Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, February 02, 1952, Page 9, Image 9

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    SATURDAY, I KHHUAHY 2, 1(1.72
V'C . vN. . V.
, .;.L li.MJ: ..,
DONNA RUGER daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John linger, 1110 MonClaite St., enter-
tallied a group of friends at a party to celebrate her fourteenth birthday, Saturday, Jan.
28. In the picture arc II to r), Johnny lUiKer, Sharon Jeschke, Julie Shoop, Donna linger,
Charles Maxwell, Michael Savage and Jerry I'reirio. Unable to attend because of illness
were: Norman I'arker, Tommy Premo, r'ranccs Pfefferle, Judy Iladley and Lois Van
Hook. Photo by Guderian
DIONNE QUINTS FETED AT PARTY Canada's famous Dionnc quintuplets taking part
in the annual winler carnival at St. Paul, Minn., were guests of honor at a lavish party
. given by Charles A. Ward, head of the Rrown & Uigelow advertising firm. 'at Hudson,
1 Wis. Left to right, the quints arc: Cecilc, Marie, Yvonne, Kmilie and Annetlt. On their
left Is Mrs. Ward. On their right is Olivine Arcand, friend of the quints..
mm Hi
A wet basement can disturb the
peace of home and fireside ns
much as a roof lenk. It's a com-
man problem. Far from being rou
tined to low locations, wet base
ments often occur several hundred
leet above sea level. You qan get
one on a mountainside with inade
quate grading and Improper con-
C01R9 1.. I 30-42
SEW THIS for your Spring Print-
now ns tho blossoms, mat gorcn
klrtl Evervono loves the shirt-
liock style, so wo glvo you a clns
slo bodice, with softness below
, yokes nnd at waistline. This Is a
graceful dress, nice lor solid colors
: tool
Pnl lorn HH189: Misses' nlcs 12,
14, 1(1, 18, 2(1 ; ;i0, 32, 34, 30, 38, 40,
42. Slzo 10 takes 48 ynrtU 35-Inch.
This casy-to-uso pattern gives
: perfect fit. Comploto llliistrnlcd
Bcw Chart shows you every step.
, ' Bond Thlrty-flvo cents In coins
fm tins nntlurn to Marlnn Martin,
lenre of Hornlcl and News, Pattern
' Dept., P.O. Box 0740 Chlcngo 80
III. Print plainly YOUR NAME AD
n 1 Af A
I I & .
te-fc 1 7-70
Although a damp basement
shows capillarity and condensation '
as the usual ollenders. an actually
wet basement Is Invariably caused
bv leakage. Free water means a
leak. Ilvdrostat c pressure. Built up
outside the foundation walls, can
become so great that water Is
forced up under footings, through
cracks in the basement floor or
through Joints between floor and
If a house on a hillside Is placed
diagonally to the slope, Instead of
presenting a flat wall to dam up
ftutaunacc drainage, lis Ioun,ia-
tions will shed water much more
readily. Sometimes hillside grading
Is done so carelessly tnal a sud
den cloudburst will send cascades
into a basement window. In such
cases even a small amount of sur
face grading to divert water away
from the house and the establish
ment of good lawn sod sloping
nway Irom tho house will often
cure the condition.
When any house Is built, a com
paratively large area Is excuval
cd. Tho space between the founda
tion Is frequently filed with what
ever soil is handy including bro
ken uncus, cnimks of mortar, lum
ber scraps and other bulk that pro
duces a lose soil condition close to
tho foundation. Water soaking
through the ' topsoll flows over a
heavy clay subsoil along the lines
ol the old exeavntlon and collects
around the joiuulntlon.
' In ' best construction practice.
open Joint drain tile Is laid around
the perimeter of foundation foot
ings, inis tue is nucnen so mat
It will drain water away from
around the building to a storm
sewor or low place where It can
discharge. The open Joints arc
covered with wire mesh or burlap
to keep stones and soil Irom lull
ing Into the tile until the ground
becomes naturally anchored. On
top of this mesh, coarse gravel or
crushed rock preferably of a oilc
Inch minimum and more or less
uniform In slue Is backfilled and
banked tip against the foundation.
Earth above this Is then tamped In
Where soil Is sandy and drain
age Is good, tile may not be Im
perative, or at least additional pro
enullons may not be needed. But
If wet basements have occurred in
Quajity Food At Redsonable Prices
Our new ond sanitary kitchen and meat coolers are
open for public inspection at any time . . . See for
yourself how your food is prepared and handled!,
Southern Oregon's Finest
the neighborhood. bituminous
mcmbrand waterproofing on the
outside of the foundation is advis
able. If waterproofing Is colled for at
nil. a good Job of membralnlng is
important. You virtually have to
tar nnd feather the foundation.
