SATURDAY. FRRRUARY 2, 1052 HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE ELEVEN CAM WCiflP AS M ixzm BUCK WEAVER . he II Ik.- hack Tag Riot Returns ' liiinllliir vi cMllliitt slur ruliirns ( the urmorv Wednesday nlnhl In n curd that will lealure rcuiutch l I Hlft week's rlntmia titir team match between Hrrb and Hilly Pinks ntul Voir Crctnrliin and Kurt Von Popiirnliriiii. Funs wll remember the retur nee, limit Weaver. cx-Unlvcrslty ul lllCllllIIH loulhiill slur, Weaver appeared here neveral nrii.viu lim it in many sciiMitluuiil IkmiIn. Ill', foe will be Kluiimlh's own HitrnWI llui'fc ) Davidson In the one hour opener. 1 I'rninolt'r Mark l.llliird iiiiuli- two Mlptiluiiun when lie Inked the lag ilinirrcl (or a rerun. TWO Ol I ll'IAI.S There will lie two officials lo tiiiurilo the bout alter DiivUImOIi. Iiiindliim llir hritle lnwlc alouc WnliirMliiy. lillvird nil Illegal Uullc by Von Popiiciihrliii Hint coal the I'nrk.4 brothers llu mulch. AIM), Lllurd Ima removed n time limit cm tliv match. It will ko to Iinli.l1. It would be Hit year's under nlati'mom lo my llir I'arks boyn air angry. They tried lo gel Cre tiirlun uud Von Pop back In tlie rum lam week alter the vocifer ous crowd convinced Davidson thut Von PopPenhclm liuil shoved Cre torlim over on ton of Hill v Parks when The Kid wiik unhlnKliiK Ihc Ituiniinmn III terlcs I body Mum. VKTO Crelnrlan and Von Poppcnhclin understandably wouldn't return lor hum c lumps niter olllclallv getting Die verdict. Cn.lcberry Drugs Is the head quarters lor reserved tickets. S C A T I K II K I) WKKKKND tlumuhia snortswisc while dream ing ol warm beuches, cold beer and prolly girls; 01' pappy guy Joe Walcotl h until 'mcsUtty to givo ini answer to boxlnu's innuopoll.slic Interna- tmnnl Boxiiik Club regarding bin lisllc defense against to.ard Charles . . . unlorlunutcly, Wulcott laces n Iosh ol ma title, a iuw him und other dire results . he doesn't any yea to boxing" ruling lathers ... nil ol which shapes up as the beginning of another iiriisn-oil 01 uiirry imqi Mat thews . . . 'llie pieces ol the ring puzzle are bcKlnnUir to III together . . . Matthew's niHiuiRer, Jack Hurley, wanted the Walcnt flight because It would come with no 1BC ttttuch Inenla ... II Motlhews won. Hur ley could tell the IBC' boys to take a running Jump you-know-where . . . I'VE NOTICKD two thhiRs this season In basketball that show an increase over Inst yenr . . . more . louls are being cnllcd on the jlayer with the ball ... and there's an anmzlng amount ol "Iravellnn" . . . Apparently Vnnport Is being ethical" about the Don Sutphln affair . . . this column went Into Mne lengths recently about the cx-Oretech player being eligible lo play lor the Vikings . . . but Vnn port school olllclnls hinted that lor "ethical reasons" he wouldn't be ii'fd In conlorenee games ... his in me didn't nppenr In the box scores ol tho Vnnport-Eastern Ore gon series . Widening the liuio In pro bnsket hull, presumably aimed at Oeorge Wlknn, seems to meet with the npprovnl ol the Inns, the players and even high-scoring Mlkan . . . now a movement Is brewing to do the some thing In college and even high school basketball . , . as a measure to out the big boys down to size .... KVKN Till-' United Nations tnkos a backseat to the cage lathers Hi law-meddllnR , . ', the good Dr. Nnlsmlth probably wouldn't recog ni.o the sport that started when he found a peach basket that he didn't want to throw away . . , so he put It up nnd aimed a round bull at It . . . I'm told that it may be spring time before the school board gets nrnnrtd to naming a successor for Dutch