Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, February 01, 1952, Page 6, Image 6

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Entered u teoond class matter lit the post office of Klamath Fulls, Ore,
on Augiut 20, 100S, under act of congress, March 8, 1878
tht Associated Press Is entitled exclusively to the usa for publication
f all the local news printed In this newspaper as well as all AP news.
By Mall 6 months $6.50
Here we go, mates. It's Feb
ruary a'ready; a short month but
a merry one. Actually, it s over
three percent longer than usual,
what with being Leap Year and
the month having a 29th day.
You gals who are Leap Year
minded must keep it In mind that
St. Valentine's Day Is a wees irom
next Thursday, Feb. 14. (You boys.
Leap Year minded or not, had bet
ter remember It too.)
Other Important days are:
Ground Hog Day, tomorrow, Sat
urday, Feb. 2; Lincoln's Birthday,
Tuesday, Feb. 12; Washington's
Birthday, Friday, Feb. 22; Ash
Wednesday of course, Feb. 27.
There are a lot of special "weeks"
too. Here they are, for your ob
servance or non-obsorvance as you
tee fit:
Boy Scout Week, Feb. 6-12.
National Kraut and Frankfurter
Week, Feb. 7-16. (How some of the
weeks are longer than seven days
Ms. a matter we'll leave to others
to explain.)
National Heart Week, Feb. 10-17.
Table Tennis Week, Feb. 10-17.
National Cherry Week, Feo. 15-22
Catholic Book Week, Feb. 17-23.
Crime Prevention Week, Feb.
Brotherhood Week, Feb. 17-24.
Sew and Save Week, Feb. 23
March 1.
We've Just read that, as of Jan.
22, the state of California had been
blessed with 87 percent of a full
year's normal precipitation of mois
ture. The report didn't give complete
dates, but we assume this was-fig-ured
on the normal stream year,
starting Oct. 1. ...
The San Joaquin Valley was
"dryest" with only 70 percent of
the year's moisture; the south
western Interior territory was high
- NEW YORK Ml Cross-section
of a man's mind waiting for a
Look at all the people on the
street tonight. . . . Boy, I bet if a
mad dog ran up right now you'd
see them scatter. ... I'd scatter
too. . . . But if I had a cane I
wouldn't. With a cane a fellow
is pretty safe against attacks by
mad does ...
Why did men ever let themselves
be leered out ot the habit of carry.
ing canes anyway?. , , I'd carry
one if everybody else did a thorn
cane with a big knobby end. .
Canes feel good. ... A man never
knows what to do with his-hands
wnen ne s waiKing. . . . with a
cane In your hand you're two inch
es taller. ...
What if a mad dog Jumped me
right this minute? . . . Why, I'd
be helpless. . . . You think the cops
would help you? . . Not them .
They're too busy writing out traf
fic tickets. . . . They'd probably ar
rest you for obstructing the dog's
path. ...
Well, what could I do climb
this "bus stop" sign? . . . Hmmm,
it s only about four feet high. . . .
That dog would bite me sure . . .
Oh, well, what's a slight case of
raoies toaayy ... If a guy had it
and didn't tell his friends, they'd
never even notice it. . . . That's
how crazy the world is now. . . .
But if you get cirrhosis of the
liver, the word gets around right
away. ... I never knew anybodv
that had secret cirrhosis. . . . And
yet that's easier to hide than vari
cose veins. . . .
Varicose veins?. . . That's what
I'm getting waiting for this darned
bus . . . I'll bet all the buses are
parked at the end of the line and
. the drivers are playing pennyante
poker. . . You never catch a bus
driver with varicose veins. , . ,
Kidney trouble?
Yes. . . "We get It from Jouncing
over holes in the street the mayor
is too busy to fix," a driver told
me once. . . He said thev took a
kidney stone out of him as big as
a hen egg . . . When I didn't be
lieve him, he took it out of his
pocket and showed me. . . It was
only about as big as a pigeon egg.
... Never trust a bus driver . .
I guess it's barbers that get the
most varicose veins. . . from stand
ing on their feet so long, they say.
... I asked one why didn't they
. invent a revolving chair so they
could circle around a customer
while sitting down in comfort. . .
