f PAGE TWELVE MARKETS and FINANCIAL Western Pine ' Shipping Off PORTLAND m Western Pine production, orders and shipments , last week were Higher than the previous week, but all were under the same week a year ago. The Western Pine Association re ported that so fan this year pro duction was down i per cent from the same period a year ago. Ship ments were off 34 per cent and oraers oil 31 per cent. Comparative' fitrnrat in hnarH feet 000 omitted for ' last week. tne previous week and a year ago in mat oraer: Orders 73,214 . 66,115, "76,992. Shipments 53.468. 47.557. 82.986. Production 45.917, 45,169, 61,116. Cattle, Sheep Hogs Stay Steady CHICAGO HI Hors, cattle and eneep were quoted nominally steady on the livestock market Sat urday. Hogs prices moved up sllghtlv during the week despite some ner vous, erratic markets, caused In &art by the local labor situation I big meat packing plants. Order buyers bought actively, giving the market much of its firmness. Fi nals prices were 10 to 25 cents higher. Most offerings in Hia MttiA. -no tion declined. The Agriculture De partment said, "outlet to local packers was restricted somewhat by work stoppage In one major plant while Canadian buyers, who have been quite a support in the market for cattle grading good and below, bought very sparingly." In the sheep section all slaugh ter Iambs declined $1.50 to $2.50, uncovering the sharpest break of the winter fed season. Slaughter ewes, supported in large part by scarcity, held steady. Stocks Show Quiet Gains Saturday NEW YORK Wl Quietly and With only moderate activity the Btock market moved up in Satur day's short session. It was the second straight ad vance after the big mid-week break that carried the market down sharply from around its best point of the year. Gains Saturday amounted to as much as a point at the best, with ine exception ot a tew wide mov ers, while losses were held down to fractions. Volume came to an estimated 700,000 shares as compared with eeu.uvu a week ago. Quotations New York Stocks By Tbe Associated Press Admiral Corporation 26 H Allied Cnemical Allis Chalmers American Airlines American Power It Light American Tel. & Tel. American Tobacco Anaconda Copper Atchison Railroad Bethlehem Steel Boeing Airplane, Co. Borg Warner Burroughs Adding Machine California Packing Canadian Pacific Caterpillar Tractor Celanese Corporation Chrysler Corporation Cities Service Consolidated Edison Consolidated Vultee Crown Zellerbach Curtiss Wright Douglas Aircraft duPont de Nemours Eastman Kodak Emerson Radio General Electric General Poods General Motors Georgia Pac Plywood Goodyear Tire Homestake Mining Co. International Harvester International Paper Johns Manville Kennecott Copper Libby, McNeill Lockheed Aircraft Loew's Incorporated Long Bell A Montgomery Ward Nash Kelvinator New York Central Northern Pacific Pacific American Pish Pacific Gas & Electric Pacific Tel. & Tel. Packard Motor Car Penney (J.C.) Co. . Pennsylvania R.R. Pepsi Cola Co. Philco Radio Radio Corporation Rayonier Incorp Rayonier Incorp Pfd Republic Steel Reynolds Metals Richfield OH Safeway Stores Inc. Scott Paper Co. Sears Roebuck It Co. , . Bocony-Vacuum Oil Southern Pacific Standard OH Calif Standard Oil N.J. Studebaker Corp, Sunshine Mining Swift St Company Transamerica Corp. Twentieth Century Fox Union Oil Company Union Pacific United Airlines United Aircraft United Corporation United States 'Plywood United States Steel Warner Pictures Western Union Tel Westlnghouse Air Brake Westinghouse Electric Woolworth Company 72 52 Yi 15 22 34 156 Y 65 53 Yt 80 53 50 Yt 62 Yi 18 26 Yt 35 51 T, 45 54 70 109 33 19 y4 56 9 Vt 61 Yt 88 45 Vt 14 58 Vt 43 Y 51 21 47 34 35 Yt 48 68 V, 89 8 22 16 42 Y 63 V, 19 19 61 H 36 Yi V, 11 18 Vi 9 V. 28 24 ', 66 42 67 y4 67 30 53 y4 65 & 40 63 K 53 83 32 V2 10 V, 33 22 Vt 18 ', 39 112 Yk 31 32 V4 5 32 41 Yt 14 42 27 37 44 Yt San Francisco Potatoes SAN FRANCISCO Wl (USDA) Potatoes: 11 cars on track; ar rivals, Oregon , no sales reported, LOS ANGELES Wl (USDA) rivals Florida 1, Oregon 3, Idaho 6, by truck 8; market slightly stronger account 01 i.o.D. celling Increase; offerings and trading very light; no sales reported. INVESTMENT SECURITIES OWENS INVESTMENT SERVICE Listed. Insotlv., Unlisted u4 Over-the-Cotinter bonds and Stocks. Investment Funds lilt Med-Den. mile. Phone f-Mtd KLAMATH FALLS Groins Struggle Through Slow Day CHICAGO Ufl Soybeans and lard showed a little firmness on the board of trade Saturday in a market which, while steady, could not make a great deal of progress on the UDSide. Export houses gave soybeans support, and there also appeared to be some snort-covering. Most contracts of the major grains were ahead most of the seS' slon. However, one little selling squall developed in the second hour. It knocked prices unaer Fri day's finish. But the market soon righted itsell, getting back aoove the previous close in most instanc s. Mills bought wheat at the start. wneat closed lower to nign- er, March $2.36, corn T lower to H higher, March $1.83 and oats lt to '4 lower. March 