rWKSIMY, KERKUAHY f5, K).ri2 jft REAL ISTMl FOR SALI ' SHASTA WAY I'lvn room Iuiiiiii mi ik'W nnniTtr tuimriiilloii. r;lt'riiic licici nml wiiIit lulik, nice alwd IIvIiih room ntul cllnliiK room. 1 iu ill' ul miilubli' (or K.uilrn nr another liiiinr, Hliown by 1 l i 1 1 1 it-1 1 1 . I'rlre $nwi, ITiiiK, ALSO BUILDING LOTS l'J luln will) Kill loot frontline, on Bmilh Hlxth HlriTt, hv 210 feet (Im'ii with m fool ullrv. Hiiltnhle for Iwm- IIMII. Plllfl Uoocl trllll. A I It If Mu.noll , Eiltlle Hwiley Uvea. U7U 2 0188 BOGUE DALE, Realtor 111 8. Dill I'iiuiie 1201) A PltlZK KOIl A LAND WIFE FARM INVESTOR All level liinil, Willi rlili dcpoMl.i of Mtndy Innin for top iTOir1 ylrlit. ;!i:t iici'i's IitIkiiKmI, 0(1 iKttrit In n If it I Tu . Will prixliirn iinv kind of riopn to Iiimiii- nollil piolltn. MAClllNKItV Ac IltJII. MINUS Fully i'iiilipi'il for liluli near pro (luclloii. Cninplrtr lint of nil ni'tr.v niiy iiiiii'lilni'ry for Minwlul oper iilion l.i inrliiiltd , , . nil lute model cqiilpinriHI Hun coinfortiiblo 5 room home u-liich frultiirn h. lame kllehen nnd two nice bedrooms. Outbuildings arc nil In Hood rondltlon nnd In fludc luiuonii ollierni it iiwirhlnc MieU. lui'KC burn, pump Iiout, Iiok house nnd enttlc fthrcln. I.OCATKIJ IN LANOEI.L VALI.KV ON Ci(X)l) HOAI) ONLY ONE MII.E I'llO.M HCIIOOU-j. Thin Is one n( the hrrtt farm dralh wo ve hem iibl"" to nllcr lor a hum time. $115,000 takni everything. Cnll us NOW I Don Kli k put i Irk. HalrMiiini i Evening Phone OHlOi EVERETT DENNIS REALTOR 121 No. Blh Thone 8101 FOR SALE Clieiprr Than (lent 303 ncrc.i, $45 er, paved road. 115 level, 200 under ditch BOc wiiter eleclrlclly good well, will trade. Two mile Irom Merrill BOX 11311 MKHHILL $10,000 I. Ivlnit room, llrcplni e, din ing room, kitchen, twn bedrooms, bath, utllltv. Floor lurnnre. eml Hardwood flcmrn. In Mills. $11,500 Living room, kitchenette, two bfdroim. bath, utility. Floor lurnnre. Piaster d. Hardwood , throughout. Alinched garage. Only one yrar old. In Mill.i. $7.500 Living room, kitchen, two bedrooms, sun porch, bath, utility, tileam heat. Large garage. Mills. $5.000 Living room, two bedrooms. kitchen, 'Utility. Continuous founda tion, south Suburbs. VERNON DURANT ANDY SILANI , REAL ESTATE C31 So. Sixth Phone BIOS. 5544 or 1923 CHEAPIE Special price If sold this week. Very neat, clean, small 2 bedroom home partially furnished. Modern In every respect. Oil heat, electric range and water heater. On city sewer. Near store Ac school. ONLY $2,800. Reasonable terms to the right party. BARGAIN HUNTERS ATTENTION "rhls cray galoot Is practically giving his home away just because lie wants to move to a warmer climate.. Neat and clean, 2 bed. rooms, garage nnd 'j acre fenced In the South Suburbs. Paved street past the door. Shown by appoint ment. $4,200. TERMS. MILLSADDITION NEW 6 room homo. - Extra large living room, dining room, lint d- wood doors, insulated, garage. paved street and concrete walks. What morn could you for? Prlcttl for quick sale at $0,500. FHA J'lnancod. Income Property Modem 3 bedroom brick home with full basement AND 9 modern furn. Ished apartments. Oood close In location. Nearly 100',;. occunancv High percentage of Incomo for the amount