PAGE TWELVE HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1982 leaving Mr. and Mrs. Plrtl Hitchcock will leave tomorrow morning for Redmond to attend funeral services for Hitchcock's aunt, Hitchcock and Steve Mosher, , truck aalea manager for the West Hitchcock Corporation returned yesterday by air from the East where they visited O.M.C. facto Ties at Detroit. They also visited Mllwaukie, Philadelphia, Cleveland and Hitchcock attended session of the National Council, Presbyterian Men, Chicago. ' Rhow The choir of Mt. Lakl cnurch is working hard on a show, "Dark Town Jamboree" to be ore- rented Feb. 16. No admission will be charged but a free-will offer Ing will be taken and all proceeds wm go to me ou name iund for the new Mt. Laki Church. It Is necessary to raise several thousand more dollars before the building can be started. See "Dark Town Jamboree," 7:30 p.m. In the high school gym. v ' Cancellation The League of Women Voters, "Know Your City Government" meeting to have been held at the home of Mrs. C. E. Dennis Wednesday has been cancelled. Square Dance The Elks Square uance ciud is to meet at 8 p.m. ai uie loage, wun otto cms call ing. Honor Meet Prosperity Rebekah Lodge in regular session Thurday night will honor Charlotte Martin and Nellie Wattenburg with a card and handkerchief shower. ' Members and friends of the Ambrleu Club will meet tonight at the home of Mrs. June Selby, 610 Mitchell. Please note change of meeting place. Henley PTA will meet t p.m. Wednesday In the high school. Pounder's Day will be observed with a tea. Home Extension Olene-Poe Val ley Home Extension srouo Is to I have an all-day meeting Thursday I at the Community Hall. The pro ject is to be ' step-saving kitchen. Water Meet A general meeting I for all water users of the Tulelake Water District is scheduled for to night In the Tulelake Lesion Ha 1. V o clock. - St. Mary's Altar Society of Sac-1 rea Heart cnurcn Is to meet at the parish hall Wednesday, potuck r.l 1 p.m. All attending are asked to Dring pens. Women of the Moose will hold their regular meeting In the Moose nan at 8 p.m. tonight. A drawing wiu oe neio ior iree aues. Lady Eagles Club will meet In the upper Eagles Hall at 7 D.m. Wednesday night for a potluck sup per ana cm as. Guests are wel come. 1 Footm Inters Meetine la sched uled for Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. at iucca s taie on a. ein. All mem bers are urged to attend. '- AJ' Ui sV ' V' ABOUT 40 PERSONS were attracted to the first nicht of flv-tvi at the Gun Store, among them Stephen Bleak (left), 1782 Kane, and Larry Brown (right). -wvi iwuicuaic, iLtuicu gciuug jusu'.ucuuns in me incKy art irom Cecil Drew, Cripple Falls, Walks Again GRAND RAPIlia, Mich. Ml Betty Postemit, who six venra ago thmiKht Bhc would never wulk attain. Is out of her wheelchair Tupaday, The protty 33-year old Calvin College secretary hud been pnra lyaed Mom tlio down limn a lull while she whs In hiuh aehool, Doclm's held no hopo for her re covery, lint Dally completed her education and went to work. Then. Inst April she foil from her wheelchair on the alcpa ol a college building. Sho landed on her anine, and Belly said, "lllo Jiml aeriurri to How Into my legs, 'llie mure I ex ercised the stronger tliey got." Surgeons said the second tumble apparently treed adhesions. Now Betty, alter months of prac ticing in secret. Is walk nu nualn She siiys: "It wus something that linpprned in UMi a providence." Heat Poses New Plane Problem CLEVELAND Ml - A new hurdle lor iilrpluiiu dcslgncis, a "heal wnll." Iiiin been iiii'iilloiicd bv John F. Victory, executive sccreliirv ul the Niulonal Advisory Comiiilllco lur Aci'oimiitlcK. Ho