Mary Ella McAuliffe! Bride of Will iam J.O'Keefe SOCIETY Ky Milly Kamiy - rm. Jr? ADJUSTING TUP. BRIDE'S VEIL or rV. JomotSolllvari, and Molly's ilfttsr, maid of honor, Marsha McAvlifla. i Ijii " ! u , 1 i A-. MRS. McAULlFE. charming mofhar of tho WLdt, handing hr daughtvr tho proyor book which Ht corrUd during rho coromon. nnw4 THF Al&LE . . .otcartad Umt loth.. who gor hr In man logo, Molly U a picturo in whilo tatln, fromod In tho orchwoy. to . .... MARY ELLA McAULIFFE (Molly) in Si. Auguilm Church In Mtrrill, where hi mania? t Will torn J. O'Kccfft wot toUmnitad January 19. Th doubla rina marRfng ctremony wat Trad at tan 'clock by Fathar Plialon. Tha btida U th. daatjiitai of Mr. and Mf. Michatl McAullHa, Malin, and William il i ton of Mr. and Mrs. Don O'Kaafa, 335 Pacific Tartace. A JANUARY WEDDING ... and that's snow ; . . not opplo blossoms swirling about th bnd and bridegroom as lhy lav St. Augustina's for th rocaption. , I tfedding plctrs by Gudrian. r- rSll Z T f - , - - ii Hi! i Tfci i '""'i tS DeMolay Installation of Officers - - if . "1 . ..M .u i.ktu i a e neeire OC Dintstw rlisninv n( r rmtnlnl inlandst . . . tnnii UfVUUAl ir i HLkA nun yr .rnsn. . 1 i - ploco January 34 In tKo Maionlc Tompl. Shown with tho ftiroo high ranking oflicor aro. bottom raw l TO r;( ivicr nMr wiaymn nannn, ntoi ctHinciiorj marvin nwfn, mniii' vvnciior; David Curnmlngo, (imlor counoHot; David Condi , Socond row (I to t), Coargo Knight, David Vt Uts.aau. rilm. 17... w l. VlnkA. II. tAMk Tah ms fl A HlL U:lwa. J Dovld Maxwoll. Donny Todd, Don Day, Ton Mordock and Bill Motthows. photo by Carl I i 1 jfof nf: :rff I t "1 HEWLY INSTALLED OMOLAY OFFICERS . . ach on a "king on his thron." Frent th loft. CLs 3 MEWLY INSTALLED OMOLAY OFFICERS . . , ach on a "king on his thron." Front th., J flttwAft HnnitAn. msiirr nMr-i n- Unmn Mas aiv(i mrs rutmninr' ttnA TinviA riMiMinn junior councilor. v ' . Photo by Carlson. fl After the Installation 1 U 1 ,' " i-i .u i i sj 1 1 iiiiij.tiiiiiuiuii ' nmnw 1 1 ' I All DMotay pictures by har! Carltan. POURSOMB AT THK DMOLAY Instollatlon parry or,: (rom Hi. Ift,; Joekl Haydan, Cloyton-Honnon, Janlc lor ion and Matln Nrth. 4 j " ' "0LV, "'y m Rlhard Crd " ' ' 7 fl -11' B if I I , , I AFTER THE INSTALLATION CEREMONY . . . DtMolay. nV' " I ' ll I l l I I H I j i I S V I : afnl tnir ut with Informol yn(ng of mutlc, rding Tb. I : , i: . j VI l 311 'I '"1awB L i yi I .::-. i I 1 mil i i in riu ii ii mi. ii Hi iii in m ii 1 1 "nt im X I v -''-I -"'Vj; ". 1 l i""""""'m-- 1 "' " " II... a'r i . . ... I S, l1 . I 1 i Urai Mr. Unruln Uitulli whn ! i.i.i runcilor's "mom" l .V. ' I :. I li I S I .1111 .11111 V.flMII: I Vi&iSf . . V .. . .. . V - . . . . -' l .. j I . 1 -t tin 1 n vsv ttvVL,'viv I ws i ' ana wno ti rno.nw mom : tor uroor or vsrrivioy jonn rmw ony i i . 2: ;', ; j , Jonic Larson. . 7 J J AH A lLnston. Da.ld,,j