PAGE EIGHT HERALD AND NEWS. KMMATH ALLS. OREGON MONDAY, FEBRUARY 4. 10M MARKETS and FINANCIAL All Major Grains Hit New Lows CHICAOO UP) All major (trains jell to new lows on the current de cline, which has now been going on for nearly two months, In active dealings on the board of trade Mon day. The market wai hit by several selling waves. The selling was at tributed In part to news from . Korea, which Indicated some pro gress was being made in armistice negotiations. Heavy receipts of cash corn and the lack of export business were other depressing factors, dealers aid. It was also pointed out that In recent years grain prices have oft en sunerea declines in r eoruary. Wheat Closed 1 '4-1 ! lower. March $2.54 corn 3 ,-3 lower. March S1.81 oats 3 4 4 lower, March 83 !i. rye 7 to 1 lower. May S1.97 soy beans 4 ',4 to 7 cents lower, March $2.84 V,-2, and lard unchanged to 18 cents a hundred pounds lower, March 813.87. Wheat Open High Low Close Mar 2.55 2.55 H 2.52 2.54 Mnv 2.52 2.52 ' 2.49 S 2.50 - Jly 2.46 Vi H 2-44 , Sep 2.48 2.48 2.45 . 2.46 Dec 2.51 Yt 2.51 V 3 2.5U Stock Prices Take Fractional Falls ' NEW YORK Wl Losses of around a point were common In the stock market Monday as prices generally fell fractions to more than two points. Brief periods of rallying near the close nulled some Issues up from their low points of the day but they hadn't enough strength to carry the market into higher ground. . The volume ran around 1.700,000 Shares. Quotations By The Associated Press Admiral Corporation 25 V, Allied Chemical 71 Allis Chalmers X 52 li American Airlines 15 J'. American rower Lignt 23 American Tel. & Tel. ... 156 V American Tobacco 65 H Anaconda topper oi Atchison Railroad 78 Bethlehem Steel , 52 Boeing Airplane co. - 48 Bora- Warner 62 14 Burroughs Adding Machine. 17 H California Packing 26 Canadian Pacific 35 Caterpillar Tractor 51 Celanese corporation 45 Chrysler Corporation 69 Cities Service 106 4 Consolidated Edison 33 Consolidated Vultee 19 Crown Zellerbaca 55 Curtiss Wright ' Douglas Aircraft 60 3 duPont de Nemours 87 i Eastman Kodak 45 H Emerson Radio 14 V General Electric 57 it General Foods 43 , General Motors 51 Georgia Pac Flwyood 21 i Goodyear Tire 46 Homestake Mining Co. 34 Vt international Harvester 34 r. International Paper " 48 Johns Manville 68 iKennecott Copper 88 '4 Libby, McNeill 8 Lockheed Aircraft 22 V, Loew's Incorporated 16 Long- Bell A 42 Yt Montgomery Ward 63 V Nash Kelvinator 18 Ti New York Central 19 Vi Northern Pacific 60 H Pacific American Fish 16 Pacific Gas & Electric 35 '4 Pacific Tel. & Tel. 110 Packard Motor Car 4 '4 Penney (J.C.) Co. 71 Vi Pennsylvania R. R. 18 Pepsi Cola Co. 9 PhUco Radio 27 V4 Radio Corporation 24 i . Rayonier Incorp 65 Rayonier Incorp Pfd 35 i Republic Steel 42 Reynolds Metals - 66 Richfield Oil 57 !' Safeway Stores Inc. 30 Scott Paper Co. 53 Sears Roebuck It Co. 55 ' Soeony-Vacuum Oil 39 ! Southern Pacific 63 Standard Oil Calif 52 Standard Oil N. J. 81 Etudebaker Corp. 32 '4 Sunshine Mining 10 Vt SWlft c Company . 33 Vi Transamerica Corp. 22 '4 Twentieth Century Fox 18 , Union Oil Company , - - 39 Union Pacific ' 113 United Airlines ' 31 United Aircraft 32 United Corporation 5 H United States Plywood 31 Vi United States Steel 40 Warner Pictures ' 14 4 Western Union Tel 41 Westinghouse Air Brake ' 26 Va Westinghouse Electric 37 Vi Woolworth Company 44 TOKYO MV-There is only one automobile in Japan for every 2,400 people, compared to a U.S. rate of one car for each four persons. The International Trade and In dustry Ministry, conducting a sur vey, found that Japan bad twice as many cars in 1937 as it did In 1951. It also disclosed that Japan produces about 10 cars daily while the U.S. completes an average of 12,000 aally. BY PUBLIC DEMAND "The Greatest Sales 1 Story Ever Told" i CONTINUED FOR ONE WEEK to