Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, February 04, 1952, Page 10, Image 10

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    MONDAY, FKHRUARY 4, 1052
One Game
Off Pace
., : W I. 'Pel.
Sri'""! - i mk
KlAnalh rail! ., .,.... 4 1 .11117
(Jittl . ae .....,.,..,..,.,. 2 4 .Xlil
Aahlatltf J ft ,07
The I'ullrium Imlltlnteil over the
weekend they Mllll like Hie Idea of
Kiiki'Iip In March.
Heeling Irom llu, tho hlg red
("in I while ituiin Iriiin KIiiiiihUi
Fulls win rxprilnl U) be ducks
hi tlm pond ur healthy Ash
lllllll U'lllll.
Today, llif Pels lire buck III
Kliiinulli l'u lln wild n m-rles nwrep
under (heir bi'ltK nllll carrying
hope at overtaking Mndftird In the
Ut a. 4 basketball race.
The Pelli'iina ncoird a 51) 50 tri
umph Hmiiiriiiy niuht to add to
Friday's 57-4'i workmanlike Job
iivri the urlxxllrik
The district ruio In Idle now
iinlll Fob, 16. Whim tlm Bin four
iirs lit t nituln, lciigue-lradlnii
.. vdlord meets Ashland wltli a one
Eiinic lend over tho I'cIIciiiin who
hint Oram Pass Id a two-gnme
IIIK Kulph Carroll led Klitmit Ill's
ni',i-mrtiT niHHt Butuiuny niKiu
with live Held goal nnd u tree
throw to give tho Pels a, 31-6 lend.
Carroll finished with 1(1. Jack Hor
ton, who Illli'd In adequately lor
Cnrrull whru the 6-1 center was
pulled tor a rent early In the sec
ond with three personal fouls, III)
..lied with 14. Kny Dell, the third
member ol Klainulh'a hll Inrwnrd
line Hint nvrriiKO ftllithtly over nl x
fnot, Hvo-lnchc, chipped In with
11(11, 1) 1,1. Alt
Ilie I'cIiciiiiii held Its Irad
throughout the game ulthuugh Anh
lund threatened several timed with
Moling splw Ken ' mid cloned the
ltl to 43-47 three mlnuteii Into Die
fourth quarter.
It was another roimh itnma that
auw 61 personal fouls the nil l no
number Friday nluhl and lour
Klamath boys, one Ashland eager
thumbed to the bench.
It k null an uphill climb to the
Kuticne Mule tournament. But with
two weeks to chuse tin llu bugs
awny nnd Just a suigle game to
make up, thlnits looked soinewhal
brighter lor tho Pelicans.
IL,v irnii
ki amaiii rAU.s ro rt rr tr
iuii. I . ... .
llorlon, f . f.. S
t:a(rU, e .....
JtlhtlMMl, g .. ..n 1
lillinurt. g ....-. 1
V mill . 0
tlnrron M...- ..... .. . 3
T Tfimoy, I
l.inlnKr. c
Mit(-k. I . .
V. Tanner, t
ai n a so
in rr rr tr
) 11 4 1"
4 S 4 13
.. a a s
.10 4 1
10 4 1
JL.2 ;.
. e
... I
-T....I. 14 33 37
llalliitn ' wore: Klsmalli rall M
Aihland ao. Ofdrlala: Slmaa snd ali.
Keep Tie
W I,
Klamath rail! ........ 0
nulla Vatlsir
Malm , 3 1
Lansrll Vallay 1 1
Mixiae . t S
Chtloqiiln . 0 3
Amarlcan Laslon .0 4
I 000
Klamath Falls and Butte Valley
rifle clubs won't budite an Inch
and are tied for the Midland Em
pire Rifle League lead with four
victories each nitaliud no defeat.
In recent out Inns, Klamath Falls
nutKhot Chlloquln, 1886-1823 while
Butte Valley was downing Malln,
LniiKcIl Valley's 185B was good
enotiKh to better both the Moose
LodKO and American Legion clubs,
with scores of 1802 and 1760.
