AM TEN HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON TUESDAY, EKBRUARY fl, !!S2 JAMES ALVIS BRADSHAW of Bonanza, who was in the Marines when this picture was taken but now is in the Navy, has been assigned as an instructor at the Naval air technical training cen ter, Memphis, a school from which he was graduated. He has been stationed at West over Field, Mass. Bradshaw was recently married to Miss Mary Ellen Prior of Springfield, Mass. Escapist Runs Into War s HOLL1S. OMa. lTI A German farm worker who came to the Unit ed States because he was "tired of war," has been drafted Christian Kreuzhermes, 22. came here only seven months ago He expects his citizenship papers oon HOTELS OSBURN HOLLAND EUGENE, ORE. MEDFORD Thoroughly Modern Itr. and Mrs. J. E. Earley Proprietors and Joe Earley NOW Every Wednesday (Open 24 hrs. Every Day) DOUBLE S&H GREEN STAMPS CliffYaden's SIGNAL SERVICE 2560 So. 6th Friendly Helpfulness To Every Creed and Punt Ward's Klamath Funeral Home Marguerite M. Ward and Sons 92S High Phone 3334 Canlfield ""Whenever 1 step on tbe scales and don't 9km what I read, my first thought is Ayds." REDUCE WITHOUT DIETING Simply eat this delicious Vitamin and Mineral uandy called A YDS, before meal as directed. A YDS checks your ap petite you automatically eat leas loas weight naturally. Absolutely safe con tains no reducing drug. Money refunded if yon don t lose weight with first box. vrenerous supply f z.vo. PAYLESS DRUG 808 Main St. WWHKXXO rtMVWS BOOV FLAWS MCVEftGerSTHC wis AmAuse 1 Stl US FOR Expert Body ana renaer IZefmishinq "M 9EKVICI AT REASONABLE PRICIS BALSIGER MOTOR CO. 1 r . K Joan ' fit Mils at Ceplanad Phone 8121 Th. JAYHAWK Soys THERE'S NONE BETTER "91" Oeton. Ethyl 31e JAYHAWK GAS 2135 South 6th Power Tie-In Hearing Asked WA8HINOTON Sen. Cain (R.-Wash.) has called for Congres sional hearings on the Interior De partment a proposal to lint ute pa cific Northwest power grid with California's Central Valley system. Cain, a longtime opponent of Uie project, said Monday the hearings snouia oe neia here ana in wasiv ington state. Cain said he felt "real concern' because President Truman, in re questing funds for pacific North west water projects, had Included a request for money for the Bonne ville Power Administration and the Bureau of Reclamation to start construction of the power line, "My concern lies with the Presi dent having Implicitly made the decision that the inter-Ue should be made, ' he said. "I feel strongly that It should not be made unless and until the people In the area affected have an opportunity to be heard," Cain declared. Service Seeks Exact Items WASHINGTON Wl SDecitica Hons for the military fly swatter weight two and a halt pounds and are approximately four inches thick, aides of a House subcom mittee said Tuesday And there's the case or the hop: toenail clippers four pases of spe culations, single-spaced, with two additional pages of pictures ' In the past four years, the serV' ices have bought exactly 19 of these clippers (dog. toenail) through cen tral procurement. There's also the case of the suiar bowl top Investigators found the Army re jected a manufacturer's bid be cause bowl s "profile is flat in ap pearance" and was one and a half inches high instead of one and three fourth inches These were some of the instanc es of military procurement prac tices being assembled by a House executive expenditures subcommit tee investigating Armed Services buying habits. A member of the