did not detail what he niciinl by a "In-ill wall." but It possibly Is the arced at which pliuie would bo slopped by the danger or Irid ium Iiiiiii thn iilr. Vlcloiy declined In a talk lo llie Cleveland chapter ol the American bncloly ol Mi'IiUn Hint planes cap able ol speeds belter limn twice Iho speed of sound were "wllhln the forcNocublc Inline." lie sulci Iho "sonlo barrier" llie speed o sound was once llie goal, but that now gelling through the "heat wall" was llie problem. To purify drinking water, Use one lliduzono tablet lo a quart ol water. spoils Afield. Free Yourself from laxative slavery Try this delightful family break fust I real I Eat a generous bowlful (about lit cup) of crlap, toaaty Kellogg's all-bran with sugar and cream. Drink plenty of liquids, all-iihan In tlio natural laxative cereal that may help yon back to youthful regularity, lost because of lack of bulk In your diet. Its tlio only type ready-to-eat cereal tlmt supplies all the bulk you may need, High In cereal protein, rich In Iron, provides essential B and D vitamins. Not habit forming, Why don't you try It? Kellogg's la so sure you'll Ilk ai.i.-iihan that If you're not com plrtnty n(lIr(i after 10 days, send empty carton to Kellogg's, Battle Creek, Mich., and get VOUBLI YOUR MONKY lACKl Cupid Pushed, Town Aroused Jolly Neighbors will meet to night, 7:30 at the home of Mrs. Pat Koesman, 2460 Applegate. Henley Grange meets Wednes day 6:30 p.m. for potluck supper to be followed by a program pre sented by toe Boy scouts. " Women of the Moose Drum Corps will practice Wednesday 7:30 p.m. In the Moos Hail in prepara tion for the heme talent play to be presented veti. 12, All members are urged to attend and to bring comedy "jstumes. This will be the . last practice oeiore the piay. -Midland grange will meet Wed nesday B p.m. in we Miaiana - grange hail. All members are urged to attend Vacationing Mr. and Mrs. Al. Tredway, 813 Lincoln will leave Sunday for a month's vacation with their son. Dr. James C. Tredway, heir daughter, Mrs. David Chris tianson and their families in Seat tle. Tredway is manager of Voight's Pioneer Office Supply. Tredway will also attend a gift show in the Olympic Hotel while North. Regular meeting of the Shut-in-Friends Club scheduled for Wed nesday has been postponed because of illness. The next meeting will be in March. . ' South Robert O. Sproat of the Klamath Furniture Co. is in San Francisco this week for buyer's market. He was accompanied by his brother-in-law . Neal Fife of Neal's Fountain who will spend ten days or two weeks In the bay area. Improving Mrs. Earl (Susanne) Hamilton, Marvin's is improving at home following surgery last week lend. ' Better Mrs. Henry (May) Con r4" has returned to her work as "manager of the glftwares depart 'ment at Miller's. ; Jayeoes Art BecVloe, Phil iHeath and Bill Friend were all in Mroduced as guests at last nighVs meeting of the Junior Chamber of Commerce. Registration was held for the forthcoming spring board i meeting scheduled for Pendleton later this month. Meets Wednesday Klamath Board of Realtors is scheduled to meet Wednesday noon at the Wtl lard. Program includes report of me directors' meeting at Portland, realtors' code of ethics and other business. All members are urged lo attend, Qomer Jones is presi dent of the board. BUCKSPORT. Me. Ml Civ c Son Born A son. named Steven groups here want to heln Dan Rose, was' born Jan. 14 to Mrs. Cupid push laggard celibates to- wanda L. Erwin, formerly of wards uie altar. Klamath Falls, and her husband. Thev'v arranged RunhAinrc' Sgt. Ross G. Erwin. at Mare is- Ball" at the high school avmnasium inim. viuic u. vnm. OKI. r.rwin. k hvn a rimriv rhA Hail ha. Marine, is serving aboard the aroused controversy in this town uiacr woo AjUS Allgcica Wlin uie I Ol 2.1KKJ people. 