Brush applied a.'.phalt emulsions or
bituminous cutbacs are rated by
Kovernment engineers as the most
inferior of three methods. Trowel
coatings o( bltuments and solvents
are rated only sugniiy better, hoi
asnhnlt or coal tar pitch lops the
list. When this Includes several lay
ers of bituminous-saturated cotton
or felt in the manner of built-up
roofing, you get a sound water
proof membrane seal.
Ths Is applied to the outside of
foundation because the more
pressure ni! Inst it. the tighter It
seels. If the wall surface is too
rough or porous, as with hollow
masonry, a narge cont or cement-
grout Is applied first to fill cracks
and give a smooth surmce lor tnc
Exterior pargetting often suffices
for a wnter-rcslstnnt wall. This Is
done with two coals of stucco
each ".-inch thick, mixed with 1
part cement to 3 or 4 sand with
lltUe or no lime. Sometimes pow
dered Iron and an oxidizing agent
are addrj to the first coat. The
theory is that the oxidizing Iron ex
pands and tills voldR.
Blend a three-ounce package of
Roquefort cheese with two table
spoons of heavv cream nnd form
small balls: roll the balls In
crushed tosled almonds. Serve the
chcese-and-nut halls with canned
peaches on a bed of watercress
with French dressing.
Try :omethlmr newl Novt time
you ' bake an apple pie frost It
with a mixture of half a cup of
confectioners' sugar nnd two tea
spoons of water. Spread Ihe frost
ing over the ton crust after the
pie has been baked and cooled.
Never refrceze frozen chicken
once ll's been thawed. Cook It as
soon as possible after thawing. You
can keep unfrozen fresh chicken
up to l'i days if you wrap it loose
ly in waxed papor and store it in
the coldest part -of the refrigerator.
bran missed around liero of lute
In recovering Irom a recent limesa
tlic- reiinrm we haven't seen her
smiling face-tROHK POOLE who
Huh ii Ix-cn out of circulation
lor some tunc In reported feeling
much better which fact we arc
happy to relay to nil those who
huvn made concerned Inquiries
COKAL BABO winter weather
casualty when Mie slipped on Ice
and broke her leg Is up and about
Ihe house she's still on crutches
but definitely on the mend.
athiics to see the KUH8 basket
bull squad meet Ashland on the
Valley town s court last night and
PATTY BLAIR daughter of Mr.
ami Mrs. Clark Blulr uth and Lin
coln was released from the hos
pital Thursday where she had
been lor several days with virus
pneumonia Minna Is happy to be
"spcclnl nurse" on the case during
Patty's convulesence.
ILLNESS HAS certainly slowed
up the social life ol KK and can't
avoid beinir reflected here Teach
ers a"d students out ol school In
Susan Haskins, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Has
kins. Paternal grandmother
is Mrs. Vera Haskins and
maternal grandparents are
Mr. and Mrs. C. E.' Sharp,
all of Merrill.
Photo by Modoc Studio
Hildebrand t
A large number of the farmers
of this community attended tne
eighteenth meeting of the Klamath
Productive Credit Assoc. held In
Klamath Falls Jan. 26.
Mrs. Joe Vlelra was on the sick
Usi for several days.
Orval Smyth and children, Clara
and Edward, moved on Monday
from Henley to his ranch at Hllde
Urand where '.hey will make their
Mrs. Ann Jane wnue visuea on
Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Car-
roue Hicrst.
Mr mid Mrs. Joe Sullivan and
Larrv and Danny, of Canby,
Calif., spent the weekend with Mrs.
S. K.. riarizier anu uruuici, unn.
Mrs. Sarah Michael visited on
Thursday with Mrs. ii. u. Jones.
Mr. and Mrs. Bud Lee and Mr.
and Mrs. Duward Cain spent Tues
day evening with Mr. and Mrs.
Marvin Michael. The evening was
spent In playing pmocinc.
Mrs. Frank Challis was a bus
iness visitor in Bonanza on Tues
day. Jesse Drew and son, Billy, were
transacting business In Klamath
Falls on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. D. Hocflcr nnd
children, Rnv, Gloria and Wanda,
of Klamath Falls visited on Sun
day with their mother, Mrs. Sarah
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ryser were
transacting business in Klamath
Falls on Tuesday. While there Mrs.