of Investment. $25,000. Reasonable terms. Shown by ap polntmcnl. . Al Loiigmhc Eves. 6124 Joe Perry Eves. 5332 BURTON E.GRAY. REALTOR & 1N8URANCE 1031 Main St. Ph. 3065 or 3421 EXCKLI.ENT INC'OMK PUOPEHTY Lnrniecl un Stnln Sirncl. Will aril or Irndp for stock rnnrh. nnil imuiuc. . TOIIitLST CAK1NS Si 8EI1VICE STATION l.onilril nil Mlmiwuy I 111. on Itomie Itlvcr lirni- Clold llr.lrll. Tills In A i-pnl buy at Sl.nou. t;uo(l terms. Wo Imvp plc. lurch nl Inn propoily St the afrlcfl. MWIIOtlHE HRAI. KM'i'ATK 21111O s. 111I1. i'linno iiii.ii or no IS KOK SAI.F. nearly npw five room hnint, nnrdwooil floorr, inruo Harden. Cnmulelc ty furnished. Slirillll. lenns. Phono. ll-l;i.Ul, .'lulu Clinton Aveiu e. NICB' .two berlronm llome In Merrill, ?-irnr.c, rleclrle heal, Insulnled. Yard enred Jnwn and NhrlibN, $020tt L ,C Eiiillh. Pholia 114 McrrllL 30 RtAt ISTATI FOR SALI The Buy of the Week In Hot Springs lli'iiullfiil 3 bedroom liomo with 2 btiilia. Lnme parly room, wti II 1 J Willi curpotliiK lover liurdwooil floorm III 1 1 io llvlnu nnd dlnlnu room. l.ii'Ke rornnr fllrpluce. blu kllehen with (Huetle npnee, new oil (in nine In til" bniemenl nnd double. Kiiruue, On well Inndftriippcd corner lot. Hliown by anpolntmciit only. All thin (or only .2.100 down nnd $10 per month. NEW MODERN 2 BEDROOM In Hot NprlnKK. Tll beautiful homn wim built lint ycur. Yard is completed, with luwn, iiulomtitlc copper njirlnkler ny-itcm, htone wiill, rlc. Full concrete Iji'M'incnl. completii with itnriiKe, work nhop, utility room, In me puny room with bur nnd ni'cnnd (Ircplnce. Fully In. nulitled, elrclrlc hcut, comfortable n'uinile el I til I ik room, natural wood ciiblni'1.1 In klU-lin, tiled bath, unci it world of built In Morale ripticc. Call un (or nppolntment now. Income Property In MIIIh Addition. 3 neat, clenn hourteK, each on ftepitrale adjoining lot. (iood neluhborhood; always rented, hleady Income, Full price 112.000, tin them now, 3 BEDROOM HOME Near Mills, Kiliool. Attractive, well coti.'dructrd, Capo Cod. Autoumtlc 1 licnt. attached it'irauc. Total price l)500. FH.A. tenim. Open KvcnliiKi by Appointment See Don Blonn I'll. S058 Even. limner Slllrs 2-24(10 Kves. Fred Scott 6703 Eves. CHILCOTE & SMITH Hlncc 11)01) 1111 N. 0th 81 ; I'h. 4504 or 5520 I HOT SPRINGS Well kept two btdronin home. Flre plaer, gocl ba.'.cnirnt, nice yard. $8750. ; SUBURBAN i lively two iH'driHiin home In St. Frimrls Park with electric heat, j S8750. I XXX Three bedroom home on Collage Avenue. acre soli, all fenced, nice lawn and trees, laruc straw berry bed and garden space, good chicken house. $5600. Income Property Two neat houses on one lot Partly furnished. Item Income $70 month, Belling price $5500. BEARD AGENCY Realtors and Insurance 1020 Main Ph. 2-3471. 4880 There's a little 100 ACRE BEAUTY waiting for you in Shangri-La Valley nare. but well-worked clover land, virgin lust Uimed, rich, deep and dark. She's your prlw baby for $.10,000 ca.ih. $7,500 will handle straight caMl lease or terms 'j per year at 4'a'r. Capable shelling out $30,000 per year to you If you do your stuff. First come, first served. For date, call Lorella 2105. or, II you're willing to take a chance on being too alow when dame oppor tunity knocks at your door write a letter stating your qualifications to Owner, Box 101, Klamath Falls. POWERFUL little POTENT So BIO ENOUGH! 