HERALD AN 11 NEWS. KLAMATH FAL1-5. OREGON TUESDAY, FEBRUARY B, 19S2 MARKETS and FINANCIAL PAGE FOUR i -- , . ...... ... ,.r, -?( -' pp- ---.(w"- 11 !i! 1 I in Son Francisco . Pototots BAN FRANCISCO Wl Potatoes JS can on trick; Calif. 7, Or i rrlved; Klamath Russets No. bakers $1.95. '.tOB ANOELES PoUtoefi: M cars on track: Calif. 10: Nev, 1. Ore. J3. Fla. 2, Mont. 2, Nebr. I Tdahn 82 arrived: 28 arrived by' truck: market ateady; Idaho Russet no ia o.iu-o.u. Quotations N York Stocks Bt The Associated Frees Admiral Corporation 2 ' Allied Chemical Allls Chalmers American Airlines American Power & Light American Tel. & Tel. American Tobacco Anaconda Copper Atchison Railroad Bethlehem Steel Boeing 'Airplane Co. Borg. Warner Borroughs Adding Machine California Packing Canadian Pacific Caterpillar Tractor Celanese Corporation Chrysler Corporation Cities Service Consolidated Edison Consolidated Vultee Crown Zellerbach Curtlss Wright Douglas Aircraft duPont de Nemours Eastman Kodak Emerson Radio General Electrie General Foods General Motors Georgia Pac Plywood Goodyear Tire .. Homestake Mining Co. International Harvester , , International Paper n Johns Manville Kennecott Paper Kennecott Copper Libbv, McNeil Lockheed Aircraft Loew's Incorporated Long Bell A Montgomery Ward Nash Kervinator New York Central Northern Pacific Pacific .American Fish Pacific Gas It Electric Pacific Tel. & Tel. Packard Motor Car Penney (J.C.) Co. Pennsylvania R. R. Pepsi Cola Co. Philco Radio Radio Corporation Rayonier Incorp Rayonler Incorp Pfd .. Republic Steel Revnolds Metals Richfield Oil Safeway Stores Inc Scott Paper Co. Sears Roebuck Bt Co. Socony-Vacuum Oil Southern Pacific Standard Oil Calif. Standard Oil N. J. Studebaker Corp. Sunshine Mining Swift i Company Transamerica Corp. Twentieth Century Fox . Union Oil Company . . ,. Union Pacific , ' " United Airlines ' i '. ' United Aircraft . ' United Corporation United States Plywood United States Steel Warner Pictures . . . Western Union Tel Westlnghouse Air Brake Westinghouse Electric Woolworth Company- - 71 3 61 T 15 32 'i 15i) 65 'i 51 S 77 52 hi 49 62 i 17'i 35 51 45 ; 69 107 33 i 18 i 55 K H 61 S 86 S 45 S 14 a (6 S 51 . 21 , 46 U 34 S 49 67 88 . 22 16 40 H 63 19 19 1 59 . 16 35 , 109 U 4 'j 71 18 2 9 I. 27 .'24 ' ' 63 . 42 Vi 65 56 sl 30 i. 51 j 55 i 37 V, 63 52 , 81 32 Vs 10 '33 i 22 V4 18 t 39 Y 1U ?a ' 31 32 5 V. 31 '. 40 J 14 4 41 'i 26 i 37 , 43 V Weather Western" Oregon Partly cloudy Tuesday. ; Increasing cloudiness with occasional light Tain north half late Tuesday -night and light rain spreading to southern coast Wednesday. Little temperature change. Highs Tuesday and Wednesday 46 to 56. Low Tuesday night 32 to . Southerly winds of 12 to 25 miles an hour off the coast, increasing to 20 to 30 miles coming southerly to southwesterly Wednesday. Eastern Oregon Partly cloudy Tuesday. Increasing cloudiness late Tuesday night and Wednesday. A few showers north part Wednesday. Little temperature change. Highs Tuesday and Wednesday 34 to 48. Low Tuesday night 20 to 32. Grants Pass and vicinity Fan Tuesday afternoon. Partly cloudy Wednesday. Late Tuesday night and Wednesday morning fog patches. High Tuesday 52. Low Tuesday night 35. High Wednesday Ml. By Tha Aas.ciatea' Fress 4 houro endlnf at : 4:30 .tn. Max. Min. Baker . 18 Bend ,i ., 28 Eufent .... 60 3 la Grande ,, S3 21 Lakevlew 32 Medford S7 34 North Bend 52 Ontario Pendleton ...53 37 . 56 34 .VS3 37 Portland , . Romburg Salem ... Boise .. , Chicago ... Denver ............ Eureka . Loa Angelea .... New York ..... Bed Bluff San Francisco Seattle ..... .Spokane "' ..SI 34 33 27 49 31 . 59 47 75 49 ;.:... 