subcommittee staff said it is finding "an alarm ing number" of such cases and in stances where low bids are being rejected because the bidder does not meet exact specifications Women Share Estate Bulk PORTLAND IM Two women, one from Salem and one from New York, will share the bulk of the estate of the late Fred Swift, Lum berman. Mrs. Mimi Swift of New York. an 'ex-wife, will receive 75 per cent of tha estate and Pearl Waldorf, Salem, a, former secretary, 25 per cent. Circuit Judge Ashby C. Dickson Monday ruled out the claim of Swift's second wife. Joan Swift of Pittsburgh, for one third of the estate. 'Joan. 31. contended that after she divorced Swift she was re married to him in 1949 in a com mon-law ceremony. Mimi Swift testified, however, that Swift was with her when Joan said the cere mony was taking place. Joan was left $10,000 of the $262. 000 estate. Judge Dickson awarded her $1,000 for cost of the trial. PGE Applies For Dam OK SALEM, (TV-Portland General Electric Company, two years ago denied a license by the State Hydro-Electric Commission to build Felton Dam, applied again Monday. The Federal Power Commission, with the approval of the Defense Production Administration, re cently authorized PGE to build the Deschutes River power project. At that time the company said it planned to begin construction in the near future, with or without the approval ft the State Hydro-Electric Comfhission. Monday however, a company spokesman said the firm wants to get the approval of the state. But he didn't say whether actual con struction would await favorable commission action. PGE's first application to the state was turned down after the State Fish Commission said the proposed dam might reduce sal mon runs in the Lower Columbia. The Federal Power Commission disagreed. It said the fish runs mieht even be increased by the dam's related hatchery projects. OSAA Suspends Prairie City PORTLAND Wl Prairie City high school Monday was suspended from the Oregon School Activities Association because It played too many basketball games. An OSAA agreement limits teams to 22 games a season, excluding playoffs. Prairie City already has played 24 games, OSAA officials said. The school will not be permitted to play other OSAA schools until the ban. which will run for an In definite period, is lifted. SYRACUSE. N.Y.. OB Syra cuse University's footballers will tace three new opponents in 1952. The newcomers are St. Bonaven- ture. Michigan State and Holy Cross. This trio replaces Lafayette, Dartmouth and Illinois. The Or ange Orldmen met Holy Cross pre viously In 1950, Michigan State in 1939 and St. Bonaventure in 1910. 1V i I I : ADVANCED MODERN STYLING characterizes the exterior appearance of Lincoln for 1952, which with many engine and chassis innovations make it an all-new car of excep tional beauty and engineering supremacy. Straight-line fenders, recessed headlights, sloping hood and high bumpers distinguish the car. Five body styles in two series, the Cosmopolitan and Capri, including coupes with "hardtop" design are offered. A new 160-horsepower, overhead valve V-8 engine, a rugged "X" type frame, a unique front suspension and suspended foot pedals are among the car's outstanding features. Shown here is the Lincoln Capri special custom coupe. On display Tuesday at Basin Motors, 424 So. 6th. , '..'