PAGE TWO SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 10B2 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON HV ' KfrXW MM Kc rST Saturday Kvrning, Feb. 2 IB 00 fiporti Hlghllghtt . 0:lfl Home Town Nawi 8:28 World News Summitry 9:M Hctenct Editor ABC 8:43 Word" of Life 7:00 Mr. Utitrlct Atty, ABC 7:2.1 Mimic 7:30 Dinner In the Gren Room ABC B OO The Ume Ranger ABw B:.U Dancing Parly ABC 10:00 10 D m Headlines 10MS Brother Art Program 10:30 Inumnla Club 11:00 Nflws Summary U.M Sign Ott , KFLW 1450 Kc rST . Sunday, Feb. S 00 Newa ABC 8.4A Morning bong ABC 8:10 1. 1 cut and Lift Hour ABC 9:00 Cnlv.iry Efhoci :1S Chapal In Sky fl:3U Negro College Choir ABC 10:00 Sunday Newa Special APC 10:15 Brunch Time ABC 10:30 National Vanperi ABC l;fin Ji'aiv.nn LuMtimi C.mrch 12:00 Chrlitfan In Action ABC 12:30 Around the World ABC 1:00 Old Fashioned Revival 2:00 Voice ol Prophecy ABC 2:30 Greatest Story ABC 3:00 Hour of Decision ABC -4:00 U.S. Navy Band 4:1a Jimmy Ftdler 4;M Stmnv Kkv Setnad ABC 5:00 Strp the Music ABC 6:00 Walter Wlnchell ABC :15 Home Town News tfS World News Summary 6:30 Cascading Rhythmi 7:0 Paul Kaivey ABC 7:.r Sienst? in Blue 7:30 The Great Adventure, ABC 8:00 Drew Peamon ABC 8:15 Mon. Morning Hdin ABC 8:30 Walter Wlnchell ABC 8-45 Chct Huntlev ABC 8:00 CBC Symphony Concert 10:OJ 10 P. M eauline 10! 1.1 Geo. E. Sokcvliky ABC 10(30 Cinegrill Orch. ABC 11:00 Newt Summary 11:05 Sign Off : KFLW 1450 Kc. PST Monday, Feb. 4 8100 Sign On Newt Sum. 8:03 Corn in the Morn 6"45 Farm Fare 7:00 News Breakfast Ed. 7;15 Charlie's Roundup 7;:t0 Bob G aired. News ABC 7:40 Top of the Morning Joan Conte ABC 8f00 Breakfast Club ABC 9:00 Hank Henry Show 9:;0 Break the Bank ABC 10:00 Chet Huntley News ABC 10:15 Lone Journey ABC . 10:30 My True Siory ABC 10:55 Edward Arnold ABC 11 -00 Betty Crocker ABC 11:15 Stop and Shop 11:30 Against Storm ABC 11:45 County Agent Speaks 11:55 Market Report 12:00 Noon Edition News 13:15 Pavle&a Sidewalk Show 12:30 Lucky "U" Ranch ABC 1:01 l'arl Ha 1:15 Better Living 1:30 feary Margaret McBrid ABC 2:00 Basin Briefs 2(15 Accent on Melody 2;-l Javce Jordan. M.D. ABC 2:45 Rom Evelyn Winters ABC 3:00 When Girl Marries ABC 3:15 Ted Malone ABC !r Dan C-meron ABC, , ,1t45 Mary Marlin ABC 4:00 Requestfully Yours - 5:00 Fur Factory ABC 5:25 World Flight Reporter ABC S:30 Chet Huntley ABC 45 It's Movie rime 6:O0 Sports Highlights -.-; 6:15 Home Town News 6:25 World Newa Sumr.iary 6::tT Suburban Serenade 6.45 Headline Edition ABC 6:55 Coming Attractions on ABC 7.00 The Lone Ranger ABC 7:30 Henry J. Taylor ABC 7:45 Preview of Tomorrow :O0 Could This Be You 8:30 "How Can We Attract New d us try the Klamath Basin?" fl:30 Piano Playhouse. ABC 10:00 10 PM Headlines 10:15 Navy Star Time 10:30 Insomnia Club 11:00 News Summary 11:05 Sign Off. . . . KFJI 1450 Kc PST i Saturday t'veninff, Feb. fiK) News 6:15 Theater Quiz -m Asserrbl." of God Hour 7:00 Hawaii Calls MBS 7:30 Klamath Temple Wt FsktM. K17HS vs. Ashland . 9J News MBS 9:15 Bsktbl. KUHS vs. Ashland - - the movie stars i are ; Amoving to mutual! r TOPS FOR 4 4 SUNDAY 7:30 P.M. QUI m wmmm mmmm ' B:U0 p.m. "20 QUESTIONS" i 8:30 p.m.' "FORWARD AMERICA" . 9:30 p.m. "THE WHISTLER" 4 4 And from 10 to 11 p.m. mmm illi iliil Ml KFJI 1150 on the Dial . . MUTUAL BROADCASTING SYSTEM T .pi m 6, X'A X'tfj 4 i fe '?