French, assistant high school football coach ... we re cently nominated Paul McCnll lor the Job and do so even more strongly now before the mutter , cools off ... Nolo to Mnck Llllnrd: Sovernl wrestling fans want to know If Klamath Palls can get some lady the word Is used Just to be polite wrestlers. SUNT I.KTTKR CLEVELAND, (IV) Wally Hcrge shillmer, rookie wlngman for the Nov York Rangers nnd former star of tho Cleveland Barons, re cently received a lntler of good wishes. It was signed by ms for mer Bnron teammates and all the employes of the Cleveland Arena. Ray Bell Pops 17 In Win A comUllmlloii ol Ashland and tho llu couldn't deck the Klamath P'ulls I'ellcuns last liluht us tho big red and white team kepi nllve lis DIM. 4 hopes with a 67-47 vic tory. The Pels uud Orl..IIrs tangle iikiUii tonight In the Inst ot the two-game series on Ashland's floor, The Pelicans turned the trick last night with n third-quarter binge thai gave them a comfor table cushion as the UrlzJles ral lied furiously In the fourth quar ter. With Harvey Woods collecting all ol Ashland's llrnl eight points, Ash land held a 16-16 llrst-nunrter lend and went ahead 18-16 early In the second. TWO tihh The score wits tied IB-all nnd 0-all In the second before tho Pels notched u 20-22 Intermission lend and stayed ahead the rest ol the way.. Kay Bell who scored 11 of his total 17 In the lust hull und Jack Horton and Jerry Johnson sparked the third quarter blllr. that gnvc Uie Klamath live a 42-28 advan tage. Then louls took their toll In the rough game In which 69 Infractions were railed In all. Dig Italph Carroll, who was held lo five points by Ashland's Oregg I.lnlnger. touted oiil late In Uie third Airing with Johnson. IIINCMCI) Ken Young, Ed Barron and Bell were sldelned In the fourth, as were Bill Ilolllngsworlh. Ted Ten- ney and Llnlnger lor Ashand. The victory put the Pels a gnme nnd a half awav from district-leading Medlord and a repent tonight would shnve It to one gnme when the Big Four swings back Into the second half Feb. 16. Medlord nnd Grant Pas have no district games scheduled this weekend. Hollingsworth nnd Woods led Ashlund with 13 nnd 12. The Javvees of both schools mix In tonight's preliminary. llox Bcorr: hl.A.MATII rAI.I.S 1(1 IT I'l TP H 1 .117 .. 3 3 2 ... I 3 3 9 ISell. ( llurlnti, I Carroll, r ... . htuon, g . a . 3 (illmaie. Hrvrvk. Young .... I'cnre -.. - llAiron .. Suiiuiuir , n. 1 I 7 1 I .1 I S S 0 I 0 TuUll 13 11 32 37 mi kt rr rr ... 4 .1 3 11 llullliiBaWixUl. I T. rniney. I . ' ? Linlnfer, c 1 a .' WixhI. s II Myrlck, I ..... 0 J I 1 ltrtrve. V. Tennty - .1 J Mllr. 2 X Kc.wlrr ... 1 ' ? J Mlllrr 0 J 1 J Varrett o 0 0 o ToUI. .. . I 17 71 47 llallllma worn: Klantslh rIU J A-li; land 22. OtMclaU Srhwalnfurt and win Halbrook Pots 40 By JIM COIR Askoeisted Press Hports Writer McMlnnvllle, rated as Oregon's second best high school basketball team In this week's Associated Press poll, lell to Hlllsboro. Otl-W), In the major upset ol a busy Fri day night prep schedule. The loss snapped McMlnnville's winning streak at 13 games and was Its Ilrst of the season to a high school team. McMlnnvllle now has a record of 14 victories and three defeats, two of these to col lege frosh teams. It still leads the Class A District 8 race. Loren Mlchelson posted 23 points to pnee Hlllsboro. Central Catholic of Portland, ranked No. 1 In the AP poll ol sportswrlters and sportscastcrs, knocked off Mllwauklc, 65-38. All .Staler Bob Altenhofcn and John Poster led the Rnms with 19 points onch. Central, with a season's record of 12 wins In 13 games, paces the District 13 race. 40 TOINTS Wade "Bwcdc" Halbrook. seven loot one Inch scoring robot ol the Portlnnd high school lengue, poured In 40 points tor Lincoln as It trounced Grant. 