. x WILL WED PUBLISHER Joseph R. Knowland, 78, publisher of the Oakland Tribune and long promin ent in California public af fairs, has confirmed rumors of his engagement to Miss Clarice Cook (above), a Stockton, Calif., school teacher and a former grand president of Native Daugh ters of the Golden West. Knowland declined to say when the wedding would take place. s HELPFULNESS PAYS OFF Mrs. Helen Hatley wore' this big grin after she be came a "thousand dollar baby in a five-and-ten cent store." For 10 years she's helped a customer and his wife make selections of bakery goods in the Wool worth store at Chicago. The customer who asked to re main anonymous handed a $1,000 savings bond to Mrs. Hatley, with the com ment, "You've been so nice to us all these years." HONORARY MEMBERSHIP Eric Lane, 12, of Baker, ,La., makes a few notes while attending the annual symposium of analytical chemistry at Louisiana State University. The eighth grade . student requested permission to attend the meeting and has impressed many of the country's lead ing scientists and chemists and proven so bright that the conference voted him an honorary membership. i ' . i f in i hi an '2 PALS TO THE END That's the way Sparky feels about it. The pet cat of five-year-old Kathleen Eakin, of Williams port, Pa., acquired swollen glands shortly after Kathleen developed mumps. As to whether felines do get mumps, is a question for experts. tt. i,,ii,iMMwwjiWH w... -jg V'Tm- 'J : h $ am HIGH FLYING COED? -i-Nope,, turn the picture upside down and discover that Barbara' Ivey isn't jumping over the University of Minnesota Botany building, as it ap pears. Instead, the St. Paul coed is merely hurdling one of the many puddles that gathered on the campus from snow, melted by the 42 above temperature, as a result of the record winter warm spell. , By CORA LEAVITT -Mrs. Vernon Hubble and small daughter left Jan. 30 for Wiscon sin to visit her relatives and friends. Mrs. Earl Hitson Sr.. of Laneell Valley has been atavinor for a few days with the Guy Hitsons. Adele Hitson has been quite 111 but is mucn improved. , Mrs. Cecil Hnlev and Vernnn have both been pretty .sick with nu. iney are staying in Kiamatn Falls with her aunt. Mrs. Tena McKlnnon. , '. . Twenty neoole turned out . on Wednesday evening to try out for parts for the coming play to be given by the Parents and Patrons club. Ivan Bold and Jo Olvan will be in charge. They met at the home of Janet Fernlund, and they wish to thank everyone who came out. Cookies and ' coffee were served at the evenings close. Mr, and Mrs. Jimmy Dye were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. El liott House of Langell Valley on Thursday evening. Peter Hrlc ziscse was also a guest. Mrs. Wes Dearborn of Langell Valley visited her - mother Mrs. Ruby Brown on Tuesday.' Mr. ana Mrs. dick .yeppie were 'ylnficiefl VaHov' By COKA LEAVIT T Mr. and Mrs. Dick Boten and sons spent Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Burnett and family. Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Johnson were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. P.R. Monroe Monday and Mrs. Ray Marchant and Kathy of Klamath Falls. Kathy Is recovering nicely from her . recent operation. dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hitter on Friday. Mrs, Bertha Vinson has returned from an enjoyable vacation at Reno with her two sons, Clyde and Ralph Vinson, and their fam ilies. Mr. and Mrs. Reg Thomas and family were Sunday dinner guests at the Leavitt home in Langell Valley. Mr. and Mrs. Owen Pepple were dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Oowen of Klamath