are the punchln'
Parks boys Hurricane Herb and
Blasting Billy.
Objects ol their combined TNT
are two grapplers well versed in
how to wUi matches the illegal
way and team tilts are wide open
for the unorthodox.
Winners over the Parks boys lost
week, Yorg Crctoiian and Kurt Von
Poppcnheim have not only prom
ised a repeat but they've vowed
to do It In Jlg-timc.
The Parks boys had last week's
match wrapped up for delivery
when Von Poppcnheim, outside Ihe
ring, provided a handy shqve that
toppled Crctorian on top of Billy
Parks, who was slamming the Ru
manian with a vengeance.
Referee Buck Davidson didn't
sec the Illegal push. But the large
throng did and demanded Yorg and
Kurt return to the ring. The Parks
boys refused to leave the ring.
But the Rumanian and the Ger
man wouldn't go for a re-appearance
before the angered mob or
the Parks brothers.
The match will go to a finish
with no time limit.
Davidson opens the show In a
one-hour tussle with Buck Weaver.
ex-Indiana football star, who is
making a return to the local ring
after a long absence.
Castleberry Drugs Is the head
quarters for reserved tickets.
Wools Nip
W t, Prl.
Oregon Wools ....... a 0 l.ooo
(irlSK. 3 2 .600
Peyton -Wl
Pclrofts .....v I 4 .3IV.I
rtocketa o s .ooo
Oregon Woolen still holds to Its
unbeaten record in the gills bas
ketball leomic but the Woollcs
had a narrow escape against the
Griggs five last night.
The Woolles edged ortggs, m-aa,
In the Mills main event with Ethel
Whlllotch and Jeanctto Ehlers
scoring 10 and 9. Sherry Larson,
Griggs, was high with 11.
Shirley Ralston scored 10 In Pcy
tons' 30-24 win over tho Rockets
In the other game on tho double
Rejrardlcii or ihatit or lnri
tton . , If It ttroki)n mi to
tlii , . our complntflr
vqulppod hop will replace
It , with, lhi flnnt Uhh ob
tainable, perfectly. Prompt
- I; , ; - Au t
ST' 1- . 5 . m ; 3
I. Prt.
Orrjon Woolen 31 JO .oos
Parkmor Drive In 28 23 .59
Suburban Kilchen 28 23 MB
lndry Insurance 27 2A .52fl
KFLW 21 30
Dick Reeder'a . .. 19 32 .373
I.bbI Wrekt' RraiiUi
Suburban Kitchen 2 Oregon Woolen 1
Dick Reeder'a 2 Landry Iniurance 1
KFLW 2 Parkmor I
Parkmor Drive In and Suburban
Kitchen Center are making condi
tions In the top spot of the ClaS'
sic bowling league mighty uncom
fortablc for Oregon Woolen, now
pacing the circuit by Just three
Tho Suburbans, tied with Park
mor for second place, whipped the
Wools last week with Dave Robb
having more than a little to do
with It.
Robb's 235 was the high game of
the evening, but he harj to be con
tent with a runner-up series mark
to Parkmor's Charlie Booth with
a 205-180-222-607 string.
The Kitchen boys had a high
team series, 2096. while Landry
Insurance edged in with a high
game. 756.
Booth boosted his season's aver
age to 188, followed by the Wools'
Mel Robinson with 183 and Al Hak
enwerth with 180.
Kid Wins
Split Nod
MIAMI, Fla. (.fl Cuban Kid
Gavllan, n specialist in split de
cision rhubarbs, still owns the welt
er title after a tight squeak with
string bean Bobby Dykes of San
It was another "Gavllan Special"
Monday night at Miami Stadium
where many of the 11,526 who paid
$76,814 booed a divided decision for
the sleek Havana Hawk. Only four
points separated the two fighters
on the total of three official cards.
Referee Eddie Coachman voted
for Dykes. Both Judges found Ga
vllan the winner.
It was so close despite an eight
count knockdown scored by Gavl
lan with a smashing right to the
Jaw In the second round that a
good flurry could have swung the
title to handsome Bobby. .
As It turned out, a slow start
and that costly knockdown cost
Dykes his big chance to upset the
4 to 1 odds.
By The Associated Press
Portland teams virtually took
over the Associated Press hlh
school basketball poll this week,
sweeping the top three positions.