-iia . -"(J jf';J . Ve"5Jr ' $iQr .s, t c UnSVX B:.",5 N.wt MI.S 10:01 I,-m!iiirtl') Tjind JSA MBS 10:30 Arthur Van Orch. MBS 11:00 Mum Oi'll Edition 11:0.1 NIKht Owll Club 13:00 Sln Ofl KFJI 1150 Kc rST SundHV, Frb. 3 1:00 : l:.1S t:"i M fM 0:49 10:00 10:1.1 10:30 11:00 ll:l.t 11:20 11:43 15:00 U:15 l.W 1:1 I 1:30 1:53 3:00 3:.w 3:00 3:30 3:33 4:00 4:13 4:30 5:00 3:30 6:00 :13 6:30 1:M 7:30 I 00 8:30 0:00 9:13 9:30 l-jrjo 11:00 Wlngi o( Ht.llnf S-Min. New. Munic Children'. Cbnl Radio Blbl. Clas MBS Ximii. Rrv. Critter Inland Melodlea New. MBS taark Roger. MBS Lutheran Hour MBS Frank and Krneat MBS Show IMnca Romance of the Hlfhwayi MBS Ma.ter Radio Can. MBS New. Bill Cunningham MBS Alrtorce how MBb ; :-ter.oi:v Traveler MBS Under Arre.t. MBS Bobby Benson MBS The Shadow MBS in.e i)..e?ttve 'IrtS Gabby Hiyea MPS Nick Carter MBS Cecil Brown, Newi, MBS Newa MBS Mark Koaer. MBS Steamboat Jamboree MBS Rev:ewtne: Stand MRS Enchanted Hour MBS Newi. Quit Show Youth View. New. MBS J. J. Anthony MBS Adven. of Casanova MBS Twenty Questions Forward America MBS Glenn Hardy Newi MBS Guest Star Th WhUtler CBS K"H Musical Comedy Theater MBS SUn Off KFJI 1150 Kc. PST Monday, Feb. 4 Mtlsica! Reverie Farm Reporter 6:00 6:43 7:00 Hemingway News MBS 7:13 Breakfast Gang MBS 7:30 Headline News 7:45 Best Buys 8:1)0 Cecil Brown MBS 8:13 Breakfast Gang MBS 8:30 Bible Institute MBS p oo Homemaker Harmoniea 8:15 It's a Dog's Life y:0 PUtter Party 9:45 Favorite ot Yesterday in:oo News MBS in-i ToOlrt Timt 10:30 La Pointes 10:50 Currins 10:55 Ken Carson 11:00 Ladies Fair MBS 11:25 News MBS 11:30 Queen for a Day MBS 12:00 Name Bands 12:13 News Headline I2:M Your Dance Tunes 12: Market & Livestock 1:00 Jack Kirkwooa auss 1:30 Tune Test 1:53 Local News 2:00 Newa, MBS 2:03 News MBS T:15 Two at 2:13 :45 Answer Man 3:00 Rlcky t Request 4)0 Soeed Gibson MBS 4:13 Hemingway News MBS 4:03 Curt Maey Time MBS 4:43 Sam Hayes. News MBS .00 BobD? Benson MBS 3:J0 Wi!d Bill Hickok. MBS 3:53 News MBS 6:00 Gabriel Heatter MBS 6:15 Quiz Show 6:30 Around Town New 6:45 Sam Haye, News MBS . e: Bill " nenry moo -,:0) Woman of the Year 7:30 Bright Star 8:00 Let George Do It MBS 8,10 n-Nvw Pla nous MBS 9:00 Glenn Harffy News MBS 9:15 Fulton Lewis News MBS 9:.u Urme tignxen jido 9:55 5-Minute Final MBS 10:00 1 Love a Mystery MBS 10:13 Country Music 10:30 Crov.ell's Nest MBS 11:00 Ni?ht Owls News 11:05 Night Owla Club 12:00 Sign Off Stalin Fears All-Out War WASHINGTON W1 Stalin Is against starting a full-scale war because he fears it might Jeop ardize his place in history, accord ing to an iniormea aipiomauc source. 'llie official, who stipulated that his name not be used, put It this way: Stalin realizes, at i-, mai nis tory will remember him as the man who built Russia into a pow erful nation rinsed by satellites. Ke would risk; this record In a war with the West. Hence, he cautions the Politburo against starting one. The source said he believes . Stal in Is still Russia's boss, even though he spends half of each year at a vacation resort. Stalin's suc cessor, he said, will depend upon when he steps down. Probably Mol otov, if soon, or somebody younger, like Production Chief Malenkov, if 10 or 15 years from now. Robeson Dares US Officials SEATTLE HI Paul Robeson, internationally famous Negro bar itone who was turned back at the border Thursday when he attempt