MONDAY, KKHRUAHY 4, 1II52 HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE THIRTEEN V- ' CLASSIFIED RATES ''im duv ....... per word 4" 'liri Days per won) lie iv Wrok run per wind HOv Month run pi r word uou MINIMUM 'llio iiiliiliiiuiu iliuruu lur liny out d Is OOu, IIOX NUMIJKUH ' Answer lu huh limy ui liuntllcci lliioiilili box immuris ul tho uupvr lur n eiTvlio clmiuu of 'iiic. DEADLINES Claaallled tut ncapiuu up lo 6:30 p.m. lor following days publication Cluulllcd dwpluy ada aucnpicd up If 12 noon lur (allowing cluy a puo llcalion. ADJUSTMENTS I'lruse miKu uii Milium lu adjust menu wltnuul delay Correction ur cancellations r telved by d:3u pin will on mnrtr In followinitlnv'a niihlirntinn C FUNERAL HOMES VvAM6'3 Klamath fii'trta! Ili,"iiie kit Ihlll atrial Phon. .1:i.14 1 MEETING NOTICES Md-lliiK-Hiuitlnli llltc llnillin. Mmuliiy. l"d). rtiiiiy. 4, H p in. (Iih Dr-Kirn will Ih cull frrrrd. Iti'lrc-luni'iiU. will ur served. liriniiin ril.HVuld. Secretary NAOMr SHRINE No. 5. Ordrr of While Hhrlnc ol JpruMilrin will hold u Mnicd meeting ur rueotliiy, Feb. 6. 10fJ All vlhllliiK aojuurner.1 Invltetl. HI.ANCIIE MARKS W.ll.P. IIIXi.K JOHNSON W8. IOOF No. 137 Evcrv Tuesday 0.00 P.M. Fifth and Main Sts. Al.COHOI.lOfl ANONYMOl'H rnr.t, Friday, p m , fur Information, write 2 LOST AND rOUNO l-O.lf. "check. pblolo" Mowerd-ft I.ONT l llenWv S ihm.I, Ma k I'MHlalntiitf tu'lnl tnwljr rmi't. Hmithrrn '(( ftc pm No vain I ft nvnno ! Ilvlurn lit Bhaita C -, Krnnrlt or I'.UJil Four nt.HiKr"orJ lUVt r'TT-TtaT? kpanlvl. Kunuiiara Vlrlnllv WMt with Kultla-n hrnwrt ran. iimiIi and 1rrrUlr Anawrr In VMrl. C'hlldien a p" He waff "hr H17 4 GENERAL NOTICE ANNOUNCING Mnrlp E. t.ow. former owner of Marle'a Hnittlwirli Hlioppo, Uli mill K'lituMli. 'now known nx "The Simile H:ir"i la re.ilimlim ownerflhln of and tmilner,x Mnn cluy. K"b. 4. I-'ormrr iind new eimtome-ii nnd frlemli ueliomel For the pnM 2 yearn Mrn. Low . 11.-11 IllilllUll'U Willi VUllllllO Vb Co. a rrprcM-nuiUve and dlslrl bulor for Lo-llect Htnlnlemi Hteel Walerloni Cookware. To plnee your order for lhl hltili quality Cookware, phono D003 or aro Mrs. Low at . . . f MARIE'S SNACK BAR 7th and Klamath Youngsters Miss Date With Dentists CLEVELAND Ml Two (lion. aand younitMera mined ehnucea to are dentlr.U Sunday and were sorry (bout II. 8o v: the Cleveland Doulnl So ciety, which for 13 yenra hna Riv en parlies for them. The aim la to entertain the youtiRMera. teach them about dental henlth, and. In rldenUlly, get on the good side of them. To .'sure good turnout this time, the aoclety ollered nrlrea. Some 3.100 parked Into Public Mil ale Hall, but the sorlelv r.itlmntpd another 5.0(10 wero turned nwav. Suburban Service 1 On Your Worn Equipment t11th & Walnut Ph. 7709 j British Zoo Uses t: Want Ad to Sell SurplusjElephantSj Docidinq that Maroarel, a circus - trained elephant who'd been in a privalo zoo lor 12 years, was surplus. J. C. Davios, managing direc tor ol the zoo. placed a Clas Rilied Ad in the London Timos lo localo a buyer. Wont Ads SoU Everything If la 'x ft t ""I "'' 'I '" tn atwit.frtr CI E ,tA, 'i'l AiliMtlilftf null ll.rr - .refill. Hi ' ririik, B.i 121, NW Bi., Miinl 41, II.. I Here In Klamath Want Ads Work Wonders HERALD In the LOST AND FOUND something missin? give a listen I,M Miini'lliliiK nt value? Onib your pliiini rlKlil. now mid ink tor I In- CliiHAlf led nilvci Uhliiii (It'l)iii lnirnl I 'Mini's whom ninny lollts me linlpi'rl In rmivi.Tlni! loaies. It'e whom Iom'ih much ilnilrm, mid Miu ciiii too I (in iluii'l Ijo iiitmuviiU'd, ACfl phone 8111 for an ad-writer I.ON'I' 1.1 AllmiK.Ml Nl'ifii J.MMii.'v 111.111 clM rlnif. 