87 -'. rye i to ',i lower. May $2.05 V. soybeans 1 to 1 a higher, March $2.99 a-i. and lard 10 to 15 cents a hundred pounds higher, March $14.05. Wheat Open Hifh Low Close Mar May 2.5s iv 2.56 2.55 2.56 2.52 S 2.53 2.51 ' 2.52 H 2.46 2.47 2.46 2.46 2 48 i 2.48 ' 2.47 'i 2.48 i July Sep Dec 251 Y, 2.51 2.50 i, 2.51 Va Weather Western Oregon Scattered show ers in valleys and snow over high or mountains Saturday morning, hprnmincr continuous rain in val leys and snow in high mountains Saturdav afternoon and night; hnnj.rv Siinrinv: little temDerature change, mgns doiq aays ou-ou; iuw Saturdav night 42-48. Southerly winds increasing to 30-40 miles an hour off the coast, with occasional mistc to 50 miles an hour Satur- riov niirht. winds shifting to south westerly ana siowiy aevrcnaiiig Sunday. Eastern Oregon Showers Saurr jan n,ith ivrasinnal snow in high er mountains: rain In valleys and In blither mountains aiuray nioht hArnmincr showerv Sunday: litue temperature cnaufcic. both days 35-45; low Saturday nignt Northern California Generally fair Saturday in south portion, but increasing cloudiness from San Francisco northwestward Saturday night; occasional ram norm oi ui ah and Red Bluff Saturday night and Sunday; possibly a little rain spreading to near Ban r-rancisco and Chico Sunday. Valley fog Sunday morning: lit tle temperature change. Northwest erly winds 15-25 miles an hour off me coast, decreasing auuui ji ou Francisco and becoming southerly to southwesterly 12-25 miles an hour North of San Francisco Satur day night. Klamath Falls and vicinity Oc casional showers Saturday: rain late Saturday night with showers Sunday. Highs both days 43; low Saturday night 32. Grants Pass and vicinity Scat tered showers Saturday; continu ous rain beginning late Saturday night, changing to showers Sunday. Highs both days 50; low Saturday night 40. For the 24 hours to 4:30 a.m. Max Mill Precip Baker 40 29 .58 Bend 45 35 J7 Eugene 55 44 .35 La Grande 46 33 .28 Medford 49 . 40 .86 North Bend 56 45 1.15 Ontario 39 33 .34 Pendleton 56 39 .36 Portland 53 42 .85 Roseburg 52 44 Salem 55 42 .81 Boise 45 38 .29 Chicago 48 30 Denver 59 32 Eureka 57 47 .74 Los Angeles 58 53 New York 48 44 .20 Red Bluff 58 47 .58 San Francisco 60 51 .43 Seattle 50 41 .02 Spokane . 41 27 ,06 Poison Gas Use Claimed PARIS IM Russia chareed the United States Saturdav with miner Vinson gas in ivorea. Soviet Delegate Jacob A. Malik told a Joint session of the United Nations Political, Economic and Social Committees an attack with "toxic gases" was made bv Ameri can planes Jan. 9. He cited as authority for this charge a dispatch from the Central Telegraph Agency of Korea, dated Jan. 31. This story said American planes sprayed the village of Ulnim in the district of Munchhon with bullets that exploded, loosing a tox- Malik said those who smelled the smoke were poisoned, and they suffered from respiratory ailments, nose bleeds and other symptoms of poison gas. A spokesman fnr th imcri.n delegation denied the charge. He hii oia accusation that mm oeen denied previously. War Feared In Far East RANGOON. Burma t,... sian official declared Saturday that wars in Korean and Tnrirwhina ore only the beginnings of a fight for independence by Asian peoples. He Is S. S. Nemtchlna, an of ficial in the Soviet Foreign Minis try and Russia's chief delegate to the conference of the U.N v.mn. omlc Commission for Asia and the rar tast now meeting here. He did not elaborate. Similar statements have come recently from Soviet officials at U.N. meet ings in Faris, leading Western dip lomats to fear further expansion of Communist fighting in the Far East, PASS WASHINGTON W Selective Service savs 61 Der cent of the 20.000 college students who took its college qualification tests Dec. 13 maae passing scores or better. Grades, which must be 70 or more to pass, determine whether or not the student in sranteH an educational deferment, , I(F Police Force Cut To Minimum The flu bug and resignation Fri day of another patrolman has re duced the Klamath Falls Police Department to a force of 19 men, seven under its normal comple ment. Patrolman Tony Nelms resigned yesterday to accept employment AIRSKa. Two officers have been confined to bed this week with the flu. It will be another month before the force ran be brought back to procedure. Civil service exams for both po lice and fire departments have been scheduled for Feb. 19. It takes about 10 days for exams to be checked at Salem and results re turned here. Then successful applicants have to be approved by the city council in regular session. Police Judge Robert Elder, sec retary of Klamath Falls Civil Serv ice Board, said there have been 25 applications submitted for po sitions on the police force and five for the fire department. Three of those apolvinc for the police department.' according juuse ciuer, nave naa previous po uce experience. However that does not count in exnm results. More resignations of Dresent nn. lice force members for reasons of low wages and high cost of living have been rumored. Police Chief Orville Hamilton this week indicated he may have to temporarily hire men on the force until exam results are returned and the applicants approved. Youth Council Action Seen The proposed Youth Council ap proach to Klamath County's juven ile delinquency problem received new and strong support yesterday. The plan was endorsed by both the inter-Agency Council and the uounty fta Council. Both stouds decided on special study commit tees Instructed to explore and re port on youtn council progress as soon as possible. The Inter-Agency Council. luncheon session at Little Swoien, placed Mrs.