65-46. Halbrook now has scored 473 points In 13 games, of which Lincoln has won 11. Lincoln, ranked No. 3 In Oregon, moved into lone possession of sec ond place In the Portlnnd league as Cleveland, rated No. 4, clung to first place by walloping Jefferson, 08-49,. nnd Washington upsot Roose velt, (10-58 In overtime. PIRATES WIN Marshlleld, rated No. 5, won an Important District 5 game, beating Reedsport. 74-58. Marshlleld lends the eastern division of the district, while Reedsport tops the western section. It was Marshlicld's 12th victory In 15 starts. In a District 4 contest, Klamath Falls trimmed Ashland, 67-47, to rlay on the heels of the district lender. Medford. Klomnth Foils, tied for seventh ranking In the stato with La Orande, now has 11 wins against three losses. La Grande, lender in District 1 plav, was edged by Mllton-Froe-water, 45-44. It was La Grande's fourth defeat In 12 games. Baker, a District 1 team, upset Pendleton, the District 2 leader, 72- 54. Gehrmann Beats FBI Man Again Milwaukee Wl Don Gehr- mnnn and Bob Richards, owners of the season's lcst showings In their pot- events, headed east Saturday lor Iho Boston Athletic Association games. . une skinny line ex-wisconsin mllcr, displeased that the enrly place wasn't faster, soundly whipped FBI Agent Fred Wilt In 4:0B.4 at Friday night's Milwaukee Journal games to share honors with Richards and his season-topper of 15 feet 4 . Inches. In the pole vault. TIME OUT! I fW "Mom nays 1 can't fo out, Ed J had a slight mishap at hockey this mornlnr that required sev eral stitches!" CAGE SCORES By The Associated Press FAR WKHT Ulnh Htule 67 Brlghnm Young 40 Wyoming 72 Colorado Btate 44 Washington 71 Oregon 63 UCLA 70 Bt. Mnrys 62 Oregon Btntc 67 Brudlcy 53 Horilund Ul Uonzugu 60 Uunta Clara 67 Bun Francisco Slate 61 Bcaltlo 03 Scuttle Pacific 53 Southern Culilornlii 60 Honolulu Motors 58 ' Montana State College 69 Montana Stale Univ 50 Idaho Slate 48 Colorudo Mines 45 College of Puclflc 46 Nevada. 30 Oregon JVs 84 Clark Junior Col lege 78 Stockton 60 Hauls lima 42 Puclflc Lutheran 25 St. Marlins 1R OrcRim Tech 77 Kustern Oregon 65 i-cwis aim ciurk 60 Paclllc 57 (over tunc i Western 70 British Colum bia 64 Southern Oregon 69 Vunport 66 Oregon Stale JVs 76 Portlnnd Air ju Whitman 80 College ol Iduho 58 Humboldt 77 Chicago Slate 62 i;ast Syracuse 78 Nlugnra 70 west Virginia 01 VMI 66 Boston College 74 LeMovne 5 Holslra 73 CCNY 51 HOt'TII Duke 73 North Carolina 66 Bowling Oreen 78 Miami 67 Furmnn 08 Davidson CO Virginia 93 Johns Hopkins 74 MIDWEST Cincinnati 82 Ohio Univ. 6 Missouri 63 Drnke 62 Tulsa 55 Houston 52 Crcighton 58 Omahn 47 KOITIIWKWT Southern Methodist 62 Baylor 34 New Mexico AA:M 59 Arizona 50 Austin 68 Abilene Christian 61 Oregon High School Basketball Baker 72. Pendleton 64 Mllton-Freewater 45 La Grande 44 Harrlsburg 53 Halscv 40 Junction City 62 Willlamelte of Eu gene 46 Wlllnmlna 62 Amity 35 Sandy 59 Canby 47 Mnrshllcld 74 Reedsport 58 Springfield 52 Cottage Grove 50 Klamuih Fulls 67 Ashland 47 Stayton 57 Cascade 39 Hlllsboro 66 McMlnnvllle 60 Tillamook 61. Hood River 47 Salem Bible Academy 61 Phllo- ninth 50 Brownsville 55 Sclo 43 St. Helens 40 Rainier 44 Sublimity 63 Gcrvnls 30 Wnrrenton 65 Scappoose 54 Toledo 43, Tall 34 Waldport 59 Eddyville 47 Slusnw 37 Newport 28 Tlgard 64 Newborg 35 Dayton 20 Sheridan 8 Culver 61 Mltchcl 24 Seaside 52 Pnrk Rase 41 Bnnks 40 Yamhill 30 Clntsknnle 66 Vcrnonla 56 Echo 05 Wnllowa 