Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, February 02, 1952, Page 8, Image 8

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A BIRTHDAY PARTYI A luncheon in the Pelican Cafe Party Room, for the Balsiger
twins, Randy, left, and Rixey, far right, and Linda Lou Hanville, center, on Jan. 26,
given by their mothers, Mrs. Elmer Balsiger and Mrs. Howard Hanville. There were
twenty-tive young guests invited and some of then- mothers
Birthday Party
Mrs. Elmer Balsieer anil Mrs
Howard Hanville were joint host
esses ac a one o clock luncheon in
honor of their children's birthdavs.
In the Pelican Party Room, Linda
Lou Hanville, 7, and Rixey and
Randy Balsiger, twins, who were
6, observed their natal dates with
23 invited guests.
' Included were: Warren and Wan.
da Lee Wiley, Curtis Cotter, Rod
ney Wetzel, Jay Balsiger, Butch
and Mikey Totton, Mayleen and
Johnnie Hansen, Bill Balsiger, Jan
et Seavey, Janice LaGrande, Mary
Dixon, Barbara Evans, Alice Hoag
land, Mary Jean Hessig, Libby
ivose, waroi aarun, David Tripp,
Jean Reicbinberg, Robert Ander
son, Sally Hanville, Janet Mat-
uscn, JoAnn Hamilton and Vicki
Ray. The last three were unable
to attend.
Also joining the hostesses for
luncheon were some of the moth
ers: Mrs. Wilson Wiley, Mrs. wil-
jara vyara, Mrs. Hubert Totton,
Mrs. Dave Totton, Mrs. Mike Bal
siger, Mrs. R. L. Cotter and Mrs.
Stuart Balsiger.
Theta Rho Girls
Installation Of
Merrill Officers
MERRILL Alpha Omega Theta
no uiris new Installment of of
ficers Jan. 3.
Outgoing president was Myrtle
asuwju. me new presiaent Is Shir
ley SherriU and her supporters are
xmruara Jioages ana Esther Beas
ly. Vice president is Yvonne Cnn.
nor, and her supporters are No
reen Bredeen and Rae Hunnicutt.
Chaplain, Carol Poe; Inside
uuaroian, Kathleen Moore; Out
side Guardian, Frances Eifort;
.Warden, Mary Lou Quails: Con
ductor, Margery Falugh; Marshal,
Connie Reeves.
Heralds are: Doris Raines,' Sue
xieios, uonna provost and Claud'
ette Shuck.
Refreshments were served after
we meeting.
Mrs. Eddie Gralian entertained at
jicir ngmc on wew xears Eve.
Dancing was enjoyed after which
a buffet supper was served. Those
joining the Gralians in ushering in
the new year were Mr. and Mrs.
Leonard Hendrlckson who were
visiting here from Minnesota, Mr.
and Mrs. Lee Morton from Bo
nanza, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Brown
and Martin, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde
Wooten, Mr. and Mrs. Frank De
Bel and Mr. and Mrs. Ted Schmed
li all of Langell Valley.
' The Soroptimist Club of Klamath
Palls held its regular luncheon
meeting Thursday noon, Jan. 31,
In the Pelican Party Room, Ofa
Smith, president in charge.
A letter has been received from
the sister club of Brighton-Hove
England, stating that the Christ
mas package sent by the local
club had been received.
Mary Ablew, of the Merle Nor
. man studio was a luncheon guest.
It was reported that Alice How
ard was ill at the hospital.
Ofa Smith announced that she
would be vacationing with husband
Mark, at Port Hueneme, for the
next three weeks, and that Vice
President Isabelle Brixner would
take over the official duties of the
president. .
Ruth Ray received congratula
tions on the arrival of a new grand
daughter. Kathleen Thompson presided at
a most impressive initiation cere
mony in which Frances Anderson
and Ruth Renie were initiated as
new club members.
Muriel Hendricks, program choir.
man for the day presented the
guest speakers, Bill and Rita De
Pew, owners of the Kohn Flower
csnop, rata, a club member, spoke
on the privileges of being a flor
ist, In that they sell a merchan
dlce whiten becomes a beautiful
memory, or a loving thought, and
as such, It is not perishable, since
flowers express what is in the
heart: "As florists we try to help
In hours of Joy and sorrow, by
performing a service which can
only be expressed through the
beauty of God's flowers," Mrs. De
Pew said.