8 wore
Opprll M
rrfltaa .ISO
ninklry .ITS
Athey 374
Hall 373
I.Ntil. Vl,r tlS.VH
n Noblt .177
llarrln 373
D. Sfllls 371
W. Nnbla 3S
M. Settle 3HS
V Nohle 377
llnrri 371
II. Selllt :i7l
W. NohH 3W1
M Sfllle 3SH
374 Cole
3AS Balflwln
.-IM Kirk
3n:i Brsuhtlaleh
331 uavm
iiihi Mnosx
375 Turner
ass H. Waahburn
3111 T. Carland
3s;i Thoelke
34S S. Waahburn
(I1M) LeniON
3S0 Hamm
3,B Otterbeln
34 Tellln
342 Rovie
341 Hsrtlrv
37S r. Vlclbrlne
370 B. Vlctorlne
3rm Weat
3rw Powell
3B4 Vaa Meter
Cougars Win
Ski Meet
BANFF. Alia. Mt Washington
Stato College skiers won the indi
vidual and team chnmplonahlps of
the sixth annual International In
tercollegiate Ski meet here Sunday.
Tho Cougars from Pullman,
Wash., compiled 394.4 points In the
two-day meet to wrest the title
from the University of Washington.
Tho Huskies finished second with
380.7 points.
Sven Huse of WSO took first
rilncB in the combined competition
with 3B2.2 points in four events.
Olnf Glcstrud of Wcnatchee Jun
ior College was second with 33,19
WSC Tankmen
Beat Idaho
MOSCOW. Idaho Wl The Wssh
(union Slnlo College swimming;
tenm defeated Idaho 59-23 in a
Northern Division meet here Sat
urday. ...
Morlo Templeton set ft new meet
rel.ord for the winners. He was
tithed at 2:3d.7 in tho 200-yard
ui'cnststroko, .2 of a second below
the mark set by WSC's John Fuller
in 1949.
"lloutlrM $r not, Krawlck, J wish
you wouldn't resign . youraelf to
romplelely to defeat!"
ollrar llaakrlball Score
By The Associated Press
Wanhlmiton 63 Oregon 57
Oregon State 81 Bradley 66
Utah hi jjrighant youhk 4
Wyoming 60 Denvor 63
Uliiho 62 Washliigton Ulnle 65
Montana 84 Montana State 66
Utah Btato 68 New Mexico 62
bun Frnnclhco Btale 66 Han Joc
htale 64
Phillips Oilers 78 Blunlord 74
St. Marys ICsllf. 40 Ban Fran-
rlnco 49
College of Paclllc 60 Nevada 64
College of Pnrtllc 60 Nevada 64
Bnnta Clara 66 UCLA 5
Kentucky 71 Notre Dame 66
Illinois 66 Ohio suite 62 ..
Kansas Btkte 82 Colorsdo 40
Bt. John's (Bkn.) 66 Indians 66
Ue Paul 62 Cincinnati 48
Northwestern 66 Michigan Slate 76
(overtime i
Itinesota 66 Purdue 60
Minnesota 66 Purdue 60
Davton 61 Toledo 44
Marquette 64 MIchlKan 67
Bt. Lo'lls 64 Wichita 63
Texas 61 Texas A&M 40
Arkansas 56 Texas Christian 64
Texas Western 70 Anions 64
Duquesne 81 Westminster (Pa) 60
81. Bonaventure 79 Chicago Loyola
Penn State 61 Weal Virginia 60
Cornell 64 Penn 61
Pordhuin 70 Oeorgetown (DC.) 58
Bt. Francis iBkm 83 Manhattan 70
Hour overtimes)
Beton Hall 68 Albright 64
Navy 76 Yale 74
Army r8 Colgate 62
Sprlnglteld 68 Harvard 61
North Carolina 8late 71 Villanova
4ciike m Oeorge Washington 74
Alabama 63 Auburn no
William and Mary 84 Virginia Tech
Oregun High School Rasketball
By The Associated Tress
Medtord 46 Mnrshflcld 40
Pendleton 46 La Orande 43
Clntskanle 5B Concordia (Portland)
Illinois Valley 67 Brookings 49
Hood River 44 Astoria 42
Maupin 44 Mnro 3D
Culver 85 Sisters 30
Westport Wheeler 41
Oswego 37- Columbia Prep (Port-
Isnoi 34
The Dslles 63 Wy-East 62
Sacred Heart tRnlem) 63 Star of
the Sea (Astoria) 42
Mllwaukle 41 Oregon City 11
Cascade Locks 69 Dufur 44
Oakrtdse 60 Madras 45
Salem 68' Bend 48
Echo 00 Stanfleld 48
Central Cathollo (Portland) 72 Til
lamook 67
Klamath Falls 59 Ashland 50
Roaeburg 82 North Bend 48
John Dav 61 Prairie City 46
Saered Heart (Salem 42 St. Francis
(Eugene) 23 (Sunday game)
Henley hosts the league-leading
Chlloquln team and Merrill travels
to Bly tomorrow night In two make
up cage dates In the Klamath
County high school circuit.
