5, ' SATURDAY, FEMlUAItV 2, 19Ti2 HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREOON PAGF! THIRTEEN 42 LIVESTOCK 1 POULTRY AUTOMOTIVI THE HERALD AND NEWS 1 I, I I V i- SPECIAL LIVESTOCK AUCTION WEDNESDAY l-'KURUARY (I, 1 I'.M. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON 30 RANGE BULLS 30 lO-HHOIHTKniDI) IIKItUFDIlI) 1IUU.H lO-KKOIHTKKKI) I'OI.I.KU IIMUKKOIll) MUM 8 10-liLACK ANCIUH 1IUI.I.H INO PAI'MlHi J 1 nuasKM, iiAKKii or wkihkii. iijaiio ih conmionino w iw.mi ov thumh coming two ykaii old iii:iti';i"oui) hui.i.h, tiik TIIKHK UUl.1.8 AKIi l'TlTKD AND WILL IIH HOLD IN JtANOK CON . ? DITION. ALSO OUR USUAL RUN OK :)00!)()0 1 1 HAD OK ) CATTLE-HOGS -SHEEP j AUCTION KVKIIY WKUNKHDAY , LIVKHTOCK TIIUCKH KOIl IIIHK I IIKAU OK A CMU.OM) J WlllIN YOU WANT TO UUY OR BKIJ, I.IVIWi'OCK IT IS KLAMATH LIVESTOCK, Inc. PHONE 3074 II. IS, I10II IlllOIJKf). Auctioneer I'llONK 41133 30 RtAL STATt F0R 5ALt list with us now: we 1IAVK WAITING PROSPECTS "4 Wo could use a lot if space telling you about the sales ' record we have made and how fast wo have sold cer tain Individual properties ; listed with us, but wu don't think you arc Interested in individual cases unless it is your own. However, wc would like to present this one fact to you for your consideration. DURING TIIK PAST SUV '. L'RAL MONTHS VK HAVK, HEEN SELLING IIOMKS AS FAST AND FASTKR THAN WK HAVK, B F.F.N ABLE TO LIST THEM AND RIGHT TODAY WF. HAVK A WAITING LIST OF PROSPECTIVE BUYERS. Find out for yourself be fore you list your property for sale. "SEE US FIRST" "PAT HOWES J JOHNNY BLAYLOCK Realtors Phone 3-3M&-0448 101I5 Muln EvflllllKM Hon Flihrr 8070 Bruce Ovens Merrill HO CLINTON AVENUE tlcauilfu! two bedroom home with - fireplace, hardwood Hours, corner - lot. partly furnished, oil floor lurii " lit, Ueaullful locution. (11,000 Is selllnj price and this Is tnulfr priced. Shown by appointment. ; IVORY STREET 'i acre, two bedroom, bath, living " room, dinette, kitchen, lurt-e classed In bark porch. Walk-In fruit cool . er. two car Karaite attached. Lots of shivle trees. Good loundnllon. . No alkali. All this fur (5800 on MIA. r, YALTA GARDEN Two bedroom home. Almost acre, lamtccapcd yard and mirden. Two car Karaite. Ileitulllul home three years old Is selling for $0000. I'HA will loan (7200. NEED TNCOME. We have several Rood Income properties. Call us for show ing and prices on these. . FRED E. FLEET REALTOR TWNNTm rOATEfl. Balesladv 408 Main OIIIco Ph. 2-3335 Eves. 2-1305 FOR SALE B room homo, full basement, fire place, close In locution, nenr schools, ihurches, stores, walklnir rllstnnco fflly center. Immediate, possession. Trice (8250. Terms. Mh.i.Iii mi.i ft eAmn linmo 111 Hot Springs District, full basement, larco play loom with fireplace, WrII to wall carpet In llvlnit and dining room, electric heat In nil looms. Shown by Appointment only. ' 2 bedroom homo North of Main Street, concrete foundittlon, part basement. Immediate possession. price (4.600. ncasoniiDic tiown pay ment, balance monthly. Sec Fred Cofcr Bob Stephens (Evciilnns 0230) Barnhisel Agency 112 S. 8th Phone 4195 EXCELLENT INCOME I'llOI'Ell'I'V l.ornted on Mnln Street. Will sell Or Undo lor stock rnnclj, nml nwimio. TOURIST CAIUNS Si SJIHVIC'E STATION l.ncnled on lllilliwny 101 on nomlc River, nenr Gold llrsch. '1 111 Is tt real htiv nt $2n,.HHI. Ootid terms. Wo have 'plcluir or the uropeiiy nt Ihe ofllco. " NEWIIOUSE HKA'. K.STATH conn s. nth. I'htinn lima or nn4n NEW 2-UKDHOOM homo. F.II.A, con alriiclctl, tlnrdwond flours, niitumnllc 4icnt, ffarage. la restricted dlslrlct. You Mm own this home for loss than tnoullily rental, Low down payment. 