HJKStlAY. FEBRUARY B. 11)52 HERALD AND NKVVh. KLAMA'ul KALI a. ORKCiON PAGE SEVEN Up' -r Hh . ;i -Ill j ji A DISPLAY OF WORK nccomplishcd by children of special rdicntion Kioups Inujjlit by Rulh Jones (above) who re tirtrt last spring after many years as a primary teacher, wti shown recently to parents and school administrators at Kail-view school. 'Miss Jones, is donating part of her time to this new flrltt of work. mMi GETS HELP Mrs. Kinar Nordness, Seattle, whose husband was lost in the sinking of the freighter Pennsylvania, shows a case of bahy food, one of the many 'presents she has rc ceivedi from people trying to help her support her three thildrcn. She has re ceived free diaper service, $20 from a stranger and two proposals of marriage since ihe was left destitute by the death of her hus band. bjaai Mmmi . 1 1 iiliutaaaaaaraaaajaa 4C mi See the mighty ill tOW PARIS FROM KLAMATH FALLS On - Roundftlp San Francisco $9 $16.35 Iin'ludinpf reaerved seat rhaiKe on Sha.ita Vtlyhiiht. Perioral tax extra. Shasta Dntilinht provides conveni ent overnight connocllon to Los An-Roles. School Trys New Methods Snei'lul education groups being tuughl by Ruth Jones, retired teacher alter manv years of work wilh children In the school room, held open house Jan. 20 from B a.m. to noon at Fairvlew school. Demonstrations on methods of developing word analysis, played recordings of oral readings made l.v the sluuunis. and a linn on punctuation were on the program. Beveral parents and school ad ministrators attended and viewed exhibits made bv the children and bv their Instructor to assist In their education. Because of retirement nav re- Mrlcilnna It Is possible for the Spe cial Education Department to em ploy her hall-days only and the remainder of the many hours she serves are given without remunera tion. A full schedule Is taught each morning ol the school week. Classes are held In the school ilbrarv. Competition Is keen among students at Fairvlew for attend ance In her classes. pifiicoN ru n FLANNKU SINGAPORE tiT Tile Animal Lovers League of Singapore is planning to form a homlng-plgeon club. Its 6.000 members hope thev will be able to race pigeons to and from Singapore and Ihe Fed crallon of Malaya. Wi-iio-ma COFFEE SHOP and DINING ROOMS Quality Food At Reasonable Prices Our new ond sanitary kilchen and meat coolers are open for public inspection at any time . . . See tor yourself how your food is prepared and handled! Southern Orcqon'i Finest r . ' 1 T " r V ' " ' I If snov, (Forests and Mt. Shasta through the Sky-View Picture Windows of the streamlined A scenic thrill every day! Never more beautiful than now! The friendly Southern Pacific W.S.McBride, Agent Phone 3111 Nash Charged By McCarthy MILWAUKEE I Hen. Mo Curihy B-Wk, rro;iUl htn ncru Hiitloil iiK-lliKt I'lilllro Nunh, While Hntiiio ntiiff fiMlMiiiiit In a conwii tl'in iKlilrrun Monday im.frUlitf "there In no Immunity here." 1 1 Ik repetition condoled of raid IliK lilt oilKlni'l stiileinenl hh II up penrcd In thn C'onrchlonul Re cord, Niihh. n Wlnconnlii Riiplclii, Win., crunljeny Krnwi-r, win orlKlnnlly nlliicked In n Henatc xpvocli limt week when McCarthy accuned him of ConiinunlM activity. Niiih mid hi (Outer Jeiin wild they would sue him II hr innde. thn chnrKeii umilii without coiiKrcnnloiial Im munity. Nai.h, remhed nt WitHhliiKlon Monday nlxht, would only com ment: "My lawyer hn thin Mc Carthy Matrmcnl under ntudy And at WlM.oiihln Rapldn, Mls Nash Mild fine. wn Iravlng the mutter up to her brother. McCarthy told members of the WIhcuiwIii Heed Dnitle.iV Awo'ia- lion that he wan repenthiK his charfjea "hi aiiKwer Ui the croco dile tenrs of the bleeding heart dementi of the proas and radio." Immediately aftorward, he flew to WaxliliiKlou, leklnu a tape re cordlUK of tun talk Willi him. In hln reiidlnir from the Conurcs. slonul Uncord, McCarthy repeated nil of his iiccu.sntlon.H iiKulutl Nash. liicludluK Ihe assertion that hln Information had been taken from KM files. The cliarKcn were