MONDAY, KKBKUAUY 4, 19M HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OHKCON PACE TWO KFJI 1169 Ko PST ,. Monday Evening, Feb. 4 ;00 Gabriel UutUr MBS IS Quia Show . (:30 Around Town Nw ( 49 Sam Hayaa. Nv MBS 1:11 Bill Henry MBS J) Peter Salem MBS 7:30 Bright Slar ' " t oo Lai Ueorae Do It MBS B30 Hollywood Playhous MBS B:3 Dick Haymee Show 1:00 Glenn Hardy News MBS S:IS Fulton Lewis News MBS 9:3U Crime rifliters MBS :JJ S-Mlnute Final MBS 10:00 1 Lova A Mystery MBS Soils Country Murlc 10:30 Crowell'l Nut MBS 11:00 Night Owli News 11:09 Nliht Owla Club 13:00 Sign Of! KFJI 1150 Kc PSX Tuesday, Feb. S 1:00 Musical Reveille , 6:45 Farm Report 0 55 Local Newt 7:00 Hoiutniwu Newa MBS 7:15 Breakfast Canf MBS 7:30 Headline! and Byline! 7.45 Beit Buya 8:00 Cecil Brown MBS 8:15 Breakfast Gans MBS 6 .10 Haven of Fen MBS 8:00 Homemakers Harmony 9:15 Platter Party 9:45 Familiar Favorite! 10:00 Glenn Hardy, Newa MBS 11:15 Tello Tet !u:30 La Polntea ' f ' . . 10:45 Concert :. i l-:c en Joene . ', 10:55 Ken Canon MBS , , 11:00 Ladies l air MBS ' 11:J9 Ncw MBS 11:30 Queen for a Day MBS 12:00 Name Bands 12:15 News Headline! 12:30 Your Dance Tunei 12:45 Market and LiveMock 1:00 Jack Kirk wood MBS - 1:30 Tune Test 1:99 News 2:00 Local News 2:03 Net News MBS 2:'5 Two at 2:15 2:45 Answer Man MBS 3:00 Ricky's Request 4:00 Speed Gibson MBS 4:15 Hemingway News MBS 4-30 Curt Massey Time MBS 4:45 Sam Hayes MBS 5:CJ Serjeant Preston MBS CtAUC GABLE PtDGON JOHNSON Dcwuvy Continuous From 1:45 mm WATCH TOR THIS INEXT ATTRACTI0N k for one of & ft ft ft ft ft ft the best ft movie times youVehad in years Watch for TVarner Bros.' ft ft ft Xbmu, "ran . Wj ot I rtilllll'll'.IHi'lllTi Open l.Hi'X . wa miipm aiWi) ! f PTZITMKMEIT...II MHlH m I WATCH TOR THISl i h mm i RAY GENE MILLIDIRNEY fn-'i - 8:30 5:99 00 8:15 8:30 Sky Kln MBS Cerll Brown. MBS Gabriel Healter MBS Klamath Theater Qui! 6:43 Sam Hsyes News MBS 6:33 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 8:49 O:O0 9:13 9:30 9:35 10:00 10:13 Din Henry a-ioa Black Museum MBS Peter Salem. MBS Count- of Monte Cristo MBS novlne at Rudy's Heidelberg Harmonatres Glenn Hardy News MBS Fulton Lewis News MBS Official Detective MBS 5-Mlnute Final MBS 1 Lova A Mystery MBS - Here's to Vet r un( 10:30 11:00 11:05 12:00 Night Owls Edition Night Owls Club Sign Off KFLW 1450 Kc rST Monday Evening, Feb. 4 6:00 8:13 6:2! 8:30 6:43 6:35 7:00 Sports Highlights Hume Town New! World News Summary Suburban Serenade Headline Edition ABC Coming Attrac. on ABC The Lone Ranger ABC Henry J. Taylor ABC IJrcv ev- rtf T-morrour Could Thil Be You -lew L'a.i We Attract New in 7:30 7:13 8:00 S:M 9:30 10:00 10:13 10: JO 11:01 11:03 dustry to the Klamath Basin: P ar Plavhouse. ABC 10 P.M. Headllnea Navy Star Time Insomnia Club Newa Summary Sign Off KFLW 1450 Ke, PST Tuesday, Feb. 5 Sign On News Summary Corn in the Morn Farm Fare News. Bkf:t Edition Charlie's Rounduo 6:00 6:03 f:43 7:00 7:13 7:30 7:40 7:93 8:00 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:15 10:00 10:55 11:00 11:15 11:30 11:45 11:55 12:00 12:13 12-30 lKM 1:13 1:30 2:00 2:15 2:30 4:43 3:00 3:15 3:30 3:45 4:00 5:00 5:23 S:30 5:45 6:00 6:13 6:25 C:30 6:45 6:55 7:00 7:30 g.