1'hone inil:i or 4:illll nvenlnns. IIOMKS FOR 8AI.K , BVKIIKTT DKNNI8 RKAI.TOR Don Klrkpalrlck Salesman W N nt Plume S401 f.hW IIOMKS for solo. William j). Powell. Phone B.MU. WAftTKD to buy, rnully In suburban home, Phona. a-nai after ft p.m. MIDLAND ItOAD 30 REAL ISTATi FOR SAL! LISTINGS NEEDED Wo urxently need lliUllici on t'llv in id Miburoun Iiiiiiii.'K, II you're IlilnklnU of ki'IIIiik plrnae 'dill u now lor Interview mid eiUmule ol market viilue. Quick and courteous iitlentlon will lie Klven to nil rail) without nny olillRiilluii to you. WALT IJIITZ. with B. WAITERS T. KKAI.TOH8 Ac 1NHURANCK 107 Ho. 7th I'hono 4193 (Kvc, 114(10' CHEAPEE 1 TiKDROOM MODKRN IIOMK with arml-modcrn cabin. Paved Mrrrl ntttl city ncwfr. 1-ocntrd in Nurlli Mill Addition. Prlcnl to nrll nl IMm. 500 down, bnlnnce 35 per mo. Don't nilsn thin. WAI.T DUCT'., with T. B. WAITERS REALTOR it INSURANCE 107 So. 7th Phone 4103 (Eve. 04C0i A DANDY Three bedroom home In South Suburbs. Uii'Kc, HkIu Ilvlns room with fireplace. Ouk floors, two full bit lh Venetian blind, oil forced nlr furnnrc. service porch with built-in. Buck bedroom Is extra litiue with two wnlk-ln closets und outside entrance. Now financed on 4 per cent Cil Loan. Price. 1 11.500. Anne Ma:,ou Kddle Hosley Eves. 0714 201B8 BOGUEDALE; Realtor 22 a. oih Phone 'btSo CATTLE-GRAIN TIMBER ti to (15 per acre buys Rood ranch and timber land at Gov't, Blaic and County land Kales. l'ltl-.E I.AN1J CATALOG. Pacific Lnnds lliai KI-" CahuciiKit Blvd. Hollywood 28, Calif. 34 FUEL . HEATING STANDARD HEATING OILS Stove Furnace Heavy Fuel DEPENDABLE Check and Kill System METER PRINTED TICKETS Your Guarantee Of Healing Satlslactlon FRED H. HEILBRONNER 'Fuels Hint Satisfy Plus Service" Since 1019 821 Spring St. Phone 4153 rut -"JL.pJrVLi,,K'v.wm'd' Phon ntiss t JL iT l!l.irS'M o.'a.t.d T.T' . - -.7 jnn-a Biven on neat- IteltvirT i''ila ,or ,ron"' CLtKr VADEN'S SKIN AL SERVICE M508o Slh SfANDARD HEATINO-OIL Stova. (uriiare light tul, coal. wood. f'?immSI4ll " nd C' M UUV pine blocks' rnr' "mile!"1 Uirnove nlnus and weekentlsMctlers Uros. lMlf,S"n)L6"tiS pickup Ordellvo7fa" .T.'i" dons Sianal Scrvlc. !Joo So nth Phone .irrni or s-nsoa 38 BOATS PETS SPORTS HOBBIES CiKRMAN shepherd puppies, a monlhs old, ellKlhle (or AKC rematratlun. sai up. iiiib .oie. nE80l H"rc)li-Knmla PlTom .1047 Slllia Delaware otl Hnmedala. BOARDINO KENNFI.S po boarding by day, week or month Snultary hennelt Well balanced diet Clean Individual oMtdoor runs for each ""b- 'm uuiica dialing, win Dick up and deliver. visitors welcome Phon S07S Merrill Ro Rt 2, llo S04 SIIASIA CASCADE KKNN'r.1.9 42 LIVESTOCK & POULTRY " POULTRY WANTED Cash puid for tny Rmount. Top market prices for good quality. For quotations PHONR 3857 K LAM ATH POULTRV FARMS l OU IHAMC. clRht mock cnw.t. ViTl find ritlvrn thin uprlng n Inn frch cow nndjriilf. Phnni :in.t Sundnv. i''OH H ALH jin n hercro"ii1yi 20 hriVd (iiiernspv vown nnd (I hrtfera to frosh- on liolwccn now mifl Miiy, One rcRln- irrrti i.uornHcy nun. i none cown nrc well lircd nnd hcnvy orocim-ors and numt ot them viu'clnntod. Will sell it II dniry eqt.tpmrnt, Dp Lnvnl milker. Au tomatic cool I nil unit tun I milk chum. Complete nrl up for Cirndo A fin try, Seo Hoy K In 1 1 . 