Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, February 02, 1952, Page 6, Image 6

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baby shower given for Mrs. Hahn, Jan. 28 in the Pine
room of the Elks Lodge. Mrs. Jack Bothwell was hostess,
assisted bv Mrs. Duane Cassidy. Mrs. Balin, well known
Klamath Falls resident, is Mrs. Hahn's mother. Kettler
White chrysanthemums,
white tapers were the background tor the exenange ot mar
riage vows Jan. 19, between Mary Ella (Molly) McAuliffe,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Michael McAuliffe of Mann ana
William J. O'Keefe, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dan O'Keefe, 335
Pacific Terrace. , . "
The ten o'clock double ring morning ceremony, in St.
Augustine Church, Merrill was read by Father Phelan.
The bride, given in marriage by
her father, was lovely In a gown
of heavy eggshell satin with prin
cess lines and a square, scalloped
neckline. The full skirt ended in
a court train, and complementing
her gown she wore matching satin
slippers. Her fingertip veil ot il
lusion net fell from a bonnet
shaped cap of satin and lace. She
carried a single while orchid on
' a white prayer book. Her only
jewelry was a single strand of
The traditional blue garter was
'worn and she carried a handker
chief which was brought from
France after World War I, by her
uncle John McCulley. Her some
thing borrowed was her veil, which
belonged to the bridegroom's sister.
She carried a lucky penny In her
Maid of honor. Martha McAuliffe
sister of the bride, wore a gown
of chartreuse green satin and lace,
styled with princess lines. With the
gown, in matching colors, she wore
lace mitts, cap, and satin slippers.
Her bouquet was of yeUow and
white chrysanthemums.
Jim Sullivan, brother-in-law ot
the bridegroom was best man and
ushers were unanes wneyue auu
Larry Pickett
For her daughter's wedding Mrs.
' McAuliffe chose a navy blue en
semble with pink accessories and
wore pink rosebuds at her shoul
der. Mrs. O'Keefe wore a brown
suit with darker brown accessor
ies and wore a corsage of Talis
man rosebuds.
A reception at the Merrill Recre
ation Hall followed the ceremony.
The three tiered wedding cake,
topped by a miniature bride and
bridegroom in a sUver bell, and
garlanded with pink rosebuds' and
fern, centered the linen covered
table. After the new Mr. and Mrs.
O'Keefe shared the first slice, the
cake was served by Mrs. Anita
Stephens. Assisting her was Bar
bara McCulley and Nora Hawkins
cousins of the bride.
Presiding at the punch bowl was
Zona Lucas ana Dorotny Daunaere.
Pouring at the coffee urn were
Mrs. John McCulley, aunt of the
bride, and assisting was Mrs. Bill
Saunders, and Mrs. Edna Hood.
in attendance at the gift table
were Mrs. Katherlne ChamOerlaln
and passing the guest book was
Order DeMolay
Of Officers
DeMolay Installation of officers.
Jan. 24 In the Masonic Temple
was an open installation which
over 150 guests attended.
The program following the in
stallation ceremony Included violin
solos by Wayne Angel, vocal se
lections by Harriett Mueller, both
accompanied by Ruth Lobaugh at
the piano.
John Shaw, son of Mr. and Mrs,
Clyde E. Shaw, Altamont Dr., gave
a humorous reading with a very
professional delivery necessitating
pauses for applause.
After the program, refreshments
were served to the -ruests by
commltee headed by Dr. and Mrs.
Marvin Nersetn. assisted oy Mr,
and Mrs. Ellis Matthews and Mr.
and Mrs. George Fawver.
Mrs. Nerseth is the new "mom'
to the organization and she makes
arrangements for refreshments
and otherwise assists with social
Dancing followed the refresh
ments. It should be noted that the state
DeMolay conclave Is scheduled for
April lB-w in Kiamatn f ans. Mar
vin Nerseth Is ireneral chairman,
OTI will be the scene of much
of the conclave activities. Many of
the delegates will be housed at
Oil as well as homes, hotels- and
so forth. '
Marvin Nerseth was Installed as
master councilor, Clayton Hannon,
senior councilor, and David Cum
mlngs, Junior councilor.