3 rawui'd. I'hon, 2-07MM. 6 "'" PtRiONALS liKr.NN"'llKAin'V"HAI.('N7"l7lirMiir I'linne W'.t SI ANI Jr.i" II tTProiltltU "Plio'nc r,(JulT I0 StRVICE FIX THAT RADIO Our BimlneM la Hound CONNKh'H Hf.HVICfc CO. Pnun B81B MOVING? . . . Cull 7425 I.nntl'l.oi.K Iihtuncr Planu nnd upplliouu moving a ttiec hilly Trtuvrrr unci HUirnno Bcklti K Muvltm and titoroRe Peoples Warehouse "Since llilfl" Septic I anks Cleaned Newtat Sanitary Method! Alnn ROTO ROOTER SERVICE Clonna hewer l.lnca ol Knots, Kla tD K. KINO UM Orehard Phone Bail CAB I N ETWOR K HclnorirllnK In vuiir home, i-'urnlturo lu-palr CEOItCE E. CON DUE Y lOnft Fremont PllOne . ... j EXCAVATING Mobil tiMuvrl and Trench Hue Bulldozer Pill Olrt lopnoll Crtuhed Rork Driveway Cinder Compremior CRANK 1EHVICB GRAHAM BROS. Phm.o 6541 or 9110 IM'OMK TAX unriiNs ?ft aiipxlntmrnt I'lmne 2 02.11. llarvev l''httn INl'OMK tit return.- Kirappolnlnient phone ll.V.I AlI rilATIOS1Sr(,",ni'n rwum'n . children'! rtolhing Jennie Hare. Sni lrc Anito'a 7)7 Mam SKWINCi and ilcrationa."kitty fireueV Phne a 0.VMI ikMM"l.kll'"tmiiheVPh7rnei()4i rAIN'rj.N(j and papcrhangkiig Phone 7H17 inll'I'S At 'TO paitiimg. IxkIv and ferv dcr work PKrme 4040 KLKCTMC WIIN;r"work" byhVur"or -nntract Phone 2-1010 ri'MTAIN-S laiiiHti-ed and meVrheH Phone 4014 J L UKAN Public Arcountanl and Auditor Office t 300 No 7th - Phone 0340 PlAN0"Vt'NING WM"Vl MOHCJAN Kariory trained trrhnlclan and Miner. far tuning rail Kle Morgan Piano, 10.13 Main or phone 2-0200, MIHMOIlS reiver"ed. new hifrrori tnado in order. Kimball Ulaat Shop Phone 73711 12 EDUCATIONAL Loim.t. snrro.N To.ohr of PIANO A Nil Titronv IU! ftummrri !h. 9.0HW I1UOKKKKP1NU lioVina'nrt Ivomj in dr. luntrrlv nfflf miirhln.k KI.AMATH IIIIMNCSS COI.I.KliE tU Pin. Phon. 47Wi CHILD CAnr. aniTeducatlon. pr-"fhool ctmir. Phon. 427t. . 13V HEALTH MASSAOK. rreli-w-l(Mllf!lnfr Pliv" tlotherapy fur reducing, relaxation, boily building. Ttalra fur ene. Ap- phont .IntU-oSOO. Medical iimuic. women only. 14 HELP WANTED. FEMALE your helpmate in help-getting Is a Help Wanted atl! An eaRcr. nipiiblc helpmate when It comes to solving personnel problems. Whether you need office work, rrs. factory workers, MilrJ-hrlp, donicatlcn, or laborers, tell 'cm you want 'em through this Help Wanted column. Folks In the innrket for Jobs look hero first of nil. phone 8111 for an ad-writer rssr i I & NEWS Pit. iu WW tiMV mimi M HELP WANTED, FEMALE KXI'Ktl tr.N'Cf. i), rtfiFtb"wVr V. Ifl. AijI,v In par nun 'nmdiiy, Mlllgf . '. i'i t,it. t,itrnnailm woinnri to jiv m fill I wtlh mail hoy. J' hone CA74 W.liViKU, lMufiiiitnr aiMtl Kfiiaml il fire vn,rmr Mutl tia thorouftily x prilnncrd nd c-npNM of .irning top tulfiry, Hii'n'ly puiHlon, Apply In par t 1 Dlrl; Mrfrlflr' Hint. en I ,)). Apply I't wnon. Pirn to nut piinrif. I .en iirlrltki jriJintor, 16 HELI WANTEDMALE MKK', ;tl) " HtuCovrr, to rprffnt tV IIoiiii) I'Kiiroiii, hi In rKH. Muni hv ofiiiie ticalt.' knowlr(Ji of tnirka, tmc lii utifl fuiiii ttmci'lnrry. Mtmt tmvt liilr pi nil r I cur, llcfrrf nrtti i riilr"f1. f'rrllinlnary m'h'KilliiM nnd fltlrl train ln No liivffitmimt miniirtri. Cornml )'Hi mnl drnuluK nonount whn niioll rir'i, HuIvk rx.erlnc mil ncwary. Vrlli J. J. V'tT, i llydrnl flmlrlra, Mow ri41, fJAlUi, TKi. B lira tu atale ad'lraaa and phone nurn- hrr, KATlotfAl ralandar a'ntj advrtlilni nnvrlly roncFrn. l.lhrral rommUalon. K!