4to:i tSnmmnrs L-nne. a im i'-frj t a 1 . " 'nn it v. m no sr riv irk Phfine H72I M C (Churki wrren Hi 3. tn (122 y.'i von 'ilf.'iim hny. Phone 2-W.W. Durhnm heifers. WANTKD i-olored hens Phone 4SQ1 HIHKST prluei paid for pmiltry, hORi and livestock, BIO V MKAT MAHKRT lkjylew JnnctJn Phone J ibo NEW Hampihfr pullets. Uylhg. Ph(mo 42112. 4 MISCELLANEOUS WANTED "VAN'riilD To rent. Two hcdniom fur nl.ihed hoitus, Very good icforencos. Phone Puia. - FEBRUARY - PARADE of BARGAINS! EVERY CAR CHECKED TO GUARANTEE YOU REAL ECONOMY, SAFETY AND DEPENDABILITY STOP IN TODAY - SEE THIS LINE-UP OF VALUES 11)01 CHEVROLET DELUXE 4-DR. SEDAN Just lour months old. A nearly now car at big savings. .. 1050 STUDEBAKER REGAL DELUXE CHAMPION 4-DR. SDN. Overdrive, Climatizer, seat covers 1000 STUDEBAKER DELUXE CHAMPION 4-DR. SDN. Overdrive, Climatizer '. 1940 CHEVROLET FLEETLINE AERO SEDAN 11.000 actual miles. It's perfect. 1949 STUDEBAKER CHAMPION DELUXE 2-DR. SEDAN Overdrive, radio, Climatizer . 1948 STUDEBAKER CHAMPION DELUXE 4-DR. SEDAN Overdrive, Climatizer 1948 STUDEBAKER CHAMPION CONVERTIBLE COUPE Overdrive, radio, Climatizer 1940 PLYMOUTH 4-DR. SEDAN Radio, heater 1940 HUDSON SUPER SIX CLUB COUPE One-owner. Verv clean. 1947 STUDEBAKER COMMANDER 4-DR. SEDAN Overdrive, radio, heater PICKUPS 1951 Dodjje Vi Ton 1949 Studebakcr Vi Ton (2 to choose from) 42 Chcv. 2-Dr. Sedan '42 Stude. Champ. 4-Dr. '41 Plymouth 4-Dr. 41 Stude. Champ. 2-Dr. "40 Ford V-8 Coupe '41 Dodge 4-Dr. '41 Oldsmobile 4-Dr. McCULLOCH MOTORS Klamath Avenue at 8th St. 44 MISCELLANEOUS WANTED WAN'IKI io i tnt. Desperately need nire five or lx la rife roomed home, t'nfuenlftheri. reference, reponilble nar(N . Phone S31!f). WAN'lKlJ la lent. houc lurnUhcd or unfurnUhed by March lit. in good ronrtltion. Up to tO. Clou In pre-r-t. Phone 2-Z270. V.'AMKU innwcr lor Oliver row-crop. j a Van, nt. ;i. nox s:.4K. citv. A.N'1KI to leae. J-'arm 8U to nrrrn Iinf or nhrrl term leae. Write "f ifiM ,Ne w Hox HA. WANTKIJ to lefii" no" le thnn 2 or :. herlrocin home. Phune 4874 after 3:30 WANTKD, plow. John Peere two way No 1ir2 Call Jim Korci . Algonia. 1. WANTED lo rent no leu than 2 or J Ik-d room home. Phone 4074 after .v:.o p m, tVK NKF.D CARflr Gel ton price now' More Motor Co (tin and Plum. 46 FINANCIAL LOANS IMMEDIATE Cash Loans Burrow Poy Onl $100 $7.27 Mo. Rcpnv In 18 Installments UP it) MOO ON FURNITURE OR SALARY UP TO 11200 ON CAI13 THE IDEAL PLACE TO BORROW Convenient Location Convenient to Borrow Convenient to paj Locally owned New Cars "nanccl at bank raua "MONEY IN A HURRY" Motor Investment Co. 20 yeare serving Klamath Bam 8ee "Chuck" Bailey. Mgr. lit N 7th SL Phone 3326 8-341 M-379 Commercial. Furnishes Cash! CASH LOANS (50 to 3300 Auto Furnltur Livestock