The gomes were snowed out Jan
Chiloquin Five
Mauls Merrill
Chlloquln, leading the league in
the Klamath County high school
circuit, turned back Morrill, 64-39,
Saturday night In a non-leaguer.
Jo Jo Oeorge and Oene Gentry
scored 18 and 13 to lead the Pan
thers. Wes Hasklns' 10 led the
Merrill club.
Chlloquln held a close 28-22 ad
vantage at halftime but puffed It
to 42-31 at the three-quarter mark.
cntioquin won me preliminary,
Box score:
Honeyeutt - F 1 Georse
Sander 4 P 8 David
O'Nell 1 C 13 Qentrr
Reevea 4 C5 varton
Hendrtekerm la 11 DuRble
Chlloquln ubn Parker 1. Ueecork X
ttnlve 1, Nleholaon 1. Merrill mba
Welahana S. Haaklna 10, Winter 1. Bar
ry, Waltere.
Pacific Coast Hockey
By The Associated Press
Sunday's results;
Seattle 4 Calgary 1
Saturday's results:
Tncoma 7 Bcattle 1
Victoria 4 Vancouver 0
New Westminster 17 Calgary 6
Saskatoon 4 Edmonton 2
No games Monday.
Gaviian Puts
Title on Line
MIAMI. Fla.- Wl Welterweight
Champion Kid Gaviian puts his
title on the line Monday night In a
scheduled 15-round fight with Bob
by Dykes before what promoters
say will be a 1(1,000 crowd In
Miami Stadium,
i f
Washington Keeps Hoop Lead
By 59-53
W I. Pel.
Veiinurt . .. S 1 B.'tl
OrpKfm Callage .... 6 1 .S.'KI
ninjfun Tecl 3 -Soil
Kaatern Oregon . 1 9 .100
Hopes were slim on the Oregon
Tech campus todnv that the Owls
ran win a bnnketball title In the
Oregon Collegiate Conference alter
the Hlllloii boys were victims Bat
unlay night of the "law ol aver
ages." The law worked In favor of
Kunlcrn Oregon College, down-Irodrit-n
member of the OCC loop,
who went Into Saturday's game
loser of 20 straight games, nine
In conlercnce play.
The Mountaineers' 59-53 victory
over the Owls gave the La Orande
quint lt first vlctorv this season
and a spilt In the weekend series
with the Owls. 77-65 winners Frl
dav niuht. ' . .
The loss gave the Owls an even
3-3 spill in league play with six
game to go.
Vanport and pregon College, two
games ahead at 5-1 and with the
lime number ol games left, are
lied for the conference lead.
There's still a mathematical
chance the Owls can pull It out
but It's a squeaky hope.
FnKtern oreron staved off a last-
quarter rallv by the Owls to tuck
uwnv the win anu set on
pandemonium In the La Orande
gym as fan celebrated the teams
first vlrtorv In 21 starts.
The Owls spotted Eastern Ore
gon 18 points before thev begsn
to move and trailed 27-40 at the
half. .
It wan still 54-40 tor r;uur. wncn
the teams tipped off for the final
Jerry Wvatt sparked a last-ditch
binge by the Owls by contributing
nine points, twice stealing the ball
ond dakhlng the length of the
court for lay-Ins.
The Owls closed it to 52-67 but
couldn't muster up enough gas to
mill It out. ... . .
Except for a brief 1-0 lead at
the outset ol the game when Len
Oenetln hit on a free throw, the
Owls trailed the entire game.