49 48 6 39 62 45 ,... ..JW 35 ..:..41 28 ' STRANGE COIN FOUND WINNIPEG, Man. UHA bronze coin dated -1882, believed to have been legal tender of one of the Italian provinces, was found in a cash register here. One side was stamped "Regno Lombardo Veneto V" and the other had the amount "I Centlslmo." NOTICE- Mark Smith & Co. Store and office will be closed Feb. 1 to Feb. 25. SERVICE DEPARTMENT will operate as usual Tribute Paid Late Sheriff (Kdllor'i Nolr: The following letter was written Mrs. J. K. Franer, willow of Sheriff Jack Franey of Klamath County, fol- lowing Ms death here Jan. 15. It was suggested that the letter be published as a tribute to Sher iff Franey a memory, it was wrlltrn by Director W. M. (Jack) Rartlrtt, Slate Board of Aeronau tic!.) Dear Mrs. Franey: It Is with the sincere and deep regret of this office and each mem ber of the State Board of Aero nautics, that we learned of the death of First Lt. John E. Franev of trie Air National Guard Reserve. The aviation Industry fraternity of this state has lost a real friend in Lieutenant Franey. He had con tributed much volunteer service to the program of air search and rescue, of a-'intion In civil defense nnH An nffi-Ar in th Alt Kn. Clonal Guard Reserve for the de fense of the state of Oregon in time of emergency. I express to you the sympathy and regrets of his excellency, the Governor, uenerai urumoaugn, Col. Archie Roth of the Air Arm of the National Guard Reserve. We want you to know that we feel Oregon and Klamnth county has lost a real puonc servant. Yours very truly, lsiened Willis M. Barlletf, Major Air Adjutant Old Timers Get Together CENTRALIA. Wash. .f E. L. Watson of Centralis and Fred Shor- ev of Ncwaukum Hill, are in their 70's and considered pioneer sons of their fathers. Their fathers came together to Lewis County to take up home steads years ago. Shorey still lives on tne original site. A 90th birthday anniversary par ty was held the other day for Wat son's older brother, Charles. E. L. Watson and snorey were there. It was the first time they'd .ever met , OPS Rules Meet Slated Here nDCi vamiTaHnnc nprfnininff to fh j-nnctiMM-ttan trnripft Arf in be explained In a series of meetings to be conducted here Feb. 13-14 K DfthdH r.raM Rfilnh Smith and Joseph Kahn of the Portland OPS omce. The meetings probably will be held at the Chamber of Commerce building.- On Wednesday, Feb. 13, at 7 p.m. the discussion Is to be of in terest to plumbers, electricians and painters; Thursdy, Feb. 14, 9 a.m., to general contractors, brickmasons and plasterers; Thursday, 1 p.m., well drillers. ' TOLL ROAD OPENS DENVER IB Colorado's first imnortant toll road is the Boul der-Denver four-lane turnpike. The toll is 25 cents for automooues, 50 cents for trucks. The turnpike is lTi miles lonn in a straight line from Denver to Boulder. It will be Joined to the new Colorado Springs-Denver highway by way of the Valley highway. OLDEST OCKEY- Jimmy "Goggles" McCoy, 50-year-old grandfather, who re turned to active racing at the Fair Grounds, New $ Orleans, won with his first two mounts. INVESTMENT SECURITIES . OWENS INVESTMENT SERVICE lilted. laaetlre, Unlisted ant OTer-tha-Ceanter bends and Stacks. Investment Funds ttl Hed-nen. Bldr. Phere S-I4: KLAMATH FALLS I' i Phone 5370 CHATTY MOMENT The Duchess of Kent gestures during a conversation with Mary Martin and Noel Coward at a benefit performance for a London orphanage where they appeared. A CHILD'S THAN K S Aujinh Chhatarl, 5. displays aulhcntically-rostumed dolls- presented byTaklstanl women to j V. N. International Children's Emergency' Fund for aid given.' j NO.PUZZLE TO ANNA -Italian soprano Ann mar. Aioergnetu (Jcrt) shows her knowledge of English by read ing labels to her mother darin visit to a Hollywood food market ' 1 0)Wd JblaAd1 DISTEfCT COL'RT Herbert E. Jone. oni llenu niata Fine S7.50. Dudley e. Lone, overhefght. Tine $15 Alvin W. Strain, overload. Fni-foit xoa bail. Elmer L. Watson. nvrlArf. TnrhM $44 bail. Chester E. Grim, overload. Forfeit $40 bail. J. M. Baker. NSF check. Plearfri not guilty. Recogged. Le n. nerrin overioaa. Forieit $30 bail. WJllard W. Baitett. overheleht. Tnr. felt $13 bail. Victor L. Haikini, no wheel coven. Fine 6. John P. Hammond, drivlntf tinHr influence: Fine 2M. Is Your OIL BURNER ..... FLOODED OUT 0) & . wJi' , . i alaasl John A. Carnham, noniupport. Time taken. Bail $2500. John P. Hammond, drunk on high way. Fine 13. " Carl D. Wisdom, no operator ll cense. Fine $3. J. T. Krohne, no PUC permit. Fine Olen E. Olion, Improper clearance light. Fine M. Melvln Fitzhugh, failure yield right of