that Nash at one time "officially Joined" the Communlht party and that Communlnla In a Canadian spy rlnt had used hla home aa a head quarter. NaMi han denied McCarthy's chariici. Burke Named Rear Admiral WASHINGTON I Arlelgh A. "31-Knol" fliirke, a central fig ure In Ihe Army-Navv unification controversy, was nominated for a permanent appointment as rear ad miral Monday. President Truman's nomination ct Burke and 11 others lor appoint ment as rear admiral of the line went to the Senate. So did the Pres ident's nomination of Daniel W, Rayn av rear admiral In the Den tal Corps. The SO-ycar old Burke, a bril liant officer In World War Two, l.iid been passed over previously when the roster of nominations for permanent appointment to the flag rank wns maac. But. Truman did ralfe him from the rank of captain to the tem porary vale of rear admlrnl In De cember, 1941). Burke was snld to have been In disfavor wilh high Pentagon offici als because he headed "Operation 23," a former Navv organization Wurlitzer A Maqnificcnt PIANO At a Low Price LOUIS R. MANN PIANO CO. 120 No. 7th iwavmiu ' . t 1 5 , (is i xl n 194 e , Doctor Shows Mouth Danger CHICAGO if Your mouth la a wonderful Incubator for bacteria dark, warm and moist with a constant temperature 0' proper mouth hyiflene Is essentia! for oral health, a dentist said Tuesday. Dr. Robert bee Dement of At lanta. Oa.. told the ChlcSKO Dental Society there always sre between .'111 and 49 different kinds of bac teria present In the mouth and that they jet In their best work of multiplying while you are asleep, "During the sleeping hours the mouth Is closed, as a rule,' he said, "and this makes (or a wonder ful Incubator. Before retiring the mouth and teeth should be clean sed and the gum tissues exercised thoroughly." Ite said that (or proper oral hy giene a pernon should brush his teeth (our times a day before and after breakfast, after lunch, and after dinner or before retiring. He should supplement his tooth brushing with a tongue scraper, mouth wash and dental floss, Dr. Dement ssld. Whats more, he ahould have two toothbrushes one with soft brlntlen for before breakfast and another with slitter bristles (or gum exer else before bedtime. Finder's Loser And Seeker CEDAR CITY. Utah I W. F. (Wesi Mullett found a 120 bill on the floor of a neighborhood grocery store. He turned It over to the store manager. The owner appeared a short time later. It was Mullett. "When I arrived home from the store I discovered I was short a 120 bill," he explained. "I'm still not sure he, the manager, believed me." on planning and policy. "OP 23" was understood to have prepared the material used by Na vy officers In their quarrel with the Army and Air Force over de fense policy. Others nominated with Burke were: Edward A. Solomons. Herbert 6. Duckworth, Oeorge R. Cooper, Frank Akers, Harry B. Jarrett, Delbert 8. Cornweil, Albert K. Morehouse, Kenmore M. McMan es, Frank T. Ward. Jr. Frederick S. Wlthlngton and William V. O' Re- Ran. GOPs Vie for States' Support, Democrats Quiet Hr The Associated 1'ress Republicans at a Lincoln Day rally checked their differences at the door Monday night for a mans attack on Truman policies, but else where It was skirmishings as usual among OOP presidential hopefuls. The Lincoln Day shindig In Wash ingtoncomplete with $1 box sup pers (or 8.000, square dancing and group singing held Intra-party ri valries to a minimum. But, like ants at a picnic, they were there all the same. Rep. Leonard W. Hall of New York sounded the battle cry against the Truman administration when he said: "No administration which at tempts to corrupt Ihe people with their own money can Itself be un corrupt, and It should be removed from power at the first opportuni ty. .. . "If we In the Republican Purty meet these Issues courageously and constructively, the American peo ple will do their part . . . with a landslide vote that will sweep a Re publican President Into office and give him a Republican Congress to do me joo