1 OWNER LEA VINO TOWN Says "Sell quick". Lovely two bed. room home with garage remodel. ed Into 3rd bedroom or rumpus room, wen located In Mills Addl. tlon. Lovely lawn and fenced backyard. Needs some redecora ting, but will sacrifice at only iso. Appraisal tFHA) for full selling price. PAT HOWES JOHNNY BLAYLOCK Realtors Phone 2-35456446 1035 Main Evenings R911 Fisher 8910 Brucp Owens Merrill 149 YALTA GARDENS Outstanding three bedroom home less than two years old. Large liv ing room and dining room. Beauti ful kitchen with Youngstown cnbl- ncts, oe dishwasher, I'd baths, hardwood floors, lame aarane. In. sulatcd walls and ceilings, sprin. kllng system, fenced yard, barbequo pn. r-ricca ior quicg sale, $14,700 terms, HILLSIDE AVENUE Comfortable two bedroom homn on comer lot. Excellent condition throughout. Nice kitchen and dhv Ing room, utility room, finished rumpus room or extra bedroom In basement. $8500 terms. SUMMERS LANE Three bedroom modern home on ni acres, fine soil. Concrete founda tion, chicken house and brooder house. ALSO, neat guest house or rental unit at rear. Going for $1350 with $1150 down, balance at 4 per cent OI. HARRY VAN (Eves. JOE LEONARD (Eves. 8204) 2-0627) AL SCHMECK REALTOR Mid INSURANCE 517 Main ' Phone 3211 42 LIVISTOCK SPECIAL LIVESTOCK AUCTION WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 6, 1 P.M. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON 30 RANGE BULLS 30 lOHEGIHTKHKU IIKREKOIID BULLS lO-ItEOIBTEIIED POLI.KD HEREFORD BULLS 10-BLACK ANGUS BULLS (NO PAPERS) ItlJHHF.LL BAKER OP WKIHER. IDAHO IS CONHIONINO 20 HEAD OP THESE COMINO TWO YEAR OLD HEREFORD BULLS. THE BLACK HULLS ARE AIXO COMINO TWO YEAR OLDS. NONE OF J THK.SK BULLS ARE FITTED AND WILL BE BOLD IN RANGE CON- LlI'MON. ALSO OUR USUAL RUN OF 300-500 HEAD OF CATTLE -HOGS -SHEEP AUCTION EVERY WEDNESDAY LIVESTOCK TRUCKS FOR HIRE 1 HEAD OR A CARLOAD WHEN YOU WANT TO BUY OR SELL LIVESTOCK IT IS KLAMATH LIVESTOCK, Inc. PHONE 3011 E. BOB RHODES, Auctioneer PHONE 4032 46 FINANCIAL LOANS $$MONEY$$ ON THE FIRST CALL ! Up to 1500 on your uu On otir talary or furniture up to $300 -"Pay Day" loam a specialty 110, $35. 150 loaned till "pay day" or longer. $25 costs but It centi for one week. No other charges. LOCAL LOAN CO. 115 No. 10th BL M-354 DON Mi.'INTYRE, Mgr. Yeart Friendly Service 30 REAL ISTATI FOR SALI CATTLE-GRAIN TIMBER $5 lo $15 per acre buys good ranch and timber land at Gov't, State and County land Sales. FREE LAND CATALOG. Pacific Lanls 1021 KE Cahuenga Blvd. Hollywood 28. Cain, FOR SALE 5 room home, full basement, fire place, close hi location, near schools, j churches, stores, walking distance city center. Immediate possession, Price $8250. Terms. Nearly new 5 room home In Hot Springs District, full basement, large play room with fireplace, wall to wall carpet In living and dining room, electric heat In all rooms. Shown by appointment only. 2 bedroom home North of Main Street, concrete foundation, part basement. Immediate possession, price $4600. Reasonable down pay. incut, balance mommy. See Fred Cofer