Didn't impress him at all. . .That's
a barber for you rather talk about
his troubles than think out a way
to cure them. . . Lot of peoole that
way. . . Where's that bus?
. Now what's that dame giving me
mnesr mm rue
lAresr to'hits
k Broken Hearted
k Please Mr. Sun
Be My Life's
Give Me More, ,
More, More
Dwhifcttwic Co.
Managing Editor
By Mall year $11.00
with 116 percent. The Sacramento
Valley had 73 percent; and the
Hich Sierra snowfall hus mled UU
90 percent of a lull season's down-
We're happy for the Golden
State, despite all the cursing we've
directed that way as covetous eyes
were directed toward our water.
Incidentally, ell the weather news
that came from the Sierra bus.
sards may at last be having an
influence toward use of the cor
rect term for this mountain range.
Its the High Sierra, or Sierra
Nevada not Sierras with a plural
S. The dictionary .detines sierra
as "a chain of hills or mountains
the peaks of which suggest the
teeth of a saw." Siena Nevada:
"A mountain range in E. Califor
nia: highest peak, Mt. Whitney,
14.495 ft."
If vou sav, "The Sierras," you
must be referring to both the Sier
ra Nevada and the Sierra Madre.
which is a mountain cham In Mex
ico. The Klamath Basin Isn't exactly
dry. The precipitation Injure
Thursday was 10.52 Inches of mois
ture since Oct. 1
That's 80 percent of an average
vear's rain and snow, very nearly
the same as California. A lot of
the Basin's moisture comes in the
winter snow, of course. Normally
we have about nan me years
downpour between Oct. 1 and now.
To date, we re OB percent aneuu
of normal.
These percentages are taken
from the ficures published each
day in the paper. They come from
the measuruig station on ijins, riv
er. There's a variation for all
parts of the Basm, but you can
put it down that we won't be dry
ing up and blowing away next sum
the frozen eye for?. . . Well, how
dya lute tnat? . . . nere i am jusi
peacefully waiting for my bus and
she walks over and stands still
right where I happen to be looking.
. . . And right away she jumps to
the conclusion I am staring at her.
What a nerve!. . . I wouldn't look
at her twice if she swam past here
in a cellophane nightgown. . . .
What a frizzle-puss she is anyway.
. . If Rip Van Winkle saw her. he'd
go right back to sleep again. . .
Funny thing about women they
never get mad if you stare while
they're trying to hold down their
skirts in a high wind. . . They just
giggle then, even if they're 80. . .
It's the weather, I guess. .
The weather affects people in lots
of ways. . . Cops say married peo
ple and barroom drunks always
fight more often during a full moon
.. . . The weather gets animals,
too. . . I know a fellow who said
his doe always cried when it
thundered. . . But cats are braver.
. . I never heard of a cat that was
afraid even of lightning. .' . People
used to say thunderstorms turned
milk sour . . well tnat s, a cneap
way to make yogurt. . .
Oh, oh! Look at that mousy
guy with the umbrella . . . Who's
he, think he's fooling?. . . Every
time I see a guy with a married
look who carries an umbrella I
figure him for a two-time wolf. . .
He thinks the umbrella makes him
look harmless . . . S'funny, I don't
remember ever seeing an old
bachelor carrying an umbrella. . . .
I guess the bachelors that carry
umbrellas die young of galloping
caution. . . .
Why don't men go back to carry
ing canes again and .... Oh, here
comes that darned bus . . .
"Well, driver, where have you
been abroad?"
"Okay, wise guy. Save those fun
ny remarks for your wife. You pay
her to listen. All you pay me for
is to drive you home."
Suit Filed In
Sinking Of Ship
SEATTLE WJ Mrs. Marie Nor
ness, widow of a seaman who per
ished when the freighter Pennsyl
vania disappeared in the North Pa
cific Jan. 9, has filed suit seeking
$150,000 damages from the owners
of the ship.
The suit, filed In King County
Superior Court Thursday, said the
ship was unseaworthy, cargo was
Improperly stowed and lacked ade
quate lifeboat launching equip
ment. She sued for herself and
three minor children.