(inwfind-illllufi Co.. Uroukllna 47 R, Mfin. Mnlc or frniale, front thli araa, Kanl d lo arvlf and collact from auto imtlir iiiart'liaodulntf machlna. No rllina:. rifTuncea and (fn work inri rttpltal nreautmry, 7 to 12 hours wtr'ily will i mi up to 400 monthly. l'oi.0lllly full lima work. Fut Inter view. Willi- giving full particular, nrniff. adriraw, phonf, Box Q, liar aid and N-wi. IS SITUATIONS WANTED I'errnciiant homevork, live out, hvo rar llfrald Ncw Box 10. r..Lt,i.l.t,l t cmiu rai m m (I'lneSv (. wrl' ir month, ('at I S-.'l-lfl !iAHV HITTINCi. ,honeJH2l1 WAHIIINt; ond jfonliig. Phone 'i'jfno. IIAIIV KI'ITINrj. I'hone 3-0372. Wll.l, care for rhlldren In my home iay or your home evening. Call J-IMS. flOUH work."'hhunefHr!r" 22 ROOMS FOR RENT IJVINli room. Itedrouiu with private fjAih. rir arnllanifn or coudIa wanting lo ccjolt. Very detlrahlc. OUfl No. 'ith !l;A iIJT nahle. I'noiie' ", if Hi HOAIIIJlN houite rr-iijnniK on or ahuiil Kchiuary 4th. Itootn rate, reterv Mtlona available now. Men only. 000 North Ninth Phone TrKM. m foe rent. W7 Mien Kuijfih lur itnl, clean. Lloe inTl'iione 2 nar.g. V( ) CJ MB . p rlre ir e iuo n'atile! ' Phul 4lfiT fbVCLV room lor rent M -7. week CtOMinPhon 411 K. itOOMS 1134 High 24 APARTMENTS FOR RENT : rWo"HOOM""fiiVnUhed aparlment avall- ah m, alii, nn room aparlment tin A) ;ni Mem. Phm tKjrtH. oii.NiMlr.U two room apartment, rv fngrr4tur all utllltlca Included. Tenth. NhV, r IJji.N Ibl7 apailrticnt Tim rompleli-d. Two room with kitchen ette, privet hath, electrtr heat. Phone 2-KW7. Hoferencra required. Abaolute- v n't (trinVin. i itNiMtfcU Aiiartmenl. Heat and i tr r iii"ludcd 443 month. Adult. 41 V, nfnut I'MNISHKU twu rfm apartment. WIVM dlktanre phone 23. lllitr:. r do m lurnuned. Cloir in. Itindrv fctlite. Couple only. No n-t Phone g-310 Xtlii Laitiioii. r t'M.Nl.-tllKI) three rotJin aoartmeiit. Clean, beautiful view, clvae In. $49.30. V92i. IHlifcK noiii apartment. IJU. 13U Ore--n Avenue KtJlt ilKN, Jargc I-ur ro.nn apartment and nrre See at 033 Front. Vi'kY .fire until' naheu ttuplex. Coupie i nl Phone HBtt3. i THHKK room furnfthed apartment. 811 Walnut. Phone 3472. ' otrrsiUK apartment for rent. 710 j Mnin. fireer Apia. tiNEbVdrnVmt"unfurnlhed apartment. 1 V6n HNT. Modern fur nuhed "apart- incut. Plenty natural heal Ol,VMPICAPT a. SO? E- Main TWO tim ""furniihr'd duplex. Two hlocka from Main. Phone 4402. CT.KAN three room apartment. 433 No. loth. foun ROOM lurnlihad apartmen" AOS Jtfrl:et J'none 11317 Nli:E clran anartmenl. Gin equipped. nclrlBeralor. Couple preferred. Villa MaruuUc. Inquire I3H Oak. TIII1E.K room furimhed apartment. Clote In. Laundry farlllllea. S.1I N. Sill. Cnun'e onlv. N. cel. W. Ca'ln-3170. NEWI.Y decorated, private natb, kll chenctte. Steam heal, electric ranat SI" week Hex Armi Apartment ton KENT, furnuhed apartr-anf oulre SIS Hllh 26 HOUSES FOR RENT FOH KENT, one bedroom modern houtse. Inoulre 1212 Home date. iFOH LEASE, three bedroom unfur nuhed home. M1B Altamont. $93, Ref erence. Pay twn month. Move rtfht In. Mark R. John ton. Realtor. Phone 2-01PO. three room r Oil HEN V, two bedroom houe lur nUhed. close tn. Inquttt 729 North llth. Nmnk.t mom modem houae with a rmf. aam Cannnn. Phone 1-13q. TkuY altrattive new three rom h-)Ue for rent to working couple. Fireplace. eijrtrtr brat Phune 4tW7. ' TWO bedroom unfurnlihed house. Au. tnmatic saa furnace and water beater. I. a race. wia. rnone a-aoiw. V N r' U K MS H E II four room'dup1cx. kx ceitt for atove. 