Moments after Oenetln's charity
toss, l-arrv Haug scored from the
key to put Eastern Oregon In
front to stay.
In fact, the Mountain Boys added
un a 20-8 lead before Homer Dun
can potted a hoc shot that
touched off Oregon Tech's scoring
punch that fell short with too
munv points to mnse up.
Tcchnlcaly. the Owls lost the de
cision from the free throw line.
Oregon Tech outacored Eastern
Oregon from the field. 21 field
jonla to 17 but EOCE dumped 25
from the gift line to 11 for the
Homer Duncan, wno rouiea oui
long with Tom Schubert. Mary
Hammnck and Jack Plnkley,
scored 25 for high-point honors.
Lowell Kolbaba, leading confer
ence scorer, hit for 20. but 1? of
these were on charily tosses. Burl
Oreen also scored 20 for Eastern
Rox aeore:
oHrooN Tim - ro rr rr tp
Dinean. I
s as
Schubert, t . -.,. 4
Flanjncam.. C m. 0
Oenetln. t e 1
Hammark. g 0
Reeervea: . j
Wyatt .-. "
Pink ley I
llenalee . -
roreman 0
Iwta .. - J
Humphrey . - O
Saline. (
Haul. I
Kolbaba. e -.
Oerry, M
..Jt It 37 .13
ro rr pr tp
I 3I
4 10
1 30
tireen. g -
McAllater - -
Totata . "a5." 2
Jayvees Trip
Klamath Junior Varsity defeat
ed the Ashland Junior' Varsity 33
to 26 at Ashland Saturday night.
The KU boys and Ashland ended
the first period in a 5 to 5 dead
lock, but the second, -period saw
the Klamath JVs Jump ahead IB
Each team made 10 points in the
third period.
Don Mills, KU captain, was high
man of the game with IS points.
There wore 43 personal foula In
tne game
Flochlnnt, L. 3
Hall 4
Mi lln. D. 13 .
i-iiarlnH 1
r a infi
y Detain ii n
a Gandee
G 4 WtVh
riochlntU, . 4
Anhlund mib Jefferl 4. Wntru.
Honkers Lose
Tulelake lost a 51-68 basketball
decision to Dunsmutr Friday night
in the Honkers' league opener
Williams Wins
Tucson Open
. TUCSON, Ariz. W) Conserva
tive golf paid off for Henry Wil
liams Jr, of Kutr.town, Pa., Sunday
as he took the $2,000 victor's share
of the $10,000 Tucson Open. ,
He shot for par, gambling It
would win. His unspectacular 71 for
the 6,402 yard par 70, El Rio course
gave him a 72-holo total of 274,
two strokes better than Cary Mid
dlecoff, Memphis, Tenu.
' ir'r"- tto MRtv om tsrtrai -1"' H ' '';
'" ; ."". .' " f " '- :?"?" ' tV". ".IWI'HW1.11. PyWW.a."j
areW8aaeBWSeeaeaaV' j ' 1 t aavashk " '
SWEET SWIMMERS Florence Schmitt is shown on the
board about to dive into her new job as coach of the uri
defeated swimming team of the Penn Hall Girls Prepara
tory School in Chambersburg, Pa. At the right is Ann
Riley, a star member of the team which enters its 20th
year of interscholastic competition this season.
Rams Win Thirteenth;
Medford Tops Pirates
By The Associated Pre
Central Catholic of Portland,
rated as Oregon's best high school
basket bull team in Inst week's
Associated Press poll, won Its 13th
victory In 14 games this season
Saturday night.
All-staler Bob Altcnnoien, with
23 points, led the Rams to a 72-52
win over Tillamook. They trounced
Mllwaukle Friday night. Their only
loss has been to Klamath Falls
early In the season, when they split
a two-game series with the Pell
cans. Medford, ranked No. t in tne pon.
scored a minor upset In the Satur
day night round of games by beat-
Bonanza stepped out of league
play Saturday night to clobber the
Tulelake Honkers, 85-60, on the
losers' court.
Tule's King did more than his
share In a losing cause, dumping
25 points.
But Bonanza had too many
sharpshooters as the Antlers led
all the wnv. 47-26 at the half.
Don Hubble led with 30. Irwin
Crume had 25 and Maurice Chand
ler added 17.