32 Grcshnm 47 Astoria 46 Ourlbaldl 54 Wheeler 34 Oswego 62 Centrnl of Monmouth- Independence 45 Sweet Home 35 Corvallls 32 Corbctl 51 Colton 48 Estncnda 47 Dallas 46 North Marlon 64 Sherwood 41 Woodburn 54 Sllverton 37 West Linn 61 Forest Orove 37 Oregon City 54 Beaverton 45 pnrkdnie 61 Mosier 40 Albany 53 Lebanon 51 Redmond 54 Madras 47 Centrnl Catholic of Portland 55 Mllwauklc 38 Molalln 30 Mt. Angel 18 Phoenix 59 St. Mary's of Med ford 43 Rogue River 58 Butte Falls 20 Crater 60 Myrtle Creek 50 Portland Washington 60 Roosevelt 58 Lincoln 65 Grant 46 Benson 34 Franklin 31 Cleveland 68 Jefferson 49 Groceries The Klninath Gun Club will com bine a merchandise shoot with Its regular competition tomorrow on its Wocus ronge. Pres. Vern Moore announced yesterday. Moore said there would be chance shooting and that fryers. nam and coffee would go to the winners. The snow has been cleared and parking facilities are good, Moore said. The shoot opens at 10:30 a.m. Pelican Wrestlers Defeat Grants Pass The Klamath Falls wrestlers hung the third defeat of the cur rent season on Orants Pass yes- u-rauy oy a JH-iu count. 'Actually, the mat meet was more lop-sided even than the score Indi cates because tho Cavemen picked up five of their points on a for feit in the 178-pound division. Perry Williams, 130-poundcr, turned In the most satisfactory vic tory, aecisioning unroi uouarnine to mark the first defeat against the Orants Pass grappler this sea son, The Pels won bv virtue of four falls (20 points) and six decisions 1B points). Grants Pass picked up its other five points when Jerry By HANK ANDREWS NI-.'A Hpe.elal Correspondent CLEVELAND, O.. (NEAl Some "hunting Incident ol 1951 make a sell-respecting hunter squirm with shume. Actually, some sportsmen are fearful that stringent restrictions on going afield may ultimately be the result. Typical rcporUi that come to va rious state game commissions read like this: At Marquette, Mich,, two boys playing alleld were wounded at dusk when mistaken for deer by Troioims wis Chiloquin Tops Loop In Upset STANDINGS L Pel. 0 1 .000 Chiloquin . .. Il'tnanza - - Mm Sacred Heart - .4 I SUO Merrill - 2 1 .300 Henley 2 2 .500 Malln 2 3 .400 Bly - .04 . Cllchrttt 0 I .000 Srarei l.ail Nithl Chiloquin 4U Sacred Heart 4 Henley 47 Gllchri.l 33 Klamath Basin's longest basket ball win skein was sliced last night by a gritty Chiloquin live that took Uie lead in tne tuamatn County Class B high school league. ine sacrea Heart iTojans, win ner of 14 straight, a team that thumped the same Chiloquin team by 24 points in an early-season non-leaguer, never saw the lead lust night as the Panthers finished with a squeaky 49-48 victory. Despite the close score, Chilo quin never relinquished its lead. it was touch and 1:0 in tne first half with Chiloquin posting 12-9 and 24-21 quarter lends on its own iloor. WAX HOT In the third quarter, Chiloquin caught fire and at one time held a 10-polnt bulge. But the Trojans closed it to 36-40 going Into the flnnl frame. The academy five, favorites in the circuit, continued to close the gup but lost the decision to the clock as Chiloquin gave the truth lo its dark horse rating. It was win No. 4 for Chiloquin against no setbacks In league tilts. The defeat tumbled the Trojans to 4-1 ana a second-piace tie wiui Bonanza. Ray Beard and Jim Mahoney poured 17 and 14 points netward but three Panthers took large hunks but of the score column. DISTRIBUTED Wayne DuBols had 14 while Gene Gentry and Jo Jo George each potted 12. in uie only other game last night, the Henley Hornets brought their league mark to 2-2 with a 47-32 win over hapless Gilchrist. John Freeman scored 18 for the losers to take scoring honors. Don Anderson led Henley with 13. Ralph Hayes had 10 as the Hor- nets led all the way on Gilchrist's floor. In B preliminary game. Chile. quln waxed the Trobabes. 