r FRIDAY, KKflUUARY 1, 10.r2 vTIERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PACE NINE fl ' 1 ' n M 1 fl J TIME OUT! "l lint nil truck of my alrnkr give inn a five, 1 iur!" f j Metiers, Packers Unbeaten lAMIINl.n W I. rH. I OIHI I IKKJ .7.V1 .ViO .411 .21 .2IHI .OUU M.llar llr ...... jd.matii rack .. ......... J u ItoMntay I . 1 (later l.aka m .. 3 3 l.uti mora ........... 3 3 T I ..- I a M.m II. nil miy .....14 LlflMulay i n.all. I.a.l with Klamath I'ark .TO Man's Hand Lory 13 M.U.I. ? DsM.ilay Two 17 Klamath Puck alayfd within poiuiiij tllntiince of leKue-Iratllim ' Mrtleiri in tho Victory league lant nliihl Willi ii MM3 wilt over Men's Hand Laundry. It was win Number 3 for the Puckers, untlFlralrcl elonn with Motlrrn which rrulnlrrcd '"l' victory Innt nltiht. a 47-17 triumph Over UeMoluy'n necond team. Bent ncorlim licrlomiBiice Innt niiiht un Oiliind Dlxon'a 24 lur Klnmalh Pack. tu.n as T 2 OMdarrf ! Ollham 1 r 4 And.,. Mark C a roltv (julmmskl a ti I Pow.ll rark.ra suha-Davlnanii 11. Laundry ur. laawklna. Thompson 1. I..MI.I.AV I 111) till "rT.'--" !.'.T.!.Tl,k t C II Robln.on 1 arn 1 Thornton . Matlar aiiha-alsllar . I.yam t. Cowboys Perk Up ny The AaarM laird Pr.at Wvonmuia Cowboya lightened Ihrir liirlat around necond place 111 Hie Hkvllno UitMkelbull Coworencr by roinpliiir 68-44 over Colorado ArVM 111 run uoiiina niuraaay rilKht or their alMh win aijaliiiil one Una. ' Miintnnn iniivpd up the ladder to (nil ill pliuc, ahead of Denver afid Utah State, by aimtclilng a 74-04 lr. iiinph from New Mexico at Mia doulii. It wa.i the Qrlulles third victory aeiiuut four defeats. i:l.'.eher around the nation, 81. Louis, the natlon'a 6lh ranked team In this week's Associated Press poll rolled over Ohio Slate of the Big Ten, 62-68. The Buckeyes slatted a futile last quarter rally after trail Inn by 66-43. Once beaten Penn Slate won Its 10th straight, a 77 to 6 breeze over American University. Kansas State Faces Loss of Two Cagers MANHATTAN. Kns. Ml Kansas Stale, which has been booming In basketball on a combination of ex cellent coaching and good recruit ing, may lose a couple of Its latest finds, The Kansas Slain Athletic Coun cil Thursday declared Ineligible two former Omaha high school play ers following a protest by Uie Uni versity of Nebraska. Nebraska said Ihe boys hud been recruited Il legally, The players were Identified as Stanley Schaeltle and David Bell. Kansas Stale Is rated No. 2 na tionally In the Associated Press poll mid leads the Big Seven Confer ence with Jour victories and no losses. Dr. II. H. Haymaker, a member of the Kansaa State Athletic Coun cil and the school's representative on (he Hlit Seven Conference's rulps-maklng faculty committee, Wild the two hoys were ruled In eligible last Monday and would re NOW! '5 4-5 MOIPH- E$L" Gentleman's (jam mm I P at M . a. It TJ I Ii .. I moouc? r jtKSB T. Kit I K0TUN T&glV Si I .oof ffrvsan IMPORTED n i a . UJ ev2 iiAurwuinnn iua e .. I . w" nunc.nuuu. mi. odium, uickuii JuggSing Slight In KB Loop lANUINlla , Pel. .SIS . .ri-.T .an ,i;!l Jayhawk. f'lilloquln MallM TiilHak. Marrlll .. Kann llorrli Illy . .. .. I llasllv I Humana tllvar I Klamath Hon ., I LU 0 HI7 1117 14 1 tm l.a.l Nlihl's S. lull. . Chllnrillln Ml llurrl. fts Marrlll Vr"W Wl Klatnalh Hum 81 Malln Afl Hnraailt lllvnr 33 Tillalaka Inn 71 I. US 47 lllv Ml Kann nil Jajhawk. 