-Edward Geary at the nead oi its committee: the PTA committee head is to be announced by Council Pres. Mrs. Dale Baxter. Mrs. Geary, not a member of the Inter-Agency Council, attended yes terdays meeting as a representa tive of the Klamath Union High School Parents and Patrons. That organization's Executive Board en dorsed the Youth Council plan in special session Thursday evening. Action of the various organiza tions grew out oi Herald and New; KFLW recent "Buill the Basin forums on the youth question. Dr. James Millar, Portland, cur rently on tour for the Good Citi zenship Foundation, addressed both the Inter-Agency Council and the PTA Council yesterday. Dr. Mil lar, speaking on "Good Citizenship in the Home." stressed the Impor tance of proper youth training. The Youth Council plan is de signed to cordinate kleas and strength of Interested organizations and individuals in the Juvenile problem. Soil Vote Ballots Out Absentee ballots have been sent eligible landowners in the Eastern Klamath County area who can vote to extend the boundaries of the Langell Valley Soil Conserva tion District to include three-quarters of a million acres more land The district at present includes about 125,000 acres. Polling places for the election are the BIy Hotel, Bly, and the norseny irrigation District office. Bonanza. Polls will be open from 12 to p.m. Mondav. The Langell Valley SCD was re cently selected as a pilot district for improvement of public lands, and the proposed inclusions would aiso oe orougnt under the plan. DISTRICT COURT Fred o. Brown, failure to flop at top sign. Fine S6. ..f11?r.,.M p- Emrkk, overload. Forfeit S15 ball. ..f'?r,l.e p' tmrlck, overlength. Forfeit fl5 bail. Severlno Alvarez, drunk drivlnl. Fine Carl H. Phillip, no tall light. Fine Lots Z. Whytal, no vehicle license. fine ao. MUNICIPAL COURT WUliam McFayden, disorderly con- uuci. rine zo. Glen Bainum. failure yield right way kj peaesinaji, Mne .-jo. Glen Bainum, inadequate brake. Fine Bell's Colled North By Death Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bell. 1A35 Port land, have been called north by the aeatn at vernonia, Ore., of Mrs, Bell's mother, Mrs. J. A, McDonald, The Bells, who Derate two down- town businesses, had just returned from a two-week buying trip in ix8 Angeles. Klamath Man Held On Check Charge A former Klamath Falls taxi driver, Sidney 8, Sunday, 33, is held in the County Jail here for author ities at Red Bluff, Calif. ' A sheriff's deputy who arrested Sunday Friday afternoon, said he is wanted in the California town on a check charge. Sunday waived extradition to re turn to Red Bluff. ROTATION SAN FRANCISCO Ifl The Naw transport General A. W. Brewster arrived here Friday from the Far East. The Military Sea TransDortatlon Service said 664 members of the Armed Force- returned on the ship. I " " ' "in r -i i limit mi iiin'ini II HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Legal Notice RESOLUTION NO. X1 A RESOLUTION DEOI.AHINC1 THE INTENTION Of THE COMMON council or city or klamath FALLS, OREUON, TO WIDEN THIS UPPER ANO LOWER PAVED ROAD WAYS ON PACIFIC TERRACE PROM WIIKMK IT INTKKSEltS AI.AMEDA STREET TO WHERE IT INTERSECTS LOWELL STREET; DECLARING AND IHHKCTINli CERTAIN STEPS TO IIK TAKEN IN CONNECTION THERE WITH; 8AID PROJECT TO HI KNOWN AS IMPROVEMENT UNIT NO. 114. WHEREAS. th. City Emm.or. our BUanl 10 a resolution ot the Common Council heretofore adopted, having filed plan, apeclflratlon and ejtlnnatri ir the com o( Improving. Pacific Terrace irom wnere II Intersect Aiametta Street to where It Intersect Lowell Street, by widening the upper and lower paved roadway thereon; and the In' lounrti (mains the Haiti uian. spec fti-atlon and eatlntates satisfactory (or Fi d orotect whti-h sit I he know: Improvement 'Unit No. 114; THERE- FORK, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COM MON council or THE CITY or KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON. DULY ASSEMBLED IN REGULAR SESSION AS FOLLOWS; Section 1. That said clans, surciflcattons at estimate for the Improvement of said portions of said street, therefore filed herein oy the City Engineer, n. and in same are nereny apprnvro. said project shall be known a prnvement Unit No. 114 That the Common Council of City of Klamath Falls. Oregon, hereby declare its intention to improve portion of said streets In accordance with the plans, specifications and t. tlmatc.t as follows: TYPE "C" To consist of