39-23, wnne Gilchrist edged Henley 38-36. Box scores : a At:. 1IT. () (19) CHU.OQliN Koch F 7 David Mnhoney 14 r 11 Georse Wemel I c la Oentry Beard 17 C 4 Vadon Neubert S G 14 DtiBoli Sacred Heart auba Pratt J. McAn drewa 3. Howard S. Chiloquin sutM Parker. Heacock, Nicholson. HENLEY li Anderson 13 B. Hill S Hayes 5 Ramsey 10 Lento 3 (Si) GILC HRIST T 18 rreeman T I Wllllnfham C 5 DUss O 1 Brarier G l Sloe Henley auba B. Hill. Jones 1 Me. Pheraon, Case 2. Yndon 2. Gilchrist auba Wlrti, Garrlck, Burger. Wart. Eugene May Bid For Victoria SEATTLE Wl Victoria's status in the Western International Base ball League Is expected to be a chief topic Saturday at a meeting here of the circuit's bosses. Eugene, Ore., is expected to put in a bid for the Victoria franchise. There have been reports also that Tacoma, which lost Its club to Lewiston, Idaho, during the winter, might try to get back In. The Canadian city still is very much a league member and may decline to give up its berth. Tribbev pinned Dean Johnson In the 168-pound class. Summary: 98 lb. Conner KF won by fall over Jaynes OP; 108 Stewart KF won by fall over Norton GP; 115 Dexter KF deoisloned Masters GP: 123 Swindler KF decisioned Zot tola OP; 130 Williams KF decis ioned Dollarhlde GP; 136 Taucher KF decisioned Harless OP; 141 Wells KF won by a fall over Jo sephsen OP; 157-Mltchell KF de cisioned Edwards OP; 168 Trib bev OP won by fall over Johnson KF; 178 forfeited to OP; heavy eight Pryor KF decisioned Barker OP. Score Klamath Fall 38 Grant Pass 10. ' Oops! Pardon My Bullets.... hunters. Also In Michigan, one deer hun ter is believed to have been mur dered and robbed ol a buck he shot oy another "hunter." In Maine, six hunters were killed and six more wounded when "mis taken for game." In Ohio, a hunter shot himself In the foot while sitting on his bed and loading his shotgun. No one yet has figured out why he loaded his gun at that time. I heard of a cane of one hunter In the north woods who was eat ing a sandwich while he rested against a tree a lew years ago. la HIS MIND'S ON BASKETBALL With his head on a basketball, Clyde Lovellette hits the books. Kansas' six-foot, Beavers Slip By Bradley By The Associated Press Washington and Idaho continued to run one-two In the Northern Di vision Pacific Coast Conference basketball race Saturday but they got a bit of a fright thrown into them bv underdog opponents Fri day night. Washington's Huskies, ninth- ranked in the nation, invaded Ore gon's court at Eugene to come off with a 71-63 win while Idaho pulled from behind to larrup Washington State 57-52 at Pullman. Oregon State went out of the conference to defeat Bradley University of Pe oria, 111., 57-53, at Portland. The Huskies bowled the Ducks over twice in a row with sizable margins in Seattle two weeks ago. Frldajf night, the Northerners bare ly held to a 37-36 lead at halltime after a strenuous struggle during which Ken Hunt, the Duck cap tain, kept his team in contention. Hunt dropped in six field goals in nine tries during the second quar ter, one bucket giving the Oregon tans their first lead 21-20. CONSISTENT But the consistent shooting of Big Bob Houbregs steadily built up Washington's point total to finally give the Huskies a lead they didn't relinquish. Houbregs scored 15 points in each half for one of his best performances tins