Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, February 05, 1952, Page 2, Image 2

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    i- PAGE TWO
- - ----- ' - ? -
KTLW Tneadav Evening, Feb. I
COO Smrti Hlfhllihu
' ' 8:1 Horn Town News
8:99 World Nawa Bummirjr
4:30 Suburban Saranada
. (-49 Ilaadllna Edition ABC ,
8:99 Comtaf Attractions on ABC
.', 1:00 OrttU.t Story ABC
lUU-Nawstand mealra ABC
(l:nt Mrt Auolt'-'i n ' lr ABC
(:M Vnltad or Not ABC -
8:00 Town Maalln of Air ABC
9H4 Organ fviuul
10:00 10 PM Haadllnas
t 10:30 Insomnia Club
11:00 Nawl summary
11:09 Sim Oft
i KKLW Wednesday, Feb. (
1:00 Sim On New Summary
' 9:09 Corn In tha Morn
- 9:49 Farm Fara
7:00 Nawi. Bkfst Edition
7:19 Charlla'a Rounoup
7:30 Bob Cvnd & Newa ABC
' 70 Top of tha Morning
f 7:59 John Cent ABC
- 8:00 Braaklau Cluo ABC
'. 9:00 Hank Henry Show
I B.30 Break tha Bank ABC
1. 10:00 Chat HunUey ABC
. 10:13 Lona Jour'er ABC . .
10:30 My Trua Story ABC
:' 10:59 Edward Arnold ABC
.11:00 Betty Crocker ABC- -i
'll:15 Stop Si Shop ' . -1
11:30 Aialnit Storm ABC
11:45 Musical Roundup
j 1:55 Markat Report
12:00 News, Noon Edition
12:19 Paylesa Sidewalk Show
' 12:30 Luck j -U Ranch ABC
! liOO Paul Harvv ABC
, ; 1:19 Better Llvlnl
1:30 Mary Martaiat McBrida ABC
3:00 Basin Brisfs
- 2:13 Accent on -Melody
' i:. I Joyce Jordan, M D. ABC
-.3:45 Bom. Evelyn Winter! ABC
. 3:00 When a Girl Marrtas ABC
' 3:19 Ted Malone ABC
3:30 Dean Cameron ABC
'. 3:45 Mary Marlln ABC
i a-ot "e-ue f' -i
i:00 Tun Factory ABC
9:29 World Fllant nerortar ABC
r.' 9:30 Chat Huntley ABC
: 5:45 Cuant Star
' 6:00 Sportl Highlights
' 6:13 Home Town Newa
9:25 World Newa Summary
' 6:30 Suburban Serenade
6:45 Headline Edition ABC
-.'.6-55 Coming Attraction! on ABC
' 7:00 The Lone Rancor ABC
7:30 Myetery Theater ABC
' 8:00 The Top Guy ABP
- S.30 Boguca Gallery ABC
l):u.i tT.ua..y te .iall
9:30 Northwest Artists
10:00 10 PM. Headlinea
10:15 Dream Harbor ABC
10:30 Insomnia Club
11:00 Kews Summary -11:03
Sign Off
KFJI Tuesday Evening, Feb. 5
6:00 Gabriel Heatter MBS
6:13 Klamath Theater Quit
6:30 Around Town
6:45 Sam Hayes News MBS
6:55 Bill Henry MBS
7:00 Black Museum MBS
7:30 Peter Sslem MBS
8:00 Count Monte Crlsto MBS
8:30 Roving at Rudy's
8:45 Heidelberg Harmonalres
9:00 Glenn Hardy-News MBS
9:15 Fulton Lewie-News MBS
8:30 Official Detective MBS
9:55 5-Mlnute Final MBS
10:00 t Love a Mystery MBS
10:15 Here's to Vets
10:30 Tpera Concert MBS
11-00 Night Owls Edition
11.-03 Night Owls Club
i U:10 S k i Ott
KFJI Wednesday, Feb. t
6:00 Musical Reveille
6:45 Farm Reporter
6:59 Local Nawa
7:00 Hemingway Kcwa MBS
7:15 Breakfast Gang MBS
7:30 Newa
7:45 Best Buys
8:00 Cecil Brown MBS
8:13 Breakfast Gang MBS
8:30 Bible Institute MBS
9:00 Homemakers Harmonies
8:15 Platter Party
9:45 Favorites of Yesterday
10:00 Glenn Hardy MBS
10:19 Tello Test MBS
FiiM food by ax per
, . i
. Valentin surprise),,,
xquiiite diamond watches,
so moderately priced I
Bowknot is fitted with the superb
19-Jewel Lady Elgin movement
with the exclusive, guaranteed
DuraPower mainspring.