50. Call 3027 before o.nv FOK KENT on lesie bail two bed room fnrnlihed. houne in Stewart-Lennox addition. Lame lot, baaement, barn, chicken boiwe. etc. Call w. J. r.a.sirr. pnm a-iMou 28 MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT BEEHIVE u TRUCKS DRIVE Move Yourself Save 'i New Trucks For Long Trips Pickups Stakes Vans BEACON MOBIL SERVICE 1201 E. Main Phone 8304 bmcr. on sixth Street. Available February 13. Phone 8220. Orr.CK SPACE lor rent. Moln SI. location 1016 Main. Share office with Hnrry Lnnphear. Farmer Insurance Group. Excellent location for real ei tAle. accountant, or lumber office. Mint ne ne.mnent olrfCE pace for rent. Ground floor. Phone 770O, OtTtCE upaco for rent. Ground floor. Phone 77on. OFFl'CE for rent. 23 Main. Phone 71lt. FOR RENT floor tanderi lateil type enulpment Suburban Lumber Co. llth andWalnut Phone 1700 CAR RTbRA'aE KEATEO. day week or -month. Earl Lamb, phon 4S73 or 7700. 30 REAL EST A ft FOR SALE SHASTA WAY Five room home on new concrete foundation. Electric heat and water tank, nice sized living room and dining room. Large lot suitable for garden or another home. Shown by appointment. Price $4250, terms. ALSO BUILDING LOTS 12 lots with 150 foot frontage, on South Sixth Street, by 270 feet deep with 20 foot nlloy. Suitable for busi ness. Price $15,000. Good terms. Anne Mason Eves, 6714 Eddie Hoslcy 2-0188 BOGUE DALE, Realtor 122 S. 9th Phone 7266 30 - REAL ISTATI FOR SALE The Buy of the Week In Hot Springs Beautiful 3 bedroom home with 2 hatha. Large party room, wall-to-wall carpeting (over hardwood floora) In the living and dining room. Large corner fireplace, big kitchen with dinette apace, now oil In tli htiHmfnl. an. I double garage. On well landncuppcd corner lot. Bhown by appointment only. All thla for only 12500 down and 180 per month. NEW MODERN 2 BEDROOM . In Hot flprlnga. Thla beautiful home waa built laat year. Yard l completed, with lawn, automatic copper aprlnKier ayaiein. aume iL'uiu i Pull concrete basement. complete with garage, work ahop. utility room, large party room with bar and aecond fireplace. Fully In nulated, electric heat, comfortable aeparate dining room, natural wood cublnctn In kitchen, tiled bath, and a world of built In atorage apace.. can ua lor appointment now. Income Property . In Mllla Addition. 3 neat, clean houaea. each on aeparate adjoining lot. Oood neighborhood: alwayn rented, steady income. Full price 112,000. Bee them now. 3 BEDROOM HOME Near Mllla School. Attractive, well constructed, Cape Cod. Automatic heat, attached garage. Total price $0500. F.H.A. terms. Open Evenings by Appointment See Don Sloan Ph. 5658 Eves. Homer Stiles 2-2400 Eves. Fred Scott 5703 Eves. C H LCOTE & SM TH; LnlLW 1 " 1 Since 1909 111 N. 9th St. Ph. 4564 or 5529 HOT SPRINGS Well kept two bedroom home. Fire place, good basement, nice yard. 18750. SUBURBAN Lovely two bedroom home In St. Francis Park with electric heat. 18750. XXX Three bedroom home on Cottage Avenue. '3 acre best soil, all fenced, nice lawn and trees, large straw berry bed and garden space, good chicken house. (5600. Income Property Two neat houses on one lot Partly furnished. Rent Income 170 month. selling price isot. BEARD AGENCY Realtors and Insurance 1020 Main Ph. 2-3471, 4880 FOR SALE 88' ACRE' TULELAKE HOMESTEAD By Owner Nine acres new Seeding clover. Price $34,500 R. C. IS0M Ph. 7-1252 There's a little 100 ACRE BEAUTY - waiting for you in Shangri-La Valley Bare, but well-worked clover land, virgin lust tamed, rich, deep and dark. She's your prize baby for $30,000 cash. $7,500 will handle straight cash lease or terms '4 pet year at 4 'Hi. Capable shelling out $30,000 per year to you if you do