PAGE SIX HERALD AND NfcWS. KLAMATH FALLS, ORKGON MONDAY, l-'KlilUMRY 4. 1i)fS5oNl)AY, KKIIHUARY 4, 10.12 HERALD AND Mm, KLAUATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE SEVEN Me advantage ef the extra savings now being offered yoit triM this gigantic went Muttipfy these swings. 8uy them by the ease c wrrk.K,'arw m imipwi 111 i mini i i umi ig i n . L Prices en hcse two pages are effective thru Sot., Februory H. Wt reserve the right to limit quantities. DENNISON'S A terrific , value 14-ox. bottle 15 SARDENSlDE . .. C21 GEBEEIU BEfiRIS HIGHWAY No. 303 cant , 5 c S9 GRAPEFRUIT SEGMENTS ? 2 29 l5$t COUNTRY HOME CREAM-STYLE No. 303 cant' ' Buy a Case Save 36c Baby Foods Kilks Dry Milk u mu Cherub Milk E..p...i Evaporated Milk Baby Foods G.,u,-t Baby Foods h. ib. pi?. 36c T.ll 4 At It N.t'l. Brtndt Cn 2cT:29 4 c- 35 4 Cm 35 rioun and Mixes Kitchen Craft-Flour 5I..50C Kitchen Craft' Flour IO,b 96e Sperry Flour mm s iwb.96e Flapjack Flour aw iVl..W Gingerbread Mix V.26C Soup 'Favorites. Cream of Chicken w." 2 PH,.30 Onion Soup w,.,, m, 2.29' Tomato Soupc.mPt,n. io'j.c.-12c Chicken Gumbo cmUc..18c Cream of Celery 'CJ4C Corn Niblets Beets Peas Drl Morre CicA'n Style No. 303 con Whole Kernel 12-CZ, Co.-n can White Tag No. 2 Standard 15c 15c 3fr25c 10c Ko. 303 Can y SUGAR BELLE VSm FANCY PACK Beans cuSn Ncan2 5for$l Dressing H 49c Shortenings-83c Shortenings 85c Terrific Values in Guaranteed Meats Rib ROaSt standmg Corned Beef Boneless Veal Roast Shoulder Leg 0' Lamb Roast Breast of Lamb Pork Roast Loin or rib end Pork Chops Center cut Pork Shoulderrooit Pork Steaks Blade cut Spare Ribs Pork LinkS Del Monte, Sweetheart Sliced Bacon Foncy Sliced Bacon Res Bacon Jowls FOWl por fncossce Hen- Turkeys Tom Turkeys Fryer Turkeys Top . Gov't. Grade Chuck Roast Proper aging Proper trimming make this roait a top value Blade Round "lA. Bone, lb. 7 lb. 90c Ib. 69c Ib. 85c Ib. 94c Ib. 39c lb. 48c Cu,,',b til PICNICS I Armours Star 5'C 05Jk Fine F,ovor Ik 59c r,teiL Sugar-cured lb-55c N&M Ib. 46c Wffj. Ib. 69c Short Hs . Ib. 63c Sh"ks TOjj. lb. 75c I 'tan- Fancy Hams ' ,b 59c Armour Stor Sugar-cured Canned Hams Wilson's boneless pre- F "I A cooked, 6-lb. con 3"' Ring Bologna Sure to moke o hit ea. 45c Piece Bacon There's o right size piece for yon Ib. 39c 100 Leon Beef Ground Beef uaranteed to please, Ib. 59c READY TO COOK Fresh Fryers 6SC Thoroughly cleaned and disjointed ,1b. A 40-OZ. jPKG. OF Fleet Mix WITH THE PURCHASE OF A10-lb.bagof Suzanna Pancake Mix 98 X Pint Jar NU MADE FRESH Mayonnaise 39c 69c RIPPIN GOOD BRAND GOOKIES Sugar Coconut Oatmeal 14-ox. 25' $r- , ' "I Westag Imitation Flavor Vanilla Special Deal 4-oz. bot. 16-or. bot. Both "VIUIU for BEL-AIR, FROZEN (hange Juice (J Buy e cat Save 3c Ho. 2'2 DE MONTE PEACTJfl 29 luy Cat Save fee LAKEMEAD SAUCE Ne.303 cans 2 0 pi1 C Caa Save 12 ea DOLE'S jnilEGIS 23 Itry t Cate Seve41 Soaps Household Needs Sweetheart Soap 3 27 Wrisley Soaps u (mh 57c Tide Detergent ,.. 83s White King Soap gu .i,.59c BoreneSoap . Pi.29c Rik-Rak Cleanser m.milV Bon-Ami Cakes ..J0' Soil Off Weod.eit tl..Mt, tit, 1 bV. 39' Parson's Ammonia ... w(.14 Powdered Bleach v... 39c Mrs. Stewart's Bluing ZTt White Magic Bleach ., ,.h.J5c Purex Bleach P(. iV M' " Witerf5oftenr c.i,.. Sal Soda Ami 1 HmB. Vano Liquid Starch Chix Cheese Cloth Canvas Work Gloves Jersey Work Gloyes Shoe Laces H.m.y Safety Pins 0.u, Parfum Dry Cleaner g.i,J9 :Duco Household Cement T. 251- Lighter Fluid ,1 RE. Light Globes 14' G.L LightGlobes ,5..