The Tempend Whilt Gold
cat (not cost) h specially
processed for maximum
diamond security.
4lllt U (KIITT I
700 Main St,
10:90 LaPolntet
10:49 Ooncert
10:30 Currlns
10:55 Ken Carson Show
11.00 Ladles Fair
11:25 Newa .BS
11:30 Queen for Day MBS
13:00 Name Bands
13:15 News
12:30 Dance Tunes
12:45 Market & Livestock
1:00 Jack Klrkwood MBS
1:30 Tune Test
1:53 Local Newa
3:00 News MBS
9:03 News MBS
2:13 Tea Time Tips
3:45 Answer Msn MBS
3:00 Rlckya Request
4:00 Speed Gibson MBS
4:19 Hemingway News MBS
4:30 Curt Msssey Time MBS
4:43 Sam Hayes Newa MBS
3:00 Twilight Time
5:30 Wild Btll Hlckock MBS
5:55 News MBS
6:00 Gs'oriel Heatter MBS
6:15 Klamath Theater Quia
6:30 Around Town News
6:45 Sam Haysa Newa MBS
6:55 Bill Henry MBS
7:00 Affairs of Casanova
7:30 Cisco Kid MBS
6:00 What'a Name of Song MBS
8:30 Medal of Honor
3:45 Heidelberg Harmonalres
9:00 Glenn Hardy News MBS
9:15 Fulton Lewis Jr MBS
9:30 Wrestling
9:35 S-Mln. Final MBS
10-00 Wrestling
10:15 I Love a MvMerr MBS
10:30 Out of Thunder MBS
11:0:1 Mitht Owls s'ew
11:05 Night Owls Club
11:00 Sign Off
A reeular meetinu of the Girls'
League Club was culled to order
trus morning in activity penoa in
the auditorium.
Margaret Powell, secretary, was
in charge of program arrangement
and introduced the guest speaker
and other features.
Ron Bryant, accompanied by Ron
Hershberger on the piano, sang
Lucky Old sun."
Hlghlightina: the program was
the guest speaker. Marian Oronln,
irom Miners' department store.
Marian touched the highlights of
teen-age good grooming. Including
styles, lasnion ana mage-up.
Two popular songs were played
by Pa: Payne at the piano, one
of which was the teen-age favorite
The program was thoroughly en
joyed by the gtrls' of the student
body, and plans are already be
gun for the next meeting.
Senior match review begins to
morrow morning with seniors go
ing to their , various assigned class
during their homeroom periods.
Teachers Include Miss Burkhalter,
Mrs. Herron, Miss Fish and Mr.
Callecre entrance exams are now
being taken bv some seniors. Also
the class of "52" received their
ratings yesterday according to
tneir rans: m uic ciass scooisaww
rVst. installment of the noon
movie was shown today noon. This
weeks show features Humpnrey sso-
eart and John Hodiak in "Sahara.'
Starting yesterday the Klamath J
County Library put out a section
of their book shelves for the new
teen-age stories. These books can
be approved for book reports. The
list includes different tales of the
old, the new, and the future.
JAKARTA.-Indonesia M Three
policemen and a boy of 12 were
machine-gunned to death In a vil
lage only 10 miles south of Ja
karta recently. The policemen, rep
resenting the village's entire se
curity force, fought a. gang of 30
well-armed thugs who had ran
sacked the house of the village
head and a Chinese merchant. The
boy was killed when he tried, to
sneak through the "battle zone"
to get help.
Supreme !
rrB' w
15 anrkml
diamond watch with
8 diossonds. Tm
ptred While Gold
casa 19.Jawel lody
Elgin movement-
23i .-iawknal'
diamond watch with
12 diamonds. Tern,
persd Whii Gold
cas 19'Jewal lad
Elgin movamanl.
BIRTHDAY PRESENT being presented here by Grant
Perry, Toketee Lions Club, to 10-year-old Lion Cub Scout
Francis Kenyon, son of Mr. and Mrs.. Clifford Kenyon, 703
Mitchell, isn't because it's the Scout's birthday. The slide
and film strip projector was presented to commemorate
Boy Scout Week Feb. 6-12. The Scouting program turns
42 years old then. Francis is a member of Mills PTA
sponsored Cub Pack 4. Perry is secretary treasurer of the
Movies Have
As They Scan TV Romance
NEA Staff Correspondent
wood's green-eyed about television
for more reasons than one.