Falls on Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Jess McFall and daughters and Mrs. John McFall spent Sunday with the Pepple family. Mr. and MJrs. Bill Bechdoldt visited at the Owen Pepple home on Friday evening. CLASSIFIED RATES On day per word Three Dayi per word He Week run per word 30c Month run per word 65c MINIMUM The minimum charge for any one ad la cue. BOX NUMUERS Answers to ads muy be handled through box numbers at tho papor for a service cnaruo oi aao. DEADLINES Clualfltd ads accepted up to 1:30 pjn. tor following day's publication Classified display ads accepted up to la noon for following day's pub lication. ADJUSTMENTS Please mass all claim tor adjust, menu without delay, Corrections or cancellations re ceived by 6:30 p.m. will be made In following daye publication rUNIRAL HOMtS WARD'S KUm.lh IWral Horn.. Ill HUh Sir t Phont 333, MUTING NOTICIS Klamath Lodge No. 71 A.F. and A.M. will hold asueclal meeting Wed., Feb. 8. 7 p.m. Work In MM Degree. Visiting brethren Invited. Dale Brbbrt Worshipful Mauler LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO mrniTnttU , Nolle la htrby gtvvn that llii under iinra nmt Dn appolnud Dv lh County Cuurl o( lh si.l. or Own (or tht County ol KUm.lh. Promt. Department, admlnutr.tor of 1h t.l. of II. C. Naalmh. alio known a I. C. drr.aud All p.iuim havlns el.lmi asaln.t .aid aatala ar. h.rby notified to preient them to e.ld admlnlitralor at the office, of the Klamalh ralli Herald and Newt. Klarn. ath rail., Oregon, with voucher, duly verified within ilx month, (rum dale hereof. MARTIN t.OWrtX NKAI.EIOII Adnilnl.lralor of tha rstato nf lla C. Nealetsh. also known a. I. C. Nealelgh. deceased. BEATTIE at HI1II1AHD Attorney, for Admlnl.trator Oregon City, Oregon Dated thl. 13 day of January, U31 J.IJ-U-i M No. Ul NOTICE TO CREDITORS Tha undersigned having been appoint ad by th Circuit Court of the state of Oregon. In and for Klamath County, administrator with th will annexed of th Estate of O.rrell Ilrartner t', dcasd, and having qualified. Nonce I. hereby given to Ihe creditors of, and all persons having claim, against. Mid decedent to present them, verified as required by law, within six months after th firet publication of thl. nolle to Wilson S. witty, administrator, fiofl Medical Denial Building. Klamath fails, Oregon. WILSON S. WILEY Administrator of th Eslat of Garratl Bradncr L'oiad, deceased. J-U-M-M r-o No. SM Pursuant to Chapter 40. Orcgnn Laws of 1047. nolle la hereby given that a public hearing will be held at the office, of the Klamalh Forest Prolec. tlv Association. Klamath falls. Ore gon on Tuesday, February 12. 11.12 al 2 00 P.M for the purpose of providing all owners of land, assessed under provision, of Section 107243. OCI.A., an opportunity to be heard on matters pvrtalnlng to th budgeting of money, required to defray the cost of fir pro. tectlon and suppression wllhtn th boundaries of th Klamalh Fir Dis trict. A copy of lh tentatlv budget for tha. fir district may he Inspected at the Klamath Fore.t Proterliv As aoclatlon Office, Klamath Falls, Ore ,0ohrr.ov state board of FORESTRY D. L. PIIIPPS. Acting Stalt Foreiler J -28 F-3 No. ae7 NOTICE Or DATE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT IN THE CIRCUIT COI'RT OF THE STATE OF OHKtitIN FOR KLAMATH COUNTY fn th Maltr of th Estal of EARL KENT. Dcsd. Notle Is hereby given that the undersigned The First National Rank of Portland ha. filed Its final account of tha administration of tha abov