ed to go to Canada, said Friday he would be restored to his rights by the courts. "I'm here in Seattle," Robeson said, "because I am an American, a black American, who dares to stand up and say that I am as good as you are. "I am an American, and nobody is going to tell me where I can go or what I can say." Robeson was warned by Immi gration officials that be was sub ject to imprisonment or fine if he violates an order to remain in the united States. He was on his way to Vancouver, B. C when turned DacK. Child Dies In Fall Through Ice WARWICK. N. Y: I Ten-vear old Jean Langlitz fell through Ice in a small pond Friday and drown edthe fourth and last of John Langlitz's children to die violently. In recent years, the other three children died In a fall down a well, an automobile accident, and In te non in tiorea. Langlitz Is highway suDerintend ent of Warwick. Bring tht gong , , .1 warn am NEW HOME of Mr. and Mrs. tyke playing in the snow is the i"1 J't'" A ltiUii Si ?il m s i I f ifMij In At: AFTER 33 YEARS railroading on the SP's Klamath divi sion, Fred W. Sullaway was retired Thursday as he stepped from a passenger car after the completion of his last trip as a Southern Pacific passenger train conductor. He and Mrs. Sullaway live at 401 Hillside. They May Be Slow, But They Got There At Last WESTPORT. Conn. tB World War n secrets were selling cheap ly six years ago. C. Steve Vangor bought a war surplus safe full of em lor only Government agents came here Friday to retrieve the documents. The Army field safe was locked when vangor bought it at a gov ernment auction in New Jersey in 1946. It remained locked until ear ly la3t December when he gave it to a irieno, r'reo JJcnmer, a local real estate dealer. When a locksmith solved the combination in Dehmer's office, secret and confidential' Army maps, records, manuals and pho- tograpns came tuneung out. Vangor, an Air Force captain In the last war. sent a letter asking for instructions, addressing it to "The Commanding General, War Department." After weeks had passed with out an answer, Vangor and Deh mer called in a newspaperman and told the story. Less than 24 hours later, an FBI agent and a repres entative of the Army's counter intelligence department appeared at Dehmer's office to gather up the documents. One thing bothered the federal men. Vangor told them there was another locked safe in the lot he bought In 1946. He had given that one away, too. but he couldn t re' member to whom. Did it contain any secrets? Oxygen Tent Blast Fatal For Child SAN ANTONIO, Tex. Wl Six-months-old Juan Ramos Jr.died Friday night in the pediatrics ward of a hospital here after a plastic oxygen tent covering him exploded. Dr. Sterling Fly, resident physi cian at the hospital, said the child was in a critical condition with a heart ailment when admitted. He termed the fire and explosion as a contributing cause of death. Hospital officials said a faulty electric base plug might have ig nited the oxygen in the tent. , Investigations are being made by Justice of the Peace M. D. Jones and the fire department. ' KLAMATH FALLf . OUOOti AMERICAN CHINESE Feed at theft m Ph. 49 For Ordtra T Take Oaf Ban 8. Lee, Mgr. Richard Hicks, 320 Upham Hicks' son. Brent. Atomic Power Sfiil Vague WASHINGTON Wl Private In dustry is making progress in Its attempts to put a commercial har ness on atomic power, says Kep. Durham. iD.