MONDAY, h KWIUARY 4. 111,72 1 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE FIVE Viicnllmt Mr, mill Mrs. Itov Hugo, lllckyii, niu Vacationing iil llm Hay men ur simiriil days. " llonctrx Culllariilii scholarship iiu'inlnim ul Hie 'I'ulvliika lllyli hi-liniil chiihi'ii leu- the nprmg term are I'm linker, Oiuy C'nviier, Miuv Aim Diililw, 1'i'Hny WlllliiriiM. Itnllv tliilibiiril, I'-ltiMnict llrek, Jovcc llulliiiiiik. Norma Koimi, Hex OI mil, IJinuiu 1'riernini, Kay Poller, lloiuia Minnwdi-r, uiirbiiru HtliulU, Hully Thiiiiiiiii, i'l-iinv UnrkcLl, To Iii- eligible it niiiili-nl muni miikii three A n nnd una H lis semester llVCI'lllte. Heller Honor TnkiiCN, right-vc-ii i -old boil ul Mr, mid Mm. Khiva Tiiknch, Tiilvlukn, In recovering Iniin mnjur surgery In n Him I'riiiii'lMio lionpiuil. 'Ilia llllli) loy has Iii-cii liiiKpiliillr.t'd since De cember. Meeting An cxcciillvo meeting (it Hid Uegreo ol lloimr will be I mid Tuesday, 8 p in. nt Die home l Mm. Kclllh Wlurd, 2105 Wlurd hiri'ft. All officers me urged lo Ultellll. Ilnn't Kernel "DiirkneiH A Noon," CIvli! Druina llulld pluv fpuiiMirrd liv lilt' Bii.'ilnesa mid I'rolPniliiiuil Wuini'ii In ho present rd H o'clock tonight, Mills auditor- '(ieliig presented this winter by Ilia Clulld. Hireling The rrguhir monthly meeting of tlm Kverurcrn Clitrclri) Club will bn hi'lil 7:11(1 tonight nl Ihe Altiininiit Jiinlnr 1 1 lull Brhool. (Inrdcn hlldi-n will bo ahown. Mem bird nrr ulno urged to attend the llml mih-illMrlcl nicrllng ol tlm Klmnnili County Garden Clubs In Hid city llbrury todny. Jullv Neighbors will mrrt Tues day, II p.m. nl tlii" hoinr of Mm. I'm KiifMiiiin, :miio Applrgatr. Thrro will be a Viilriillno rrclpe exchange. . Klamath l.iitlirmn Laillr Aid mrcla Tuesdny, 8 p.m. Program "Traveling With I'aul." Mm. Ed f-kne; Hirl-iUiui Nurture report. Mm. J. K llvlstrmliihl: vocal duet, Mm. Keith H'-nry nnd Mm. 11. J. LoftJttcmird. Hnniciuirft: Mm. Harold Amlernon, Mm At Hulver , ton. Mm. Carrol Smith and Bally Hiudnl. American Lrelon Convention acceptance to lie. dlnciiKMld Tuev day. p.m. Technicalities havo nrlnen. All plcaae attend. Rummage Sale Women' Anno elation ol Die Firm Presbyterian Church Ii lo have a rummage wile at Suburban Lumber Com l anv, Walnut and 8. ltlli Bta J'rlday and Saturday. Strpplnr I' Paul McCall, Klamath Union HJah School faculty member and (lead basketball coach, la to receive a master's da tree In Industrial aria al coro mitceinent exerclsea .time 8. ac cording to an announcement from liradlcy University. Peoria. Ill, , r, Wednesday ( tub MeetN Wedneli. i!y. B p.m., al Bt. Paul's Pariah Hull. . , Mud Slides Block Oregon Roods SALEM tn The Wllaon River and Aisea lllkhwaya were blocked bv mud slides Monday, tlie Slate ltlKhwav Commission reported. The Vllson River Hlxhway clos ure waa 13 mile east of Tillamook, while the Alsea roulo was closed 10 miles wesl of the town of Alaea. The Dellcvue-Hopcwell Highway end the Wilsonvlllc Kerry aeroaa the Wlllamelle River near Aurora were closed by hlxh water. The ce-niml.vilon said chains' were needed In the mountains of Oram County, Bpou of Ice were on the road at Baker, Iluriui, My. and Chemult. You're 77. if you wear a "B" width or a small or large size shoe . . . you can take advan tage of this big sale at DREWS MAN STORE! Hurrv! Only one more week! 72 Listed below ore tho liies and widths available in men' brown dress oxfords. Cheek tor your size and come in at once to make your soloction of a variety of styles. Check below for your size and width . .. S Vi 6 Vi 7 Vj 8 Vi 9 10 14 11 Vt 12 13 A 13 3 12 11 B 1 4 3 6 4 11 V 11 10 7 2 1 1 C 1J D 1 2 8 16 18 9 1 4 6 4 6 1 4 4 4 E TT " "7TT American l,eulim Auxiliary Kliiiiiulh Unll No. U holds Us teu ulur iiici'llti.i Tiiimduv, U p. in,, In tlm Vuiermm Muiiinrlnl Hull, Ol fieri h ii i ii nski'd lo waur formal)) for Ilia Inltlutlon of new member. Dciilli- Homer HurlKen, Woouh, whs culled to Bacriiiiiento Bnturdny with Mm ili'iilh of hli brother, Olin, 411. Ili'iut iiUuck wua Klven us the reason lor Hiii tKen's death, H'hlln Kin Inn- N.ioiiil Hhl Inn No. n In to have a ri'KUlur business meelliiK 'luesdny, 8 p.m. Ill Ihn Mnsiiiil'i Hull. lOntcrtiiiiiini'iil and reliesliiiieuts will follow. Hughes Yins Movie Suit WASHINGTON Ifl Howard HiiKhen, movie producer and Indus IniiliM, won it niiilli-irillllon dollar Bupreiiin Coin I victory Monday. 