SATURDAY $mm store 320 So. Portland Grain PORTLAND (ft No coarse grains ouoted. Wheat (bid).' to arrive market, basis No. 1 bulk, delivered coast: Soft white 2.48; soft white exclud ing rex, 2.48: white club 2.48. Hard red winter: Ordinary 2.49; 10 per tent 2.49; 11 per cent 2.49: 12 per cent 2.50. Hard white baart: Ordinary 2.49: 10 per cent 2.49- 11 per cent 2.49; 12 per cent 2.50. Today's car receipts: Wheat 172: barley 21; flour 29; corn 12; oats nun teed 23. Livestock PORTLAND W (USDA) Cat tle: Salable 850: market very slow, generally steady but some bids lower; cow supply very small; load choice fed steers held above 35.50; several loads mostly good up to 1.1W lb steers 33.00-34.50: odd head choice 35.00: three head choice 2,083 lb steers including one 2.250 lb stcrr 28.00; few commer cial steers 30.00-32.50: utility most lv 26.0o-29.00: odd good hellers 32.. 00; utility-commercial beef heifers 25.00-31.00; utility dairy type down to 22.00 or below; few canner-cut-ter cows steady at 15.00-18.00 but bulk unsold at noon; few utility cows 19.00-23.50; one lot utility-commercial cows 25.00; utility buls 26.00-28.50; commercial 29.00-33.00. Calves: Salable 100: market ac tive, fully steady; choice prime vealers 3400-38.00: few aood stock calves 35.00-37.00; commercial-good slaughter calves, vealers 27 00-33.-00: utility 20.00-26.00. Hogs: saiaoie Laau; nrnrnei ram- er slow, 25 cents lower: sows choice 180-235 lb butchers 20.00-25: medium grades down to 19.50: choice 250-290 lbs 18.00-19.00; choice 160-170 lbs 18.50: 19.50; choice 350 550 lb sows 16.00-17.50: good-choice around 80 lb feeder pigs 18.00. Sheep: Salable 800; market slow: slaughter lmabs 50 cents to 1.00 lower; good-choice under 100 lb No. 1 pelt to wooled lambs 27.00-28.00; odd head choite 28.50; loa mostly choice 118 lb fe:l wooled 'smbs 27. 50; feeders scarce, salable around 27.00-50: good ewes salable 12.50- 13.00 or above. . San Francisco Livestock SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO (US- DA) Cattle 200. Supply consists of two loads steers, balance dairy tvoe slaughter cows. Trading on cows not fully established. One lot cutler cows sin. u; sicaay u weak.- Load good-to-choice 980 pound fleshy feeder steers steady at 831.50. No calves. Hogs 200. steady, ibu-zuu pound butchers (19.50. Choice sows $14- 515. Sheen supply memoes two loads Idaho lambs not being shown. Balance Oregon and California lambs, including a load of bucks. No early sales. Weather Western Oregon Scattered showers Monday morning, becom ing partly cloudy Monday afternoon and evening. Increasing cloudiness Monday night and rain Tuesday. Highs Dotn days 48 to 58. colder In interior valleys Monday night with lows of 35 to 45. Winds off coast southwesterly and 12 to 25 miles an hour, shifting to south erly ana increasing to 30 to 40 Tuesday. eastern Oregon Partly cloudv and windy with a few scattered showers Monday. Clearing nd colder Monday night. Increasing cloudiness Tuesday with occasional rain, but snow in higher valleys most of Monday. Highs both days 35 to 48. Low Monday night 22 to 32 except 10 in higher valleys. Northern California. Fair ex. cept partly cloudy in extreme north Monday and Tuesday, with a few showers Tuesday near the Oregon border. Morning fog in valleys. Little- change in temperature. South erly winds of 15 to 25 miles an hour from Cape Mendocino north ward. Elsewhere, southwesterly to northwesterly winds of S to 15 miles an hour.. Grants Pass and vicinity Scat tered showers Monday and Monday, night. Occasional light rain Tues day. High Monday 47Low Monday wgut. w. xiign luesaay oz. 24 hours ending at 4:30 a.m. Max. Min. Preclp. 36 26 ' .01 Baker Bend Eugene Klamath Falls 45 34 .15 54 50 1.00 44 39 33 .02 38 35 T 54 . 