-NC.l. but success i seems years ahead. Durham is vice-chairman of the 'Senate-House Atomic Energy Com Imittee, which Friday heard a re port from a group of Industrialists, line group, encouraged by the 'Atomic Energy Commission, is : making privately-financed studies to determine whether industry can i set up its own atomic furnaces. I "While we can not discuss all the information we have received, it is very dellnltc that they have made progress." Durham told a reporter, adding: "It will probably be many years before atomic power can be used on a practical, economic basis." Passengers Take On Drunk Pilot NEW DELHI, India tin Thirteen Irate airline passengers subdued their pilot who became drunk in flight and tied him In a seat to permit the co-pilot to make an emergency landing at Nagpur, a Civil Aeronautics spokesman re ported Saturday. The passengers, nine of them for eigners, handed the pilot over to police after the Nagpur landing. Tire spokesman said his pilot's li cense was suspended. He said the filer, a hefty Aus tralian, was enticed from the plane's control cabin after he per mitted the plane to fall practically uncontrolled from 10.000 to 4.000 feet on the promise of another drink." Workman Shy Of Record NEW YORK (P) Five more points and West Virginia's Mark Workman could claim the collegi ate Individual high scoring murk j major competition. As it was Workman scored 40 points on 10 field goals and eight tree throws as the Mountaineers, ranked 10th In the Associated Press poll, rallied In the last quarter to whip Virginia Military, 91-66. Louisiana States Bon feuit scored 50 points in one game sev eral weeks ago. That Is high for St.' is shown above. The little Good Provider, And Still Jailed TOKYO '.fi i- Saburo Nomiohl. 31. serving nn 18-inomli prlsun term for swindling, asked his jailers for month's leave to "attend to per- sonnl nltnlis." His record was rooo. So he not the leave. He returned Jan. Id on schedule and was locked up. Friday police appeared at the prison and filed a new chnrtie against Noguchl. While on leave. Ihcv said, he engineered a 3 million yen. $5,500 swindle to provide for his fnmily until he gels out of Jail. Unemoloymenr Pay Hits New High SALEM W Unemployment benefit paid in Orccon In January reached S3.705.949. highest monthly total in two years, the State Un employment Comoensotion Coin mission said Friday. Thr figure was more than dou ble the $1,313,455 paid in Decem ber. The gain was 59.4 per cent over Ule January. 1951. total. There were 40.320 Jobless claims filed last wek. compared with 37, 331 a month ago. Nearly helf the claims came from logging and lum ber workers. Hans Norland Auto Insurance. Phone 2-2515. The time to find out whether vonr nollcv Is nroperlv written la BEFORE the fire, not AFTKR! Consult Hans Norland, 617 I'ine St smvi'T.viLJ't.i.i.uiiiJfwi.wmi LAST DAY Vht Ml IWOUUlieil tUl MM U 4M g TTiirjg STARTS SUNDAY Two Top First Run Hits A Program for the Whole Family -..