-OO 8:30 9:00 9:43 10:00 10:13 1C:30 11:00 11:03 Bob Garred, News ABC Top of the Morning John Conte ABC Breakfast Club ABC Hank Henry Show Break the Bank ABC Chet Huntley ABC Lone Journey ABC My True Story ABC Edward Arnold ABC Betty Crocker ABC Stop and Shop Against the Storm ABC Musical Roundup Market Report Noon Edition News Payless Sidewalk ip-iow l.ucky U ranch ABC Paul Harvey ABC Better Living Standard School BdcsL Basin Briefs Accent on Melody Joyce Jordan, M.D. ABC Rom. Evelyn Winters ABC. When a Girl Marries ABC Ted Malone ABC Dean Cameron ABC Mary Marlln ABC Requestfully Yours Tom Corbclt, Space Cadet ABC World Flight Reporter ABC Chet Huntley ABC Natl. Guard Shew .' Sports Highlights Home Town News World News Summary Suburban Serenade Headline Edition ABC Coming Attractions on ABC Greatest Story ABC Newstand Theater ABC Met Auditions of Air ABC United or Not ABC Town Meeting. ABC- Paul Carson at the Organ 10 PM. Headlines Dream Harbor ABC Insomnia Club News Summary Sign Off Six Die In Auto Crashes CHIUJWACK. B. C. OH High way accidents claimed six lives in British Columbia s rraser Valley Sunday. - . The dead Included four mem bers of one family. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Deawarts of Chllliwack, and their two sons, Leohaid. 7. and Hans. 5, were fatally injured when their car col lided with a Canadian National Railways livestock train. Two daughters and another son were injured. Mrs. Stacey Peters of Agassiz, B. C, was killed in another train- car crash at Nicomen, 53 miles east of Vancouver. Jack Edwards. 40. of Vancouver, died of injuries received when the car in which he was ridintt left me roaa outside oi new Westmins ter. Crippled Scout Saves Boy's Life NORTH HAVEN, Conn. Wi Boy Scout Danny Holt, 13. did his good deed for the day Friday by helping to rescue a young skater who broke through the ice of a pond. Danny is a polio victim, and still wears a brace on his left leg. But he didn't let that stop him when he saw Edward Ashby, 11, struggling in the water. The crippled youngster crawled on the ice to a point where, by stretching out flat and extending his arms, he could support the younger boy. Three other boys men pulled them both to safety, FIRE PRAIRIE CITY, Ore. Wl The John pay Valley is without an auxiliary power unit as the result oi a S3o.uuo lire at the California Pacific Utility Company's electri cal plant here Saturday. Company officials said the blaze started from a short circuit. Two hydro-electric generators and five diesel engines were destroyed in me oiaze. (mm Continuous From 1:30 Hi The U.S. Commando Div. A A l ;uy HIKES FOR IKE Posted in a spot where it's bound to be noticed is the cam paign slogan of Kathleen O'Hara of Syracuse, N. Y. Shapely Miss O'Hara was named "Miss Youth for Eisenhower of New York" at a meeting of young Re publicans in Albany. Texas Flag Is Top Bid Item MOSCOW IB A Texas flag brought more than 4.000 rubles. SI ,000 to the March of Dimes cam paign when it was auctioned at the American House Club. The club, composed of Army, Na vy and Air Force personnel and State Department employes in Mos cow, threw a party and raised a to tal of 14,300 for the U.S. anti-polio fund. Texans vied with one another in spirited bidding when the Lone Star State flag went on the auc tion block. Lt. Col. Reuben Thorn al. onetime Texas At-M footballer, was the auctioneer. The flag was knocked down to Lt. Col. James Norwood. Graham Asks Day Of Prayer WASHINGTON" in Thousands gathered at the steps of the na tional capitol Sunday heard Evan gelist Billy Graham say he could be elected President :"on- a plat form calling the people back, to God.'! v.The ybung preacher delivered two sermons during an hour-long meeting ' broadcast cosst-to-coast. He spoke from the spot Presidents take the oath of office. The crowd was estimated variously at from 20.000 to 45.000. In his typical arm-waving style, Graham said: "If I would run for President of the United States today, on a plat form of calling the people back to God, back to Christ, back to the Bible. I'd be elected. "There is a hunger for God to day." He called for world peace, sug gesting that the United States keep its economy and defense strong, continue to expose crime and ir regularities and maintain, mutual confidence. He