7l,!m. Ken. rh.iwA.nW- LM J' nanaer arnesi V i . . na,c euiu muiiuay uiKllt. uuicneon weanesaay i p.m. at "Thie ie nnt nr TanoI'e rri a T-l-.r t Aehnrn .haU. - , ... ..w, - r.v. man. extends tavUation to all lShJS? 2! Jlr AN EASY WAY TO HAVE A PIANO Tn ritn rnl levcljr new ilnit plana itbri inr i.aui t Jilailil I'taiio I it lit -pny 1-!0 N. lib, ! low munlhly ri. Afirr rtaaonahl ltn you t-ait If VSU Wlih. rhaiiva from runt In nur eha irf mttii, Thn rrnl alrvadjr paid ! all rrailllfd la yaur ptirchaae at'eouitt anq no oiDtr anwn pa mrni It liver tary. Tha rnonlttly pa)mtnl ran ba iiiua ninr man rni. ur, 11 you pra !r. yau ran vanllnuo lo rent. Daughters of the Nile. WAVES Get Quick Action or for the general economy of the town. "Married couoles are the ones wno duv and build homes. If we Ican Increase home ownership by raising ihe marriage rate everyone i win Deneiii." But Town Manager L. W. O'Con- nor sees a dark side to the pro posal. It s all right to promote" mar riages." he said. "But mcrriage There s nothing slow about this lfaos 10 cnuoren and tnat means modern age. uuuuihk more scuooia ai uie iax- Yesterday Donna Lea Cone. 20 payers' expense. 2126 Greensprlngs Dr., and Mar- 1 m not the man to discourage garet Dillstrom. 19. 1919 Worden. Cupid but I don't think he has to were enlisted in trie U.S. Navy w as waves through uie local re cruiting 5iauon. - rney lett last night oy plane, vnriPTV TrirP and arrived this morning in Bain- I bridge, Md., for recruit training. Dannpc TIia44 boui girls were attending OTI wnere tfley were enrolled as meal- rhett of about $200 from Klanv cal tectaiology students. Recruiter ath variety 8tore, 836 Main St. Frank Roemer of the local office sometime over the weekend was saia oom giris rtraivm uga in i reported to City Police late yes ings in their examinations. terday Miss Dillstrom was an OTI home stnre Mn rinnoM r. n.rh... coming princess the past year. told police the cash was kept in two registers and a cash drawer. IM Dw aiPrPHTT . nee Firm Formed The Mentl-Newlun Aircraft Corp. has been established and set uo at the Municipal Airport, with Max Menu and Lloyd (Pop) Mewlun as owners. The corporation replaces the Menti-Whiteline Aircraft Service. operated by Menu and John White line, and the Oregon Aircraft Serv ice, operated by Allen Mocabee Jr.- SCD Election Verdict Today The results of yesterday's elec tion In Eastern Klamath County to determine whether or not the Lan gell Valley Soil Conservation Dis trict should be enlarged to Include some three-quarters of a million more acres of land will be an nounced later today. - A committee was scheduled to count the ballots, drawn from polls at Bonanza and Bly and from ab. scntee ballots mailed In by voters. Landowners in the area were eligible to vote. The Langell Valley SCD has been selected as a pilot 'district for a survey for .improvements of public lands, and the lands within the proposed inclusion would become a part of the pilot district should the election favor Ihe inclusion. Woman Killed, Five Injured HILLSBORO l.fl Five crsons. two of them children, were criti cally Injured and a woman was killed In a collision near here Mon day. Mrs. Ruth Helen Will, about 60, driver ol one of the cars. died. Joe Thomas of Astoria was the driver of the other vehicle. The 'nlured were Mr. and Mrs. Thomas, Mrs. Virginia Foshee and her daughter. Linda, of Long Beach. Calif., and another child, Jean Voel-ker. TONIGHT INSTEAD CHILOQUIN Mayor William Lorenx has announced the councl meeting regularly scheduled for Wednesday