50 , - .37 36 32. - .21 51 44 .14 56 53 .48 59 51 . ,12 54 51 .58 La Grande Lakevlew North Bend Ontario Pendleton Portland Roseburg Salem Boise 40 39 44 59 74 42 35 33 28 49 49 38 .11 .22 Chicago uenver Eureka Los Angeles New York .84 INVESTMENT SECURITIES OWENS INVESTMENT SERVICE . till.. laieUre, fjalliteo aat , OT.r-th.C.aaser bonis anO fltacas. InTsslmtBt rands Ml Mad-Dan. Bldr. Phano t-M!, KLAMATH FALLS T FEB. 9th 6th Pair Injured In Crackup Two of seven nersons Involved In a two-car crackun on U.S. Hinh wnv 97 near Klnmalh View Auto Court lute Saturday alternoon suf- irrca inurics. . One of them. Vnn Edward Fowler. 52. of route 3. box ' 321. Klamath Falls is hosDllallzeo. Slate Police said he apparently suffered a broken Jaw. Fowler was arrested bv police for failure to drive on the rlaht bide of the highway. . utucers said no smacked Into a 1942 Oldsmoblle coach driven bv Carl Wisdom, Keno. Passengers in the Wisdom Vehicle were Carlene Wisdom, 12. of Keno; Ravmond Wisdom. 1 J14 Adams (brother of Carl). Jackie Wisdom. 4, Martha Wisdom. 2, and Robert Wisdom, 4 years old. Raymond Wisdom was treated for face cuts and Carl suffered bruises. DISTRICT fOIRT Wilfred S. Heimann. no PUC prmlt. Fine 15. Raymond M. Waihburn. no vehicle licence. Fine S.V Lynn B. Sheen .Jr., violation basic rule. Fine SI0. John A. PhUltpa. Inadequate brakes. Fine 17.30. MfSlCIPAL COIRT Albert Hudson, drunk. Sentence to days. Robert W. Casey, drunk. Fine $15 or 7'i days. Alex Ball, drunk and disorderly, Fine or i4's nays. Cecil Lane, drunk. Fine U or Ti ua.vs. Leslie Arnold, vaorancv. niimiasMl Leslie Arnold, drunk. Fine S13 or 3 days. Irvln Welser Jr.,- drunk. Fine SJ0 or 10 days. Clrlaco Pedrou. drunk. Fine $13 or T's days. t James Branaman. vlolaUon basic ruie. sorieit oatl. Opal Casey, no operator's license. sine ao. Opal Casey, violation basic rule. Pleaded not euiltv. Jimmy Ritchie, ran atop sign. For- 1CU J uau. Potatoes Ines Arrlvnle o.ftt stn tmnb ooo. IntAl IT R ahinmAnl. KVMb.i 1 niK Saturday'723, and Sunday 14; sup Pco 4, iwici mi? , ueinana lor Maine Katahdins slow, market weak; for others, demand fair, market steady CarlolS' Minnaento-MncR T1.. U . .. washed: Local: Idaho Russets 15.66 situiuuras o utilities 84.56-65 Minnsnrn.Mnrth rb-t. . n . 84.16; Wisconsin Chippewas 84.10. Chicaqo Livestock ' CHTflAnn in ttctisi ci able hogs 16.000; general trade fair ly active: barrows- and gilts un evently 10-25 cents higher: most ,ollw uii uuicners over xtu ids? sows mostly 25 cents higher; bulk Choice 180-220 lh hiitf,hre in ULIO 85; few loads 18.90 and 19.00 to oroer ouyers: packer purchases largely 18.50 down: 230-240 lb 18.00 18.40 : 250.270 lb 17 25.17 on- ?nnoin lb 16.85-1755; few lots 320-350 lb io.w-ioyo; cnoice sows 400 lb and less 15.50-16.75: occasional lots ltehtor wlo-ht mvo cl i ...,i .. 400-500 lb 14.75-15.75; odd heavier auws ano neiow. Salable cattle 11.000; salable cal ves 300: moderately active; slaugh ter steers and heifers strong to ful ly 50 cents higher compared with last week's close; cows also strong to 50 cenU hit?her htilu 9.n ..n,. up; vealers steady to strong; odd wh prime cau-ciuo steers 39.00; load lot top 38.50; modest supply prime steers and yearlings 37.25 38.50; bulk choice to low-prime grade 33.50-37.00; two loads choice 1.650 lh store. M no nwt t i.,r choice steers 31.50-33.25: most com mercial to low-good grade 28.50 31.00: choice to low-prime heifers 33.5036.00: mostly good to low choice heifers 30.50-33.25: utility to good bulls 25.00-28.00; commercial to prime vealers 33.00-40.00. Salable sheep 3.000; no slaughter lambs sold; bidding weak to 50 centx 1nwr aclrinv k.... on m however, for choice to prime 100 10 leu tamos; cupped lambs and yearlings absent; native ewes scrace but land arrwi tn fVitlr. Iowas on sale. Red Bluff 58 San Francisco 60 Seattle 50 Spokane 36 42 48 45 "35 .87 .35 On Our tin linn -niMiiiitoaMiattiifliiiiiifrwiiti