'Hie hliih lilbiiniil sel uslilc, 7 to 0 nn oriler ri-milrlnu Huuhes lo aell Ins o;mi,o2(i slimes ol slock In the Nuw riicutrc Company by Feb. 20, lUfib. llnulirs appriiled lo the hlxh court lo strike down tlm order, nay- iiik II would deprive lum of "some million.,'' ol dollars worth of prop, erly. The lltluatlon developed from a I IUII Kovei'iiinent uiill-lriist null iiKiilnsi ii kioui of leuilliiK movie firms, iiiiioiik them llndlo-Kellli-Oiplii-um Corp., of which Hutihcn Is lha coiHrolllnif slorkliolder. The case utiiilnsi KKO resulted In an iinreement lo divorce RKO's movie exhibition business from Its film production nnd distribution business und the new picture com pany wan created to handle the production und distribution end. Wool Growers Ask US Help PENDLETON vfl Government defense UKi-nrlcs were urited by the Urenoii Wool Growers Associa tion executive board lo buy domes tic, rtithrr than forelKii wool, In an effort lo boUtcr tho American ninrke price. Tho board, In a resolution adopt ed Suturduy, aald the present wool prlco Ol 02.7 cent a pound la be low present Office of Price Btabl-llr-iition cclllimh, dropping from 1.10 since last Murch. A appropriation of 108.000 was asked from the Slulo Department of Agriculture lor predatory animal control and a commlttco named to work on tho problem. Member Include Julian Arrlcn, Vale; Waller Bhumwuy McMlnn vlllc; Isadorc Inda, Oakland; Mar tin Joyce, Jiimuru, and Koy Bna ble, Powell Butlc. Tlie board set the date for the nnniir.f stale association meetlnn In Portland for Nov. 13-14. The Oreiton ruin aale will be held In Pendleton Aim. 15. The board met again Monday. , Badly Burned Girl Goes To Hospital i'ohtland 'if A 14-vear-old airl will be In Docrnbechcr Ho, pltnl here lor the next four months while doctors ftrnft skin on her badly burned body. She la Dolores Weeks, the only one of nine children who survived a house tire at Coos Bay lasl month. She was accompanied here Saturday by her father, Thomas ! Weeks. Mr. and Mm. Weeks and Dolores wore the only survivors i of the lire. Neluhbors near Coos Bar are do nating materials and labor to build the family a new house. I nu aim m r.-m .rvoriji PRICE SHOE SALE! 5 r LfM.a V AlAMaW EGYPTIAN PRISONERS TAKEN IN ISMAIL IA BATTLE Hands over their heads, two sullen-faced Egyptians are marched toward a prison camp area in Ismailia after their capture in fierce fighting between British troops and Egyptian police and guerrillas. They are guarded by a member of the Lancashire Fusiliers. Casualties were heavy in fiercest battle fought in the trouble spot in the Suez Canal zone. Paris Talks End With Agreement PARIS ifi British Foreltm Sec retary Anthony Eden nnd French Koremn Minister Robert Schuman wound un talks Saturday on the stubborn problem of what to do aoout arming Germany. They said uicy were in -complete agree ment' But the communique didn't say what they axreed on. ' Kdcn. however, renewed a Brit tsh promise to work "as closely as possible" with a unified six-nation European army, now In the troubled process of formation. Prime Minister Churchill gave a similar pledire In December, but rciicraiea Britain reiusai to join Ihe army Itself. Tlie problem before the' two din. lomuts waa to agree on how many guns nicy mink Germany should have to Join In Western defense, and how soon she should have them. Presently projected for Oer- muny nre 12 divisions, plus small iiuvui units ana an alrlorce of 1,- MK) planes. ihe European countries want to keep the United 8lntes from (ore. ing what they think mav ha too speedy rearmament of the late en emy, jjih mey don't want to slow things down so much it will dis. courage United States participation in t-uio:iiii aeiciue or invite Rus. slan pressure: French sources Indicated Frten and Schuman had some different of opinion, at least to begin with, on whether German Chniinr rwu.iran Adenauer snouid attend the U.S British and French foreign ,4 meeting m ixmaon Feb. HI1U 14. The French unlH &h.,m.. Eden discussed the necessity nt Genaral Hans Frci BOOKKEEPING Service 2234 Se. rh riwne 2-0293 wi':f ilfjt j : r v C .'J l-.WP ; Doctors Quit Hospital Plan POUOHKEEPSIE. N. 