Bob Stephens (Evenings 9230) Barnhisel Agency 112 S. 8th Phone 4195 FOR SALE 88 ACRE TULELAKE HOMESTEAD By Owner Nine acres new seeding clover. Price $34,500 R. C. ISOM Ph. 7-1252 FOH BALK by owner! Two bedroom heme. 2 blocks of Mtlli School At' tachd laraiif belnB used for third bed' 100m. An old hou yet In excellent condition. Selling t $4730. only S500 down. owner win unnnce. u in wr ested In thli type of home, can be eMi t 2129 Oalt after a p.m. NKW HOMES for Powell. Phone wao. Mle. William B FUEL HEATING STANDARD HEATING OILS Stove Furnace Heavy Fuel DEPENDABLE Check and Pill System METER PRINTED TICKETS Your Quarantee Of Heating Satisfaction FRED H. HEILBRONNER 'Fuels that Satisfy Plus Service" ' .oin. mm 821 Spring St. Phone 4153 BATT Pour or blown In Insulation. Ba sin muining niairrinii. 4784 South Sixth Street. Phnne 2-3.1(11). S & H GREEN STAMPS fflven on heat Inn oils Phone 3681 or 3.0260 for oromot delivery. CLIFF YAOEN-S SIGNAL 8ERVICK 2.160 So flth WAntrs SMrrTDhr-v 4 ft. X 0 ft. , in. thick $1.84. 4 fl. xH ft. ' in. thick. 2.O0 DO lb. ronl ronflnt. red or frern. $3.93. MONTGOMERY WARD pihand Pine Phone 3188 STANhXnn tncATiMn int'"- 8t,e. furnace Hint fuel. coal. wood. normal Pvtnn nri r IL1K M arkAl Phone 5149 ' $14 per qunre. Call Montgomery Ward for frrp timl nn .Miua anH pon'ln. itutalletl. MONrnnucnv WAnn - fllh nnd Pine Phone 31 en UKV pino block!) for xale Udaii eve nlnns nnd ycckcnda. Metiers Bron. PKKSTOLOTjs pickup or delivered, Cliff Vfldent Rionnl fitarvlr 1U Hn fllh Phnne MR! or 3-9280 98 BOATS PETS SPORTS HOBBIES TWO five monthH old kittens to give awny. snort nniren hut not ordinary an they tirr part Pernlan. Old enough io t-atcii mice, rnona win iter o p.m. HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON I POULTRY MIDLAND ROAD Phone 2-2531 i 8-276 I 31 BOATS PETS SPORTS HOBBIES ANDERSON Boarding Kennels Phone 3047 flflBB Pelawa-e ft Homedale BOARDING KENNELS Oof boarding by day, week or month Sanitary kennels Well balanced diet Clean Individual outdoor runt for each dog Doga nandled durlcg mating. Will pick up and deliver. VUltors Welcome Phono $07$ Merrill Ra Rt 2. Uon 504 SHASTA CASCADE KENNELS 42 LIVESTOCK 4 POULTRY POULTRY WANTED Cub paid (or ny amount Top market prfces for good quality. For quotations ' PHONB 3W7 ' KLAMATH POULTRY FARMS FOR "fe ALE aSa herd only, 20 head Ouernsey cow and 8 helfert to fresh en between now and May. One regis tered Guernsey . bull. Thete cows are well bred and heavy producer ana mofel ot them vaccinated. Will sell all dairy equipment. De Laval milker. Au tomatic cooling unit and milk cans. Complete set up for Grade A dairy. See Roy Klatt. 4103 Summers I-ane. ARTIFICIAL BREEDING SERVICE Phone 5721 M C iChurkl Warren. Pt 2. Box A22 WANTED colored hens Phone 4331 HIGHEST prices oald for poultry, bogs and llvejtock. BIO V MEAT MARKET Lakevlew Junction Phone 4620 4i M'SCELLANEOUS WANTED WANTED to rent, 3or 4 room "fur" nbhed apartment or house, by man ager of Rogers Jewelers. Phone 3704. WANTED lo lene. armit'i to J(tu arret. Long or short term lease. Write Iterald News Box 48.1. WANTfcD lo rent. Two bedroom fur nlihed house. Very good references. Phom fKt:t. Rojr Motor Co 6th and Plum. WANTED