night has been slated for tonight instead. You're invited to the ANNUAL Foreman's BROADWAY HALL at, Feb. 9 MUSIC BY MCDONALD'S ORCHESTRA ADMISSION: $1.00 Per Person " Sponsored by Mglin Fire Deportment 9th and Pine PHONE 3188 CLEARANCE! WOMEN'S WINTER COATS V Toilorcd and Fur Trimmed All Wool Fobrici we must make woy for new Sprinq merchandise. ALL SIZES, MANY STYLES REG. 22.50 REG. 24.75 REG. 35.00 REG. 45.C0 NOW NOW NOW NOW 1500 2000 2300 3000 Ninth and Pin (7- & Phone 3188 MIRBARC for mny the Hum! i Rem in thi UUtA Main Moador, February 4, 1 929 Mr. ond Mrs. Henry Mock, resi dents of Indiona, hove arrived In Klamath Foils to visit until middle summer ot the home of Charles Mock, brother of Mr. Mock. Mrs. Mock is o counsin of M. H. Wampler of Rocky Point. Tuesday, February 5, 1 929 Plans hove been completed for the -high school benefit dance, which will be held at the Alramont pavilion Friday evening. Proceeds will be used to purchase uni forms for the Pelican troubadours, the high school orchestra. The orchestra personnel is: Jack Harney, Harold Robertson, Matt Kohn, Bob Morrison ond Hubert Totton. . Wednesday, February 6, 1929 Mrs. Lucille Barnes has been elected president of the Community chorus for the ensuing year. Other officers elected to preside with Mrs. Barnes ore: Irma Smith, vice president; Thora Miller, secretory ond treasurer; Mrs. Fred Cofer, pionist; Miss Helen Abbey, assistant pianist; Mrs. Kathryn Bryon Brunton, director. Thursday, February 7, 1929 Henry Gerber of the American Na , lionol Bonk has left for Son Francisco from which point he soils the last of the week for on extended tour of the world. He hos planned his trip so he will be allowed ample time in all the larger cities of the world. Mr. Gerber hos been planning on the trip for more than two years. Friday, February 8, 1929 Frank Ira White presided as host over on enjoyable bridge evening ot his home near this city lost Thursday. Guests were: Mr. ond Mrs. Fred Fleet, Mr. ond Mrs. George Gates, Mr. ond Mrs. Syd Evans ond Mr. Frank Apple gate. Saturday, February 9, 1929 A meeting of the railroad and merchant's committees of the Chamber of Commerce will be held Februory 1 1. Members of the railroad committee are A. J. Voye, chairman; Walter West, Claude McColloch. The merch ont's committee is composed of E. W, Vannice, chalrmon; George Barnhorr, Roy Durbin, M. P. Evons, T. W. Deliell, Albert Moy ond C. H. Underwood. "Insure With Landry" Jlan&uf, Ga. LIABILITY FIRE " '' ' : V. T. Johnson John A. McCall D. L. Thomas , AUTO PROPERTY" 419 Main Street Phone 2-2526 LvJ . . - .l.L....,r ::::: : . '.v ' , tv ' S''VA iii,M.n.HMii riiii.iiinnii iiiiiii. 1 1 11 r 1 I m tllf HMMnmlil ilnii li 1 nn n duMKfaviMMM- ,iu.i-uim.J.ntl f, f.tZ.l.A -1. LAWNMOWER LAYAWAY SALE iVZZTZiZT. (A) REGULAR 26.95 STREAMLINED MOWER 24.88 1 o-inch size. 4 spiders hold the ' ; blades in alignment. Ball bear-, ingi in reel and roller. Hub caps and shrub' bar chrome plated. (Grass catcher is extra.) (B) WARDS MASTER . ALUMINUM MOWER . Reg. 28.45 26.88 -inch size. Combines rugged ness wilh light weight. Ball bearings in cutting reel, drive . wheels, rubber-covered roller. (C) WARDS LAKESIDE CAST-IRON MOWER 22.95 1 o-inch . size. Rigid east-Iron frame. 3 spiders lo hold blades in lirle. Ball bearings in culling reel and rubber-covered roller. (D) REGULAR 19.95 WOOD HANDLE MOWER (E) REGULAR 107.50 18-INCH POWER MOWER 18.88 99.88 16-inch size. Enclosed wheels with serai-pneumatic tires and a husky, cast-iron frame. Ball bearings in the culling reel. An easy-slarfing gasoline engine. Runt more than 10 hours on one gallon of gasoline. Con venient fingertip speed controls. Paul 0. Lr.tJry J