t-t irrn WWW" MiniiinimnniiHiiiHiinMHHiiiiiiUiimiiliimiiiiuiuiiMiuni We Want to Say Qty Spring Causes Highway Slide GRANTS PASS :B Sta4e high way crews dispatched Monday to rebuild a 60-foot section of the new Pacific Highway that slid into a gorge three miles south of Wolf Creek Friday night. The slide was caused by pressure from an underground spring and the water burst out with such force It uprooted trees, state po nce reported. SI hi p Policeman Herman Stew tird of Wolf Creek, escaped Inlury Saturday iiiulu when he slipped over the edge of the slide area and plunged 50 teet into the muck In Ihe goriic. He was directing traffic around the slide at the time. The nignway is open to controlled one-way traf fic. Treason Death Appeal Slated WASHINGTON W Tomoya Ka wakita, a Jupnnesc-Amerlcan sen tenced to death for treason, was granted a supreme court hearing Mondav. Kawakita. born In Calexlco, Calif., was -accused of brutally mis treating American war prisoners while he was an Interpreter at ia pan's Infamous camp Oeyaina. After the war. Kawakita return ed to California and was spotted by a former GI in a Los Angeles department store. During his trial in U.S. District Court hi Los Angeles, the govern ment called more than 30 witnesses against Kawakita. Most of the wit nesses were former prisoners i Camp Oeyama. Kawakita was accused of strik ing prisoners, compelling them to work when sick, and helping duck an American in tne camp cesspool Witnesses said Kawakita's treat ment of prisoners was so brutal that several died or went Insane. U.S. District Judge William C. Mathes of Los Angeles sentenced Kawakita to death in the gas chamber of San Quentln Prison. The U.S. Circuit Court in San Francisco upheld the conviction. Kawakita's appeal said the issue to be decided was whether he had renounced his American nationality upon returning to Japan before Pearl Harbor. Such a finding, he argued, would mean that he could not be guilty of treason to the uiuica ouiies. California Man Hospitalized A DUismU. i i- Ji tmmc trues anver. n. U. Richardson, 57, was brought to a local hospital from Dorrls Hospital lance. ' Rirhnrricnn - t lance attendants, broke his right ""v"i nvtiUiuuiH iu m. m nil. eg Saturday night in a fall while o -.wv "1 ...O UUVK. PONTOAC. Mich 11 .inhn ... ucr. jo, a grave digger, fell dead of ' a heart alinr-a- am h. . grave Monday. His body fell Into sue grave. LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE Or HEARING u iwcu iiTcn oi a puDite . u-aj iieiu i iu.uv m.m.. r to- Df"fy ,9M- in Ron 3 'bawmenti. State Office Butldinf. 1400 S. W. Fifth Industrial Accident Commluion for the KaruB ui cuniigenrif me nazaraj in herent in Exploiive Powered Tooli. usually referred to ai the Stud Gun, and to formulate methods for control ing their use. State Industrial Accident Commission J-31 r-15 No. 875 NOTICE Or FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice Is herehv rlvan that th unHM. Iffned admin iatratrlw a that. - Jeremiah Cornelius Murphy. alto known at Jerry C. Murphy, deetated. has filed in the rirrn.t rnnrt A State of Oregon for Klamath County the final account of her administration of said estate and the Court hat ap pointed the 6th. day of February. 132, at the hour of eleven o'clock In the forenoon of said day as the time and the Courtroom of said Court, in the Court House for Klamath County, Ore ron, as the place for hearing and set tlement of said account. avone Jan. 7, 1933. Nellie T. Murphy Administratrix of the estate el JerrV C Mlimhir 4a-aaaH Henry E. Perkins, Attorney for said estate. ' 731. Main St.. . . Jtiamatn rails, Oregon. r-4 NO. B41 MBS IHIIIUtlllUHHHirWpptlIMUIHIUIHHsHUim inwmwnirmaiHwiHHniiimmHmtmMMMWHtiiiflNltlnn You, our friendi and booitert, who hove tent your friends to stay with ui, are responsible for our success. We