SATURDAY, FCTRUARY 2. 1082 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE REVIN V P - ' ;,, fie . .1 i- fir1 I ft ' MKMMMaB I in I MRS. LAWRENCE A. (NAOMI) FRENCH standing, local director of Camp Fire Gliis, Inc., and Mrs. James Miller, secretary. Mrs. French lias been with the organization here for 20 years, and recently received a national award as recognition for 13 years of leadership. Incidentally, she was a Camp Fire Girl prior to becoming a leader. Kettlcr S',;.. :' WTS p- ; : Ki I NEWLY ELECTED CAMP FIRE GIRLS, INC. officers for 1052 Mrs. Dean Miller, left, Chairman Klamath Falls Leaders Assoc., and Mrs. L. W. Rothcnbcrgcr, President Klamath Falls Council. Photo by Kettlcr RcocKAH INSTALLING OFFICERS at recent Rebekah Installation ceremony, first row, from the left, Elizabeth Ramsby, Harriett Estes, Anna Bean, Nellie Wattenburg, Lucille Heifer; second row, Nina Currier, Alma Cofer, Vera Clcmmens, Charlotte Martin and Jennie Hum. Photo by Guderian Rainbow For Girls Installation At Malin Assembly MAUN Illys Smullpy. d.iualitrr ol Mr. nwi Mil,. CiPorne Snmllfy, n In.MnllcO Wcdnrsiluy cvcilliit;, Ji.n. 23, bx WorUiy Advisor ol the Mnlln Rainbow A.sscmbly. Tlio pub lic In.HtnllnUon ceremony waa held hi tlin Mnlln Cominunity Church, In n netllnu o( dllvered everKrren tires mid bouqueUt ol chrysanthemum. Officers Installed with Illys were: Jenn Knjniii, Asnoclnte Ad visor; Burbnrn Cornell. Charity; Kllznbeth McVny. Hope; Paltl Smith, Faith; Diirln Sanitr.kl, Rf cordrr; Jounne Parker, TroaRiirer; Janet FJmorc, Chaplain; Kathleen Wiboo, Drill Leadtr; Jncquetta Saundew. MuMclan; Wanda Mur Sjlock, .ove; Betty Bunnell, Reli gion; Rulh Kiilina. Nature: Tearl Oltomnu. Inimorlallly; Barbiara BnlveTH, WdtiUTi MKrtna Boasley, Patrlotium; Wnnda Besle, Service; IMrbara Hnvllna, Confidential Ob aerver; Cnrol WeHthcrby, Outer Observer; mid Mnrlcna Vacknlte, Choir Dlroclor. The i ssembly and their guests were welcomed bv hostess Flor ence Wilson iollowed by the en trnncc o f Instiilllnu oftlccis: Worthy Advisor, Dorothy Saunders; Chimin In Juno McCullcv: Record er, Virginia Rnjnus; Marshal. Ballv Einnllev; Mother Advisor, Arincs Hchrelner and musician Gladys llalotisck. Mrs. Annex Schrelner was In- (.lulled, lor Iho second year, as Mother Advisor of the Assembly. Also nstiillori wero board mem bers: Hnzel Kiillnn, Rmmn Wilde, Bessie Cornell and Thclma Cluu tilon. A innrrliiRe deRice was coiv lerrcd unon Leonu Lyons Cacku, and tho ollowlnn received Service Bins; Barbara Bunnell, Joyce Jnmcs. Joan Parker. Dclorcs Slew nrd, Bcvoiiy Martin, Marlcna Vacknltn, Jenn Loveness, Betty litinnnll. Wanda Best. Barbara llavllna, Jacquctta Saunders, Darla MiiruizKi, wnnda Murdock, uorouiy banntiors. Janet F, more. Olrls who have received all of t'n:lr '.ervlco bars and are work Inir toward their Pol or Oold award ere Barbara Cornell, Ellna bolh McVny, Pearl Ottoman and Rulh Kallna. V Olfts of hnnkles were presented ro Dorothy Suundorn, Darla Snrut zkl, and jacquotla Saunders from Mrs. Schrelner, for tholr having a perfect attendance record for a year. Janet Klmore received a gift aliio as her reward lor being the assembly's author and helnlnn so many times with adiiendas. Musical entertainment fallowed Installation ceremonies by Phyllis Johnson and Kathleen Wilson s'.nft- mg two vocal numbers, with Jean Ralnus accompanying. Two hula dance Interpretations were present ed by Diane Mlcka with Mrs. Ab HeriliUishaw at the piano accom paning Pearl Ottoman who sang. Refreshments were served by lhr outgoing wormy Advisor and her mother. A large cake decorated with a colorful rainbow across the top and "llys" inscribed upon it, was served with punch and coffee. Large bouquets of white chrysan themums were used on the lace covered tables. LUNCHEON AND SHOWER honored Mrs. Harry Scroggin, mid-winter "bride, at the Winema hotel January 28. Mrs. Scroggin is the former Martha Berg, member of the faculty of Fremont Junior High School. Photo by Kettler li m I'l IIMIIIW MARK LEE son of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Adreon, 704 Vic tory Drive. His maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Russell E. Jones, Med ford. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Adreon, 1628 Division, are his paternal grandparents. He has a grandmother in Los Angeles, Mrs. May Udovich, and great-grand parents, Mr. Frank Jones, and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Mc Gown, in Indiana, and Mr. George Anderson, Illinois. Photo by Evergreen v. v-KATER 7 INSTALLATION OF OFFICERS at the IOOF Hall. Jan. 24, saw the following otneers installed in an impressive ceremonv. Bottom row, from the left, Ladies: Elizabeth Ramsby, Isabel Forter, Charlotte Martin, Mae Anderson, Hazel McNeill," Kate Hogue, Frances Munsell, Jennie Hum; second row, Lucille Heifer, Alice Lawrence, Mary Pope, Pearl Harris. Sylvia Tilton, Lina Motschenbacher, Harriett Estes; back row, Nina Beck, Eva Richardson, Stella Drydcn and Sadie Wallace. Phot by Guderian Wednesday Club Meets Wednesday Club of St. Paul's Episcopal Church met Wednesday evening In the parish hall with thirty members and guests pres ent. .Hostesses for the evening were Mrs. Charles Kendall and Vlda A. Close. . A. Lincoln's birthday theme was used for decorations. Prizes were won by Miss Hazel Morrison, Mrs, Dorman Srhacffer, Mrs, William Elliot, and Mrs. Al exander Luft. Tentative plans were made for a rummage sale to be held March 28 - 29. Co-chairmen for the event are Mrs. Ford Klmpton and Mrs. Ralph Ramos. Players Club Players club held their first meeting of the year, Jan. 16, In the Library Club Room. Hostesses for the evening were: Mrs. Donald P. Orovos, chairman, assisted by Mrs. J, R. Rhodes, Mrs. Winston Purvino and Mrs. E. O. Hcdlund, The room and card tables car ried out a wimcr wonderland theme. Miniature skiers served as place cards and tallies wero minia ture bobsleds. Refreshments were served and guests Introduced, after which cards were played. High score in bridge was won by Mrs. Harold Robertson, pinochle high, Mrs. W.S Oppelt. Door prize went to Mrs. John Merryman,- Next regular meeting will be Feb. 6, 8 p.m. In the Library Club Room. Canton Crater 7 Auxiliary LAPM Ladies Auxiliary 7 met In regu lar session Thursday evening Jan. 25 at the IOOF Hall with Lady Hazel McNeill, president,, presiding Lady Stella Dryden assisted by Llndblrg and Past Captain Crubb installed the following officers: Laily Kate Hogue, president. Lady Mary Pope, vice president, Lady Francis Munsell, secretary, Lady Ada Wllllts, treasurer, Lady Ivy Drew, officer of the day, Lady Pearl Harris, officer of the guard. Ladv Bornlcc McCracken. color sergeant, uitiy lsaoei rosier, cnap- lain. Lady 'Eva Richardson, sentry, Lady Sadie Wallace, right aid to president. Lady Lucille Heifer left aid to president, Lady Mae Anderson, right aid to vice president. Lady Anna Bean, left aid to vice president. Lady Nina Beck, musician, Lady F.llzabeth Ramsbv. right aid to chaplain, Lady Charlotte Martin, .left aid to chaplain. Lady Harriett Estes. right aid to past president. Lady Alice Lawrence, left aid to past president. For her fine work during the year, Ladv Hazel McNeill was pre sented with a past president pin riv.1 gift from the Auxiliary. Preceding the meeting a politick dinner was served to the Cheva liers and Ladles. FLIRTATIOUS already, is Katherinc, young daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Reil bronner, 2338 Reclamation. Her paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Fred H. Hcilbronner, and her mater nal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Jager, Junc tion City. - Pholo by Evergreen Ambrieu Club Ambrieu Club met with good at tendance despite bad weather, at the home of Mrs. F. Croxford dur ing the evening of Jan. 22. Of the twelve attending, two were guests. After a short business meeting. the evening was devoted to shower for Mrs. Robert Pryor. Prize of the evening was won by Mrs. H. F. Altman. . English pastries, as made In England were served by the host ess. Next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. John D. Selby, 610 Mitcbeii. Ninth Birthday A surprise party for Louise Fields, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Fields, 541 Mt. Pitt. In stead of the regular Blue Bird meeting, was given at the home of the leader, Mrs. E. L. Nichols, 534 Torrey St. Present to help Louise celebrate her 9th birthday were: Leroy Drace, Janice ana Larry Nichols, Peggy. Jo and Donna Jean Buck, Mary Lou McNab, Rose Anne Brooks, Billle Kemestcr and John nie Zeigler. Jackie Gustln. Peggy Lou Leppert mm, Joy Johann McDanial, Nor ma McNutt. Connie Sue Scott, Dar lene Gibbons, Sally Long, Mary Anne Klrby, Gall Campbell. Patty Mitchell, Doris Patricia and Jimmy Fields. Delbert, Nancy Orrell and Bert Alberton. New! Fashionable! (pDDidls. diaihad and (psAmaruini From '"" 5Lsi $C00 S'.w Complete! y " W ' GERTRUDE JOHNSON Klamath Beauty Shop 135 N. Broad Ph. 7446 Slcnks and chops sfimild never be kept moro than two or three days before using, roasts may be .stored a little longer time. To store wrap the meat loosley In waxed paper and, put In coldest part of the refrlRcralor. , MIRRORS 1 ' for onv Id !v Room In rht HomtU CONVERT YOUR OLD COTTON MATTRESS Don't buy a new mattress! ! Carlson's 4 into a 312 coil INHERSPRING A 59.95 09 Cf Quality JAo3ll Save with Carlton's 2405 So. 6th Phone 4510 1 1 1 1 1 (hinounjrinjQ . . . 1 1 1 1 STARTS TODAY! Feb. 2 FEREBEE STUDIO'S ANNUAL "Most Attractive I liilil" 1 Open to any child 5 months to 8 years. ir You may enter more than one child. -k Thirty-one awards . . . Thirty one winners! k An equal chance for everyone! Mothers! It's Free! No Obligation! n p cv . U.S. NATIONAL BANK BUILDING KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PHONE 3252