Fortv-six seamen wpr lost with
the Pennsylvania, which was owned
by the States Steamship Company.
ic Shrimpboats
-A- Dance Me
They'll Do It Every Time - B.y Jimmy Hatlo
the KWov-rr-AL ? "toplav with- rrA HolSiaSV&tt
amsz that he S&TWM rv-rTS-7
HAVE A BfvOTHEr? . , . iapfl ' Mvl WMJZ
COMBW PLWM6 aOL iZ--st65 Jf l Ml Sl
w; 'Jw,-
EDITOR'S NOTE: This Is the
fourth ot 10 stories explaining
how to make out your income
tax return for 1951.) ,
married couples can tile senarate
or joint income tax returns, most
will save by tiling Jointly.
When a wife had no Income they
can't lose with a joint return.
Its purpose is to let a counle
split their income even when the
wife had none to get a lower tax.
or a return to oe considered Joint
both should sign it.
Exemption problems
A wife with no income doesn't
have to make a return but her hus
band still gets a $600 exemption for
ner on his return whether or not
she files jointly with him unless
she's the dependent ot another tax
payer. A wife with $600 or more Income
must file separately claiming her
own $600 exemption on her return
or jointly in which case the couple
claims $1200 in exemptions on one
return $600 for each.
Note! When wife has any in
come less than $600 no matter
how much less say $35 for baby
sittingher husband doesn't get
that $600 exemption for her unless
she files jointly with him. Thus
he'd lose the difference between
her under-$600 income and a $600
exemption for her.
Forms for married people
Form 1040-A and the 1040 short-
form are for under-$5,000 income.
The 1040 long-form is for incomes
of $5000 or more, ii you re under
$5000 but can't use 1040-A you can
use tne iihu snort-iorm.
Rlllp fnr llsinff 1040-A TPull Iat
must have been withheld from' all
Income except for no more than
$100 in untaxed wages In dividends
or interest..
Some couples' Income was $5,000
or more but individually less. They
can file jointly on the 1040 long
form or individually on 1040-A, If
they fit the rule for it. or individu
ally on the 1040 short-form.
Examples: Your total income
was $4,600. Full tax was withheld.
Wife, no income. You can file joint
ly on 1040-A. Or-
Your total income was $4,600.
Full tax was withheld from $4,500.
The remaining $100 was your wife's
in untaxed wages, interest or divi
dents. You can file jointly on 1040-
If that untaxed Dart of your In
come amounted to $100.01 in wages,
dividends or Interest or If any
part of it came from any other
sources, like rents or commissions
you couldn t file jointly on 1040-A.
But you could file Jointly on the
1040 short-form. Or
Your total income was $7,500, of
which $4,000 was yours and $3,500
was your wife's. You can file joint
ly on the 1040 long-form or sep
arately, depending on your particu
lar case, on 1040-A or the 1040
Anyone using 1040-A or the 1040
short-form automatically gets a de
duction of about 10 per cent for
personal expenses like hospital
bills. You don t have to claim or
iemize. It's allowed for in the
table used to figure out the tax on
people using those two forms.
There's no place on 1040-A or the
.short-form to claim or itemize. But
what of those under-$5,000 people
Reg. Price. $32.39
Reg. Price $28.12
(Prices include tax)
This is a real saving to you if you need
tires now or in the near future. Our finance
service is available. t
7th and Klamath Ph. 4103
. in .1. tm flu in i
whose deductible expenses were ao
tually more than. 10 per cent of In.
come? They'd use the 1040 long
form but, because their income was
under $5,000, they'd then have to
itemize but could claim their de
ductions in full.
Note! When a couple files sep
arate returns, and one of them
uses the 1040 long-form to Itemize
his expenses, both must use the
long-form and itemize.
People with $5,000 or more in.
come filing Jointly on the long-form
can taxe a standard aeaucuon.
without Itemizing, of 10 per cent
of Income up to a limit of $1,000.
Thev just knock 10 ner cent off
their income before what's left is
Examples: The Joneses" total In'
come was $7,000.- They take oft
$700. The Smiths' total income was
$10,000. They take off the limit,
$1,000. The Browns' total Income
was $11,000. They can't take off
more than that limit of $1,000. If
they want to claim more, they'll
have to Itemize their deductions In
full and be prepared to prove they
naa tnem.
Note: That rule about the $5,000
and over people taking off 10 per
cent ud to a limit ot $i.ooo witnout
itemizing works equally for single
persons and married couples oui-i
only when married couples tile
jointly on the 1040 long-form.