Advisers to the organization, who
devote much time to DeMolay,
are: William (Bill) Milne, C. F.
Frledel and Mr. Charles Carlson.
Charles (Chuck Bouncy, Joe
Thomas, Frank Tarr and Milt Bess-'ler.
pink carnations and lighted
Mrs. EUen Sullivan, the bride
groom's sister.
Soloist was Ellen Sullivan, who
was accompanied by Mildred Wil
son at the organ. Mildred also
played the traditional wedding mu
sic. For traveling, the new Mrs.
O'Keefe wore a gray wool dress
with red trim and a charcoal black
coat with similar trim. She wore
the orchid from her wedding bou
quet at her shoulder.
Following their return from a
honeymoon in San Francisco they
will be at home in Maltn.
The bride is a graduate of Malin
High School and has been em
ployed at the Malin Drugstore. Toe
bridegroom Is a graduate of Sacred
Heart Academy of Klamath Falls.
The regular luncheon meeting of
the Klamath Falls Soroptimist club
was held Thursday noon, Jan. 24.
in the Pelican art Room. Presi
dent Ofa Smith in charge of the
r-rances Anderson and Rutb
Renie, new club members were
luncheon guests. ,
Olive Wilson won the special
award for the day.
Soroptimkts Elva Kenyon, Coral
Sabo and Addle Mae Nixon are all
recovering from sickness and ac
cidents. Ethel Matthews, program chair
man announced that the next meet
ing would be in charge of Bill and
Rita DePew, owners of Kohn's
Flower shop. The subiect of the
meeting will be "Roses and
Olive Cornett, national commit
tee woman has returned- from the
Republican National- Committee
meeting in San Francisco. Among
the many speakers there were
Governor Warren, Senator Lodge
and Governor Stassen.,
Mrs. Cornett vlsite;rwlth Laura
Bertram and Effie Garcelon, for
mer local Soroptimlsts, while in
San Francisco.
Isabelle Brixner, program chair
man for the day introduced the
speaker, John Howard Supervisor
of Technical Education at Oregon
Technical Institute. Mr. Howard
spoke on the "Tyranny of Words."
The speaker stressed that "words
are tools" for better thinking and
Former Resident
Holiday Visitor
Mrs. W. D. Robinson (Minnie
Barmim) had her sister as a house
guest over the holidays. She is
Mrs. Lena Everett, who teaches
in Junior College in Sacramento,
had Just returned from a summer
tour of Europe, and entertained
guests who called with colored pic
tures taken on her interesting trip.
She had so many that she was
able to show a different set each
night. Both women are well known
to all the old timers here. They
SfJ? lraduate1 Torn Klamath
High School In 1808 two of a class
Baby Shower
Mrs. Clarence Nelson was guest
of honor at a stork shower given
In the Elk's Pine Room, Jan. 25.
Hostesses were: Virginia West,
Grace Short and Vera Gordon.
Cards and Barnes vai-a nla i.oH
during the evening, after which
Mrs. nelson opened her gifts,
Which Were on an nnnmnrlil.lir
decorated table centered with two
mi ae pioras.
Refreshments, which alsn nr.
ried out the stork theme were
served to the following: Elsie War
ren, Luella Million, Grayce Eaton,
Velma Green, Maxlne Perdue,
Gertrude Gladoski.- Alene Stiles,
Alta Egeline, Josephine Fitzslm-
mons. Doris Badgett, Marian
Bard, Mary Bothwell, Bertha West,
Laurene Chaney, Mary Cain. Ber-
nice , Evans, Edith Overnacker,
Bertha Moss, Ida Olson. ,
Not attending, but sendlne- gifts.
were: Alma Ralston. Tillle Fink.
Velma Schockey. Nettle Newbanks
and Hattle Lewis.
Mrs. Fred Harm was honored
with a bby shower Jan. 18 In tin
Pine Room of the Elks Lodge. Mrs.
Jack Botha ell was hostess assisted
by Mrs. Duane Cassidy.