-"'NO fcC KIRBY m V1UU1 a wild Gloria SAUNDERS Wurta DOUGLAS CHINOOK IHI WONOU DOO r ix j across -Companion Feature US Loses 52 Planes To ' Reds During January As Korean War Tempo Gains lly MltO KAHNKTI SEOUL, Korea Ml Allied air men tihol down 31 Red Jem in Jan uary und lost 53 of their own planus. Far Kast Air Force re ported Friday. The Allied loss was Ilia greulest In any monlli of tlio 30 mouth Ko rean Will'. Increaslniily accurate Conununbt aiiii.alici'ull lire destroyed 33 United Nations jets and 31 propel ler planes. Five F-KO Sabre jets were shot down In air battles. One Sabre and two 1M'9 superior!. were lost became of mechanical House Dirty, So Burn It BELL. Calif. IB Mis. Kath leen Tosspy took a look t her un tidy house, she told police, and con cluded II would be easier to set lire to the place than clean it. Police said she did Just that. They said that alter firemen were Mimmonod and nuelled the flames, she told them she had tossed a box of burnlint mutches into a pile of paper napkins she had arranged In the attic. She then went downstairs and relaxed bv engaging In a telephone conversation. Mrs. Tossey Is In jail In lieu of S3.000 bond on a charge of arson. Portland Keeps Gonzaga Jinx SPOKANE IB Portland Uni versity, the one team Onnzaga has not been able to lick, still clung to .llcllni.Mnn SnflirflnV Portland weathered a last quar ter rallv Friday night to hne Its third defeat on the Goniaga Bull- N. H Mc Ollvery paced Port land to Its win with 17 points. LAST GAME TOUGHEST EAST LANSING. Mich. IB The . I . ml tnll nam. Af tl V season for Michigan 8tate s baa- f .... . - I.., MnM xeiccrs iu win is wir since 1948 have the Spartans ended a basketball campaign with a vie tory. All . ""WWUJP " 2 (allures. In addition to the 31 Russian type MKl-16 Jetn shot down, Allied pilots were credited Willi probably destroying two mid riaiuaitliig 30. FEAF said during the eullio war the Allies have lust 479 Planes com pared in 850 Ited aircraft destroyed or damaged, Including (111 Mios. The Reds have concentrated most of their aiitl-nlrerult batierlos Including Itusslan-biitll rudur de tectors at such leev points aa I'yongyung, the North Korean cap ital, Surlwon. Slniinju. Hlimlju and other vital road and rail junctions. These have accounted for most Of the Allied losiies. FEAF damage reports do not Include the heavv pounding of Red lines by Allied Navnl planes. Far East Naval Headquarters said carrier-based planes rut rail PELICAN "ONE OF THE TRULY GREAT OTHER YEAR" flwomflirsKiss... R LIGHTED CIERRETTE -Each Had Its meaning! An Lttiting mi tooliilk Slory oi War... I Cirmon Piisonifj Sent Itxlt tehind Unit Own lintt gi Agenti f ihi Alliitl ( ' m UJ Tht groal Columbia hll Hi Cunrult In fill mil' Pofttindll lhl MullWlllMh'"l'"lJ way lines In 3,703 places In Hit past 33 days. The Navy miltl the north-south Hue between Wonsiiii and Kuwait was no biKlly buttered Ilia Keds have not been able, lu move a Iruln over It for two weeks, "despite vast expenditures ol maiipowur and muleiiiilii." Snow and overcast skies ground ed most Allied planes Friday morn ing. FUUi Air Force said only a low IlKliler-liombers went out on "operation nil angle." designed to cut Communist Hie lines. No major ground action was re ported. One division on the Central front reported a temperature or 11 de grees below ero Thursday. liana Norland (l!J I'lne St. Auto Insurance, Pltit Notts Ne inoaott In our ragulor admission prlcot. PICTURES OF THIS OR ANY M. P. PRESS . THE CAST INCLUDES THE FAMOUS COMMANDO DIV. THE CLOAK and DAGGER JOES W-aawSC JAMES STEWART ARTHUR KENNEDY .'JULIA ADAMS ROCK HUDSON KEND OF f THE RIVER me season.