Bill DePew spoke of the early
use of flowers as a symbol of im
mortality, even m pre-nistorlc
times. He told of the Importation
of many of the seeds and bulbs
from foreign countries, and that
much of the material of the trade
was obtained from all over the
world. Mr. DePew demonstrated a
beautiful floral arrangement of red
rosea, explaining each step of the
The floral display was given' as
a draw prize, and was won by
Bernlce Brltt. .
w 1
; jr :
daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
John Clark, 2606 Turnage,
is the granddaughter of
Mr. and Mrs. A. Wilson,
Vancouver, B.C. Her pater
nal grandmother is Mrs.
Mabel Clark, Enterprise.
Photo by Evergreen
Mr. and Mrs. Louie Kalina en
tained members of the Ace Hi
Pinochle Club at their home Sat
urday night, Jan. 26.
Following three tables of pinoch
le prizes were awarded to Mildred
Rajnus. ladies' high: Edwin Stast-
ny, men's high; Joe Halousek, low
ana tmma wnae, traveling.
After the awarding of prizes the
Kalina's served a fresh crab sup
per with all the trimmings.
Those present were Mr. and Mrs.
Mervyn Wilde, Mr. and Mrs. Bill
Rajnus, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Halousek
and Mrs. Ed Stastny and Mr. and
Mrs. Edwin Petrasek.
Mrs. C. M. Kirkpatrick has re
turned to ber home in Malin after
spending some time with her
daughter in Klamath Falls follow
ing surgery this month. The Kirk-
patrlck's other daughter, Beth, is
at present visiting them.
Elmer McCollum is renortpH to
have been ill and spent several
days In the hospital but is now
nome and much better.
Mr. and Mrs. Jess Smith re.
turned home last week end after
spending several days In San Fran
cisco. Mrs. Marie Ottoman and . Pearl
are enjoying a vacation in Los
Angeles this week. Due to the bad
weather and floods the Southern
Pacific advised them not to go
when the planned to go, two weeks
Louie Lyon returned last week
end from Washington, D. C, where
be attended grower OPS sessions
in regard to potato ceilings. He
and Scott Warren, of Klamath Falls
went by train to Portland and from
there flew to the nation's capital.
John O'Conner. son of Mr. and
Mrs. Patrick O'Conner, has Joined
ine Air r orce ana is now stationed
in Liaciuana, Texas. '
Mrs. j. waiter Browning will
leave Tuesday by train for an ex
tended visit in Southern California
I he occasion of her visit is to
attend the organization nf a n
Chapter of PEO in Fontana, Calif.,
me Drowning s lormer nome. Mrs.
Browning will act as chaplain in
me organizational ceremonies to be
held in a local church in Fontana,
Mr. and Mrs. Vatz Kalina. Mr
and Mrs. Ted DeMerrltt, Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Hamilton. Mr. and
Mrs. Mervyn Wilde, Mr. and Mrs.
ivan ottoman, Mr. and Mrs. Dick
Halousek and Mr. and Mrs. Joe
Halousek enjoyed the Shrine Drum
Corp formal dinner dance at the
Log Cabin Monday evening, Jan,
A group of friends of Mr. slnd
Mrs. Johnnie Meier surprised them
in their home Friday evening with
a farewell party. The Meiers left
two days later for their new home
in roniona, calif.
Following card plavine and a
social evening friends presented
At a Low Price
120 No. 7th
joined the hostesses for
Photo by Kettler
Wanda Homer, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Homer,
2437 Applegate Ave., was
announced at a dinner Jan.
14, at Alpha Omicron Pi
sorority, Oregon State Col
lege. Her fiance is Frank
Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Frank M. Smith, Eureka.
Wanda was initiated Jan.
19 into Alpha Omicron Pi.
She is a junior, majoring in
the school of education.
Frank is a member Theta
Chi fraternity, OSC. No
date has been set for the
wedding. Photo-by Ferebee
Johnnie with a specially construct
ed chair, which they hope he will
enjoy in his new nome.