Several very Interesting games
were played with prises being won
by Lena Parsons, Mabel Waohler
and Kulh Milne. ,
After the gifts were opened by
the honored guest,- refreshments
were served to the following; Mrs.
Chas. Balm, mother of Mrs. Halm,
Phyllis Cavanaugli, Beth QrlKirs,
Mabel Wachter, Opal McDonald,
Marcell Clark, Dorothy Tepper,
Hulli Milne, Love Bmlui. Elenora
Weatherford, Audrey Braatz, Lena
Parsons, Jean Anderson, Darlene
Bleha, Carolyn Westover. Lillian
Van Ottingham. Norma Finnell.
Deua Backes, Kitty Hnnvillc. Mar
tha Mc-Collum, Josephine Rcglnato,
Bernlce Brltt and Marjorie Con-roy.
DUNSMUIR Miss Dolores I.
Brown of Dunsmuir and Daniel r
Cheney of Weed exchanged nuptial
vows In Yreka Fridav. Jan. 25. The
justice of the peace officiated at
uie simple rues iicid in his home.
The bride, daughter of Mrs
Helen Brown of Dunsmuir and the
iote Thomas L. Brown Southern
Pacific locomotive engineer, was
aiienaea oy ner motner. c. A.
Samples of Weed, a close friend
of the bridegroom, was best man.
The wedami suuner was served
In Redding at the Casa Blanca
Club, and the honeymoon was
spent In Sacramento and Rosevllle.
The bride wore a beige suit with
red accessories and Mrs. Brown
was dressed In grey with Mack
The bride, a popular employe of
the telephone company, is a na
tive of Dunsmuir and a graduate
of the Dunsmuir schools.
Her husband is the son of Mr.
and Mis. Daniel C. Cheney, Sr. of
He was graduated from the Weed
schools end served with the Navy.
He Is now employed by Long
Bell Lumber Company in Weed.
The couple is at home. 113TJ
Sacramento Avenue, Dunsmuir.
MERRILL Guest of honor at a
stork shower Jan. 18. was Mrs.
Clovis Story. Hostesses for the af
fair, held IrLthe social parlor of
the Merrill Presbyterian Church
were Mrs. W. F. Jlnnette. Mrs.
Warren Ochs, Mrs. Lyle Huffaker.
Mrs. Arnold Klrtley, Mrs. Paul
Lewis, and Mrs. George Milne.
During the afternoon the guests
made a baby book on advice to
young mothers and presented It to
Mrs. 3tory.
Gifts were arranged on a table
centered with a miniature old fash
ioned cradle. The tea table pre
sented a spring-like appearance
with yellow narcissus in a brass
howl, and matching candlesticks
holding lighted tapers. Mrs. Lewis
ana Mrs. jinnetie, two oi tne nost
esses poured.
Invited were Mrs. A. K. Han
chett and Mrs. Tom Newton of
Tulelakc; and the following from
Merrill: Mrs. Coney Barkhurst,
Mrs. Wilbur Brickner. Mrs. D. C.
King. Mrs. Warren Conner. Mrs.
Charles Cunningham. Mrs. Velton
Kaskins, Mrs. Harriett Fothering
ham. Mrs. Eldon Payzant. Mrs.
Clyde Hammond. Mrs. Warren
Fruits. Mrs. Melvln Bowman. Mrs.
Eber Kilpatrick. Mrs. Dolly Hunnl
cutt. Mrs. Frank Hunnicutt, Lena
Buck and Mrs. Martin Winther.
Mrs. Dwight Eagle. Mrs. E. N.
Eagle. Mary Pickett. Mrs. Dale
Moore, Mrs. Oren Storey, Mrs.
Luther Haskins. Mrs. Beroace Wil
son, Mrs. Lester Moore. Mrs. Oene
Tavlor. Mrs. A. G. Carleton, Mrs.
Wilbur Haskins. Mrs. Myron Has
kins, Mrs. George Offield. Mrs.
Eerl McCoy, Mrs. C. P. Haskins,
Mrs. Vema Haskins, Mrs. Frank
Hadlev. Mrs. Delia Hodges. Mrs.