to rent. Dcaiteratelv need nice five or six larie roomed home UnfurntAhrd- reference. responsible nari'v pnone" Mini. WANTED to rent, house furnished nr unfurnished by Murrh 1st. In good condition, tip to 70. Close in pre feared. Phone J.2270. WANTED mower for Oliver rnw-cron. J. A. Cone. Rt. It. Box 234K. City. 4 FINANCIAL LOANS IMMEDIATE Cash Loans Borrow Py OnJ S100 (7.27 Ma Repay In 18 Installments UP TO 1300 ON FURNITURE OR SALARY UP TO 11300 ON CARS rm IDEAL PLACE TO BORROW Convenient Location Convenient to Borrov Convenient to per Locally owned New Cars nanc4 at bank ratea -MONEY IN A HURRY" Motor Investment Co. 20 yean servtnc Klamath Basin See 'Chuck" Bailey Mt lit N 7th Sb Phone 332b 8-341 M-27S Commercial Furnishes Cash.' CASH LOANS 190 to S300 Auto - Purnltuie Livestock Salary ISO to $500 Automobiles (paid tor or not) Private Sale of Autos Financed Make your deals CASH deals I Commercial Finance Corporation Bob O'Connor, Mgr. W No flth Phon 7711 48 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FdTii LEASE by major oil company, out of town truck mat ion dotni InrRO gftllnnnfte lit Inventory only. Contact William Carpenter, P.O. Box 952, Eu Rene. Oregon. 51 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE HIGH chair. 6 year baby crib, Ironrlte mnngle. Phone 2-2731. FOR SAl.R HO ton rrntti onlilna haled alfalfa. Phone 2-1067 or evenings. AUTOMOTIVE $25.00 Down SPECIALS!' WE WILL SELL THESE OUTSTANDING VALUES FOR j IMMEDIATE DELIVERY THIS WEEK ONLY ON THE ABOVE TERMS! 41 Old "18" Sedan. Hydra 45 '41 Ford Convertible 4!o 41 Pontlac Streamliner . ... t4M '41 Chev. Su. Dlx. CIO. Cue. IMS j '41 Nash "600" Sedan $345 '38 Buitk Special 4 KLAHN NASH CO. 606 South 6th WE'LL GIVE YOU YOUR MONEY BACK If you don't like one of our Used Cars after 2 DAYS. Try the car, check it over then if you your wife or your mother- in-law says "No ', bring it back ! 1946 Buick .: '. S 997 1 1949 Olds $1697 11946 Ford- $ 797 194&; Dodge $1167 TRUCKS -U , '44 Int. VA Ton $797 '49 Chev. l'2 Ton .... S1497 '36 Ford l'2 Ton .... $ 297 '49 Dotlge Ton .... $1297 YOU GET THE BEST AT DUGAN & MEST DODGE PLYMOUTH DODGE "Job Rated" TRUCKS 522 So. 6th 51 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE in-the-way things become pay-things Through "For Sale-1 ads. Yes. things in your way are quickly turned into cash through these mighty little classilied ads. They find buyers lor every thing Irom plywood to pianos, heaters to house-trailers, tin and slate to real estate. Let a Classilied ad transform What you'd like to sell into " "something you want now. some thing you always want . . . CASH ! phone 81 1 1 for an ad-writer DRIVEWAY MATERIAL FARMER'S Sand and Gravel Co. J. M. Barnes M. J. Barnes Ph. 7659 Ph. 7991 FOR SALE. Cushman Moton Scooter with Bide car Phone 7447 aftel ;eV 6 p.m. IHON FIREMAN floor furnace. Com plete with tank, tubing. 1770 Kane. Phone 2-1272. FOR SALE -military jeep tire. Brand new. Slightly damaged. 700x13. Made offer. Phone 2-3310. 14 DAY FREE TK1AL Try the new Sunbeam Shavemaster at home befnre you buv. Onlv $26 50. R1CKYS JEWELERS 700 Main no:te 3151 CRUSHED rock and driveway cinder. Phone 2-1167. USED FURNITURE values can alwav be found at Klamath Furniture Co. 221 Main. Phone 5353. 