widening the uooer and nwer oaved ruadwa on Pacific Terrace from the south easterly line of Lowell Street to the to SSFTZJS, mcJSt northeasterly line of Alameda with six c;c I'. temenl, - toucher with culmination ec.icnt co:i crctc curb and muter. The overall width (or widening e.irh roadway la four feet and will be toward the center parking ktr.p thereby reducing the widtr, of said DarkuiR strip. TYPE "E" To consist of widening the uooer and lower paved roaawa on Pacific Terrace from the oulh easterly line of Lowell Street to the northeasterly line of Alameda with five Inches of Aiohal. Concrete Pavement, together with combination cement con crete curb and gutter. The overall width for wldcninu each roadway four feet and will be toward the cen ter parking strip thereby reducing the width of said parking strip. TYPE "C" and "E" A combination of tvnes rat out in "C Immediately above defined, with Urn. itations as therein stated. The type chosen to be mixed and placed in accord with the plans and specifications oi ine iiiy engineer on file therefor The estimated cot ol all classes of improvements embracing all work and materials for the complete Improvement of said project for each lype oi pavement oeing as iouows. Type "C" Cement concrete pave ment BO Type E" Asphalt concrete pave ment 547.355.71 v TYPE Combination of "C" and 'E' Davements -$51,037.2-1 Said estimates include engineering. supervision, advertising. Clerical aistance, attorney's feea and unforeseen con t ingenues. Section II. That the property lying within the boundaries hereinafter described be and the same Is hereby declared to be benefited by the said improvement, to wn: Bet in nine at the moat northerly cor ner or lot 1. block S Hillside Addition to the City of Klamath Falls. Oregon; thence southwesterly along tne souw easterly line of Lowell St. 150 ft. to the northeasterly line or tne alley in Mid Block 8; thence southeasterly and parallel to Pacific Terrace thru blocks B. 13. and is in satd Hillside Addition. blocks 33 to 43 Inclusive In Hotsprings Addition to tne city or Kiamatn rails, Oregon to the northeasterly line of Alameda: thence southeasterly along1 northeasterly tine or Alameda to tne southea&i corner of lot 7 Block 1. Wit. llama Addition to the City of Klamath Falls. Oregon: thence northerly along the line between lota 8 and 7 of block 1. of said Williams Addition, to the north line of said block 1: thence northwesterly along the southwesterly line of Haskings St. being 150 ft. north easterly of and parallel to the north easterly line of Pacific Terrace and cont nulns northwester y and Daral el to Pacific Terrace along the north, easterly boundary line of said Hot- springs Addition to Del Moro St. thence continuing northwesterly and parallel to Pacific Terrace thru blocks 17. 14 ana 7 or sata Hinsiae Addition to the south line of VanNess Ave.: thence southwesterly along last said line to its intersection, with the north easterly property line of Pacific Ter race; thence southwesterly across Pa cific Terrace to the point of beginning. mat aii tne property inciuaea in ine aforesaid boundaries above described and tne same Is hereby declared to be benefited bv sald Improvement and assessed for the expenses thereof. Section III. That Monday the 18th. of February. 1052 at th hmir nt 7-lil P M at the Council Chamber of the City Hall in Klamath Falls, Oregon, be and Is here by fixed as the time and place for hearing of objections and remon strances against said proposed im provement. Section IV. That the Police Judge be and he is hereby authorized and directed to I cause notice of such hearing to be published as provided by tne Cftv Charter of said City and shall publish this resolution as provided by law. and within five dava after the first publi cation thereof the City Engineer shall cause to be conspicuously posted at each end of the line of contemolated improvement such notice as is provided lor oy taw ana ordinance. Passed bv the Common council or the City of Klamath Fall. Oregon, this 21st day of January. 1032. Presented to the Mayor and by him approved and signed this 22nd dav of January, ivm. HUBERT A. THUMraun Mayor ATTEST: ROBERT M- ELDER Police Judge STATE OF OREGON. COUNTY OF KLAMATH. 55 CITY OF KLAMATH FALLS. I. Robert M. Elder. Police Judse of tne city or Kiamatn raus, uregon. oo nereoy cemiy mat tne aoove ana lore going Is a true copy of a resolution introduced and adopted by the Com mon Council of the Cltv of Klamath Falls, Oregon at its regular meeting held on Monday the 21st day of Jan uary, 1052. and thereafter approved and signed by the Mayor. HUbfiHT M, bUCH Police Judse J-24-25-26-28-29-30-31 F-l-2-3 No. 855 NOTICE TO BIDDERS Notice 1j herehv aiven that teBlrd bldi will be received by the County Court of Klamath County, Oregon, until 10 o'clock A M on the 15th. day of February, 1052 for furnishing Klam ath County the following for the oerlod commencing March 1st. 1952, ana end ing jnarcn in, lew. HUAKU Or PRISONER 8 GASOLINE COMBINED WITH COUNTY UNIT SCHOOL INDIVIDUALLY OR BOTH