ore ap preciative, and will continue to direct our efforts towards providing a hostelry, where you can send your friends with v.uKi.ic lunnuvnce or laruracrion. . "Stop At A j- To Be Sure' Certified Member of Scott-Stop Motel System Recommended by COMMANDER SCOTT Listen to "Romance of the Highwoy" Every Sunday 11:30 a.m. KFJI i "This Is A 2jj5H To Be Sure" Center THE DOWNTOWN MOTOR MOTEL LEGAL NOTfCE NtniCK TO CltKOiTtnifi IN the eiHi'iMY trovutr OP THfci STATK or OHKCION IN AND rOK TIIK COUNTY lr KLAMATH In the Matter of the Btta of UOLUK BLANCHK NALK. lHceanl. Notice Is htretv that the undersigned has been appoinled Kxecu tor of the tCstate of Uotlte Dlanrhe Naie, Deceased, by lh Circuit court of tne Stale of Oregim U and tw Klamath CounU'. Oreaoii. All persons having claim agalntt aid attula) mrm harahv retiulreu to present ihe same, properly verified, to me at ine on tee. oi u a- najemine. attorney at law. an i.o.o.r. man. Klamath rails. Oregon, within alx months from the date of the first pub lication hereof. This notice It served by publication In the Herald & News, the first uf said publications cm tha 14tn day of January, 1H.VJ. and the Itut of aatd publicatloiu on the 4lh uay oi rturu ary, is. Chan. K. Nat Executor of the Estate ' of Dnllie D lunch! Nat. Deceased. J-H-31-28 T- No. HM Sale of Timber, Klamath Indian Re ervatlon Sealed bids In duplicate, on forma provided therefore, marked out mt, nia, wuanorse no. u usitn Unit." addreeivc. to the Huperlntenuent. Klamalu Indian Agency, Klamath Agency, Oregon, will be received until l:tw P.M.. Pacific Standard Time, April 8, IBM and will be considered the onuivalni.t ut ural auction bids ami posted for the Information of all bid ders, oral auction nitis win i re ceived by the Superintendent, Klamath Indian Agency, beginning a-vu i-m. Paelfic Slsndnrd Time. Aurtt ti. 1053 for the purchase of timber on the Wtldhorse No. 3A Logging Unit. The oral auction bidding will be restricted to thoie who have DrevtoUaly submitted an acceptable sealed bid In accordance wun tnis no uce. ine unu inc.uun proximately 7,800 acrei of timber lands with a total estimated stand to be cut, which estimate u not guaranteed, of approximately 49.000.000 feet B.M. of pun de rose pine, a.oou.000 feet B.M. of sugar pine, a possible small volume of Douglas fir, Incense cedar, white fir and other pedes. Each bidder mutt state me price per thousand fret B.M. Scrlbner Decimal C Log Scale that wtll be paid for timber cut and scaled prior to any readjustment of rates as sped fled in the contract. No bid wilt be considered for lesa than HI JS per thousand feet B.M. tor ponderoaa pine and sugar pine. 113.30 per thousand feet B.M for Douglas fir and Incense cedar, U.D5 per thousand feet B.M. for white fir. and U,3 per thousand feet B.M. for other species. A certified check tor Sixty thousand dollars (too.- ooo i on a solvent bank, payable to the Treasurer or tne untied states, must accompany each sealed bid. Persons blddine for or on behalf of comoanlcs, corporation, or partnership must at tne time of Oldaing submit in wriung conclusive evidence of their authority to do so. The deposits wtll be returned to the unsuccessful bidders, The de ooslt of the successful- bidder will be applied as part of the purchase price against Umber cut on this unit only or retained as liquidated damages If the bidder shall not execute the contract and furnish satisfactory bond for rtfty thousand dollars .ttO.oooi within sixty day from acceptance of Ma bid. If an oral bid ,1a declared to be high at the close of the auction, the bidder must Immediately confirm the btd by submitting It in writing on an Indian Service btd form. The right to waive tecnnicai detects and to reject any ana all bids Is reserved. The contract will specify that all designated timber ahaii be cut and