'Y un Two doctors have resigned from a oirui control group as demanded by St. Francis Roman Catholic Hospital and a third withdrew his services to the nnrenthonH imii "Si .! J aeuca tne vi me ovra pnysicians mvoivea, four are Jewlih and three are Pro- testants. The 'doctors made known lhflr plans Friday following the hospit al's ultimatum that the seven ei ther break off with tlie Dutchess County Planned Parenthood League or resign from the Institution's staff. The Catholic Church Is onoosed to the use of contraceptives or oth er mecnanicai means oi Dirtn con trol. Dr. John R. Rogers, former nres- Ident of the Dutchess County Med ical Society, and Dr. Martin Lieser announced they had quit the league. Dr. Paul Lass said he never was a member of the league but had rendered some services to it out of "professional courtesy." He said these services would be withdrawn. me tour physicians who have de- settling the Franco-Oerman In differences that have arisen over the Saar, and West Germany's de mand for admission to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. The communique said, however, "the conversations emphasized the complete agreement of the two countries and the trustful friend ship that unites them." ITihi hfrnkipSeric txunburtkto ehumher, with Urn, wlU cooled vnlvw rlftht in ttodofne, is the biirie rcMon Firepower outperform! all prTlou Anirlnef, ven on Boc-prwnium Powtr StMrinr and Fluid lorqu ttandard on Crown ImpariftiH. Powar 8terinc optional at mw mat on al) othur moriria. F1uidTorqiia optional on all 8-eylinder modcla, , . J ' 01 elded to retain their membership In the league are Albert A. Rosen berg, E. Gordon McKenzle, Wil liam W. Bennett and Florence H. Gottdlener. Dogs Used For Night Watchmen CHICAGO in Four German shepherd dogs, after Intensive training, have been placed on duty 'as night watchmen at the Marshall Field It Co. warehouse. The dogs make regular patrols of the big building and even punch au-ciear signals oy pressing a foot pedal with their front paws at each j post on me neat, wnen the pedal is pressed, a bell rings above the oog and toe "all-clear" signal flashes on the central control board. The dogs provide protection for the two-legged watchmen and also save them nine miles of walking ! cutii niKui. mry nave oeen trained to sound emergencies by barking at any sign of fire. Helps HmI And Clear Itchy Skin lash! Tint applications of highly medicated Zemo antiseptic promptly relieve Itching ot rashes, aezema, athlete's foot, psoria tic, ringworm aadirimilarsurfaee skin and calp irritations. Then notice ho quickly your akin starts to clear! Buy Eztn Stmgth Zemo liquid mm mmmm 4. for stubborn cans. 110 BEFORE Y0V INVEST IN ANY FINE CAR... COME DRIFETHIS Crew Flees Broken Ship In Wild Storm, All Okay By HKERK HART MOREHEAD CITY, N. C. I All ?8 crewmen of the freighter Mlftet renched shore safely In a nlniilo lifeboat Monday a htirrl- cone whipped winds broke the 2,600 ion Panamanian snip In two. fhe. captain, Ludolph von Tnniten of Belford, N. J., said the lifeboat crashed Just before It reached the shore of Portsmouth Island. The men Jumped out and waded ashore. The frelKhter was abandoned at. 2:85 a.m. about a mile and a half onshore as it started to break up. Ihe vessel, owned by Carras Ltd., of New York City and carrying wheat from Baltimore to Brazil, drifted within 100 yards of shore and DroKe in two. The captain, barefooted and Argentina Cuts Beef BUENOS AIRES. Argentina Wl I Saturday was the day of succulent iMrloin.i again in this beef-eating land, alter a day s privation, Friday was the first of the week ly "meatless davs" decreed hv the ! government. No beef, no mutton. r.o pork, said the order. Only chicken, eggs, fish, rabbit, etc. for Buenos Aires on Fridays, the rest of the country on Thursdays. 