LAUNDRY COAL DIESEL OIL CRUDE OIL Bidt muit be securely aealed and marked "Bid for item for which hid 1 lubmitted and filed with the Count v Clerk of Klamath County, Oregon be fore 10 o'clock A M February 15th, the time of opening laid bldi, ine uouri reserves ine riant to re ject any or all bids. Dated at Klamath Falls. Oregon, thli 11th day of January, lf)52. hi inaa. r. ueiap County Clerk. J-19 F-2-10 No. 893 NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR KLAMATH COUNTY In (he Matter of the Estate of MARGARET LACEY, Deceaned, nonce ia nereoy given mat i nave been appointed administrator with the will annexed of the eatate of Margaret Lacey, deceased. All persona having claimi agalntt said estate are required to present them to me, with propet vouchers, at the office of Canons Si Ganong, 724 Mnln Street. Klamath Fa I In. Oretron. within six month from January 19, 1052, which li the date oi iirst puniication oi tnis nonce. Wm. Ganong. Administrator Ganong te Ganong tttorncys for Administrator -19-20 F-2-9 No. 8S1 , NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THK STATE OK OREGON FOR KLAMATH COUNTY In the Matter ot the Estate of HERMAN SCHMOR, Deceased. Notice in hereby given that 1 have been appointed Executor of the estate ions having claim against Mid eitate CLASSIFIED RATES On day .. per word Three Day per word lie Week run ....... per word 30c Month run per word 65o MINIMUM The minimum charge (or any una a is ooc, BOX NUMBERS Answera to ads mny be handled through box numbrra at the paper iot a ter vice marge oi yac. DEADLINES Classified aai acceptea up to 6:30 p.m. (or following day s publication Classified display ads accepted up cc ti noon i or loiiowtng day a pub Ucation. ADJUSTMENTS Please make aii cittinu kv adjust tnents without delay f Corrections or cancellations re ceived by A:3Q pjn will be made in following day's publication IN MEMORIAM IN MKMOHY ot our beloved father no ormner. ueil smiin. who has been gone five years today. Gone but not forgotten. Dell Smith Jr.. Lorain t KKMbMHHANCk of the men that lost their Uvea in the Oregon Rooms fire. February 3. ISSO, J i mime Spelre and Mike Shepherd. Mr. Redmond. .Mr. Hanson. Cone but not forgotten. Mr. and Ifri. F. S. Nobles. Mr. a d Mrs. A-t Roy. FUNERAl HOMES WARD'S Klamath Kunri Home High Street Phone 3334 MEETING NOTICES ALCOH O Lit S ANON Y MO V S meet s Friday. 8 D.m.. for Infra-mat ton writ a Pox 304. Phone 3382. LOST AND FOUND something missin? give a listen Lose something of value? Orab your phone right now and a-slc for the Classified advertising department 1 That's where many folks are helped In recovering losses. It's where losers reach finders, and you can too I So don't be aggravated, ACT! phone 8111 for an ad-writer LOST at Altamont School Mondav nltfiu. 1J130 class ring. $3 reward. Phone 2-07311. -OST. four months old nart ccx-lctr spaniel. Summers Lan Vicinity. White with f olden brown ears, spot and freckles. Aniwer to Midget. Children! pet. Reward. Phone 3174. LOST, part cocker. All black, curly hair. Ion tall. Answers to name of Queente. Vicinity Unkvllle Cemetery or Crescent Avenue. 1304 No. Fulton. LOST, c hi Ids bifocal glasses Pink with gold trim. Phone Airs. Murphy 9006. GENERAL NOTICE OPEN SATURDAY FOR BUSINESS BUFFALO LUNCH FREE SHUFFLE BOARD 2451 So. 6th St. Neighbors of Woodcraft Meet In K.C. Hall, 4th and Main. 1st and 3rd Monday of each month Visiting members welcome PEARL IS BACK AT THE COFFEE POT 131 No. 4th OPEN A.M. - 7 P.M. Welcomes old and new customers 6 PERSONALS HELEN'S BEAUTY SALON. 1718 Main. Phone 62B4. STANLEY1 Home Pruducti. Phone HSo9. 10 SERVICES rOR TREE 'HUMMING Phone 2-0X13 INCOME TAX KETUHNS For appointment Phone 3-02.11. Harvey Blxpham. INCOME tax returni. For appointment phone 8561. LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF BOND SALE Sealed proposals will be receh ed by the Common Council of the City of Klamath Falls, Oregon, for (he pur chase of sewer Improvement bonds. Scries 92, aggregating. Four Thou Hand Five Hundred Twenty-two and 33-100 Dollars, lS4.322.33, duly authorized bv ordinance of the said City of Kiamatn Falls, fnr fhts rnmlriic tlin inrf Uvlna of sewer lines In Sewer Unit No 20. of aid City and serving the property between South Sixth Street, the OC A c naiiroad night or way, Shasta way and Washburn Streets Prooosals to nurrhate said bonds will be received by the undersigned up to ana including ine etn. oay oi reoruary, 1952, at the hour of seven-thirty o'clock p.m. oi said day and opened at i regular meetlnc of the Common Coun, ell Immediately thereafter; said bonds shall be dated February 1, 19,12, and shall be 'In amounts of $500 00 ach, except bond No. 1, of said series, which shall be for the fractional part of said sum. and all shall be due ten ears after the date of Issue, payment or ine entire nonas optional wun saio i.iiy at any coupon paying aate on ana after one year from the date thereof. Said bonds will bear Interest at the rate of not to exceed six per cent per annum, payaoie semi-annuany on February 