Everett Jones, Mrs. Pete McNeil,
Mrs. Wendell Moore, Mrs. Miles
Moore. Mrs. Maggie Wilson, Mrs.
R. A. Smith, Mrs. Mitchell, Mrs
Roland West. Mrs. Leland Pope,
Mrs. Robert Merrilees, Mrs. Law
rence Geragbty.
Alice Vitus, governor of the 14th
district of Quota Club, Interna
tional, made her official visit to
the Klamath Falls club at a Mon
day evening dinner meeting, Jan.
2. in the Pelican Party Room.
The governor first explained the
various amendments to tne inter
national by-laws, and then de
scribed the proceedings and re
sults of a governors' seminar held
at Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Can
ada In November, presided over
by the international president,
Gladys Herrington, and the inter
national secretary. Owladys Jones.
She also discussed preliminary
plans for next October's district
conference In Portland, when the
Klamath Quotarlans will be In
charge of entertainment for the
Saturday noon luncheon. Beiore
the international convention, to be
held in June at Coronado, cant
Mrs. Vitus will visit all ten Quota
Clubs comprising this district, the
next one being at the Spokane club
in February.
Preliminary to the governor's In
troduction by chairman of the eve
ning, Catherine Fyock, President
Vera Chase called for semi-annual
committee reports from Florence
Wallace, aid to hard-of-hearing;
Laurie Olson, service and welfare;
Helen Webber, ways and means;
Dorothy Plnniger, service in world
affairs; Joy Rolph, program and
publicity; Kitty Hanville, decora
tions, and Irene VanWinkle, call
and sunshine.
In keeping with the occasion, red
roses, the 14th district flower, and
sliver tapers were used on the
A change In the date lor the
February board meeting was an
nounced. It will be held Wednes
day evening, the 6th, at Joy
Rolph's new home, 1411 Crescent.
WSCS Meeting
The general meeting of the
WSCS of the First Methodist
Church was held on Jan. 24. A
potluck luncheon was served at
noon with Mary Circle as hostess,
ihe meeting followed.
Mrs, Glen Fundenberger of Poe
Valley, led In the devotions.
Mrs. O. C. Rice was in charge
of the program, assisted by Mrs.
J. C. Hunt, Mrs. Fred Wade. Mrs.
Lawrence Phelps, Mrs. E. S.
Stevens, Dr. Miriam Smyth.
During the social hour which fol
lowed the program, a gift was pre
sented to Mrs. Fred Bechtcl, by
the Society.
ni u " .
1 ,-irrTT n - ' -ii rTia-fiHVlf
was solemnized Dec. 26 in the First Methodist Church at
7 p.m. Rev. Llojd Holloway read the ssrvice in front of
the fireplace in the church parlor. Tho bride is the former
Helen Dennison, daughter of Mr. Charles Dennison and the
late Mrs. Dennison, Duluth, Minn. Her husband is a former
Klamath Falls resident, and both are now teaching in
Cottage Grove. Photo by Guderian.
i fx i
MR. AND MRS. EDGAR HOFFMAN of Henley announce
the engagement of their daughter, Oma Elizabeth, to Ken
neth Morgan Lowe, son of Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Lowe, also
of Henley. No date has been set for the wedding.
Photo by Ferebee
Mrs. Fernlund '
Entertains at
Pinochle Party
George Fernlund entertained at
her home on Tuesday afternoon
with two tables of Dlnochle. Clever
seasonal decorations were used for
tallies and around the room. Mrs.
Ted Schmedll won the high prize,
Mrs. Lewis Stallcr low and Mrs.
John Sullivan won the traveling
prize, uencious reiresnments were
served at the close of cards by
Mrs. Fernland to Mrs. Ted Schmed
ll. Mrs. Frank DeBel, Mrs. Lewis
Staller, Mrs. Kermit Keyser, Mrs.
Joe Potucek, Mrs. John Sullivan,
and Mrs. Russell Walsh. ,
The tonic for discussion at the
Deborah Circle meeting Jan. 25, at
me rirst Meinoaist cnurcn, was
"How the Family Serves Itself.