n. titled estate and that tbe Court has appointed February 27, 1032 at 10 A.M. as the time for haarlng objections to such final account and th settlement thereof. Th rirat National Bank of Portland. Executor . Canong it Ganong Attorneys for Executor J2 F-3-12-1B No. S73 NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE Is hereby given lhat the undersigned ha. been appointed Ad ministrator with wilt attached of th state of Anna L. Mlkkelsen, deceased, and has qualified. All persons having claims against snld estate are notified to present the same to rn with proper vouchers at th office of Clarenc A. Humble. 731 Main Street, Klamath Falls, Oregon, within six months from January 13, 1032. Otto Mlkkelsen ' Administrator with Will Attached J-13-22-28 F-3 ftp. KM, NEW STATE PARK BEND I A new state park along the banks of the Deschutes River Is planned by the State High way Commission. Mr. and Mrs. Les Leavitt spent Wednesday at Tulclnke with their daughter, Mrs. Pete Hodges and family. Faye Welmer and son were din ner gueats of the Burnetts on Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Jones are visiting relatives and friends at Eugene, and Portland before going on to San Francisco. Mr. and Mrs. Jones recently sold their ranch in Langell Valley and will make their home In Klamath Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Dearborn and Ted were dinner gucsLt of Mr. and Mrs. Les Leavitt on Thursday. Mrs. George Fernlund and Mrs. Fred Fernlund of Bonanza went to Mcdford Thursday to attend the wedding of Mrs. Fred Fernlunds niece. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Shlntllcr and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Wes Shind ler and dnughter Mrs. Anna Shlnd Icr, and Mrs. Fred Blaser all of Tulelake and their sinter Ruth of Santa Barbara and Mrs. WcsShlnd ler's mother from Kansas spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Partridge and Mrs. Ornce Blnser. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Martin have returned from a trip to Los Angeles and vicinity. She visited her father .at Huntington Park who has been ill. Mrs, Wes Woodward spent two days in Klamath Falls where she had her tonsils removed. His moth er Mrs. Woodward Sr. of Merrill Is spending this week with them. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Hitson of San Francisco and Mr. and Mrs. Dick Smith visited at Bonanza on Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Ouy Hitson and daughter. Frank Ollkison of Baker has been visiting his nephew Mr. and Mrs. Bob Burden. He loft Satur day for Medford to visit his daugh ter and son and their families. Mr. and Mrs. Santford Jones suf fered a 140,000 loss In the fire that destroyed their potato cellar, seed, equipment and many other things. Friends and neighbors went to help but could not snve any thing but the truck load of lumber stored In the cellar. 4 MIITIN0 NOTICIS B h r I n o Club dinner mrdliiK on Wednesday, I'rbiiniry 6, at 0:30 p in at Wlllmd lintel. Re freshments and Enter Inlnmt'iit. All Nnblea are Invltod to attend, Paul Winter, President XTX'6llol.lCf( "ASONYMiHiD nie.i's Friday, U p.m., fur Infuruiallon, wilt mix iius, riioiie .i.iiw. LOST AND FOUND something missin'? give a listen Lose something of viilur? drub your phone tight now and auk for thn Clm.slllrd advertising department I That's where many folks are helped In recovering loiwrs. It's where loners reach finders, and you can too I So dun') be aggravated, ACT I phone 