Salary 350 to 3500 Automohlles (paid (or or not) Private Sale ot Autos Financed Make your deals CASH denial Commercial Finance Corporation Bob O'Connor, Mgr. Lie S-251 n-m 107 No Sth Phnn. 7711 48 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES SERVICE STATION FOR SALE PROVEN LOCATION Gill nnd ALTAMONT SIS.OOO TERMS .117.500 YEARLY PROFIT NO LEASE WITH ANY OIL COMPANY IMMEDIATE POSSESSION SEE KEN KLAHN 608 So. 6tH 51 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE lOH SALE, D-4 caterpillar. S42S0. Phone Montague, California 207:1. U. INCH nl.vvvood. surfaced both aides SO tlieet, Phona B303. AND TRUCK $1495 $1145 1949 Ford V-8 Vi. Ton $1145 1941 Chevrolet Vh Ton Flat Bed Truck $ 495 TUB FOLLOWING PRE-WAR CARS CAN BE PURCHASED AT THE LOWEST PRICES EVER OFFERED, IT'S UP TO YOU! ! ! Come In - See Them - Try Them THEN . . . YOU MAKE THE OFFER! NO REASONABLE OFFER WILL BE REFUSED 40 Olds, 4-Dr. Sedan '37 DeSoto 4-Dr. Sedan '41 Ford V-8 Fordor '41 Chevrolet 2-Dr. 40 Ford V-8 Fordor 36 Stude. 4-Dr. Sedan '36 Chevrolet 2-Dr. Sedan STUDEBAKER SI MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE DRIVEWAY MATERIAL FARMER'S Sand and Gravel Co. J. M. Barnes M. J. Barnes Ph. 7659 Ph. 7991 in-the-way things become pay-things . Through "For Sale" ads. Yes. things In your way are quickly turned Into cash through these mighty little classified ads. They find buyers for every thing from plywood to pianos, heaters to house-trailers, tin and slate to real estate. Let a Classified ail transform What you'd like to sell into something you want now. some thing you always want . . . CASH I . phone 8111 for an ad-writer CLOTHES DRIERS. Basin Building Ma terials. 4784 South Sixth St. Phone 2-2363. UNDERWOOD typewriter, 330. Phone 91)78 after 5 p.m. G. E. vacuum and attachments. $17.30. Phone 9200 FOR SALE, Cushman Motor Scooter with side car Phona 7447 after 6 p.m. rOR SALE, 7 foot refrigerator, $93. Phone 72114 after 4 p.m. t'OR SALE Maytag washing machine with movable tubs. Call 6242. FOR SALE military Jeep tire. Brand new. Slightly damaged. 700x13. Made offer. Phone 2-3310. 14 DAY FREE TRIAL Try the new Sunbeam Shavemnster at home before you buy. Only S26.30. RICKYS JEWELERS 700 Main I'hoiie 3131 CRUSHED rock and driveway cinders. Phone 2-1107 USED FURNITURE values can always be found at Klamath Furniture Co. 221 Main. Phone S333. 8-INCH concrete culvert pipe, 70 centa per foot. PEYTON ft CO DRIVEWAY MATERIALS. Phune Joe Eart, (1733. FOR SALE, studio couch eight months old and oil burner. Phone 2-274R. OIL storage tanks. Peyton and Co. 833 Market. CRUSHED ROCK, driveway cinders. Phone 3341. LANDSCAPING, evergreens, shrubs and trees. We trim, spray and removt large trees. LAKESHOHE GARDENS NURSERY Phone 4230 FOR SALE good cull potatoes. L. V. Shepherd. Phone 2I3B Bonanza. Oil SALE. Daveno Bed. 124 North l.-nitunn. SIX BALES of alfalfa and crested wheat gras hnv, two does and one hurl! rnlihll. SI2. 300:1 Blsbee St D-a Calnplllnr, Oood condition. M. At. OH", Blv, Ore. MOST OFFEH buys WesUnehouse elec tric range. Good shape. See anytime. 