7U llaally l.aksis 47 The favored teams ciune llirouiih In the Klamath llnnln biiKkeilnill leuRiie lust nlKht In Ihe nix Kiiines that saw little Juggling of the slsnd- IIIIIX. Juylwiwk.i, IcnKiie-leader with a 7-1 record, dumped the Dculty Lak ers, 70-47. The three teams bunched closely behind In second place all wen (;hlloiUln nipped Durrls, 00-68: M lln romped over Bprunue lllver. 00-36, and Tulclako Inn had Utile trouble with Latter Day Balnls In a 71-47 victory. The other two names saw Mer rill slay In the top division with 00-36 win over Klamath Sons and lily upset Kcno 6B-&0. The big scorer of the evening was Illy s Benny Moore with. 33. Boa acoraa: noaaia iaaj Klallna Owvna S Pnrtarfltld 14 Wllllaina .1 llntnnMtn I llorMa .una ! III! OOI IN P Id. Il.lrh.r P M 7 HtMlar. t 3 Galnuar O 11 Millar I 10 C ItaU-har HodMin, MaaallarHU. I... 1. Whlla 7. Pinnll 4, rnwlrk. W. Ilatchar I Itlloquln auua nkkar., 31. hi. I- (Jll MtKira :11 P I'alrka 3 r Hianley 7 C Vamuin 2 ti Hall tl 1101 KfN'O II Inw 17 John. Inn 3 LavUm 8 J. flam.av .1 rnatar Illy auua- Wood, a, Hn.ll).r 4. T. Hrou. I). Ilniua 4. Davla 4 Kano .utM, I). Itanuay 2. Hunch. Karoalnakl n. nani.ay, lllTT llll II Wal.ar 19 Itldlll. 8 ralthlill II Connarllald (101 JAIMMK Hornar llrvla II llawat 17 llanta Sandorvllla Ilrvant Itrally auba- llrad 4. Jark.on I Jav- hawka auba- Paltaraon Is, Ullvhrlat 10. Ilrnwn 10. Klma. n i.ri AKr. mi mi mis Crawford 7 T T Andr.on Walrh a P 4 Whl.lar Kins IS (' 12 Mnntaointn L'ruaa 10 fl 4 IViahlar Landlnf S 11 S MIIU Tulrlaka ilha-Klrkpalrlck 12. tr harh 14 l.rS tuba Terry 1.1 srRAIll.'K (Ml inl MAI. IK Jarkaon a P lu 0'Kr-flt lUnillton 2 P 7 Wuodlvy Walaar 11 C 10 nrlahtman Liiao S 4 Kanvnn Dulfy II 11 4 Andaraon Malln tuba- Daltun 7. Vlctorlna 0. I.lrxl.ay S, Kmallay 3, Unit 10 MmKil.1. aai tu) soks C. Kandra P 3 null J. I.ka 6 r 11 w:ios Duncan 17 C 4 Mall Sou. II 2 1 3 Millar IMIla 3 (i UP Mlillo Mariill tiha-Plack 12. I. Kandra . ralhotlnjh.ru 3, llalllll 2, I... Kandra S, Knox 4. Bona aunt Hood 2. I'leraon 3. 14 mm IAST Ml NIGHT .J By The Associated Press Omaha Glen Flanagan. 139, St. Paul, outpointed Jackie Blair, 130. Dullas. 10. New York (Sunnyslde Gardens) Jole Atlia, 147. New York, out pointed Vlnnle D' Andrea, 148, New York, 8. main that way until the faculty group meets In Kansas City Feb. 29-Murch 1. The ipcclflc charge was that Kansas State violated a new Big Seven rule which prohibits "per nonal solicitation of athletes off the campus by members of Ihe ath letic staff or representatives of the athletic staff." Nebraska Coach Harry Good charged the two young players were Invited to attend the Kansas Slate-Iowa State game Jan. 19 111 Manhattan end that they were giv en basketball tryouts. quart f HARVEY'S 'UNDID SCOTCH VY htnu ill U M Mini BY WtB General lan I Hans Frci I I BOOKKEEPING I Service I S4 Sa, M, Phewe 2-0293 nntill 1 F fit -flSfr ma 1 rv4'si60'134f C"33 MONROE COLLINS . . . head Ghost Ghosts Show In Merrill Merrill ploys host to the famous Iowa Colon,! Ohonts Holiday iilnht. The ra'scle-dnzzle Nero tenm will meet Merrill VKW, member of the Klamath Basin lcugue.on the high scliool hardwood. 