vour stuff. First come, first served. For date, call Lorella 2105, or, If you're willing to take a chance on being too slow when dame oppor tunity knocks at your door write a letter stating your qualifications to Owner, Box 101. Klamath Falls. POWERFUL little POTENT So BIO ENOUGH! ! OWNER LEAVING TOWN Says "Sell quick". Lovely two bed room home with garage remodel ed into 3rd bedroom or rumpus room. Well located In Mills Addi tion. Lovely lawn and fenced backyard. Needs some redecora ting, but will sacrifice at only $7950. Appraisal (FHA) for full selling price, PAT HOWES JOHNNY BLAYLOCK Realtors Phone 2-35456446 1025 Main Evenings Ron fisher 8970 Bruce Owens Merrill 149 HOMES FOR IALC EVERETT DENNIS. REALTOR Don Klrkpatrlek. Salesman 121 N 8tj Pnona 8481 NEW HOMES for ula.. William B. Powell. Phone 8323. IT HELPS YOU In so many ways when you learn the trlok of bene fiting by Herald & Newe Classified ads. They're excellent for selling, buying, hiring help, finding work and recovering lost articles. Phone ill. 42 LIVESTOCK SPECIAL LIVESTOCK AUCTION WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 6, 1 P.M. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON 30 RANGE BULLS 30 10-HEOIHTERED HEREFORD BULLS 10 REGISTERED POLLED HEREFORD BULLS 10 BLACK ANGUS BULLS (NO PAPERS) RUSSELL BAKER OF WF.ISER. IDAHO IS CONSIGNING 20 HEAD OF THESE COMING TWO YEAR OLD HEREFORD BULLS. THE BLACK BULLS ARE ALSO COMING TWO YEAR OLDS. NONE OF THESE BULLS ARE FITTED AND WILL BE SOLD IN RANGE CON DITION. ALSO OUR USUAL RUN OF 300-500 HEAD OF CATTLE -HOGS -SHEEP AUCTION EVERY WEDNESDAY LIVESTOCK TRUCKS FOR HIRE 1 HEAD 'OR A CARLOAD WHEN YOU WANT TO BUY OR SELL LIVESTOCK IT IS KLAMATH LIVESTOCK,' Inc. PHONE 3974 E. BOB RHODES. Auctioneer PHONE 4032 30 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE CATTLE-GRAIN TIMBER 15 to $15 per acre buys good ranch and timber land at Gov't, Stale and County land Sales. FREE LAND CATALOG. Pacific Lanls 1621 KE Cahuenga Blvd. Hollywood 28. Calif. CLINTON AVENUE Beautiful two bedroom home with fireplace, hardwood floors, corner ; lot, partly lurniinea. oil floor furn ace. Beauuiuj location, au.uuo u selling price and this Is under priced. Shown by appointment. IVORY STREET i acre, two bedroom, bath, living room, dinette, kitchen, large glassed In back porch. Walk-In fruit cool er, two car garage attached. Lots of shade trees. Good foundation. No alkali. All this for $5800 on FHA. YALTA GARDEN Two bedroom home. Almost 'i acre, landscaped yard and garden. Two car garage. Beautiful home three vears old is selling lor $9500. FHA will loan $7200. NEED INCOME. We have several good i income proper ties. Call us lor show j lng and prices on these. FRED E. FLEET REALTOR DENNIE COATES. Saleslady 403 Main Office Ph. 2-3335 Eves. 2-1363 FOR SALE 5 room home, full basement, fire place, close in location, near schools, churches, stores, walking distance city center. Immediate possession. Price $8250. Terms. Nearly new 5 room home In Hot Springs District, full basement, large plav room with fireplace, wall to wall carpet In living and dining room, electric heat In all rooms. Shown by appointment only. i i v.nmA Knrth rif Main z oeuruviii ..w. ... Street, concrete foundation, part basement, immeuiaic own Reasonable down pay ment, balance monthly. See Fred Cofer Bob Stephens t Evenings 9230) Barnhisel Agency Phone 4195 112 S. 8th YALTA GARDENS Outstanding three bedroom home less than two years old. Large hy lng room and dining room. Beauti ful kitchen with Youngstown cabi nets, OE