8-INCH concrete culvert pipe, 70 cents per foot. PEYTON & CO DRIVEWAY MATERIALS. Bnrt. 9755. Phone Joe OIL storage tanks. Peyton and Co. 835 Market. driveway cinders. LANDSCAPING, evergreens, shrubs and trees. We trim, spray and remove large trees. LAKES 11 ORE GARDENS NURSERY Phone 4288 D-2 Calapillnr. Gooa condition. M. M Cllne. Bly. Ore. ADDING MACHINES, calculators, type writers, cash registers, desks, chairs, files for sale or rent. PIONEER OFFICE SUPPLY 623 Main Phone 7412 ELKCTROLUX CLEANER and polisher and supplies. Phone 7167 farket Tweet. D2i Market BROKEN window glass reptneed, baits Glass Shop. Phone TMO. GLASS furniture tops and shelves made to order. Kimball's Glass Shop Phone 7378. HAMILTON-BEACH vacuum. $13-73. Ph. 92(10. . CHROMATIC HARMONICAS. German made. Sale priced from M.05. Standard iO note Harmonicas, values up to 52.40 now 89c. Ocarinas. "C'-ffilc: "G"-4fc. Now on sale. Derby's Music Co. 120 North 7th. Phone 4."Ui. GET YOUR SNOW CAPS NOW1 We buy used tires. O.K. Rubber Weld rn. 2391 So 6th Phone 4:il5 FOK SALE. D-4 caterpillar. S4250. Phone Montague. California 207X ' inch piywooo. Miitacea botl tides JtH Fhet. Phone 3593. liijii VKAiufiKHOUSE 24 toot factory built Travclease. Aluminum covered. Crmolcte bsthrom. Phone 2157 Bonanza. FOR SALE. Coldspot refrigerator, foot. 53. 4.148 Shasta WILL DISCOUNT new spray gun. also used air rcfittlnlor and hose, with all connections. Phone 2-0783. . NEED a metal funnci.' We've got 'enu Basin Building Materials. 4784 South Sixth St. Phone 2-2.1ii3. FOR SALE, first and second cutting baled alfalfa. S miles below Lakevlew Junction on Merrill Highway. Phone 2-I23H. 4 TOOT Electric .refrigerator. $60. Phone 2-92&1. ' FOR SALE, upright piano. Made b Rtcca and son;-. New von, naitmi nnisn. Phone after six. U S.'iLt". are H. . 'Jitlr oil .icater Like new. $73. Sec at 2;t Winter Ave. WANTED a corruRatod tin build ntf to wreck or move. Box 477 Herald and Nows. ' 53 AUTOMOTIVE FOR SALE 1(13 Ford pickup. Rndio. healer. Motor excellent Call 2-3120. FOH SALE. 1050 Chevrolet 2-door. Low mileage. Good shape. 9I403. Will fi nance. L. D. Hodges, Phono 323, Mai in 40 Olds L-60 Sedan $395 , iu riyiiiuuin opi-c. uix 3X.-zz!S 38 Dc&oto Coupe $175 : - Dr. Sedan $195 Phone 3650; and get your money! 1947 Pontiac $1147 1949 Studebaker ...... $1347 1947 Plymouth $ 997 1950 Chevrolet $1647 ir PICKUPS '49 Ford Ton $1097 48 Int. Ton $1097 '49 Dodge Pwr. Wgn. S1897 '42 Chev. i2 Ton .... $ 547 Phone 8101 VISIT JUCKELAND S BEE HIVE ' USED CAR LOT You'll be delighted when you see these fine cars . . . trade-ins on lamous HUDSON Wasps & Horn ets! You .won't get stung . . . 'cause every one is a HONEY! 1941 PONTIAC 2-Dr. Sedan 425 1949 1947 1947 Hudson Cm ' $ s1695 4-Dr. Sedan Studebaker 5-Pass. Cpe. 1050 '1195 $1435 1365 OLDS 78" Dlx. Sedan Hudson Com. "6" Sedan Hudson Sup. '6" Sedan 1948 1948 1948 1948 1949 PACKARD S s1465 Sedan Chev. 5-Pass. Club Cpe. $1145 PACKARD SirQc Custom Sedan lOO 1 949 prVs"n: 1795 1951 1951 Hudson Pace- rrv Maker'6" 4-Dr.OOU BUICK '40'1 $)r or Dlx. 4-Dr. ZZYO v COMMERCIAL & SPECIAL 1947 DODGE TON PANEL Heater SnQr Excellent condition O O JUCKEL'AND MOTORS llth & Klamath Phone 2-2581 For a NEW or USED TRUCK Always See "JERRY" or "JUCK" Your International Truck Dealer . JUCKELAND TRUCK SALES llth and Klamath Phone 2-2581 COMPLETE Radiator , Service CLEANING FLUSHING - REPAIRING . BALSIGER MOTOR CO. Main at EsDlanade BEST VALUES! USED TRUCKS -CARS GUARANTEED AS REPRESENTED vVesr-Hirchcock Corp. YOUR GMC DEALER 77 8. 