Central Catholic, after scoring
two more victories in the past
week, grabbed the No. 1 spot, win
nlng 13 votes for first place and
166 points. Two other Portland
teams got all the other first-place
ballots cast by sportswrlters and
Cleveland got three of them, and
that provided the margin that
boosted Cleveland Into the No. 2
position ahead of Lincoln. Lincoln
had one first-place vote. Cleveland
got 138 points in the voting, Lin
coln 134.
The sportswrlters decided that
the best upstate team was McMinn
vllle, although Salem was edged
only by the narrowest of margins.
McMlnnvtlle wound up with 101
points and the No. 4 position In
the poll: Salem with 100 points
tor No. 5.
McMinnvllle was No. 2 last week,
but then lost a game to Hlllsboro.
Marshfield, No. 5 last week, also
lost a game to Medford and went
down to the No. 6 spot, barely
ahead of Klamath Falls. Marsh
field had 72 points, Klamath Falls
71. Medford moved up a notch
from No. 9 to No. 8, getting 68
points. , s
There was one newcomer to the
top 10. Baker grabbing the No.
position after spilling Pendleton
and tlton-Freewater over the
wee!, end. La Grande, tied for
seventh place last week, dropped
a pair of games, but managed to
stay In the top 10, getting 12 points
for tenth place.
Jefferson of Portland, defending
state champion, fell out of the top
10 after losing to Cleveland.
It was the third time of the sea
son that Central Catholic topped
the list. Central was on top last
week also. The list this week ran
.by sections, first the three Port
land teams, followed by two from
the Willamette Valley, one from
the Coast, two from Southern Ore
gon and finally two from Eastern
The poll with each team's sea
son record listed:
1. Central Catholic. 13-1 166
2. Cleveland, 12-1 138
3. Lincoln, 11-3 134
4. McMinnvllle, 14-S 101
5. -6alem. 12-4 - 100
6. Marshfield. 12-4 72
7. Klamath Falls, 12-3 71
8. Medford. 11-4
.9 Baker, 10-8 30
10. La Grande, 8-5 12
Others: Jefferson and Roosevelt
of Portland 7, Milton-Freewater
and Pendleton 5, Milwaukle and
Astoria 4, The Dalles and Reeds
port 3, Powers and Dayton 2, Mo-
laila, iillisooro ana r,ugeae i.
College Basketball
Idaho Slate 55 Colorado State 47
St. Bonaventure 78 John Carroll 66
Holy Cross 80 Syracuse 75
Duquesne 71 La Salle 60
St. Louis 59 Drake 57
Oklahoma 49 Iowa State 45
Notre Dame 75 Northwestern 69
Minnesota 84 Ohio State 56
nr-troli 44 Oklahoma A&M 42
Iowa 58 Butler 57
Kansas 73 Coloraao os
Et.eflohn's (Bkn) 64 Purdue 53
Kentuckv 103 Tulane 54
Vanderbilt 59 Mississippi 51
Clemson 80 George Washington 65
Alabama 67 Florida 59
Virginia 84 Washington It Lee 70
LSU 73 ueorgia xeca o
NC State 62 Pitt 54
SMU 54 Arkansas 50
North Texas 76 Harain-simmons os
Texas Tech 55 Texas Western 45
Sedgman Skips
Forest Hills
COLOMBO, Ceylon tfl The
United States' tennis champion
ships will have to get along with
out Frank Sedgman.
Australia's brilliant ace said
Tuesdav he will not defend his
American singles crown at Forest
Hills this year but will. Instead,
go all out to win the Wimbleton
title, which thus far has eluded
Wocus and Tat's turned in blanks
in the city shuffleboard league last
night while the Vets beat Sum
mers Lane, 3-1. - '
Wocus shut out Eagles, 4-0 Tat's
whitewashed Roundup, : '
bara Ann, that is. The lov
ely Olympic figure skating
champion from Canada po
ses prettily at the ice show
which stars her in New
York's Madison Square Gar
den. Rickys
. W
Blckva 7
Payleaa Drug . A
Hilltop Cale 3
Palmerton 3
Coca Cola 3
Herald-Newe 2
Hercutea 2
L Fet.
Scerei Laat Nifbt
Elckyi 82 Herald-Newe 56
Hilltop 48 Palmerton 30
Rickys had little trouble keep
ing its undefeated basketball string
going last night at Altamont with
art 82-56 win over the Herald and
News quint.