dishwasher, I'a baths, hardwood floors, large garage. In sulated walls and ceilings, sprin kling system, fenced yard, barbeque pit. Priced for quick sale. $14,700 terms. HILLSIDE AVENUE Comfortable two bedroom home on corner lot. Excellent condition throughout. Nice kitchen and din i iitilit.v room, finished rumpus room or extra bedroom in basement. $8500 terms. SUMMERS LANE TVit. HaHrnnm modern home on ai acres, fine soil. Concrete founda tion, chicken house and brooder house. ALSO, neat guest house or rental unit at rear. Going for $7250 with $1750 down, balance at 4 per cent ui. i HARRY VAN (Eves. 8204) JOE LEONARD lEves. 2-0527) AL SCHMECK REALTOR and INSURANCE 817 Main Phone 3211 FOR SALE hy owner. Two bedroom home, a blocks or Mills School. At Inched saraffc being used for third bed. room. An old house yet In excellent condition. Sclllnj! at S4730, only S.W0 down, owner will nnnnce, ir inter ested In thin type of home, can be aeon at 2129 oak alter p p.m. 4hlV two bceiruom house In Hot Springs. Electric heat, attached ea. rage. $11,000, S2B0O down. To see days or evening-t can m oeiu anatia wy pnona bibo. AXEL FLOREN, BUILDER OF BETTER HOMES NK.W J-BLUKOOM nonie. r'.H.A. coll' atructed. Hardwood floors, autumatlc heat, garage. jn restricted district. You can own thla noma for leis than monthly rental, low oown payment. Phon 8363 or 4380 evenings. & POULTRY MIDLAND ROAD 34 FUEL - HEATING STANDARD HEATING OILS Stove Furnace Heavy Fuel DEPENDABLE Check and Fill System METER PRINTED TICKETS Your Guarantee Of Heating Satisfaction FRED H. HEILBRONNER 'Fuels that Satisfy Plus Service" Since 1919 821 Spring St. Phone 4153 IKON FIREMAN floor furnace. Com. Plete with tank, tubing. 1770 Kane. hone 2-1 272. S 4 H GREEN STAMPS given on heat lng olli Phone 3661 or 2-8260 for prompt del'very. CUrP VAOEN'S SIGNAL SERVICE ' 2360 So Sth STANDARD HEATING Oil Stove, furnace light fuel. coal. wood, charcoal Peyton and Co S35 Market Phone 314ft. DRY pine blocks for sale. Open evei mnn. ana weeKenaa. Metiers Bros. PIIESTOLOGS pickup or delivered Cilff Vadent Signal S-rvtc 2560 So 6th Phone .1681 or 2-0260 38 BOATS PETS SPORTS HOBBIES ANDERSON Boarding Kennels Phone TQ47 sens Delawa-e off Homedale BOARDING KENV7.IJ! Doe boardine bv dav week or month Sanitary kennels Well hal.neH Hi.t Clean individual oitdoor runs for eact dog Dogs nandied durtrff mating, will pica up ana aeuver Visitors Welcome Phone 8078 Merrill Ra Rt. 2. Bo 504 SHAS7A CASCADE KENNELS 42 LIVESTOCK & POULTRY POULTRY WANTED Cash paid for tny amount. Top maEel prices tr good quality. For quotations PHONE 3857 KLAMATH POULTRY PARMS FOR SALE as a herd only. 20 head Guernsey cows and 6 heifer to fresh en between now and May. One regis tered Guernrey bull. These cow are well bred and heavy producers most ol them vaccinated. Will sell all dairy equipment, De Laval milker. Au tomatic cooling unit and milk cans. Complete set up for Grade A dairy. See Roy Klatt, 4103 Summers Lane. ARTIFICIAL. BREEDING SERVICf Phone 5721 M- C (Chuck Warren. Rt 2. Box 522 25 TON at! if a hay. Durham heifers. Phone 2-2030. WANTED colored nen Phone 4531 HIGHEST prices paid for poultry, hogi and livestock. BIG Y MEAT MARKET Lakeview Junction Phone n 100 NEW Hampshire! pullets. Laying. Phone 4282. 