1013 Worclen. FOR SAI.I'. lale model D-2 with or wllhoiii rtr.7er. W. ,t. Dlvon. Mardopl. ADDING MACHINES, calculators, type writers, cash registers, desks, chairs, files for sale or rent. PIONEER OFFICE SUPPLY 820 Main ' Phone 7412 Et.KCTHOLITX Cl.RANER and DOllshflt ar.d supplies Phone 7167 Tarkel Tweet, nil Market BROKEN window glass replaced, Klm bnlts Glass Shop. Phone 7370. GLASS furniture tops and shelves made to order. Kimball's Glass Shop, Phone 737H. APPROXIMATELY eight toils baled nlfn'rw. Menlev. Phone 2-0731. LNVhS'l'lGATu: profits In iost growing quick hearing stock hardy fruit trees. "Iin-c 2-1733. 1 1 AM ILTON-BE ACH vacuum. S13.73. Pl- (1200. WAN'I'ED, older model pickup In good condition. Phone 2-1831. AUCTION on Detroit Mintt Automat ic Car Wash February 9. eleven a.m. Busiest place in town. Capacity 300 cnr.q dallv. 1310 Ave. T.ubbock, Tex. CHROMATIC HARMONICAS. Cerma i made. Sale priced from 33.69. Standard 10 hole Harmonicas, values up to 32.40 now 80c. Ocarinas, "C"-B9c: "G"-40c. Now on sale. Derby's Music Co. 120 North 7th. Phon 4319. N795 $1595 H545 1395 '1295 $1195 H295 $ 795 $ 695 $1145 BARGAINS Phone 4149 51 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE AUCTION SALE Sunday 12 Noon For sale this week the usual line of goal furniture, chickens, rabbits and miscellaneous, including a com plete set of cabinets for your kitch en, '38 Dodge Coupe, doors, win dows, linoleum, oil heaters, electric ranges, folding bed. Bring what you would like sold. SUMMERS LANE AUCTION MART 3609 Summers Lane GET YOUR SNOW CAPS NOW! We buy used tires. O.K. Rubber Weld r. 2391 So 6th. Phone 4315. 55 AUTOMOTIVE ' BEST VALUES! USED 1 RUCKS -CARS GUARANTEED AS REPRESENTED West-Hitchcock Corp. YOUR GMC DEALER fl77 3, 7th Phone 777t WILL take older car or pickup for my equity jn 1941 Dodge two door sedan. Clean, good condition. Low monthly payments. 1749 Key Street. Phone 2-1639. SHOP AROUND FIRST then, see H. E. Mauser, your Buick dealer, for a real used car buy! We have a nice ntock of various makes and models to select from. '39's to '51 's. priced from $200 to $2,000. Our prices are competitive. . .our quality superior. H. E HAUGER BUICK GARAGE Used Car Department Main at Broad Phone 3151 A REAL FORD BUY 1949 Ford V-8 Custom Fordor Sedan Radio, healer, overdrive, swell seat covers, plenty of accessories. Come in and look it over. A steal at 81395. H. E. HAUGER ' BUICK GARAGE Used Car Department Main at Bread Phone 3131 THIS IS THE ONE! 1948 Buick Super Sedanet. Radio, heat er, plastic seat rovers, lots of fhrome. low mileage. This car has had the best of care. Looks and drives like a new one. You will be proud to own it. $1393. H. E. HAUGER BUICK GARAGE Used Car Department Main at Broad Phone 3131 3-REAL GOOD LOW PRICKD CARS-3 1940 Ford V-8 Super Deluxe Tudor, heater, seat covers, keen tutone fin ish. A clean car. $195, no trade. 1939 Dodge Luxury Liner 4-Dr. Sedan. Radio, heater, seat covers, late motor. A steal at $295. 1940 Plymouth Business Coupe. Heater, dandy mechanical condition. A bargain at $263. H. E. HAUGER BUICK GARAGE Used Car Department Main at Broad Phone 3151 1943 MACK truck. Rated a iw 3 ton. Has rolls and bunks. If you need truck this Is 1t, A-l condition. Very cheap. Must be sold. Phone "The Tim bers Bend. OreRon. DO YOU NEED A PICKUP? 1949 Chevrolet a Ton Pickup. 