year. Washington State looked like a winner for three quarters against second place Idaho, then went to pieces via the foul route to blow a nine-point lead and lose by five more. It was all Idaho needed to put It on the victory road. ' Trailing, 34-43, when Mullins left, the Van dals had tied the score at 48-all within two minutes. The lead changed five times before Idaho tipped in a reuouna tor linai dom inance. LEAD Washington State led 26-21 at halltime. Oregon State s Beavers won their first game In eight starts when they nosed out Bradley. The Beav ers took an early lead and held It nearly all the way. Danny Johnston, OSC forward, scored 25 points to lead his team mates in an offensive that kept the Mldwesterners off balonce most of the time. The Beavers held a 33-23 halltime lead that was narrowed occasionally but never closed by Bradley In the second half, ' . Bobby Doerr "spoiled" no-hit games for Bob Feller In 1939 and again In 1946, Both hits were singles. J ' BED HUM), SPORTS EDITOt ' V v - , , The sandwich was partially cov ered by wax paper, which some one apparenty thought was a deers white tail, nnd drilled the hunter between his eyes. Bird and animal lovers and there are more ol them than peo ple realize also are upset by hunt ing antics. Dr. Clarence Cottam, U. 8. Fish and Wildlife Service associate di rector, reported the other dav a hunter shot a rare whooping crane. There are onlv 30 of these birds left and they face extinction. At Huntington, W. Va., a hunt er shot two whistling swans, which Ml, 48 nine-inch center leads the college scorers. ff . ..... : f .OVae'?". aW n laa. ,WiMiSirl a WAX WORKS Seattle's Jack Nagel of the U.S. Olympic ski team waxes his skis preparatory to a prac tice session at Bad Gas tein, Austria, where the Americans are entered in the International Winter Sports Week competition. The Olympic Winter Games are slated 'for Oslo, Feb. 14-25. Stranahan, Riegel Lead TUCSON, Ariz. I Frank Stran ahan, son of a Toledo, O., million, aire, and Skee Riegel, rapldly-ris. iiiK pro from Tulsa. Okla., led s closely-packed field of par-busters into Saturday's third found of the $10,000 Tucson Open Golf Tourney. HOTELS OSBURN HOLLAND EUGENE, ORE. MEDFORD Thoroughly Modern I lr. and Mrs. J. E. Earley Proprietors and Jot Earley ... . are protected from shooting. Pennsylvania, which prohibits hunting ol bear cubs, reports that many cubs were killed during the recent season. Says the report: "In most cases, the hunters who shot the youngsters let them lie where they fell. There was an outstand ing example In Cameron County where a mother bear and her three babies were slain." Two eagles were shot in Ohio this Fall. It's no wonder that some farmers are prompted to bring In their cat tle and paint "cow" on the side of them. 111 Stilwell Quits KSA Head Job Dr. Robert Woods will fill out the unexpired term as president of the Klamath Sportsmen's Associar tion witn tne resignation tnis ween of Jim Stilwell. Stilwell said he "didn't have time to cope with the complex problems at hand" because of the "press of business obligations." Stilwell was Just recently nameu to the post. Woods was vice-pres ident. Palermo Has Prize Pupils NEW YORK IS Manager Frank "Blinky" Palermo felt Saturday like an oil man who had struck a gusher. The ring pilot has control of three of the hottest boxers in the business in Heavyweights Clarence Henry and Coley Wallace and un beaten Welterweight Contender Johnny Saxton. Henry, third ranking heavy in the business, flattened Bob Satter field in a sensational one round kayo Wednesday and Friday night