44 MISCELLANEOUS WANTED WANTED to rent, 3 or 4 room fiir nifhed apartment or houe, by man ager of Rogers Jewelers. Phone 3704. WANTED to lease. arm 80 to :iou acres. Long or shrrt term lease. Write Hera'r News Box 4S5. WANTED to rent no less than 2 or 3 bedroom home. Phone 4674 after 5:30 n.m. WANTED to rent. Two bedroom fur ntihed house. Very good references. WANTED to rent no less than 2 or 3 bedroom home. Phone 4674 after 3:30 p.m. rVE NEED CARS! Get too pric now' Rovi Motor Co 6th and Plum. 46 FINANCIAL LOANS IMMEDIATE Cash Loans Borrow Pay Onl $100 S7.27 Mo. Ktpay in 18 installments OP TO 300 ON FURNITURE OR SALARY UP TO 11200 ON CARS THE IDEAL PLACE TO BORROW Convenient Location Convenient to Borrow Convenient to pay Locally owned New Cars nancel at ' bank raws . "MONE? IN A HURRY" Motor Investment Co. 20 years serving Klamath Etaslr. See "Chuck" Bailey Mgr 114 N 7th St. Phone 332b S-241 M-27-, Commercial Furnishes Cash! CASH LOANS 150 to $300 Auto Furniture Livestock Salary $50 to $500 Automobiles (paid for or not) Private Sale of Autos Financed Make your deals CASH deals I Commercial Finance Corporation Bob O'Connor, Mgr. Lie. 8-361 107 Mo. ttb Phone, 7711 46 FINANCIAL $$MONEY$$ ON THE FIRST CALL I Up to 1500 on your auto On "our salary or furniture up to 1300 "Pay Day" loans a specialty 110, 125, ISO loaned till "pay day" or longer. 125 costs but 18 cents for one week. No other charges. LOCAL LOAN CO. 115 No. 10th 8k M-354 DON MoINTYRE, Mgr. 43 Years Friendly Service 35 AUTOMOTIVE DEALER'S WONDER HOW WE CAN GIVE A 2-DAY FREE DRIVING TRIAL, MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE. THEY DON'T REALIZE HOW WELL WE RECONDITION OUR USED CARS. TAKE A LOOK AT THESE BEAUTIES AND TRY ONE FOR 2 DAYS FREE! '49 Studebaker ?1397 '50 Chevrolet $1647 '50 Plymouth $1647 49 Oidsmobile $1647 TRUCKS ft '43 Dodge l'2 Ton .. $ 997 '44 Int. IV2 Ton $ 797 '49 Chev. l'2 Ton .... $1497 '36 Ford l's Ton .... $ 347 YOU GET THE BEST AT DUGAN & MEST DODGE PLYMOUTH DODGE "Job Rated" TRUCKS 522 So. 6th Phone 8101 44 MISCELLANEOUS WANTED WAN'i tu to rent. Desperately need nice five or fix large roomed home. Unfurniiihed. references, responsible twrtv. Phone 55S9. WAN i fcu to rent, house furnished or unfurnished by March 1st. In xood condition. Up to S70. Close in pre fprrrft Phone 2-2270. WAM'KD mower for Oliver row-crop. J. A. Cone. Rt. 3. Box 2.T4K. City. 48 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR LEASE by major oil company, out of town truck station doing large Jtaltonace at inventory only. Contact WiMiam Carpenter, P.O. Box 553, Eu ggne. Oregon. 51 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE DRIVEWAY MATERIAL FARMER'S Sand and Gravel Co J. M. Barnes M. J. Barnes Ph. 7659 Ph. 7991 in-the-way things become pay-things Through "For Sale" ads. Yes, tilings in your way are quickly turned Into cash through these mighty little classified ads. - They find buyers for every thing from plywood to pianos, heaters to house-trailers, tin and slate to real estate. Let a Classified ad transform What you'd like to sell into something you want now. some thing you always- want . . . CASH I phone 8111. for an ad-writer CLOTHES DRIKRS. Basin Buildinff Ma terials, 4784 South Sixth St. Phone 2-2563. UNDERWOOD typewriter, $30. Phone 9978 after 3 p.m. FOR SALE. Cushman Motor Scooter with side car Phone 7447 after 6 p.m. FOR SALE, 7 foot refriserator. Phone 7294 alter 4 p.m. OK SALF Mavtag washing machine with movable tubs, can eztz. FOrt SALE military Jeep tire. Brand new. Slightly damaged. 700x15. Made oflcr. Phone 2-3310. 14 DAY FREE TRIAL Trv the new Sunbeam Shavemaster at home bef-re vnu buv. Only S26.30. RICKYS JEWELERS 700 Main fnone 3131 CRUSHED rock and driveway clndera Phone 2-1167 USED FURNITURE values can always be found at Klamath Furniture Co. 221 Main. Phone 3353. 