81 11 for an ad-writer rastHiOiiKfc'hrta ronlMlnlng student I km! y card. Houlhern Pacific pass No value to anyone else. Return to Shasta Cascade Kvnnels or phone 307B. LOST, child's filfwaPilass.. Pl'iik wtlh gold trim. l'honeMrs. Murphy IMK1.. I.OSfnVnrtower Theater, small brown and white Chihuahua and fox terrier dog. 1B31 license No 2240. Child', pet. Reward Phono 2-2H77 afler J GENERAL NOTICE ANNOUNCING Mnrlr E. Low. former owner of Mitrle'g Sandwich Shoppe, 7lh and Klnmnth. mow known as "The Snack Bur") Is resuming owner.thlp ofiutid btislncnit Mon day. Frb. i. Kornirr and new customers and frleiitln welcomel For the pnsl 2 years Mrs. Low has been iiffllliitcd with Vollrnlh Co. as reprenrntnlive and distri butor for Lo-llr-et Stainless Steel WaterlrM Cookwnre. To place your order for this high quality Cookwnre. phone 0003 or tee Mrs. Low at . , , MARIE'S SNACK BAR 7th and Klamath PERSONALS OHDKR your Spencer garment before selecting your spring wardrobe. Phon 7152 lir.LWsr.AUTY.UC(5. Phone H2B4 S1ANra-llome Products-Phone oo4" 10 ScRVICE Septic Tanks Cleaned Nrwwrt Sanitary Methods Also ROTO ROOTER SERVICE Cleans Hewer Lines of Roots, Etc ED T. KINO M34 Orchard Phone M41 CABINET WORK Remodeling In your home. Furniture Repair GEORGE E. CONDREY 1938 Frrmont Phone 4338 EXCAVATING Mobil Shovel and Trench Hot BuUdoser Fill Dirt lopsx.ll Crushed Rork Driveway Cinders compressor CRANE SERVICE GRAHAM BROS. Phoi.e 6M1 or 0110 row tuck riiiMMftKT" Phon I.NCOME TAX KKTFhNS For appointment Phon 2-0331. JUrvay m.nham. INCOMK tax returm. for ppointmrtt phon ft-VU ALTERATIONS on men'i womin'i. children' rlolhlng Jen nit lUrtt. tm- irrM Anna i, 707 Main. SKWINC; and altrattontTlrrUyrur r met.Bnhruihei. Phone" Brtfl4 or tkirT PAINTING-andT oaDerhanelna. Phone 71117. ritlPP S AUTO painting, body and fen der work Phon 4,040 electh.CW!iinc;. work by hour or lontract. rnone 21010. CURTAINS laund.-ed and slrelched Phon 4014 J L DEA N Public Accountant and Auditor Offlceat 306 No 7th. - Phona Miti PIANO f imiNOVM. II. MOKOAN- Faclorv tralnpu technician and lunar. For tunlnift call Kyle Morgan Piano, wnin or pnone z-vwni, SfiiutOliiS rcrillvercd new mlrrort niadt to order. Kimball Qlau Shop Phone 737B DKKSHMAKING. belli, burkici. SatU fnrllon aaurantaed. Phon a.lRSa. or 3718. 12 - EDUCATIONAL LOItll.l. BIDTON . Teacher of . PIANO AND THEORY inni Summera Lane Ph. 2-0fH0 BOOKKKBFINO, thorthand typinji Kin dred aubjecti, office machinei, KLAMATH BUSINESS COU.EUE 7M Pina Phone 47 IW) CHILD C ARK" and 'ablation. Pr---ichM. centar. Phone 4279, 13 HEALTH MASSAGR, exercUe, welBhtllftlng. Phy totherapy for reduclnf, relaxation, body bulldlnf. Hate for aarlea. Ap pointment, phone 3003-3504. Medical Mmtcune. women only, 14 HELP WANTED, FEMALE GREET! NO CAlilis 2.1 for tl. ra stent money-maker outl Show to incnni, Keep up to Wto. on si. Beat telling flHKortinenln for all occanlnni, Name alnllonery, peronllcd mntchoa, othem. No exnerlnnre ncrrlcd. Htatlonerv anmnlea FI1KE: hoxea on anornval. 8TYL- ami, ifir w, ninth, uept. lew, Lroa An- HOUSEWIVES make IS to ino per week at home WEAVING. No, experlftnce nec esHnry. Rcquiren MA M for equipment. Write Box II, Herald and Newa. WANTED, etenojfrapher and general office worker. Muni be thoroughly ex perienced and cn pubis of earning top aiary. sieany pomnnn. Appiy in per unn at Dick Rrcdrr'a atoro. 