1st. and August 1st. of each year, principal and Interest payable at the office of the treasurer of the City of Klamath Falls, Oregon. All proposals must be unconditional and accompanied by a certified check for five per cent of the proposal. The Common Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. The successful bidder for said bonds will be furnished with an oolnton as to the legality thereof by tt.a law firm of Wlnfree, McCulloch, Shuler 4V Sayr. Spalding Building, Portland, Oregon. This notice ia authorized by ordinance of the Common Council of the City of Klamath Falls, Oregon, dated Decern ber 17, 10.11 ROBERT M. ELDER, Police Judge of the City of Klamath Falls, Oregon. D-31.J-J.2-3.4- - 1 - 8 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 14 - lfl -lfl 17 IB 10 21 - 32 - 23 24 - 23 - 26 - 28 - 29 30 - 31 F.l 2 No. 826. are required to present them to me, with proper vouchers, at the office of Ganong Si Ganong, 724 Main Street, within six months from January 10, 1032, which li the date of first pub lication of this notice. Henry Schmor, Jr., Executor Ganong & Ganong Attorneys for Eiteriitnp J.1B-2C F-2-0 No, M0 IP iiiRVICI Septic I anks Cleaned Newest Sanitary Methods Also ROTO ROOTER SERVICE Cleans Hewer Lines ol Roots, Eta RD F KINO Orchard Phone 9H41 CABINET WORK Rmiodclliiit In your home. Furniture Hcpalr GEORGE E. CON DREY 1MB Fremont Phono 43,16 EXCAVATING Mobil dhovel and I rciun Ho Bulldoier Pill Dirt lopiull Crmhed Rork Driveway Clndeii ComprcMor CRANE 1ERVICR GRAHAM BROS. Hlioi.e 8M1 or 9110 i V. . 11 Ms on "len s, women's, v..t.tiiim iimiima runi. iiare, Beam. Ire Anna's, 707 Main, skwVNO""anlTllerall(ms7"KirriT)rM.".T Fhone 1 W. lilliiiiiZt!)" SlrtT lllllt'K LA Y INI I - i)ne J our llreu'lare draw? If nol call UUH. DDKS YOUR meplaee ' need ' repair L-all 3-OIMI PAINT lrAien3" 7011. paRprhanctng on r K I PP'S At'TO painting, body end t"iv deiworfc Phone HHO BtiKCfKiC WIHINO. work by hour or contract. Phone 3-1010. Ct'HTAINS laundt-eo Phone 41)14 and stretched J L DEAN -Public Accountant and Auditor Office ai aoo No 7th - Phone 0,140 PIANO f tlNlNU AVM. Il MOHUAN factory trained trchnicuu and tuner, lor iunli.ua call Kle Morinn Piano, tuos Ma Injur phone a-Oi'tiu, M1HKOKS retllvered. new"" mirrors made in order. KlmtialU Cilass Shop Phone 7.178. 12 EDUCATIONAL LOItlLi. SIOIO.N Teacher of Piano and 1 oor. IIMI Uine Ph. 2-OtH'J, Summer UUUKKEKPINU. shorthand lyuing inn dreti subjects, office machine K1.AVATH BUSINESS COI.l.K;,k 133 Pine Phone 47A CHILD CARE and educaVlon. P if school center. Phone 4370. 13 HEALTH MASSAGK, exerclie. well Minting. Phy siotherapy for reducing, relaxation, body building Rale tor serie Ap pointment, phone jeOJ-MOO, Medical Maaseuive. women only. U HELP WANTED. FEMALE WANTKlJ, deprndaolo woman to at.iv nighu with small boy. Phone H374 ce.n-rig "f. weekemls. WANiKU, ntcnogruphrr ana genera, office worker. Mini te thoroughly ex perienced and capable of earning top salary. Steady position. Apply in per sn at Dick Reeder's store. S A LKSi.AU V lor drug store. Perman ent job. Apply In person. Pie-ate do not phone. Lee Hendricks Drug l ore. Ml 3 So. sjxth. WANTKD. houieKeriM-r. " Two elderly gentlemen. Phone Wia.1. 16 HELP WANTED, MALE WANTED, young married man to learn furniture moving and transfer work. Reply giving age education and refer ence. Write Box 4113 Herald and News RESPONSIBLE PERSON Male or female, from this area, want ed to service and collect from auio mutic merchandising machines. No selling. Car, references and $aoo work ing capital necessary. 7 to 13 hours weekly will net up to MOO monthly. Possibility full time work. For Inter view, write giving full particulars, name, address, phone. Box 4M. Her aid and News. 17 HELP WANTID your helpmate in help-getting 1.1 a Help Wanted nd! An enger. capable helpmate when It comes to solving personnel problems. Whether you need office work ers, factory workeri, a lev help domestics, or lnborcru, tell rn you want m through this Help Wanted column. Folic In the market for jobs look here Ilr.it of all. phone 8111 for an ad-writer 18 SITUATIONS WANTED KXCELLrNi cntld rare In ;iiv home" Vv tiny, wrck nr month. Call 2-:inifl hXPhKIMNX'ttO truck driver wanU work. AIo experienced service statin 1 and sawmill work. Will contlder anv- th'n-. Phone B023. EXPERIENCED salesman wants per inanrnt position. Box 4U4 Heraia News. nd ilABY SITTING. Phone 0121, WASHING and Ironing. Phone 2-OI 10- BABY SITTING. Phone 2-0372. WILL care for children in my home days or your home evenings. Call 2-1345. , HOUR work. Phone 7H15. 22 ROOMS FOR RENT LIVING room, bedroom with private oath. For gentlemen or couple not wantln to cook. Very denlrabie. 60.1 No. 9th Hn.'it.D. r-om, renaonabh?. I'honc 4j;4; HUArtDlNO noiiM) re-oncniiiK on ur about Ftbruiiry 4th, Room ratea, reserv ations available now. Mn only. 0O(i North Ninth. Phone 7;iui biKAM ncateM rem for rent. Wrt Uittn. iuoms for rent, elenn. c ,.:c n. .'