Crume IS P 3S Ktn
Hubble 30 P - P. 0ltn
Chandler IT C 10 Avrei
Wilson SO 3 Taylor
Hood i O 4 R. Olen
Bonanza auba-Dye , Lawver t. Bar
new Lueo. Tulelake eube Sow lea 4.
Goldblatl 3. Short 4, Lewis 6.
Maxim To Sign
For Robinson
ERIE, Pa., 1 The Erie Dis
natch said Monday that Llghtheavy
weight Champion Joey Maxim of
cieveiana saia ne win sign on Mar.
20 to defend his title against Mid
dleweight Kintr Ray Robinson.
The newspaper said that Maxim
declared he couldn't say where the
signing ceremonies will be held or
where the fight would oe staged
Ben Morriion, Mgr.
lltk ! Kkmuth Ph. 2-231,1
im Loss Skein
MWort. ItwS& K
cot victories.
ranaea Mo,
Bend, C8-48.
6, walloped
Klamath Falls, tied with To
Ashland, 59-50. for it cwnnn
Wry of the w-eelr,nrf r-
Grande fell to Pendleton, 46-43
after losing to Millon-Freewater
Friday night.
Baker, which upset Pendleton
Friday night, toppled Milton-Free-water,
57-51, to complicate further
the Eastern Oregon picture.
me ciass a aistrict 1 race ap
pears to be between La Grande and
Baker. Pendleton. Milton-Freewat-er
and The Dalles apparently will
scrap it out for the district 2 title.
The Dalles defeated Wy-East, 63-52,
u uumiui game aaiuraav night.
Fast-fadine Astoria rirannMi ti.n
close week-end games, one to Ores
ham, 47-46, and a second to Hood
River, 44-42, in overtime.
In other featured Saturday niuht
contests, Milwaukie bounced Ore
gon City. 41-31. and Roseburg beat
North Bend. 52-48.
Wade (Swede) Halbrook. Lin
coln's towering center, has a
chance to add heavily to his high
scoring total tnis ween against
Benson and Fraruclm, two of the
Portland High School League's sec
ond division teams.
Halbrook has counted 473 points
in Lincoln's 13 games this season. Valley varsity, 47-34: the fresh
He has averaged nearly 38 I men won over the Dorris B team
points a contest. i by a 48-35 count.
Bv The Associated Press
V L Pet.
Washington 8 2 .800
laano e z . i.xi
Washington State 5 7 .417
Oregon 2 4 .333
Oregon Stale 1 7 .125
Maturday'a resuis:
Washington 63 Oregon 57
Idaho t'2 Washington State 55
Southern Division
California 4 2 .667
UCLA 3 3 .500
USC 3 3 .500
Stanford 2 4 .333
By The Associated Press
The Washington Huskies still led
the field in the Northern Division
Pacific Coast Conierence Monday
but the breath of the Idaho Vandals
was hot on the necks of the defend
ing champions.
The Huskies beat Oregon twice
at Eugene over the week-end 71-63
and 63-57. But Idaho kept pace by
turning back Washington Btale 67-
52 and 62-55.
Idaho has the worst of it the next
week-end in what has turned into a
two-team division race. The Van
dals make a tour into the Willa
mette-Valley, playing lour games
in five nights.
The Vandals meet Oregon on Fri
day and Saturday at Eugene and
then move over to Corvallis to
meet Oregon State on the folowrag
Monday and Tuesday.
If the vanaais can gei oy t
much road trio. Washington and
Idaho may tussle for the division
crown right down to the wire.
The two leaders men nexv i
Moscow Feb. 15-16. They split an
earlier two-game series at Seattle.
Washington this weeit-ena enter
tains the last-place Oregon State
Beavers who Saturaay oeai oraa-
lv the Rerrmrl rime in a tOW 6165.
Washington State is idle this week.
The Huskies had to come from
behind Saturday to win over Ore
gon. The Ducks held a sienaer nt-ei
halftime advantage. But for the
second straight ntgnt big boo nou
bregs was hot. He scored 28 points.
two less tram ms w 01 r riuy.