16 HELP WANTED, MALE your helpmate in help-getting Is a Help Wanted ad I An enirer, capable helpmate when It comes to solving personnel problems, Whether you need office work ers, factory workers, sales-he In, domestics, or laborers, tell 'em you want 'em through thin Help Wanted column. Folk In the market for Jobs look here first or all. phone 81 1 1 for an ad-writer U HELP WANTED, MALI foltW7M amPoviir. iorpr.ent ti lloital conrvrn, thla area. Mut have huma tiatlc knciwletliia ( trurh. liat--tura and farm utatlilnary. Mut have lata modal car. Helamiraa leqttlrvil, Piallnuitary aclioollng and field' Iraln Ing. Ntt Dtveilment reiiulred. OntntnU aiuna and liawlng acniunt whan quail fiad. Ualea vatiailonce nut natawiary, Writ J. 3. Vfil-r, Muliolrt n- duatrlaa, Mux i:UI, Dallaa, I'axaa. Be ure to alMle addraat and phuue nmit bcr. It SITUATIONS WANTED fcttPKritKNC'ltr) parrorTrtark wlinaa puaidoit aftaj KoU. lAth. Taltphuna Slt.iS daya. MAN "ancPwlwVnia rattcW WorK. 3J7'j East Main, Apatlmtnt 8. m Permenanl hotuewiirk, '"" live out. have car. Herald Newa Hnx 10. K XCKlXkNT 'cliTld rare In mFTTnuie bv dv. wKKk or niniiih. fall a-TTH. II A llYH 1 1TI NVThimaJll 2 i, WAMlilNriin(l"Tfimliig. I'nniiTTjnTT" Wti.L car for chlltlren in my home daya or your huma avenlngt. Call a-lMft. . ' . . H6URmlmnVTnlK: " 22 ROOMS FOR RiNT fil'C'lbi'li nmm dtTratie for" one or two genlleinen. Private bath. B08 North Rih. HonM and bardor roomi. (tan only. noo No. wtl HI KEPINtll ,oaTT . MQAlil) rori'in,rga"onV..ieriine 4al' A't!a heatatf "riwim tr intTfffiT H()iMiT7or reiti,claan. Cle"(ti."'PFiona a-vans. iiO()MM, tuicereaiunahleTThona 4fTlf LOVELY roomi nrrnLiir-t a wXu Ctoat livPhona 4M. atioMS 16.14" High. 24 APARTMENTS fOR MNf r6H nKNtr-ftirnl.hrrf " one nenWm ariiueut w ler ft p m, rOH HNTrrttria room iurniaHTfTapaTt menlcenlrally located. Ul Nu. Hacund. TWO IIKDMOOM "aparlment, (urnlihed. 74.1 Hit H. Ptiiuie 6007. fllllEK ItuOM urnulud apartrnVnt. iofll White roll" TiTcntTTwii mom furnUhed anarV. mai.t. Cottplaa. 3134 lllalm PlMneJ.ll, KttttNISIIEI)two 'room apariitiant. Prl vat bath. Suitable for rallied or work lug lady. Clitaa in. phone 3-lftoO. TWO IlKDMUOM unlurnulied apartrneni". Adulii 4.14 No. 8lh. Nlt.'K eleatn-healed apartment, adultlT Corner Pine and Cedar. l.AlKti.. furnUhetl two room apartment. H7.SO; amaller I wo-room unit, tii; rafrig- araiora. All utiliiiee Included. 410 N. Tenth. rOM HENTTTwo rwunuruTihed a'part. nteut. Huiuble for two. lift, Phone 673tl. TllltKK rooma furniihedT rloaa In. laun dry. IOUII Call 3 :I17 TWd HOAM furnlalted aparlmanl avail" a me ai.i, iiiu una room apartment IOM30 Main. Phone BOflO. rtiltNIMHCD two room apartment, rm frlgeralur U. all ullllllea Included. 410 N Tenth. N t W rit It N I NlilU) apartment lu.l ron.ptetvd. Two rooma with hltrhen. ette. private ttaih, electric heat. Phone a-IO07. Haferencea required. Abtolute- Iv no drink I ng vt N IHtIK f r apartment Heat and wT ler Included 4A month. Adulta. 419 Walnut rifiltNlMrtKi) two room apartment. Walking dutance Phone W f M H fc E rooma furn hd" Cloae ' in! Laundry farllltlaA Couple only. No l-pli Phone 3--1I7Q til it Kit room furnliiKed apartment. ' ill vtainut. t'none ai2 OUTMUl! apartment for rent. 710 Mam. Greer ApU. ONlf"fdroiMi unl'urnuttad' ' aoaTtrntnlT C.aa e(juPPd Call J-Onil. KOH HKJS'T. Mot ern furntahed BDarI ment. Planty natural heat. OLYMPIC APTH TfTf K. Mala w6 room fort. It h. dup)K. Two blorka from Mam Phone 44DX Cl.f.AhTtKree room apartment. 