asked Congress to call upon President Truman to proclaim a day of prayer, as President Abra ham Lincoln did on April 13, 1863. Plants Get Tax Rebate WASHINGTON Wl The De fense Production Administration Sunday list four Pacific Northwest defense plant projects among 573 in the nation scheduled to receive federal tax benefits. The certificate approved by the agency enables the companies to write off in five years, in deprecia tion for federal tax purposes, part of the outlay made on new or ex panded plant or equipment. Projects certified and percent age of cost to which rapid write off may be applied included: The Carborundum Co., Vancouv er, Wash. $3,319,248 for silicon car bide at 65 per cent. Portland General Electric Co. $32,260,000 for a power project in Jefferson County, Ore., at 65 per cent. Spokane, Portland and Seattle Railway Co., Portland, Ore., $1, 205.361 at 5 per cent. Idaho Power Co.. $20,047,610 at 50 per cent for a project at Snake River, Idaho, 50 per cent. Plane Crash Death Toll Reaches 30 ELIZABETH. N. J. F) The death toll of the Jan. 22 crash of an American Airlines Convair In a residential district here has mount ed to 30. Mrs Rosa Caruso, 52, trapped in the blazing Inferno after the silver plane rammed Into her home, died Sunday In St. Elizabeth's Hospital. She was the seventh resident to die as a result of the disaster which also cost the lives of all 23 aboard the craft. British Explorers Run Into Gunfire LONDON W Britain is going to Drotest to Argentina about the reported firing on a group of Brit ish explorers In Antarctica by a party of Argentines. Reports reaching here said the Argentines opened fire when the Britons landed at Hope Bay, a re gion in the extreme south claimed by both Britain and Argentina. The explorers reportedly were forced back to their ship at pistol point, A foreign office spokesman said Britain had told her embassy In Buenos Aires to protest the Ar tVs s IV JKAN OWENS Klamath Fans came back from Aahland convinced that the Peli cans are on their way again, after two wins over the Ashland Grit zlics. If the Pels can preside over the next four games we may head for star in March. Hopes are plenty high I' Featuring Janice Larson at the organ keyboard and Denclce Ken yon, as announcer, radio speech class is planning a series o( eve ning orpan concerts over KTEC, OTi's FM station. Althouuli the time for the provram is not yot definite, the production data will be annouced Inter. The script snd mike society has recently added several moinbors to Its roll, included are: Trudy Bramlctt. Shirley Cox. Don Drake Donna GiKhrle, Denclce Kenyan, Harold Slaglc. Ed Tomllu and Frances Stearns. Committees for the Latin club dance to be held Tuesday. Feb ruary 5, have been chosen by pres ident Dick Tracy and have begun work. On the program committee are. Mar" Ellen McCoKin. Fhnlna Ray mond. Malhew Del Falti. David French, Marilyn Brandt and Bill Harlan. Helping with and planning the refreshments will be Ann Pedorson, Dick Hilton, Jack Prock and Gertrude Bramlett. The club took In over 30 dollars from their matinee dance held last Tuesday, and the proceeds were given to the Polio and Red Cross drives. Congratulations again to KU wrestlers who overpowered the Grants Pass Cavemen to a 38-10 victory, Friday afternoon. Qur wrestling team, headed by coach "Dutch Simons" has certainly been doing a grand Job. OPS Checkers Watch Spuds 30ISE, Idaho Ml About 1.200 food dealers In Southern Idaho and Malheur County. Oregon, have been reminded by the OPS that price ceilings on potatoes are now In effect. D. Worth Clark, district enforce ment officer, said agents In the field were checking costs and sell ing prices of spuds in retail stores. "Every raise of one cent