Mrs. William Wales Jr. led the
worship service and Mrs. Bert
Hegier led the discussion.
Hostesses for the evening were
Mrs. waiter Southwell and Mrs.
Merlin Pulliam.
Two new members were present,
Mrs. Martin Lougee and Mrs. H.
v. uender.
Mrs. J. C. Hunt, president of
WSCS of the Methodist Church was
a guest.
Tab cm rent a lovely new eplnei plan
tram the l,oula R, Mann Flans Com
pany 120 IS. 7th, at a low monthly
rate. After a reasonable time you can.
If yov wlah, chance from rent to ptir
chate agreement. The rent already patfl
la all credited to your nnrrhait account
and no other down payment la necet
ary. The monthly payment! ran he
little higher than rent. Or, If you pre
fer, u can continue to rent.
MERRILL Merrill Rcbcknh
Lodge 151 met In regular session
on Monday Jan. 21, in the IOOK
Hall; Mildred Rcxford, Noble
Grand, presiding.
The report of the dish commit
tee who served sandwiches, cake
and coffee at the auction sale was
given, and samples of plastic
dishes were on display for mem
bers to examine ,and comment on.
Good of the Order Chairman
Naomi Chase presented a short
program. Readings were given by
Hazel McNeill, Helen Brumlcy and
Anne Fruits. Cards were not played
following the meeting due to the
stormy weather, but Naomi Chase
announced the scries of card play
ing will be continued after the
next regular meeting.
Members of the Three Links
club held a short meeting follow
ing the regular Rebekah session.
New officers were elected for the
year. Pearl Harris Is the president;
Anna Howard, vice-president; and
Leta Stolt secretary.
Refreshments were served by
Everett Jones, Sylvia Jones, and
Naomi Chase.
ft f iVfcitf
Helen Dennison
Recent Bride
Helen Drnntson, dnurtlurr ot
Mr., Charles Dennison and the late
Mrs. Dennison, Duluth, Minn., was
Klven In mai-rlngo by her father
to Marlon J. Qtilnton, former Klam
ath resident, now of Cotlnua Urove
in the First Methodist Church Deo.
The bride's brnutllul bullerliia
length gown ot heavy shell pink
brocade satin was comiilrmeuted
with a chapel veil of Illusion net
In the anme shade, and her slippers
were also of pink satin. She car
ried a distinctive amuigemi'iu ot
pink roses, with pslo pink i.atlu
alrcamers. Mario Obenchuln, at
Uie piano arcoinpunied Carl llagel,
who sang "Thing Alone" and "Be
cause." Marie Obeuohnin also
played the pluno at the reception,
given at the home ot Mrs. H. T.
Landram, 633 N. dill Si.
Helen'a sister, June Dennison.
was her bridesmaid, and she wore
a taffeta shantung in sott mauve
tones. Best man was Harold Grif
fith. The brldo's duller ami staler
flew from Duluth to be members
of the bridal parly.
Mr. and Mrs. Oulnlon are
filiated with the school system In
Cottage Grove, she leaches In the
grude schools and he Is a member
of the Junior High faculty.
Couple Honored
On Anniversary
O'Leary of Palsely honored his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry
u LeiM-y with a surprise am wed
ding anniversary lurkey umutucl
at tne summer Lake UkIkc, Sun
day. Jun. 20. The aues's weir
aealed al a beautifully appointed
tnblo made lovely with bouquet
of red carnations and a three
tiered wedding cake with pink anil
silver decorations topped with a
miniature bride and brulenrooin
Speeches were made by Father
O Connor,' Father l.unhani and
Harry Anthony of Lakevlew and
Robert Mahoney and Tim Guinee
of Paisley.
Following the dinner, the group
enjoyed singing.