removed from the unit prior to April 1, ttM. Before bids are submitted full Information concerning the timber, the conditions of sale, and the submission of bids, shduld be ob taincd from the Superintendent, Klam ath Indian Agency. Klamath Agency, Oregon; the Area Director. Indian Service. Building 1, Swan Island, Port land 18. Oregon; or the Commissioner of Indian Affairs. Washington 35, DC. Dated THIS th day of January 1M3 at Washington. D. C. Dale E. Doty. Assistant Secretary of the Interior. J-38 F-4-U-18-33 M-3-KM7 No. 85S A roundup of horses running at large in the Jenny Creek-Klamath River areas in Jackson and Klamath counties. Oregon will be held beginning February 11, 1953 under the provisions of Chapter 311. 1031 Session Laws of Oregon. All horses collected in the roundup will be held for the period re quired under Chapter 311, 1931 Session Laws of Oregon at the old Ward ranch In Section 30. T 408., R.3E., W M. near Pokegama. All persona who can establish ownership of any such horses may retake possession of them upon payment of the established round up charge of 820.00 per head. The boundary of the area to be Included tn the roundup li described as follows. Beginning at the point where Oregon State Highway 66 crosses Jenny Creek: thence east along Highway 66 to the Klamath River: thence south and west along the Klamath River to the Oregon-California boundary: thence west to Jenny Creek: thence north alone Jenny Creek to the point of beginning. j. jm. L.inne, roreeier City Hall, Medford, Oregon J -30 F-4 No. 874 NATIONAL FOREST TIMBER rOR SALE Sealed fclda will be received by the Forest Supervisor, U. S. Forest Serv ice. P. O. Box S38, Klamath Falls, Oregon, up to an not later than 3:00 p.m. Paetflc Standard Time, March 8. iph. lor an live and dead timber marked or designated for cutting, and all other merchantable dead timber lo cated on an area embracing about M acres in N'.i Section 8, T. 36 S.. R. 6 E., W.M.. tying two to four miles northwest of Pelican Guard Station. Rogue River National Forest. Oregon. estimated to be feet board mea. sure more or leu of ponderosa ptne and sugar pine, 148.000 feet board measure more or leu of Douglaa-flr. and 123,000 feet board measure more or less of white fir and other species. No bid of less than 827.2S per M board feet for ponderoaa pine and sugar pine, S7.90 oer M board feet for Dou visa- fir, and 81.00 per M board feet for Lodege Legal Notice HKHOU'TION NO. 4HT. A nrfloi.lITlON pKCt.AIUNll TIIK INTkNTlON OF TIIK COMMON COUNCIL or CITY OF KLAMATH FALLS, OHKUON, TO WIDKN Tllsl HIM 'HI AND LOWER PAVKD ROAD WAYS ON PACIFIC TKHHACR FROM VWIV.KK iT INi'KHSr.l'ia Al.AMKDA HTHF.F.T TO WHERE IT INTKHSKCM'H LOWELL STREET; DECLAKINU AND DIRKCTINU CKHTA1N bTKI'K TO 1th. TAKF.N IN CONNECTION THE11K WITH; SAID PROJECT TO HE KNOWN AS IMPROVEMENT UNIT , NO. 114. WHEREAS, Ihe City Engineer, pur suant to a resolution of (ha Lummun Council heretofore adopted, having filed plana, specif lent ion and eatlmalrs for the cost of Improving, Pacific Terrace from where It intersects Alameda Street tn whFre It Intersects Lowell Street, by widening the upper and lower paved roadways thereon, and the Council finding Ihe said plans, speci fication and estimates satisfactory for aid project which shall lis known a Imprnvament Unit No. 114; THERE FORE, BE IT nr.SOLVF.O BY THE COM MON COUNCIL Or THE CITY OK KLAMATH FALLS, OHKOON, DULY ASSEMBLED IN RKUULAR htSSlON AS FOLLOWS! Section I. That said plans, specifications and Htlmutea for the Improvement of said Rortlons of said street, therefore Med era In by the City Engineer, be and the same ate hereby approved, and said project shall be known as Im provement Unit Nn. 114 That the Common Council of the City of Klamath Fells, Oregon, hereby declarea Its Intention to Improve said portions of aald streets