Hilltop caie stayed in tnird place
with a 48-30 victory over Palmer
ton Lumber company in the night
cap. Rickys held a 14-8 firsUiuarter
lead and then really went to work,
leading 40-21 at the half.
cai Bonney pacea tne league-
leaders with 26 points. '
As usual, Jay Griggs ana Gene
Favell carried the scoring load for
the Newsmen wttn is ana 18 points.
Hilltop postea a zs-n intermis
sion lead over Palmerton, then
coasted the second half as the
Lumbermen staged a furious 17
polnt fourth-quarter rally led by
Jerry Dodds In an attempt to catch
uoaos iirusnea witn u poinu,
one more than Paul Helns and Roy
Harris of Hilltop as the Cafemen
spread its scoring job.
Box acoree:
atCKTS tJ) ! H-N
Wllla 2 r 1 Fell
Peteraon IT F 4 Hartley
Bonney 26 C .it Grins
McCaU 14 C 1 Eplcy
Foater 12 O - J G. Krantx
Rickya aube Harvey 10. VaUencour
1. Herald-Newe aube B. Krantx 13.
May, Lobcke, Down.
Waybrant S F ?ee
Martinei 7 F 1 BUia
Han-la 10 C 11 Dodda
Heine 10 G 7 Foster
Carrier C HaII
' Hilltop aube Friend. Minigan 8.' Sor
enaon 2. Jackeon. Palmerton tuba
Stevens 2. Bell 1. Zalanardo.
Jackie Gets
Radio Job
NEW YORK Wl Jackie Robin-
ton. second baseman of the Brook
lyn Dodgers) will be a busy beaver
this season.
The Nef-ro star, first of his race
to play modern major league
baseball, signed a two-year con
tract Mondav as a radio and tele
vision executive with WNBC and
WNBT. kev television ard radio
stations of the National Broadcast
int Company In the New York
Robinson is the first Negro to
hold an executive post with a major
radio or television station.
The infielder will serve as " direc
tor- of Community Activities' for
the NBC stations, tie win wora
closely with boys.
Ben Morrison, Mgr.
tithe. Klamath Ph.2-2511
Hawks Top Chiloquin;
Malin, Tulelake Win
m I, Pel.
Jayhateks a 1 .sua
Malln 7 1 ,87.1
Tulelake . 1 1 .878
Chlktnutn 1 .7.W
Merrill 8 4 . .ItM
Keno .. 4 I .t
Bly 3 4 .429
Dorrle ... a a .333
Beatly 3 8 .ana
Klamath Sona .230
Sprague ntver w 1 a .143
1-DS - 0 7 .000
Retain Laat Nleht
Jayhawks 70 Chlloquln ft
Beatty 68 Sprafut River 44
Bly IB LDS 30 r
Klamath Sona S3 Keno 80
Malln 82 Merrill 92
Tulelake 73 Dorrla 3S
The Jayhawks took care of a
big one last night to strengthen
ita chances for a title in the far
flung Klamath Basin Independent
basketball league. w
The league-leaders, with an 8-1
record, knocked over the strong
Chiloquin team by a 70-61 count
with Oary Dawes dumping 23 points
and Bud Banta adding 19. .
Malln and Tulelake Inners stayed
right on the Jayhawks' heels, both
posting victories last night, al
though Malln's waa by a squeaky
63-52 count over Merrill VPW.
Tulelake beat Dorrls easily,
In other games on the slx-tllt
program. Beatty beat Sprague Riv
er, 68-44; Bly trounced Latter Day
8ainta, 89-30, and Klamath Sons
edged Keno, 53-50.
There was a wealth of high
scoring performances last night, in
addition to Dawes and Banta.
Wayne Hatcher and Chief Hatch
er hit for 19 and 17 in Chiloquin 's
Wilbur Welch dumped 30 for the
Tulelake Inners.
Jim Conroy and Bergman scored
17 and 18 as Malln overtook Mer
rill with a last-quarter spurt.
Franks swished 27 for the Klam
ath Sons: Jack Dow had 16 for
the losing Keno team.
Benny Moore maintained his hot
scoring pace with 24 for Bly.
Raymond Faithful led the Beatty
Lakers with 27 In the win over
Sprague River while Bunny Weiser
notched 17 In A losing effort.
Box scores:
R. Wetser 13 F 13 Snell
R. Faithful 27 F 2 Lino
SendervUle C 17 B. Weiser
Riddle 9 C 10 L. Hutchinson
K Weiser T C Jackson
Beattr subs Head 8. W. Jackson.