8o a customer went Into a res taurant Friday and the waiter, handing him the menu, muttered, "No meat. No meat tn Argentina." The customer took what he could get. There was privation only In res taurants, however. Folks eating at home can buy meat from butchers any time ond serve it any time. The government wants to meet sales commitments to Britain, Chile and Brazil and believes It will need to cut Argentine con sumption by at least 5.000 tons a month through , mid-summer to make drought-depleted beef herds stretch far enough. NEW GADGET PORTLAND ( An electronic ; stethoscope by which as many as 200 students can hear a heartbeat has been Installed at the University ; of Oregon Medical School here. ' The device, called an electronic; cardioscope. is one of 10 in use In ! the country. Dr. Howard P. Lewis, I ;neaa oi uie oepanmeni ot meai- cine, said it is the biggest . step forward In teaching the art of listening to the heart and lungs since the invention of the stetho scope. Previously students listened to the heartbeat of a patient one at a time. SLEEP LATE! Take a YELLOW CAB Ph 2-1234 ii wearing only shorts and a bath robe as he waited for clothing from the Coast Guard, said that one lifeboat splintered as It was low ered. All the crew had to crowd Into the remaining boat. Ho ordered the ship abandoned after It started cracking through the middle. Capt. Tangcn said he tried to move the freighter away from the rocky coast, but could make no progress after water entered the fuel lines. The Mlget listed badly as It broke up offshore. Waves swept over Its decks. A Coast Guard rocket, fired by a beach party searching the shore line of Portsmouth Island, drew an answering blinker light from the stranded freighter about 2 a.m. That exchange of messages above Banking Unit OK's Names WASHINGTON I The Senate Bonking Committee Monday ap proved President Truman's nomin ation of two new Federal Reserve Board members despite protests ! irom oen. uougias, U-Ill., tnat the selections are a "Trojan Horse" move. The committee, of which Douglas Is a member, unanimously ap proved Abbot Lowe Mills, Port land, Ore., banker, for one of the posts, but announced that Douglas had refrained from voting on the other, James Lewis. Robertson, now deputy comptroller of the cur rency In the Treasury Department. The nominations now go to the Senate for confirmation. Committee members said the vote was taken without controversy but that Douglas might raise ob jections when Robertson's name Is called for a Senate vote. SALE!! 78s HALF PRICE 33V3 LP't . ..10 in. 45 rpm'i 59c 0) p 10) RADIO & ELECTRIC CO 0) 401 South 6th Phone 6920 you plan to buy a Chrysler or not, we cordially invite you to drive this revolutionary Chrysler FirePower V-8 engine. It is the most -talked-about engine of modern times. Only FirePower performance can possibly tell you what it is like. We want you to have that experience. The ' FirePower engine is a basic new design so advanced it can meet rising performance needs for years to come. Today it delivers 180. horsepower, even on non-premium fuel, and when desirable, with simple changes in manifolding, compression, and carbu retion the horsepower can be raised to 250 .... or over 300, as in the experimental Chrysler K-310 : car. Naturally, others will imitate this Chrysler achievement, at least in part. We honestly believe that the FirePower engine will outperform any other car in America . . . and we invite you to learn the new standard in engine performance Chrysler -has set by driving it yourself at your Chrysler dealer s at your convenience. . . CHRYSLER ALSO BRINGS YOU THESE GREAT FEATURES! The .All-Speed Safety nd Parking Ease of Fill! . . Pmcer Steering The Priceless Security of America's First Pouter Brake The Advantages of Drt'cer-Confrofled Automatic Fluid Transmission The Getaway Swiftneu of Fluid-Torque Drive The Rough-Road Comfort of The Unmatched Oriflow Ride The Bad-W gather Protection of Fully Waterproof ,; Ignition MME a Chrysler and LEAttNtht difference he Atlantlo'i roar was sufficient to give the Mlget 's crew their bearings. All oame over the small frelghter'a side and got ashore, 5 I n c a ( I e x Sealed ogalmt water, tecurt agalnit hoek, Wylf IncaflM Ii Ihe perfect timepiece for any weather, anywhere. So sturdy, chores eon't harm It yet to handsome, it's a tint ' oVeti-up watch too! World'i only well will) lh fltiiblt bol enciwhtclthalguora'i golnil ahack . . . fully 17 1 a -1 i i 700 Main St. Ph. 3151 DIMS AT MOTORS 239 Main St. 733 Main Phone 3463