Th VnnrtaU withstood a roar-
Inr- fourth-quarter drive by Wash-
mi; ton state uoiiege w o
ihelr vietnrv. Feta Mullins. who
made only one free throw for WSC
in the first half. led the attack by
-nnneerlno- for 17 DOintS in the last
half. He led the scoring the second
night in a row. Dwigm. Morrison
paced tne vanaais wun 10.
Oregon State overcame a 34-31
Bradlev margin at halftime to beat
trie visivors. Ron r uj.i---u
nar-i-H the Beavers. Dick Estergard
was high scorer of the game with
Palmer Pops
26 for Drugs
It was a great homecoming for
Jim Palmer Saturday night when
he led the Paylcss Drug five of
the city league to a 83-61 win. over
the southern Oregon college Jay
vees in a preliminary to the Van-port-SOCB
game at Ashland.
Palmer, ex-Red Raider, scored
26 points in the squeaky wis over
his alma mater.
Rex Young had half that amount
while the jayvees' Jackson and
Johnson scored 16 and 14.
Cats Win
The Klamath Union high school
Wildcats (sophomores) and fresh
men scored a cage grand slam
over Dorris on Pelican Court Sat
urday. The. Wilrteis rtumnprf the Butte
45 qr.
TMf JTAo) Wf. COu
1 U I
CHOKE HOLDS are illegal but Hurricane Herb Parks has
never been accused of orthodoxy. Here Parks has Yorg
Cretorian wrapped up in last week's match. Herb and
brother Billy will face Cretorian and Kurt Von Poppen
heim in a rematch of last week's donnybrook Wednesday
Tag Row
Gets Two
According to ore-bout promises
by the principals, last week's tag
team wrestling match at the ar
mory was mild compared fo what
is in the offing in Wednesday
cugfua remaicn. ....
Last Wednesday, vou'll remem
ber. Yore Cretorian and Kurt Von.
Poppenhelm touched off a near
riot in their victory over the
Parks brothers Herb and Billy,
Using an illegal tactic outside
the ring that escaped the eye of
neieree buck Davidson, Yorg and
Kurt ducked quickly to the dressing-room
and woaldn't return
when Davidson asked them to.
The irate crowd milled around
the ring and the dressing-room
door while the Parks bovs staved
in the ring and demanded their
mat roes re-appear.
Promoter. Mack Lillard signed
the m;ttch for a re-showing and
included two stipulations that would
eliminate last week's ending.
Two officials will handle the
bout to watch for the multiple
monkey-shines that always go
with a tag team matches.
Also there will be no time limit.
The one-hour opener brings back
Buck Weaver. ex-Indiana football
star, against Harold (Buck) David
son, Reserved tickets are on sale at
Castleberry Drugs.
Ed Norton, a member of Yale's
swimming team, hails from Tuck
ers Town, Bermuda.
i t-. JiAemnre
yMr l4et ,
a oat u r "----"-
. yon put them. on. Weyenberg Work
Shoes are fsmoui foe their patented
comfort features the Shock-Proof
As? Cushion u& the Arch Lift. Try
, them yourself and you'll know that
"work shoes Mat be comfortable ac wcil
Bly Pops
The Bly Bobcats turned -a close '
game into a rout Saturday night -
in the last quarter for a 53-32 vice
tory over Paisley in a non-leaguer.
The game showed on Bly's floor. . .
Franklin Hutchinson led Bly with -
22 points. The 'Cats Wanked Pais -i
ley in the last quarter after leading;
all the way and Holding a 37-32 ad .
vantage at the end of three quar
ters. - . .i
The Paisley seventh and eizhth '
graders beat Bly, 34-16, in the pre
lim, Sox Score:
Blair 12 T
O'Leary e F
Bonratreta a C
fsav iw.r
8 Weaael ,
X Jajquyeh.
31 Lyferanol
I Hutchinson '
Csrtoa. Sir
Elder 4 G
Sellon 2 C
Paia!?v auoe Kncew.
aube Martin. Hadlety,
Art Miebshik of the Providence
Reds in the American Hockey
League was the only defensenuua
in tne league last season to score,
a goal against every opposing
team. - k
Bums Teem Moth Hole
Worn Place Reworett
rmel r
eiae awwieent
" Site
SflSHy1! pS w ae. mm en"9S