4jJ No. loin. NICK clran"apartinent. Ca"a equipped Itelrigerator. Couple prelarred. Villa Marqui Inquire 1-114 Oak NCWI.Y decorated private bath, kit- chenatta. Steam heat, electrle rang $o week flea Arma Apartment. rdlt hfcNT. fumutted apartVant-l. quire SIS High 26 HOUSES FOR RENT MOTiftltN two room lurniahed houVe for rent. CaJl TM. rc5ltltKNf, IW ' rfmnTTula&d"nrauae, rtoe in. Clean. Oil furnace, lnouiro 313 North KUlorado, 1.AIIGK unfurnlahed lwobadrom hotne with automatic heat. Cloae In, walk Ing dlitancc to town and high arhool. $-3 pir month. Hurton C. Gray. Iteallor, i)37 Maln.Phtne 3003. HOlK'"or rentrinqulrVTilgly'ljgl NKW duplex apartment. Cloae-in. na tural hoi water heat. Frlgldalra r, rernaerator. aitfomatle waahar. AiWu, M 30 Call 733H i,NK bedroom modern unfurnlahed houte. hone 40H.T. 'OH IlKNT. ' one had room m otter n houte. Inquire 1313 Hoinadale. FOB LkAsK, three bedroom u'nfur nlahed home, Mlt Allernont. M3, lief crencea. Pay two month. Move right In Mark R. Johnaon, Bealtor. Phono 2-01 Ml. Ultill'l', t-lean. modern three home, Phone 31114 room FOB BENT, two bedroom n- lur- nlahed, cloae Inquire 730 North inn. VKItY",'otiractlva",n'ew three 'room hf-ii-a for rent to working couple. Fireplace elertrlr heal. Phone 4007. tWO bedroom unfurnlahed ' home. Au- tnmatle gaa furnace and water heaterb Ca rage. ffl3. Phone 1-T3B7, IfNi UHNIMMKI) four room "duolex. ' F.5 rep I for atovaa. 30. Call 3037 beforg L5JIL FOH IlKNT' on leaae laal two had room furnlihed hnuaa In Stewart-I-en-nox addition. Large lot, bate ment, barn, chicken houae, etc. Call W. J. Kaiter, phone 2-naoo 28 MISCELLANEOUS fdOlNT BEEHIVE u TRUCKS V- DRIVE Move Yourself Save !4 New Trucks For tong Trips Pickups Stakes Vans BEACON MOBIL .SERVICE 1201 E, Maln Phone 8,104 brrlCK on sixth Ulreet. Avallabl Fh ru nry 1 ,VI hone Baafl. OKI'ICK si'ACK for Tent Hairi ST. Incntlnn loin Main. Share office wllh Harry Lanphear. Farmer's Inaiiranra Croup. Excellent location for ral s tale, accountant, or lumbar offlc. Must he permanent. 6rICE for rani. B2J Main. Phont 7HK RENT floor Bandars lauat lyp oqulpment. Suburban Lumbar Co. 11th andWalnill Phon lta CAR STORAOr. - MKAfltf). day week or month. Earl Lamb, phon 4S73 or 770 30 REAL ESTATE f OK SALI fOh 8AI.E or t'raile fr7tTfa1lenmi'seT two bedroom home. Sao Tom Conaway. :io:i4JBiive8lreel. KOR SAl.r, or "Tease, lluslnes. space wliit wllh private quarMri attached. Phon linn i , nns ACnK farm 10.1 acres under Irritation all leveled and checked. Also 1.13 acres under cultiva tion that ran ha Irrigated with soma levellni; XI acre, dry land under cul tivation. The balance In hill land pas ture. 3 Irrlsallns wells wllh pumps. Lara home wllh electricity, barn and other outbuildings. All fenced. A I1AI1GAIN AT 2.1.000 Terms to be arranged. 4 MILES OUT DO acres all under Irrigation, 30 acres of permanent pasture. 40 acres ready for potatoes. Sandy soil. Including some farm equipment, 100 head nf purebred ewes, ready to lamb. Modern six room horn, garage, barn, and other buildings. Jack Gardner Phon 6371 .... Newhous Real Estate "!08BIJ Phon BUM rsF.W two bedroom ' house in lint Springs. Electric heal, attached ga. rnge. l 1,000, S2B00 down. Tn se tlu.vs or evening, call at 3SI0 Shaila Way, Phone R7II0, AXKl. s-l.nnrN.,n ok riK.TTKn homfs REW a-UKORUOM home. K.II.A. con slrucled. Hardwood floors, automallo heat, garage. In restricted district. You can own this horn for less than mommy rental. L-ow down paymoni, -iiiiiip or s;m veninga. homes rdn iauc IVERETT DENNIS, REALTOR ... "nn e-irapatnca, aaiesman "1 N, ath Phon. SMI it H