The rule Is different for married
couples when one, or both, tiles
separately on the 1040 long-form. If
both had income ot $5,000 or more
but file separately on the long-form
each can take a standard deduc
tion of only $500 without itemizing.
Example: A husband had $9,000
income, the wife $2,000. They wish
to file separately. He uses the long
form he has to. with that $9,000
income taking the maximum de
duction allowed him. $500. She uses
1040-A or the 1040 short-form where
she's allowed that automatic de
duction of about 10 per cent on her
$2,000, or about $200.
That elves this particular couple,
whose total income was $11,000, a
total deduction of around $700. ii
they had filed jointly on the long
form they could have taken, with
out itemizing, a standard deduction
of $1,000.
There's a special problem for
couples living In the following com
munity property states: Arizona,
California, Idaho. Louisiana, Ne
vada. New Mexico, Texas ano
In those states' husband and
wives can file joint returns. But
If they wish to file separately, they
can't use form 1040-A at all. They
must use the 1040 short-form or
Sat., Feb. ?th
' f
I have read In the Grays Har
bor Washington Newspaper that
clothing for needy Koreans Is
being collected by the Klwnnls
Club and the Methodist Church.
Well any Church or Club of
Klamath Falls should start collect
Ing tor the needy Koreans. I have
a lot of old clothing and plenty of
good cotton to give away to help
clothe the shivering Koreans, or
phans and the needy, anything that
can help to cover a human body.
Very Sincerely as ever,
Gust P. Vourchil
Department Thursday Identified 58
more battle casualties In Korea in
a new list No. 490 that reported 17
killed. 39 wounded and two injured.
the 1040 long-form.
Note: It husbands and wives
filing separate returns on 1951 In
come by March IS. 1952 decide
after filing they would have saved
by a Joint return, they can go back
to Internal Revenue any time be
fore March 15, 1955. withdraw those
separate returns and file a Joint
This is a new feature In the law
changed by Congress last fall.
IP'WSMU "WW! J" iJ'"..'"-'W'".".'!. H.Iin
fc - ' -v-'
smm mm wmwl
seethe difference
" : afV I Compare M.J. B's full-flavor grinriswrth other I
' . M lV best selling collecs. Notice that every particle
, JV ".7"7 ' of M.J.U is almost exactly Ihe same aiie.
k. i ;'. r '' There arc no large lumps which lock in flavor
'Sk. , ' J V. ... no flavorless ihaff ... no excessive coffea
fkjg. , ;. i v . dust which causes bitterness. You get all tha
00 '"'l wondorful coffee goodness you pay fori
taste the1 difference . . . the very
real difference that comes from
finest coffees roasted superbly
and MJ.B's exclusive, full-flavor
grinds. No wonder you can't
make a bad cup of M. J.B !
Among the forms of lion it din
ease on which great progi'ens haa
been made in recent years Is a
condition known as aubauuto bac
terial endocarditis, a dlseaite which
was formerly almost Invariably
fatal. - .
In this dlseaae the blood strnnm
and heart valves are Invaded by
germs known as streptocouul. The
growth or vegelnlions on the heart
valves break olf and are curried
by the blood to other parts of the
body, setting up new lnlevllons.
Endocarditis usually begins grad-
Merrill Hi
Students, parents, and townsoeo-
pie traveled Friday. January 35.
wltti the Huskies to Malln to watch
the close battle with the Mustangs
In our third conference game of
the seasort.
Merrill came out on top by a
score of 83-48, ending tho game
happily for the Huskies team and
backers. A close game played with
the two "B" trams also kept the
onlookers on the edge of their
seats, ending with a score of 37-16.
Merrill winning againl
The constitution committee of
representatives from each clnss
met last Thursday and are mak
ing a new constitution for Merrill
A plan for getting a new trophy
case In the near future has been
discussed and the students can bo
looking forward to It soon.
Hooray! Things
To Be Cheaper!
WASHINOTON 11 The govern
ment said Thursday It no longer is
Interested in keeping its price
freeze on such tilings as dlnosuur
skeletons, bowling pins, sundials,
and stuffed elephants and donkeys
used for education purposes.