way. Fine $rw. i Robert E. Boudon, permitting unli censed minor to operate vehicle. Fine $10. Charley F. Matlock, no licenie platei. Fine. $5. Alexander Thompion, no llcenit plfltes. Fine 5. - Jamei O. Coon, no licenie plate. Fine $3. MUNICIPAL COl.'RT ' Joie Macitoi, drunk. Fine 15 or 7'i dayi. Ramon Camartllo, drunk. Fine IS or 7''a dayii. John J. Ditto, disorderly conduct Pleaded not guilty. Hearing. or NEED SERVICING? PHONE 2-2666 OIL BURNER SALES and SERVICE . Doug Ernst Bud Armstrong New Address 2379 .M.u., . - II HIT! Jl mi law"1! I t I I 1 I 1' OVER. 15 BARRELS retain his unique world NAMED.. ENVOY- Adm. Raymond A. Spnianee Is new U. 8. Ambassador lo Philip pines succeeding Myron Cowen. resigned to become consultant to Secretary of State-- Acheson. COMPLAINTS FILEO Louella B. Boatman va. Charlae V. Boatman, tult for divorce. Couple mar ried Sept. 24. 1048, Klamath railt. Ore. Charge, cruelty. Plaintiff aeeki prop erty settlement. restoration former name. Louella B. Hawei, J. C. O'Neill, attorney for plaintiff. Helen Shuck v.. Clifford J. Shuck, ult for divorce. Couple married Mar. 21. 1939. Klamath rails. Ore. Charge, cruelty. Plaintiff seeks property settle mcnt.flOOO per month permanent ali mony, costs and attorney fees. E. E. Driacoll, attorney for plaintiff. MARRIACf MCr.NSEA DOWNEY DEDMAN. Eugene H Downey, 38. truck driver. Native of Oklahoma. Resident of Klamath Falls. Ore. Barbara V. Dedman. 32, waltresi. Native of Oregon, Resident of Gari baldi. Ore. Pleaj . DRINK WATER. Arthur T. Pleas. 55, lumber worker. Native of Wisconsin. Resident nf Klamath Falls. Ore. Audrey B. Drlnkwater. M. beauty operator. Native of Oregon. Resident of Klamath Falls, Ore. WHITNEY WEBBER. Edward L. Whitney. 20. professional baseball play er. Native of Idaho. Resident of Klam ath FalU. Ore. Donna L, Webber. 17. student. Native of Oregon. Resident of Klamath Falls, Ore. Obituary OOBER Baby Cober, Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Cober passed away in this city Feb. 3. Besides the parents survivors also Include two slaters Wln nlfred Ann, Betty Lou; three brothers Wallace Gent, Burrell Mason, and John Dee Cober; also a grandmother Mrs. B. W. Short all of Klamath Falls. Serv Ices were held 10:30 a m. Feb. S at the graveside, Klamath Memorial Park The Rev. D. L. Proett officiating. O'Halr's Memorial Chapel was in charge of arrangements. CANNON Pat Cannon, 79. a natlva of Ireland and resident of this city for the pat 33 years passed away here Feb. S, 1931. Time and place of funeral serv ices will be announced at a later date by O'Halr's Memorial Chapel. Frank Solak, no vehicle llctnse. For feit 3 bail. Arthur B. Epperson, failura to yield right way to vehicle. Time taken to enter a plea. Evert D. Of burn, violation basic rule. Fine $23. South 6th ON SKATES Terry Browne. Dtlrell lee tkallnc aperlallat. eleara a Ions slrlnr of barrels lo barrel-Jumping tills by defeating I" f .Ms m ' jrTJ i SUMMERTIME SOUTH OF E Q U A T O R Spidous promenade with view of the rclOe l Vine del Mar, Chile, It litre for Iheee wleblBf le eecape rlfore ef northern winter. U.S. Ponders Breaking With Soviet Satellites By JOHN A. 8CAI.I WASHINGTON Of) The State Department an Id Tuesday Ameri can diplomats meeting In Parla early next month will dmcu.is whether to clone United Sulfa em bassies In Soviet satellite countries. Press Oil leer Michnel J. McDer- mott said the possibility of break ing diplomatic relations with Rus sian satellites "Is being looked at by some people In the department from both sides" In preparation for the Paris meeting. McDermolt said at a news con ference top American diplomats from Russia, Poland, Czechoslovak ia, Hungary and Romania are ex pected to attend the Paris meet ing. Other informed oriiciais tola a reDorter the conference would also seek to draft plans for giving bet ter protection to embassy person nel and private American business- Papa Flashes Stork News WASLENBURO, Colo. tl Ger ald Alrtano Is letting everyone know he has a new son. He's rigged up a neon sign In his living room window, which an nounces In flashing boldness: "It'i a boy." ALASKA STATEHOOD WASHINGTON m The Senate Interrupted Its debate on Alaska statehood Tuesday to take up a bill Intended to plug gaps through which alien farm workers now are entering the United States Illegally. 