Ryser had some dental work done.
Mrs. Joe Vlelra, who has been
sick for severa days, was taken
to Klamath Falls on Tuesday for
medical attention.
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Michael
spent Sunday in Klamath Falls.
While there ' they attended the
A large number of the people of
this vicinity attended the basket
ball game at Bonanza Wednesday
night between Sacred Heart and
Mrs. Ted Falkoskl and daughter,
Virginia, and Mrs. Ann Jane White,
visited on Sunday afternoon with
Sarnh Michael.
Mrs. Fred Young of Sprague
River was a business visitor in
Dairy on Monday.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Joe Sullivan and
sons, Larry and Danny, returned
South 8th
(Next to Pelican Theater)
(( 4pD)
what seem to be astronomical fig
ures however. It Is happily called
to my attention that ALICE HOW
ARD Is homo after a stay at Hill
side where she was a flu patient.
trekked to HF to be with her
spouse Lorls who Is attending the
Built ti Co school there.
HOME NURSING classes at the
tun Cross hdqlra In the Armory
have been In session and the pres
ent wide spread lllnnss in the Ba.
sin Indicates the crying need lor
such a course.
PROM OSC Boh Stelnscifcr. sen.
lor In business and technology at
Oregon State has been elected
president of OSC chapter of Sigma
Delta Phi national nonorary am-
letlc fraternity membership is
bu.sed on passing of 13 performance
tcits and scholastic standing he
is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest
Bteinselfcr. 4M6 Douglas St. CAR
OL OEORGE refreshment co
chairman for the annua) Mortar
Board Ball Feb. 9 Carol Is the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Loren
Ocorge HIlURd. she Is enrolled
In home cctJl
....-if. 4
THIS PRETTY little miss is
the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Max D. Revis, 4002
Greensprings Drive. Her
maternal grandparents are.
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Tiffee,
3008 Cortez St., and her
paternal grandparents are
Mr. and Mrs. Jess Revis,
-4232 Greensprings Drive.
She is just three and one
half months old.
Photo by Ferebee
to their home on Monday at Can
by, Calif., after visiting their par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. S. K. Hartzler.
Mrs. Sarah Michael visited on
Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. H. L,
Mrs. Charles Boroughs of Sprague
River spent Wednesday night with
her sister, Mrs. Marion Michael.
Mr. and Mrs. fed Falkoskl and
children, Bobby and Virginia were
dinner guests on Sunday evening
01 Airs. Ann Jane wnue ana Char
lie Inman. N
Put layers of cooked sweet po
tatoes and raw sliced apples In
a casserole and top with maple
syrup and water: cover and bake
at a moderate temperature for
about half an hour or until thor
oughly hot through. Use about two
pounds of sweet potatoes, two
large cooking apples, and three
quarters cup maple syrup mixed
with a quarter cud of water.
birthday or
For 'something' excitingly dif
ferent . . . lust brown through
YOUR STORE'S two gift floors
I and meiionlnt. You'll find
gift to suit your taste and bud-
get! . '
"For Distinctive Gift"
0111. STORE
, 721 Main
fix : -
CO-CHAIRMEN of the Community Concert group's annual
membership drive for next season are Mrs. Fred Ehlers
(left), and Harriet Mueller. The drive is slated for the week
of March 10.
Lindley Heights home extension
meeting was held Jan. 9 at the
home of Mrs. Carl Hearth, 2518
Autumn Ave.
Lesson for the day was Easier
Ironing Tips No. 2, presented by
Mrs. Edgar Sample and Mrs. Ray
Billings. Ironing boards were cov
ered. Those present were Mrs. Edgar
Sample. Mrs. Harold Borton, Mrs.
Ray Billings, Mrs. C. J. Keyes,
Mis. Chester Owens. Mrs. Lome
Simons and Mrs. Carl Hearth.
The Feb. 13 meeting will be at
the home of Mrs. Jim Eie, 1515
Riverside. Topic lor discussion will
be "Step Saving Kitchen."
Winema Post
At the Jan. 23 meeting of Wi
nema Post 42, held in the Vet
erans Memorial Hall, a new mem
ber was admitted to the all wom
en veteran's organization. Sarah
Allen, an ex-Wave, is the first new
member to sign up with Winema
Post In 1952; but with the second
meeting of the yea,- coming up
Feb. 7, promises of three more
have been pledged to. Commander
LaVonne Roemer.