It's strictly a behind-the-scenes
secret, but movie-makers are Dre-
paring a dossier which will show
mat smooching Is longer and hot
ter, love talk franker, and sublect
matter sexier on television than in
movies. -
Purpose: To persuade the John
ton office to relax the movie cen
sorship code.
Bruce Bennett will replace Jeff
Chandler In the TV version of Eve
Arden's "Our Miss Brooks." Jeff's
gnashing his teeth about the whole
ihlng but there's nothing he can
do. His UT studio bosses pointed
to his contract and said, "No
It will- be Richard Conte. not
Herbert Marshall, as the star when
A Man Called X" sails thrDueh
the television channels as a film
series. Conte will get a 50 per
cent cut of the profits, plus resid
ual rights.
Lou Costello and Bud Abbott are
just about ready to announce that
their series of 39 filmed comedies
for TV has been nurchased -(or
I m told that offers exceeding a
million were made, but that the
team held out for their full price.
There's a new tvDe of movie-
western hero riding the TV chan
nels and mothers from coast to
coast are yelling "Yip-e-e-e." along
with their kids from loge seat on
family sotas.
; Bill wunams, the movie bobby
' sox hero who switched to western
! villains and then popped up on the
I home screens as heroic "Kit Car
son," is the fair-haired boy with
' his new . approach to winning the
j celluloid west. .
I "I'm the family type of western
: hero," BUI told me in reference
I to his filmed "Carson" series. I
I use my head and my fist Instead
i of my guns. I never draw my gun
j unless the other fellow draws first.
I "I never say ain't and.I'm polite
about everything. It's: 'Will you
please tie-up the horses?' Instead
of: "Tie up them nags!'"
i Is it paying olf? You bet. "Car
son" is now in 40 ciUes. Twenty
six half-hour shows are on film
and another 26 go into production
next month.
Favsta at theis banrf
n. 4U Orator To T.k 0f
Ben B. Lee, Mgr.
for 1
WED., FEB. 6
Model Shoe Store
Ax to Grind
Thirteen of these will be filmed
on location near sonora, Calif.
The half-hour films are shot In
two days, but the quality Is amaz
ing, even though Bill sometimes
gels confused about the plots. He
"We shoot five pictures in a row
and on the loth dav I'm working
in five pictures at the same time.
But it's a lot of fun."
i?aye Emerson's asking price to
star in a Hollywood movie Is
S75.000. Turned down to date by
the actress who boled movietown
for TV glory: The role opposite
Prank Sinatra in "Meet Danny
Wilson." and co-starring honors
with Humphrey Bogart In "Dead
line. U. S. A." The salary was
short of Faye's price.
A TV film package that will star
Rosalind Russell, with Preston
Sturges as director, is Indies away
from the official announcement
stage. Agent Bill White dreamed
up the series for Rosalind, who
prefers to live and work In Holly
wood In spite of her stage success
in "Bell. Book and Candle."
Channel Chatter: Bela Lugosl Is
back in the U. S. after a Inm.
stay in England and will face the
TV film cameras In a new horrors-
ana-snwers series . . . James
Mason and Pamela Kellino call
their first two TV films "expert,
mental." No plans for a full erles
yet . . . Dean Marlln and Jerry
Lewis will stage a 24 hour coast-lo-coast
marathon TV show in mid
March lo raise funds for the New
York heart hospital . . . Harry
James' TV show, on a Los An
geles station onlv. will CO national
on NBC early this summer. . .
trroi f'lynn's appearance with Ab
bott and' Costello on their last
Comedy Hour telecast left Holly-
uuu uug-eyeu. tne guest appear
ance was okayed by Warner Bros.,
who have been bitlerlv onnnsinr. all
TV -appearances for Warner stars
. . oeorge Jessel's CBS deal as
a TV producer and show consult
tant is closer to the dotted line
than even he will admit.
The Ann Gillis who is shining
as a "Studio One" star is the
same Ann Gillis who played Becky
Thatcher In the movie "Tom Saw
yer," filmed 12 years ago . . .
Joseph Schlldkraut and ABC are
talking a seven-year teleplx deal.
. . . "Cowboy G-Mcn," a film se
ries is elated for national distribu
tion. Russell Hayden and Jackie
Coogan are co-starred.
Teleforum: Groucho Marx, on
matching wits with TV contest
ants: "It'i a shame to take the money
they pay me. The Job's too soft.
It's a romp for me."