4speed transmission, A-I rubber, low mileage, exceptional condition in every way. Pickups will be scarce this year. A real buy at S1245. H. E. HAUGER BUICK GARAGE Used Car Department Main nt Broad Phone 5131 FOR SALE. 1930 Chevrolet 2-door. Low mileage. Good shape. $1493. Will fi nance. L. D. Hodges. Phone 323. Malin FOR SALE, '41 Plymouth four door aednn, A good dependable car. Will sac rlfii fnr rtulck wale. $295. See "Nick" at Hardy's Mens Sto.e or phone 3-2773. 1D3A LA SALLE, good condition. 8150. or best offer I'M No. 3rd. Phone 2-1706 l-Utt SAbK. 1937 4 yo. mirnp xrucK. Just overhauled. MOO. Might trade for lfMO or Inter model nlcku.i. 3022 3utle. vjn SAUL, v-nt-vi in. imiMi. door sedan. Radio, heater. $900. Phone 5949. . 1- OR SALE '41 Plymouth four door sedan, A good dependable rar. Will sacrifice for quick sale, $293. See "Nick" at Hardy's Mens Store or phone 2- 2773. An, NEED CAHSi Get top price now Rose Motor Co eth and Plum MJRSAZfc 1937 Packard A-l " motor. $123. 1841 Main St. 1946 BUICK SiiDer Sedanette. Good condition, Phone 8107. c Directory OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL SERVICES "Klamath's Only Directory That is Kept Up-to-Date From Week to Week" AIR CONDITIONING FADE it HOLI.AND-222 Spring. Phone 3610 Air Conditioning Henting-Ventilat-Itn Sheet Metal-Weldlng-SIeel Fabrica tion. ARCHITECTS PERRIN. HOWAIIO R, - ARCHITECT. A I. A. -Phone 8497-1121 Main Street. AUTO DEALERS USED DRIVE MOKE MOTORS Why walk? We buy. tell, trade or tell on con signment only the cleanest, ft-icsl, nevejtt. 202 Ent v-(n. Phone 3.170, BAKERIES POLLY ANN BAKERY-110 North 8th. Phone 7277-"Blrthday Cakes Our Spe cialty." MAC'S BAKERY "Special Occasion Cake Made to Order." 4800 South 6th. Phtne 8434. CAMERA SHOPS BUD'S PHOTO SERVICE 1031 Main j Phone 3386. Everything Photographic Film Developing In by 10 a.m.. Ou by .4 p. m. i;nderwoods camera shop 727 Mcin Phone 70(13. Leading Lrand Photographic Supplies. Expert Photo Finishing Rustcralt Greeting Cards. CHINA-SILVERWARE RICKYS JEWELERS 700 Main Phone 3151 "Home of Famous Brai.ds." Itnox-Piclrard - Royal York - Royal Doulton Wed-Lok - Gorham - Wallace -Kirk Towle - Lunt - International CLEANERS-DYERS CHAPMAN CLEANERS Phone 7026 318 East Main Pick up and Delivery HOWARDS CLEANERS P2J East Main Phn.ie 9339. "In At 10 a m.. Oul at 3 p.m." KLAMATH CLEANERS "Klamath's Oldest and Fines:" 431 Main, Phone ! NEW METHOD CLEANERS 1453 Es planade. Phone 4471. , "For Particular CLOTHING NEW AND USED THE CLOTHES MART 12S South 9th Phone 3-164. Clothing For Aill Hana Made Gifts CLUBS TAVERNS TINY TAVERN S. W. "Perk" Perk Ins. W. E. "Bill" Mathei. "Acres of Paiking. "Mallory'i Big 'Y' " DRUG STORES CASTLEBERRY S DRUGS P."D Mead Prop Drugs, Prescriptions. Sundries. 530 Main Phone 3333. ' ELECTRIC APPLIANCES LAST SIDE APPLIANCE Bob Rob biru - Dewey Randolph. Owners. 623 Klamath Phone 8386. "Your Friendly Wertinghouse Dealer." MERIT'S Sales and Service Maytag. Phllco - Serve. - Ironrite - Hamilton Necchi. 609 South 6th. Phone 2-3429. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS EAST SIDE ELECTRIC 625 Klamath. Phone 3184. Industrial Wiring and Sup plies ELECTRIC HEATING ELECTRIC HEATER SALES CO. Car rol Colvln. Owner. 