8 p m. The traveling cageis are skippered by Monroe (Rlpi Colllni, who haa played for several road clubs be fore taking the helm of the Ohosts. Collins bills his team as "Amer ica's Greatest Sport Hhow" and Judging by the crowds they've drawn all over the country, the advance billing Isn't exngiteiated. Admission to the outstanding hnskuUiall show is tl for adults. 60 cents for high school students and 25 cents lor grade school students. The Merrill team Is handled by Keith Gentry- cage scores i Colleee Basketball By The Associated Tress FAR WKST Wyoming 58 Colorado A&M 45 Montana 74 New Mexico 64 Central Wash 50 Pugci Sound 3D MIDWEST St. Louis 62 Ohio State 58 Arkansas 53 Pittsburg (Kas) 37 Central College 64 Kanaas Wcv leyan 53. Murray iKy.) 83 Evansvlllc 68 fcAST Vlllanova 611 Scrunton 53 Westminster tPa.i 16 Geneva 70 Falrlelgh Dlcktason 68 Punier 61 Queens (N.Y.I 58 Wilson Teachers (D.C.) 53 SOtTII Georgetown (DC. i 75 Canislus 67 South Carolina 62 Georgia 61 (over time i Penn State 77 American Unlv 52 Loyola I Baltimore u 66 Catholic U. 44 Miss- State 107 "Birmingham South ern 72 Quanileo Marines C3 Parrls Island Marines 60 Adelaide Site Of Davis Cup MELBOURNE, Australia l.fl The Australian Lawn Tennis As sociation announced Wednesday that Uie 1952 Davis Cup challenge round would be played at Adel aide. Tlie exact date was not fixed. Australia retained the Davis Cup by beating the U.S.. 3 to 2. In the 11)51 challenge round last month at Sydney. H " 6-1 " ' Fa vor We voted by national survey! Lee Sanforized Lee OVERALLS Yew gel mere wear from exclusive lee Jell Denim. lee Tailored liiei A per feet fit fer every build. SANFORIZED MEN'S Slitt 32 ta SO All Lenethi T umn. 4k Size. 32 to 46 I-- A $4" 1 U U Ma Champion Irks IBC Fathers MIAMI, Fla. Wl Jersey Joe Wall-oil's Immediate future as world heavyweight champion will he discussed at a conference here Haturday. Jt appeared more than likely that the verdict will he a re turn fight with Kzzurd Charles. Walcott's manager. Felix Boc- chlcchlo, kicked up a verbal ntorm when he announced Thursday that heJiad agreed tentatively to a title bout with Harry "Kid" Matthews In Las Vegas, Nev. itKPi.v This brought a prompt statement In Miami Irom Jim Norrls. presi dent of the International Boxing Club, thai he would not release Walcolt from his contract with the IBC lo give Charles a return match. Added Al Weill, the IBC match maker: "Walcott Is going to fight Charles for the title first. If he doesn't, he'll be sued for every penny he owns. And he's going to have to sign by Feb. b or get suspended and forfeit the title." Norrls Is scheduled to get togeth er here with Bocchlcchlo" and Charles' managers, Jake Mlnlz and Tom Tannas. OFFF.K Bocchlcchlo told newsmen at a press conference In Washington that Harry Hunt, a Los Angeles promoter representing Wilbur Clark, a. Las Vegas hotel operator, had offered to "give us $250,000 and give me SO per cent of every fight. He said he would go to Miami to talk to Norrls and added that nor rls would have to match or better Hunt's offer to get the Walcott- Charles fight. Ducks Host Cougars, Idaho Clash By The Associated Press Oregon's Webfoota get their home floor crack at the University of Washington Huskies this weekend while Idaho and Washington State put on one of their basketball throat-cutting parties In the North ern Division of the Pacific Coast Conference. Drawing