NEW YORK IIP) L. W. Churchill,
farmer near Westmoreland, N. H.,
hunters report, made doubly sure
this season that his cows would not
be mistaken for a deer or some
other wild animal. He painted
"C-O-W ' in large letter on their
sides. -
CAST MEMBER REPORTS Jamea Mason. Miirra.
meet a Koala bear hkh. makes
Oberon hover over Tltanla during dr9 rehtarul ef "Mlditimmer
Mfht's Dresm" at rebuilt j:.000.00 West Berlin Schiller-Theater.
FAMILY CROUP Jimmy Stewart, Ms wife. Gloria,
and family in Hollywood. Beven-monlh.old twin daughter are
Kelly (I.) and Judy. Jimmy stepsons, Mlchtel (1.), I, Ronalds 7.
Russ Patriarch
Dies at 6
MOSCOW W Izvestia, the gov
ernment newspaper, announced
Tuesday that Calllstrat. patriarch
of all Georgia, has died In Tbilisi
(Tims). He was m.
The patriarch was spiritual head
of all Orthodox Christians in Geor
gia, homeland of Gencrallsimo Jo
seph Stalin. Izvestia said funeral
services will be held nefl Sunday.
Nations Feud
In Antarctic
LONDON Ml Britain is sending
the 1.600 ton, well armed frigate
Burghcad Bay cruising in the dis
puted Antarctic territory where Ar
gentine shots fired In the air re
pulsed a British landing party last,
The firing occurred at an Island
in Hope Bay, near the northeast
ern peninsula of Grahamland. Both
Britain and Argentina claim terri
tory there. The British were trying
to re-establish a survey base at
Hope Bay.
Britain filed a vigorous protest of
the Incident with Argentine For
eign Minister Jeronimo Remorino
Monday. Remorino assured the
British charge d'affaires in Buenos
Alien that the armed Argentines
"acted In errqr" and that their or
ders had been "clarified."
It film debut with Ihrm In VBoUny
Grease Blamed
In Overflow
Don't pour that hot Rrcase down
the drain, ladies, because Cltv En
gineer E. A. (Taxi) Thomas won't
like it.-
Aral Taxi apparently has good
reason for that. .Lots of grease
down many drains' was attributed
by Thomas at City Council last
night for overflowing of the storm
pewer system and flooding of Es
planade underpass during the re
cent rainy spell last week,
He remarked when hundreds of
housewives pour hot kitchen grease
down their drains It not only even
lually cogs up the home disposal
System, but also proves costly and
time consuming to the city sewage
Thomas recommends the aystem
used bv Mrs. Thomas for getting
rid of the grease.
Pour It Into a container till It
becomes cold and hardens. Then
put It In the garbage.
That way, Thomas said, his de
partment will be saved unneces
sary work and the city a great
deal of. expense.
Closed Shop .
Use Charged
The Na
tional Labor Relations Board has
accused the Pacific Maritime As
sociation and the International
Longshoremen's and Warehouse
men's Union of violating the Taft
Hartley Law's closed shop ban.
The NLRB issued a complaint
Monday on behalf of 15 Individu
als who say they wore refused wa
terfront employment because they
were not ILWU members.
The NLRB said Harry Bridges'
ILWU and the PMA, an association
of West' Const waterfront emloy
ers, must rewrite their contract to
remove hiring halls from union
control; nut the 16 on ILWU work
availability lists, and make resti
tution to them for the time they
would have worked.
The Issue goes to a hearing
March 24.
1. ,
Maih9on and Talrlrla Medina.
St. u - nan s i -1 1 1 '
mrmjt m aivi va sfvv rsustiaiia..
NEW YORK ITI Actress Fan
nle Ward, the "eternal flapper"
and "Fountain of Youth girl,' left
a '940.000 estate, half if which wna
the remnant ol a fnbuloua nilllluu
dollar Jewelry collrctlon.
Arthur " u
' ma 1
Hri M-t)r(
ttOt Tenit.
1 '
yK riT -
STaa 111 I I --a
i' i . 't i i
' with RAYMOND BURR U , ).
IwffiuffllBL Vj II I V A A "'END'S
VHtVCrMAlTrtTHN" ON 1f 'M I iS tO j
Jigi PERREAU-, 1" f i
r i fbahces k . buy mmSmL
'Tim. s
1 Tal.
' fa
?9mMHsBMaMaWsM V
CaatlM ItiHv jFSl fMt-
m in twin
mm ii:cidiiit
v i Mi mi hub
I - Taaaa.ArTl
afVi mil
FROM 1:45 P.M.