.t-TJ 2-02BS. ROOMS. price reasonahetia'7 LOVELY rooms for rent tfl -7 a week Cioti in. Phone 423. ROOMS 1034 IliRt) 24 APARTMENTS fOH RENT UHNi.j.lt.i tv.o room apnrtnient. re frigerator f.i!i; all utilities included. 410 N. Tenth. NEW FURNISHED apartment jut completed. Two rooms with kitchen, elte, private hath, electric heat. Phone 2-1007. References required. Absolute- 1-' no drinking, FIHNLSHF.lTlipnrtment. Heat and wa ter Included 49 month. Adults. 41A Walnut. FUltNt.HHED two room apartment. Walking distance. Phone iHiw. TIlKKt. rooms furnUhcd. Ulose in. Laundrv facilities. Couple only. No peta. Phone 2-3170, THHKK mom rhone 2-i.nnn. opiinment, 3210 Cannon. KUnNISIIKD three room aparlmnt. Clenn. beautiful view, close In. 849.50. Call 3024. 'IWO HOOMS completely iurnlshetl ex ront groceries. 114:1 Pine. HHK". room apartment, g.'HI. lol.'i Ore. Soli Avenue. KOR HKNT. large four room apartment anti garage, woe ar u.w rrnnt. VP.RY 'ce untur ilsliert rt'iplex. Couple cnly. Phone flflol. TWO ItOOM furnished apartment avail able, also one room apartment. 31 Mnln. Phone BOHO. THREE room furnished apartment. 011 walnut. HiHins OUTSiDB apartment for rent. 710 Main, ureer Apis. FOR RENT, two bedroom duplex, fur nished nr unfurnished. 1112 Martin. Phone 3072, morning. ONE bedroom unfurnished apartment. Ga equipped. Call 2-onil KOR RENT. Modern furnlahed apart. Main ment. Plenty natural heat, OLYMPIC APTS. 207 E. rOR RENT, furnished apartment. Phone H220. TWO room furnished duplex. Two block from Mnln. Phone 4402. CLEAN three room apartment. 4:13 No, loth; FOUR ROOM furnlihad apartment. BOS Market. Phone 6317. 24 APARTMENTS FOR RENT NiTffc clean apart mVtTi. tfasVfulmtmT Refrigerator. Couple preferred. Villa Mnniiile. Itiqitlte UVM Onk. TilllKK inoni furnished nparimeiir. Close in. Laundry fat'tllllcs. nil N. Hlh, CdidIp on'VlNn fM'l'., M.i. ('mM IKITiU. KkwlV HiWratiii, 'private uailfi. kit oheuette 4 team heal electric range jveek Hex Arms A pari men t roil 'MKNJf' .ur.iis.ied aparlr-ent in" iiulre fllH High 26 HOUSES FOR RENT ..wHTT clean, mnuinfu.'pe room homo i t'hnne film. rt-tt. .iKN i', two bedi iiom"7itiue, cuiiT plrtelv furnished. Mills Addlllo i. rill per month. Couple only. Preternhlv working rotiple- References required Phone moil ttr see house at 31 ao tthu Kei. V t j i , HKNT, fo 'iwilron'm " Fun ise ui r -nislied. close In. Inquire 7iU North lllh twit, i.virn u."dern'"1.ouse wiTiPTa" r ;''3lii Cannun Plume 9-;iilfi I-(lit it.vNI, iieailllful ono liedrnoTn hmne. Mrge lawn and garden snare, rid per month. See at ftlHU Mr Is we re MJd . KASK. tlireeTe"ifrooin iinlut tlilieii nt'ittenJniuse, Close In. Call l-H.'llil Nil KI,. turtiished three roiini dunlpx' Meclrlc heal, threw blocks from .Main J I reel, 'hone ll.'ljd or 43111. I wi TiThirC i" nvoTiLuinHuu" pMlyftiTji" I) bed modern hnumv (i;io inonlli. Can ne seett it Avahm. tdinne 4()A KOII LKAHKten room furnished nnuae! parity apartments. Close in. 70. Phone roil irtSNtrnfiiur room partfi? Tiif. liUhed AUn three room furnished. dote in. Phone :ntu. ion RENT, "two hecIroVim hirnishVd hoiue. 3301 Wiard. Phone 3 P:i, v - ,r." .ittinitivc iw tnrer to mii hnuie for rent to working rnuple. rtreplare, n'tr'.' 'lPh 4MVt. TWoltedroom unluriilsherl 'lliiuse." AH tt)tn:ttlr gns furnare ami water heater' (iarce. M.V Phone 3 33117. ..-ai.l loiTi ro. nt dtiiue'. rep. ir i;ives. 3t. Call .M'37 bef'-rs r ' tV ra' rKN'(i" on"" truse" lias'i two Wif room furnished house In Stewart-ln-nox addition. ttige lot. hoeriienl, '-.:n, v . : e i 1 1" . el-. C-'l W J Ei-'trr, nhone a-Ii-'rtfl 28 miscellaneous for jient " ""ukkhive"' u TRUCKS DRIVE Move Yoursrlf 8nve S New Trurka For Lour Trlj Ptckupa fitnlces Vnm RKACON MOBIL SERVICE 1201 EMnin piLon5?M OrFICK SI'ACK for rent. Main "f4l location loin Main Share office with Hurrv lntthesr. Farmer s Insure "r (.roup, Kkcellenl location for real acmuniani, nr iiimoer umrv lw nennsnent OFFICE scare" for rent.-iround"ifor. Plume 77(H. OFriCK" snce7or rent. tJround "floor Phmie 7711B; OFFICK"for rent. 633 Mam Phone 71(11. Writ HKNT floor under latest 4vue eouipment Suburban Lumber Co tlih andWalnut l'hons T70Q CAB IITOKAOE - IIF.ATKD. "dav "week or month Karl Lamb ohnne 47S or 7700 30 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE The Buy of the Week In Hot Springs Beautiful 3 bedroom home with 2 bath. Lartto party room, wnll-to-wnll cnrpellnK lover hardwootl floor) In the living and dlnliu room. LnrRe corner fireplace, big kitchen with dinette apace, new oil luruncc in site uii-iu:iiv stm aouoie unrnne. un wen lano.wappca corner lot. Shown by appointment only. All this for only 12500 down ana 9iu tier momn. NEW MODERN 2 BEDROOM In Hot Sprlnss. Thia benutlful home waa built liut year. Yard Is completed, with lawn, Automatic copper sprinkler system, stone wall, etc. Pull concrete basement, complete with Karaite, work shop, utility room, In rue party room with bar and second fireplace. Fully In sulaled, electric heat, comfortable separate dining room, natural wood cnblneu In kitchen, tiled bath, and a world of built In storage space. Call us for appointment now. Income Property In Mill Addition. 