The Office of Price Stabilization
said It has come to the conclusion
that "such commodities are ol mi
nor significance to the economy
and have but a trilling ellect on
the cost ot living. "
The OPS order also exempted
"non-edible foods." It was ex
plained that this means such things
as "wax fruits" and "plastic tur
keys." Kahut Signs
For Brion !
PORTLAND to Cesar Brion
ot South America and Oregon's vet-!
eran Joe Kahut will meet In a 10-;
round heavyweight bout here Feb. j
Exclusive, full-flavor
uully. Tho putli'iit Is likely to tire
easily, Micro in ions nl enemy aim
an all-in feeling, ami Urns of pep.
Alter a time lhr.ro are likely to
bo chilly tioiiNHtionx, uihimiiiu sweat
ing, find slight lover. BumollincN
nuixclo or joint pulim mid head
ache aro proNonl, Them Hyinp
toms iiiuy appeal' alnno or In vari
ous combinations.
Until recently many trealmenlN
hud been ti led, but aiiiionl always
wllh disappointing results. At Hint
even tho nulla drugs and penicillin
seemed dlnapotlilllig.
Now, however, most patients
who develop ncitto bnulerlul endo
carditis (provided that the disease
is diagnosed early I recover it they
are given largo enough doses of
penicillin over u lung enough per
iod of time.
Mitny of the eurly failures wllh
penicillin seem to have been
caused by luck o( knowledge us to
how large un amount ot tho drug
should be given and tor how long
a time.
This experience Is typical of any
new drug, as It lakes lime belnre
the best molhod of giving It and
the dosu no cull be worked out.
Some problems and dllllcultles
still remain. The streptococci caus
ing the Inlccllon are not all alike;
Unit Is, there ure dllfercnt strains.
Homo of the.io strums aro more
sensitive to tho action of penicillin
than others, and those which are
rather resistant aro much harder
to eliminate Irom tho body.
Also It the putlenl Is treated at
first without enough penicillin, the
strain of streptococcus causing
that particular Infection may be
come reslslaut in penicillin and
therefore less likely to respond to
treatment. ,
Combinations or penicillin with
other gorm-altacklng imbalances
ure also UMd not Infrequently.
It Is a real triumph that a ter
rible clbrii.so llko gulmcuto bac
terial endocarditis, about which
physicians lormcrly were so help
less, now can be cured In most in
stances. The remaining dllllcultles
are being gradually mustered and
In all probability a still higher
porcentngo of cures will be ob
tained In the future.
It Is treinriulously Important,
of course, that diagnosis (which
Is not always easy) should be
miulo early.
grinds guarantee
Draft Quota
Too High'
WASHINOTON Iff! Draft quotaa
for tho spring months may be far
lower limn exiected due to a drop
In Korea casualties and an Inoreaa
in enlistments.
Tills is the latest Beleetlv Serv
Ico prediction lollowlng a mlxup
Thursday in which Draft Director
Lewis 11. Hernhev first forecast a
sharp Increase for the April-May-
June period out later aaia a mis
take had been made.
Instead of Ilershey'a original es
timate of 90,000 a month, the fig
ure ni nimbly will be between 40,000
and 50,000 men called monthly dur
ing the period, ouiciaia asm.
This eompurea with the January
call of 60,000, February 63,500,
March 28.600, and tha monthly av
orage of 46,000 since the draft was
reactivated in etepiemiwr ivou.
Highest figure was 0,000 tor
March, 1961.
llershev. In a atatement to the
House Armed Services Committee
training, said Indications were the
Armed. Forces would call upon Se
lective Service for 430,000 men dur
ing the seven monllia ending next
Juno 30.
That would have meant a sharp
jump during April, May and June-
fur above average,
However, Selective 8rvlce otli
lata a lew hours later aald tha
430,000 figure was an estimate
made Isst November, and that tha
sharp reduction In Korean casual-
ties attributed largely vo uu ne
gotiations had nude It likely the
total would be cut to between
376,000 and 300,000 "Barring un
foreseen things." :
Nao6Mflillr TruHt
tt K: Ilk rM
t'Slr-rarll rkrilcl
Saturday Nite
Feb. 2nd
"More Square Dancing Fun
far Everyone"
Allan and Viola Howard
120 N. 7th
Phone 4519,