623 Pine Phone 2 32? 1 ELECTRIC LIGHTING VAN FLEET ELECTRIC 2nd and Main Phone 4415, Modern Electric Lighting Fixtures. FARM MACHINERY CRATER LAKE MACHINERY CO. Caternillar John Deere. Phone 2-2544. FLOWER SHOPS CHARLIE MACK'S KLAMATH FLOW ER SHOP 1211 Main. Phone 4159. Member FTD. KOHN'S FLOWER AND GIFTS Bill and Rita DePew. Phone 8173. 430 Main. FURNITURE KLAMATH FURNITURE CO 221 Main Phone 3333. Wiliard Hotel Build ing GROCERS MARKETS COMMUNITY GROCERY 1040 Ea. Main. Phone 3636. Free Delivery, Fresh Vegetables. Meats. GRIGGS SUPERIOR FOODS Three Stores Klamath Falls - Merrill Stew art Lennox. 55 AUTOMOTIVE VISIT JUCKELAND'S BEE HIVE USED CAR LOT You'll be delighted when you see these line cars . . . trade-ins on famous HUDSON Wasps & Horn ets! You won t get stung . . . 'cause every one is a HONEY! 1941 1949 1947 1947 1948 1948 1948 1948 1949 1949 1951 1951 PONTIAC 2-Dr. Sedan Hudson Cm '8 4-Dr. Sedan Studebaker 5-Pass. Cpe. OLDS "78" Dlx. Sedan Hudson Com. "6" Sedan 425 1695 1050 $1195 1435 1365 1465 1145 $1 coc Hudson Sup. "6" Sedan PACKARD Sedan Chev..,6-Pass. Club Cpe. PACKARD Custom Sedan Pontine Srmlr. liQC Dlx. "8" Sdn. I 7J Hudson Pace- 4-Dr$2650 Maker BUICK "40" Dlx. 4-Dr. $2295 COMMERCIAL fr SPECIAL 1947 DODGE i TON PANEL Heater Excellent condition Heater ClOC U7J JUCKELAND MOTORS llth & Klamath Phone 2-2581 BUS SAHUANTS USED CARS WE BUY. SELL AND TRADE Corner Shasta Way and Arthur Streets Phone 8205 COMPLETE auto glass service Prompt, reasonable. KUnballJ Glass Shop. Phone 737U. ified ass GET THE HABIT Read and Use THIS CLASSIFIED SERVICE Your Weekly Guide to Klamath's ' Progressive Merchants ir GUNSMITHS RALPH'S GUN SHOP 4820 South 6th. Phone 4273. Authorized Winchester and Reminffton Gunsmith. INSURANCE GENERAL DRISCOLL AND PADGETT Fire Auto - Farm 206 Williams Building. JOHNSON M. L. 26 Years In One Block. Associates; Grayce Eaton Bob lausemaker. 434 ifiaip, Kiamatn raus. uregon. JEWELERS HA n WIN'S "A Jewelry Store of Out. standing Values." 701 Main. Phone J C. REIE. JEWELER 1019 Main Phone 4606. Watch, Clock & Jewelry Repairing. Diamond Setting. Engraving urange Blossom Diamond Kings, nanr mon Elgin & wyier waicnes. RiCKYS "Home of Famous Brands " The finest name in Watches, Diamonds Silver, China and E.s" Apoliances. Lenox -Pic kard - Royal Yom Vd-Lok Gorham - Wallace - Kirk - Svrnr.k Towle - Lunt - Rolex - Bulovi Ham ilton - Elgin - Art Carved Soeidel - In ternational and many others. Rlekys Jewelers. Certified Gemologists Reg istered Jeweler. 700 Main Street. LAUNDRIES SELF SERVICE BOB'S SELF-SERVTCE LAUNDRY 171) Main Phone 9234. Kenmora Auto inn ties. MASSAGES MASSAGE Natural hot water- mineral ba thi. Open evenings. Phone aws. 55 AUTOMOTIVE CLUB COUPES AT DYES' & 1949 PLYMOUTH Radio, heater, white sidewalls ...... $1395 1948 MERCURY Radio, heater $1095 1946 FORD Radio, heater : $ 845 1941 OLDSMOBILE Radio, heater $ 395 1941 PLYMOUTH Heater $ 395 THESE AND MANY MORE GOOD BUYS AT DYE'S 733 E. Main Open Sundays and Evenings Phone 9326 For a NEW or USED TRUCK Always See "JERRY" or "JUCK" Xour International Truck Dealer JUCKELAND TRUCK SALES llth and Klamath Phone 2-2581 ANOTHER OOOD BUY AT DYES' 1049 CHEVROLET Deluxe Styleline 