a league bye but far from Idle. Oregon State's Beavers Williams Undecided NEW YOP.K Wi Ted Williams' future In baseball still Is as hazy to him as it Is to everyone else. The Boston Red Sox slugger, en route to Boston where he will ap pear in a sportsman's show, said Friday nothing definite has -been decided as to whether he will take part In spring practice or appear In early-season games prior to his physical examination for return to t service fl a enntaln In the Marina Air corps. j "Any speculation as to my future j In baseball after my service is pure j speculation and not worth the breath." he added. j Williams, should he pass the phy-1 slcal April 2. will report May 2 for active duty. i CARPENTER YERA"-S nifiTj iury STORE FiR MEN tuMnfuuoM. r 1 rmm fas 1 4 n ie ti HIGH MAN This picture well illustrates why Day ton's six foot, eight - inch freshman center, Johnny Horan, has a 17 point average. Huskies; will be Friday-Saturday hosts to Bradley, one of the Midwest' best. The last double wrangle between Idaho and Washington State found each the victor on Its home floor. Idaho desperately needs a clean sweep of this series to stick to the heels of Washington, which It trails by a lull game in the standings. Friday night's fracas will be in Pullman, with the teams switch ing to Idaho's home camp in Mos cow Saturday. The front-running Huskies, ninth ranked nationally, will be at full strength for their brush in Eugene against a team very anxious to square accounts. Oregon was lead ing the loon when the clubs clashed earlier in Seattle and a twin defeat knocked the Webfoots off the perch. Oregon's main trouble In the first series was a basket as tightly closed as a boarding house gar- oage can. ic unisned up with a shooting percentage of about 15 per cent each evening. On the home floor the Eugene Jive should be much sharper. HOTELS OSBURN HOLLAND EUGENE, ORE. MEDFORD Thoroughly Modern llr. and Mrs. J. E. Earley Proprietor and Joe Earley Lee RIDERS Authentic Western Cow boy Ponts for men and boys. Sanforized. lee Rider Jackets fer men c boyi. war Paalia. MEN'S Sin 2 te 31 weist '3" SOY'S SIim 24 te 21 waist - aiAnitlsMln!Q '2 4 WAYS TO BUY! I. USE OUR LAYWAY PLAN ) USE YOUR CHARGE "ACCOUNT 5 90 DAY BUDGET TERMS We will even let you pay cosh If you' choose.' S Ik Payless Wins Sixth, Pushes Rickys Quint STANDINGS W Rlckya . s Payleas Drulf S Hilltop Cafa 4 Palmarton . 3 Coca Cola 3 llrrald-Nawa .. 2 Hcrculaa . .. 2 I.., I Nlihr. R..alu Pavla.f 34 Coca Cola 41 Palmarton 37 Jfarculca 33 Pal. 1 OHO .S.17 .371 ..'!7S .33.1 .2M If Rickys stubs Its toe in the city basketball league, Payless Drugs is ready to step Into the lead. The Druggists posted their sixth victory last night against one loss Squeaky Put On Probation PEOHIA. 111. W The Circuit Court decreed a year's probation Thursday for Gene "Squeaky" Mel chiorre, former Bradley University oasKetDau star wno admitted I ig ur ine in game-fixing activities. Melchiorre had pleaded guilty to an indictment charging failure to report a bribe to shave points from Bradley's score In a game won 77 44 from Oregon State here in De cember. 