Guests attending were Father
O'Connor, Father Lunham, Mr
and Mrs. Hurry Anthony. Mr. ami
Mrs. Duvall and luiutly, Pckk'
Singleton and William Slnulaion
who recently returned from Korea
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Guinee. Mr.
and Mrs. Dan O'Connor. Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Mahoney, John
O'Leary. Dan Nunam. Mr. atll Mra. I
Jack Lynch. Mr. and Mrs. Davie
Mrs. Hnrry Scroggln. the former I
Mardm Berg, tcacner at Fremont !
Junior High School was delight-'
fully honored Jan. 30 with a one i
o'clock luncheon and shower al Uie !
vlrs. ScroRKin were married during
" ,
the holiday season end are now
making their home al the Marlon
Apartments. -
An arranucmum Of mixed snr nit
blossoms centered the table, com
plimented with white tapers.
Hostesses and gueiM were Mrs.
Alvln Culver. Mrs. Jim Pallerson.
Mrs. J. Wu limner, Mrs. Emma-
Jean Boothby, Mrs. Ruth Parrish.
Mr.. Gordon Smith. Mrs. Hubert
Kldd. Mrs. J. E. Reading. Mrs.
8yivia Harris, Mrs. Paul Drller.
Mrs. Lorraine Qulllan, Mrs. Mar
tha McLaughlin. Mrs. Lome Sim
mons, Mrs. W. Slelner, Mra. Brrla
Sieiner, Mrs. Lawrence Priest,
Mrs. L'. 11. HOIlmon. Erma Wau
tnoup. Mrs. Larry Kl.h. Orlha Hud
son, Emily Haldeman.
Tuleluke City Panhellcnlc held
Its monthly meeting Jan. 19 at the
home of Virginia Cross. A business
meeting was held first to complete
the plan3 for the annual card party
which will be held on Feb. 29 at
the home of the Vern Hcmstreels.
Each member Is bringing her hus
band to the Leap Year party. Co
nasta. bridge.' and pinochle will be
played, and delicious refreshments
have been planned.
Alter the meeting, Phyllis Han
chett gave a most Interesting book
review on James Street! "High
Reiresnments were then served
to Eleanor Carmen, Phyllis Han
chett, Donna Hubbard, Helen Dahle
Barbara Knox, Nola Hcmslreel,
Angellne Galloway, Dorothy Chris
ty, Ruth DuPratt, Liz Fries, Phyl
lis Voss, and the hostess.
JCDA Dinner At
Savcred Heart
Post parly comments from the
120 Catholic Daughters and their
escorts Indicated last . Monday's
pot luck dinner was a genuine so
cial success.
The potluck buffet meal was
served In the Sacred Heart parish
hall at 6:30 p.m. Tables were arranged-conveniently
close to the
buffet center, thus making suc
cessive trips for refills pleasantly
The culinary favorite of each
Daughter was proudly produced
for consumption and discussion.
Much of both ensued. Several
hours of social games completed
the evening s tun.
Credit for the entire evening goes
to the general chairman, Mrs. Car
mcl Raffetto and her small com
mittee, which Included Elda Oas
Derlni. Vera Mullins, Dorothy Der-
rah, Laura Walker and Josephine
Mrs. Saverlna Smith from Ore
tech Is slated as head of the Feb
ruary Catholic Daughters activities.
Wedding Invitations
and annouAcementl . . .
Which Are Socially Correct!
utiiiil . . Inartved ... 42
style tl enirtvini chaait
(ram ...
Special ONLY 1i.t5 ft hundred'
Call far yaur copy ol Weddlni
Cuitomi, by Ivalya Murray,
W ehlle-r'-,
Voight's Pioneer Office Supply
t1 Main Prion 7412
NEW RESIDENTS arc Dr. and Mrs. U'ster Z. nrookshire,
1930 Huron, and their IS months old daughter Yicki Irene.
Dr. Brookshirc is now with the Boyd Spraguo denial
offices. He Is a graduate of the University of Oregon Den
tal School in Portland, and they came here from Print
villc. Photo by Guderian
Aloha' Past Matron's Club gath
ered for a one o'clock luncheon
Jan. 34 at Ihe MumhiIc Temple
with arrangements In charge of
Mrs. H. E. Oetz, Mrs. W. L. Poole,
and Mra. R. E. Wattenburg.