The February meeting has been
planned as a pre-valentine s party
and each regular member has
pledged to bring another woman
veteran as her guest.
Following the business meeting.
cards and Bingo will be played
and prizes will be awarded, also
a door prize. This event will take
place in Veterans Memorial Hall
Feb. 7, b p.m. for lurtner uuor
matlon call 2-1817.
sSSV i
First federal savings
ft. r v -
E- - '" :...-fn. yfl
The second meeting of the year
for the cookie cutters of Altamont
was held January 18, at the home
of Mrs. Frances Davis the leader.
Sharon Davis is acting as assis
tant. The following officers were elect
ed: Lance Davis, president;
Charles Swift, vice president; Alice
Verdui, secretary; Sandra Jans
sen, song leader; Carol Gorden,
games chairman; Jimmy Pratt,
yell leader; David Morrow Host
Committee chairman; and Janice
Rates news reDOrter.
The next meeting will be held
January 30, 1952.
Janice Dmics
Newi Beporter
The Palrhaven Stitchers are a
group in Stewart-Lennox Addition.
The leader la Mrs. Eunice Brad
ford. There are six members in
the club. , .. .
The club has made stuffed ani
mals and scarfs, and are starting
a drawstring apron. i
The next project will be to make
stuffed animals for Joan's Kitchen.
Carol trvm
Substitute Reporter
Happy Hour Club
Happy Hour Club met recently
ni the home of Mrs. Lee Bean,
222 N. 5th, for a 1:30 p.m. lunch
New officers for the year are:
Mrs. Alice Lawrence, president;
Mrs. Lora Evans, vice president;
Mrs. Ivy Drew, secretary and
Membes present were Lora
Evans. Anna Reeder, Emma Ham
ilton, Maud Hosley, Louise Hum
phrey, Jenny Hum, Alice Law
rence, Eva Richardson, Lillian
White and Ruth Hedrick.
Visitors were Elizabeth Ramsby
and Harriett Estes.
Next meeting will be Feb. 12.
Certainly you can save for profit with us,
even though you're able to set aside only a
few dollars at a time. Your account is welcome
work here earns at our higher-than-average
rate. Get started this week, for sure, and see
how much faster savings grow when good
earnings give them a boost every six months!
No long Walt for Earnings- I
They're Paid Regularly Twice a Yearl 1
morrow, Feb. 3, for Steven
Frank Paygr, son o Mr.
.and Mrs1. Frank Paygr Jr.',
Malin. His paternal grand
parents are Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Paygr Sr., Malin and
maternal grandparents -are
Mr. and Mrs. 0. T. Storll,
Portland. Miller-Brumbaugh
Pythian Sisters
Winema Temple 70
Install Officers
Pythian Sisters Winema Temple
70 Installed new officers Jan. 11,
in the IOOP Hall.
Installing officer Bertha Orlggs
assisted by Effie Redkey and Nina
Beck Installed the following elec
ted officers: Past Chief, Agnes
Jurgenson; Most Excellent .Chief,
Alyce Green; Excellent Senior,
Clara Ballantyne; Excellent Jun
ior, Mary Finton; Manager, Ber
tha Griggs; Protector, Patricia
Vasak; Guard, Delia ' Henninger,
Treasurer, Stella Dryden; Secre
tary. Louise Scott; Pianist, Louise
O'Brien; Captain of Degree Staff,
Lillian Hayden.
Refreshments were served to the
group by members of the Past
Chief's Club.
Actor Breaks Leg
In Film Scene
HOLLYWOOD (TP) Errol Flynn
suffered a broken left ankle in a
movie fight scene Friday, his
studio reported, but the actor de
clared he would be back In action
Saturday, regardless.
The picture is three days ahead
of schedule and is about to be com
pleted and Flynn decided he could
get around well enough tor the
final scenes. So production will
not have to be suspended, as was
anticipated. - : .,
Flynn was wrestling with a stunt
man on the deck of a pirate ship
when he stumbled and fell.
Delicious dessert; Score s ba
nana with the sharp tines of . a
fork and slice thin; arrange slices
around sherbet glasses - and fill
with chocolate tapioca cream. Top
each serving with a spoonful of
sweetened whipped cream and a
maraschino cherry.
Small Money
Talks Here, Too
here in any amount.
Whether you save regu
larly, every payday, as so
many do, or occasionally,
as you feel you can spare
it-every dollar you put to