1050. Three other Bradley players had admitted sharing in a $4,000 payoff for holding down the score but Melchiorre was the only one In dicted. N0TICE- Mark Smith & Co. Store and office will be closed Feb. 1 to Feb. 25. SERVICE DEPARTMENT will operate as usual M5 is ALLSTATE BATTIRIIS tC4.D OMT IT SCARS, HOCtUCK ANO CO. jiyL, j ... j DeLuxe Fiber Covers Keg. io.S Cool, clean beauty and protection for your car seats. Choke of many patterns and colors. Genuine wood pulp fiber closely woven and lacquer covered for dirt-resistance. Installation at no extra charge. "Sa&jftzd with a 64-41 win over Coca Cola. Rickys, still unbeaten, holds six wins. In the other game on the Alta mont doubleheader, Palmerton Lumber Company beat Hercules, 37-33. Payless cinched it last night with a 21-polnt onslaught in the fourth quarter. Bob Erlandson led the late blitz with four field goals and finished with 10 points. Dick Pope was high with 14. But the Cokes' Jackson took the game's scoring honors with 15. Jerry Dodds again paced the Palmerton five, scoring 19. as the Lumbermen led ell the way. Box icorn: PAI.H"TON (311 (331 IIEBrill.M Dodda 19 r 7 rioetka Yae 7 F 6 A. Bever Ball V. 13 MCK1V Foster 7 O 1 L. Aflraon Hall 4 C S Winer Palmerton subs Weaeell. Zalanardo. Hercules tubs E. Bayer, Karr, Lohrey 1, D. Adreon. COCA COI.A (II) (3D PATI.ZSS Newman 2 F 14 Pooe Freel 4 F 4 Havi Aran! 2 C 9 Brmtterhott. Alexander O 4 Bigger. Bergjoff 4 C Derrah Coca Cola subs Kunz 9. Lelll ft. Jackson IS, Demetrakoa 4. Payless subs Young 9. Cada 1, Erlandson 10. Troutu $Million Damage CHICAGO, fjn A three-story grandstand at Lincoln Fields Race Track was destroyed by fire Wed nesday. Officials of the horse track, which was to hold its first meet In nine years next May, declined to esti mate the damage. Fire officials said they believed the damage would exceed a million dollars. Phone 5370 A TWO YEAR GUARANTEED ALLSTATE BATTERY FOR ANY CAR IN TOWN! COSTS ONLY 58c A MONTH Compounded Bulk Motor Oil New and Improved 9 Ways 17' Reg. 22c Quart Stock up on all your oil needs gel go-powered Allstate per formance from a 9-way super ibr premium quality oil. It cools and clings as it cleans your mo tor. Buy at Sears savings, save even more by bringing in your own container. Do it nowl 11 Instaltt 88 SEARS "hlnliai ... Columbiana la the only filly ever to win the Wldener at Hlaleah race track. is the ? best... 19 l ined Clrcilir Siw ! 1V".J"! 'ala- Ua j lo W balwaan blade and laaca. 15" twlng. 33" btlwscn tMrt ' SpMdt from (50 to &4M rpm. i Mltf qausj nd rip fnc for ice ute Uflding. Oite fdi Into fxk. (1QQ50 with attachments lOw less motor SPECIAL Vi h.p. $Q J50 ball-bearing motor... a UT $22.50 Down 15 Months To Pay! FYOCKS 1001 Main Phone 2-2518 V7 4m rwpftCj fw fcy work. ! yr K Rufgd conitructlon. JUL, 15-iKh Vtrtlcal E Drill Prtii 'frT!' 4" faad. Chuck t jfCjl fable. 27": I. near, rTy' Praehloa features. 11 95 u Ojexch- Has 45 finest chem-set plates slow-dried chemically te resist oxide-shedding. Grids are power-packed; pebbled to in crease the active power-producing area. Automatic no-spill safety vent caps pre vent over-filling and corrosion of metal parts. Guaranteed factory fresh for split-second starts. 111 if Regular Motor Oil Compounded; Better Lubrlcallnq 10-quoff Can . R9. 3.09 2.89 Bn.it, most .conomlcal low-prk.d.oll yo ton buyl 100 vocuvm-dlillllad la r.mov. impurilf.s, tow carbon conl.nl. a I V: !!! Ml1 I'd 1 I 5 iif hi -.' 3 f I SI; ii El 11 -1 i I Si n V V n If s