In accordance with the plans, specifications and es Mutates as follows: TYPE "Q" To consIM of widening the upper gnri lower paved roadways on Pariftc Terrace from the south easterly line of Lowell Street in the northeasterly line of Alameda with six Inches of Cement Concrete Pavement, i together with combination cement con-; crete curb and guller. The overall width for widening each roadway Is four feet and will be toward the center parking strip thereby reducing the wtdtn uf said parking strip. iirs. - a, io consist oi wiuemng the upper and lower paved roailwa on Pacific Terrace from the south easterly line of Lowell Street to the northeasterly line of Alameda with five Inches of Asphalt Concrete Pavement, together with combination cement con crete curb and gutter. The -overall width for widening each roadway is four feet and wtll he toward the cen ter parking strip thereby reducing the width of said parking strip. TYPE "C" and "E A combination of types set out tn "C" and "E" as Immediately above defined, with lim itations as therein stated. The tvoe chosen to be mixed and placed In accord with the plans and j specifications of the City Engineer on file therefor. The eallmatad cost of all classes or improvements embracing all work and materials for the complete Improvement of aald project for each type of pavement being as follows: Type "C" Cement concrete pave ment 8M.94H ItO Type -"E" concrete pave ment 87 .xu 71 TYPE Combination of "C end "E" pavements 431 ,637.24 Said estimates Include engineering, supervision, advertising, clerical as sistance, attorney'! feea end unforeseen con tinge ncea. Section II. That the property lying within the boundaries hereinafter described be and the same Is hereby declared to be benefited by the aald improvement, to wn: Beginning at the moit northerly cor ner or lot 1, block 8 Hillside Addition to the City of Klamath Falls. Oregon; white fir and other species, will be considered. In addition to the prices ma lor siumpage. a cooperative ae posit of 1. 00 per M feet board mea sure to be used by the Forest Serv ice for paying the coat of stash dis posal, and a cooperative deposit of 1 93 00 per M board feet to cover the I cost of tree planting, tree seed sow-1 ing. and timber stand Improvement work on the area cUt ever, (or the total cut of timber under the terms of the agreement, will be required. 91,50000 must accompany each bid, to be applied on the purchase price, re funded, or retained as liquidated dam- i ages, according to the conditions of i sale. The right to reject any and all j bids la reserved. Before bids are sub mitted, -full Information concerning the timner, tne conditions or sale, and tne submission of bids, should be obtained from the District Ranger, Klamath Falls. Oregon, or the Forest Super visor. Medford, Oregon. F-4-18 Ho. 970 DEVICE BLOWS SNOW NEW YORK flnnv nlnea that miy be attached to small uarden tractors for the cleaning; of aide walks and driveways generally are now On the) market rMmhl. oh rotary snowplow used on railroads. It ha a flimnll hlmvsr thai snow cleaning somewhat faster. If took just three mi Jlr ...F:-"?''Prr' n jrr ' Just three days after his car was demolished in o collision Jan. 23, James L. Garrett (Right) of Klamath Falls receives a check for $1775.00 from Farmer's Insurance Agent, Harry R. Lanp-hear. THIS IS WHAT HAPPENED . . . ON JANUARY 23 . . . James L Corrett's car was completely demolished In a collision with a truck three miles north of Klamath Falls. ,- . I ON JANUARY 24th ... Carrett, a Farmer's Insurance Croup Policy Holder, reported the accident to agent Harry R. Lanp" hear. , .