(16 Gi. Light Globes m .., 16' (Tti titr en light glcbti) Simonfze Wax S:L ?U4rt 98 Aerowax s.n reihhiM ourt 59'i ' Tavrftl Tana VAVbl IHV HtnJy Ulelum y4"- Favorite Spread r Peanut Butter ,.,tr l2..i 37 Peanut Butter Strained Honey Hit:' 45( Mixed.Frui Jelly T: '22 Pxopirfd foods Pork i Beans t'.'!' n.. r, c.18c Pork i leans ftr Port I leans v.,cN14 B. & M. Baked Beans !c'.r 30 Kidney leans IT" N..i 12' Spaghetti fricAmrttn Chill With leans IXL Chicken Raviolis 41l ,,39"" o,t,t'23' it , ,r,..19Y"f; 39' i vi 35' pair 15'j m !.... Pi,. i) IV Cuutd Fnits ai Jvicts Whole Apricots M 31 Pitted Cherries y?4 24' Fruit Cocktail N.a.AcJf1 FnHtCockWtuy Grapefniit6 N.c,1t Pear Halves HHr: 41' Cnched Pineapple 13s Apple Joke tMRw wm21( gTapefruif Me tit 26 Lemon Juice, M.CP. 14l Orange Ade, Hi-C c26 Tomato Juke Apple Jelly t ..225 Strawberry Preserves mT 79 Sleepy Hollow Synipi.w.k.i.25t Lumberjack Syrup teft. 36 Grandma's Molasses 44 Values in Fresh Produce ORANGES & ami rmtnniririr&iiiT flrnnpt . Uk hufl SAVE 3 3 "Buy the Grapefruit -8-Ib. bag W Lettuce Fresh, leoty lb. 12c Peppers Cauliflower scd lb. 1?c Rhubarb i' it 11- j a tarroisf!l id. m hraoes RetlEs 4.c shamDoo .Celery Crw lb. 15c Calavos A 2J3c Turns r,,.; 3.,u!5e Ib. Mc Sm Fds Cove Oysters $h tT 43 Pesiied Shrtav Sfi 54l Small Shrimp v iw 31c N.tBe IP H..Ait 24' Chunk Tuna Tuna Fish ttrt LUIY'S PEiicnnES Mm SOLDEN SLICES OIC No. 2Vt can luy a Cete Save c ,2P 3y lithfooa Sifpliot Toothpaste 13' Hot Houss T.-ll 1. . b..4. Eci 5l PHgrim Aspirin ,1 Aha-her ik ior Ipana Tooth Paste lb. 25c Salad Mix 8 o oMj 10c Fresh Dates TOMATOES Tooth Inches M h, ladlf4 Carefully Selected for firmness & Ripeness '3-oi. Carton s3 Band AidsH. ClB 33J DUDE RANCH BRAND JELLIES Grape Strawberry Blaclrberry V (PRODUCE FRICIS SUBJECT TO CHANCE) rroua Foeds Qtm& Juice Bel-iUrPeas ntlV Strawberries .m nSf Chip Steaks Chrit Tutu uMMtlr N,2t 31c Kwmii ul Cbtott Cheese Food vuz. . i.u.? 89s Junericasi Cheese fn. 34f Pimiento Cheese 34 Swiss Oieese Peter Mattwfcfe ,19 f$MmW KrinklesHots .f26: Crenette Macaroni m. w13c Honey Coch ChfesNvvfy i37! Swetolttfti ' m J1S Am Drops ii,m Peanot Clusters xw wk.5?' Chocolate Drops ,.7 , ,v 33c Dairy Butters . .21c R4H.OxcoJates25c CcsHty larsra , m95c M& Chocolate 49 Ctocoiate Cherries w 49" Chocohtes tM4 )mw(im i..59c Hard Ccndks safh'Mh t.nA9( Peaches &s. ts' 25c VUi O frttfutM pitcw aW Armour Lard 57c Chicken s $lu TOLL O' GOLD 4&-oz. con 13 luy a ea S ve 4te i. SUGAR WKI" 89c Juice sCo" -25c ' Snack ' r39c Sponges. 1933630 STOCK UP 4ND S4VE IT OUR 0f6 70c 0SPL4V! ... Green Um Hurt !. Pork ud lew Vm Star A U I a -ftL L.UI nwniny o. n.. m " mnn tgneni m.. i Cranberry Sauce lwt V M, Sujir lelw riis Kippered Srkb Loganberries . Plows t,M-uS I. Yow of Moil Sale way i S-M. Cms ii iiB8 'II Breokfost Gems ! E M'Lnmn 1 -1 Tomato Juice . leins WM Tomato Soup w nplf imte Eflogic SOfiP DEAL WHITE STAR WTE.SIZE FunaFiish No. Vi cpn DU PONT 51 AUG E IS-DENIER Ifylosi lose Pair 3 for 2.65 DALEWOOD QUALITY Mb. pkg; ii fi I Regular iie pkg. only WITH THE PURCHASE OF A 4Ni, package at the regular price o I55c