3 ncctt, clcitn hoUftM, men on Krnrnte adjoining lot. aood nclKhbarhood : nlwoya rrntcd, ntfftdy Income. Full price 112.000. See them now. 3 BEDROOM HOME Near MIIU School. Attractive, well constructed. Cape Cod. Automatic heat, attnehed Karaite. Total price I95O0. FH.A. ternw. Open Evenlnns by Appointment See Don Bloan Ph. B658 Evea. Homer Stllex 2-2460 Eves. Fred Scott J703 Eve. CHILCOTE & SMITH Since 1000 111 N. Oth St. Ph. 4504 or 6620 HOT SPRINGS Well kept two bedroom home. Flro plnce, good basement, nice yard. 8760. SUBURBAN Lovely two bedroom home In St. Frnncls Park with electric heat. $8750. XXX Three bedroom home on Cottage Avenue. '4 acre best soli, all fenced, nice lawn and trees, large straw berry bed and garden SDacc. aood cnicKon nouse. 5IWIJU. Income Property Two neat houses on one lot Partly lurnisncci, Kent income $70 month Selling price $5500. BEARD AGENCY Realtors and Insurance 1020 Main Ph. 2-3471, 4880 MiH ACHE KAHM J 05 accei under Irrlaatloit all lev- cnea ana cnccKcu. Alio 10.-1 acres un tier citltlvAllon that can be In-United wun mine levelling; .f.l acret ory tana under cultivation. The balance In hill land pasture, a Irrlffntlng welli With Rum pi. Large home with electricity, nrn, and other outhulldlntfit. All fenced. A MAIKiAIN AT 829,000. Terma to ho arranged. 4 MILKS OUT 60 acrea all under Irriirntlon. 3(1 fr of permanent pnnturo. 40 Acre ready tar potatoes Sandy oil. Including tome farm equipment. 100 hend of cursored own reedy to lamb. Modern nix room nome. aarsse. Darn, and other out buildings. Jack Gardner Phone B371 newhouia Real Eatate' 3060 8. oth. St. Phont V832 SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1052 JO RIAL 1ST ATI FOR SALI Attractive 2 Bedroom Home til HUbuibv Till linllsit lum living mom, illnliiR mum, kitchen, tub nml thmvi-r bnth, Atlnrhrcl iinrniid. Will caimldi'r Into nindrl enr fnr pint down pnyincnl, PELICAN CITY Olio brdnmm limn within wnlkln( dl.'itnni'n iif (rvri'iil opriAtliu mill. $.100 down. HOME ON WHEELS A dandy house linilrr Hint In rrndr to iio. Thin tnillrr hn Ir box, wood or roil I hrnlrr nnd rook ulnve. A renl buy for thn trnveler. WANT TO SELL Wo huve) h Inme number of qimll flrd buvFi'ii Inlorcntrd In two or Hirer, bedroom homp.i, city, nbtir bnn or rrnlilrntliil nrrn, Our Hat of nvnllnbi" pronprl" la vry low prMnnt. If Interested In quick nnlo Jiint rnll u. John llobnon Dale Clrubb Phong MM Photic 3544 AL LONGE Itrnl Ktiit and Insurance 111 So. Bth Phone HAS Income Property IS Unit npui Uncut, coiislntlim of ( iipiirtmriil court nnd 0 dJolnL'j collnnM. completely furnlMicd. Ii cluillim new una million ami wnlrr hmlnrii, Very nltmctlvely Innd enped uioiiiiils wllh full nprlnkler nynlem. Close to bu.ilncM dliilrlcl. Bhown rlrnr profit of b, per cent on Investment. Kull price, only vm.Soo. Hrnonnble term rnn be arruliKrd. Phone in now tor appointment, OPEN EVENINOS . BY APPOINTMENT See Don Ulonn Homer Kllln Kred Scott Phone 508 Even. 3-24HO Evri. M03 Evea. CHILCOTE & SMITH Iti'ullors Hlnce 1UO0 111 N. 9th 81. Ph. 4404 or 6529 FOR SALE 88 ACRE TULELAKE HOMESTEAD By Owner ; q,.nflinfr j i me at ICS I1CW Ht'Otlinp; plover Price $34,500 R. C. IS0M Ph. 7-12.52 I6OC0 KIIMde Addition, two bed rooms, allaclied vnrnne. Complete ly remodeled. Will lake trailer house, lot or acreage u part pay ment. 110.600 Two bedroom, oil floor furnace, attached garage. All In dilated. Completely furnished. Will take late nicvlel trailer houM. pickup or alatlon wagon a part payment. . ' (0500 MIIU. two bedrooms, elec tric floor furnace, attached ga rage. Weatheratrlpped and In ulnlcd. Term. $7600 Two bedrooms, electrlo heat, fireplace, utility, fruit room, garage, 'i acre. Terms. VERNON DURANT ANDY SILANI REAL ESTATE 831 So. Sixth Phone 0105. 5544 or 7023 YALTA GARDENS Ontstandlnit three bedroom horn less than two years old. Large nv-( Inn room and dlnlnn room. Beautl "ful kitchen with Youngstown cabt ne.c, OE dishwasher, l'i baths, hardwood floors, largo garage. In sulated walls and ceilings, sprin kling system, fenced yard, barber te pit. Priced for quick sale, 14,700 terms. HILLSIDE AVENUE r Comfortable two bedroom home on comer lot. Excellent condition throughout. Nice kitchen and din ing room, utility room, finished rumpus room or extra bedroom In basement, 10500 .terms. SUMMERS LANE Three bedroom modern home on 1 acres, fine soli. Concrete founda tion, chicken house and brooder house. ALSO, neat guest house or rental unit at rear. Oolng for 17260 with $1760 down, balance at 4 per cent OI. HARRY VAN (Eves. 8204) JOE LEONARD (Eves. 2-0527) AL SCHMECK REALTOR and INSURANCE 617 Main phone 3211 homo, 2 lilock ot Mill Hehool At. SSSm" ZrJ"",fl"'' u"c" '"r '"" loom. An old house i-.t In exoalli-nt condition. Selling at M)no on" nSSS Inter ested Ih thla typn ol home, can he seen at SI20 Onk ntler II n in rn"iiKlr,(ii"ldw-,;!oh.f is axei, ri.onnN. , nilll.PBS nRTTKIt IIOMKfl BE IN THE KNOW! RmT H?: Bid it News Classlfleo u.i. .1...... Get the latest Information on what's what In everyday business trends. 7