4-Door Sedan. Radio, heater, white sidewall tires, spot light, washers, directional signals, plastic scat covers and many other extras. Finished in beautiful maroon. l l (- Truly a beautiful car. N 1 440 ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS SEE DYE before YOU BUY. 733 E. Mnln Phone S326 MOVING AND STORAGE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE Phona fiuh 1439 South 6th. Moving - Local Long Distance. Storage - HH Good Furnl ture. Agents Beklns. ORNAMENTAL IKON MOW1E BROS Pre-Kut Ornamental Iron - rences and Railinga 3337 South 6th. Phone 4362. PHOTOGRAPHERS PHOTOS BY GUDERIAN 112S Main Phone 3-2701. Commercial . Portraits Aerial - Copying - picture Framing OU Coloring. KERKHEE STUDIO In ITS! National Bank Building. Phone 3252. "Worth while Photography at Reasonable Prices." PIANO DEALERS KYLE MORGAN PIANOS 1033 Main. Baldwin pianos, organs; Seimer-Hoiton band instruments: piano tuning; pianos, band Instrumenta for rent. Phone g.0200. LOUIS R. MANN PIANO CO. 126 North 7th. One of Largest Stocks Lead ing Make Pianos In West. Hammond Organ - Solovox, Rental Sale Plan. PLUMBING G. C. MOTLEY 812 Klamath. Phona 6618. Plumbing - Heating - Sheet Metal. PUMPS GARRISON EQUIPMENT COMPANY Merrill-Lakevlew junction. Jacuazt pumps and water aystema. Sales and services. Phone 7312. RADIATOR SERVICE KLAMATH RADIATOR WORKS 1901 South 6th. Phone 6842. Eves. 6fiff7. RADIO STATIONS KFLW American Broadcasting Co. "Tops In radio listening!" 1430 on your dial. RESTAURANTS CAFES BARNEY'S CHAT-N-NIBBLE Eat th famous BAR-NEE-BURGER. Home made Pies. 1319 Esplanade. Dial J-240. SAW FILING BODENHAMER SAW SHOP 331 East Main. Sales and Service. Lawnmowera. B S.A. Motorcycles. All Saws and Tools. SAWS POWER McCULLOCH SAW SHOP McCulloch Chain Saw aales. parte, service. 928 Market St. Phone HMO SEED STORES MURPHEY'S SEED STORE "Seed! That Grow." 834 Klamath. Phone 3443. SECOND HAND STORES COFER'S EXCHANGE Roland Cofer. Owner. 619 Klamath. Phone Phone 7160. "House of 1001 Bargains" New and Used. SERVICE STATIONS RALPH'S MOBIL SERVICE 11th and Klamath. Phone 5422. Auto Repair ing - Motor tune-up - Mobilgas Mobli oil. "Complete Line Accessories." SEWING SINGER SEWING CENTER 633 Main. Phone 2-2513. Complete Line of No tlons SHEET METAL PADS & HOLLAND 222 Spring Phone 361S. Stainless Steel. Flue Ex tensions - Kitchen Ventilators. SHOE REPAIR ED'S SHOE SHOP Tom Dnn. Phono C021 1022 Main St QUALITY SHOE REPAIR 912 Main Street. Phone 8702. Expert Repairing. SHOE STORES MODEL SHOE STORE Shoes for En tire Family. Featuring Naturalizer Roblee - Buster Brown. 717 Main. Phone 7383. VAN ORMAN'S "Klamath Falls New est Family Shoe Store." Trlm-Tred Poll Parrot - Band - Star Brand. 527 Main. S1H GREEN STAMP STORES BROADWAY CLEANEHS 4535 South 6th Shone 6403. "For Those Who Care." COMPLETE Radiator Service CLEANING FLUSHING REPAIRING BALSIGER MOTOR CO. Main at Esplanade YES . . . IT'S AT DYES' 1941 INTERNATIONAL TON PICKUP 4-speed, good rubber, A 'service able Pickup to A C at only -J IT ALWAYS PAYS TO SEE DYE before YOU BUY Open Sundays and Evenings 733 B. Main Phone 9326" WHY WALK? DRIVE MORE MOTORS 301 E Main. Phone 3.17H. "We will eell your car tor you." We buir and tradel