During the luuclieon. niPinbrrs
with birthday In September, Oc
tober, November, December. Jan
uary, were presented with hand
kerchiefs by Mrs. T. M. Morels,
club president.
The big birthday cake that cen
tered the table Mas cut by Mrs.
Wllhnr .ImiH Mrs llnrnd nAi.,l
. ' ,. ' '
n Hm . L nJ.- n--
orsc llurn ,,d Mr"' 0'c" '
.,' , ,,. ,. ,,,.. -.,
...""'...""b M 15 v w,, ,'
mwl Mru A II f.m
and Mrs. A. I). Fmicrson.
The committee for the next meet
ing will be Mrs. Lawrence Plielim. !
Mrs. Charles Gilbert and Mrs.
car Peyton. ,
Merrill Grange
Benefit Party
MERnil.L The benefit card
' party sponsored b Merrill Grange
in mcmocrs or Monday evenlna
was most successful, and mil lie lent
money was mude to purchase a
pli.no for the recreation hall.
Seventeen tables of Dlnochle. one
of bridge, and one of canasta were
n play. The door pruc was won
by Richard Rupe. and other prlre
winners were; pinochle: women's!
ingn, firs. t,. a. Tauer; second
hlah, Laura Tuylor; men's high
Ueorgo Williams; Harry Hundley,
second high; Br Idee; Mrs. M. A.
Bowman, high; and Mrs. Robert
Burleigh, second hleh. canasio:
Olga Bradthaw, hlsih; and Louisa
Icenblce, second high. Mrs. Max
nuniLToue won uie travelling
prize for pinochle.
One of Mrs. Murray Howard's
wonderful cakes was auctioned and
brought $19.90.
The grange thanks all members
of the oommunlty who made the
party such a success.
CLEAN Sportswear For Spring!
Bring ui your sport clothes for fast, efficient clean
ing. Colon will perk up . . . slacks and jackets will
fit better, look refreshed. Call on us for high quality
work. Send your cleaning with your laundry. Phone
Klamath's Finest
1 I i" I 'III , )
. ' v 1 '
Layette Shower
CIIILOQUIN-Mrs. Albert Avila
last Wednesday alternoon was the
guest of honor at a laycllo aliowrr
glvrn for her at Ihe Floyd Ohlrt
home by Mrs. Olilen, Mra. Ed Daly
Mrs Ray Baldwin, Mra. William
Prlrbe and Mri. Malt Bampion.
Guest tried their luck at leunui;
layettes from patter towels and ot
making miniature storks from
loothpleka and gum. Winner were
Mrs. Martha NrlMm and Mr.
Friedman Kirk.
Either attending or sending gills
were Mr.Kolk Haddock. Mr. Put
Hill. Mrs. narbara Hhr.llry. Mrs.
Arlrn Miller. Mrs. Joe llrrkslmu,
Mrs. Victor Garcia. Mn. nulh Mo
Kenrle. Mrs, Norman Doty, Mm.
Alvle Youmtbluod, Mis. Rena Gib
bous, mother ol Ihe guest of honor.
Mm. Carl Lob-rl. Mrs. Hurry
Pearson. Mrs. MitKUle Uumoiil,
Mm. Sidney Hurgdorf, Mra. Man
uel Ochoa. Mr. Ed ' Cole, Mr,
nillet I-obrrt. Mrs. Chester Jack,
Mrs. Friedman Kirk, Mrs. Ruby '
Canlrlotta, Mrs. Andrew Orlis,
Mrs. Robert I)3ak, Mrs. Doris llerk
shan. Mrs. Ramon Zummltn. Mrs.
Mary Wright. Mm. Catherine Mil
ler. From Klamath Aoency were
Mrs. Martha Nelnon. Mrs. fieldaii
Kirk. Victoria NeUon and L'liii
Kirk, and from Modoe Point, Mrs.
Andrew Valdez.
,fm& Invitations
ngrartd or f rauntJ.
Ptrtonaliied iwpklai for your
recaption . .
Ciipi and plaltl.
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