20 Miles Afoot Geo. N. Taylor A blind woman came SO miles afoot and was all bruises from falls. Others came six days afoot. One man hobbled 80 miles. At dawn Sunday, 52 were baptised' including two beggars and some opium sotf. A lew had heard tne Famine Relief Work; But all were new crea ture through Christ Jesus. Ood wanted these for himself and he bridged the gulf, between hi holiness and their sin. It was that Ood put their sins on Christ who died tnr t.hm Thsv Geo. N. Taylor ,aw Judgment Day out and eternal life In. And with the new life, came heaven's cheer, peace and hope such hope as this world can never give nor know. Now hear them tell others of the new life and hear them pray Just like First Century Believers. A Portland Lumber Mfr. and Wife buy this space to say that Ood' love includes you also only believe. a Held ol 10 at liroulngtr, N. Y. He .. . ....'.'..Iiaal C.J men now in Esstern Europe. McDrmott said the Paris meet ing will be the third one held by American chiefs of diplomatic mis sions to Iron Curtain countries. McDermott aald the entire ques tion of diplomatic relations with the Communist world Is always un der review. But In response to a question, he said he did not know whether ll had ever been placed on an agenda before. He was asked whether he con sidered the forthcoming discussion to be matter of special urgency and he replied "no." Any decision to close American embassies would mark a decided shift In State Department policy. Until now It haa favored keeping them open at virtually all costs lo serve as "listening posts." STREAMLINED NEW YORK on Latest develop ments In the walkie-talkie of the type that came out of World War II for one-mun radiocasting has re sulted In considerable reduction In else. Not only haa the weight been rut to 39 pounds with correspond ing reduction In site, but the range has been doubled. . . the letter Mart. Then men reedee ( THE CHRIS TIAN SCIENCE MONITOR fell the Edker fcev & tney njey this Jelly werleVwide newaptper, widi sack eeaa menu eel twtfuUr mttfi turn paper to tie V. 3. . . ." -ValbU alel kt fck- "Ntm lAet It ttmpltt eMl .. ." . "TluMmitrmrtIr U a Tea, lee. will tmi the Menltee' Informative, with complete warld Dew . . enal ef neee ery a yew HOME TOWN paper.'. ' Use thlt eeapeei ler Special Intredettery nbaerirxien I MONTHS FOR ONLY 11. TV. CarUtlsa (dsaw MwM Oah Itonrar SU ImM II. Maak, 0. i. A. SIMM SMS m' aa laSlilwlny snastrlf. Ila I. Ta. CMlai Siliai. MaaSw 14 M.M. I lllllS ft, Mir) MM) 01 'if jumped feci, incnes. r 'r;.v'-3r Mm Special Scout -Program Set FORT KLAMATH A apeclal program at the CI clubhouse Is planned for Friday by Scout Pack 34 In observance or the 2nd an niversary of the Boy Scouts of America. A notlurk dinner Is scheduled for 6 p.m. An appropriately dec orated cake ia to be donated by John Acomb or Fort Klamath, a former professional baker. Both the Scout and Cub groups aa well aa the Bluebirds are to have part In the program. SPECIALIZED INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT SERVICE Today' economic situation make i( more important than, ever before that up-to-the-minute knowledge of buii nen condition be applied to - the management of invest ments. The Investment Manage ment lervicei of the Firit Netional Bank offer you the group judgment of invest ment tpecialiit it low cost. Full or limited management service are available. , You are invited to make an appointment to discui Investment Management at your convenience with an officer of our Truit Depart ment. Your appointment may be arranged through any Firet National banking office. Ow WsMiaffva a..Mf "(avsifMaaf MmnsMf euia.' ii r" k ...ii. .kli.iaxli.it.. C.H w arrff. mny ftraat far raw "UT'I IIMO MIOON rOOaTMft" Klamath Fills Branch '.South 8th Stmt Branch S lr Marrill Rraa.h FIRST NATIONAL BANK Of PORTLAND OflM 10 le a SIX DAYI A Wli "utt umo oerooN roofTMny Mm.w P.4.I.I t;m amram Caraaratlon V