per pound in retail prices adds more than $400,000 annually to the na tion's grocery bill," Robert O. Coul ter, OPS district price executive, said. Compliance with the ceilings should result in lower retail prices or Improvement in the quality of potatoes sold In retail stores, ne said. Snow Cover Reported Up Recent storms have given Ore gon's 1953 water supplies a big boost toward recovery from the severe summer drought, according to the preliminary water supply outlook Issued cooperatively bv the soil conservation service and the Oregon State College agricultural experiment station. Results of the annual snow sur vey show that mountain snow cover on Jan. 1 was more than twice as heavy as normal for this date. Surveys of three representa tive Oregon streams revealed above normal winter flow, report ed W. T. Frost, hydraulic engineer for the soli conservation service. Reservoir water supplies are less than Jast year In 14 of 20 reser voirs .reported, but the heavy snow cover, is exoected to partially off set this shortage. Reports from 12 stations Indicate that water con tent of the snow-cover already Is greater than usually recorded at the beginning of the melting sea son, Frost said. - Bank Doubles On New Honor System YONKERS. N.Y. Wl The Cen tral National Bank says its honor change-making system has worked so well that It has doubled the kitty from $5 to $10. The bank on Wednesday started letting people make their own change from a bin of coins in the lobby. Nobody watched, and user; were on their honor not to cheat. Friday Bank President Gerald S. Couzens said the rink has been "doubled" because "people are of proven honesty." He also said the larger kitty does not have to be filled as often as the $5 one. Coast In Path Of Wind Storms SEATTLE Wl The Weather Bu reau Issued the following advisory at 7 a.m. "Hoist southwest storm warnings for 12 hours, Astoria, Ore., to Ta toosh. Wash., throueh the Strait of Juan de Fuca, and inland waters of Washington. "Southwest winds 40-50 miles an hour, off the coast: 35-46 m.p.h. In the Strait and inland waters this morning, deoreaslng this after noon." TO MARRY NEW YORK Wl Patrice Mun sel, coloratura soprano of the Met ropolitan Opera, says she will mar ry New York Advertising Man Robert C. C. Schuler next sum mer, She announced the engage ment over the week-end. Miss Munsel halls from Spokane, Wash. If You DID NOT HIGH SCHOOL Tsa Caa Sloa at Home In Spare Time and Ksrn a htfh Hcbeal UJplema PSKPARR 0vV lor t'ollese ar f,earn a Trade 0l GRADUATES HAVE ENTEBKn OVER 60S' COLLCOtl AMERICAN SCHOOL Dapt. Kla-2-4 17SS Broadway Oakland 12, Calif. Name Age Addrtta Apt. City State OLD TIMER Progress has finally caught up with one Klamath Falls. The residence at S. 5th arid Klamath Ave. is the Dent Brothers. ' tin -VS " WK Ul RIOT AFTERMATH IN CAIRO Sunday sightseers walk during the previous clay's rioting in Cairo, tgypt. Martial law was declared following tne Saturday riots, in which at least 67 persons died. The city was quiet after its third night of military curfew. McCarthy Asks Nash Action WASHINGTON 'Hi Sen. Mc Carthy, R-Wls. challenged Presi dent Truman Sunday to point out where he had misquoted "a slnftle word" from loyalty report on Presidential Aide Phllleo Nasn. This was Uie latest development i tntM-hpr! nff bv Mc Carthy in a recent Senate speech In which he saia rmsn nnu uiu.-.