-.': ON JANUARY 25th . . . an accurate estimate of damaqes was determined and Carrett received a check for $1775.00! The next day he was driving a new car! , nssssnssssasassa AUTO-FIRE-TRUCK 1016 JACK CLINTON Lakevlew -Ph. 3012 thence snulhweslerly along I hit smith eruterly line if Lowell Ht. IfWI It. to lite tiorthetmlerly Hue of Ihe nlhy in Hind lllot-k II; titmice nuiilhclaily and pnrallel tu I'miDu Tnn.ire thru oUici.m It, LI, mul in In utttd IlilUUIe Adtllttmi, blorka ,'IJ to 42 Inclusive In llottprtnus Aflillilou tu the t 1 1 or Klnmalh Kulk Oregon to the iiurlheusterly line nf Alameda: thence southeasterly along northeasterly Hue uf Alameda 10 the snullieesl cotne.- of lot 1 lllock I. Wll. llama Addition to the City or Klamalh Falls, Oregon) thence northerly atmtg the line Itetween lots (I and T uf block I, of said Williams Addition, In the north line nl said block I; thence nortlivveslrrly along the southwesterly line of Masking! St. being IQU ft nurlh eatterly uf and parallel to the north easterly line of I' ho iflo Terrace and continuing northwesterly ami parallel tu Pacific Terrace along the north, easterly boundary line nf snld Hot springs Addition to Del Mont Kt.: liKMti'ti continuing mirihweviri'ly and parallel tit Pacific Terrace thru blocks IT, 14 and 7 ot oaid HllUldn Addition to the south One uf VauNess Ave.; thence south westerly along Inst said line to its Intersection with the north easterly properly line of Pacific Ter race: thence southwesterly a irons l'a clflc Terrace to the point of heglnitlitg. That all the property Included in the aforesaid boundaries, above described be and the saute Is hereby declared to be benefited by said Improvement and assessed (or tne expetuas thereof. Section III. That Monday the llttlt. nf February. 1032, at the hour of I 'M) P,M. at Ihe Council Chamber of the CHy Hall in Klamalh Falls, Oregon, be and Is here, Starts Tonight! POPULAR CHUCKlIILLERl AND HIS GANG Make a date! Plan a party! "Chuck"5 Miller MOLATORE'S 1112 MAIN Enrollment Open For KUHS Adult Homemaking Classes! 0 BEGINNING THURSDAY. FEB. 7th 1 1. Millinery 2. General Sewing 3. Slip Covert O BEGINNING MONDAY, FEB. 11th 1. Advanced Millinery 2. Tailorinq ., 3. Draperiet lack count cml,tt 10 maalingi (30 hours) to kt titld In P.Mn 107, KUHS. For further Information ond onrollinf, phono Vocollonol Dtot. 7S9S. T FOR FARMER'S INSURANCE TO SETTLE A $1775.00 CLAIM WITH THIS KLAMAH FALLS MAN! FARMER'S INSURANCE GROUP Main HARRY R. LANPHEAR CHARLES BOLESTA Merrill . Ph. 8501 WOODY WALP K. Falls -Ph. 2-1047 hr llxtd as Hi lima ami lilar. ItonilMH ', .nn straiti-.s nj(ninl snltl prupustil iiiuvoinelit. Nmlliill IV. That the I'lihiii Juilko li ha Is IimiiIi- allthiuUoil ami tllrnrlvil In tiam ni.Ui-o Ml stli'h huai'ltiu Iu l) a. prnvlilril hy tn I tv C'hari.r ut -aid fit)- mill shsll imUliili till, t.inlullon as mvlilsil liy law, anil wllhhl llva cluysi ntlrr lha llral tin I il -i-atlnn llwiai.I lh i nv Kniiimr ahall i-ausa tn ! p.,.lil at aai'li ami uf thn line i.f Kiinl.iniilslril ."I'll ni.tlra as la tin- liy law ami ont'nnri. Par-'sil liy Ilia ri.mniiin t iiuilfil n( lha CHy lit Klamath rail.. Or.sun. tills 111.! tiny tit January, lllttl. Prs.rtitstl Iu lha Mayur ami t.v htm annriivi'il -rill stu.ll this Willi day ul January. ,K r A rlKMnoH Muvor ATTEST I IMMWHT M ELDER police Judge STATE OF OltKtlON. ( COUNTY OF KLAMATH. H9, CITY OF KLAMATH FALL. I, Robert M Elder, I'niu-e .Indite tt the City of Klnttinlh Falls, Oregon, do hereby certify that the above anil foie gomg Is a line ropv of a resolution introduced and adopted by the Com mon Council of the City of Klamath Km He. Oirunn at Ms regular inert log held on Monday the 31st day of Jan uary, lina. and thereafter approved and signed by the Mayor. MOHKMT M. ELDER Police J uit a i 3o-;ii r-I-i a No. tuts days!.. Yes ... to many insur ance buyers this prompt settlement is unusual. But with cus tomers of FARMER'S INSURANCE GROUP . this fast service is taken for granted! ' .', Phone 6923 ELLIS OCHS K. Falls-Ph. 2-3027