rigm." No special candidate was plugged in speeches, but banners ap peared boosting Sen. Tall of Ohio and den. Elsenhower. Tele-fun by Warren Goodrich "Of course, I alwayt answer promptly. I'm on of the early worms 1". . .You'll enjoy better service and won't miss incoming calls if you answer promptly. .. Pacific Telephone. SPECIAL PURCHASE SALE .OF VALENTINE GIFT SLIPS C Here's your chance to buy lavishly lace trimmed slips of a smooth nylon and rayon fabric that wears and wears, stays ever-lovely with so little care. Wonderful savings at our special purchase price . . . Now you can enjoy the luxury of nylon tricot lingerie at sur prising savings. Beautifully made slips of cloud-soft, long wearing nylon tricot daintily trimmed in nylon net or nylon lace. Stock up now during our special purchase offer. In the Democratic camp, things were comparatively quiet. At Omaha, a backer of Sen. Ke fauvcr, only announced Democrat ic candidate, said the lanky Ten nesseenii definitely will enter Ne braska's presidential preference primary. Ohio Democrats faced a prospect of sending 62 delegates to the par ty's national convention, but with only ii votes among them. Sixteen delegatcs-at-large would each have half a vote. The system, voted unanimously by the Slnte Democratic Execu tive Committee, was viewed as an attempt to weaken Kcfauver strength. Maneuvering among Republicans meanwhile, went like this: 1. Sen. Taft. sneaking at Charles ton. W. Va., lambasted the ad ministration's foreign policy as be ing based on "secrecy and arbit rary power." , He called "hypocritical" Presi dent Truman's proposal (or a bi partisan foreign policy. 2. Virginia Republican Chairman Robert H. Woods said In Richmond he doubts Sen. Taft has his states 23 GOP votes sewed up, adding, Hesf-Ctnoivn Pop o9f ehesfl Gelds Brings relief 2 ways at once! Modern mothers Know you can't beat Vlcks VarjoRub for miseries of coids. The moment you run It on throat, cnest and hacic VapoRuo starts rlgnt to work 2 ways at once . . . IF MERC'S MUCH COUOHINC OR . . . get deep-action relief In seconds with VapoRub In steam 2 heaping spoonfuls of Vlcks VapoRub In vaporizer or bowl of chial cougmng spasms I 'there la strong Elsenhower sent! ment growing.' Taft Is due to speak Tuesday night at Harrisonburg, In what la viewed aa another attempt to win Virginia aupport. S. At Columbus, O., Harold Stas. NEW DIPLOMATIC POST CANBERRA. Australia IjP Ex ternal Affairs Minister Richard O. Casey has announced Australia will exchange diplomatic represen tatives with Indo-China. An Austral-. Ian mission would be established soon In Sslgon, he said. kyle morgan piano 'Tears fer e happier future fhreugh music" And It keeps up this special venetratlng sflmufaffnp ac tion for hours. It eases muscu lar soreness and tightness and brings warming, comforting relief even while you sleep. STUFFINESS.., ll5 boiling water as di rected In package. Every single breath relieves upper bron congestion ana Bt-fl fix Irf I I k Mr?- sen addressed a luncheon gathering oi unio delegate candidates to the national convention pledged to vote for him. r 8tasaen accused Ben. Taft of hav ing a foreign policy aimed at "withdrawing from the rest of the world. NATURE'S MOST RICHLY COLORED TRIII NEW Royal MAPLE RED Special By Mail Offer Grows Anywhere! Wonderful Shade Twmm 1 0. (Sfirll) In fill, tbli ! th mill forfu1y fcntl richly cUre4 irt la all Amer ica. Tfa !! mrm a krlllUal raty acaiiit brlfbivr thtm yam eaa tm fine). In iprlnff 4nt ir 1 fall mt be ay Ufa I . satrlct Iliwin. As yom 'can aa Irani plcUr tfcla nacninetnl trtt la rfaetty arm metrical, waneUrfally a-racafal. Will rty a net tire ym years ! area atlifacilan. Bteehei balffht ta la It. fln! ielral traaaplaallar t U 5 It-1 Limited SbipIt araer new! flea si fr 1,' ft tmr , gettaire prepaid. C.O.D.'e weleekse. JI net delifbted retarn ai eact fer meaey back. Extra Gift If yea arder at once yea'll receive a celerfal Mad TWif uefweeai Xraae Nareerlei, Dept. 7411 BLOOMINGTON, HAUfC'S