Those present to wish the Meiers
farewell and happiness in Pomona
were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Snow,
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Ingram, Mr.
and Mrs. Dan TruJIllo. Mr. and
Mrs. Tim Wolf, Mr. and Mrs. Bill
Sauders, Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Stew
ard, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Gilbert,
Mr. and Mrs. Jake Lucas, Lois
Lucas and Paul Mullanix.
Norman Herringshaw, Charles
Dobry Jr. and John Saunders have
enlisted in the Navy and are now
in boot camp in San Diego.
Mrs. George Brothanek under
went surgery Friday at Hillside
Also in the hospital for surgery
this week is Mrs. Tony Steyskal.
Friends wish them both a speedy
Girl Scout Troop 48 met Wed
nesday afternoon, Jan. 30, in the
Gril Scout room in the grade school
with their leader, Mrs. Amy Kol
kow. . .
Mrs. Mildred Rajnus spoke to the
girls on the customs of Czechoslo
vakia and showed them pictures,
flags and maps of the country.
Vlasta Rajnus sang a Czechoslo
vaks song for the girls.
Members present were Phyllis
Kirtley, . Judy Cullimore, Carol
Vacknitz, Daria Reber, Vlasta Raj
nus. Nancy Kolkow, Sharon Lyons
and' Karen Rajnus.
Cub Scout Pack 33 met Thurs
day., Jan. 24 at the Malin Church.
Following the flag slaute led by
Den 2 a short program was pre
sented by Den 3. The boys showed,
with charts and by answering ques
tions, the things they had learned
at Den meetings about the planets
and stars. To give the proper at
mosphere for the program two of
the boys were dressed as Buck
Rogers and his friend.
Don Adams, Cub Scout Execu
tive from Klamath Falls, presented
a Cub Scout charter, which was
accepted by Mrs. Elva Smalley,
Parent-Patron Club president. Ad
ams congratulated the Parent-Patrons
Cub for their helpfulness In
sponsoring the Cubs and also
praised Pack 33 for being one of
the finest in the Modoc area.
Split pea soup makes a hearty
noontime dish when it i
with rounds of frankfurters. Slice
me iranKiurters thin and heat
them In the soup shortly before
serving. Add bread and butter nnrl
a salad to the menu and for des
sert serve (rosier cupcakes or
Sat, Feb. 9th
l ) ' V .,?; rxv: ; y '
r f
TWO YEARS OLD TODAY is Roger Ames Phillips, hand
some son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter F. Phillips, Oretech,
where his father is on the teaching staff at OTI. His pater
nal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Phillips, 4820 S.
6th; and his maternal grandparents are Mr. anil Mrs. T. A.
Peifer, Decatur, 111.
ALOHA SOCIAL CLUB Newly installed officers, from
the left, Mrs. Charles W. Gilbert, president; Mrs. 0. E.
Powell, vice president; and Mrs. John H. Riach, secretary,
treasurer. Mrs. Dean Osborn, publicity chairman, was not
present when the picture was taken. Photo by Kettler
J .. Porrjs 'A
Mr. and Mrs. Woodie Wilson and
Mr. and Mrs. .Gale Duncan have
announced the purchase of the
Henley Way Club which is situated
on the new stretch of US. High
way 99 north of Yreka and about
four miles south of Hilt near the
new quarantine station.
The Duncans will move In Hum.
brook soon and the Wilsons who
nave tne Forty Club in Dorrls will
JusUmake weekend trips to their
hew business.
Mrs. May Wells is In Yreka at
the Siskiyou County Hosoltal with
a hip injury, the result of a fall
, (
700 Main
on the Icy street.
Harry Beck was elected presi
dent and Mrs. Joan Chrlstcnson
vice-president of the Dorrls Branch
of the Siskiyou County Branch of
the American Red Cross at their
meeting Tuesday night. Mrs. W.
L. Harmer was reelected secretary
treasurer. Next Red Cross meeting
is Feb. 27.
Mrs. Lou Hausman has leased
the Club Cafe from the Woodie
Wilsons. Mrs. Hausman recently
sold her restaurants In 8acramcnto
and Roscville. Practically the 1
same staff will be working for
Mrs. Hausman.
Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs.
Jim Ward of Tulelake and former
Dorrls residents on the birth of a
Phone 3151
Isenscc, 79 Washington. They arc, from the left, Philip Herman, 4, Donald Arthur, 0,
Charlotte Louise, 3, and Patricia Anne, 13. Their grandparents are: Maternal, Mr. anil
Mrs. John Kaarto. Brush Prairie, Washington, and paternal, Mrs. Clyde Richardson,
.Longview. , Photo by Miller-Brumbaugh
THIS LITTLE buckaroo is
Hyall Gene Corbin, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Corbin,
Stockton, grandson of Mr.
and Mrs. Bert Gray, Fort
Klamath. With his mother,
formerly Anne Gray, and
his uncle, Donald Gray,
Stockton, he was a Christ
mas visitor at the Gray
home in Fort Klamath. He
will be three April 22.
Photo by Evergreen
It's Traditional American in line and finish and In Its clown
TermS riflnt com'ortable livable usefulness. What you see here is
just an eye-catching tidbit of what youll find in our newly
If enlarged selections 'from Heywood-Wokefield's century-old
New England shop. Come see how its "Home Planned" designs
Desired give you a chance to plunge into a whole houseful or start
small with open stock to moke your big ideas come true!
"Four Floors of Fine Furniture & Floor Coverings"-
KHamatk LUinituJie Coi
221 Main
;M;- im ff '
9l o
VERY PRETTY describes the
(JERRY) Hammond, a
husky armful, is the son of
Mr. and Mrs. James Ham
mond. Mr. and Mrs. . Bill
Hammond arc his paternal
grandparents. Mr. and Mrs.
C. E. Sharp, maternal, and
great-grandparents are Mr.
and Mrs. Eugene Ham
mond, all of Merrill.
Photo by Rogers
For teen-age party serve ham
burgers on buns and cole alaw;
add salted peanuts to the alaw.
For a teen-age party serve ham
burgers on buns and cole slaw;
add salted peanuts to the alaw.
Use honey, In plentiful supply,
to flavor milk drinks for small
your heart
children of Mr. nml Mrs. E. D.
Church Meet
Hears Pastor
Marlnm Circle, Firm Prenbyler
lun church met Jan. 24 with 17
members and three Hursts pren
cut. Oucntu were Mrs. Aclum Miller
president and Mrs. Knyinond Hall,
vice prr.iltlrm of the Church Wom
en's Association and Mm. T. O.
Zliin. vice-president of Dorcas Cir
cle. Mrs. W. B DeWItt reported on
activities of the punt year.
Or. David Uarnctt gave an in
spiring liOk on Uio "True Meaning
of Christ."
Piuno numbers were played by
Mrs, Paul Ketleiibacli.
A committee to select material
(or mUdioit study Includes Mm.
K. H. Dunbar. Mra. J. B, Reed
and Mra. A. M. Collier.
Several members will assist with
the ruininaue ante at the church.
Feb. 8 0 and volunteered to keep
chair rnliea In repair.
Mrs. Mnrlon Hanks and Mrs.
Delia Schroedor served retreth
meiitii. '
The next meeting will also be
In. the new church parlor, 2 p.m.
Feb. 28. HaiteMrs will be Mrs.
Ada Spareton and Mrs J. B. Reed.
Mrs. Laura Black will lead de
votions. ,
Mrs. Loren Hhenherd of Bonami
was honlCM at a luncheon, at Uia
home ol her mother Mrs. Emma
Wilson. Mulln, on Jan. 72. In honor
of Mis. Wright Hlu Hola Unity i
who with her son Merit, has been
vlnlllni! at tho home of her par
ents. Mr. and Mrs. J. Perry Haley.
Mrs. Hilt now makes her home
In Dearborn Michigan.
Places wero marked for Mri
Blaine Orrell, and Mrs. C. D.
Dronson, Klamath Falls, Mrs. Hub
Wllsou and Mrs. Emma WIIkoii,
Mnlln, Mrs. Bob Schmore. Mrs.
I.oren Shepherd and Miss Carol
Fltzpatrlck. Bonanza.
to warm
for always
Phone 5353 or 5339