7th . Phone mi BUS SARGANT'S USED CARS WE BUY. SELL AND TRADE Corner Shasta Way and Arthur Streeta Phone eaos COMPLETE auto Prompt, reasonable. Shop. Phono TJ1U. glass serviqe. Kimballs Glass AUTOMOTIVI A- YOUR CHOICE , . - . - i 1 950 Chevrolet Radio, heater 949 Mercury Has overdrive, heater YOUR CHOICE 2-l950Ford,6,Cus.Dlx.Tudors Both have radio and heater YOUR tf' l R choice prMO 1942 Ford Spr. Dlx. Club Cpe. Radio, heater 1941 FordSuperDlx.Fordor Radio, heater 1941 DeSoto Custom Sedan Radio, heater 1941 Chevrolet Club Coupe rii.. t j i .... ' iudaici- vui,. ivauio. Olds '66' 94 Radio, heater YOUR CHOICE 1 939 Buick Super Sedan Heater 1 940 Ford Del uxe Sedan ' Heater . 1939 Chev. Master 2-Dr. Sdn. Heater 1940 Stude. Champ. Clb. Cpe. Heater For On-The-Spot appraisals, see JACK MILLER ! Home phone 4202 Sundays or evenings BALSIGER USED CAR LOT 2152 South Sixth PRICE - CONDITION j WARRANTY CHECK ALL THREE AGAINST ANY CAR LISTED BELOW YOUR DOLLARS DO DOUBLE DUTY ON THESE CARS!! 1950 PONTIAC 4-Dr. Sedan. Radio, heater, hydramatic, seat covers, tutone paint, sun visor, undercoated. A one owner :ar $1945 A Saiety-Tested Car 1950 OLDS "88" Rocket 4-Dr. Radio, heater, hydramatic, one owner, tutone paint. The newest jsed car today tO" C A Safety-Tested Car p.U40 1948 OLDS "98" Club Sedan Radio, heater, hydramatic, seat covers, good tires. A one-owner car (tlOOC I A Salcty-Tested Car pi07J 197 OLDS "98" Deluxe Sedan Radio, heater, hydramatic. Grey, green tutone paint Job. A local car that has had t" "l ir C good care P I I DJ 1947 OLDS "98" Club Sedan Radio, heater, good tires. Runs like new. Brown and beige tu tone body. Safety-Tested $1195 CALL FOLLOWING SALESMEN DAY OR NIGHT Harvey Wyatt, . . . . Ph. 3454 Steve. Walker .... Ph. 6702 DicloB; Miller Co., 7th and Klamath Phone 4103 1938 LA SALLE, good condition. $190. WHY WALK? or best Oder 134 No. 3rd. Phone 1-176S. DRIVE MORE MOTOR! 30J E Main Phone 3S7B "We will Mil TOR SALE. 11)48 Chevrolet Fleetllne vour ear for ou " W. buir and tr.del door sedan. Radio, heater. 1009. Phone Aft NEED L'AHHi ut top prie now. 5S45. Ron Motof Co, tta anal num. PAGE ELEVEN" USED CAR SPECIALS $1595 I Sedan Club Coupe $1585 neater Club Couoe $95 Phone 4354 1950 FORD '8' Pickup H Ton J Standard transmission, cab and t box In A-I shape. I One owner (tlOOC S A Safety-Tested Car Cp I ZVD i I 1949 CHEVROLET 4-Dr. Sedan Radio, heater. Very clean and In I ;ic-tvii uuu ill V $1395 i A-l shape. A Safety-Tested' Car 1949 OLDS Rocket "98" 4-Dr. J Fully equipped and guaranteed. Service record I A Safety-Tested Car $1895 i 1947 OL1DS "68" Sedan. - t Fully equipped. Perfect black i body. Oood oversize tires j Mechanically ClfiO perfect - - plU7J 1948 CHEVROLET Fleetllne 2-Dr. , Radio, heater, n!c Interior, good body. A quality car. Buy with confidence and save on our low rce. $1095 . :4 V ' v