Wallace looked almost as good in stopping rugged Aaron Wilson of .tfirmingnam, Ala., in two rounds of a main ten rounder at St. Nich olas Arena. Quits Seaside SEASIDE (ft Vern Cook, who has been head coach at the high school here for 8 '4 years, resigned Thursday to enter private business. oral Lee, Junior varsity coacn, will take over temporarily. . Ben Morrison, Mgr. . .. JUCKELAND TRUCK SALES and SERVICE 11th & Klamath Ph. 2-2511 What's the answer lo tills annual blood-letting of man and protected wildlife? Some experts urge stricter law enforcement with penitentiary sen tences for killing or wounding an other hunter. Some say cltv klria should be educated In the schools as to the differences between mallard and a swan a deer and a man. Some urge thut hunters be re quired ' to pass a safety examina tion, Just like an auto driver Is, before being allowed Into the field. Too many hunters are still shooting; nrsc, ana assmg questions later. - 49 Hammack High In 77-65 Win Oregon Tech found Its scorine punch in the second half at La " Grande last night to band, the .' Eastern Oregon college Its 20th scraignt loss oi me season oy a 77-65 count. The victory upped hopes for the Owls in Oregon Collegiate Confer ence race and shoved Uie Moun taineers, who haven t won a same this season, deeper into the cellar. EOCE started fast and held a 29-19 lead midway in the aecond frame. . Then Tom Schubert started to And the range and the Owls wer . looking on a 30-36 deficit at the half. TIE GAME The Hilltoppers continued to splurge and a long shot by Len Genetin and a free throw oy Schu bert tied the score 4i-tui in tne . third. The Owls Piled ud 27 points. In ' the big third chapter to lead 67-48 going Into the fourth. They added 20 in the last frame. Marv Hammack nit nut aconnf stride to lead the Owls with 19 pointsbut had to take a backseat to sascero uregon s mra twung with 27. ADDS 14 Lowell Kolbaba. Conference (cor ing leader, added 14 to - Eastern Oregon's total but Baling and Kol- . baba supplied the only real tally' punch for the La Orande quint. Homer JJuncan and ecnuDeri each piled 13 on Hammack's 19, wniie jerry wyan aaaea iu m a , reserve role. The two teams close out their , two-game series tonight. The vie- , tory put the Owls at 3-2 In con- " ference play, a game and a halt -. behind vanport and Oregon joi- , lege, leading with 5-1. , , VanDort and oce are noi piay- lug league games this weekend. . ' Box score: OREGON TECH Duncan, t ... Schubert, f Holziusa. e , Genetin. g , . Hammack. g Reserves: Humphrey Wyatt Plnkley Flaningam . ... Foreman ra ft pr tp 13 is o i s ' 10 a e i o Lewis Totals - EASTERN OREGON Saline I - Haug, f w Kolbaba. ... Gerry,, g ... McAlister, g Reserves; Poyser . Holznagel - Fox MM- ..29 19 28 77 FO FT PF TP 4 7 9 14 s a o.o l e 3 . 1 5 4 e i Green Muller ., . . , Totats . X 13 37 B HaltUme score: Eastern Ore tm M Oregon Tech 30. OfliclaU: LUly and ; Oas. Darn Nice Of Ted! BOSTON IjTI Ted William rates the Boston Red 8ox as tops in the American League, even With out him and Bobby Doerr, the re tired second baseman. Recalled as a Marine flyer and, due to report for active service on , May 2, Williams sees himself at the end of the baseball trail that -knew him as a $125,000 salaried outfielder. TINKER... TAILOR,.. Soldier . . . Sailor? What Will your son become? Success or failure? Pareer or Job?' It's often Just a question of education and training. Make sure your boy gets a good start towards suc cess. Invest In a . Sun Life Juvenile Assurance policy today. tit 7777 tSy! Duane Baker Dmm ieker ECI1 . 4T ... rm hjP r..A...