Copperfleld 1. Sprafue Hivtr aube
Duffy 2. Hamilton.
Top Rider
ARCADIA. Calif. Ml Johnny
Longden. three times national rid
ing champion, has been selected
the Rider of 1951 by the turf writ
ers covering the Banta Anita meet
Longden received nine of the 25
votes cast. Johnny Adams and
Dave Gorman dead-heated for sec
ond with six votes each.
Now ol- Molatore's !
Darrein! Nijhtly
Except Sunday
1112 Main
ef awM f
lvm StWiy tmm MpW Off Ctoanl
' lUtttMl Pawn 11 Uotrt, lUra Fabric
Hre't bcHnwtau boowty yovwonr end
fwxM For, the axxvporow swrfoc of
WW Piortk Topn won! obor b grtoso .
or griaw. Ttvay won't thrMc, stretch or.
fox. AcM to I'm Met txocl floHering
tV of Soon bott rs)oa4)-to-r4Kisur Vt
watt on Mind. So en both from Sconl
j Start, Ubvtk eMaj Cel.
I 133 So. MStrart
J KrtRMtti Pttlia, OftfM
1 1 Stmd 8WB4M to imwitraU Maw
--.- - m.j ff ff Iter H
' f ia11A 111 la.
str (mi (in t.oi
Moore 24 f t Anderson
Thrasher 4 r 4 Whlelel
Stanley C I Terr
Patake 8 o 4 Lynn
Pobll S o a MonlawiMry
Bly aube Woode 7. Sandbeif 1, Var-
num 1, House 2, Davis T, Hall 1, LOS
aube Hallmark 8.
SONS (88)
Wilson 8
Ruff 8
rranka 27
Mlnato 3
11 Johnson
18 Dov
4 roster
2 J. Ramsey
Berkley 2. Keno
K. Kemsey. Lelah-
Miller 10
ton 8, Zaroeinekl j, Sevruk.
Llaky 7 T 8 Woodier
Fleck 7 r la Berainan
Duncan 11 . C 17 Conroy
Dells 3 . a MrKoen
Kader 8 ' ! 'U...' .' ''"I Kenvon
Merrill subs-rt. Kahdrf 11, C. Kandra.
Barry. Fathednffhnnl, Knax.;L. Kandra
2. Winters, Soul .1. Malln lube
O'Keefftt 8. .Anderson 9, Sfnalley.
Ttl.ri.AKE (73) ' (38) DORRIB
Crawford ,14 , T ; ' ; 8 E(ehne
Welch 30 F 10 Robinson
Crose 11 , " O .. '.. 2 Plunll
Vrbaeh 2 1 f! - 8 Lea
Landing 10 ' O - Fenwlck
Tulelake alios Klrkpatrlck 8. Gresh
am, Dorrls subs Owens S. Porterfleld
3. Williams 2, White 3, Porterfleld. Ms-
CKII.OqriV (81)
W.. Hatcher 10
a. Hatcher 3 .
Gelwier 2
C. Hatcher 17
10 Homer
Miller 0
23 Dawes
Chiloquin subs Souers 1, Bretton,
Blokers. Wemplir.' Jayhawke aube
Brown, Banta 10, Kime 7, Bryant 11.
For lerqe, heavy work.
Sevet time, so jig! needed.,
R wooed coeitrectioe.
(1QQ50 wi,V attachments
ww ' iva iHwivi r
SPECIAL Vi h.p. ' $Q15I
ball-bearing motor . . . , a
$22.50 Down 15 Months
'" To Pov!
1001 Main Phone 2-2518
tat Ofeti
- S'A"5 dsplk. Tilling table.. U
to 48- between blade and fence.
I IS" rawing. 33" bwn cvnrert; '
. J Sp-Mdt from 830 to 3450 rptw.
Mlttr 4ug wd rip twice lor mo
' fete Mudiiig. Dt feed Into work.: W
UJ - IS-tach Vortical
. lWllfrst 7
Jl'l'' 4" feed. Check fa
dXji table, 27"; to fleer, T
t rrecliloa features.
' i i f ' . i ' 'i
4mmp doth ctoait now
NOW Avertable en Harmon)
Movm Meda-to Mooiert '
rWh-Tope JfoaJM"''
' '--"-- - aJI
Iter Hours! f .in. to 1:M ..
Itti . Phono 1111
MNeW Jinn
, w -