8-INCH concrete culvert pipe, 70 cenu per foot. PEYTON & CO DRIVEWAY MATERIALS. Phone Joe Bart. 875, OIL storage tanks. Peyton and Co n:io iviarKCi. CHUSHED ROCK, driveway cinders. nor.r r..-u. LANDSCAPING. evergreens, srtrubs and trees. We trim, spray and remove Ifirce trees LAKESHORB GARDENS NURSERY rnone wjo FOR SALE good cull potatoes, h. V. Shgpncrd. rnone .:ioa rannanza. SAlai.. Daveno Eea. 124 North Lsruna. D-2 CntaDillar. Good condiUon. M. M. C"ne. Bly. Ore. IOK SALfc late model D-2 with or w thoiit t'ozer. W. J. Dixon. Macdoel. ADDING MACHINES, calculators, type writers, cash registers, deske. chatra tiles for sale or rent PIllNF.F.H OFFICE SUPPLY 82i Main Phone 741J ELKCTROLUX CLEANER and pollshel and supplies. Phone 7167 rarkei tweet 2I Market BROKEN window glass replaced, Kim ouns Ulass snup. rnune GLASS furniture tops and shelves made to nrder. Kimball's uiasi anop. Phone 7:i7a. HAMILTON-BEACH vacuum. $13.73. Ph. J12CII. LHiiOMATIC HARMONICAS. German made, anie pricea irorn aj.w. owiuun,u 10 hole Harmonicas, values up to 52-40 now 89c. Ocarinas. C "-89c: "G"-49c. Now on sale. Derby's Music Co. 120 utl tuun anu Lttro .1,", We buy used tires O.K. Rubber Weld- er.. :.mi 00 qui muiw rOH SALE. D-4 caterpillar. S4230. Phone Mnntngne. California 2073. plywoo "bine Sl I' 511)5. TR AI1.ERHOUSE 24 foot factory built Traveiensc. Aluminum covered. Com plclc bathroom. Phono 2137 Bonanza. FOR SALE. Coldspot refrigerator. 8V& toot. S53. 4348 Shasta. SS AUTOMOTIVE lOR SALE 1937 Packard A-l motor. S125. IH41 Main St. WHY WALK 7 DRIVE MORE MOTORS 302 E. Main. Phona 337D. "Wa will eel) your ur lor you." Wa bur and Uadal LOANS Phone 2-3537 8-278 48 Dodge $1147 49 Plym. Sin. Wgn. .. $1597 '47 Plymouth $1017 '46 Buick $ 997 PICKUPS 49 Dodge Ton .... $1297 '49 Ford SA Ton $1097 '48 Int. Ton $1097 '49 Dodge Pwr. Wgn. $1897 '42 Chev. Vt Ton $ 547 VISIT JUCKELAND'S BEE HIVE USED CAR LOT You'll be delighted when you see these fine cars . . . trade-ins on famous HUDSON Wasps in Horn ets! You won't get stung . . . 'causa every one is a HONEY I 1 O A 1 PONTIAC 1741 2-Dr. Sedan 425 1695 1949HSriM1695 1947 1947 1948 1948 1948 1948 1949 Studebaker 1050 6-Pass. Cpe. OLDS 1195 Dlx. Sedan Hudson Com. 1435 "6" Sedan Hudson Sup. 1365 "6" Sedan PACKARD 1465 Sedan Chev. . 5-Pass. 1145 Club Cpe. PACKARD rirnc Custom Sedan . IJ7J 1949c81nr:n795 1951 2sr!2650 1951 tSSX $2295 COMMERCIAL SPECIAL 1947 DODGE Vi TON PANEL Heater AQ Excellent condition. . O 7J JUCKELAND MOTORS llth & Klamath Phone 2-2581 For a' NEW or USED TRUCK Always See "JERRY" or "JUCK" four International Truck Dealer JUCKELAND TRUCK SALES Uth and Klamath Phone 2-2581 COMPLETE Radiator .Service CLEANING FLUSHING REPAIRING BALSIGER motor CO. Main at Esplanade BEST VALUES! USED 1 RUCKS -CARS GUARANTEED AS REPRESENTED . West-Hitchcock Corp.' - YOUR GMC DEALER 77 a 7tb Phone TTIL BUS SARGANT'S USED CARS WE BUY, SELL AND TRADE Corner Shaata Way and Arthur Stru Phone S203 COMPLETE auio glass aorylce. Prompt, reasonable. Klmballa Clasa Shop. Phone 7378. 1943 MACK truck. Bated 3 to 4 ton. Has rolls -and bunks.. If you need a truck thla Is It. A-l condition. Very cheap. Must be sold. Phona "The Tim. bers-' Bend, Oregon. FOR SALE, 1030 Chevrolet J-door, Low mileage, dood shape. S1403. Will fl nance. L. D. Hodges. Phone .123. Mallrt 1938 LA SALLE, good condition. SI30. or best offer 134 No. 3rd. Phone a-17lH, FOR SALE, 1040 Chevrolet rMeetlino 2 door sedan. Radio, heater. $000. Phone 3H49. . k NEED CARSl 0l top price DOWl Rom Motor Co. b and Plum. i