-assoclntions with Communists In the 1940s. Nash denied It. At his news conference last Thursday, Truman called McCar thy a character assassin. He also referred to the Wiscon sin senator as the pathological Mr. McCarthy. The President said McCarthy's attack on Nash was like all others he used BRalnsl gov ernment employes, he didn't, like. McCarthy called this mere name calling, and in a tclcuram to thu President he pressed the Issue. He asked answers to four ques tions. These boiled down, were: Have you read the FBI loyalty flics on Nash? Where did he, Mc Carthv. misquote a single word? Does the President claim the FBI reports are untrue? If not, then why Is he keeping Nash In a $17,500 a year Job? Brothers Meet On Battle Front WITH U.S. 40th Division. Korea i,fi Two brothers from Grants Pass, Ore., met briefly on the bat tlefront. , . , They are PFC. John and Cpl Dick Mannons. John Is a member of the division which was relieved by Dick's outfit. They had time only for a quick hello and goodbye. KLAMATH 'ALLS. 0I0. AMERICAN CHINESE f4i at th(4t keatt Ph. 4U Pet Ora'ara Te Teke Oat Ben B. Lee, Mgr. or CANNOT Finish ' fa" Korea Clamps Down On Guerrillas PUSAN. Korea The tov ernment Monday proclaimed mar tial law In a section of Southeastern Korea as an antl-iuerrllla meas ure. Defense Minister Lee Kl Poonu said civilians were warned against helping Communist guerrillas. Lt. oen. pane sun Yup, com mander of antl-guerrllla forces, said 19.000 guerrillas were killed or captured In a two month campaign in the cnirl -Mountains oi couin- west Korea, JniTTrfPTTl . a j i i i r m tin Engineered to combine light ness with rugged strength, the Johnston Power Mower is built to give years of depend able, economical service. 21 INCH cutting width 1.6 H. t. 4-cycle engine BRIGGS-STRATTON S5 WILL HOLD ANY POWER MOWER UNTIL SPRING! PUT ONE ON LAY-A-WAY TODAY! Prices Start At '572 Reel and Rotary Types FYOCK'S 1001 Main f Ph. 2-2518 t v mm .f. ss- ii f i( i m m "an tr-v U I'lv 'I - Tin Rugged Lightweight lRfesiperatlng of the first houses built in being cut up and moved by vtlT -; past a row of houses burned fl THE ONLY ELECTRIC RANGE "With the GRIDDLE in the MIDDLE and FIVE BURNERS on top" mmmmmm "I use the New estate Electric 6, Bakes, Barbecues r soys Anwko'j Fofimojf V f Authority On 6od Feed jMJtCA JUJLQ See the Range that's Come in and ice (lie lenulionil NEW 1952 ESTATB Electric Range with the new Converlo-Grid (or (ril ling ... the giant Balanced Htit Oven for baiting ... the Bar-B-Kcwer meat oven for biibecuing ,. , , the Up-Down Electrkoolcer , . , the TimeEitate for completely automatic "absentee cooking". See thil fmou range that solves your No. 1 mealtime prob lem cf getting everything ready at once, without rushing and scrambling for pan ipacel ' FYOCK'S Police Face Kidnap' Tale SALT LAKE CITY Wl The til IruiiKlil woman's voire act police headquarter Into nclloir. "Mv son has been forced iHtn an aiilnmnlllln liV a hnaVV-Nflt. dark connilexloiiod mull, who tlrov away," ahe aalti. An alarm went out and a prowl car alnpiiad at the mother's home for details. A companion or her 7-yeur old son had come running with the ac count of the abduction who" they were reluming from a ninvle. MlnuloH Inter the abductor was found nl the police atatlun. , Olflcor Vlolii? Heath reported he hud nicked up a 7-yenr old hoy for imilllnllliu IrflM. A SOCOIlU UOV. UlO olflcer roportrd, escaped. rAINI.FNH GENEVA, N.Y. Wl Teothlng or rnlhrr. toothing was palnlons for 80-year old Clurence J. Estey, He cut a wisdom tooth recently without any discomfort, he report ed, Estey also has a complete act of falsa leeth. I I t I tleres your Ud pocket -timetable laiirtiaauna' JMalnllatri Uov of.... 5:10 P.M. SAN 'RANCIICO 3 hrs. 101 ANOIUS i Ji,hrl. Naiftkavsi' Malnllnart Uv t . , . 12:35 f. M. PORTLAND . . ai hrs. Shr.. , feiwtavt lllfhlt "mil las last" UNITED AIR LINES Aliarl Tarailaat. Call J-JJJ7f, at an authaflisf la, si oganl. 1952 Range because it Model Mil used by DUNCAN HINES Priced as low hi 1399" $60 Down $22 per mon. ELECTRIC RANGES 1001 Main Ph. 2-2518 i 1-4 gentine action, I